#As long as it's not illegal and they are consenting adults I am ok!
clownsuu · 9 months
Hey! I was just wondering if you allow people to ship your OC’s with personal OC’s? Like if I could ship my OC’s with yours? I apologize if What I said doesn’t make sense or if someone has already asked it. :,)
Oh that's completely fine! Iv answered it before but it has been a long long while since then-
I do not mind any shipping with my characters as long as it's not illegal! As long as they are consenting adults I do not mind one bit! (and also you don't claim my lil guys as yours!)
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tinypandacakes · 1 month
Aww man, I know it's gonna sound sad or weird, but sometimes I wouldn't mind if König fucking kidnapped be to take care of me.
Sure, his manipulative and probably dangerous, but being an adult sucks ass and I'm exhausted and plsKönig, take the wheel, I'm done having control over my life, you do that now 😮‍💨
Ok but!!! Yes, I 100% get what you mean (why do you think I am writing this fic? Haha this is a scenario I have daydreamed about). This is a totally ok fantasy to have, as long as we recognize IRL this would be horrible and maintain that line between fantasy and reality.
dubcon, noncon, kidnapping, forced relationship, keeper/kept, stalker, yandere etc. etc. are popular and extremely common fantasies. Obviously this would be completely awful and illegal and all kinds of wrong IRL but…everyone has their own reasons for maybe wanting to be taken care of and not having to think or make another decision. My brain is so tired. I would love to relax and not have to make any choices for a while.
Or the idea of being desired so badly that someone would do literally anything to have you.
But really, to just sit in a cabin all cozy in an oversized hoodie. A fire. do some puzzles and maybe some dishes?!! And someone else will cook and provide and do most of the cleaning I get to sleep whenever I want??
That sounds like heaven! T.T
TLDR: it’s not sad or weird or wrong to have these types of fantasies or explore and enjoy dark topics in fiction, as long as the boundary between reality and fantasy is maintained (or only re-enacted with fully consenting risk aware adult partners)
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yanderelmk · 1 year
So I saw this and it made me remember how some of my readers have OCs & self-inserts/personas. I know someone needs to hear this. https://twitter.com/kxtlakit/status/1659549182506463233?t=3G_5kHlZFZ8G-SjJGtMIng&s=19 Big Sister Melody comin' in with the hot soup b/c I am doing a PSA here and now: A lot, and I mean a LOT of hate towards "conventionally attractive" personas/OCs/self-inserts exists. But no one who holds these beliefs seems to realize something: People are genuinely born with and have these conventionally attractive body types. I myself even struggled heavily because my body type has conventionally attractive traits and everyone was SLAMMING OCs/personas with my body type and calling it "cringe" or just sex bait. If you have a body type that is seen as conventionally attractive, it is not a crime, don't let a bunch of opinionated assholes on the internet shame you. Body Positivity ought to go both ways here. Just because someone's born with bigger proportions in certain areas, they are not automatically a slut or a whore and I will FIST-FIGHT anyone who says otherwise. Plus-sized people are absolutely valid and so are people with standards society deems conventionally attractive. But y'know what? Why is it a problem if someone wants to give their character conventional body proportions? If what they're doing isn't illegal, as long as their content is properly tagged, what's the harm? It makes me sick when people say "Women/Men don't look like that!" OK and? Who the hell died and made you Supreme Authority on "Proper" Body Types? Even then if someone wants their character to be a ho...what's the problem if they're two consenting adults? Let your OCs/Personas/Inserts be themselves. Have fun! That's the point of fiction! I get so sad b/c I just know toxic fandom culture is why we can't have nice things like this. THIS IS A SAFE PLACE FOR CRINGE!! COME, BRING YOUR CRINGE, I WILL GIVE YOU WARM SOUP AND A PLACE TO RAMBLE!! THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO SLAM ON THIS SHIT ARE JUST HELLA INSECURE!!!! If anyone starts bullying you about your Inserts/Personas/OCs y'all just point 'em out to me I WILL
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yuujispinkhair · 2 years
Shipping adults with minors? What’s wrong with you?
Hahahha I knew this was gonna happen! Ok first of all, if this is about my fics: I clearly state that all characters I write are aged up. But this is probably about the fanart of Nanami x Yuuji I reblogged, right? I knew I would get hate for that. You know what? This is my blog, and I reblog what I want. So if it bothers you, please unfollow me.
And let me explain it further:
When I ship Yuuji with another character, he is always at least 19 to me. Because that's what I initially thought when I watched the anime. I didn't even know they were supposed to be 15. It was clear to me that Jujutsu Academy is some kind of college. So yes, Yuuji, Megumi, Nobara etc. are all 19 to me in the manga and anime. And 21 or 22 or even older when I write them myself.
Even if Yuuji was 15, it could be legal for him to have a relationship or have sex with an adult as long as that person isn't his teacher or employer or something like that. This depends on the country though, and I don't know about Japan for sure, but I think the age of consent is 13 there? But I know it's definitely legal for a 15-year-old where I live. Nanami would probably be considered a person of authority though, so it wouldn't be ok in that case. But once again, Yuuji is always an adult to me when I write him or watch the anime or talk about him etc. So in that universe, a ship between them would be perfectly fine. BUT NOW TO THE THIRD POINT!!!
Even if a ship was illegal in real life, it would still be fine in fiction because guess what? IT IS FICTION. THE CHARACTERS AREN'T REAL. (And I want to add that we are talking about teenagers here and not children. Teenagers who in real life have sex at that age) And no, this isn't normalizing things. I know many people, including myself, who had a crush on their teachers when they were still teenagers. But did a single one of us ever consider really having sex with a teacher? Did any teacher ever try something like that with us? The answer is NO. Because usually, people are able to see the difference between fantasy and real life.
What bugs me the most about this is that everyone is into it when someone writes a reader insert with an age gap...like a 20-year-old reader and a 40-year-old dilf or teacher. But the moment it is character x character of two guys, it is suddenly a bad thing? Fuck off.
Please everyone unfollow and block me if you have a problem with people shipping Yuuji with characters like Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo etc.
I won't stop posting or reblogging the ships I like just because you don't like them. I am probably a Yuuji Harem person because I think he can be shipped with almost anyone and even if a ship might not be my top choice I still think some fanart is cute and I have no problem reblogging it.
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caecilius-est-pater · 4 years
Really now, anti's? Did the meaning change or something because I'm very sure anti means anti-pedo shipping, anti-incest shipping.
To quote that one meme: well yes, but actually no. Antis are to “let’s stop pedophilia in fandom!” as TERFs are to “let’s support women’s rights!” - sounds good in theory, but in practice ineffectual and mostly just an excuse to bully people. I’m going to choose to be optimistic and take this as a good faith question from someone who genuinely doesn’t know, so I’m going to explain why.
The ideology sounds great at the surface level, like hell yeah, let’s get rid of pedo shit! Who wouldn’t agree with that? But once you go past the absolute shallowest surface level and say, OK, now what steps do we take to accomplish that? then you start to hit snags. Legally, the only stuff that’s banned is images/videos/etc of real life children being abused. Things like ship art or explicit fics of underage fictional characters are perfectly fine. Therefore, legally, anyone making that content is not breaking any rules.
If you say, well, I don’t agree with that, I want more things to be banned, then you have to come up with new rules of what should and shouldn’t be allowed. Who gets to decide that? Is there a committee? How are committee members chosen? How do you account for biases in the committee, such as race or age or gender? Once the committee has come to a decision about the new rules, how do you enforce them? What do you do about people or groups who refuse to follow the new rules? How do you spread the news to all of fandom that there are new rules in the first place?
And what about the rules themselves? How do you define “pedo content” beyond the legal definition of featuring real children? Maybe you say, that’s easy, let’s just go with all sexual content featuring people under 18. OK, cool, you’ve now made it illegal for minors to talk about their own experiences. Minors have sex, minors fantasize about sex, minors masturbate, minors experience rape and abuse, and now you’ve just put a gag order on all those millions of people. I don’t know about you, but I think letting people draw/write fictional characters having sex (even gross, weird sex) is the lesser of two evils compared to hurting millions of real, living children.
And anyway, how do you define “sexual content” in the first place? Is it OK if there’s no graphic detail? Is masturbation OK? What about sexual fantasies? How about making out? At which base do you draw the line between “acceptable expression of sexuality” and “pedophilia”? Or is any expression of sexuality not OK? Kissing? Holding hands?
At this point you’re probably saying, gee tumblr user caecilius-est-pater, that sounds both untenable (how are we going to get all of the internet to agree to unite under One Committee To Determine the Rules?) and like an insane unending rabbit hole! Nobody could ever do that! Yep. For better or for worse, we as a bunch of randos on the internet just do not have the power to change the broad planet-wide rules of what does and does not count as pedophilia.
You can probably see how this is a problem for the anti movement, which is all about enforcing those new, stricter rules. The ones that don’t exist and realistically can’t exist. How do you enforce nonexistent rules? The answer antis have landed on is to just make them up, every man for themselves. As you can probably imagine, this... doesn’t work too well, to put it lightly.
Some people think it’s OK to write about CSA as long as the author actually experienced it, other people think it’s never OK and even real life CSA survivors are pedophiles if they write about it. Some people think aging up teenage characters is OK, other people think if they’re underage in canon then depicting them in sexual situations at any age counts as pedophilia. Some people think sexual depictions of characters who look young (art styles with big eyes, short characters, characters with high voices, etc) is pedophilia, even if the characters are canonically adults. Etc ad infinitum.
Which brings us to the two things I said antis are: ineffectual and and a front for bullying. It should be obvious how the movement is ineffectual - you’re never going to get anywhere with removing bad people from your community if nobody can agree what a bad person actually is.
The bullying comes in because it’s very hard to get people to bully someone, but very easy to get people to join a witch hunt. “Let’s all harass and doxx this person because they’re a jerk” isn’t gonna get me very far, but “Let’s all harass and doxx this person because they’re a pedophile” is going to bring out a mob with torches and pitchforks if I can convince everyone I’m telling the truth. And by the antis’ mutable definition of pedophilia that can include anything from teenagers kissing to consenting adults who knew each other as kids, I’ve got a lot of tools in my arsenal to convince people.
And the insidious part is that nobody can defend you without immediately opening themselves up to the same accusations, because if you're being called out as a pedophile for supporting a ship with a height difference, anyone who says, “hey, I don’t think that’s pedophilia” is now also supporting ships with a height difference, ergo supporting pedophilia. (And if anyone is thinking “you’re making all these strawman examples up, nobody actually believes that”, I envy your blissful ignorance but let me assure you, I am not.)
And that kind of situation leads to an atmosphere where everyone is terrified of doing anything wrong or they’ll be the next one viciously attacked, and the only way to keep good social standing is by continously attacking other people whether you agree with the extreme ideology or not, and that’s how you get bullying, harassment campaigns, and anti groups that have become genuine, legitimate cults. I’ve lost the links but there are some truly chilling twitter threads about that if you’re interested.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, whether it was a case of the proverbial road to hell being paved with good intentions or whether the movement was co-opted by people who didn’t actually care about stopping pedophilia and really just wanted an excuse to cyberbully people, the movement has evolved to a point where it’s mainly a harassment campaign with only the thinnest veneer of actually trying to prevent pedophilia. Nobody is out here running charity drives to donate to help abused children or making their own safe spaces where people can view art and fic without worrying about encountering triggering content - in fact, antis have been offered multiple sites to use as replacements for AO3 where they can set whatever TOS they want and have always refused. The only thing most antis do to combat pedophilia in fandom is callouts and harassment.
Not to mention the irony in the fact that so many of the people targeted are, in fact, minors. In their quest to avoid people potentially getting hurt by fictional content, they’re doing real, tangible hurt to actual, living people, including kids.
So that’s how we got here. Being anti-pedo and being an anti are not the same thing, and if you see a reference to the latter, it means a member of a specific pro-censorship movement focused on hurting (mainly young, marginalized) people as “activism”.
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wichols · 4 years
Friday the 13th Date Story Time
Now that we have all successfully survived the most recent Full Moon/Friday the 13th week it feels right to finally post this story!
Let me set the scene!
It’s 2009. I am a sweet 15 year old Sophomore going out on one of her first official dates with her 18 year old Senior football player boyfriend. We had been dating for probably a month (or less) at this point. And he wants to take me to the movies. Now I bet you are thinking, “surely they would go to a feel good, romantic, sweet movie right?” Well I hate to break this to you but he ended up taking me to the premier to Friday the 13th. 
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Yep. You read that right. We ended up going to a rated R horror film for our first date. And let me do you one better. In 2009, the first Friday the 13th fell in February. So Friday the 13th then the following day February 14th- Valentine's Day. Swing and a miss. Potential lovey-dovey date squandered.
And let me tell you I am weak for a bad boy type. This guy was no good for me and I did not care. He smoked. Blared angsty punk music in his sleek silver sporty car. Had a tattoo and his septum pierced. My young impressionable mind and heart were smitten.  
He kept me out late and my parents were not strict in the slightest. Basically, as long as I was not doing anything illegal (drugs, underage drinking, committing petty crimes) I was free to do whatever. Hindsight a 15 yr old dating an 18 yr old could have been problematic considering at the time (he told me later when we dated a second time- don’t worry he changed- ps he really didn’t change at all) he only wanted to date me cause he thought he could get into my pants (TOTALLY WOULD HAVE BEEN ILLEGAL- age of consent in that state is/was 17).
Anyways, now you know. Let’s continue to this trainwreck of a date.
He pulls up to my house to pick me up for our date. Then informs me that we have one more stop to make before we go to the next town over to the movie theater. We end up picking up one of his friends. So one of my first official date with my boyfriend now includes a third wheel of a friend. What in the actual? So I was a little peeved at the beginning and should have foreshadowed just how bad this night was going to be for me. So my boyfriend, myself, third wheel guy make our way to the movie theater. Since it is the opening night it is PACKED. And we didn’t necessarily arrive early so you beggers can’t be choosers when it comes to seating. 
So we find a place where we can all sit together. It is in the front section of the theater and on the end near the isle. It looks a little like this.
(Isle)Third Wheel - Myself - Boyfriend - Empty Seat - Rest of the row filled with people. 
T-5 more minutes left before the lights dim and the upcoming previews start playing. We are all chatting about stuff and both guys are making fun of me because I admitted that I am a little jumpy when it comes to horror films and its not my fault if I accidentally scream or yell. They both laugh it off and tell me not to worry. 
T-4 minutes till dimmed lights. All of us were looking forward at the screen when all of a sudden a familiar voice catches my boyfriend’s attention. It is none other than his recent ex-girlfriend. This girl was not a short fling but they dated for over a year. She and I are nothing alike personality-wise because not only have I not had sex with my boyfriend I am also not a crazy person. So she repeats herself.
Ex-Girlfriend: “Can I sit in that seat?”
Boyfriend: *Looks at the empty seat beside him* “Sure we can scoot over and make room.”
Ex-Girlfriend: “Everyone doesn’t have to move I’ll just take the empty seat in the middle.”
Boyfriend: “Ok.”
So now our seating looks like this.
(Isle)Third Wheel - Myself - Boyfriend - Ex-Girlfriend - Rest of the row filled with people. 
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I wish I was kidding. Really. I do. So at this point I am not even happy a little. I had compromised up to this point with the extra person, the movie selection, and the poking fun. I am generally a fun, bright ray of sunshine but not tonight. If I had any kind of backbone back then I would have said something or done something. But I did not. So instead of saying something, I resigned myself to sitting through this awful hour and a half movie fuming.
But friends it gets better. And by better I mean worse.
T-2 minutes till movie time.
A loud group of tipsy/drunk adults (4 total drunks in this group) stumbles into the theater looking for some seats. They sit approximately five rows directly behind us. All of a sudden a woman starts yelling.
That’s right folks. One of those drunks was this girl’s mom and her friends. They end up getting reprimanded by staff and that ended that.
Again, I am beyond mad at the circumstances that have lead up to this point. Third wheel guy and I share comments between each other throughout the movie. Boyfriend attempts redemptive handholds throughout the movie that was unsuccessful. In fact, I was so mad I was leaning and practically facing third wheel guy. My body language said, “Absolutely fucking not.”
If my memory serves me right we broke up less than a month later (pretty much right around my 16th birthday). It was super weird and he lied about the reasons behind the breakup. In reality, I didn’t give it up so he didn’t want to try anymore.
I should have learned my lesson then but I was dumb. I went through some really big changes between May and August and he wanted to get back together (I became a Christian and he renewed his interest in Christianity). And my dumb ass went back to him. Almost 4 years later I broke it off with him during my Sophomore year of college. 
I have one other really awful date story that happened much earlier than this one. I believe I was 12/13 during that one. Want me to share? Let me know in the comments below!
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almond-assistant · 6 years
A very long rant and my opinions on neofeminism
Keep in mind that these are very opinionated, and I really don’t wanna fight with you. I’m only posting this so people know where I stand with this stuff, and so they know what kind of person I am.
Inequality: (the fake scenario here is metaphorical and also taken from a youtube video) Imagine there was a short person and a tall person, and there's a wall. In order to see over it, both people are given a stool of equal height to stand on. The tall person is still taller, and can see farther. Instead of giving the taller person a shorter stool, or a short person a taller stool, how about we give nobody a stool. Instead, give them equal materials to build their stool. Equal opportunity does not mean an equal outcome.
Wage Gap: That thing? It's non-existent; women are actually 'out-earning' men, according to literally every governmental source. And if the wage gap existed, it'd be illegal, considering women recieved equal rights in America in 1972.
Transphobia: Trans people are propped up and given all sorts of support in society! I remember at one point I considered myself transgender (I'm still queer-identifying fyi), and I was treated just as well, if not better, than most kids at my high school. And you know how you guys are so "supportive" of trans-men? Well, guess what. By not grouping him in with the cis men, you are therefore being transphobic by invalidating his identity, implying he is not like the cis man, as he would like to be seen as. Do you call a trans guy a rapist, like a cis man? No. Do you consider him sexist, like the cis man? Of course not! Even if he is, you wouldn't DARE accuse him of that! Right? Because he's an owo smol trans flower boy. By rubbing it in everybody's faces that you/someone you know is trans, you are therefore negating the fact that they'd like to be treated like a cisgendered person in the first place. Same goes for trans-women. FYI, I completely support real trans people!
Transtrenders: Super transphobic! If you want to be babied and called uwu smol then go join the adult baby community. You want to be queer? Just don't label yourself trans! Want attention? Go join a fucking talent show or something idk. Don't have dysphoria? What's the point in calling yourself the opposite gender? I don't get that. Wanna be a futa catgirl? I... I don't even know. Please stop that. Sexualizing trans/intersex people is transphobic. Trying to fit in? I get that. I did that. But please, please. don't rub it in everyone's faces. I actually DO have a bit of social dysphoria, but I used to make it a bigger deal than it should've been.
Patriarchy: I agree that patriarchy doesn't work. But, patriarchy is also basically gone, so I don't agree that it's this really big deal you guys make it out to be. On the other hand, matriarchy doesn't work well either. It takes both genders for lots of things to run smoothly. There are highly positioned women and men. That's what makes systems work, including reproduction and all that jazz. So basically, men are in fact needed. Stop treating them like shit. If you got rid of men, we'd go extinct. I know there's this thing with women's bone marrow or whatever, but that's not really relevant, and it isn't even guaranteed to work. By separating women from men, you are therefore being sexist, because equality doesn't have anything to do with gender. It's like if x=y, then y=x, y=y, and x=x. If x and y was female and male, or literally any gender, this would be the goal of feminism by definition. Without the belief that women are currently in a lesser position in society, neo-feminism falls flat. Speaking of which, you always focus on women, why aren't you including all of the other "genders"? Isn't that a bit sexist of you? Society is giving women everything they don't deserve. That's not equality. And yet you still think women are opressed.
Rape Culture: And before you rush to the comments with "You don't know what it's like to be sexually harassed!", I do, and that's why this topic ticks me off so much. Anyway, by labeling all men as rapists, you are therefore being sexist. And, even though you guys say men/boys can't be raped, they have been, and can be. Males are actually sexually exploited more than women. Furthermore, women can be rapists. Consent doesn't apply to just the woman. If a woman wants to have sex with a guy and he says no, yet she forces him to, it's still rape. Legal sexual interactions require both parties involved to give consent. I read a post on here that said something to the effect of, "If you don't have sex with a fat woman, you're raping her". That... boggles my mind.
Ableism: I have mental illnesses too, so this also pisses me off. I mean, I get that some people are wheelchair-bound or don't have the same mental abilities as a neurotypical person. I think it's great that we're helping to accomodate these people! But when you call everything that could even possibly leave out someone other than the neurotypicals ableist, it's frustrating. Literally anything could be ableist or classist. Eating pizza? No, this is ableist because some people have diabetes and can't eat certain things. Running gear? Ableist. Some people have to use wheelchairs, either because they were born paralyzed in the legs, or because they're too obese to move. Brain exercises? No, get that out of here. That's offensive to people with autism or the like, because their brains don't work like that, and it implies they're not good enough. therapy? Kill it with fire. You're saying we neurodivergents are not ok? It's like you don't care about people that want to get better. There's such thing as a target audience, so now let's see.. Pizza? Oh! That's for people who want a quick, cheap, and easy meal! Running gear? That's meant to interst people who enjoy being fit and maintaining their cardiovascular health. Wheelchair-bound folks have specialized exercises for keeping their muscles healthy. Running would not be as effective of a way for them to do that. Brain exercises? For people who want to keep their brain sharp and improve certain areas where they might have weaknesses. Again, people such as my brother (who has medium-high functioning autism) can have special exercises provided to them. But when companies manufacture products that leave out the neurotypical person, nobody thinks twice. So much for equality.
Fatphobia: I do agree that this one exists, although I've never experienced it myself, since I myself have problems gaining weight and keeping it on. I'm actually guilty of fatphobia, but hear me out. I don't mind if you're overweight, as long as others don't have to make special accomodations at no cost to the one being accomodated. If you're 500+ pounds and/or you need a wheelchair and two seats on a plane, I'm calling you out. There's no way you could be that fat without doing it to yourself or having a disability. I don't mind these things if you do have a disability, I understand you couldn't control it then. But if you're just sitting in your bed all day stuffing your face with cheese curls, you have no right to whine about fatphobia, as you could've easily prevented it. Mental disorders such as depression or anxiety that may lower your motivation so low that you don't care, I also get, since I've been in that situation plenty of times. Regardless though, I will not say you are beautiful. This is my personal opinion, and I know others may find obesity attractive, or even erotic (which is in itself fatphobic), but I do not. There are people who don't actually find it pretty, but still say it is. Please stop that. Speak your mind, yo. It's kinda sad that others shape your views, and if you don't agree entirely with the flock, you're not one of them, yknow? That's like... a cult or something.
Classism: I'm soft on this one, since I've been in and out of financial stability throughout my childhood and it sorta fucked me up. But again, calling everything classist is just not right. Songs about fancy cars and diamonds are praising the lush life, not making lower classes feel bad. If anything, those songs help them work harder to achieve their own dreams and have their own great life. But again, it's all about the target audience.
Racism: Racism was originally based off of fear and confusion. Other races had never seen a different skin color than their people's, and thought they were a different breed or species. The reason europeans and americans viewed africans as animals, is because they didn't know what else they could be. African society wasn't as developed, and the African people exhibited very primitive behaviors, as opposed to the educated caucasian. After a while, the african people taken to other lands as slaves, started to dislike that life and form their own opinions and values. The white people learned that the Africans were just humans of a different color, and eventually softened up a bit. But they couldn't abandon their ways of life, so the slaves slaved on, and the rich got richer. These values passed through generations, and eventually someone said, "Stop, these are people too, let's set em' free.". Though, yes, some families still teach their children to be racist, they don't imprison them anymore. Schools do a very good job of describing the treacheries of racism and slavery so it doesn't happen again. Most of my friends (and my boyfriend who I love so so much) are of color, in one way or another. Shit, I'm like, an eighth native american. I do consider myself white though, I'm Norwegian and Irish, for the most part. But I'll still honor my roots. Anyway, even modern racism is still based on fear. Islamophobia stems from terrorism, Black violence comes from stories of gangs and police shootings, and lots of other xenophobia stems from stereotypes. I'm completely against racism, trust me. But when you separate white from black and call white people scum, and call people of color 'strong, independent', and discard white people, it's kinda confusing. Racism applies to race, and caucasian is a race. Get it together.
Cisphobia: That exists. Cisgenderism/Heterosexuality are still identities, whether you want them to be or not.
Sexualities: Cool, You like people (Or you don't, if you're ace/aro). I know these sexualities were shunned before but most people are really accepting now! Just not the weird demonsexual things. Some people don't understand that too much. I sure don't.
Genders: Same as sexualities, don't get too crazy and people are cool w/ it.
Mogai and Neopronouns: Shit, get them out of here. You're making actual LGBT+ people look like a joke.
Anything I didn't mention that you'd like to hear my opinion on? Leave an ask! All interaction is welcome, though not all is wanted. Regardless, I'll try to be kind to you. I really have no reason to be rude to you if I don't know too much about you.
-Kevyn (almondassistant)
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theythemsam · 3 years
you dont have to answer this but omg for real back when i was in wincest spaces(listen it was as common and normal as destiel then hgshgs) i had adults start nsfw convos w young ass me in a way i havent experienced in any other fandom ?? and it was only once i got out of that space where i was like hmm . why did you 30yos make me like these things what . whats wrong w just analyzing the show. ANYWAY it's reassuring to know i'm not alone in this experience lol hope you have a good day !
yeah, wincest was really normalized back then and shipping it was just a thing you did (unless you were a diehard destiel shipper or hated sam, so as a sam fan who didn't like gabriel... there wasn't really anything else left for me) and like honestly that's okay, i am not here to declare shipping illegal or anything, I honestly can't afford to give a fuck what other people ship, there's just things i dont wanna see, but there definitely was a ~if you don't like it you're stuck up and a puritan and pro censorship and like a cop probably~ vibe (at least in the circles were I was in) and obviously that is really easy to follow along as a kid AND i think it can be blamed for how dark and disturbing it got in the circles i was in (cause you wanna push boundaries and you wanna see how far you go and you can go really far). Also ship wars still suck, but they were sooooo much for a while and saying you were a multishipper or ship neutral etc was the only way to escape that completely.
For a really long time I also thought it was fine cause I had in a way consented to interact with that content and especially the nsfw content (~cause it was all tagged you see~), but *points at that person that told me iding as aro at 16 would do "irreversible damage" to me, but was fine that I wrote encouraged by her and consumed incest porn while on her blog*, like the fact that she knew how young I was and thought it was bad for me to try out a new identity, but it was ok to do these other things, is insane to me looking back now. The double standards. But yeah you definitely weren't alone in that experience, I know a few people who went through that or something like that. I've been in few other fandoms than supernatural and none as big, so I also haven't encountered this in other fandoms, but it probably exists there too? I think supernatural is just most prominent for how big it was and for how big the ships are and how easy it is to have a ~morally questionable~ ship front and center, because of the way the show deals with it and portrays it and all of that is fine, but obviously there will be some creeps, some people who just don't care for or understand boundaries and some people who get harmed by them. I'm glad fandom seems to have gotten a bit better there at least.
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Simpltons Rules and AUS
i have sjw blacklisted and i think that might be it.
Basic Laws
Be respectful! Do not disrespect my muse or myself out of character. I will not tolerate it. I will not roleplay with you if i even feel a hint of disrespect towards me or my muse. I wouldn’t disrespect you or your muses so please be polite and refrain from doing it to me. However if your muse disrespects mine in roleplay, that’s is completely acceptable as it is an interaction between our muses.
Be patient! I have a life outside of the internet. I am a real human being and not some roleplaying machine.
Mun and muses ARE NOT THE SAME ENTITY! While my muses are of my own creation (in a sense) I do not always share their beliefs and or their attitude. I have my own beliefs and attitude, so please establish that we are not the same people.
Roleplay Laws
Read the information on the character you will be role playing with. That way you can be informed on the character you will be dealing with!
No smutting with minors! It’s illegal, i do not want to go to jail. It’s rude, irresponsible and puts not only you, but me as well at risk. You will get a slap on the wrist most likely. But me? Ill be on the sex offender registry and my ENTIRE LIFE WILL BE RUINED BECAUSE YOU WANTED TO BE SELFISH. So don’t do it. I don’t care if your muse finds mine sexy and they wanna get it on. If you are under the legal age of consent. DON’T FUCKING DO IT. you CAN RUIN AN ADULTS LIFE FOREVER. if i catch you lying, i will BLOCK YOU!
I WILL NOT RP SMUT WITH ANY MLP BLOGS/ GRAVITY FALL BLOGS/ STEVEN UNIVERSE BLOGS/ OR ANY OTHER CHILDREN’S SHOW BLOGS IN THE LIKE. THESE SHOWS ID LIKE TO KEEP CLEAN AND INNOCENT LIKE THEY WERE MEANT TO BE. (although i am open to suggestions of fighting because all have shown that and for a few maybe even death/ slight horror. BUT ASK FIRST.)
NO GODMODDING! It really shouldn’t need to be said but oh well. My character is my own, I CONTROL IT ONLY. The same for you and your muse. However suggestions or a push in a certain direction is fine. Such as “lets go so and so” I grabbed their hand and excitedly pulled them along.” This at least allows for the other person to respond to what’s being done. What is not ok would be something like this. “So and so kissed my muse and they wendt on a date.” this is not ok because you are giving my muse Orders. Only I can order them around. If i feel you doing this the roleplay will be terminated immediately.
No Instakills or permadeaths! I don’t like that shit. If we are gonna fight, i want a good fight, a fair fight, and unless otherwise talked out by both parties and agreed upon your muse, no matter how friggen strong or OP or whatever! can instantly kill or keep my muse dead. Understood? Because if this happens I will immediately terminate the roleplay. Be literate! Please check all grammar, spelling and tenses before posting. Roleplays should be easily understood by both parties. I have a hard time with my tenses so i will do my best to work on that! If roleplays can not be understood then i will cease roleplaying.
Please try to match length! I write a FUCKTON and i do not expect you to match it entirely, i do expect that you have at least a well written paragraph that notes all major points. I will however ask that you make an attempt to match my length, but it is not a requirement. However please let it be noted that if you respond with boring one liners or tiny meatless paragraphs i will cease to roleplay with you.
I prefer to plot! Drop me an I.M and let’s plan ahead what will happen. It’s not necessary but i do prefer it. So just assume i want to plot. However if you wanna throw a meme at me and go from there, that’s fine too.
Please let me know if you want to drop a thread! Now you don’t have to give me a reason, but letting me know you are no longer interested would be highly appreciated. I will delete the thread after being notified so i can keep my blog clutter free. I will also notify you with a reason so as not to seem rude that I want to drop a thread.
Do not bug me for responses/be patient! As i stated above I have a life outside of the internet. I am not a roleplaying machine. If i do not get to your response in a timely manner it’s is likely one of these reasons. A. Life is hectic B. my mental health is not doing well and I need a break. C. I am really engaged with a certain muse and mun so i am putting them as priority. D. I just plain forgot. If you feel like i’ve forgotten drop me an I.M with either your latest response to our thread or a “hey i think it might be your turn to respond.” if however you continually pester me i will drop or ignore the thread. In return do not force yourself to reply immediately. Take your time and enjoy it, let it flow naturally. Shit happens my man, and i get it.
Do not force relationships! I can’t stress enough how INFURIATING it is when people try to force friendships and or relationships with my muses. These things don’t always happen instantaneously, they take time. People need to get to know each other before relationships are established. Let them happen naturally, if they happen. If muses have chemistry it will happen. If they don’t then, they don’t. Not to say that instant friends and love at first sight can’t happen, because it can, but it is exceedingly rare. So don’t force it. If you do, or i feel you are I will first respond through the character, then I.M and if it’s still happening i will terminate the roleplay altogether.
Smut is ok! If your muse and my muse are vibing and they wanna get it on that is entirely alright to do. I will post smut in read mores and i go into HIGHLY DETAILED posts. I will also tag it as nsfw until the smut is over. That being said please abide by the following rule. My muse is not a fleshlight/dildo! If i feel you coming to me solely to smut with my muses with no established relationship or even having talked it out with me first then you will be ignored. My muses are not your sexuall toys to play with. I like diversity in my roleplays and I like CHEMISTRY even for smutty rps. Now it’s one thing if both muns agree that our muses would get along sexually immediately. Otherwise, don’t come to me for smut only. If you do you will be ignored. If you persist, you will be blocked.
Gore/mutilation/torture/death is alright! Just come and talk to me first beforehand so we can plot it out. I don’t like sudden losses of limbs or physical harm. I like to be aware of what your muse is going to do with mine.
Have fun! This is the most important rule by far. Roleplaying is a way for people to unwind and relax, it should be stress free and enjoyable. If both parties aren’t having fun you and I have every right to terminate the roleplay.
Things I am ok with Fighting style school style, adventures, mysteries, superhero, makeout sessions with heavy petting and touching
Makeout sessions with butt touching if shes under 15+ in our rp is ok but the chara also has to be under 18 and close to her age. (I know that shit goes on with people under the ages of 18, because i did it and so did everyone else.) BUT KEEP IT MODERATELY CLEAN (boob touches and butt touches over clothing you know that exploratory shit that goes on in the middle/high school years NOTHING MORE)
original worlds and crossovers, OCS ALWAYS WELCOME
slightly kinky things (like being bound, spanked, dressed in outfits, stuff like that) Sex is ok so long as shes 18+ in our rp or we have discussed it.
Multishipping a- ok
Things I am not ok with sex with her while shes under 18, that shit wont play. unless we have discussed it! strange kinks like bodily fluids or excrement and the like animal killing for sexual pleasure child sex i mean really the list goes on but just think about it rationally.
If you have successfully made it through this long ass list please im or inbox me with the following quote “Sun tzu said that!“
Archive: thesoldiersarchives
 Art: simpltonsart-o-rama 
 Roleplay: storytimewithsimplton
 Smut roleplay: sollysmuts
AU (sfw & nsfw)
Aquatic fortress (mer)
Royal fortress (princess)
Dark fortress (evil)
Mystic fortress (witch/sorcress)
Fae Fortress (fairy)
Fur Fortress (were)
Mob Fortress (gang)
Night fortress (vampire)
Ye old fortress (knight)
Jungle fortress (amazonian warrior)
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tentacrocacles · 7 years
CW: child abuse mention under the cut
So I’ve recently had an EMDR session as as is usual I’m highly sensitive and positively agro about all kinds of shit right now. One being this one particular blog I came across a few days ago. Basically if you’ve seen it they say stuff like “Sex is always ok” and “your body your choice” except they take that shit to extremes.
Ok so for more information on this, one of their blog posts implys that minors having sex is ok if they are consenting, and that also whipping out your dingus at any time to touch yourself is completely ok. Even in public.
Right now I’m fixated on the “minors” thing.  So there’s a very good reason why age restrictions to sex and sexual activity exists in the first place. Well actually there’s quite a few good reasons.
First of all, instead of a recreational activity lets just for a brief moment address the purpose of sex. It exists for reproductive purposes. Now I’m not saying it isn’t fun or recreational at all and that you should only have sex to have kids (that’s stupid). But getting pregnant is a side effect of sex if both partners are of opposite physical genders and fertile.
It doesn’t take a genius to work out that kids should not be doing this, and I don’t mean kids as in teenagers (I accept that after a certain age it’s prettymuch impossible to stop teenagers experimenting.) I mean kids as in children.
In some circumstances it has been known for kids as young as 5 to get pregnant, which is horrible. You think about the discomfort of childbirth for a grown adult and then have that shit done to someone who is that young and that small? It’d be so painful! And not just that but they would be mentally unprepared for the pain of childbirth and the task of raising the child afterwards. Even in some circumstances I’d say teenagers having children is probably not the best for them since their body isn’t fully developed yet, personally speaking when I think of how much my own body has matured between the end of being a teenager (19) and my current age (24), I don’t think if I had of had a kid at 19 I would have been physically ready for that kind of change in my body.
There’s also the mental factor, sex is an activity for two consenting adults who are of age. Children simply can not consent because to consent you need full understanding of what it is you are consenting to, and a child couldn’t possibly understand. Add to that the fact that they are impressionable and often desire to keep the adults in their life happy with them. You basically guarantee that they cannot consent without it having been coercion somehow. Also lastly to end this rant, to push a child into sexual activity when they are not physically or mentally ready, is extremely traumatic for a child. Even if they don’t grasp what’s happening till later, when they do they will feel fucking terrible for the rest of their life. 
Even if the person who did this to them is brought to justice, even if terrible things happen to that person (including death), that child will always always feel the impact of what was done to them.
It is an extremely long and arduous road to get healing for this kind of shit, most of which involves session after session of therapy to help you process what happened, help you get insight and maybe be at peace with yourself. On top of that part of you mentally always feels stuck, you don’t grow up as quick as the other kids, you don’t fit in well, you have trouble socialising, you find it hard to trust people, and people (especially unknown ones) scare the shit out of you, you have to deal with feelings of guilt over what happened to you and it is all so shit.
So basically what I am saying, back to my original point is no, a minor can’t consent. It is illegal to have sexual relations with a minor for a fucking good reason and if you do shit like that and are an apologist for behavior like that then you should probably be in jail.
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dragonbearer · 7 years
Incest, Legally and Socially (there’s a difference)
Some intense thoughts on incest, its legalities, and what it means in real life with @breakiitdown​. It’s been an absolute pleasure working this out with you and I feel pretty damn good about this whole discussion. Tons of respect for you for being willing to discuss this with me and holding my hand when I got stuck. This’ll be going into my overall discourse folder.
Some editing done for clarity’s sake. Be warned: it’s LONG (2300 words of chat)
Can I ask, do u support incest irl? cause I’ve been seeing a lot of arguments for shimadacest saying since it’s not legal in japan it's alright to ship it, though most people are uncomfortable on explaining if they believe it should be legal or not
If it's between two consenting adults, I don't see a reason why I should intrude on their personal business.
But if it's between people with a severe power differential, then no.
I would still be a little squicked irl but I wouldn't really have a position either way.
ye like tbh I see incest between cousins as something that probably wouldn't be that bad but between siblings its often difficult since they’ve had to grow up together and social conditioning can start at such a young age and what not but
The sibling incest part is sticky for me imo
But all the parts of incest that are bad - force, rape, molestation - would be bad between any two people anyway
Incest on its own isn't necessarily a bad thing - just what it can be accompanied by
yeah that’s why ppl don't like when adopted people get together either generally speaking cause of the growing up thing and the slow social conditioning that would/could occur even from smaller or seemingly innocent acts that could manipulate someone into liking them,,
That’s why in general the idea of incest to me isn’t?? Bad per se but
You mean grooming?
Like if two ppl were separated @ birth then fell in love and happened to be siblings it would be fine but I think the thing of growing up together
I knew there was a word for it I just forgot it
True, but I think grooming falls into power differential too
Which is a bad thing in any relationship
I mean - it's unlikely
Incest between two siblings that's completely healthy and consensual
Very, very unlikely if they grow up together
But intellectually, in that case, then I can't see a viable reason it would be wrong
and since I can set the terms of a fictional ship in any way I want, I can just be like "ok but in THIS au what if the incest was perfectly healthy and happy"
And 3 years, imo, for siblings isn't that big of a difference
Ofc genzo still has its issues, but I write it for that reason, not bc I want to make something happy and healthy
ye I feel that just recently seeing all the arguing that incest should be fine instead of saying "it's fictional and who cares" has been... hmMMm
I'm arguing against the concept that incest itself is a bad thing
It feels like trying to say sex is bad bc ppl can be raped to me
Incest =/= abuse
I mean I think in general incest between two people who grow up together will probably end up in a unhealthy way but there's a few cases where that’s not true
bc the whole "attack the shippers" thing starts with slandering the basic morality of ppl for shipping something incestuous
Not for anything else - just the incest
bc if u start attacking unhealthy dynamics in a ship, practically any ship in the fandom is under fire
But in your rules you also say you don’t support incest irl
As in, I don't endorse it happening
I wouldn't tell ppl "yo it’s okay if u kiss your sis"
I don't like blanket statements
And something like "I don't generally support real-life incest but if you're happy, healthy, and consensual then it's your life and I hope you find yourself satisfied with your choices because I want people to be happy" is a bit long
I realize in real life, incest is *usually* unhealthy
Not always, but usually
But I won't vilify people for committing incest, I will vilify them for whatever crime they committed
Am I making sense?
ye but I think its ok to say that in most cases incest esp. in cases where they've grown up with each other is normally abusive just like in most cases you'd consider physical attacks abusive even if that's not always the case
I said that
but you said you didn’t think it was abusive I mean I think its chill to call incest as a whole an abusive thing as an idea and in most cases, but that doesn’t mean all cases are actually abusive
I’m confused now
Like the exception not the rule
Ye me 2 tbh like u don’t think incest is abusive except for most of the time?
Not even like u specifically I’ve just seen this argument before and never really understood it either
Let me try to equate it to something else
For example
Relationship between a subordinate and their superior
This is discouraged in most places of employment bc of how it can be abused
But that doesn't mean that every and each case of it is abusive and thus should not be treated as such
I see the topic of incest in the same basic guideline
It can and has been abused, many cases where it happened is abusive
But that doesn't mean incest IS abuse automatically
ye but people still call that general act abuse like if someone told me they were in a happy consenting relationship in either of those that'd be cool but I don’t think the whole act should be rewritten to someone that’s not abusive because of the few cases
Well, a lot of legislators agree with you, which is why incest is illegal in some places
But in others, they don't
And the question is "why should incest be illegal?"
And you know, a lot of the abusive potentials are brought out
But that's already illegal anyway
Child abuse, statutory rape, sexual molestation, etc. etc. is illegal in most countries
Which can cover the cases of incestuous abuse adequately imo
But making incest illegal catches those few ppl who ARE non-offending and places them under legal scrutiny
Grooming is already considered child abuse anyway, and we all understand why harming a person in that form is bad
But if we were to illegalize incest, there needs to be a reason
And when prompted for a reason for why incest, not abuse, JUST INCEST is bad, ppl trip up on the question
The article I linked on that post explains the concept p well
ye like I agree that it should be legal and everything but I also don't think it’s necessary for people to say that incest as a whole is non abusive cause even with the boss and student thing it’s something that’s generally not allowed but not illegal because people consider that dynamic is abusive but that doesn’t mean every relationship holds abuse within it
I prefer to say that incest on its own isn't abusive, but can and usually leads to abuse
Which, to me, is an important differentiation
I grew up debating and that kind of wording is super important bc they change how situations can be taken
I think you mean that I think incest is non-abusive
I think the concept of incest is, but not the practice of it
On its own, cut off from any other concept, it's simply not harmful
But reality is complicated and tangled, which is why incest is rarely on its own
And thus is usually harmful
tbh I’m confused like incestuous relationships that involve living and growing up together normally lead to aspects in a relationship that are abusive but it’s wrong to generalize incest relationships as abusive? If that’s what u mean?
That is exactly what I mean :D
I still feel like that’s making the exception the rule for all incest relationships like I get that some incest relationships can work out but when referring to incest as something that’s abusive is that like ?? Bad 2 do
It’s not the incest itself that is abusive
I mean
If an older man groomed his daughter and sexually abused her, that's a crime
If an older man groomed his neighbor's daughter and sexually abused her, it's still a crime
One is incestuous, one is not
But the basic crime is the same - abuse
But that situation still happens very regularly with siblings since when they're both kids and one starts to feel sexual attraction they could still groom them into thinking that sex is normal between the two of them since they live and grow up together it's not always like the power imbalance between them
Ahhhh okay
So it's like
One party convinces the other party to engage in something despite reluctance, right?
Or generally leverages them into it, somehow
That’d be coercion
Resulting in dubious consent
yeah like that normally doesn’t really need 2 include a power balance in order to work cause I know in that situation it’s a good example but for family relationships it’s sort of more common since it's something that’s not escapable and constant
but I mean if they live together it could just start as small things that may be considered platonic that then lead into more sexual things that the person who is interested tells them it's normal and that’s just what families do and they believe them because over a period of time that's what they've been shown
Man, I hope no one checks my google history bc the amount of research I'm doing on the topic is getting higher and higher
This is pretty good
Child psychology studies say that
Incestuous actions between siblings/cousins/whatever is pretty common
"Sexual behavior between siblings that is not age appropriate, not transitory, and not motivated by developmentally, mutually appropriate curiosity" and studies have defined the dynamic u described as such
So it's still a form of abuse, regardless of actual power
Ye like that’s the only reason why I don’t believe incest is always wrong is because those situations don't involve influence over someone when they're a child n what not in most cases
So ye, that's p much all I have on the topic
Does this explain my thoughts adequately?
idk like I get that cousin relationships and what not are in general not abusive but I’m still sort of confused on why you don’t consider sibling relationships in general abusive
Like I still know there’s exceptions to all but is it just because u don’t want to like let the few think that their relationship is bad
bc I object to the idea of blanket statements
As in, saying that every case of sibling incest is bad, abusive, and should be illegal
Isn’t saying incest isn’t abusive a blanket statement as well
Which is why I said incest isn't abusive unless ________
Just imagine like a big list
With a ton of different sections of cases where it IS bad
cutting away all the abusive parts until the few non-abusive cases are left
Incest does not mean Abuse
a.       Unless ______
a.       In situation X
                                                                          i.      Example A:
I mean I don’t think it should be illegal but the general concept of incest and what it holds is abusive just like w the teacher student thing it’s not illegal but a lot of people consider the general concept of it as a teacher abusing his power over a student even if that isn’t the case in 100% of cases all of the time
Wait is it illegal I don’t even know I just assumed it wasn’t because that’s lame
But the thing is
Ye but ppl still feel comfortable calling that abuse like
It depends on the country
some places it is, some places it isn't
But I protest against "most people think"
bc a lot of that comes from this knee-jerk GROSS reaction
Ye I’m just crediting the TV shows and movies I watch I don’t have a source lmao
A lot of the "this is how things are naturally" and "society says so"
I mean, not to equate lgbt ppl with incest but
Once upon a time
Being homosexual was a horrible abomination against humanity and you can tell what I thought about that, being bi myself
So I don't think about what most people think, because most people work off their initial, society ingrained rules
And not look deeper into the whole concept of why something is morally wrong besides the first feeling of disgust
I mean I don’t think we should say incest relationships are horrible abominations against humanity but I still think it’s reasonable to tell people using your position as a family member to initiate relationships within your household is abusive
like I don’t think it’s disgusting but @ the same time I don’t think ppl should be encouraging ppl saying it’s not abusive if u want to convince your kid to kiss u like,,,,,
That’s why it’s so hard to have relationships in families because there’s a certain position of power u have regardless if u want it or not as an older brother or father or sister or whatever
I get u
But I think I got where we're divided now
Legally, I think it's better to say incest isn't abuse UNLESS certain conditions are met - in a legal case, innocent until proven guilty is paramount ESPECIALLY when judging a incest case (as opposed to a case of abuse)
But socially, it's better to say incest is abusive UNLESS certain conditions are met - because socially, just staying away from incest is for the best and the criterion of healthy incest is incredibly narrow
*high five*
I feel like I made a breakthrough
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gaiatheorist · 5 years
“Should children as young as 5 be taught about sexual practices between consenting adults?” No, obviously, children are not adults, and have a disturbing habit of copying things they’ve heard or observed. I’m more concerned about A+E attendances to have foreign bodies removed than I am about children ‘learning’ to be anything other than heterosexual, though. 
We’ve been here before, with Section 28 prohibiting the ‘promotion’ of homosexuality in schools. Imposed morality, ‘this’ is the right way to be, and nothing else exists. From 1988 to 2000, the only ‘acceptable’ family structure was a Mummy and a Daddy who loved each other very much, and sometimes had a special cuddle. In bed. With the lights off. Bonus points if the Mummy and the Daddy were married. To each other. Anything else was a ‘pretended’ family structure. Apart from the “It’s OK to say no.” booklets in primary school, I don’t remember any ‘sex and relationships’ education at all, the booklets came too late for me, and loaded on the guilt that someone had been doing things they shouldn’t have, and I hadn’t said no. Everything else was biology, insert-tab-A-into-slot-B, to quote the Manic Street Preachers “My idea of where life comes from, a childhood glimpse of pornography.” it really was the age of finding a ‘mucky book’ under a hedge back then. (Or a video tape with no label, and the tabs popped out, before satellite TV.) 
As much as some of our Mums and Dads fucked us up, so did our schooling. The government’s decision that heterosexuality was the norm, and anything else deviant left some of us with ‘nowhere to go’, burying feelings, ostracised by the bullying of the ‘normal’ kids. Homosexuality isn’t illegal, discrimination technically is, and this ‘morality’ debate is a constructed nonsense that will impede the acceptance that love is love, in its many and varied forms. (Sticking with the ‘love’ angle, rather than the ‘sex’ one, the primary school lessons wouldn’t touch on the many ways to couple-or-multiple.) It’s tired but true, that children are malleable and accepting before they are exposed to prejudice. “Why does uncle Bob go everywhere with uncle Jim?” “They’re in love, like Mummy and Daddy.” “Oh, can I have a biscuit?” It really is that simple.
It doesn’t really matter which ‘moral majority’  has the pitchforks out, where there is a majority, there will be a minority, and that imbalance leads to oppression. Letting the kids know, at 5, that there isn’t only ‘one way’ will reduce some of the homophobic bullying at 7, some of the confusion at 13, and some of the self-loathing and suicide at 15. Some of it, not all, because the children don’t only exist in their classrooms and playgrounds. The refusal to acknowledge the ‘other’ choices is a backward step, and it will lead to harm, when some of those children realise that they are ‘other’, deviant, abnormal. 
As much as we’re seeing some celebrities and ‘influencers’ openly-out, not only as homosexual, but a plethora of things we don’t even have tick-boxes for yet, we’ve also seen a return to death-by-stoning in Brunei. Good old family values, there, it applies to adultery as well as homosexual activity. “Oh, but that’s ‘The Muslims’ doing Sharia law, that’s not us!” Death by stoning. Lapidation is a word I never thought I’d need to learn in 2019, Pearl-clutching Christians take note, isn’t the one about not-killing quite near the top of the list of commandments? (I can’t even wrap my head around the ‘observed by’ angle to it, inflicting trauma on a whole group of people, as a means of keeping them in line. It’s barbaric, which is, I suppose, me making a moral judgement.) 
My ‘morality’ is of the ‘harm none’ flavour, my sexual orientation is fluid. That’s not as difficult to reconcile as it might appear, because I don’t wish harm against the Sultan of Brunei, or the parents protesting in Birmingham. I pity them. I think they’re wrong, but still I pity them. By choosing to live by religion-imposed rules, they narrow their world-view, by imposing those views on others, they isolate and ostracise themselves. In the current fragile-fractured society in the UK, it wouldn’t take much for the UKIP contingent to correlate the Sharia stance in Brunei with ‘all Muslims’, if only it didn’t run the risk of them ‘catching gayness’. 
‘Exposed to’ was one of the phrases used. I’m not infectious. My son is ‘pansexual’, whatever that is because he just IS, he had a hetero-normative upbringing, one ‘Mummy’ and one ‘Daddy’ with a marriage certificate signed and sealed long before he was conceived. (He called us ‘Mum’ and ‘My Mum’ for ages, amusing, but it didn’t stop him observing his Dad’s ‘Wahey, look at the tits on that!’ mentality, or his Granddad’s insistence that women were weak-and-feeble little things, that needed to be looked after. Hardly surprising that he never had a girlfriend at school, we must have seemed confusing creatures to him.) His Dad, for all his faults, wasn’t maliciously homophobic, he did have some gay and lesbian acquaintances, but he also engaged in the derogatory banter that’s ‘expected’ in the circles he moved in. Porn-lesbians were titillating, real-lesbians less-so for him, he had defended his gay friends growing up, but still used ‘bummer’ and such as insults. 
Children do need to be ‘exposed to’ the undisputed fact that not all relationships are heterosexual, and that needs to happen when they’re still at the “Oh, right, can I have a biscuit?” stage. To say otherwise is immoral, because it allows the discrimination and hostility to creep into the lives of those children, with nothing to counter it. It is absolutely fine, and fair for people to have an opinion on homosexuality, bisexuality, fixed-or-fluid gender, what is not fine or fair is for them to impose their opinion on others as a fact. Again, homosexuality is not a criminal offence in the UK, or a mental disorder, some people find it a distasteful notion, and therefore deem it ‘wrong.’ If it’s being practiced consensually, between adults, and ‘not frightening the horses’, it can’t really be ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, it just is. ‘Moralising’ sexual preference (unless it’s for children or animals, or any other non-consensual practice, I’m not going to look them up, my search history is dubious enough as it is.) is harmful. There are gay Christians, lesbian Muslims, asexual people of ‘all faiths and none’, and myriad combinations of everything else. To refuse to acknowledge that is at best ignorant, and at worst incredibly damaging.
I don’t like baked beans. Some people do, some people are indifferent. I’ll eat them if I have to, but I’d prefer not to. What I won’t do is insist that other people don’t eat baked beans, because I think they’re ‘wrong’. (I actually think they’re goblin-shit, disgusting orange lumpy things, with a terrible habit of sticking to the back of the fork, and ending up in the washing-up bowl, but that’s just me.) Whether I eat baked beans or not doesn’t impact on anyone else. Neither does whatever I get up to in the privacy of my own bedroom. I’m not going to go about the place defacing baked beans cans in the supermarket, or hurling abuse at people I see eating baked beans. I’m not going to go to anyone’s house, and dump their beans-on-toast in the bin, I just don’t like beans. I’ve outed myself as bean-ist, bean-ophobic. I could claim that I have a ‘moral objection’ to baked beans, and start a campaign to ban them. How ridiculous would that be?
Nobody taught me to dislike baked beans, in the same way as nobody taught me to have something of an ambiguous attraction to males and females. I’m ‘greedy’, because I can find either/or equally appealing. Or neither, depending on circumstances. I’m not stealing your beans, or forcing you to eat beans, my sexual identity has absolutely no impact on anyone but the person I’m with. I’m no more a ‘predatory lesbian’ than I am a ‘cougar’, chasing down anything with a pulse in order to satiate my ‘dubious’ desires. (Anyone pearl-clutching about the fact that I worked in a school, and might have ‘exposed’ myself to children, it only ever came up once in 14 years. “Miss, I think I might be bi, what are you?” “I’m not really anything, apart from ‘me’, and that’s all you have to be.” ever so slightly duplicitous, but I didn’t want the girl to think it was compulsory to ‘pick a side’ at the age of 13.) 
There will be children in those classrooms in Birmingham, and across the UK who will end up being not-heterosexual. There will be children with two ‘mums’ or two ‘dads’, invisible-erased under the ‘moral’ proclamation of ‘normality’. Yes, it is the majority-norm, but it isn’t the only option, and insisting that it should-be, citing ‘morality’ is regressive, and harmful. It could, potentially, be the start of a slippery slope, if it’s ‘morally justified’ not to even mention homosexuality, what next? Whose morals carry the greater weight, and how should they be imposed on others? 
As others have pointed out, there would be outcry if it was another-other that had been cited as a moral objection. It is illegal to discriminate on grounds of religion, or ethnicity, or gender, disability OR sexual orientation. That a proportion of the population find homosexual practices distasteful does not mean that they are ‘immoral’, any more than a mixed-race marriage, or a couple where one partner was raised Jewish, and the other Catholic. The ‘question’ shouldn’t have needed to be asked. It isn’t a ‘question’ in any sense other than the rhetorical, no amount of hiding behind religious dogma framed as morality makes it a valid question. I respect the rights of others to have views that differ from mine, but the perceived victory of this ‘moral’ argument makes me uneasy. If a parent-protest about homosexuality can cause a school to (temporarily) cease part of the curriculum, what’s next? ‘History is written by the victors’ comes to mind, how many backward-steps before the whole SRE curriculum is deemed immoral, what with some groups objecting to sex before marriage, why should children be ‘taught’ about reproduction, healthy relationships, and bodily autonomy? They’ll find out when they’re married.           
0 notes
louisiana insurance group
"louisiana insurance group
louisiana insurance group
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Looking for AFFORDABLE individual medical insurance plan?
Is there anyone one here from Minnesota who can recommend a decent relatively inexpensive family medical insurance plan? 2 adults and 3 children. They can't afford 800 bucks a month for a plan with a 5000 buck deductible or 700 for a 7000 deductible. He makes too much for medical assistance or Minnesota Care or Medicaid...just a little too much, and he isn't eligible for medical coverage through his employer. Please help!!!! Anyone ever hear of Land's Health???""
Trying to figure out how much Car insurance to buy?
i want to get 15/30/5.for bodily and injury and property. is this good? or should i get more?
Fully comp car insurance?
ive got full comp car insurance,what i want to know is.im buying a car off someone in a few days and want to know if im ok to drive this car home on my insurance.thanks""
Is a subaru wrx a good car for an 18 year old?
I'm 18 and I'm thinking about buying a wrx. It has 150000 miles with maintenance history and was run on high octane gas... seems to be mechanically taken care of. It needs a new paint job but I don't mind the project. Is it hard to drive this car on 5spd for people who have minimum manual experience? (i can drive a manual but I haven't had much practice) I plan on taking care of it and running it easy. How much does insurance increase if there's a lein in the car? Is it difficult to transfer leins? Car has 6600 left on lein and its a 2003.
Where can I find information on low rate home owner's insurance?
I have a hmeowners insurance since I bought my home 10 years ago. The premium has gone up about 25%. Want to find out better rate from good companies - websites etc information
Insurance industry Q&A - what entry level insurance job ...?
what entry level insurance job would be good for someone looking to break into the industry?chicago i have 0 years experience but i have a BA degree undeclared. im fimilar with ms office software.
Did I get a good quote for my car insurance?
I am 28 years old and recently passed my driving test. My full UK driving license is 4 months old and I got car insurance with my uncle for 43 a month including 7 years no claim bonus, 506 a year. Is that a good deal?""
Insurance on a crashed car?
Today someone crashed into my car, anyway both cars have minor damage but they're trying to say it was my fault and claiming on their insurance etc. etc. Anyway, i was just wondering if the price of insurance increases for a driver who has crashed, how long does it go up for and if they don't insure the car during that time (i may be at uni) Will the increased charges be saved for until they next insure the car?""
Insurance change help?
i am with geico and i want to go to allstate do i surrender my plates to switch insurance or do i keep the plates and call they and they will transfer me
How does bein married or single affect your auto insurance rates?
How does bein married or single affect your auto insurance rates?
Illegal car insurance?
My EX boyfriend went behind mine and my moms back and illegal put insurance on his car in my mothers name. I guess he knows a employee at a insurance automotive and illegally put it in her name without her consent. His friend who was driving the car hit some car today and called my mom and told her everything and now she wants to claim fraud. Who gets in trouble? My ex boyfriend for doing it illegally? The employee who let it happen? His friend who hit the car? Or my mom because they may not believe he did it illegally? BTW; my ex boyfriend owes money to his insurance thats why he couldnt put it in his name
Medical insurance makes a difference?
Why is it that when you go the hospital and you dont have medical insurance you are looked down upon even though you do get the medical services required for proper treatment? But when you have medical insurance its like youre treated in your own way with approbation.
Car accident cause my current insurance to go up?
I had an accident a few months back which I was not at fault but caused my car to be written off, I bought a new car yesterday and wrang up my insurance company who said that since I had an accident that to change the insurance over to this car for my remaining 4 months insurance would cause my insurance to go from 166 a month to 240. The car is a lower insurance group so it shouldnt have changed my insurance. I don't understand why I have to pay more? If my car hadn't been written off my insurance wouldn't have increased until the following 4 months so how come when I change my car they decide that I have to pay so much extra a month now?""
What medical insurance will cover me?
i'm 19 years old no medical insurance i'm in city college part time but my parents aren't an option.i'm also an LPN BUT ONLY WORK PART TIME AND CAN'T GET JOB INSURANCE i noticed i was growing excessive facial hair and irregular periods was dx with PCOS i would like to seek treatment for it what medical insurance company would cover it seeing that i was already dx if any?
Is it illegal to drive car if you personally don't have car insurance?
Let's say a teenager doesn't have car insurance and he has his license. His car is registered in his parents name and the teenager isn't under the family car insurance. The teen drives his car and gets wrecked in a accident. Now will he be protected because the car is under his parent's insurance and they let him use the vehicle?
Is motorcycle insurance expensive for beginners?
Is motorcycle insurance expensive for beginners?
Car insurance if im under 18?
how would it be and do i need insurance if i dont have a car but using my parents car?
Car Insurance problem?
Yesterday my dad was in a car crash but thankfully no injury. The victim who crashed into our car had escaped and dashed off bout 6miles. The point of this story? The victim had stolen a car from a rental place and had been driving really fast probably. Figuring that this guy has no money and insurance, can not pay for the damage of my car. (I had bought it about a year ago, and used car) It seems Like we would have to pay 1mill yen (Japan) for this whole crap. Obviously this does not seem right at all, and should not be paying anything at all! Our insurance covers the accidents we get into, but not the damage of our car. So that means, our insurance doesn't cover it, the victims or the company (toyota) might not be covering it either. This case is rare supposedly and we're still figuring it out. And their on a hunt for this guy so hopefully we'll see what he has. Can you hear me out on this one? Can you give me things that might question this case? thnx a lot""
How much does insurance for eighteen wheeler in California?
How much does insurance for eighteen wheeler in California?
Home owners Insurance can't afford - help?
a year ago I paid off my mortgage and now I have property taxes which I pay in installments and now home owners insurance, there was enough left in escrow the first year for the mortgage company to pay the property taxes rhe first year, but now I realize I cannot afford the home owners insurance / I'm in a low income job , and it's $600 a year - If I were to cancel the home owners insurance until I get finish my degree to become a teacher in three years would I encounter problems with an another insurance company to get home owners insurance once they know I've been without HOI for say 2-3 years? or what would happen - see I hsve property taxes, hoa do every month etc and I'm living paycheck to paycheck I have car ins cause it's the law / can I just cancel the HOI just for three years until I make more money? advise please""
""Can a 16yr. old making $800 a month, afford a car that cost $24,000....parents payinng for insurance...?""
Can a 16yr. old making $800 a month, afford a car that cost $24,000....parents payinng for insurance...?""
How much would insurance on a 1990 dodge neon ?
I think it might be my first car , && I have to pay for insurance .""
What is the best company for mobile home insurance?
Need full replacement policy on mobile home over ten yrs old
""I want to buy a 42,000 dollar truck, but only make $8.03 an hour, will I be able to afford it?""
I am estimating a 600 dollar a month payment ( not including vehicle insurance) I work at a hospital. Work 12 hour shifts, about 3 times a week. Monthly paycheck about 600 bucks. Will I be able to afford this truck? I really want it, my dad says I won't be able to afford it. But if he co-signs for me ( being he has excellent credit. Will I be able to get the truck?""
Car insurance for 18 year old female with '97 Dodge Dakota?
I turn 18 in August and plan on getting my license right after my birthday, but my grandmother has offered to buy me a 1997 Dodge Dakota before I even get my license. Questions I want to ask are: How much is insurance on one of those vehicles? What will be the insurance once I get my license in August? I'm just looking for an estimate so I can figure out how much of my paycheck would be going towards it or even if I could possibly afford the thing. Thanks in advance! =) P.S. I'm an A+, homeschooled, female student if that makes any difference.""
louisiana insurance group
louisiana insurance group
The longer you have your motorcycle license..the cheaper your insurance is going to be?
I'm 18 and if I get a motorcycle license right now....but not ride a motorcycle till say....20? will my insurance be cheaper because i've had it for 2 years?? (i live in los angeles california by the way)
How much would car insurance be for me?
I am a 16 year old male in the state of Massachusetts and I'm wondering how much it would cost me to insure a 1986 Monte Carlo SS.
Do I need to switch car insurance for being out of state temperaily? Am I still covered?
I have car insurance in Florida, but I'm going to be going to school in New Jersey for probably for 2 years. Do I need to switch my car insurance or will I still be covered under FL rates? My DL has my Florida address and my car is registered in Florida. I plan on going back, so what should I do? Thanks (I'm with State Farm BTW)""
Am I eligible for Affordable healthcare act?
55 years old, no income this year. Pre existing condition. Florida resident. own non homestead property. The way I heard it, no job/ no income people aren't qualified. I lived off ...show more""
What's a good sports car for a 16 year old that would have cheap insurance?
What's a good sports car for a 16 year old that would have cheap insurance?
Does a ticket for not having insurance increase your insurance rate?
I'm a professional driver of a honda civic for a major company in California. My corporation has a policy that says if you have 3 or more dings on your record in 5 years (dings classified as anything that would increase their cost for your insurance policy) that you lose your job. 3 years ago I got a ticket for going 5 miles through a stop sign, that was #1, 8 months ago I got a speeding ticket for 78 in a 65, that was #2. Tonight I went through a DUI checkpoint, I had everything except my insurance policy was 8 days past due. The officer and myself figured I just had an outdated card and all I needed was proof of insurance. It turns out, for some stupid reason, gieco didn't auto-renew my insurance policy, and I simply didn't have insurance for 8 days. I called my insurance company, got everything taken care of, but I still have a ticket for driving without insurance, which I imagine means a ding on my record. What I need to know is does that ding increase the cost of insurance in the state of California? If so I'm fired as soon as this ticket hits DMV.""
What does Santa pay in Sleigh Insurance?
What does Santa pay in Sleigh Insurance?
How much would my insurance go up?
I'm looking at getting a coupe for my first car. Possibly a 2010 Camaro or Mustang. As of now my mom and I share her car, a Cadillac CTS. The insurance for myself is about $140 a month (I'm 16) so if I got a coupe, around how much of a jump would that make my insurance go up?""
""When you have a car accident and you are at fault and pay through your insurance, by how much will your All?
By how much will you All State insurance premium raise.
Can I buy life insurance for my grandmother?
She lives in Alaska and is 82yrs old. She wants me to have a little money and take care of the funeral expenses when she passes. She's in very good health. I was thinking a term life 10yr $100,000 policy. The monthly payment is rougly $572.00 a month. Is it possible if I make the payments on her life insurance?""
How much to get a 2007 BMW 335i insured?
I have been looking for a beamer recently and I found one it's a 2007 BMW 335i blue coupe and I was wondering how much insurance is for it in California.
Homeowners insurance?
Last night while at my girls house I slipped in mossy stairs and broke my ankle. I need surgery now. I was wondering is her landlord responsible for this? I don't have health insurance and I need my **** paid for. I don't want to sue i just want his insurance to cover me.. do they cover stuff like this and how does this thing work
""Under Obamacare, can I switch insurance companies anytime I want?""
I live in California and started new health insurance with Blue Shield on January 1, 2014. But they are awful. Even though I not only applied with them, I was accepted by them, I paid the January premium back in December, and they have already covered two of my prescriptions. But Blue Shield keeps mailing me letters saying I never paid them anything and that they are cancelling my application. My application? I made it past that stage. I am their client, not just an applicant. I can't get an answer from them and I'm worried that as of 1/28/14 I will no longer have health insurance (since that is the date they informed my on 1/24 that they are cancelling my application). So since Blue Shield thinks that I'm not even their client, that they think I never paid them the very first premium which I did and have proof of, can I ditch them and choose a new insurance company or do I have to wait for the next open enrollment? (And when would that be?) (FYI - Blue Shield has never mailed me a bill for February. They just keep mailing me the same bill that was due - and that I paid!!! - back in December that covered me for January.)""
Do I need to switch car insurance for being out of state temperaily? Am I still covered?
I have car insurance in Florida, but I'm going to be going to school in New Jersey for probably for 2 years. Do I need to switch my car insurance or will I still be covered under FL rates? My DL has my Florida address and my car is registered in Florida. I plan on going back, so what should I do? Thanks (I'm with State Farm BTW)""
Affordable Student Health Insurance if I can't be on my parent's plan?
My parents are Japanese citizens in living in Japan and the insurance I currently am in with them obviously won't cover me in the U.S. I am going to be a college freshman and wonder if anyone knows any affordable student health insurance plans/companies. The plan provided at my school is a bit pricey and needs me to pay it all at once in the beginning which I can't do. Any affordable and numerous-payment-planned insurances?
How on earth is car insurance cheaper for woman when more than 65% of crashes is by woman?
How on earth is car insurance cheaper for woman when more than 65% of crashes is by woman?
Auto insurance in California?
I bought a car in Aug 09. It's under my dads name for cheaper insurance purpose. But I never really got to the insurance part and have been driving w/out it. I just got a letter in the mail from the DMV saying my registration is suspended because I haven't provided financial proof... So I went earlier... and if my dad were to add the car and list me as a 2nd driver on my car, I would pay too much :| So the question here is... if my dad were to add the car and not list me as a 2nd driver, will I be covered? I really don't give a crap if it's fraud or not, just need to know if I will be covered since he will be lending me the car. Only place I really drive it to is work, and I work overnight so there's no cars around! ..and weekends. Plus with gas prices this high I stay below the 1.5k rpm's.""
What grades do insurance companies go off of (in CA)?
For the discount on insurance, do insurance companies look from the current term's gpa, the last term gpa, or the gpa overall (in the year so far)? (in the state of california)""
Which car insurance is cheaper for a 17 year old male?
I'm 17 and I'm thinking about getting a car when I get my g2 in a few months, I do have a job I work at Canadian tire! and Im looking for which car would be cheaper on insurance.. I dont want a truck, caravan or a smart car... please answer this truthfully! :) P.S. Im in ontario, Canada""
What is the best car insurance company out there today?
I'm gonna get a car soon and I'm having difficulty picking an exact car insurance company to insure my car so I just wanted to read others opinion on what car insurance they think is the best.....if availabe tell me the pros & cons....
Can I get a car without insurance if I am 16?
So my mom has statefarm but refuses to pay for my insurance if I get a car, I'm 16 and in Colorado, do I need insurance to get a car. This guy across thr street is selling a really cool car cheap and I want to get, would I need insyrance to buy a car and drive it, or cam I get it and avoid accidents.""
Using Canadian insurance in California?
I am currently living in Ontario and i plan on going to Los angeles, CA to visit a friend by myself. I plan on renting a car (There are car companies that allow 18 year old driver). My parents put me in the car insurance so I am basically covered. I think. I know that its the law to get liability insurance. Would the insurance here count as a liability insurance?""
Car insurance site for 18 year old !!?
does any body no of a decent car insurance for an 18 year old ?
Insurance for 250 Ninja?
I will be buying a new 2011 Kawasaki Ninja 250. I'm 18 yrs old. We will pay the bike in full..... How much will be my insurance on this bike? thanks
Benefits of health insurance?
How do individuals benefit from having health insurance? What are the sources from which an individual can obtain health insurance? Why do you think the government provides insurance to older and poorer Americans? What are your opinions of this practice? Why is health insurance likely to become a bigger and more complex issue in the future? Is health insurance a current events issue today? Why or Why Not?
louisiana insurance group
louisiana insurance group
What happens if you are about 10 days late paying for your car insurance?
School is about to start, and i have an insurance payment coming up on the same week i needed money the most to pay for school supplies including a graphing calculator that costs over $100. If i spend this money, i won't be able to afford car insurance till the week after and i might be 7-10 days late paying for car insurance. Will anything bad happen if i'm late?""
What do you know about car insurance / car-totaled?
What is the law? You have a car; it is rated @ $3,800.00 book value. Another driver hits you in the rear at a Pa. borough crosswalk as you are traveling through and have stopped for a person crossing the street. You are nearly pushed into the pedestrian, but thankfully you were able to stop your car in time. The other driver is in the wrong of course; but how much does the offending driver's insurance company need to pay to fix your car? I'm having a problem - my estimate is $3,277.00. I am told to look for the car to be totaled and 80% of the book value is what the insurance company is required to pay. Does anyone know is this is true? This car is a 1999 but only has 58,000 miles on it and is in mint condition. I have owned it for 4 years and during that time have not put a penny in it for parts & repairs. To get another, I would take a great chance on getting one which is not nearly such good quality. I'm wondering if the insurance company has a maximum that they will pay for repairing - if so maybe I could add a little to it so I can keep this car? Didn't appreciate it so much until after the accident!!!!""
What do I need to add to my auto insurance policy to be considered full coverage.?
I have a car with Calif min. pl and pd. If I were to add a new car what additional coverage and how much would be considered full coverage and satisfy the finance company?
Where do i get medical travel insurance for applying visa?
embassy is asking me to get medical travel insurance...how and where to get it???
What is a good (cheap!) health insurance?
i'm a college student so i have no money but i need health insurance so i can get my birthcontrol pills every month. whats a good company?
Buying a used car insurance question?
i'm buying my first car soon and i have a question. I dont have my license yet so obviously i wont be able to drive it home, my parents will. do they need insurance on it to drive it home or is there an acceptance on that?""
I want to by a nissan s-cargo does anyone know anything about them or what the insurance cost is?
http://www.carfolio.com/specifications/models/car/?car=131516&Nissan-quote Nissan s-cargo this is the site for my car and I love it just curious what the insurance will before I make a offer and would like to hear opinions and stories about them.
How to get a comparative car insurance quote.?
Had an accident November 2010. I fill in car insurance quotes but they want to know how much the accident cost! My current insurance company only told me it was my fault and slashed my no claims bonus from 65 to 40% and quoted me with a 200% increase on last year. Internet quote sites want information I don't know.
Some Health Insurance Companies Offering Decent and Cheap Plans for International Students in the US?
I will be studying my Master in the Boston area, this September. The grad-school health insurance is a little too expensive to me. What would be some companies offering decent and affordable health insurance plans?""
What is the day to day of a Commercial Insurance Broker?
I am interested in becoming a wholesale insurance broker as a career and would like to here from those that know about the current day to day life of someone in this position.
Insurance doesn't pay or wanna fix my car?
a drunk guy hit my parked car and he had a suspended license and the car is under his girlfriend's name. Now the insurance says it cant do anything because its under the girlfriend's name. now i dont know what to do
Would you get heath insurance and if so who through?
Me and my husband married young, when we married I had insurance through my job which was great but now, since I went back to school we are without insurance. I am in school ft and he also works but is two hours under what he has to be working to get insurance a week. We are 21 now and are wondering if you view health insurance as something someone our age needs and if so how to shop for it, what type to get and where to get a quote. We are both EMTS and have ran rescue before and we have seen lots of people without insurance but we want to make a well informed decision regarding this health insurance. Might I add that we are generally healthy, have a general practitioner at the moment that we rarely use, and during our marriage of two years have never been to an ER for any reason... Any insite that you have into this situation would be great! Thanks and God Bless""
New driver- best car insurance?
I'm taking my driving test tomorrow and was wondering what was the best/cheapest insurance company to look into. Also, if there are any that have discounts for full-time students or if you have really good grades? Anything like that, just wanna know the best options.""
What is the insurance cost for a 40 year old male driving anew ferrari?
dont worry im not 40 nor can i afford a ferrari. im just wondering how much it costs to maintain one?
What to put in to get the lowest/best insurance rate quotes?
Do I need to be honest? I own the vehicle. I am starting to get a new quote. For primary use of vehicle what should I put; Commute (school), Commute (work), Pleasure, or Business? I use it to get to work. I am also being asked how many mileage driven to go to work or mileage one-way, and the annual mileage. Is there a trick to getting the lowest rate on what to put? I am a very careful driver. I have not had any accidents in the past 3 years (nor anything major prior). I know these insurance companies only want to know about the last 3 years of my driving history. I am clean. I only need the legal state (Maryland) minimum amount to insure. Any advice on how to get the best rate quotes? I'm currently with Progressive, but might switch to Geico.""
How much is car insurance?
Im 16 and looking to buy a car and i want to know how much i am goin to have to pay for insurance.
Motorcycle insurance cost?
I am 17 years old and I live in CT. I am getting a street bike. How much would insurance cost a year/month?
Cheapest auto insurance?
im shopping for auto insurance and i want to know which is the best and cheapest for a 18 year old driving a 1997 ford escort
Where to get cheap public liability insurance?
Please help !!! need cheap public liability insurance
What is the best company for car insurance?
I think I pay way too much for car insurance right now and I have no tickets on my record. I want to switch too a cheaper company. The monthly payment is killing me. Anybody know of a really cheap company I can switch too?
Could I buy an auto insurance without a car?
Could I buy an auto insurance without a car? I have no car yet and I plan to buy a used car from owner. So I would like to rent a car for a week to find a used car. Before I buy my used car, could I buy the auto insurance first? Thanks!""
Honda Civic EX insurance cost?
Honda Civic EX, 2 door coupe, red, age 19, male. no tickets or anything, in college. Anyone have a civic EX coupe my age or whatever know the cost of insurance? i try to do those free quote things but it asks for all my info which isnt necessary i dont think""
Could switching to Geico really save you 15 percent or more on car insurance?
Does the early bird catch the worm? Geico. 15 minutes could save you 15 percent or more on car insurance.
Can i get my car insurance reinstated?
Hi, my insurance was paid in full for 10 months. i had a crash end september went down i was at fault. I still had till end march on policy and obvs its been cancelled as car was right off. I am sure the woman said i can reinstate policy as i paid in full?? Any help would be good thanks""
Should I Get Title Insurance?
I have an opportunity to buy a lot near a lake in Missouri from a lake association for $300. There has been no other owner of the property in the past 30 years or so (since before the lake itself was created and the association was established). As great of a deal as this price sounds, I have the option to pay another $125 for title insurance. Would it be worth it to pay for that insurance considering the amount I am paying for the lot itself? Also, I am not planning to build on the lot any time soon, I just want it to allow for access to the lake and the priveledges of the lake association.""
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louisiana insurance group
""Teenage male auto insurance, $150/month?""
I just got a quote for insurance on a car and it would come to like $906 for 6 months? Is that way too much? That is like $151 a month, while listed on my parents policy. When switched to my own policy itd go to $1400 for 6 months, I feel like that is a hell of a lot..""
Teenage Boy Car Insurance.?
My 17yrs old son is about to pass his driving exam and then go through the pass plus test too. We were looking to buy him a cheep second hand car for about 500 but when it came to insurance we have been repeatedly quoted around the 3500 mark for third party. Does anyone know where I can get cheep insurance for a boy?
""How much would insurance be on a peugeot 106, female, 17?""
Hi, im 17 and should be passed my driving test by christmas. I want a peugeot 106 and was wondering does anybody know how much (roughly) insurance would be? i live in a small town, in a quiet cul de sac and the car will be parked in my driveway (if this narrows it down)! thanks""
Health insurance after quitting a job?
I am planning to quit a job on 10/5, and give my company a one week notice. However, I was being told by accounting that if I leave within the month, I will have to paid my insurance bill for whole month--October. Does it make sense? I felt it is unfair, because i still work 12days in the company, and y should I pay for whole month...""
Cheapest estate cars to inusre?
hi, im a 18 year old male looking for a new car, im looking at estates as i surf and need alot of space for boards etc. my last car, a clio 1.5 diesel was super cheap to run and tax (60mpg +) and insurance group 9 so didnt completely bust the bank. im looking at cars like the skoda fabia estate (1.2 and 1.9 Diesel) and the peugeot 307 and 207 1.4 diesels as they are also cheap to run and insure. the problem is i live in devon and any cars that are reasonably cheap are scarce. I average around 8-10 thousand miles a year. and am still in education so cant afford to run a 30-40 mpg car. any ideas? thanks""
""I am considering buying home and car insurance with Allstate but , should I?""
I have been told that it is not a wise idea to keep my home and car insurance together, even if I get a discount. Can anyone tell me why, please?! Thank you!!""
Car Insurance Settlement?
Ok about 3 weeks ago I was rear ended while my car was stopped on the freeway. The guy hit me doing about 30mph. I have had back and neck problems ever since. I have been seeing a chiroprator on a weekly basis. Also it was a hit and run but I was able to get his license plate number. I live in California. Ok so his insurance company called me trying to settle for 1000 plus my medical expenses. The problem is I don't now what my conditions will be like in the future. Also how many times will his insurance call me and change the offer?
Who took over an insurance company?
who now administers insurance policies previously administered by american health and life insurance company of new york
How much did your car insurance drop once you turned 25 yrs old?
Did you save 50%? 25%? Less? I noticed a significant drop when I turned 21 and saved about 40% then. What can I expect next year when I turn 25? Obviously it varies and will depend on if my driving record remains clean....just wanted to get some idea
What does 'replacement cost' mean in hazard insurance?
I want to get a mortgage to buy a house. The lender requires hazard insurance at 'replacement cost' basis. I understand the lenders interest in recovering the mortgage, in ...mostrar ms""
Car accident will his insurance pay for the rental?
I got hit by a Semi the police came we exchanged insurance info I got estimates faxed them to his insur and they paid me but now the Body shop guy say's its gonna be a week to fix ...show more
Is is fair that car insurance should be cheaper for girls than for lads?
Is is fair that car insurance should be cheaper for girls than for lads?
How long it takes to find a car before it is considered a loss for insurance purrpose in California?
What is the search time frame for a car to be considered loss for insurance reimbursement in California? I am buying a new car and considering my insurance policy option and also thinking if I truly need a LoJack.
Where can I find Auto Insurance with High points on My License?
I have 10 points on my license for minor infractions and now I am having trouble finding affordable insurance.
Can the insurance company find out you are not a full time student?
ok, the thing is, in my school, you need be taking at least 3 credits per semester to be a full time student. i was taking 3 early september and i got proof of enrolment for my dad ...show more""
Is there an insurance that gives the same benifits as AAA at a lower price?
AAA is awsome but expenisve is there any other car insurance that offers the same benifits at a lower price
Do I really need liability insurance?
So, I am thinking of opening a summer company and I don't think I need liability insurance. I know that everyone should have it, but I don't think it's really worth it for me. All of the places I will be visiting will have their own insurance and I will only be using the insurance for a week or so a month. As I won't be using it a lot, I don't think I really need it. So, basically, do I need insurance for my space in an insured venue. Thanks in advanced!""
Life Insurance help?
I need help in determing how much life insurance I need to take out should something happens to me Facts you may need to know - I have a 1 month old daughter and I want her to be taken care of if something was to happen to me - Her father and I aren't married ~ with that being said is it recommended to leave him some money to provide for her - Also if something happened to me before she is 18 insurance companies I have contact stated that the money would be set in a trust (this is good but like I said I also want to have money available sooner than 18) - Funeral expenses - I am currently am in debt about $4,000 which I am continuously paying down abd I have a car loan $ 18,000 All this being said please help me in determining how much insurance I should take out and how much to leave to her dad and please suggest what other factors I may have left out in determing how much insurance""
What is the cHEAPEST car insurance???......?
4 a 17 year old
Individual vs group health insurance?
If an individual with wife (including 6 month old son) and sister work as a small business owners/employees and would like to get a group insurance through BCBS, would it be feasible to go through as a Group or as an individual/family healthcare plan, perhaps family and an individual for the sister?""
Insurance on a Subaru STI?
I am considering getting a Subaru STI but I was wondering about what insurance is going to be. I am going to call my insurance company to find out exact but first I wanted to make sure it's not going to be way higher. Here is what I have paid in the past: Age 17-18: 1998 Mustang GT $110 Age 18-20: 2004 Dodge Ram 1500 $105 Age 20: 2006 Subaru STI ?????? Based on what I paid for the other 2 vehicles what do you think its going to be? Thanks!
Does she have to pay the no insurance ticket?
My daughter just completed her drivers ed class so I let her drive to school. she was stopped and ticketed for no license and no insurance my car is covered and current. Q does she have to pay the no insurance ticket
Trying to find good dental insurance?
I've been looking and the best one I can find is a broker. They offer a bunch of plans and the cost is really affordable. Any suggestions? ...show more
""How much is commercial insurance for Brooklyn,NY?""
What is the average insurance cost for a electronics store holding under $30k in assets per month in brooklyn, ny?""
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louisiana insurance group
0 notes
therosewoods · 6 years
you've been pretty quiet about the whole ptv thing and the drama with mike. what are your thoughts about it? you used to be a big ptv blog, right?
lol yes is definitely used to be a ptv blog!! 
ok so i’ve been pretty vocal about this on my twitter and my private instagram account (as well as in my real life lol) but you’re right i haven’t really said anything here. i don’t really have a reason for that, i just haven’t had the motivation to write out a big post since my opinion is very much out there on other platforms. that being said, i will throw in my thoughts now that i’ve been asked about them:
okay, so like you mentioned, i was a HUGE ptv fan. i still very much am, but it used to be my entire life. these guys are the reason i’m in the scene at all and they were my first ever concert. i’ve been listening to them for nearly five years (seventh grade to junior in high school). i’ve seen them live ten times and i’ve saved every piece of confetti and every ticket i’ve ever gotten from going to their shows. i even have tony’s pick (which i picked up from the ground and stuck IN MY MOUTH so i wouldn’t lose it until i got to my hotel room) so, huge fan right? right. 
just before all of this happened, i saw them at the same place, same festival i saw them at for the first time, over four years ago. i was on top of the world bc this show reminded me again how much of a ride or die i am for these guys. with all of the shit about gross band guys coming out, i though about how lucky i was that this would never happen to my band (lol). like, i’ve always thought that i was lucky this way, bc when all of that shit with front porch step back in the day, ptv were my guys and they’d never done anything wrong up to that point so i was okay. 
then this stuff with mike happened. i saw someone vague tweet about it, so i was confused and i had to dig through twitter to find the original post. when i read it, i felt sick. at first i completely doubted it, but as i kept re-reading it and going through the thread, the more i started to believe it. i didn’t want to think that someone i loved for so long could be so irresponsible, but it kind of added up to me. 
my school has late starts on wednesday, so instead of going in at 8 like i usually do, i went in at like 9:30. and i was so sick and upset that i ended up going home early bc i just… couldn’t handle it. like… one of my favorite people was now completely different to me and i couldn’t deal. 
now, one thing that really bothered me about this whole thing was how long it took them (or anyone else!*) to make a statement. I completely understand that it does take time for people to release statements, but in my opinion this took too long. i mean i can somewhat understand because it was around thanksgiving but it REALLY rubbed me the wrong way when they were posting about their black friday sales while keeping the whole situation hush, hush. it may have been their team doing that for them, but it looked really shady and like they were brushing this under the rug so as not to interfere with the most profitable time of the year.
*and what i mean by “or anyone else!” is that Alternative Press, Kerrang!, and Rock Sound did not say ANYTHING about this situation until AFTER the statement came out. with other bands in the scene, they write articles almost immediately and update their readers as more information comes out, and then once a band finally releases a statement, they end with that. but they didn’t do anything with pierce the veil. the only websites i found talking about this was tiny underground music blogs that gain no traction and that i had to DIG to find. again, this makes it look shady and like they’re deliberately sweeping things under the rug. i don’t want to outright accuse them of doing that or anything, but it definitely looked bad.
anyway, i worried myself sick waiting for their statement. i checked literally every day and it was the biggest thing on my mind. i found out that they released a statement when someone on twitter posted about it. now, (and again this is gonna be over thinking things, blah, blah) but it does bother me a LITTLE that they only posted this on their facebook (and have since deleted the post), as a lot of people don’t use facebook. it would have reached more people if they had posted a link to the statement on their twitter and released the statement in full on their tumblr page (also pls feel free to correct me if they did post it on their tumblr and have since deleted it! i just can’t find it rn so maybe they did? idk.) because again, it makes it look like they are hiding this and deliberately making sure that it reaches less people. the only way i found the post was going to the Alt. Press twitter and scrolling down to find the like they posted. (which i have now noticed seems to be missing from their website…)
now, i don’t really have many issues with the statement, other than the fact that the way they worded it makes it sound like mike could be allowed back in the band. “So, I have decided to take a break and step away from my position in the band..,” and, “While away from the band…” these two phrases make it sound like he will come back, which, in my opinion, is a horrible move and could seriously jeopardize their careers. 
i mean, honestly, how many parents are going to allow their kids to go to these shows now that they know the drummer has been accused of sleeping with a minor? there is seriously no fucking way my parents are letting me go to their shows, and these are two people who have loved ptv along with me for years. it just doesn’t seem appropriate to have him back when the majority of their fanbase is the age the girl he “dated” was, or younger. also, doing so would completely change the dynamic of their tours. if he’s let back in, you can kiss meet and greets and fans pulled up on stage for Bulletproof, goodbye. those things won’t happen or be acceptable anymore. 
mike is one person of a four-piece band, and he is not the lead singer. yes, it is difficult because he is vic’s brother, and he is and incredible drummer, but he is replaceable. it would be ridiculous to allow him to ruin their careers, and if he truly cares about the other three in the band, he will permanently step away from the band so as not to tarnish their reputations as well. i sincerely doubt that at this point in time he needs the money he would get from being an active member in the band, and i’m sure that they would be more than capable of working out some sort of deal where he can still make a living off of his contributions to the band.
now, for all of the shitty comments that people give in order to justify his actions:
1) i do not care if the age of consent in [INSERT RANDOM COUNTRY/STATE NAME HERE] is lower than 18. in california, where this situation took place, the legal age of consent IS 18. Maybe you disagree with that, but the law in this state clearly states that it is illegal for an adult to be engaged in sexual acts with a minor. also, the way people are raised in different countries can be completely different to how they’re raised in a place like california. not to mention that even if this is the case, it still doesn’t automatically make it right for an adult to date a teenager.
2) stop bringing up the fact that vic and danielle have a ten year age difference. yes, they met when she was 18, but she was of age, and they weren’t in a committed relationship until she was twenty. this argument is void. next,
3) why would this girl be bringing this to light solely because she was jealous of him and was upset that their relationship had ended? wouldn’t she have done that as soon as they had ended things? also, how would she have known that they’d be at the height of their career right now? did you truly believe that 10 years ago, she thought to herself, “in 10 years i’ll get back at him for breaking my heart because that’s when they’re be really big” ??? like, they would have broken up around the time that their second album was coming out, and they were nowhere near the level of fame they are now. how was she to know that they’d be bigger than just some little local band who were barely making a name for themselves? come on.
4) you can support the band without supporting mike. they are not less of a band without him and they should not be reduced to having to live with his actions haunting them. supporting the other members of the band doesn’t automatically mean that you condone Mike’s actions. but it also doesn’t make you less any of a fan to not want him back. 
5) i dont care if you were 14 when you started dating your 20 year old boyfriend or whatever and so you think this was okay. it’s not and i’m sorry that your adult partner thinks it’s cool to date kids.
6) no, i do not believe that he is some evil, horrible, monster of a person. but i still don’t want him back in the band. he did something incredibly irresponsible and damaging some time ago, and these are his consequences. i believe that what he did was wrong, and i do not want him back. there is not changing my mind on this and if he is allowed back, i can no longer support the band. it breaks my heart to even think about that, but that is the way it has to be for me. here’s to hoping that it doesn’t have to come to that, but only time will tell. 
0 notes
latoyarubalcava3546 · 7 years
More Than A Dozen Women Come Forward With Sexual Assault Allegations Against Porn Veteran Ron Jeremy — 'He Doesn't Hear No'
Ron Jeremy is the latest celebrity to be called out for alleged sexual assault.
In a new Rolling Stone report, more than a dozen women came forward with accusations of impropriety spanning over 30 years.
Related: Al Franken Accuser Leeann Tweeden Doesn't Want The Senator To Step Down
Actress Jennifer Steele claimed the 64-year-old raped her twice, once at a photo shoot and another time at his apartment, in December of 1997.
She told the mag of him allegedly cornering her in a bathroom:
"He was like, 'I need to look at your ass so I can get hard for the photo shoot.' Then it turned into him basically sticking it in without me knowing it was happening. I said flat-out no. It stopped, but it didn't stop soon enough after I said no ... During the whole photo shoot I was thinking, 'Was I just raped? What the fuck just happened?' [But] by the time the shoot was done, I had it in my head that I had somehow exaggerated it and it was an honest mistake ... He just kinda keeps going and pretends like you didn't say anything."
When asked why she didn't report the crime, Steele replied:
"I was pretty promiscuous. I was a stripper. I couldn't prove it."
"He hides behind other women's scarlet letters, is what he does. [He] know[s] if someone's a porn star and they say they've been raped, people aren't gonna take it seriously."
Another adult performer, Kendra Sunderland, said Jeremy sucked her breasts without permission at a Dallas expo in 2015:
"People expect this from him. If I went and got mad on Twitter, people would say, 'That's Ron.' But if I said a fan did it, they'd say 'That's not OK, that's crossing a line.'"
As you can probably imagine, it's very difficult for sex workers to come forward with their stories considering the stigma and gray areas that are involved when it comes to being in the adult entertainment industry. Not to mention, sex workers who come forward are "likely to be blamed or disbelieved by law enforcement."
With that said, Rolling Stone spoke with several people in the industry who said Jeremy's behavior is not standard.
Popular performer Julia Ann said:
"I think Ron is an anomaly, and you'd be hard-pressed to say there's any other person who's been able to publicly sexually harass or assault people and get away with it. It's one thing for someone to do it in their hotel room or their condo or their office or their car, but he can do it in the middle of a convention ... When there are dollar signs involved, the lines [of consent] actually get drawn much more distinctly."
In 2003, Jeremy was investigated for criminal sexual conduct after a fan alleged he held her down and raped her in his Michigan hotel room. Charges were not pressed.
Also in 2003, performer Ginger Lynn said Jeremy raped her while they were on location shooting a film in 1983.
In 2007, another fan told police the porn star reached inside her bra, pulled out her breast, and signed it without her permission at an expo in Miami. Jeremy told TMZ at the time:
"I probably signed about 150 boobs that weekend, all of which I sign 'RJ' with a heart.'"
There are just a handful of the many explosive accusations against Ron for years of abuse.
Related: Sylvester Stallone Allegations Bring Half-Sister's Rape Claims Back Into The Spotlight
In a statement to the magazine in response to the many allegations, Jeremy said in full:
"Let me first say, that I'm fully in support of the women and men who have been coming forward about being sexually assaulted. These real predators need to be taken down. My reputation is currently being smeared by these old allegations that have already been investigated and dismissed. However, I understand how social change works, and if my reputation has to get a bit tarnished along the way for the better treatment of women, and men, so be it. I will be there to support all people, men and women, that have bravely come forward to attack this systemic problem.
As for the allegations against me, these allegations have been online and in print for quite sometime. This is not new or breaking news. I'm shocked you guys are picking this up after it's been reported on over and over by other publications and has been proven over and over to be false.
I have never and would never rape anyone. All serious allegations have been investigated by police and dismissed by judges, as have most of the accusations of "Groping". I have never been charged nor spent one day in court for any of this. And these are old allegations. Check, Anything about me appearing in court or in jail, is public record. I was only arrested 20 years ago when I was fighting for Freedom Of Speech with Hal Freeman. The police who looked into the groping charges have always said that they watch the video from the event or whatever and that I did nothing wrong or illegal. They then ask if I want to press charges against The people making false accusations. I never have.
As for the charges of Groping, I say yes, I AM A GROPER. And by groper, I mean I get paid to show up to these shows, events, and photo shoots and touch the people and they touch me. I'm not the young stud I was, but I still draw a crowd. And we are talking about things that are within reason, in front of police officer's and security that are always there as well as the tons of cameras And the general public. But seriously, if you were going to be around Ron Jeremy, wouldn't you assume that I'd be a little bit touchy Feely? Yes. This is what I do for a living. I am not Kevin Spacey, Louis CK, Weinstein, or Cosby.
For over 40 years fans and fellow performers pay money and wait in long lines to meet me. They want autographs, pictures, to flirt with me, physically grab me in different areas (usually my clothed penis), they ask me to touch them and many ask to have me sign their boobs. When I take photos with fans and other performers at these conventions, signings or events, I do sometimes kiss people on the lips or the cheek, sign boobs or whatever they want. There is "put on" flirting and touching for the photos. This is exactly what people pay me for at conventions. The female performers flirt and touch too. It's what we do. If you watch these videos that Ginger Banks put out of me "groping," you see that everyone in the videos is laughing and "groping" too. That I'm not running up to them, they come to me.
If anyone was ever made to feel uncomfortable by ANY of our interactions, I'm deeply sorry. That was never my intention and it breaks my heart in half.
I hope that everyone reading this keeps in mind that I do tons of these conventions and adult signings. I take pictures with about 500,000 people each all over the world and have every year, for 40 years. These touching complaints are the exact same thing everyone else stood in line for. They couldn't be happier.
I have never raped anyone. If anyone continues those claims, that is defamation. I will sue them in court.
I'm not saying that I never met these people or interacted with them. I don't remember most of them, how could I? I may have seen hundreds people on those days. A girl said that I took her into a back room at a convention? Now this I remember. No one pushed anyone anywhere, she and a girl friend of hers asked if they could come in to the back tent with me. "Back room" was actually a small tent where the performers went to relax and eat crafty. There were seven other people in the small tent including security guard. And we took some sexy photos with each other as people looked on or looked at their phones. If I did anything wrong, that security guard who works for the convention, would have taken me down and called the police. And someone claimed that in hedonism in Jamaica, which is a nudist swingers resort, I tried to massage their leg years ago? Why is this even in an article?
I am very happy that the scum bags of the earth are being taken down. They deserve it. But these allegations are pure lies or buyers remorse. In 40 years, I've never been punched by a boyfriend or anyone ever.
I have been heartbroken over these allegations. Not because it affects me or my business, I can take that, but because they are lies and there are actual women and men out there Who have been victims of serious sexual assault, and so on, that are trying to get their voices heard.
Again, It does bother me that there might be women out there that had some buyers remorse after our interactions. But I did nothing wrong or out of the ordinary for these conventions or events. These events are supposed to be a fun time. That video that Ginger Banks made looks like a pro Ron Jeremy video if you turn off the sound. Everyone in the videos is having fun with me.
This really is a non-story. However I'm glad I had a chance to speak my side."
Thoughts??? SOUND OFF in the comments (below)!
[Image via WENN.]
0 notes
More Than A Dozen Women Come Forward With Sexual Assault Allegations Against Porn Veteran Ron Jeremy — 'He Doesn't Hear No'
I look younger now than when I was in my early 20s
Ron Jeremy is the latest celebrity to be called out for alleged sexual assault.
In a new Rolling Stone report, more than a dozen women came forward with accusations of impropriety spanning over 30 years.
Related: Al Franken Accuser Leeann Tweeden Doesn't Want The Senator To Step Down
Actress Jennifer Steele claimed the 64-year-old raped her twice, once at a photo shoot and another time at his apartment, in December of 1997.
She told the mag of him allegedly cornering her in a bathroom:
"He was like, 'I need to look at your ass so I can get hard for the photo shoot.' Then it turned into him basically sticking it in without me knowing it was happening. I said flat-out no. It stopped, but it didn't stop soon enough after I said no ... During the whole photo shoot I was thinking, 'Was I just raped? What the fuck just happened?' [But] by the time the shoot was done, I had it in my head that I had somehow exaggerated it and it was an honest mistake ... He just kinda keeps going and pretends like you didn't say anything."
When asked why she didn't report the crime, Steele replied:
"I was pretty promiscuous. I was a stripper. I couldn't prove it."
"He hides behind other women's scarlet letters, is what he does. [He] know[s] if someone's a porn star and they say they've been raped, people aren't gonna take it seriously."
Another adult performer, Kendra Sunderland, said Jeremy sucked her breasts without permission at a Dallas expo in 2015:
"People expect this from him. If I went and got mad on Twitter, people would say, 'That's Ron.' But if I said a fan did it, they'd say 'That's not OK, that's crossing a line.'"
As you can probably imagine, it's very difficult for sex workers to come forward with their stories considering the stigma and gray areas that are involved when it comes to being in the adult entertainment industry. Not to mention, sex workers who come forward are "likely to be blamed or disbelieved by law enforcement."
With that said, Rolling Stone spoke with several people in the industry who said Jeremy's behavior is not standard.
Popular performer Julia Ann said:
"I think Ron is an anomaly, and you'd be hard-pressed to say there's any other person who's been able to publicly sexually harass or assault people and get away with it. It's one thing for someone to do it in their hotel room or their condo or their office or their car, but he can do it in the middle of a convention ... When there are dollar signs involved, the lines [of consent] actually get drawn much more distinctly."
In 2003, Jeremy was investigated for criminal sexual conduct after a fan alleged he held her down and raped her in his Michigan hotel room. Charges were not pressed.
Also in 2003, performer Ginger Lynn said Jeremy raped her while they were on location shooting a film in 1983.
In 2007, another fan told police the porn star reached inside her bra, pulled out her breast, and signed it without her permission at an expo in Miami. Jeremy told TMZ at the time:
"I probably signed about 150 boobs that weekend, all of which I sign 'RJ' with a heart.'"
There are just a handful of the many explosive accusations against Ron for years of abuse.
Related: Sylvester Stallone Allegations Bring Half-Sister's Rape Claims Back Into The Spotlight
In a statement to the magazine in response to the many allegations, Jeremy said in full:
"Let me first say, that I'm fully in support of the women and men who have been coming forward about being sexually assaulted. These real predators need to be taken down. My reputation is currently being smeared by these old allegations that have already been investigated and dismissed. However, I understand how social change works, and if my reputation has to get a bit tarnished along the way for the better treatment of women, and men, so be it. I will be there to support all people, men and women, that have bravely come forward to attack this systemic problem.
As for the allegations against me, these allegations have been online and in print for quite sometime. This is not new or breaking news. I'm shocked you guys are picking this up after it's been reported on over and over by other publications and has been proven over and over to be false.
I have never and would never rape anyone. All serious allegations have been investigated by police and dismissed by judges, as have most of the accusations of "Groping". I have never been charged nor spent one day in court for any of this. And these are old allegations. Check, Anything about me appearing in court or in jail, is public record. I was only arrested 20 years ago when I was fighting for Freedom Of Speech with Hal Freeman. The police who looked into the groping charges have always said that they watch the video from the event or whatever and that I did nothing wrong or illegal. They then ask if I want to press charges against The people making false accusations. I never have.
As for the charges of Groping, I say yes, I AM A GROPER. And by groper, I mean I get paid to show up to these shows, events, and photo shoots and touch the people and they touch me. I'm not the young stud I was, but I still draw a crowd. And we are talking about things that are within reason, in front of police officer's and security that are always there as well as the tons of cameras And the general public. But seriously, if you were going to be around Ron Jeremy, wouldn't you assume that I'd be a little bit touchy Feely? Yes. This is what I do for a living. I am not Kevin Spacey, Louis CK, Weinstein, or Cosby.
For over 40 years fans and fellow performers pay money and wait in long lines to meet me. They want autographs, pictures, to flirt with me, physically grab me in different areas (usually my clothed penis), they ask me to touch them and many ask to have me sign their boobs. When I take photos with fans and other performers at these conventions, signings or events, I do sometimes kiss people on the lips or the cheek, sign boobs or whatever they want. There is "put on" flirting and touching for the photos. This is exactly what people pay me for at conventions. The female performers flirt and touch too. It's what we do. If you watch these videos that Ginger Banks put out of me "groping," you see that everyone in the videos is laughing and "groping" too. That I'm not running up to them, they come to me.
If anyone was ever made to feel uncomfortable by ANY of our interactions, I'm deeply sorry. That was never my intention and it breaks my heart in half.
I hope that everyone reading this keeps in mind that I do tons of these conventions and adult signings. I take pictures with about 500,000 people each all over the world and have every year, for 40 years. These touching complaints are the exact same thing everyone else stood in line for. They couldn't be happier.
I have never raped anyone. If anyone continues those claims, that is defamation. I will sue them in court.
I'm not saying that I never met these people or interacted with them. I don't remember most of them, how could I? I may have seen hundreds people on those days. A girl said that I took her into a back room at a convention? Now this I remember. No one pushed anyone anywhere, she and a girl friend of hers asked if they could come in to the back tent with me. "Back room" was actually a small tent where the performers went to relax and eat crafty. There were seven other people in the small tent including security guard. And we took some sexy photos with each other as people looked on or looked at their phones. If I did anything wrong, that security guard who works for the convention, would have taken me down and called the police. And someone claimed that in hedonism in Jamaica, which is a nudist swingers resort, I tried to massage their leg years ago? Why is this even in an article?
I am very happy that the scum bags of the earth are being taken down. They deserve it. But these allegations are pure lies or buyers remorse. In 40 years, I've never been punched by a boyfriend or anyone ever.
I have been heartbroken over these allegations. Not because it affects me or my business, I can take that, but because they are lies and there are actual women and men out there Who have been victims of serious sexual assault, and so on, that are trying to get their voices heard.
Again, It does bother me that there might be women out there that had some buyers remorse after our interactions. But I did nothing wrong or out of the ordinary for these conventions or events. These events are supposed to be a fun time. That video that Ginger Banks made looks like a pro Ron Jeremy video if you turn off the sound. Everyone in the videos is having fun with me.
This really is a non-story. However I'm glad I had a chance to speak my side."
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[Image via WENN.]
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