syrupsyche · 23 days
🎡fantine (1817 or with cosette!)(/enjolras)
🎡: character at a fair
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—imma be real; i saw that ferris wheel emoji + fantine and cosette, and immediately downloaded a rollercoaster ref. didn't even read that it was a general funfair prompt, i just wanted to draw this 😭
ty soo much for the ask hehe, sorry i got to it so late!
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alicedrawslesmis · 1 year
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wizard-hubris · 1 year
Javert, busting an entire crime gang in the sassiest way possible, telling a criminal not to shoot him because the gun will misfire, thus making the criminal try to shoot him but the gun misfires (probably making all the criminals believe he has supernatural abilities in the process), before naming every single one of the masked criminals correctly without even lifting their masks:
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bonus version with quastvert:
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digitalworldss · 2 years
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Key art for the upcoming DigiFes 2022! Look at them all,,,,,
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jasontoddssuper · 10 months
You're the sunflower(Platonic love declaration)
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snowangeldotmp3 · 8 months
tagged by the beloveds @fragilecapric0rnn @gideoncharov @judasofsuburbia @figthefruitfaeth!! thank u all for the tag 🫶
list ur top 10 tracks and artists from the last month
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opening my spotify is truly a game of russian roulette and that’s exactly how i like it 🫶
no pressure tags as always 💓💓
@gothbat99 @fastcardotmp3 @cheatghost @kkpwnall @verymuchablog42 @fishwear @el-fandom-birb @netflixnormalthings @morgana-pendragon @lionydoorin @silvereyedsankta @yournowheregirl @starryeyedjanai & anyone else who wants to 🫶💓
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avantguardisme · 7 days
writing in a language with a ton of gender/number agreement is all fun and games until you have to start editing. so i make one noun plural and now suddenly i have to add an s to like 5 other words?? i hate it here
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stoppit-keepout · 10 months
untitled, unfinished, les mis~
the document is called “i'm not gonna write pregnancy fic but” so uh, let that be your guide. :) Relevant tags... modern AU, ciswoman!Grantaire, unplanned pregnancy, and if i end up speed-writing more then there’ll definitely be some nebulously-requited crushes
It seems like Grantaire notices that Enjolras is walking towards her before he himself realises what he's doing. Her eyes catch on him and dart back to Eponine; she's just finishing a sentence as he gets into earshot, stepping out onto the patio of the restaurant they'd gathered at post-meeting.
He nods to them both, then when neither says anything, does his best to continue where they left off. "What's a nightmare?" he asks.
Eponine, now that he can see her face, looks furious. "Might be none of your business," she says.
Grantaire shrugs. "I'm trying to make a decision about how something should go." She has a habit of fidgeting with garnish and straws from her highballs when she orders them; right now she's tying a little paper straw into a soggy knot.
"Anything I can help with?"
"No," Eponine answers for Grantaire.
"Well," Grantaire says. "Talking it through might help."
Some people have said that Enjolras is oblivious to social cues. He's aware that he can sometimes be unaware, but Eponine is not exactly being subtle: he's not precisely wanted here right now. However, for as long as Grantaire keeps propping the door open, he'll do his fucking best. "Is it a plot thing, for one of your comics?"
"Yeah." Grantaire nods slowly. "Just having trouble picking a direction."
"Sounds tough," Enjolras says. "But I'm all ears if you want to talk." Grantaire and Eponine trade an impenetrable look. "Or not, I can just head back inside."
"No, no, you know I love your opinions." When Grantaire smiles like that, sardonic, her one misaligned tooth just barely catches Enjolras's eye. The little bit of asymmetry is weirdly compelling.
"I'll head back to the table then." The words are declarative, but Eponine looks almost like she's asking permission, an impression that's reinforced when she waits for Grantaire's nod before eeling back in past where Enjolras had just emerged. "We'll talk later," quiet.
The lull that comes upon them when Eponine leaves would be enough to make Enjolras feel self-conscious, if he weren't so used to feeling on the back foot with Grantaire. "I didn't mean to interrupt," he says.
"We'd been talking ourselves in circles," Grantaire says. "It's good you're here."
The warmth in Enjolras's gut doesn't need to be examined. "What can you tell me?" he asks.
"Okay, so this one's about a fuckup," she starts. She picks up speed as she talks. "Kind of a self-insert, I guess, just some woman on the verge of thirty who doesn't have a solid life: insubstantial job, insubstantial relationships, insubstantial prospects."
The middle member of the list makes Enjolras squint, but he's loath to interrupt her this early in proceedings. 
"She wants something more solid at some point, but she hasn't made any moves towards creating that foundation." Grantaire's eyes fix back on her straw knot. "Probably a lot of exposition blocks for establishing some of this, I guess. Anyways, she makes bad some bad choices and has ill-advised sex with an ex, and in her drunken state falls back into old habits of contraception–"
"Oh no," Enjolras says. "Are you worried that's kind of cliche?"
That shocks a laugh out of Grantaire. "You know, I wasn't before, but now I am."
"Sorry," said with a wince. "That wasn't what you were asking for help with."
"It wasn't, but it's making me think that I can guess what you're going to say about the main question."
"'Does she keep it?'" Enjolras predicts.
A slow nod.
"Well yeah, I guess that is kind of cliche. But it also makes it," he searches for a word. "Relatable? Relevant?"
"Sure," Grantaire says.
Enjolras doesn't know if he's the right person for this conversation. He isn't creative in the same ways that his friends are, capable of spinning strange and endless yarns that follow some rules of narrative that he's learned but that don't come to him naturally. Jehan would probably give Grantaire better advice. "I'm too pragmatic for this kind of thing," he warns.
"Humour me," she says.
"Okay," he says, as he's been saying more and more to her lately. "I guess the first thing is that I need more information. What's her relationship with her ex like? Are they in the picture?"
"Not remotely."
"Is she going to tell them?"
"Oh," Grantaire says. "Right, I didn't say. It was one of those things where she was the other woman, and he has a whole family—wife, kids, whatever. She tells him, and he wants nothing to do with it."
"Asshole," Enjolras mutters, and Grantaire laughs.
She drags her thumbnail over a crease in her little straw knot, flattening it completely. The paper looks like it should be falling apart in her rough hands, but she's moving very carefully. "She knew what she was getting into."
A brick of ice drops into Enjolras.
Grantaire looks up and immediately away.
"Grantaire," he says. Glacier water in his guts.
She bites another grin at him. "Cliche, huh?"
"Oh my god," he whispers. Nobody's ever confided this kind of thing to him before. Grantaire's never confided anything to him before. He feels vaguely divorced from his body.
Who– there had been that old professor of hers, he thinks blankly. They'd had a thing after she'd graduated, and Enjolras had been horrified but she'd said that he should loosen up, and it wouldn't seem so creepy to him when he was as old and wise as her.
She'd stopped talking about him years ago. She'd had an exhibition last month. The pads of her fingers look white through the glass she's holding.
He frowns. "Is that…"
Grantaire follows his gaze to her empty glass. He hadn't realised how open her face had been until it slams shut.
It doesn't close in time to fully catch the hurt.
"Empty? Yeah," she says. "I should get a refill."
His brain catches up, too late. "That was misogynistic," he tells Grantaire's departing back. "I–"
She's already halfway to the bar, Eponine already falling into step beside her. She must've been waiting for them to finish talking.
"Fuck," Enjolras whispers. Cloying shame slows his thoughts.
Eponine's eyes burn into him. Her hand grabs at Grantaire's sleeve.
Knowing society works to indoctrinate people into stupid, sexist beliefs is one thing, but that first thought… Grantaire's her own fucking person who can made her own fucking choices.
(Something inside him whispers that Grantaire isn't known for moderation. He wouldn't trust her with a child, would he?) 
Eponine is gesturing at the bartender, getting a second one of whatever Grantaire's having.
He doesn't even know if she's keeping it. He doesn't even know how many people she's told. He doesn't know anything.
He shakes his head and finally gets his legs to answer him, carrying him through the doorway and between tables and up to Eponine—
Something splashes onto his face, an instinctive flinch too late to shield him from the fizzy liquid. He only succeeds in getting it on his sleeve too. An ice cube drips down his curls into the collar of his shirt. A gasp, a shock of cold.
Combeferre, Joly, and Musichetta were still at their table on the other side of the restaurant, but one of them must've noticed, because they're getting up and coming over.
Grantaire's at the bar. Her mouth is tight.
"This is her shit," Eponine advises in a whisper. "Don't make me lose any more respect for you."
"I didn't mean— I wasn't thinking," he says.
"Start now."
She turns on her heel and ushers Grantaire upstairs and out of sight. Combeferre's asking Enjolras what happened while Joly gets a bundle of bar napkins and starts cleaning up the floor. Enjolras accepts a couple and starts swabbing his face clean of (and he can't help noticing, he's not trying to know that it's) soda water.
"I said something stupid," Enjolras eventually manages. "Don't worry about it."
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aslightaddity · 2 months
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I luv her sm
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karamazovim · 1 year
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anxiously-awaiting · 1 year
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proposition: eyeliner bedi
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syrupsyche · 1 month
👗 + Marius if you're willing!
👗: character in a sundress
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—Styled by Cosette <3
Thank you for the ask hehe, I hope you like this!!
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montecrizto · 7 months
eating with youtube is a basic need but eating with a youtube video essay that goes deep into criticising something you passionately hate is a luxury few can afford
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briannva · 7 months
7. ¿Cuál es la mejor cualidad de su chiquille? ¿Cuál es la peor?
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7. ¿cuál es la mejor cualidad de su chiquille? ¿cuál es la peor?
AMBROSE IMANI: ‘ mi songbird es un encanto ¿no lo crees? una sonrisa perfecta, una carita angelical, una voz de sirena, y tan perfectamente dulce con todes. ¡es un bombón! creerías que no tiene defectos, pero justo ahí yace el problema. verás, no hay quien pueda arrancarle ese gusto suyo por su humanidad, por mantener vivas sus emociones, aquello que ella ha nombrado la llama de su corazón. ¡se rehúsa! ¡lleva más tiempo muerta que viva y no puede dejarlo ir! ¡está loca! nunca sé con quién voy a encontrarme cuando la veo: ¿estará sumida en una tristeza tal que no puede ni modular? ¿estará tomando la peor decisión de su no-vida a favor de, como ella lo dice, sentir algo? ¿estará codeándose con humanes? algún día va a herirse de manera irrecuperable, y ahí estaré yo para decirle te lo dije. ’
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promisinininining · 10 months
I'm not very good at writing longfic because I jsut don't have that much to say about a thing. that means when things do get long, though, that I start to panic because, do I split it up? into chapters??? people like long oneshots though right. And it's not THAT long. And I've already got it done. And Then, Oh No, Someone Has To Edit This, And It's Going To Be Me.
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alicedrawslesmis · 2 years
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Mermay - Day 22
[ID: A digital drawing of Cosette as a mermaid inside a snow globe on a table. Valjean has his hands around it. End ID.]
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