#Brendi K
fadedday · 1 month
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Brendi K. Seiner By Dune Baydoun
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antmranking · 2 years
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1. Shanice
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2. Jeana
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3. Khrystyana
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4. Kyla
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5. Erin
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6. Rio
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7. Brendi K.
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marionto · 3 years
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I've been having so much fun
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antmfunny · 6 years
3. Scream Queens
As previously referenced, this was a real tearjerker of an episode. Emotional moments are great, but having to hear that many tragedies from the contestants all at once was almost too much to handle. It was just heavy, and not in a fun, body-positive way.
When they weren’t crying, they were screaming out their pain. Out of context, though, the screams are pretty funny, so let’s reimagine what’s really making them mad:
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What are you screaming at, Christina?
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What are you screaming at, Kyla?
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What are you screaming at, Khrystyana?
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What are you screaming at, Shanice?
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What are you screaming at, Rio?
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What are you screaming at, Brendi K?
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What are you screaming at, Sandra?
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What are you screaming at, Jeana?
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What are you screaming at, Erin?
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5 Funniest Moments of America’s Next Top Model Cycle 24 Ep. 7
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literallylewis · 6 years
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my faves from ANTM cycle 24
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potledom · 2 years
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Tyra + lessons [2/?]: Mirror Selfies
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americasnttopmodel · 4 years
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Khrystyana Kazakova
Jeana Turner
Christina McDonald
Liberty Netuschil
Brendi K Seiner
Erin Green
Shanice Carroll
Kyla Coleman
Rio Summers
Sandra Shehab
- Cycle 24
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antmrankings · 6 years
id love to hear the order of how you think elimination is going to be!! But Id say Jeana is going to win or at last top 3, and the other to Kyla and Khrystyana
Umm, this cycle is a bit more difficult to read than last cycle. I remember I knew within seconds of seeing Tatiana and India’s interviews that they would be the final two, but I didn’t get any such vibes this time. The only thing that was painfully obvious was that Maggie would be the first one eliminated (none of the judges liked her, she had no real story for reality tv, and the “white homegirl” thing was such bs).
If I had to guess how it’d go down, it’d be something like this (though it’s probably horribly off):
Khrystyana - I go back and forth on her. There was a moment in this episode where I felt she was getting the Allison edit, but she’s literally the only contestant I can see winning. The winners are always obvious, and Khrystyana seems the obvious choice to me given she’s not stick-thin and she’s over 30, and also shows modeling potential.
Kyla - Her edit is just the right mix of boring and interesting to make her the obvious runner-up. I think her modeling abilities will carry her far, and the judges will use her to justify whoever they want to win, as Kyla is too much of a typical model to represent this cycle as its winner.
Rio - Seems to represent just about everything they want from this cycle, so I think she’s a possible candidate for the win in the eyes of the judges. However, I get the vibe that she cracks under pressure. Top 3 seems about right for her edit to me, so far.
Jeana - I think she’s the fake-out frontrunner. The one that’s meant to distract us from the real winner that is hiding in plain sight. Top 4 is usually the shocker elimination, so I think it’ll be her.
Christina - I think she’ll wind up being this cycle’s villain. She’s mild-mannered for now, but as the weeks go on she’ll definitely crack. Plus, she’s a decent model so the judges will be able to use that as reason to keep her around.
Erin - I think she’ll go far purely based on her age, as it’s sure to eventually cause drama in the house (Baby Boomers tend not to get along with Millennials or iGen for extended periods of time).
Coura - Seems like the frontrunner right now, but I guarantee that’ll change. She doesn’t have a reality tv personality, and she doesn’t match the message they’re trying to send this cycle. Too much of a legit model for this cycle.
Liz - At one point I would have said that Liz would win, but that walk…lol. She has the personality they’re looking for, which will keep her on for a good while, but eventually the judges are going to crack down on her. She’ll probably be in the bottom 2 a few weeks in a row.
Sandra - I think Sandra could land here, or maybe switch spots with Erin. She seems like she’ll have a few good reality tv moments, but none of the judges seem to be taking her seriously as a model. If her edit stays as bland as it is now, she’ll probably land here, but if she become the source of drama she’ll probably be more where Erin is on my prediction.
Shanice - She’s one of the ones I’m least sure about. The judges seem to love her for whatever reason, but I also get the feeling that they’ll cut her the second they don’t like something she does.
Liberty - The Trump supporter that they obviously cast to have a feud with activist Kyla. I assume they’ll keep her for a bit for the drama, but then promptly eliminate her because they don’t want to risk her becoming the likable villain. They’ll probably disguise her elimination as her being too “bland” or whatever, though.
Rhiyan - Who? No, but really, her edit is non-existent. I’ll be shocked if she makes it further than this.
Brendi K. - It seems like clients love her, but the show refuses to give her any positive attention, so she’s probably an early out.
Ivana - She’s super insecure and the show is throwing it in our faces. I don’t think they’re likely to give her many more chances.
Maggie - Obviously this already happened, but I would have guessed her as first out even before this episode because her edit was so dry.
Let me know your thoughts on this prediction, everyone!
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My Thoughts On Mongolia's Next Top Model Cycle 3
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Memes aside, this cycle is the first of this series that I actively followed and enjoyed. This came after the first 2 cycles of Mongolia's Next Top Model, which I say would be the best series if not for the ending of it, when the eventual winner, Chamia, would die from a fall off a building, which many, including myself, think was murder by either her boyfriend or another model on the show. Anyways, due to that, the series went on hiatus for 2 years, making people wonder if the series would ever come back. However, it came back with the thanks of the new COVID pandemic and a new TV program and a host who doesn't help people get murdered. It was nice seeing it back and I will happily say, it gladly lived up to the hype they were preparing for us after the death of Chamia (I will review MNTM one day but I don't know if I ever do Chamia's cycle just because it doesn't feel right, go on my ask and see if you would want that). A big part of why the cycle in general was just great was because of the cast.
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As always with this type of series, the cast is very strong. We had mixed Vietnamese with Dieu, Hanna's more Anna-Taylor Joy look, Nuna and Naraa just looking stunning, Dino was the better Brendi K of the cycle, same makeover and everything, Mendy looked like the first winner of MNTM, and Tsolmon was just expensive looking. I loved this cast look clearly as they all look so different and Mongolia embraced the casts' look and also gave some creative yet versatile makeovers.
My biggest problem with the cycle was the group twists. Every other episode until the finales, the girls would be put into 2 groups and the winner of the groups would receive immunity. The rest would have to do a runway challenge and the worst of the walkers would be eliminated. It screwed over a lot of girls like Hanna, who would never win any of the group challenges and keep much weaker models like Dino and Khulanii. Indonesia's NTM C2 is doing it much MUCH worse though because they do it every goddamn episodes.
Ignoring all of the flaws, the photoshoots were super creative, one of the best in any NTM in my opinion. We started off really well with a fire runway, inspired by ANTM's but much more safer and more cooler, but the cycle kinda hit a wall for me when we had a pretty boring duos shot, inspired by All Stars from ANTM and a shitty car photoshoot. However, the cycle took a big shot up with its super cute ads shot and one of the best photoshoots out of the entire series, its tights photoshoot where the girls would play with illusions. Plus, the cyberpunk themed photoshoot using new camera angles and risks is just amazing to look at. Finally, the challenge shots were super high quality for a background image and if I were to rank them, most of them would be in the top 10 list.
(Pictured Below: Akune and Hanna: View full photos here)
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Oh yeah, the winner Hanna! Hanna really started off 2022 with a big bang. I mentioned how much she looked like the asian Anna Taylor Joy to me. She had pretty shit teeth but ignoring that, she was the most consistent throughout the cycle. She wasn't as meme-worthy as Kyveli though but we got some meme worthy content from her. Mostly, her judgemental "bitch please" looks into the camera. There was some hate for her win due to her connection to the host but like Saleshia, who cares, as long as you modelled the shit out of the show then connections be damned
Now, the notable models of the cycle!
Key Models:
- Nuna got the awesome pink hair of the cycle, which I fucking adored. I love dyed up hair like that (Adela PhNTM C2) and she worked it! It's a shame that the group twist of the cycle fucked her because she was a worthy final 3 contender.
- Tsolmon was just expensive looking, height be damned because she carried the cycle with her personality and modeling skills. She would've been a great winner for the show, even if her height would be a big issue for the judges
- Khatnaa was the judge's pet project for the cycle due to her braces, age, and her inexperience. I say as a new up-and-coming model, she really carried her own during the cycle, despite being dragged unfairly to the final 2.
- Dieu is so adorable! I loved her "out of the balls to the walls" modeling, she didn't really have a chance to do any modeling post show but she took a lot of risks throughout the show. It was great to see her make it to the semi finales and her massive improvement throughout.
- Dino is like Brendi K when she was unfairly dragged to the almost end, except she was actually eliminated for her best shot while Brendi K quitted and would've most likely stayed. She was a lovely girl but her photo quality was a oof.
Best Model
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Obvious is obvious, a lot of the models this cycle could easily take the award from me but the winner was one of my favorites from me. Shoutout to Tsolmon and Nuna as well since they completed hard for this spot!
Photo of the Cycle
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Tsolmon's Dansran Jewelries Beauty Shoot
This shot won POTY from RGB for a good reason, this shot showcases her face well and her amazing model potential.
Worst Model
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It's hard to choose a model here because I don't hate anyone this cycle but Khulanii comes close for me mostly because she never looked like a model to me, just ok to me (plus her walk is a MESS).
Most Robbed Model
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It's hard to choose a model for this spot since I agree with most of the eliminations but Naraa came close for me. Naraa was a stunning gal but her elimination was complete bullshit. She got screwed over by the group twist, leading her to fuck up on the runway and unfairly eliminated, she deserved better!
This took me a while to finish but yeah, enjoy!
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antmfunny · 6 years
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Wait, are we still talking about sandwiches this episode?
It’s Pride Week (in the Top Model universe anyway) and Tyra wants to pay homage to the LGBTQ+ community. Considering that that audience has almost singlehandedly kept this franchise afloat all these years, it seems like a fitting gesture.
For Tyra, a tribute means leading the models in a flamboyant snap, having a shitty runway event at a gay bar, and inviting a few drag queens from RuPaul’s Drag Race to join the photoshoot. (And yes, I do think it’s a snub that ANTM was hiring drag queens and didn’t give Dominique a call.)
It’s a major milestone for these two worlds to collide. I realize it’s the fact that both shows have recently migrated to VH1 from their previous networks that made this crossover possible, but it’s really funny to think about how Drag Race basically started as a parody of ANTM, complete with Ru playing the part of an egotistical host ::cough Tyra cough::
Yeah, we can’t forget that former ANTM makeup artist Sutan won season 3 of RPDR, but we’ve now reached full postmodern ANTM where Tyra welcomes a copycat to mingle with her show.
A quick aside since this is not the first time I’ve gotten this request:
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Love the show, but it’s deliberately comedic, so it doesn’t need the kind of treatment I give ANTM. Besides, there’s no shortage of RPDR fan sites out there to do that job already. I’m exhausted enough trying to keep up with this damned blog!
The queens add a nice dash of humor to the night, with the star predictably being the quick-witted Katya who wants to set Liberty on fire and roll her down a hill.  
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Who doesn’t? She also jokes that Khrystyana is who she imagines herself to be when she wears drag.
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Manila doesn’t like posing with Erin for an amusing reason.
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Just wait until Manila finds out Erin is secretly 40, then she’ll really be pissed.
And then there’s Valentina, who owns up to wearing men’s deodorant even when wearing a dress. Shanice is all up in her armpit trying to get a whiff because the girl is permanently horny.
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Earlier in the episode she makes a declaration that, based on her previous behavior, should be surprising to no one:
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The only LGBT contestant (that we know of) is bisexual Brendi K [the K stands for k.d. lang.] She explains that she’s technically not out yet… but now she is! Because, you know, she’s speaking about it on national TV. Brendi’s worried what her mom will think about her sexuality, but the good news is her mom is probably too busy worrying about Brendi K’s court dates to freak out about who she’s squeezing into the backseat of her car with.
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Brendi K feels some immense pressure to represent her community during the pride runway challenge, only to have the designer literally shout “No” as she’s walking. In fairness, she was kind of a mess. Her pose at the end was her making a V shape with her fingers and suggestively darting her tongue out. That’s how a frat bro cracks a joke about eating puss, not how a bisexual woman comes out. This is a classy event!… even if Erin’s ass is hanging out.
As Brendi K cries, Drew finds a warm way to explain that the fashion industry is full of queer people, so the burden of representing the gay community will never fall on Brendi K [the K stands for Kiboshed.] He does appreciate her passion, though. She gets another chance to improve her standing at the photo shoot… but then fails all over again.
The funny thing is that Brendi K’s main frenemy, Shanice (they’re alternately seen this cycle being BFFs and bickering) takes that opportunity to jump in and represent the LGBTQ community herself - EVEN THOUGH SHE LOVES PENIS.
Apparently, Shanice’s sister is gay, so when Shanice gets second-best photo, she dedicates it to her sister who is struggling to find acceptance. First Rio, now Shanice? Does anyone have a goddamn sister they want to honor on the show? Let’s get all this family shit out of the way so we can move on to the Top Model tradition of boosting one’s own ego.
You just know that Brendi K [the K stands for Kicked out of the Spotlight] is fuming that she got upstaged by a non-queer person trying to rep for the LGBTQ community.
5 Funniest Moments of America’s Next Top Model Cycle 24 Ep. 6
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antmrankingskd · 2 years
This is my cast for an international all stars who do you think is winning :)
Ebony cycle 5
Eboni cycle 18
Kyle Cycle 23
Brendi K Cycle 24
Australia Ntm
DAnica Cycle 3
Jamie Cycle 4
Demlezla Cycle 4
Ashton Cycle 6
Brooke cycle 8
Bntm Victoira Cycle 11
Lousia Cycle 12
Celeine Cycle 3
Holly, duh
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potledom · 2 years
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americasnttopmodel · 6 years
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Brendi K. Seiner
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paddylast · 6 years
America's Next Top Model Cycle 24 Episode 12 Photoshoot - Beauty is a Comeback
America’s Next Top Model Cycle 24 Episode 12 Photoshoot – Beauty is a Comeback
SPOILER ALERT! SPOILER ALERT! Not only is Jeana coming back to serve more tea for the other girls, we’re also blessed by Cycle 3 winner Eva Marcille (Gaaahh remember the epic face-off between Yaya and Eva, and Anne almost toppling her in the end?) and also one of the former longest judges of the show, Nigel Barker. They recreated one of the shoots in Cycle 3 that made Eva the one to beat in the…
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thedecordesign · 3 years
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Дизайнеры и бренды готовятся к «супер сентябрю» дизайнерских шоу. В сентябре этого года будут проходить выставки дизайна подряд, так как новые мероприятия и перенесенные ярмарки, в том числе Salone del Mobile и Design Miami Basel, будут бороться за внимание с помощью обычных светильников. «Супер-сентябрь» - это ... Подробнее: https://decor.design/dizajnery-i-brendy-gotovyatsya-k-super-sentyabryu-dizajnerskih-shou/ #decordesign
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I swear I just wanna hug all these women (especially Khrystyana and Brendi K) and tell them they're amazing, beautiful, and loved.
Except Christina. That girl gets on my nerves and I just want her to go home.
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