hamartia-grander · 1 year
I was asked for my Chloenorth pics so here they are:
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This last one is modded but I also photoshopped it bc their models don’t fit right (North is too short for Markus) so I just moved North up which is why she appears taller but she and Chloe are actually like the same height or close to. 
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I call North x Chloe Chlorth because it reminds me of a brand of bleach and Chloe & North would definitely poison you if given the chance
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kissoflightning · 6 months
DBH ship names that sound funny to me:
(Some of these I made up, some have actually been used)
Leo + Simon = Lemon
Markus + Josh = Marsh
Chloe + North = Chlorth
Jerry + Perkins = Jerkins
Gavin + Hank = Gank
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mooseonahunt · 5 months
for the ship bingo
-Serennedy -That Gay Cowboy and Gay Roman from Night at the Museum -Chloe and North from D:BH
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Original post here.
Serennedy’s been answered already but I’ll put it under the cut anyway
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jude-shotto · 3 years
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archadianskies · 3 years
pas de deux
→ on Ao3
@dbhrarepairs​ Friday Day 5: Longing • Mirrors; post-revolution North/Chloe
Individuality is a new concept to deviants, and something North’s embraced. It’s different, though, when one seeks to stand out when one exists in multitudes versus someone who’s always been an individual; there are a thousand WR400s with her faceplate in Michigan alone and there is, and always will be, just one RT600. Chloe is the first, the last, the only, and North can’t go more than an hour without seeing someone with her exact same face.
During the revolution North had started to change her hair, adding more and more red to it so it was a vibrant strawberry blonde. It’s something she has control over, that and her makeup though she leaves those settings alone. 
Chloe is a custom Carl Manfred model, sculpted and painted laboriously as a one off in a way that can’t be printed en masse like the rest of them. Mass production hadn’t even been an option back then, of course, given she had been Kamski’s foray into the unknown. 
Meeting Kamski had been a forgettable affair and she holds no high regard for the creator of their kind, though begrudgingly there’s some respect owed given he wasn’t responsible for the WR400s and HR400s and thus can’t be blamed for life of suffering inflicted on her and her siblings. And Chloe loves him. North’s not sure why but if Chloe sees something in that disaster of a human then he certainly can’t be too bad. 
Meeting Chloe had been something else entirely, and North’s glad for her ability to record and store perfect memory. Not that Chloe could ever be forgettable, but she’s grateful for the ability all the same. For the sake of diplomacy, Markus had requested they meet at the town hall and when Chloe walked in, everyone else became irrelevant. 
It’s not that North’s never seen her face before, since there exists WR400 sisters with her same face, but it was the way she held herself, the way she exuded power unseen by the humans but felt by every android in the vicinity. Back during the demonstration when Markus had beckoned to their brethren, North had been in awe of such an ability but it paled in comparison to the way that petite android commanded the world around her. 
“It’s an honour to meet you,” Chloe had smiled graciously and North had blinked incredulously.
“ Me ?” She’d echoed in disbelief. “You’re the First of us, why would meeting me be an honour?”
“Because you are the fire of the revolution, North,” Chloe quipped with a soft giggle, squeezing North’s hands. “You inspire our people to fight against inequality and injustice.”
She had something lovely to say to all four of them, and North could forgive a bit of flattery towards Markus, but to the rest of them? The three of them? She wasn’t so sure there existed anything one couldn’t chalk up to sheer luck and good timing; for all her bravado, for all of Josh’s sage advice, for all of Simon’s caution, they’d really just stumbled on after Markus and tried their best not to get anyone killed. That didn’t sound worthy of honour, and certainly not bestowed by Chloe RT600 herself. 
“Are you going to ask her to Markus’ gallery opening?” Simon asks in the taxi, a warm soft presence against her side. Kamski is hosting a super secret meeting at his villain lair and while she holds no love for the man, his villa is a fortress when it comes to information security. It’s a black spot for CyberLife as they squabble to find footing in a post-revolution landscape now that androids have been granted the status of living, sentient beings. 
“Don’t be stupid Simon, why would I ever do that?” North snaps and Simon shrugs nonchalantly.
“Because you like her, and she likes you,” the PL600 points out, and North rolls her eyes.
“She’s just being nice, because she’s a nice person,” huffing, she slumps in her seat and crosses her arms over her chest. 
“What’s the worst that could happen?” Simon prods. “That she’ll say no? She’d even do that graciously I’m sure.”
“She could wipe me out of existence in a single blink,” she drawls, and Simon sputters a laugh. “I’m serious! You were there at that board meeting! She totally just wiped that shady programmer’s entire online life off the face of the earth!”
“She put it back,” Simon frowns. “I think?”
“Anyway you can’t talk, don’t think I haven’t noticed you making eyes at Terminator Mr Darcy.”
“That’s not nice,” Simon says sternly and North concedes with huff.
“Okay, yeah, that wasn't. But I’m still right.”
Simon stays quiet for a few moments, expression softening. “I just can’t quite believe I have the time for…” He makes a vague gesture, and oh North absolutely gets it.
“To not be in survival mode. To have the luxury of stupid crushes on people way out of our league.”
“Yeah,” he laughs and it’s such a nice sound. He never laughed in Jericho, not even once.
“I’ll ask her out if you do,” she elbows him and he groans.
“That’s not fair!”
“It’s totally fair!”
He presses his mouth into a tight line before sighing. “Alright, deal.”
The villa really does look like a supervillain lair, though Spring has done much to soften the stark palette. The taxi pulls up and they clamber out and North wishes for the umpteenth time that she had a sense of smell. Back during her Eden days it had been a blessing not to have a sense of smell or taste, but as she watches Simon pause and inhale deeply, no doubt filling his sensors with the scent of flowers, North yearns for the ability to do the same. 
They’re early, too early for Markus and Josh to have arrived yet and North is about to suggest hanging around outside before subjecting themselves to human company but the door opens.
“Good morning North, good morning Simon,” PL400 Peter greets them with a gentle smile. “Mr Kamski is having his breakfast but you may wait inside. There are light refreshments prepared in the lounge.”
“Thank you, Peter,” Simon says cordially and nods as he enters the villa. “Is Ms Chloe free?” Oh the little shit earns a jab in the ribs for that one.
“She is in the ballet studio with Ronan for a private ballet class,” Peter gestures and Simon’s cheeky somewhat grimace morphs into surprise.
“Yes, the RK900 dances with her here sometimes,” the PL400 explains, leading them down a long hallway. “You are welcome to watch, she will not mind.”
“We’d love to,” North answers because she has to get Simon back somehow for the earlier mischief. Even if her revenge is via a double-edged sword.
It’s not unknown to her, Chloe’s love of ballet- Carl Manfred had stated he’d carved her proportions based on a ballerina, and she’d spent much of her early phase absorbing movement via ballet videos. 
It’s a different thing entirely, to watch her dance. She moves with such easy grace, effortlessly elegant and yet powerful at the same time. The RK900 is a fine partner, all calculated strength and cold regality. It’s one thing to tease each other about harmless crushes from afar, and another thing entirely to be so close and full of longing. 
“Mind your timing, Chloe, you have to ease into it, you’re not giving yourself enough time to prepare,” the hologram of the ballet mistress commands, because of course Chloe’s ballet studio has mounted cameras and holographic capabilities. “Ronan you’re adjusting your stance too often, I want your footing to be neater. Again, please.” She claps her hand and Chloe blinks, soft piano music filling the air as they repeat the segment. Chloe catches her gaze briefly, smile brightening.
“Ask her, and I’ll ask him,” Simon bumps his shoulder to hers. “I promise.”
North thinks back on last November, on how everything changed so quickly with barely any time to process the violence, the trauma. She compares her life before, and after the 1st of December when the law recognised what they’d known all along- that they are alive, and they deserve to be free. 
She’s different in some ways, and the same in many; it’s normal to long for change, but one constant in her life, one unwavering trait she’s proud of is that she never settles for the theoretical, the what-ifs, the maybes. If she wants something, she’ll fight for it; what use is longing without action? 
The piano music ends and the teacher is pleased, clapping twice in praise and Chloe giggles happily as she bows in parting. The hologram fades and she reaches for North’s hands in greeting.
“Hello North, it’s so lovely to see you,” she’s beautiful and radiant like a goddess, and it’s all North can do to not buckle at the knees. She’s not one to back down from a challenge, but she thinks maybe standing defiantly against soldiers aiming rifles at them like a firing squad was easier than this. 
“Would you like to go to Markus' fancy art party with me?” There, she asked. Chloe gasps in delight, squeezing her hands as she beams.
“I’d love to.”
It takes her a whole day to process Chloe’s acceptance, and also remember it had been part of a bargain she’d bullied Simon into agreeing to. The PL600 is sorting books Josh had left strewn on the meeting table when North wanders over.
“So. Did you ask him?” She demands, hands on her hips. He looks up like a deer in headlights, slowly taking a step back. “ No ?!”
“No, but-!” He bares his palms as if fending off an impending attack. Rightfully so. “I didn’t have to,” a shy, somewhat sheepish green. “He’d already asked me last week.”
There’s a pause and Simon bites his lip, taking another step back.
“I’m going to kill you,” she says evenly.
“Okay love you bye!” The blond tries to dart out of the room but North tackles him down and attacks him with her fingers, wriggling them into his sides. “Noooo!”
“You conniving bastard!” She shrieks and Simon laughs and laughs helplessly, trying to bat her hands away. 
“Mercy! I had to do it! And she said yes!” She stops and flops onto her back beside him. After a moment, Simon scooches closer and rests his head on her shoulder. “Don’t be mad at me, you needed the push.”
“I did,” she admits and there’s no shame in the admission when the outcome far outweighs the discomfort. “Thanks Simon.”
{Chloe and Ronan are [rehearsing Manon].}
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bratconnor · 3 years
The idea of North/Chloe makes my heart huuuuurt 💞💞💞
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tonytoponi · 4 years
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Fic Moodboards  ⟶ DBH | Chloe & North | Candied Raspberries
A bakery au in which Chloe works at a cafe for Hank and meets North, a new regular that recently moved back from Seattle.
Or, alternatively--Chloe deals with fear of being caught for murdering someone, and North deals with the guilt of hurting someone to get further in her career and losing her friends in the process.
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sonic-fairyspell · 5 years
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North x Chloe Moodboard
For @candrarose. To help her feel better. And as an early Birthday gift.
Happy Birthday, Candra
(Part 2/2)
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Chlorth Moodboard
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autisticbee · 5 years
North: Someone will die.
Chloe: Of fun!
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hamartia-grander · 2 years
North: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at fascists" and I think that's very sexy of us.
Chloe: If the window's open and we time it right, we can do both.
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Organised by multiple characters (A-Z)
Groups (All red tags are under construction or are being edited)
#dbh squad (multiple characters without a specific grouping)
#dbh trio (main three)
#dbh cops (cops only) #hank connor and nines
#anderfam, #hank connor and nines, #hank connor and sumo
#manfred family, #manfredfam
#rk brothers
#dbh androids
#karafam (kara, luther, and alice)
#carl and leo
#connor and allen
#connor and amanda
#connor and fowler
#connor and gavin
#connor and kara
#connor and markus
#connor and nines
#connor and north
#connor and simon
#connor and sixty
#connor and sumo
#gavin and tina
#gavin and kamski
#gavin and sumo
#hank and connor
#hank and fowler
#hank and gavin
#hank and nines
#josh and simon
#kara and adam
#kara and alice
#kara and luther
#kara and ralph
#markus and carl
#markus and josh
#markus and kara
#markus and leo
#north and simon
#north and gavin
#north and josh
#ralph and jerry
#rose and adam
#simon and daniel
#chlorth (north x chloe)
#con700 (connor x pm700) (i ship this!)
#norkus (ship and no ship content)
#reed900 (ship and no ship content) (i ship this!)
#simarkus (ship and no ship content)
#traci x traci (i ship this!)
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L from Death Note reads Warrior Cats  
(requested by @chlorth)         
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archadianskies · 4 years
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[ @anomalous-appliances  squished these two together! ]
There’s safety at night, this she knows objectively, but that doesn’t mean she likes it. Nightfall for her used to mean customers. It used to mean hours of abuse. She’s hated the night for so very long, even before she deviated. 
WR400s and HR400s were built with no sense of smell and taste, coupled with thinner plastic casings and thicker dermal layers to better simulate the fleshly give of human bodies. She hates that too. She wishes she could smell Simon’s cooking, taste the foods he so lovingly cooks for the Manfreds. She wishes she didn’t blush so easily, didn’t feel so soft to the touch.
Kamski’s ice castle doesn’t exactly strike her as ‘warm and inviting’ but she learns it’s not the space but the people in it. Chloe snuggles up at her side, tugging a blanket around them and when North blushes, predictably so, she giggles softly and presses a kiss to her rosy cheek. A fire roars in the suspended fireplace, and the perimeter of the property has lights that cast the snow outside with a warm glow, brightening the darkness. 
“You’re lucky you can’t smell the coffee, it’s so strong and bitter. The lab is the worst but it’s so bad you can smell it up here!” Chloe sighs, resting her head on North’s shoulder. 
“Lucky.” North echoes with a smile, pressing a kiss to her hair. “Yeah, I guess I am.”
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tonytoponi · 5 years
// Talk to me about Chlorth
They meet after the revolution. Chloe deviated when Connor shot one of the other models at Kamski’s place, but she stayed there because she was too scared to leave when the world was so dangerous, but after the revolution gives her hope, she leaves Elijah for good and goes to Jericho and helps rebuild it into a proper safe-house for androids. She meets North through Markus, who she forms a strong friendship with since they both share very complex feelings towards the people that owned them. (Markus still hasn’t quite sorted out how he feels about Carl, and Kamski was good to the RT600s at his place, but he also... allowed Connor to kill one of them to get information, even if he brought her back, it still something she can’t forgive him for.)
North and Chloe’s relationship is really a slow burn and it takes them like 2 years before they kiss. They’re both very uncomfortable with themselves and they need to focus on sorting out their emotions properly and also. They’re fools. They hide their feelings for each other because they’re terrified they won’t be returned. North learns to hate the humans a little less and Chloe learns how to be a person outside of acting as Kamski’s servant.
They’re very soft when they get together. Fragile. They treat each other with a massive amount of tenderness because they don’t want to hurt each other or push past boundaries that they don’t know yet. But it causes some more problems than they realize. North works a lot and is very distant and Chloe allows her to be because she doesn’t know if it’s her place to say anything. She gives North a lot of space so she doesn’t end up pushing her away. It causes the time they do spend together for Chloe to be very clingy and to hold onto North as much as she can since she knows North will leave eventually and likely soon to get back to Jericho business.
They end up able to sort it out after an argument, which only really happens when Chloe is at her absolute breaking point of being terrified that she’s going to lose North forever. But after? They try a little harder. North works a little less and stops running from Chloe as much. It takes them a while, especially for North, to let down their barriers completely and talk about things that happened to them. Chloe has nightmares of Connor killing the other RT600 (and often the gun is turned on her) and North has nightmares about the revolution going wrong, dealing with the guilt of trying to push Markus to every violent action he could. But they end up happy. Very, very happy. Marriage isn’t something either of them think about in the context of the DBH world and neither of them really want kids, so they stay as long-term girlfriends until Chloe sees a wedding dress she really wants to wear and North marries her just to see her in it.
And that’s it that’s all I got. Just happy girls dealing with their issues and finding each other along the way.
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