#Client Emails
dinoserious · 8 months
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carno comm!
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samipekoe · 7 months
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commissions of beautiful gongous girls
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Have y’all seen the new Thunderbird logo?
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Shit’s sexy as hell.
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tabaquis-barking · 6 months
Looking for office decor that says "my untreated mental illnesses will make at least half of the face to face interactions you have with me bizarre and slightly concerning, but you'll learn to deal with that because no one else knows how to do my job and all our clients love me"
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oifaaa · 7 months
Hell yeah you’re a furry artist now that’s where the real moneys at
If I was a furry artist do you think I'd still be working my 8 to 4 job
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thenegoteator · 1 month
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venacoeurva · 2 months
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I did not need to detail this stump as much as I did but consider: mundane details fun
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tabbystardust · 1 year
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We should listen to our captain. 🏳️‍🌈🏴‍☠️
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thenighttrain · 2 months
are there jobs out there which are GENUINELY 9-5, or close to it? i know i studied for 5 years but i don't want to be a lawyer anymore. my boss proudly told me how it's inevitable to work 12-hour days for weeks on end. the courts are complicated and old fashioned. the working culture is awful and it doesnt get better. i want to switch careers next year but idk what to do!!!!!! 😭😭😭
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onboardsorasora · 2 months
had an aggravating afternoon and decided to make Daniel and Lewis fuck about it. Or rather, sexual tension about it
Daniel glared at his screen, hoping the scorching of the fires of a thousand suns would be felt by the person on the other side of the email exchange. 
He loved his job, truly. It was fulfilling and rewarding and all the other things people said when they liked their job. And it paid him a bitchload of money.
He loved his job, but he hated this client. Lewis Hamilton was the bane of his existence. He hated dealing with him, he hated needing to request things from him. He hated seeing his email address at the top of his inbox. He hated him and his love of ‘per my last email’. If your email was clear, then there would be no follow up for clarification, now would there be? He was such a prick.
With a braying groan, Daniel shot up from his desk to pace the hallway. Lando looked out from his cubicle knowingly.
“Lewis again?”
“Mate, I hate that fucker so much.” Daniel grumbled. His detestation for Lewis was widely known in the office. Every month there was a betting pool about how quickly Lewis would annoy Daniel. Max won every time, he knew that Daniel waited until the last possible moment to email Lewis, claiming he was waiting for Lewis to email first. He rarely did. And Daniel would wait until the third business day at 10am. Lewis wouldn’t respond until the day after at earliest. It was like clockwork at this point.
“Hey Seb.” Daniel muttered on his second pass.
“Just who I wanted to see, we have a lunch meeting tomorrow, so please wear clothes that aren’t sweats.” Seb turned to leave.
“Who are we meeting?”
Daniel stood glaring at his back as he got into the lift. “I quit!” he yelled and Seb laughed.
“See you tomorrow Danny!”
“Fuckin hell.” Daniel muttered stomping back down the hall and into his office, there at the top of his email was a meeting invite from Lewis Hamilton. Daniel hoped he didn’t embarrass Seb by lunging over the table and punching the man in the face.
— - —
Daniel glared at his plate as he speared his salad with his fork. Lewis Hamilton was honestly just as frustrating in person as he was online. And unfortunately, he was fucking hot. 
Seb and Toto were knee deep in conversation and Lewis was texting. Daniel wondered if he got up and left if anyone would notice. 
He stifled a groan when a sauce covered brussel sprout fell on his shirt. Lovely. With a muttered ‘excuse me’ that went unanswered, he stood and wandered to the toilets. 
He grabbed up a wad of hand towels and wet a spot before dabbing it at the greasy stain. He didn’t notice when the door opened or closed behind him.
“So this is the face of my favourite client.” A velvety voice sounded to his left and Daniel narrowed his eyes at Lewis leaning on the stray column. He looked hot in the low warm light, it made his skin glow. 
“Favourite? You flatter me.” Daniel knew marketing was just a circle jerk of ass kissing and he wasn’t immune. As much as he hated the man, he made them a lot of money. And they in turn made him a lot of money.
“I know I can be a bit…difficult. But I appreciate you.” 
Daniel snorted before he could even think to bite it back, Lewis lifted an eyebrow at him.
“You disagree?” Lewis challenged. “I can take coaching, tell me.” 
“Mate, I have nothing to say. No notes.” Daniel raised his hands in a passive gesture before chucking his paper towels in the bin. 
“C’mon Mr Seeking Clarification.” Lewis goaded with a smirk and Daniel felt his eye twitch. He took a deep breath and put a smile on his face, he wasn’t doing this. 
“I’m not doing this.” He moved past Lewis to the door, he would not be goaded into whatever the fuck this was. He liked his job and insulting one of his best clients wouldn’t be a good look.
Lewis however, didn’t get the memo Daniel was mentally reading because he grabbed him by the arm and pressed him against the other side of the column. Daniel looked at him with wide eyes.
“Mate, what the fuck?”
“A little birdie told you me you ‘fucking hate my guts’.” Lewis was smirking and Daniel felt his the bottom of his stomach give way. “And I figured, we could hash it out.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Lando really has no filter when he drinks, did you know that?”
Daniel knew his eyes were dinner plate wide, because Lewis’ smile was stretched across his face. His dimples were cute, Daniel thought idly.
“And how do you know Lando?” Daniel croaked.
“He’s friends with Toto’s son George. But we’re getting distracted.” Lewis flicked at one of the buttons on Daniel’s navy shirt. Daniel grabbed his tattooed wrist. 
“Look, I don’t care what Lando’s told you or George. I can be professional.” Because that’s how Daniel saw this. He could be professional, and like walk into traffic or off of a building. But like, professionally.
“Or,” Lewis said, “maybe we could fuck about it.” He said it like he was negotiating a new rate or budget and Daniel glared at him.
“Listen mate–” 
Lewis cut him off with a kiss, pressing their lips together and licking into Daniel’s mouth. It was sloppy and dirty and Daniel clenched Lewis’ wrist that he still held.
Lewis pulled back first, smirking spit wet lips at the dazed look in Daniel’s eyes.
“You’re very annoying, you know that?” Daniel muttered, licking his swollen lips.
“Go on.” Lewis pressed his hips against Daniel’s breathing out a groan.
“And you use a lot of words to say nothing. If you’re sending over actionable shit, just be direct about it.” Daniel groaned when Lewis pinched his nipple. 
“Be direct huh?” 
“Fine then, I want you to fuck me. Make me feel it.” Challenging chocolate met horny honey and Lewis licked Daniel’s lips.
“Yeah? Alright. Your place or mine?”
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dostoyevsky-official · 10 months
a piece of advice to any younger freelancers: always demand part of the payment before finishing the commission, or, better yet, if both you and the client are american, get their name and address. you need this information to file a small claims lawsuit when, inevitably, someone doesn't pay up
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yourgaydads · 1 year
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the corinthian: a black mirror made to reflect every unread work email humanity will not confront
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stevenose · 4 months
i had a dream i made out w j*e k**ry and like. i was getting worked up so i moaned and he was like ok. im gonna head out KEHDKSBDKSK
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lesbianlanval · 3 months
I do not understand what a corporate job is. if you have a job where you email people or do excel or have meeting, that is fake. what is the point of any of that. every day I see videos or tweets or whatever of people litigating office dress code or etiquette or remote work negotiations and every day I try to block it and I say out loud Who Gives A Dick That’s Not Real
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buildarocketboys · 8 days
Going on a walk tomorrow! Hopefully that'll fix me 🤞🤞🤞
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ratherembarrassing · 7 months
i do genuinely believe emails outside of business hours should be illegal and punishable by death
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