#Cobbett Lake
rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Clouds (No. 1000)
Grand Mesa National Forest, CO
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mendeshoney · 6 years
Finding the End of the Line
A/N: This is eleven pages long on my google docs. ELEVEN. PAGES. It’s also nsfw. So yeah.
Chapter Five - JANUARY
The fireplace crackles from beside you as you curl up further under your throw blanket, pulling your mug of hot chocolate closer to you as you tried to relax, looking out onto the pond.
You and Madison had escaped to your family’s so-called winter home on Cobbetts Pond in Windham New Hampshire. The lake had frozen over and the snowfall had been particularly heavy the past few days as a way to ring in the New Year.
You had woken up early, sleep escaping you after tossing and turning during the night. You’d been restless since you last saw Shawn nearly three weeks ago. Your heart had been heavy in a way it hadn’t been since he first broke up with you, and you hadn’t been able to escape that feeling.
Since your vacation from work had started, you’d been trying to unpack your feelings, trying to figure out how you felt about everything that Shawn had told you, the truths he finally managed to let out, and wondering exactly how those things were making you feel.
It was driving your brain into the ground.
Your attention is drawn from the pond when Madison pads into the little sunroom, rubbing his eyes and giving you a little wave when he sees you.
“Want breakfast?” He asks. “I’m gonna pick up Gina from the Manchester airport in a couple hours, but I was gonna eat first. You’re welcome to some of my waffles.”
You shrug, moving your throw to the side and taking your mug of hot chocolate with you as you follow Madison into the kitchen.
He grabs the different pans and utensils while you grab the ingredients from the fridge, along with the waffle batter your mom made last night.
The two of you work in a silent tandem as you made sunny side up eggs, your mom’s famous cinnamon apple waffles, bacon, and maple sausages.
The routine was familiar to you both now, especially after living together again for the past months. You and Madison had always been close - being twins was one thing, but you’d both helped the other through your fair share of difficult times, and instead of being at each other’s throats like your parents feared, you managed a great friendship and relationship as siblings that had only remained strong the older you got.
You and Shawn got together about a month before Madison and Gina became a couple, so the relationships both had developed in similar fashions over time, except yours ended and theirs kept going.
Madison had been uncharacteristically quiet about the whole Shawn situation since the hockey season had begun again - even after the bar, Shawn’s injury - none of it got a reaction out of Madison, and you were starting to wonder just where his head was at.
“Mads?” You begin. He hums in reply, and you figure you’re just gonna go for it. “Two questions.”
“If you ever felt like you weren’t the man that Gina deserved, or that you didn’t deserve her, what would you do?”
You see him thinking out of the corner of your eye as he grabs the last of the bacon from the pan, placing them on your plates. “I guess I’d feel like shit, but I would want to like...figure out how to change, you know?”
“You wouldn’t break up with her?”
Madison blanches. “Fuck no. She’s my girl. Whether or not I deserve her I still love her. I wouldn’t just break up with Gina. I’d figure out how to make myself better. Plus, she’d tell me if I needed to get my shit together.”
Now it’s your turn to hum, mulling over his words. He raises a brow at you in suspicion. “Why?”
“Next question.” You say. “Why haven’t you told me how you feel about Shawn? About how all this is unfolding now?”
He sighs. “I knew this was about him.” He hands you your plate and you both settle into the barstools around the kitchen island. “Truthfully?”
“Bible.” You say, and he groans.
“I fucking hate when you say that.” He says. “I haven’t said anything mostly because it’s none of my business, but I also don’t want to say things that make you feel like you can’t come to me about it because of my personal feelings about him.”
You blink in surprise. “You...what, were you creating a safe space?”
“Yeah.” He says. “I heard about it in a podcast. If I say how I feel about Shawn, it might make you feel like you can’t talk to me because my reaction would be one you don’t need. And I don’t want that. We’re on the same level, dude. I want you to know you can always come to me about stuff, no matter how I feel about it personally.”
The two of you were never good at “aw” moments, so you nudge his foot with yours in thanks. “Is that why you asked the first question? Is that why he broke up with you?”
You nod, and he sighs. “He told me before we left for Christmas. He also told me that he still loves me.”
“Holy fuck.” Madison says, trying to swallow his food without choking on it. “He does?!”
“And did you say it back?”
You shook your head. “I told him I didn’t know how I felt.”
“No wonder you weren’t as excited about coming here as you normally are. You’re all...angsty.”
You scrunch up your nose. “I am not.”
“You are. I can tell because you were looking at the pond all moody and shit.” He says, gesturing with his hands. “Well how about you come with me to grab Gina? Get out of the house, and out of your head for a bit.”
You shrug in resignation. If you didn’t agree, he’d make you do it anyway.
You’re in the middle of Target with Madison and Gina when your phone starts to vibrate with a phone call.
It’s Shawn.
You don’t answer.
Five minutes later your phone rings again, except this time “Jimmy Vesey” pops up, so you answer it reluctantly.
“If this is a trick-”
“It’s not.” Jimmy says. “Shawn called you to warn you, but I’m calling to give you the bad news with no warning.”
Your heart starts to race with panic, and Madison can see the change in your eyes. Him and Gina step toward you, concerned when you ask “What is it?”
“We’re going on a cabin trip up North. You get back in a few days, right?”
You frown. “Yes? How did you-”
“Don’t ask me questions, just listen to me. When you get back, we’re all going skiing and snowboarding up north ‘cause we have a bye week. We got this huge like twenty person cabin and we wanna make it like a big thing. So we needed one more person to fill up all the rooms, and you’re our golden quota maker.”
You groan. “No Jimmy, absolutely not!”
“Too bad. I already paid for you.”
“You did what?!” Over the years you came to love Jimmy like a brother. But right about now you were ready to shove another tooth in his stupid lip. “Jimmy that’s not fair. You didn’t even ask-”
“Because you know this isn’t up for discussion.” He says simply, and it makes you want to scream.
“You just want me there to fill a bed so you get your money’s worth?” You ask, offended, stepping away from Madison and Gina before they chime in.
There’s a pause, and you can tell you’ve kind of hurt his feelings when he says “No. I want you here because you’re my friend and I haven’t seen you in an entire summer, and now because of your stupid ex boyfriend you’re avoiding the friends you made through him and I feel neglected as fuck.”
You pause. You didn’t even think it was possible for them to even care about you outside of Shawn. You also never thought to sit back and realize that yeah, you’d made genuine friendships with a lot of the guys. Jimmy, Brady, and Kevin were the terrible three, but they’d welcomed Shawn to New York with open arms and did the same to you. 
Their girlfriends, even those who had come and gone, had been nothing but friendly to you, and Brady’s longtime girlfriend, Gracia, had been such a good friend to you over the years. Chris had been Shawn’s mentor, but Chris had also been an influence on you, too.
You didn’t even think about the fact that forgetting Shawn meant forgetting the rest of them.
What Jimmy said to you at the bar after the home opening game resurfaces in your mind.
“I feel like you deserve better anyway, especially if the break up was bad enough that you felt like you needed to isolate people from your life who love you whether you’re with or not with him.”
“Jimmy.” You say. “I’m sorry. I never meant to make you feel that way.”
“Oh, I know.” He says, using his ‘I went to Harvard’ voice. “I know you wouldn’t do it on purpose, but you’re still doing it, and this is my revenge. You’re coming on the trip, you’re gonna enjoy yourself for five days, and you’re sharing a room with Shawn.”
You stop dead in your tracks. “I’m what?”
“See you when you get back. I’ll email you the reservation. Meet at my place, we’re getting a bus and leaving from there.”
You’ve got your back to Shawn as you unpack your suitcase, putting your thicker winter gear in the little closet of the room beside Shawn’s things that are already hanging. He’s on the other side of the room, sitting in the little chair by the window scrolling through his phone. The rest of his clothes are still in his suitcase.
If you were together, you’d unpack it for him. But you’re not. So his clothes stay where they are on the floor by his feet.
The entire drive up here you remained silent in the car, keeping your headphones in as you listened to podcasts and soundtracks to broadway musicals to pass the time.
You wanted to interact with everyone, but sitting right next to Shawn made it a little hard. He was pressed against you in the crowded van, that was definitely not a bus like Jimmy said it was. You two hadn’t spoken since the incident at his apartment before Christmas. You hadn’t even seen him since then.
After you told him you didn’t know how you felt, you left, nothing left to be said between either of you. You clearly ruined whatever expectations he may have had, and he threw you a total curveball by telling you he still loved you when you thought for sure you were over him.
And you spent every day since then questioning yourself, questioning if you were really over him. Or if it was all a front.
You continue to move around the room - putting your clothes in the drawer, your toiletries in the bathroom, lining your shoes up near the door - anything to occupy you from actually interacting with Shawn.
But that quickly runs out when you finish unpacking faster than you originally planned.
Shawn can tell that you’re looking for something to do, and he clears his throat from his spot on the chair. “Do you want me to sleep on the couch or something? I don’t mind.”
You sigh, keeping your back toward him as you ruffle through your backpack. “Don’t be ridiculous, Shawn. Sharing a bed with you isn’t the end of the world.”
He scoffs, then says quietly “You don’t make it seem that way.”
You catch it though, and roll your eyes, turning to face him. “Is this how you’re going to be for the rest of the trip? I can leave if I’m going to be a problem for you.”
“I just don’t want you to feel like you have to be with me when you don’t want to be with me.”
You narrow your eyes. “So what, just because I don’t think I’m in love with you anymore, suddenly I’m not allowed to be here?”
Shawn goes to reply when Jimmy pops his head in, telling you all that the group is leaving for the slopes and to get dressed.
You grab your things and head into the bathroom, slamming the door behind you, effectively shutting Shawn out.
If this was how the trip was going to be, you were not looking forward to it at all.
The group had been on the slope for most of the afternoon, the sun high in the sky above you all. The snow was gorgeous and weather in perfect condition, and you were slightly sweaty, but the exposed skin of your cheeks still burned with the cold, nose running behind your mask. You had to admit you were having fun, and you’d been snowboarding alongside most of the group, but the longer you stayed out the more exhausted you were becoming.
“I think I’m gonna do my last few runs then head back to the cabin.” You told Jimmy, and he nodded, motioning for you to go ahead and that he’d follow you.
You head down the slope again like you’d done a dozen times since you’d been out, but this time, you lean too far and end up falling, hitting your head on a patch of snow that had solidified into ice at one point in time. You feel it bounce off the ice, the impact still rattling you through your helmet.
You immediately wince, moving to sit up, but Jimmy is at your side in a second. You hear the chorus of worrying exclamations from your friends, who all surround you not a moment later.
“I’m fine.” You say. “I’m wearing a helmet.”
Jimmy laughs. “You know damn well that doesn’t mean shit.” He says. And of course it doesn’t, you’re talking to the kid who plays hockey for a living and got a tooth lodged in his lip. “You’ve gotta stay down for a sec, okay?”
You groan, shutting your eyes as a wave of dizziness kicks in for a split second as you try to sit up anyway. Jimmy sighs, gently pushing you back down.
“She needs to get to the medic’s cabin.” You hear Gracia say.
“I can take her.” You hear Shawn say.
There’s a pause, then Jimmy intervenes and says “Maybe I should do it.”
“Why? Shawn’s her boyfriend.” Brady says. There’s a tense silence as Shawn and Jimmy don’t respond, and neither do you. “What?” Brady asks again. “He is her boyfriend.” Another pause. “Isn’t he?”
Gracia groans. “Brady, baby, just shut up.”
“I can take her.” Shawn says again, already reaching for you.
“I’ll go with.” Jimmy says. “You can’t bring her down by yourself.”
Together, the two of them help you up and toward the ski lift, where Shawn helps you out of your board before Jimmy makes sure you get in okay, then heads back to the group.
You can feel Shawn sitting beside you, and you keep your eyes shut for fear of anymore dizziness. “It’s okay.” He says, wrapping his arms around you, trying to steady you. “I’ve got you.”
Later that night, you’re all sat around the dinner table, tucked into steak and potatoes that the Shattenkirks whipped up for everyone.
You’re sitting between Shawn and Jimmy, and no one’s talking about the little incident from earlier on the slopes. It’s clear in the atmosphere now that people kind of know that you and Shawn broke up, but no one’s saying anything about it.
The medics said you didn’t have a concussion, but that you definitely needed rest and to be monitored just in case.
Shawn promised to watch you and take care of you until the rest of the group got back. Which you weren’t entirely thrilled about, but it panned out fine. He had helped you back to the house and out of your clothes and gear before leaving you to shower and change in the bathroom. When you came back out, he gave you as much distance as you needed.
Everyone came back not too long after, talking and watching TV around the fireplace before dinner started.
A dinner you were regretting being at.
Conversation was dull, like people were tiptoeing around the elephant in the room, and you were getting annoyed by it very quickly.
You wordlessly finish your meal, standing to guide your plate to the sink. You start to leave the kitchen, thinking the conversation was too busy for anyone to notice.
Until Chris said - “Hey, where are you going?”
You turn to the group, small smile on your face. “I’m just heading to bed early. I’m fine, I just think I’m exhausted from today.”
You head upstairs before anyone else can stop you.
Until you hear someone following you.
You make it to the room before Shawn does, and head to the bathroom without acknowledging him.
When you come out, Shawn’s got the pillows laying against the headboard, TV playing Harry Potter, and you frown a little as he hands you an ice pack.
“Shawn you don’t have to do all of this,” you said, taking it. You climb into bed gently, and he follows suit, staying on top of the covers as you get under them.
“Of course I do,” he said. “You’re hurt. Why wouldn’t I take care of you?” His hand replaces yours as he holds the ice pack toward the sore spot on the back of your head.
“Because you don’t have to?” You say, choosing your words carefully. “We’re not...I’m not your girlfriend? And I don’t necessarily feel the way you want me to about you.”
Shawn doesn’t say anything, and you turn your head to look at him. He meets your gaze after a second, face set into a frown. “That doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to feel the way I feel about you. That I’m not allowed to still love you, and care about you, and be concerned when you get hurt, and want to take care of you. Besides,” he says, turning back to Harry Potter, “You took care of me when I was hurt even though you didn’t feel the way I feel. You still cared. So...now we’re even I guess.”
You purse your lips, trying to focus on the movie, but it doesn’t work. You also try to focus on the fact that you...kind of like the fact that Shawn’s taking care of you. That he cares enough to actually want to.
You start to doze off somewhere in between - Shawn’s body heat warming you while his hand holds the ice pack to you - and you can feel him gently trying to shake you out of it.
“Hey,” he says softly, lips brushing against the shell of your ear. “You can’t fall asleep, you might have a concussion.” The doctor’s said you didn’t, you remember, but it could still be possible.
Your eyes open, realizing you’ve got your head on his shoulder and that you’re thoroughly curled into his side, his arm around you while the ice pack rests between your head and the pillow behind Shawn’s arm.
You try to sit up, but Shawn presses a kiss to your forehead. “You don’t have to move, it’s okay. Just don’t fall asleep on me, okay?”
“Okay.” You say, sleepily. He chuckles, his body shaking you as he does.
“I mean it.” He says softly. “You can’t sleep.”
“I’m just tired from snowboarding.” You say. “Adrenaline.”
He squeezes you gently. “I know. But don’t sleep.”
You hum, trying to fight the sleep behind your eyes. Shawn isn’t helping either - he starts to absentmindedly play with the ends of your hair, twirling the still wet strands around his fingers before reaching up a little and running his hand through your hair, fingers scratching your scalp as he goes.
“Does your head still hurt?”
“A little.”
You feel him lean down and press a kiss to your temple, and this time, his lips on your skin wake you up, and suddenly you’re pulling away from him, trying to get out from under the covers.
“Wait,” Shawn pleads, trying to pull you back to the bed. “No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”
“It’s fine.” You lie, skin burning still from the contact. “I just need some air.”
“No,” he says. “What you need is to stop running from me.”
His words stop in you in your tracks, have you turning to face him with a frown. Shawn’s standing in front of you, his tall frame towering over you.
“I’m not here for you, Shawn.” You say. “I didn’t come on this trip for you. I came here for Jimmy.”
He raises a brow at you. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“In me being hurt by you, I’ve hurt my friends. Jimmy said so. I didn’t think that getting over you meant getting over them too.” You say. “I’m only here to rectify that.”
Shawn frowns. “You think I don’t see that? Let me try to make it better, too. Let me try to make it up to you.”
“There’s nothing you can do Shawn.”
“Like hell there isn’t.”
Before you can move, Shawn’s crowding you up against the closed door to your shared room, his hands cupping your face as he leans down to kiss you soundly, entire body pressed against you, legs slotting between your legs to ground you to him.
You moan involuntarily - you never thought about this part of your relationship that ended. You never thought about the way you missed his body, the way you missed his lips and his hands, and his never ending hunger for you. You can feel it in the arousal rolling off of his body in waves.
You get lost in the feeling of his hands all over you as he tries to take you in and strip you down all at once. Your hands take purchase on his shoulders, trying to hold yourself up in your lust crazed stupor.
His lips are warm and inviting on your skin, trailing hot kisses from your lips to your neck to your shoulder, where he playfully sucks a bruise. The feeling of his canines scraping against your skin has you arching into him, strangled moan leaving your lips as his hands roam lower.
Shawn’s hands shove your sweatpants down, and you feel him shaking when he get his fingers at the band of your underwear, pushing them down your legs. You take a second to kick the clothing off and to the side, allowing him to lift your leg around his waist. 
He grinds into you, planting another hot open mouthed kiss to your skin as he shoves down his own sweatpants and boxers enough to free his cock before you feel it at your entrance, then he’s biting down on your neck as he presses inside.
You haven’t been intimate like this in months now that you realize it. The stretch of his cock is familiar, but one you haven’t felt in quite some time, and it makes you cry out, nails scraping down his biceps as he bottoms out, groaning so loud it makes his chest vibrate.
“My fucking god,” he says, breathing out a laugh. “I missed this. You’re always so tight.”
He takes another moment before he carefully pulls his hips back before pushing back in and you moan again, Shawn working up a steady pace. He’s so into it, so vocal, like this is your first time all over again.
He keeps praising how good you feel, how wet you are and how your bodies were made for one another. It’s desperate and needy and he’s got you coming around him in no time, but he doesn’t stop to let you catch your breath. He fucks you through it, face buried in your neck as you shake in his arms.
“Let me make love to you.” He murmurs. “Let me show you that I love you. That I’m sorry.”
You’re so far gone at this point that you can’t do anything but nod, and he places his hands under your thighs, lifting you up and wrapping your legs around him. He gently places you on the bed, brushing your hair to the side as he drops to his knees, parting your legs.
“Can I?” He asks, looking up at you from under his lashes. “Can I taste you? Please?”
You nod once, and he smiles, tongue lapping at you from your entrance to your clit, collecting your wetness on his tongue and he moans, wrapping his arms around your thighs before burying his face in your cunt, sucking and licking and curling his tongue just the way he knows you like.
“Oh my god,” you breathe out, one hand flying to his hair, propping yourself up on one elbow.
He’s completely eager about it, doesn’t let up until you’re coming hard, back arching off the bed and pressing his face further into you, and his hands lock around, taking everything you’ve got to give him until you’ve come down.
When he stands up, you realize both of you still have some of your clothes on, which you both quickly rectify before Shawn climbs onto the bed. You straddle his hips without a word, without thinking about what this will all mean in the morning. 
Shawn lets out a desperate whine when you sink onto his cock and start working up a quick rhythm to make him come. He’s groaning your name underneath you, pulls you down to him then asks “Can I kiss you?”
You answer by pressing your lips to his, not trusting yourself to communicate with words as his hands fall to your hips. He braces himself on his feet and fucks up into you in a fast pace and then he’s coming, burying his cock deep inside of you, swearing and cursing but praising you all at the same time.
It’s a mixture of the sex, the events of the day, and the overwhelming feeling of being like this again with Shawn that instantly fills you with regret.
You don’t want to climb off of him so soon and make him feel like this was a mistake - which it is, it’s a massive mistake - but you also don’t want to just sit here on top of him.
You opt instead for waiting a little before getting off of him and heading to the bathroom, cleaning up in the shower, allowing yourself time to gather your messy thoughts and figure out what the fuck you’re going to say to him when you come out of the bathroom.
Shawn figures it out for you when you enter the room and he’s fast asleep, knocked out against the pillows, stark naked and the sheets and covers on the floor, soft cock resting on his stomach.
Regret fills you as you pull your clothes back on and head downstairs to the kitchen, hoping to have some alone time to think to yourself.
Except Jimmy’s leaning against the counter when you enter, a mug of coffee in his hand and another on the counter, looking at you with a raised brow.
Then you remember - Jimmy’s room is right next to yours.
Oh god. He heard you. He probably heard everything.
Jimmy slides you the extra coffee mug with a smirk.
“So.” He says. “What now?”
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medialniblokace · 6 years
Říjnový Výtěr z Kickstarteru
Všechno to začalo včera večer. Přišel mi mailem status update ke Sweryho projektu The Good Life, který jsem cca před půl rokem podpořil na Kickstarteru. Prostě jsem si řekl: “Hmm.. že bych se podíval, jaké nové projekty se chystají...”
Po pár hodinách jsem se probral pohlcen v klasické pasti nekonečného skrolování a procházení někdy méně, někdy více nadějných projektů. Když už jsem tomu přehrabování obětoval tolik času, rozhodl jsem se je sepsat, třeba má někdo podobný vkus a udělá mu alespoň jedna z her radost.
1) The Sundew, 2054
Ať už se první hra v mém seznamu jmenuje podle masožravé Rosnatky, nebo slepé větve window managementu z konce osmdesátých let, jedno je jisté - do konce kampaně zbývá pouhých pár hodin a zatím to bohužel pro Agnès Vuillaume a její studio 2054 nevypadá příliš vesele. Přitom se zde bavíme o vizuálně zajímavé 2D pixelartové  point and click záležitosti, inspirované LucasArtovskými a sierrackými klenoty. Příběh policajtky Anny Isobe by nás měl zavést do temného světa kyberpunku, kde se dle slov autorky “stírají hranice mezi dobrem a zlem”. Děj se odehrává ve futuristickém Japonsku v novém hlavním městě Shibukawa. Francouzská vývojářka slibuje silný příběh, mnoho těžkých rozhodnutí a herní dobu přibližně 3 hodiny, což je dle mého názoru na projekt tvořený jedním člověkem délka dostatečná. Kromě toho, že se Agnès v kampani ohání Dickem (Phillipem K. pochopitelně) a Gibsonem, stará se také o grafiku, scénář a programovou stránku celé hry a je tak páteří studia 2054. To má nyní (necelý den před koncem kampaně) na pomyslném účtu připsáno přibližně polovinu z 16 tisíc USD.
Bohužel, projekt nejspíše trpí tím, že nenabízí nic nového, originálního. Já však kombinaci kyberpunk + point and click nikdy nepohrdnu. Pokud to máte podobněm určitě autorku podpořte,  pokud si nejste jisti, můžete dokonce sáhnout po demu, které lze stáhnout přímo ze stránek projektu. Kampaň končí 4. října a hra samotná by měla vyjít v druhém kvartálu roku 2020.
2) Retro Synthesis, PlayWay
Zmiňovaná originalita naopak nechybí druhému kyberpunkovému projektu. Polští tvůrci PlayWay sází především na komiksově stylizovanou 3D grafiku navazující na vizuálně unikátní XIII (2003) od Ubisoftu. Děj se tentokráte neodehrává v budoucnosti, ale v alternativní minulosti. Přesněji v roce 1999 kde se v kůži policejního detektiva Harrisona Noelse vydáte do hlubin New Venice - města vzniklého nad oceánem, jelikož Zemi zasáhly zatím blíže nespecifikované klimatické změny. Jak už to tak v kyberpunku bývá, městu vládne zločin a silnější slovo má zpravidla ten, kdo má větší zbraň nebo augmentaci. Exploraci rozpolceného světa by vám měl mimo jiné usnadnit zvukový scanner, kterým budete schopni přehrát rozhovory, které se již odehrály. Hra by však měla obsahovat i opravdové dialogy, k nimž autoři přistupují poměrně odvážně. V konverzacích můžete vždy reagovat buďto pozitivně, neutrálně, nebo negativně. Nic mezi tím.
PlayWay mají doposud za sebou pouze low-budgetovové simulátory (např. Truck Mechanic Simulator, Car Mechanic Simulator atp.) Kreativní trojnožka na níž varšavské studio stojí se však holedbá zkušenostmi z her jako Witcher 3, Hitman, Hard West, nebo třeba For Honor. Nutno dodat, že našim severním sousedům se v posledních pár letech daří generovat zajímavé videohry, z poslední doby lze zmínit například Frostpunk či Phantom Doctrine. Věřím, že by se po jejich bok mohla ve čtvrtém kvartále roku 2020 zařadit i Retro Synthesis. Už teď je jasné, že pokud hra skutečně vyjde, bude ve stínu vysokorozpočtového (a taktéž polského) Cyberpunku 2077, i tak by se mohlo jednat o příjemný audiovizuální výlet. Kampaň končí až 4. listopadu 2018 a tak máte ještě dost a dost času odsypat nějaké drobné z vaší peněženky.
3) The Darkside Detective: Season 2,  Spooky Doorway
Zpět však ke klasickému 2D adventuření. Možná vám stejně jako mně protekla mezi prsty první sezóna The Darkside Detective. Pokud tomu tak je, lze to jednoduše napravit např. na GOGu za necelých 12 Euro.
Podobně jako v jedničce na vás i v pokračování čeká duo vyšetřovatelů - detektiv Francis McQueen a v roli sidekicka důstojník Dooley. Stejný by měl být i počet případů, které si pro hráče tvůrci ze Spooky Doorway přichystali - tedy 6 (první sezóna později dostala ještě později 3 bonusové případy). Herní doba jedné epizody by se měla pohybovat kolem 45 minut. Přičemž právě herní doba byla první sérii často vyčítána. V průběhu více jak 4 slibovaných hodin se můžete těšit na mnoho popkulturních narážek a vtípků. Ano, hra se tentokráte nebere vážně a bude tak velmi záležet, zda vám Dave McCabe (scénárista) kápne do noty, či nikoliv. Boj dobra se zlem se odehrává v městečku Twin Lakes. To můžete kromě zmiňované první sezoně navštívit už i v demu té chystané. Pokud vás projekt Irského studia zaujal, přispějte  do 12. října. Hra samotná má vyjít v únoru 2020. V době psaní textu měli autoři vybráno už více než 30 z  požadovaných 40 tisíc USD.
4) Nighthawks, Wadjet Eye Games
Na první pohled se Nighthawks jeví jako obyčejná moderní textovka, vizuální novela, chcete-li. A ani slogan sdělující, že jste “před třemi měsíci umřeli, v ten moment se opět zrodili a stali se něčím novým...monstrem toužícím po krvi” nezní nijak originálně. Dokonce se musím přiznat, že mě osobně nezaujala ani vizuální stránka hry. Proč zde toto upíří RPG (!) tedy vůbec zmiňuji?
Nestojí za ní totiž nikdo jiný než Richard Cobbett,  autor titulů jako Sunless Sea nebo The Long Journey Home. Ba co víc, projekt vzniká pod hlavičkou nejvýraznější 2D adventurní společnosti současnosti - Wadjet Eye Games. Dave Gilbert, který v téměř sám se svou ženou tuto značku tvoří má na svědomí například skvělou sérii Blackwell, či ještě lepší a nedávno vydanou Unawoved. Kromě vlastní tvorby se vrhl Dave i do produkce a z her vydaných pod hlavičkou této New Yorkské firmy lze vybrat např. Gemini Rue, Technobabylon či A Golden Wake. Další v pořadí má být právě Nighthawks.
Musím se přiznat, že zmiňované tvůrčí kombo na mě zapůsobilo a nedovedu si představit, že by z něj mělo vypadnout něco jiného než skvěle napsaný příběh, který se snad bude i příjemně hrát. Tím spíše když je v popisu kampaně zmíněn jako jeden z hlavních inspiračních zdrojů dnes už legendární RPG Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. Kampaň končí už za necelé dva dny (5. října) a ke splnění cíle 125 tisíc USD schází vybrat ještě přibližně dalších 25 tisíc. Vydání je plánováno na květen 2020.
5) Rakovina ve vesmíru
Na úplný závěr jsem si nechal jednu smutnější o to však důležitější kampaň. Pokud jsem vás ani jednou ze 4 předchozích her nedonutil otevřít peněženku a vy byste rádi utráceli, máte možnost. Navíc si připíšete i bludišťáka za dobrý skutek.
Rakovina je svině o tom žádná. Pořádný peklo je ale i zdravotní systém v USA. No a teď si představte, že máte obojí. Právě to se přihodilo hernímu designerovi Scottu Murphymu. Pokud vám jeho jméno nic neříká, tak vězte, že se jedná o někdejšího člena již zmiňované firmy Sierra a člověka podílejícího se např. na slavných sériích Space Quest a King’s Quest. Scott už za sebou jednu úspěšnou kampaň má. To když v roce 2012 vybral na Kickstarteru více jak 500 tisíc USD na dosud nevzniknuvší adventuru Two Guys SpaceVenture. Zatímco kolegové ze studia Two Guys from Andromeda stále pokračují na přípravách opožděného titulu, Scott bojuje s mocným nádorovým nepřítelem, což v Americe leze trošku do peněz. Chris Pope, spoluzakladatel studia stojícího za dosud nevydanou hrou tak založil kampaň na GoFundMe.com, ve které prosí o příspěvek na léčebné výdaje svého kolegy.
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electorquotes · 5 years
Cobbett’s Political Register, 1805
Page 237: The national assembly were aware of the danger that awaited them; upon two unfortunate wretches who had concealed themselves to hear what passed being discovered and put to death by the populace, they ordered them to be dispersed by force. The national guards were called out; several of the sections had opposed Mons. de la Fayette’s being again invested with the command; but the submission that they had been obliged to make, before he resumed it, added much to his authority, and what operated still more powerfully, they were received by the populace with a shower of stones; a skirmish ensued, in which the mob was dispersed with considerable loss, and martial law was proclaimed. This act of vigor was ill supported; the assembly ordered a prosecution against the authors of the tumult; the place that the officers of the courts of justice chose for arresting Danton, was the electoral assembly; they were then themselves arrested for presuming to interrupt an elector in the exercise of his duty; a report was made to the national assembly, who though they condemned the conduct of the electoral assembly, to get rid of the affair referred it to the courts of justice, whose authority had been insulted, and who were unable to command redress.
Page 377: [The following article has been circulated on the Continent, as comprehending the principal complaints alleged by the Court of Vienna against the government of France.] —The occupation of Hanover, of the Papal States, and of the Kingdom of Naples, as well as the Helvetian Republic, contrary to the treaties of Ratisbon and Luneville; the incorporation of Piedmont with the French Empire; the invasion of the German Empire by the seizure of the Duke d'Enghien of the territory of the Elector of Baden; the seizure of several islands on the Rhine, which, according to the Treaty of Ratisbon, belonged to the German Empire; the demand, or rather threat, to occupy all the sea ports in Dalmatia, and in the ci-devant Venetian Slates, during the present war; the demand or menace to occupy the capital of the Kingdom of Naples, all its forts and seaports; the occupation of all the seaports of the Kingdom of Etruria; the incorporation of Parma and Placenza with France, contrary to the secret articles of the treaty of Luneville; the imperious demands to the Courts of Vienna and Naples to exclude all British and Russian ships from their respective harbours; the late imperious demand to occupy the seaports in the Island of Sicily; the creation of a new kingdom in Italy, contrary to the secret articles of the treaty of Luneville; the incorporation of Genoa with the French Empire, contrary to the secret articles of the treaty of Luneville; the evasive, and insolent answer given to the representations of Count Cobentzel, Ambassador from the Emperor of Germany; and the insulting language held by the Chief of the French government to all the representations of his Majesty the Emperor of Germany arid Austria.
Page 561: As to the present prospects of the war very little can be said. There are doubts about the conduct of the Elector of Bavaria; and, if we may judge from the language of the French, he cannot be expected to join his forces to those of the allies. The language of the French is not, however, much to be relied on, in such a case.
Page 563: In the distribution of the indemnities in Germany, Austria had been treated with a partiality that ought to crown all her wishes, and surpass even her expectations. Yet her conduct showed, that she was far from being satisfied. She alternately employed arts and menaces to procure form the petty princes the cession of such possessions as suited her. Thus it was she had acquired Lindau on the Lake of Constance, and the Isle of Mensu in the same Lake, which placed in her hands one of the keys of Switzerland. She obtained the cession of Altkousen from the Teutonic Order, which made her mistress of an important post, the port of Rhinau. She had enlarged her territory by a number of other acquisitions, and was mediating fresh ones. As a means of aggrandizement, she was not afraid to employ evident usurpations, which she sought to conceal under legal forms. — Thus it was that, under color of a right paramount, (a right which she had renounced by a treaty) and the exercise of which was incompatible with the execution of the recess of the Germanic empire, she appropriated to herself some possessions, which she affected to consider in a state of disherison and without legal proprietors, though the recess had formally disposed of them towards the division of the indemnities. By these means she disappointed many princes of those possessions which it had been thought just to assign them, under pretense of this same right paramount, which, so far as regarded the Swiss, she called the right (d’Incamération), she carried off considerable sums from Switzerland. She sequestered the fiefs of a neighboring prince in Bohemia, under pretense of compensations due to the Elector of Saltzburg, of which, contrary to every right, she claimed to be sole arbitress.
Page 569: …..all these motives led the Emperor to make his just reflections. He determined to demand of the Court of Vienna explanations, which should make known the basis upon which negotiations could be carried on. He ordered the Minister of Foreign Relations to prepare a not to this effect. The courier who was to be the bearer of it was on the point of setting out, when the Emperor was informed of the invasion of Bavaria. The Elector had been summoned to join his army to that of Austria, and, as if his anticipated refusal to make common cause with Austria, from which he never received but evil, against France, from which he never received but good, could have been to the Court of Vienna a just movie for war, the Austrian army, without any previous declaration, in contempt of the duties which his situation of Emperor of Germany imposes on the Emperor of Austria, in contempt of the Germanic constitution, of the Germanic empire itself; in contempt in fine, of all the most sacred rights, passed the Inn, and overrun Bavaria in profound peace. …… The wishes of the eternal enemies of the Continent are accomplished: war has commenced in the midst of Germany; Austria and Russia have united with England; and our generation is again involved in all the calamities of war. But a very few days ago I still cherished a hope that peace would not be disturbed. Threats and outrages only showed that they could make no impression upon me; but the Austrians have passed the Inn; Munich is invaded; the Elector of Bavaria is driven from his capital; all my hopes are, therefore, vanished.
Page 581: Continental War. — At the close of the last article upon this subject, an apprehension was intimated, that it was not true, as stated int eh ministerial prints, that the Elector of Bavaria had joined his forces to those of the allies; and, it now appears, that that apprehension was but too well founded. The statement of the Treasury print, the Sun, which is to the Pitt ministry exactly what the Moniteur is to the government of France, is worthy of particular notice. It should be read with attention; for, it is easy to perceive that it is intended to pave the way for a more direct defense of the conduct of Austria in seizing upon Electorate of Bavaria, and in the adoption of those subsequent measures of appropriation of treasure, etc. which, at present, do seem to stand in need of some explanation. “We stated some days ago, upon what we conceived to be indisputable authority, that the Elector of Bavaria had declared his intention of joining the allies with all his forces. The intelligence which has since been received from the Continent seemed so much at variance with our assertion, that some of our contemporaries have accuse us of having made the statement without sufficient grounds. We have, however, received a letter from Munich, which fully explains the seeming contradiction, and completely justifies us for having laid the intelligence alluded to before our readers.
Page 583: The letter we have received from Munich (the authenticity of which may be firmly relied upon) states that when the Emperor of Germany, in consequence of the repeated aggressions and usurpations of the French government, determined to form an armed mediation, the occupation of Bavaria was deemed absolutely necessary; his Imperial Majesty therefore proposed to the Elector, that if he would suffer his troops to enter Bavaria, he would consent to no peace in which the integrity of the Elector’s dominions should not be guaranteed. In answer to this application the Elector of Bavaria replied, we have reason to believe, in a letter under his own hand, in which he expressed his satisfaction at the proposal which had been made, and adding, that he had instructed his minister to sign a treaty of alliance with the Emperor of Germany, and that he who’ll join the allies with all his forces. After this positive declaration, it was with the utmost surprise that the Emperor learnt, in a few days, that the Elector had retired to Wurtzburg; that he had ordered his troops to follow him; and that he had entered into another treaty with Bonaparte, in direct contradiction to his most positive assurances. This most extraordinary and unaccountable conduct, to use no stronger term, naturally provoked the indignation of Austria, and has led to those strong measures which she has since adopted with respect to the Electoral Dominions.” …… The French, as will be seen by their manifestoes, assert, that the Elector of Bavaria had no desire but that of preserving a strict and impartial neutrality; but, it would argue a great want of recollection to believe, that the French would have suffered such a neutrality any longer than it suited their own convenience, or, that, if not obviously advantageous to themselves, they would have suffered it at all. To enter Bavaria, therefore, might easily admit of a justification perhaps; but, to seize on its revenues can be justified upon no ground other than such as that, whereon war might be justified; and, to justify war, there must be a previous declaration of war, which, in this case, it is to be feared, there was not.
Page 597: The Undersigned has received from his Majesty, the Emperor and King, express orders to declare, that in no case his Majesty will suffer Austria to aggrandize herself in Germany, or to make acquisitions in Bavaria, and accomplish the project she has often betrayed, to extend her frontiers to the Lech, and to drive the Elector of Bavaria to the left Bank of the Danube. Such a project is too decidedly hostile to the interests of the Germanic Body, to those of France, to the promises in which his Majesty the Emperor and King has bound himself, to the engagements into which he has entered to maintain the integrity of Bavaria.
Page 609: Public Papers. Bavaria. — Historical Representation of the Events which have directed the conduct of his Electoral Highness, the Elector Palatine of Bavaria, dated Wurtzburgh, September 29, 1805. ……. Bavaria had no complaint against the Emperor Napoleon. By his vigorous cooperation, it had received indemnification for the losses it had sustained in the last war; and the courts of Vienna and Petersburgh cannot deny the interest which the Emperor of the French took on that occasion, in the Elector of Bavaria. …… Scarcely were these accounts received when the camp at Wels broke up, and the march of the troops to Braunau gave reason to suppose, that they mean soon to cross the Inn. The Elector, however, hoped to be able to preserve that neutrality which his geographical situation, and the interest of his exhausted states, seemed to prescribe to him as the most agreeable system. — The Elector had already commissioned his minister to make overtures upon the subject to the court of Vienna, when Prince Schwarzenberg suddenly appeared in Munich. He brought a letter from the Emperor of Russia, in which his Imperial Majesty, in the most decided terms, desired the immediate union of the Bavarian with the Austrian troops. This letter contained threats in case this desire was not fulfilled, and an assurance in case of its being accomplished, that he would never make any pretensions on the smallest part of Bavaria. In this categorical manner an overture was made, at a period when we had the less reason to expect any pretensions to be set forth by the Austrian court, that the electoral minister had just concluded a convention with the Imperial Plenipotentiary at Munich, subject to the ratification of the elector, by which very considerable sacrifices were made in favor of his Imperial Majesty and the Elector of Salzburg. The Prince of Schwarzeberg, explained more particularly in an interview granted him by the elector, and in another which he had with the minister of foreign affairs, in a commanding tone, the intentions of the Emperor.
Page 611: He required a complete and accurate representation of the state of the Bavarian army, and to all his other demands he added another, that the Elector should give him an answer on the same day. Nothing was prepared, the Elector thinking that he ought to yield to his confidence in the court of Vienna, immediately dispatched to his Majesty the Emperor, whose regard for right and justice are so generally recognized, his lieutenant general, the Count Nogarolla, with a letter, written by his own hand, in which in the openest and most cordial terms he confidentially represented to his Majesty the situation in which the elector found himself, the necessity he was under of abiding by the system of neutrality that he had adopted. Without permitting himself to take any steps which could excite suspicions respecting his intentions, the Elector, by the mission of this general, deprived himself of the commander of one of the principal divisions of his army. General Nogarolla had scarcely set out, when they were surprised in Munich by the intelligence, that the Austrian army were preparing to cross the Inn. The Elector now easily perceived that the Austrian generals were determined to put it out of his power quietly to deliberate upon the propositions made to him, and that they haunted at the very commencement of negotiations to make sure of the Bavarian troops, and perhaps of the person of the Regent himself. …… The moment was now arrived when the Elector of Bavaria, who had hitherto lent implicit confidence to the friendly assurances of the Imperial Envoy, should adopt a prompt and steady resolution to preserve his honor and independence. ….. When a wish was expressed further to treat with this general, who had in so commanding a tone required an answer in 24 hours, the Elector and his minister found out with astonishment that he was provided with no powers, and that before coming to any conclusion Field Marshal Mack must be consulted. The interview for which this general and Prince Schwarzenberg had proposed the 9th of September, was agreed to, and in the meantime the Austrian troops actually entered Bavaria. ……. In the night between the 8th and 9th of September, orders were given for the march of the electoral troops. The Elector and his ministers withdraw from further vexations, quitted the capital, and betook themselves to the Franconian provinces. — Notwithstanding the violent proceedings taken against the elector, his personal confidence in his Majesty the Emperor, and even in Field-Marshal Mac, was not diminished. The electoral Lieutenant Colonel Ribaupierre was dispatched to an appointed interview at Haag, as he was the person best qualified to give the imperial quartermaster the most accurate information respecting the state of the Bavarian army.
Page 613: They crossed the Danube, and went into cantonments in the Upper Palatinate. In order that the communications with the commander of the Austrian army might not be embarrassed or retarded by the court having changed its place of residence, the Elector appointed, for the purpose of entertaining those relations, his minister at the courts of Vienna and Salzburg, Baron Gravenreuth, who happened then to be at Munich, thereby thinking to give a new proof of his earnest wish to preserve a friendly and good understanding. This minister, on the 13th, sent his brother, a captain of the electoral staff, and formerly attached to the mission at Vienna, to Field Marshal Mac, to Munich, with a letter, in which, appealing to the system of neutrality that had been adopted, he begged to be informed of the particular tract of country through which the imperial troops were to pass, and what positions the electoral troops might take, in order that the imperial army might meet with no impediment on its march, and all occasion for collision be avoided.
Page 614: The subjects of the Elector were obliged to furnish horses for the Austrian officers who were traveling post; horses were taken from carriages on the road, for the purposes of draught; considerable requisitions were made of horses, which were seized upon by execution. The Bavarian peasants were forced to drive the wagons. The Bavarian soldiers who were absent on leave, and the recruits, were forbidden to join their regiments, under pain of the loss of property.
Page 615: On the 28th of September, the answer of the Archduke Ferdinand arrived in Bamberg, in which he referred to the Austrian Minister, who was then in Wurtzburgh. — This Minster, notwithstanding all that had taken place, had made no ceremony in repairing to the Court at Wurtzburgh. In an audience granted him, he delivered to the Elector a letter from the hand of the Emperor, in which his Majesty insisted on his first proportions, and desired the union of the troops. This Minister afterwards declared, that he was vested with full power to conclude an alliance with Bavaria. Propositions were brought forward so widely different rom the system that had been observed by Austria for a century past, that their sincerity could not possibly obtain belief. Overtures were renewed to him, the principal of which were to recognize the neutrality of the Elector. He did not absolutely reject the proposition, but declared in the most precise terms, that the Emperor of Austria would never consent to an armed neutrality. His Majesty, he said, might perhaps consent to a neutrality, and even agree that a certain circle in the neighborhood of Munich should never be occupied by Austrian troops, provided the Elector would previously consent to disband his army. Such a proposition necessarily revolted the Elector and his Ministers. In order, however, to avoid the slightest reproach of having abruptly broken off a negotiation by which, perhaps, the Elector might have been placed in a situation to preserve his neutrality, these insulting demands met only a cool reply. The Imperial Ministers proceeded, that if the Elector made a difficulty in the general disbanding of his army, the Emperor would be contented with the disbanding of only the Bavarian and Swabian troops, permitting him to retain the Franconians. The Minister of Foreign Affairs rejected a condition so humiliating for the Franconians. The Austrian Envoy declared, that besides the Franconia troops, the Swabians might also be retained, if the Elector would consent to disband the Bavarians. Without this express condition, however, no neutrality could be thought of.
Page 616: How could the Austrian Minister propose a measure by which a difference was supposed between the Electoral troops at once so injurious and insulting? His Electoral Highness, and the whole nation, are convinced that the same fidelity, and the same courage pervade the whole army, and know no difference. The Elector cannot better prove this than by interesting the defense of the country to the Bavarian and Swabian troops, while he delivers up his person and family to the protection of those of Franconia. — The Minister of the Emperor and King further declared, that if the Elector remained armed, his Imperial Majesty would not ever on that account treat him as an enemy, but that this measure must necessarily inspire a just distrust, and that his Majesty would in this case feel himself obliged to act as circumstances might require. It was remarked that this expression was extremely undefined, and might be explained in any way suiting the occasion. The reply was, that the Ministers of the Elector made no proposition to him, while he was empowered to discuss every condition which was compatible with the disarming of the Bavarian troops. On this new overture there was nothing further to be said. The honor and the independence of the Sovereign could not permit that the disbanding of the Electoral Bavarian troops should be fixed as the basis of any negotiation. The Austrian Minister was now aware that his propositions were not, and could not be attended to, and that his negotiation had entirely failed of success. He began, therefore, to complain of the approach of the French troops; he gave it to be understood, too, that he did not feel himself in his proper place, and that if no other proposition was made to him, he would return to the Austrian headquarters. In fact, the Court learned, that on the 27th of September, at three o’clock in the afternoon, he had taken his departure from Wurtzburgh. Thus ended the negotiation which Austria wished to enter upon, after it had overrun the land of a peaceable neighbor with a numerous army. This faithful representation, puts every man in a situation to judge of the intentions of Austria respecting Bavaria, and even to pronounce, that there was nothing left to the Elector of Bavaria, but to throw himself on the protection of the Emperor of France, against demands, insulting at once to his army and the nation.
Page 627: Bavaria. — Proclamation of Lieutenant-General Deroy to the Bavarian Army. Soldiers; — Your country has called you to its defense. In the midst of peace our Elector has been attacked by Austria: Bavaria has been overrun by her troops. Your prince wished to remain neutral; and you have seen yourselves forced to avoid the Austrian armies in order to prevent an engagement. ……. Page 628: The great park of artillery passed the Rhine at Kehl, on the 30th Sept. and advanced towards Heilbronn. The Emperor passed the Rhine on the 1st inst. at Kehl, slept at Ettingen, the same evening, received there the Elector and Princes of Baden, and went to Louisburgh to the Elector of Wurtemburgh, in whose palace he took up his abode.
Page 671: The facility of passage afforded the French trough the states of its three willing dependents, the Elector of Baden, Wirtemberg, and Bavaria, together with the facility, which they took the liberty to make to themselves a passage through the Margravate of Anspach (a detached territory of Prussia), have enabled them to fall upon the Austrians at Wirtengen, to push them back from several other posts, and finally to cross the Danube with their main army, and place themselves between the Austrians and Vienna, and, which is of more fatal augur, between the Austrians and the Russians, which later, in two or three strong bodies, amounting in the whole, perhaps, to fifty thousand men were, it is confidently said, within a few days march of the French army, when the last advices came away.
Page 672: It is confidently stated, that the Prussian monarch has granted a passage, through part of his states at least, to the Russian troops; but, that he has done this in consequence of the violation of his rights of neutrality by the French in Ansbach, is utterly incredible, so good an excuse for his not resenting that affront being offered him in the fat of the Austrians having previously set at nought the rights of neutrality of his neighbor, in another quarter, the Elector of Bavaria. If, therefore, he really be so friendly, as he is represented to be, to the cause of the allies, that friendship must have before existed; and, instead of his being rendered hostile to France by the passage of Ansbach, it is by no means improbable, that it was his already existing hostile intention, of which Buonaparte was informed, that led to the forcing of that passage by the order of the latter.
Page 677: The Emperor arrived at Augsburg on the 10th, at 9 p.m. The town has been occupied for these two days. The communication of the enemy’s army is cut off at Augsburg and Landsperg, and is about to be cut off at Fuessen. The Prince Murat, with the corps of Marshal Ney and Lannes, are engaged in the pursuit. Ten regiments have been withdrawn from the Austrian enemy of Italy, and are coming by post from the Tyrol. Some Russian corps, who also travel post, are approaching to the Inn; but the advantages of our position are such, that we can make head against everything. — The Emperor is lodged at Augsburgh, at the Palace of the old Elector of Treves, who has treated with great magnificence the suite of his Majesty, as they successively arrived.
Page 711: We know, that the Russians did not arrive soon enough to assist General Mack; and, it will be seen, from a letter of Count Stahremberg (with respect to the discretion of writing which letter nothing need be said) to the editor of the Morning Post, that the Russians were not expected so soon as they actually arrived. What, then, could urge them on? We are told that they were deceived by the Elector of Bavaria. Where are the documents to prove this? The Elector has published his narrative, and Austria has not contradict it. The Austrians overran Bavaria; they took possession of its treasures and of its government; they issued their paper money there in payment for things of real value, which things they took. What obstacle, therefore, was Bavaria in their way?
Page 716: Continental War. — Proceeding of the Extraordinary Meeting of the Conservative Senate of France; Oct. 24, 1805. At one o’clock this day the members of the Conservative Senate met, in virtue of a convocation extraordinary ordered by his Highness Prince Joseph, grand elector. His Imperial Highness Prince Louis, constable; his Serene Highness the Arch-Chancellor of the Empire and some of the ministers, were present at the setting. It was opened under the presidency of the grand elector, with the following speech pronounced by his Highness.
Page 717: Senators, a month is not yet elapsed since I told you that your Emperor and his army would do their duty — I am impatient to say, that my people have done theirs. Since I began the campaign I have dispersed an army of 100,000 men: I have almost taken the half of them prisoners; the rest are killed, wounded, or deserted, and reduced to the greatest consternation. These brilliant successes I owe to the affection of my soldiers — to their patience in supporting fatigue. I have only lost 15000 men in killed and wounded. Senators, the first object of the war is already fulfilled. The elector of Bavaria is reestablished on his throne. The unjust aggressors have been struck, as if by lightning; and, with the help of God, I hope, in a short space of time, to be able to triumph over my other enemies. — From my imperial camp at Elchingen, Oct. 18. — (Signd) Napoleon.” — By order of his Imperial Highness, the 6th bulletin of the grand army was then read, with the articles of the Capitulation of Ulm.
Page 727: The Emperor has made a present to the Bavarians of 20,000 Austrian fusils? for the army and the national guards. He has also made a present to the Elector of Wirtemberg of six pieces of Austrian cannon. — During the maneuver of Ulm, the Elector of Wirtemberg was for a moment apprehensive for his Electress and family, who then went to Heidelberg, and he disposed his troops to defend the heart of his states.
Page 728: Address of Napoleon to his Soldiers, the Evening before the Surrender of Ulm. …… Soldiers, but for the array which is now in front of you, w should this day have been in London; we should have avenged ourselves for six centuries of insults, and restored the freedom of the seas. — But bear in mind, tomorrow, that you are fighting against the allies of England; that you have to avenge yourselves on a perjured Prince, whose own letters breath nothing but peace, at the moment when he was marching his army against our ally; who thought us cowardly enough to suppose that we should tamely witness his passage of the Inn, his entrance into Munich, and his aggression upon the Elector of Bavaria. He thought we were occupied elsewhere; let him, for the third and last time learn, that we know how to be present in every place where the Country has enemies to combat.
Page 755: Austria and Bavaria. — A true Statement of the Conduct of the Serene Elector Palatine of Bavaria, in answer to the “Historical Representation of the Events which have directed the Conduct of his Electoral Highness.” (see p. 609.) From the Vienna Court Gazette of the 16th Oct. 1805. The Serene Elector Palatine has published an Historical Representation, in which he owns himself an ally of France, and declares war against Austria and Russia, excusing, by false allegations, the breach of promise he had made to the Roman Emperor, of ceding his troops to him. Not content with the indemnifications the Serene Elector had received by the conclusum of the empire of 27th April, 1803, he suffered himself, from ambition, to be drawn into secret engagements with France, which proved, on every occasion, to tend systematically to counteract Austria. — As his ambitious hopes rested principally upon the prospects of a fresh attack with which the Court of Vienna was menace by France on every occasion, those gradual armaments which his Majesty was compelled to make from the preparations made by the Emperor Napoleon, became an object of the Serene Elector’s attention. His first design was to raise a numerous army in Bavaria, and to hold it in readiness for the French Emperor. The quickness of the Austrian armament prevented the execution of that intention, and the Elector chose rather to hasten to go and join the French with all his troops, leaving his Bavarian and Swabian estates to their own fate, than to disappoint the expectation of the enemy of public tranquility; consequently the whole of the Bavarian artillery was sent to Wurtzburgh, the Bavarian and Swabian troops were assembled, and a French general was present, to prepare everything agreeably to the desire of the Emperor Napoleon. His Serene Highness the Elector had also prepared for his departure, when Prince Schwarzenberg arrived at Munich, on the 6th of September. — The danger that the Elector Palatine would join the French was indubitable; consequently a serious demand for the cession of troops became a just measure of self-defense. — The Elector agreed to the demand verbally, and in writing.
Page 757: On the 8th of September, Count Nogarola was sent off to the Emperor, with a letter from the Elector, beginning in the following words: — ‘I have this morning ordered my minister to conclude an agreement with Prince Schwarzenberg, in pursuance of which I shall united my forces to those of your Imperial and Royal Majesty, to give you a proof of my inviolable devotion.’ No sooner had Count Nogarola set off with this letter, and even before Prince Schwarzenberg could go from Munich to Haag, than the Serene Elector left Bavaria in the night of the 8th, and withdraw all his troops by forced marches, having emptied all the public chests, and taken with him even the deposited bonds, and widows’ and orphans’ estates; whence it became necessary to put a stop to the further drawing of annuities, etc. to prevent a total stagnation of the whole administration of the country. …… The Bavarian troops were not to be embodied by men or companies with the Austrians, as has been falsely asserted in the Palatinate part, but to remain together, in whole regiments or brigades. The entry of the Austrian and Russian troops in Germany had been notified to the Serene Elector, who had only made the exception of the districts of Munich and Nymphenburgh.
Page 758: All was refused. The French troops were received by the Elector with open arms, and all the Palatine troops joined them. They take the field against his Majesty, and against the Emperor of Russia, and war has been declared. — In a word, the Elector became false to his word, which he had given as a Prince, and as a man; false to his people, and to his Emperor; to the proved friendship of the Emperor Alexander; to the security and welfare of Germany, and of Europe, which depend on the event of this war compelled by France. This is the true statement of a conduct, which the loyal subjects of that Prince loudly deprecate, at which the honorable and patriotic feelings of his brave troops revolt, who are now shedding their blood, not for the deliverance of Germany, but for its enemies, and who are compelled to stain their hands with German blood. ….. Proclamation of the Elector of Bavaria to the Bavarians, dated Wurtzburgh, Oct. 10, 1805.
Page 759: The Emperor of the French, the natural ally of Bavaria, flies to your succor with his intrepid warriors. He comes to avenge us. Already your brothers and your sons fight in the ranks of these heroes, habituated to victory; and, already, we see the dawn of our safety. — Bavarians! You, who patiently bear the evils which the enemies of the country heap upon you, remember your Prince, who knows your sufferings, who shares them; and who cannot support the idea of being separated from you, but in the persuasion, that, by preserving his personal liberty, he has secured to himself the means of acting with an absolute independence for his dear and faithful subjects. — Our good cause is under the protection of a just God, and of a courageous army, commanded by an invincible hero! Let the rallying word of every Bavarian be, “for his Prince and his country!” (Signed) Max. Joseph, Elector.
Page 760: But ignorance of our intentions is pleaded, as if the intention did not exist in the nature of the transaction, so long as the contrary is not stipulated? As if the solemn protestations of the authorities of the province, and of the minister of his Majesty to his Highness the Elector of Bavaria, and not sufficiently made now what was by no means necessary, and that I myself, with the map in my hand, in the conferences which I had with their Excellencies M. Duroc and M. De Laforest, had not declared that no troops whatever should pass through the Margarviates, pointing out to them, at the same time, the route of communication, that Bavaria had stipulated for herself, as the only one in which the march of the troops was not likely to meet with any obstruction!
Page 761: Munich. …… The Elector of Bavaria is every moment expected here. The Emperor has sent his aide-de-camp, Colonel Lebrun, to receive him, and to afford him, on his rout, escorts of honor. Te Deum has been performed at Augsburg and at Munich. The subjoined proclamation has been posted up in all the towns of Bavaria. The people of that country are well affected; they run to arms, and form voluntary guards for the defense of their country, against the incursions of the Cossacks. Generals Deroi and Wreden manifest the utmost activity; the latter has taken a great number of Austrian prisoners.
Page 762: The Emperor, yesterday, gave a concert to all the ladies of the court. He gave a particularly distinguished reception to Madame de Montgelas, the wife of the Elector’s prime minister, a lady of extraordinary beauty. He testified his satisfaction to M. de Wintz, master of music to the Elector, on the excellent composition of his pieces, replete with spirit and talent.
Page 769: Public Papers. Austria and Bavaria. — Copies of the Documents referred to in the “True Statement of the Conduct of the Serene Elector Palatine of Bavaria.” (See p. 756.) From The Vienna Court Gazette of the 16th Oct. 1805. No. I. — Letter from his Majesty the Emperor of Germany and Austria to his Serene Highness the Elector Palatine; dated Vienna, Sept. 3, 1805. …… Your Serene Electoral Highness, besides, is too enlightened not to feel how much the execution of such a design, if extended all to your troops, would be prejudicial to the Emperor of Russia and myself; and of how much importance it is to us that your Serene Highness should united them with mine.
Page 770: No. II. — Note addressed by his Serene Highness the Elector Palatine to the Lieutenant-General the Prince of Schwartzenburgh, Vice President of the Council of War of his Majesty the Emperor and King; dated Sept. 7, 1805.
Page 771: No. III. — Letter from his Serene Highness the Elector Palatine to his Majesty the Emperor and King; dated Nymphenburg, Sept. 8, 1805. …… No. IV. — Letter from his Majesty the Emperor of Germany and Austria to his Serene Highness the Elector Palatine; date Hetzendorff, Sept. 14, 1805.
Page 773: No. V. — Letter from his Serene Highness the Elector Palatinate to his Majesty the emperor of the Romans and of Austria; dated Wurtzburgh, Sept. 21, 1805.
Page 774: English Minister at Hesse Cassel. — Abstract of the Diplomatic Correspondence which took place last summer, relative to the English Minister at the Court of Hesse Cassel. I. — Substance of a Verbal Representation of this Date by the French Charge d’Affaires to the Electoral Ministry, July 27, 1805. The French Minister is charged to represent to his Serene Highness the Elector, that his Majesty the Emperor of France has learned, with great displeasure, the readmission of Mr. Taylor, the English minister, after the said minister had been accused, in all the public journals in France and Germany, of being an accomplice to conspiracies against his Majesty; and that, on the other hand, nothing appeared in any paper in his defense, on the part of the English minister. …… II. Verbal reply of the Electoral Minister of State. — His Serene Highness the Elector, now absent at Nuendorf, did not expect, after the steps taken by him to satisfy the French government, that he should be again applied to in so urgent a manner upon this subjct; on the contrary, he conceived himself entitled to hope from its candor, that it would, at least, have waited for the result of the representation recently made by him to the King of England himself. For the rest, the Elector will return in a few days to Cassel, when he will in person do everything in his power to accommodate the present misunderstanding with the French court, with which his Highness wishes to remain on a footing of a constant and sincere friendship.
Page 775: His Majesty empowers his ambassador to demand, that Mr. Bignon shall forthwith retract his demand with regard to Mr. Taylor; to acquit the French ministry, that his Majesty cannot calmly look on and see the slightest measure of hostility exercised with respect to his relative and friend the Elector; and to represent, that such a proceeding would violate all the relations which subsist between Prussia and France, with which his Majesty wishes to maintain a good understanding; a wish which he has anxiously embraced very opportunity of expressing.
Page 776: V. — Reply of the Electoral Minister, dated the 4th of August. — His Serene Highness the Elector, on the subject of the demand of the French Emperor, has to reply, that he has renewed his representations to the British ministry, and further, that he has written a letter to the King of England in his own hand. As his Prussian Majesty, however, has now engaged to mediate with the French Court in this affair, the result of his proceedings may be expected in the course of a short time. Besides, Mr. Taylor is now absent from Cassel, and his place of residence is not known.
VI. — Not from the French Envoy, dated the 6th of August. — In this note the envoy observes, that Mr. Taylor’s petty tour to Goisnar cannot be regarded as a removal from the Electoral Court; and that he, consequently feels himself under the necessity of repeating his former sentiments and menaces; so much the more so; as the Elector had given him a verbal assurance, that the English minister should be no longer recognized. ….. Wirtemburg and France. — Note from Count Winvzingerode, Minister of State and Conferences to his Serene Highness the Elector of Wirtemberg, to his Excellency M. Didelot, the French Minister, dated 30th Sept. 1805. The undersigned is under the necessity of giving to M. Didelot official communication of an event the most unexpected, and of an outrage the most unheard of, against the Capital of his Highness the Elector, by Marshal Ney.
Page 777: But Marshal Ney, rejecting all proposals of the kind, and refusing to accept of any compromise, ordered his guns to be pointed against the gate leading to Louisburgh, compelled it to be opened by those means, entered the capital of his Highness the Elector in an hostile manner, with a force so considerable that the town was not capable of containing it. He ordered the magistracy to assemble for the purpose of communicating to them that two regiments of hussars and five battalions of infantry would arrive there the same night, for which he made an immediate and peremptory demand of 100,000 rations of bread. — The undersigned is at a loss for expressions to coney the deep regret of his Highness the Elector, as well as the just indignation which he must necessarily feel, at the grievous and unheard of insult which has been offered to him in his capital, at the moment that the Emperor Napoleon makes professions of friendship to him, and flatters him with the prospect that he shall soon see him at his palace. — The Elector places too much reliance on the justice and candor of the Emperor of the French, to entertain, for a moment, the least doubt that he will not give to his Highness the Elector satisfaction complete and adequate to the enormity of the insult which has been offered to him. — His Highness the Elector has ordered the undersigned to require of his Excellency M. Didelot by this official note, to make a direct report of these transactions. — At the moment that his Highness the Elector sees his capital in the possession of a foreign army, his chief and greatest anxiety is for the persons of the envoys of the different powers of Europe accredited to his court, and who have only consented to remain there, under the assurance that his Highness would cause them to be respected equally with himself. — HIs Highness the Elector firmly expects that his Excellency will prevail on the Commandant of Stuttgart, to cause the sacred character of public ministers, in which the envoys accredited to his court are clothed, to be secured against all insult, and that they may continue to enjoy all the rights assured to them by the laws of nations. The Undersigned seizes, etc. (Signed) Wintzingerode.
Page 778: P.S. At this instant, the undersigned has received official information from Baron De Taubenheim, First Equerry to his Highness the Elector, that some hussars, acting as bodyguards to General Dupont, have forced open the doors of the principal stables of the Elector, and wounded, with a saber, one of the servants, who endeavored to prevent this violence. One of the Elector’s coachmen, dressed in his livery, and driving M. Didelot, attached to the French embassy, received also some blows with the flat of a sword. …… The undersigned minister of state, etc. etc. of his Highness the Elector, feels it to be his duty to communicate to his Excellency M—, the note, of which the annexed is a copy, transmitted by order of his Highness the Elector, to his Excellency M. Didelot, Minister Plenipotentiary of his Majesty the Emperor of the French, respecting an unexpected event, the details of which are fully mentioned in the said note. — The undersigned seizes this opportunity, etc.
Page 785: But the Sovereign of France, totally regardless of the general tranquility, listened not to these overtures. Wholly absorbed in himself, and occupied only with the display of his own greatness and omnipotence, he collected all his force, compelled Holland and the Elector of Baden to join him; whilst his secret ally, the Elector Palatine, false to his sacred promise, voluntarily delivered himself up to him; violated, in the most insulting manner, the neutrality of the King of Prussia, at the very moment that he had given the most solemn promises to respect it; and by these violent proceedings he succeeded in surrounding and cutting off a part of the troops which I had ordered to take a pion on the Danube and the Iller, and finally, in compelling them to surrender, after a brave resistance.
Page 791: Continental War. — Eleventh Bulletin of the Grand Army; from the French Official Paper, the Moniteur, of the 1st of Nov. 1805. The Emperor arrived at Munich on the 24th of Oct., at 9 in the evening. The town was illuminated with much taste. The Emperor gave an audience on his arrival to the principal officers of the Elector, the Foreign Ministers, and the Magistrates, with whom he remained long in conversation. Prince Murat, who has exhibited an astonishing activity in all his operations, had arrived at Munich. He bestows the highest praises on the chasseurs and carabineers of the Imperial Guards. A treasure, amounting to 200,000 guilders, fall into their hands; but they left it untouched, and pushed on in pursuit of the enemy. In the last action Prince Ferdinand escaped on the horse of a Lieutenant of Cavalry. A number of Austrian soldiers which have escaped into Franconia, have occasioned great disorder there. All the enemy’s baggage was taken. The army is in full march for the Inn, where Marshal Bernadotte, General Marmont, and Marshal Davoust, were to be on the evening of the 26th.
Page 793: Braunau, Oct. 30. — Marshal Bernadotte arrived at 10 this morning at Saltzburgh. The Elector had quitted it several days before. A corps of 6,000 men, which was placed there, had precipitately retired on the preceding evening. The Imperial headquarters were on the 28th ult. at Haag, on the 29th at Muhldorff, and this day at Braunau. Marshal Davoust employed the whole of yesterday in repairing the bridge of Muhldorff.
Page 795: All the other divisions of the army are advancing, but the weather is horrible. It has snowed six inches deep, and the roads are in consequence detestable. The Secretary of State Maret has joined the Emperor at Braun. The Elector of Bavaria has returned to Munich. He was received with the greatest enthusiasm by the inhabitants of his capital. Several mails from Vienna had been intercepted. The last letters were dated on the 18th of October.
Page 890: Linz, Nov. 8. The Elector of Bavaria and the Electoral Prince arrived here yesterday. Lieut. General the Count De Guilay, sent by Emperor of Austria arrived there in the course of the night. He had a very long conference with the Emperor. The object of his mission is not known.
Page 927: The Bavarians had 12 officers killed and wounded; 50 soldiers killed, and 250 wounded. The conduct of Lieut.-Gen. Detoi merits the greatest praise. He is an old officer, full of honor, and extremely attached to the Elector, whose friendship he enjoys.
Page 935: The Emperor has made some more presents to the Elector. He has given him 15,000 musquets, taken in the arsenal of Vienna, and has ordered all the artillery to be restored to him which Austria had taken in the Bavarian states on former occasions.
Page 937: The citizens of every class, the enlightened men, the very princes themselves, oppose the war. It is said, that Prince Charles, on his setting out for Italy, wrote to the Emperor, to show him the imprudence of his determination, and foretold him the ruin of the monarchy. The Elector of Saltzbuagh, the Archdukes, the principal persons, held the same language.
Page 974: Since the publication of the article above referred to, there has appeared, in the Courier newspaper of the 7th instant, a continuation of the same endeavors: “Mr. Wyndham’s Gazette,” (meaning the Register, through, as the reader has been fully informed, in p. 553, the insinuation is totally unfounded) “of the 19th and 26th of October, advocates the cause of that Traitor the Elector of Bavaria, against the Cabinet of Vienna; and the Morning Herald of the 2nd instant, calls Sovereigns of Russia and Prussia, perjured drunken drivelers. Upon every occasion, and in all ways, do the opposition endeavor to disgust the Continent at this country; and then they boast of the contempt in which our government is held….”
Page 975: These are strange insinuations! But, we will, for a few minutes lay them aside, in order to offer a remark or two upon the charge preferred against the Register in “advocating,” as it is quaintly asserted, “the cause of that traitor, the Elector of Bavaria, against the cabinet of Vienna.”
Page 976: Since the publication of the remarks here referred to, a paper justificatory, accompanied with documents, has been published by the cabinet of Vienna; and, I should have been very glad to find in those papers a statement of such facts as would have removed the apprehensions expressed by me, previous to the appearance of the papers; but, such facts I did not find: I found nothing in the conduct of the Elector of Bavaria meeting the appellation of “treason;” I found, indeed, that, seeing an army capable of overwhelming him, just ready to enter his states, and, receiving from the commander of that army an intimation that he would not be suffered to remain neutral, but that he would be compelled to put his troops under the command of one or the other of the contending Emperors; this situated I found him evading an answer as long as possible, and, being able to evade no longer, consenting, in an equivocal manner…. …… How far this is applicable to the case before us, I shall leave the reader to determine: but, I cannot help expressing my belief, that he will be of opinion, that, since Austria compelled the Elector of Bavaria to take an active part in the war, on one side or the other, he had a right to consult his own interest, especially when, upon the choice that he was about to make depended the existence of himself as a prince, and of his country as a state even nominally independent; for, there can now, I think, be very little doubt, that, if he had joined his troops to those of Austria, he might, by this time, have joined his court to that of Louis XVIII.
Page 977: I shall be told, that, if Austria had not compelled him to take part in the war, France would. This I believe; but, if any man should seriously urge this as a ground of justification of the conduct of Austria, surely he will not urge it as a ground of condemnation of the conduct of the Elector? And, I must beg the reader to observe, that the choice of this latter being in its consequences injurious to us, is not a circumstance that renders it criminal. In fine, though I lament that the Elector of Bavaria did not give his aid to the House of Austria (upon the supposition that it might have been of some avail), I repeat, at the hazard of begin again accused of “advocating his cause,“ that it does not appear to rue, that any part of his conduct, or that the whole of his conduct put together, warrants the opprobrious appellations, by which it has been, in the English prints, so frequently characterized; and, on the other hand, I think, that no one can deny, that there was great impolicy, at least, in invading his territories, seizing his treasures, forcing paper money upon his subjects in exchange for their goods, assuming the administration of his government, and, in short, treating his country as completely conquered, without a declaration of war.
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Worth The Whistle
When making ovational pronouncements about their homeland, the Irish are rhapsodic leagues ahead of most nationalist spokesmen. Irish parlance feeds upon the fanciful, and when summarizing their realm of origin, many of Ireland’s offspring--writers in particular--are quick to describe a place that might have been both freshly created and steeped in mythologies long past. The reverence for his country described by novelist and broadcaster Frank Delaney ably captures the painterly affection shared by his tribesmen: “When the sun lights a particular hill in the distance...and it is green and silken to my eye, and the clouds have begun their slow, fat rolling journey across the sky, no land in the world can inspire such love in a common man.” [1] In visions of this sort, the extraordinary and the everyday cultivate each other, and even God’s rudest labours can be a source of inspiration. Consider James Joyce, reveling in backhanded salute to the rougher primordial influences upon his stamping grounds: “Isn’t the sea...a great sweet mother? The snotgreen sea. The scrotumtightening sea.” [2]
Included on the long literary list of Ireland’s tribute-paying sons and daughters is David A. Wilson, author, editor, and expert explorer of Irish history. Among his books are Paine and Cobbett: The Transatlantic Connection (1988), United Irishmen, United States: Immigration Radicals in the Early Republic (1998), The History of the Future (2001), and the ambitious biographical doublet, Thomas D’Arcy McGee, Volume 1 (2008) and Volume 2 (2011). A tireless academic, he is also a professor in the University of Toronto’s Department of History and Celtic Studies Program. (Before I continue, the obligatory disclosure is due: though I’ve never met Wilson, there is a familial connection. Also found on his scroll of vocational titles is general editor of The Dictionary of Canadian Biography, a publication whose supervisory editor is my sister, the relentlessly revising Willadean Leo. Though she has throughout her career worked with a wide selection of impressive colleagues, she has also had a number of professional associates whose exploits I wouldn’t bother to acclaim. Wilson, it happily turns out, is not among the latter.)
Wilson allows himself liberal opportunities to praise his native soil and much that it supports in Ireland, a Bicycle, and a Tin Flute (1995), a diverse and diverting account of a solo cycling trip he undertook along the Emerald Island’s summoning coast. He begins his travels and the book that depicts them in Whitehead, a northern seashore town and the setting of his birth. From there he goes on to an engaging assortment of communities, including Islandmagee, a peninsula he cites as “perfect cycling country” thanks to a lack of traffic and a modest steepness to its hills; Corrymeela, an interdenominational locality dedicated to promoting understanding between religious groups; the town of Clifden, known and enjoyed for its annual arts festival, which he finds “crackling with energy”; Dublin, “a cyclist’s nightmare,” where both the streets and pubs are teeming; and Belfast, with its long, inescapable history of political conflict. The book is episodic, anecdotal, and zealously scrutinizing, weaving together impressions of towns and territories, with historical background, political commentary, and mythological colour contributing to the bounty of Wilson’s account. But the journey’s primary pursuit is of music, specifically Ireland’s traditional songs and the many performers who interpret them. His sole companion throughout is a tin whistle, a type of fipple flute, also called a penny whistle. It proves to be excellent rambling company for Wilson, who regards it as the ideal travel instrument (as it’s so easily transported by bicycle) and prizes it for its “brevity and simplicity...a narrow range of notes and a wide range of feeling.”
The book proceeds with an airy bustle as Wilson pedals down rugged roads and up challenging slopes, through blistering rain and lush rural landscapes. Despite the journey’s demands, he’s well-suited to the role of musical detective, maintaining throughout an unflagging spirit of investigation as well as the sputum to gatecrash forbidden territory. In one such circumstance he’s forced to shinny through a high, narrow pub window and drop into the arms of a group of helpful carousers, all for the pleasure of joining a music session after the grumpy proprietor has locked the front door. And, luckily, he has the wiliness needed to dodge potential social jousts as well as outright threats to life and limb--as in an episode in which a group of violent ruffians demand to know if he’s Protestant or Catholic. Wilson casually disentangles himself by replying, “I’m from Canada--we don’t have Protestants or Catholics.” Between social junctures, welcoming or otherwise, his tour yields up a loamy mix of songs, which includes time-honoured Irish, American pop,  and the hybrids resulting from the two. (The cowboy standard The Streets of Laredo is derived, it turns out, from a popular ditty about Irish patriot Robert Emmet.) Wilson also delves into the melodious contributions made by Turlough Carolan, a legendary harpist of the late-seventeenth and early-eighteenth centuries, blinded before the age of twenty; Michael Coleman, an influential fiddle player who became a successful recording artist in the United States; and Francis O’Neill, a flutist who emigrated to America, became a superintendent for the Chicago police force, and published a seminal book that endowed posterity with over a thousand folk songs from Ireland.   
But it’s in the recountings of the many shows and sessions attended by Wilson that the book is especially shapely and evocative. It’s more than apparent how compelled he is by the mutable nature of music, its fluidity and seductiveness, and the uniting claim it makes upon a crowd, guiding and defining both the musicians creating it and the audience consuming it. The performance of a young accordion player and her band is one of many captivating experiences Wilson reports upon: “She sat on a chair in the middle of the stage, moving from lighthearted waltzes to high-speed reels, deep inside her own world, thoroughly immersed in the music, swaying and smiling with the currents that flow beneath it all. Accordion, fiddle, guitar, and bass were rushing and running together, thundering into a breakneck finish with ‘The Foxhunter’s Reel,’ leaving us shouting and stamping for more.” Despite the exuberant public nature of the many entertainments that he takes in, Wilson is never far from the creative intimacy of such occasions, as well as the recognition that musicianship is its own private caravan, and that music, no matter how penetrable it may be, remains a rich and limitless enigma, something that can never be completely perceived, captured, or explored. It’s during these passages as well as his descriptions of the landscape (also bewitching, overwhelming, and mysterious) that his writing is at its most beckoning, revealing its own quality of music.
Though there’s a current of wonderstruck devotion running from chapter to chapter, Ireland, a Bicycle, and a Tin Flute is overall relaxed and larkish, demonstrating a strong appreciation for mischief and revelry (alcohol is chronically within reach, no matter which town Wilson is visiting), as well as a fondness for the odd, the wayward, and the fantastic. His visit to Whitehead prompts childhood memories of the area’s chilly seafront cliffs and caves and the tale of an outcast madman who took refuge among them and consequently shivered himself to death. And, like a page out of Sheridan Le Fanu, there’s mention made of a true horror story from 1888 in which a northern lake filled up dangerously high during a storm, enough so for its surging waters to gulp down an impatient military man and his driver, coach, and horses after the order was given to “drive on to hell.”
The cumulative effect of this book is of a picaresque adventure following its own abounding soundtrack, with both the journey and its chronicle, to borrow an old phrase, worth the whistle. (A small dissenting note, however: featured on many pages are a series of illustrations by Justin Palmer, and while the sketches have their own energetic virtues, they can’t be called a necessary inclusion. Wilson’s writing is satisfyingly visual as it is, and Palmer’s imagery hasn’t the polish and openness of the narrative it accompanies. That said, the drawings are certainly likable enough and do the book no harm.) 
Edna O’Brien, a mercurial talent and an enticing literary companion, has stated that the gift of language has been her bread and wine. The same, I think, should be said of Wilson, who enjoys putting a certain tang in the tale. But music too must be included and highlighted on his aesthetic bill of fare. He knows its pleasures and contradictions too fondly and too well to be a mere sampler at the gathering.
[1] Ireland, Frank Delaney, Harper Collins, 2005, p518
[2] Ulysses, James Joyce, Oxford University Press, 2011, p5
(Posted: 29/3/18)
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joesbrownusa · 7 years
Houses For Sale in Purcellville, VA
18539 Hepburn Cir
Price: $789000
LOOKS and FEELS like a NEW HOUSE+PLUS+ fenced backyard, professional landscaping & Trex deck! Gorgeous Carrington Homes built Kendall Lane floor plan with MN LVL bedrm w/ en suite full bath,gourmet kitchen w/ 8’X4��� center island, Colonial Cream granite, handmade Italian crackled tile back splash, beautiful wood detailing thru-out, upgraded 3 1/4″ wide hdwd floors, upgraded appliances, 3 car garage
19949 Pleasant Meadow Ln
Price: $1299000
Former builder’s home on 10+ acres of gorgeous rolling hills with amazing views-located in sought after Willowin Farm a premier equestrian community. Overlooks fully stocked pond; 5,300+SF(tax record is wrong)loaded w/upgrades; hardiplank/stone exterior; GOURMET kitchen w/SS; 5BR/4bath; RARE main-level Bedroom w/full bathroom;Office,Sunrm,Great rm;DR;2BR/2bath GUEST HOUSE, 4-stall BARN w/workshop.
19149 Pintail Ct
Price: $695000
4 BR, 4 ½ BA Colonial on an ideal setting of 3+ partially fenced acres only minutes from downtown Purcellville. Exceptional floor plan with custom touches on each level: hardwood floors, 2 story stone gas fireplace, moldings, large center island, master suite with trey ceiling, office with built in shelves, bedroom w/private bath, side load garage, covered deck area, walk-out finished basement.
Mayfair Dr
Price: $499990+
Build for Spring/Summer Move In! Walking distance to schools. Beckner offers a versitile, open floorplan! Kitchen comes upgraded with Hardwood Floors, Granite Counters and Stainless Steel Appliances. 2nd Level Laundry area. Options for up to 7 Bedrooms! Closing Assistance Available. Community with Trail, Tot Lot and Basketball Court! Photos Similar. Free Rec Room for a Limited Time
409 Falls Chapel Ct
Price: $584500
Open floor plan perfect for entertaining! Hdwd floors reflect natural light. Huge gourmet kitchen has granite island, breakfast bar & New top-line appliances. Adjoining FR with 2′ bumpout & gas fireplace. A perfect retreat, Master Suite features sitting area, spa-like BA w/soaking tub & walk-in closet. Finished LL . Rear deck. 1/3 acre yard. Convenient to dining & shopping. Approx. $60K in updates
20723 St Louis Rd
Price: $975000
Classic 4-sided brick colonial on 12 gently rolling acres w/scenic views. 4-car garage, fully finished basement, media room. Luxury MBA w/steam room, spacious 2-person shower, roman sitting tub. MBR features trey ceiling, sitting room w/gas FP & wet bar. Hardwoods on main level; elegant kitchen w/granite, cherry cabinetry.No HOA! This if a first class property on scenic parcel of land.
112 Desales Dr
Price: $519900
Beautiful home, shows well and is move in ready!!! New paint and carpet. Hardwood floors through main level, crown moldings, columns, gourmet kitchen & butler’s pantry. Upper level master bedroom with master bath plus 2 other bedrooms w/Jack & Jill bathroom, brand new carpet, lower level new carpet, fenced yard, front porch, garage. Walk to old town Purcellville, enjoy restaurants and shopping.
10939 Harpers Ferry Rd
Price: $429000
This beautiful home features stunning mountain views and is perfectly situated to enjoy the best that Virginia has to offer in the way of outdoor activities, wine country and commuter access. Situated on 1.45 acres (property contains two Tax IDs) with approx 3400 fin sq feet, this excellently conditioned home makes it the perfect choice for anyone looking for privacy and spectacular views.
313 N Old Dominion Ln
Price: $549900
Gorgeous 3level home on cul-de-sac. Open floor plan, 2story great rm w/fp, kit w/granite, dbl oven, SS appls,& oversized island. Mstr bath w/soaking tub, skylight, dual vanity & sep shower. HUGE walk-in closet. Upper lvll laundry. Fully finished basement w/full 2nd kit & 2nd laundry rm. Private deck off sunroom. Large custom deck w/ceiling fan, knotty pine ceiling. Cul-de-sac backs to W&OD trail!!
217 Miles Hawk Ter
Price: $335725+
New Bradford features a 1 Car Garage and 3 Fully Finished Levels. The Kitchen is perfect for hosting with Stainless Steel Appliances. 5 Inch Wide Hardwood Floors are on the Entire Main Level and compliment an Oak Staircase which leads to the 2nd floor where there are 3 Bedrooms and Laundry Area. The Master Suite has a 2 Walk in Closets. The Lower Level has been Finished with a Rec Room and Powder Room.
19910 Shelburne Glebe Rd
Price: $425000
Gentleman’s farm and house on 10 plus acres in beautiful Loudoun County Hunt country. Secluded home, with three bedrooms (one unfinished), two full baths, terra cotta tile and hardwood floors. Woodstove in LR. Full dry basement work shop with garage. Well water, propane heat, central air. Perfect location for horses, cows, etc. Currently in land use for hay.
809 Saville Row Ter
Price: $437090+
New and Ready for Move In! 1/3 Stone Front Carlisle offers a spacious, open floorplan! Kitchen comes upgraded with Quartz Counters and Stainless Steel Appliances. Hardwood Floors on Main Level. Master Suite w/ 2 Walk ins. Artisan Trim Package. Finished Lower Level Rec Room and Half Bath. 2 Car Garage
809 Savile Row Ter
Price: $437090+
New and Ready for Move In! 1/3 Stone Front Carlisle offers a spacious, open floorplan! Kitchen comes upgraded with Quartz Counters and Stainless Steel Appliances. Hardwood Floors on Main Level. Master Suite w/ 2 Walk ins. Artisan Trim Package. Finished Lower Level Rec Room and Half Bath. 2 Car Garage. Closing Assistance Available. Community w/ Trail, Tot Lot and Basketball Court! Photos Similar
148 Positano Ct
Price: $527000
This home is stunning, beautifully decorated and professionally landscaped. Sought after Courts of St. Francis, walk to restaurants and shops. Large front porch faces park like common area. 3BR, 3.5 bath, 3 finished levels with many extras. Gourmet kitchen, gleaming wood floors, finished lower level is awesome, 2 gas fireplaces, private driveway, 2 car detached garage, private back porch.
38157 Cobbett Ln
Price: $519000+
Home being built w/ late spring delivery. See documents for floor plans. This custom built farmhouse at Chalk Farm Hamlet is situated on lot 5 with beautiful views. The hamlet has 50 acres of conservancy land surrounding the home.Lovely standard finishes all wood floors, ceramic tiled baths, gourmet kitchen,Hardieplank siding, wood decks and many other amenites.1st Fl MBR & 2 car detached garage.
608 E G St
Price: $484900
Immaculate 4BR 2.5 Bath SFH in downtown Purcellville–walkable to everywhere! New Master Bath, hardwood on main and upper levels, mudroom with custom cabinets. Extremely energy efficient, you won’t believe how low your utilities are! Oversized 2 car garage. You won’t believe all the extras you get for this price! This one won’t last long!
Upper Heyford Pl
Price: $459990+
Can be Ready for Move in this Summer! Walking distance to schools! Linden offers a spacious, open floorplan! Kitchen comes upgraded with Hardwood Floors, Granite Counters and Stainless Steel Appliances. Main Level Laundry area. Closing Assistance Available. Community with Trail, Tot Lot and Basketball Court! Free Rec Room on Select Homesites only for a limited time.
Mildenhall Ct
Price: $464990+
Brand New Manchester in sought after Mayfair can be built by Spring/Summer! Kitchen is upgraded with Hardwood Floors, Granite Counters and Stainless Steel Appliances. Convenient 2nd Level Laundry Area. Master Suite with 2 Walk in Closets! Finished Rec Room! Closing Assistance Available. Community with Trail, Tot Lot and Basketball Court! Photos Similar
37181 Spruce Knoll Ct
Price: $749500
Fabulous home in Oak Knoll Farms! Quiet & private 3+ acres. Lovely front porch plus huge screened back porch with deck. Beautiful hardwoods on main and upper levels. Huge gourmet kitchen, cherry cabinets, granite counters & new SS appl. Master with sitting rm, builtin shelves & gas FP. Private bath for each BR. Rec rm, den/br, bath, workshop! Large storage shed too! Please don’t let cats out!
36758 Waterfront Ln
Price: $798800
this gorgeous home on a serene 1 acre lot offers everything & more on your must-have home list incl peaceful lake views, bright, open floor plan, dark hwd floors, ebony cabinets, huge kit w/stainless steel appls, quartz countertops, private study, media rm, wet bar, in-law suite, spacious owners suite w/ oversized closet & lux tiled bath. richly appointed top to bottom!
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-purcellville-va/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/157945269750
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Grand Mesa National Forest, CO (No. 5)
The Grand Mesa National Scenic Byway is a 63-mile (101 km) National Scenic Byway, National Forest Scenic Byway, and Colorado Scenic and Historic Byway located in Delta and Mesa counties, Colorado, USA. The byway traverses Grand Mesa, the most extensive flat-topped mountain on Earth, and reaches an elevation of 10,849 feet (3,307 m). The byway comprises Colorado State Highway 65 from Cedaredge to Interstate 70 Exit 49 and Forest Service Road 100 to the Land's End Observatory.
Source: WIkipedia  
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Literature of Warley Place
Literature of Warley Place Gabrielle Milligan Sun, 03/02/2019 - 15:37
Literature of Warley Place
There are five items of literature directly pertaining to Warley Place at present.
Warley Place Trail Guide
The first item is a trail guide, comprising a map of the reserve and relevant points relating to the 20 marker posts on the paths. This is available free on the site, but please return it if you are unlikely to use it again. An online version is available at below.
Warley Place trail guide
Guide to Warley Place
By Ray Cobbett
A second item is the short guide to Warley Place by Ray Cobbett. Complete with colour illustrations, this booklet includes a history of the estate, a potted biography of Ellen Willmott, describes some of the flowers, trees and birds found there, and considers the gorge, the lakes and the ponds. It is available for £3 at Warley Place during its events in the spring time. Alternatively ring Fiona Agassiz (01277 230436) or email.
The Wall
A novel by John Cannell
The Wall is a novel written by John Cannell, one of the volunteers. It is a tale linking events in 1919 during Ellen Willmott's time and the present day, based on what Donald found when he helped to restore the wall of the walled garden. As well as an absorbing story the book includes a lot of historical fact and botanical detail. All proceeds go to Essex Wildlife Trust and it is priced at a very reasonable £5. By popular request it has been reprinted four times and this will be the last so if you want it – buy it now. Contact John Cannell at 01277 217236 email or Mick Hedges on 01277 231367.
The Walnut Tree
A sequel to 'The Wall' also by John Cannell
Cover of 'The Walnut Tree' by John Cannell . Many of the readers of John’s novel ‘The Wall’ asked him to write a sequel, which he has now done and it’s called ‘The Walnut Tree’. He has used the same format as before, but moved on one year to 1920. A young lady doesn’t know what she’s in for when she joins the band of volunteers and neither does the thief who tries to steal from Ellen Willmott. As with ‘The Wall’ the proceeds go to Essex Wildlife Trust and it will cost £5. Available from John Cannell at 01277 217236 email or Mick Hedges on 01277 231367.
Miss Willmott of Warley Place
Her Life and Her Gardens by Audrey Le Lievre
This biography is a result of wide and careful research of family papers, conversations and correspondence with those who knew Ellen Willmott, and of visits to Warley, Tresserve, and Boccanegra, her properties in France and Italy. To own three gardens, to employ over one hundred gardeners, to consort with royalty and to feel oneself at home with the finest minds of the time; and yet suffer profound personal sadness and, in the end, loneliness – such was the fate of Ellen Willmott.
A second edition paperback version is still in print, also available from Brentwood Library.
If you would like someone to give an illustrated talk on Warley Place/Ellen Willmott please contact Olive Baldwin on 01277 373240.
La Mairie de Tresserve
Most of you who use this website will know that Ellen Willmott once owned a chateau in Tresserve, near Aix-les-Bains, France.
The chateau is now the Mairie (a sort of town hall) of Tresserve and is largely much as it was in Ellen Willmott’s day. It is preserved by the Association pour la Sauvegarde du Patrimoine de Tresserve and one of their members, Geneviève Frieh-Giraud, has written an excellent book, La Mairie de Tresserve, about the building and its owners. She concentrates mostly on Ellen Willmott, and her material is based on original research both in France and in Britain.
Printed in hard cover on good quality paper and very well illustrated with over 300 photographs (many by Ellen Willmott), it also has a number of comprehensive summaries written in English, set alongside the French text. It might seem expensive at £35, but the quality of this 220mm x 290mm 200 page book, containing information found nowhere else, makes the price well worth paying.
The book can be purchased from Librairie Francaise La Page, 7 Harrington Road, South Kensington, London SW7 3ES. Tel 020 7589 5991 or visit there website Price £35.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239592 http://www.essexwt.org.uk/nature-reserves/warley-place/literature via IFTTT
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Literature of Warley Place
Literature of Warley Place Gabrielle Milligan Sun, 03/02/2019 - 15:37
Literature of Warley Place
There are five items of literature directly pertaining to Warley Place at present.
Warley Place Trail Guide
The first item is a trail guide, comprising a map of the reserve and relevant points relating to the 20 marker posts on the paths. This is available free on the site, but please return it if you are unlikely to use it again. An online version is available at below.
Warley Place trail guide
Guide to Warley Place
By Ray Cobbett
A second item is the short guide to Warley Place by Ray Cobbett. Complete with colour illustrations, this booklet includes a history of the estate, a potted biography of Ellen Willmott, describes some of the flowers, trees and birds found there, and considers the gorge, the lakes and the ponds. It is available for £3 at Warley Place during its events in the spring time. Alternatively ring Fiona Agassiz (01277 230436) or email.
The Wall
A novel by John Cannell
The Wall is a novel written by John Cannell, one of the volunteers. It is a tale linking events in 1919 during Ellen Willmott's time and the present day, based on what Donald found when he helped to restore the wall of the walled garden. As well as an absorbing story the book includes a lot of historical fact and botanical detail. All proceeds go to Essex Wildlife Trust and it is priced at a very reasonable £5. By popular request it has been reprinted four times and this will be the last so if you want it – buy it now. Contact John Cannell at 01277 217236 email or Mick Hedges on 01277 231367.
The Walnut Tree
A sequel to 'The Wall' also by John Cannell
Cover of 'The Walnut Tree' by John Cannell . Many of the readers of John’s novel ‘The Wall’ asked him to write a sequel, which he has now done and it’s called ‘The Walnut Tree’. He has used the same format as before, but moved on one year to 1920. A young lady doesn’t know what she’s in for when she joins the band of volunteers and neither does the thief who tries to steal from Ellen Willmott. As with ‘The Wall’ the proceeds go to Essex Wildlife Trust and it will cost £5. Available from John Cannell at 01277 217236 email or Mick Hedges on 01277 231367.
Miss Willmott of Warley Place
Her Life and Her Gardens by Audrey Le Lievre
This biography is a result of wide and careful research of family papers, conversations and correspondence with those who knew Ellen Willmott, and of visits to Warley, Tresserve, and Boccanegra, her properties in France and Italy. To own three gardens, to employ over one hundred gardeners, to consort with royalty and to feel oneself at home with the finest minds of the time; and yet suffer profound personal sadness and, in the end, loneliness – such was the fate of Ellen Willmott.
A second edition paperback version is still in print, also available from Brentwood Library.
If you would like someone to give an illustrated talk on Warley Place/Ellen Willmott please contact Olive Baldwin on 01277 373240.
La Mairie de Tresserve
Most of you who use this website will know that Ellen Willmott once owned a chateau in Tresserve, near Aix-les-Bains, France.
The chateau is now the Mairie (a sort of town hall) of Tresserve and is largely much as it was in Ellen Willmott’s day. It is preserved by the Association pour la Sauvegarde du Patrimoine de Tresserve and one of their members, Geneviève Frieh-Giraud, has written an excellent book, La Mairie de Tresserve, about the building and its owners. She concentrates mostly on Ellen Willmott, and her material is based on original research both in France and in Britain.
Printed in hard cover on good quality paper and very well illustrated with over 300 photographs (many by Ellen Willmott), it also has a number of comprehensive summaries written in English, set alongside the French text. It might seem expensive at £35, but the quality of this 220mm x 290mm 200 page book, containing information found nowhere else, makes the price well worth paying.
The book can be purchased from Librairie Francaise La Page, 7 Harrington Road, South Kensington, London SW7 3ES. Tel 020 7589 5991 or visit there website Price £35.
from Essex Wildlife Trust http://www.essexwt.org.uk/nature-reserves/warley-place/literature via IFTTT
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