kibatsuchibi · 1 year
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This was our plan Houses, side by side Best friends forever We made them both together Your fairy door is a perfect match Happy Birthday We'll see you later Soul sister Best friend ♡👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏻♡ #imissyou #iloveyouforever #293days #unfair #fuckcancer #coloncancersucks #coloncancerawareness #fuckcoloncancer https://www.instagram.com/p/CpdmlcHvuai/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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katiescancerjourney · 2 years
Scares, July+ 2022
I initially was going to write about each scare in detail, but I have been rather overwhelmed lately and do not want to feel like keep up with my blog is homework, which frankly, it kind of does right now. Homework I gave to myself! lol. Maybe one day I'll lay each one out in their own post, but for now, this is a condensed version.
The last couple of months have been difficult, to put it lightly. Starting with anaphylactic shock which was horrifying, then my sacrum pain increasing to the point where radiation was an absolutely necessary next step. There are lost of side effects connected to radiation but the standout one I learned about was the potential of going into menopause… at the age of 34… putting the nail in the coffin for child birth. I was gutted. Luckily after many fights with my insurance, I was approved for proton radiation which lowers those chances. But still, well, fuck you sacrum tumor.
Due to the pain, I had to go on a 24/7 opioid regiment that has introduced many unwanted side effects, the most awful being, often not feeling like myself. I had emergency scans, procedures and exams due to extreme bloating in my abdomen, an ultrasound for swelling in my foot and a blood transfusion because of low hemoglobin levels. Next I needed a pelvic scan and exam for the extreme nerve pain that has taken over my rectum and genitals, which could be referred pain from my sacrum tumor, or could be a whole new issue to add to the pile. I’ve needed to change and increase my meds 3 times to keep up with the relentless increasing pain, making my daily pill count to almost 40. All the while, my liver enzymes have been shooting up week after week, excluding me from chemo and resulting in the need for liver duct stents.
And after going through all of that, not having 1 full week of peace for months, now, when I look in the mirror and see yellow eyes staring back at me, and I see dark urine every time I pee, and it’s impossible not to go there, to not think, for maybe the first time since this all began, that I might not make it.
After my last appointment with my main oncologist, I came out of her office, sat down in the waiting room and leaned back against the wall. I started to tear up as I fidgeted on hemorrhoid pillow, which I literally cannot sit without anymore. My dad asked if I wanted to go lay down on the couch that was free and I said yes. I walked over to the couch, curled up in the fetal position, brought my arms up over my face and sobbed. Not 30 seconds later I felt him sit down next to me and he started rubbing my head. I sobbed and calmed down and sobbed and calmed down, over and over. When I finally brought my arms down and looked up, Dad and Kim's eyes looked like mine, tired and sad. So yeah, I think that's where we're all at right now.
I got some pretty incredible advice from my support group last night which was to stop and look around at everything I have. To see that I’m at one of the best hospitals in the world, my doctor is a fucking legend, I’m getting an amazing type of radiation that is very difficult to get approved and I’m already set up for the liver duct procedure. I’m as ready as anyone could be. They said I need to go on autopilot for a little while. It’s time to trust the doctors, trust the plan, take a deep breath, and let it all go. Autopilot here I come.
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nexussurgical · 24 days
How Does Colon Cancer Screening Work?
Are you experiencing digestive problems such as abdominal pain, bloating, and blood in your stool for an extended period of time? You might need immediate medical attention to check the culprit for these symptoms.
If you are at risk of colorectal cancer and you are showing symptoms of it lately, don't hesitate to visit a specialist for colorectal cancer screening.
Visit this page to learn more about colorectal cancer screening and colon cancer treatment in Singapore: https://www.nexussurgical.sg/colon-rectum/colorectal-cancer-treatment/
If you are suffering from acid reflux alone, visit this page to learn more about your condition: https://www.nexussurgical.sg/upper-gastrointestinal-surgery/acid-reflux-treatment/
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kghospital · 1 month
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🔍 Did you know that colon cancer can hide behind unexpected symptoms? Stay vigilant and recognize the signs:
🔴 Blood in Stools: Even if it's just a trace, blood in your stool warrants attention.
💢 Abdominal Pain or Discomfort: Don't dismiss persistent or unusual abdominal discomfort.
📉 Loss of Appetite and/or Weight Loss: Unexplained changes in appetite or weight loss should raise concerns.
😴 Unexplained Fatigue: Feeling constantly tired, despite rest, could be a lesser-known indicator.
🚫 Digestive Changes: Pay heed to shifts in bowel habits that persist without explanation.
Awareness saves lives! Stay informed and don't hesitate to consult your healthcare provider if you notice any of these signs.
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pidayscott · 2 months
It’s been 10 years now since my surgery. So far so good! I think I was down to about 155 when they took the staples out. I can’t believe I thought the weight loss was from all the trips to the gym and healthy eating. Be sure to pay attention to your body and get checked out by a doctor when things feel off. Colon cancer is striking younger and younger. Early detection is key. I’m so thankful for the life I have now. I feel very lucky.
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How To Deal With Stage 4 Colon Cancer Symptoms, Treatment, And Survival Rates
Stage 4 Colon cancer starts in the big intestine or back passage. It greatly impacts your health and comes in different stages, each with its own signs.
All the parts of colon cancer are hard, but people say stage 4 is the most serious and tough part. When it’s at stage 4, the cancer has usually gone out of the colon area to far places like other organs or lymph nodes. Stage 4 colon cancer is very serious and can spread to different parts of the body, making it a tough opponent for both patients and doctors.
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shriramaarogyam12 · 9 months
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Colon Cleanse or Colonic is an ancient form of cleansing the colon ( large intestine ) and rectum with temperature and pressure controlled filtered water. It is a drug-free, safe and effective method of removing impacted fecal matter, retained gas,mucus and other waste materials from the colon. 📞8770237007,8103050110,07768299372
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fitbitbody · 9 months
9 Early Signs of Colon Cancer Don't Ignore
Colon Cancer and its Prevalence: 00:00
Changes in Bowel Habits: 00:23
Unexplained Weight Loss: 00:48
Persistent Fatigue: 01:08
Blood in Stool: 01:29
Abdominal Discomfort: 01:52
Anemia and Weakness: 02:14
Narrow Stools: 02:33
Constipation or Diarrhea: 02:52
Family History and Genetic Factors: 03:10
Introduction to Colon Cancer and its Prevalence
Colon cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, is a type of cancer that affects the large intestine or rectum. It's one of the most common forms of cancer worldwide, but the good news is that early detection and intervention can significantly improve outcomes. So, let's stay vigilant and look out for any potential signs.
Changes in Bowel Habits
Have you noticed a sudden and unexplained change in your bowel movements? Pay attention if you experience persistent diarrhea, constipation, or a feeling of incomplete emptying. Any unusual change in your bowel habits lasting for more than a few days could be a red flag.
Unexplained Weight Loss
Losing weight without any deliberate effort can be a reason to raise concern. If you've noticed a significant drop in weight without any lifestyle changes or dietary adjustments, it's time to consult your healthcare provider.
Persistent Fatigue
Feeling tired all the time, despite getting enough rest? Sometimes, colon cancer can cause unexplained fatigue and weakness due to the body's immune response to cancerous cells. Don't ignore this persistent lethargy.
Blood in Stool
One of the most prominent warning signs of colon cancer is blood in your stool. Whether it's bright red or dark and tarry, any occurrence of blood should never be ignored. However, keep in mind that not all cases of blood in the stool are cancer-related, but it's crucial to have it checked out.
Abdominal Discomfort
Experiencing cramps, pain, or discomfort in your abdomen, especially if it's persistent, should be addressed with your doctor. While it may have various causes, it's essential to rule out colon cancer as a possibility.
Anemia and Weakness
Colon cancer can sometimes lead to chronic bleeding in the intestine, leading to anemia. If you notice symptoms like weakness, fatigue, and paleness, getting your blood checked for anemia is a wise move.
Narrow Stools
Keep an eye on the width of your stools. If they become narrower than usual and persist over time, it could be an early indicator of colon cancer. It's always better to be safe and get it checked by a professional.
Constipation or Diarrhea
While occasional constipation or diarrhea is common, persistent issues could be an early warning sign of colon cancer. If it lingers, don't hesitate to get medical advice.
Family History and Genetic Factors
If you have a family history of colon cancer or certain genetic conditions that increase the risk, be extra vigilant and discuss it with your doctor. Early screening may be recommended in such cases.
Remember, folks, awareness is key when it comes to colon cancer. Don't shy away from discussing any concerns with your healthcare provider. By catching the early symptoms, we can make a real difference in tackling this disease. Stay healthy, stay happy!
Keywords: Colon cancer symptoms, Early signs of colon cancer, Bowel habits changes, Unexplained weight loss, Fatigue and weakness, Blood in stool, Abdominal discomfort, Anemia and colon cancer, Narrow stools and cancer, Family history of colon cancer
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dramishchaudhary1 · 10 months
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COLORECTAL CANCER Colon and rectal cancers are those that involve the lowest part of the digestive system: the large intestine and the rectum Symptoms of colorectal cancer Trouble going to bathroom Blood in stools Abdominal pain or discomfort For More Information - Visit: https://delhicancergroup.com/colon-cancers.php Call: +91 92056 45883
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On occasion of Colon Cancer Awareness Month, in this informative video Dr. Chintamani Godbole talks about the growing incidence of colon cancer in India.
He says, with the changing diet to fast food-oriented western diets, the incidence of colon cancer has now become a common phenomenon in India. However, if detected on time, colon cancer can be cured completely.
In this video, Dr. Godbole sheds light on the 4 signs and symptoms that can lead to colon cancer, namely change in bowel habits, blood in stools, iron deficiency anaemia, and unexplained weight loss.
By understanding and recognizing these signs and symptoms, one can take steps to detect colon cancer early on and increase their chances of a successful recovery. With his wealth of knowledge and experience in the field, Dr. Godbole provides invaluable insights and advice on colon cancer prevention and early detection. Watch this video to learn more about how you can protect yourself and your loved ones from this potentially deadly disease.
For consultation, contact Dr. Chintamani Godbole
📲 84518 65944 🌐 drchintamanigodbole.com
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drrajeevkapoor · 1 year
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Dr. Kapoor is well-versed in the latest surgical techniques and procedures for treating rectal cancer. He uses advanced technology and equipment to perform minimally invasive surgeries, which have several benefits over traditional open surgeries.
Consult the best rectal cancer surgeon in Chandigarh now
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wcegtalkradio · 1 year
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Stay Tuned for another episode of Holistic Perspectives on WCEG with host Dr. Dolapo Babalola @livingatyourfinest AKA Dr. Babs on Tuesday, March 21, 2024 ET. Topic: National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month: Have you scheduled your colonoscopy? Watch livestream: FB YT TWR IN @wcegnetwork @wceg_talk_radio www.wcegtalkradio.com www.wceg radio.com Living At Your Finest Wellness #wcegnextlevel #wcegnetworktv #wceg #wcegnetwork #wcegradio #wcegtalkradio #livingatyourfinestlife #colonoscopy #coloncancerawareness https://www.instagram.com/p/CqBWHKBP1z-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Eat Spinach to prevent Colon Cancer - Chirag Global Hospital
Add spinach to your weekly diet for a healthy life. #ChiragGlobal #healthydiet #spinach #bangalore #coloncancer #coloncancersymptoms #coloncancerscreening #coloncancerawareness
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Last year, on Valentines Day I found out I had colon cancer. Glad to be where I’m at now.
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Rajasekhar Colon Cancer Survivor Story
Rajasekhar, a resident of Pamuru mandal in Prakasam district of coastal Andhra, had a peaceful life working at a furniture shop, supporting his wife who is a teacher, and cherishing moments with his family. Living a healthy lifestyle without any vices, Rajasekhar’s life took an unexpected turn when he was diagnosed with colon cancer. However, his story of resilience and hope, combined with the transformative power of Punarjan Ayurveda, led him to overcome this life-threatening disease.
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sheniq · 1 year
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@ENKYBOYS RANDY GONZALEZ DEAD AT 35 After Battle With Colon Cancer Randy Gonzalez, the father in the popular TikTok duo Enkyboys, has died ... following a battle with cancer. A source close to the family tells TMZ, Randy passed Wednesday morning in hospice after his struggles with colon cancer ... a health battle he provided updates about throughout his fight. Randy broke the news about his condition back in April, telling fans he was diagnosed about 6 months prior, and given 2-3 years to live. He said chemotherapy could extend things a possible 5 more years. The viral star created a GoFundMe to help pay for his treatments -- after he claimed he was denied at a cancer center at the University of Texas -- stating they didn't take his insurance. He and his son, Brice, used their social media platform to spread awareness about colon cancer ... and continued to gain serious popularity from their radiant father-and-son dynamic. Randy gave his followers another update in November, detailing everything he'd gone through in only a few months ... hoping to be a great example in a year's time, "when I beat it." For those unaware, Brice landed a spot on NBC's "Lopez vs Lopez" ... cracking audiences up with his hilarious character, Chance. Randy was only 35. RIP. #RandyGonzalez #Enkyboys #coloncancer #coloncancerawareness #colonoscopy #ChadwickBoseman https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn2zIm5vFU-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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