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yeahiwasintheshit · 4 months
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republikkkanorcs · 4 months
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antidrumpfs · 26 days
RETRO MEME FLASHBACK: Let's do a "Hitler Downfall" parody. Even Hitler can't believe Trump isn't being jailed pending trial - he knows that his own people would have locked HIM up if he had done HALF of what Trump has done...
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seymour-butz-stuff · 4 months
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inde-60 · 4 months
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trump666traitor · 9 days
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Hitler Pig really stinks up the court room with his shitted in diaper squirts.
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onenakedfarmer · 17 hours
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And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.
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wfodicks · 2 months
Mike and travis discuss the following topics…. cereal for dinner…. surge pricing….. diaper don….. willy’s chocolate experience…. pregnant stingray…. the tax writeoff channel….. potw: stupid pet tricks/jason statham/bonus dog story well, bye. https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/xyzvy8/wfod030824q.mp3
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rognavman · 3 months
As the question of Absolute Presidential Immunity gets elevated to the supreme court, i think it would be a good idea if President Biden makes a statement to calm the fears and lower tensions in the country. Here is my suggestion...
"Alright, until the supreme court makes a ruling on Absolute Presidential Immunity, I am asking Seal Team 6 to STAND BACK AND STAND BY..."
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yeahiwasintheshit · 4 months
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republikkkanorcs · 5 days
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antidrumpfs · 1 month
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Cartoon by Bill Day
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seymour-butz-stuff · 11 days
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Something Stinks About Donald Trump’s Trial: It Might Be Trump
Sources in the courtroom are reporting that the former president is farting during his criminal proceeding
There's something in the air in New York, and it's coming from Donald Trump's courtroom. Ben Meiselas, co-founder of MeidasTouch and owner of Los Angeles Magazine, reported today that "Donald Trump is actually farting in the courtroom and that it's very stinky around him." "Trump's lawyers are repulsed by the scent and the smell," he said, noting that these observations are from credible sources in the courtroom.
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beelzerog · 3 months
RANT - The Leopard-Eating-Face Party
So I'm listening to the news and commentary as I'm working this morning and it always amazes me the hubris of the MAGA crowd, but I guess that's been their problem in the first place.
Like Trumpy says "I'll be a dictator for just the first day", and they cheer. Now on one hand, I see their point. A dictator can get things done. A benevolent dictator is usually the most efficient form of government. The problem being that you're not always guaranteed a benevolent dictator and if you do get one, there's no guarantee that the next one will be the same. History kinda shows that almost never happens. A benevolent dictator is rare and a benevolent successor is even rarer.
So it's obvious, the MAGA crowd wants things done and if Trumpy's a dictator, those things will get done (though history hasn't exactly been in his side for promises kept). Of course, he'll say "Oh, everything isn't finished, I need one more day". And one more day. And one more day. Until it's four years later and he'll say "Well, we have more to do, so I need another term." And I'm sure, if the country isn't a smoking wreck already, they'll give it to him... or by then, he'll just take it.
But the hubris is the idea that a Trumpy dictator won't affect them... or at least affect them negatively. You think some of them would have learned from before. Queue the video clip of the midwestern elderly woman complaining that Trumpy is "hurting the wrong people". They don't care that people are being hurt, they just want 'the right people' to be hurt. They don't realize they will be the first affected when the jobs go away, when the economy tanks, when the weeding out of who isn't sufficiently loyal to the Trumpy regime starts to look at their own ranks, when the world turns their backs on us and Trumpy will be forced to threaten the world with nukes in order to get them to pay attention to him, like the stubby little dictators he looks up to.
The MAGA crowd also likes the idea of Christian Nationalism. "One Nation, Under God" and all that. First of all, they never specify which version of Christianity they mean. To them, Christian is Christian, it doesn't matter who. The only thing you have to worry about is the 'fake Christians'. But who's the fake Christian? I mean, maybe all of these denominations should get together and agree on what Jesus said and what he meant when he said it, then come back to the rest of us and proselytize. Get your story straight first (not that Christianity is the only religion that has this problem. But I'm not worried about a Buddhist Nation or even the scare-tactic Muslim Nation in the US). Because I see a whole mess of problems if the Christian Nation ever gets brought into being. A lot of the people who cheered for it and prayed for it and voted for it are going to suddenly find out that they are not sufficiently Christian in the eyes of the new regime. That the Jesus that supposedly rules the nation is not the Jesus they know. And suddenly they are in the camps with the rest of us heathens, wondering what went wrong.
A lot of MAGA hubris comes from the same place; they believe they are the norm, they believe that what they believe is simply logical & common sense, and they believe they are the majority. A friend of ours frequently tells my wife to not use herself as the baseline when thinking about things and this is the same flaw in the MAGA thinking.
First of all, they are not the majority. Trumpy lost the popular vote, the vote of the actual individuals, by almost 3 million votes the first time and over 7 million the second time. The only Republican that has won a majority of popular votes recently was the re-election of George W Bush. And the only one previous to that was the election of his father, George H.W. Bush, 16 years before. They are not the majority. And when you stack them against those who vote Democratic and those who just don't vote and the number shrinks. The US barely gets over 50% of eligible voters to vote. The 2020 election got the highest percentage of Voting Eligible Population ever, with 66.9%, meaning out of the 239,247,182 eligible voters, only 159,690,457 showed up. And where do you think those non-voters fall? I'm guessing they are not MAGA supporters. I mean, maybe some. There's a certain number of the population who show up for rallies and protests, but don't actually vote. But I'm betting you that the vast majority are not MAGA. And even if you only went with the voters who voted, they are outnumbered by at least 7 million currently.
But if they are the majority (and this is an old trope. Nixon spoke of the Silent Majority, those who just work day-to-day and don't get involved in politics, who would rise up to support him) then why do they whine about persecution? Well, that's a good question. This is part of the reason that they easily believe in stolen elections. "If the country is as logical and common sense as me, why don't our people win? Must be a conspiracy! Must be illegal votes and giving illegal immigrants the ability to vote so that they steal the election. Yeah, that's it!" You also notice that the people that they blame are usually considered a numerical minority. A small group of Hollywood elites, the Deep State (non-elected government employees secretly making policy), the Jews, etc. They can't be the minority themselves. They just can't! Because that would make them wrong. And they can't comprehend that they might be wrong.
I'm not sure what else to put here. I think one of the reasons why the country seems to divided is that we've all been outed. You & your neighbor or your co-worker may have not talked politics personally, but we now see each other's FB posts and re-Tweets and suddenly we know who is the "flaming liberal" and who is the "fascist conservative" and it's now set everything on edge. We thought everyone around us was like us and now that's been blown up. I think the MAGAs, deep down, realize they are the minority and that's why they are so loud and violent. They claim to be fighting to preserve their way of life from 'immigrant hordes' and 'woke minorities', but somewhere in the back of their lizard brains, they know they have already lost and it's driving them mad.
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