#DPAD FAN?????
spellsunderthestars · 3 months
hey magolor can I have some gem apples?
(Mod note: I don't think anyone's gonna get this reference lol)
-helpful anon
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soothedcerberus · 1 year
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If I had a nickel for every fat, robotic, steampunk sky pirate in media who suddenly becomes a dad I’d have two nickels... It’s not a lot, but it’s weird its happened twice. 
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everydaydg · 5 months
51. Welcome Home! Chibi-Robo! Happy Rich Big Sweep! (DS, 2009)
Original title: Okaeri! Chibi-Robo! Happy Richie Ōsōji!
Fan name: Chibi-Robo! Clean Sweep
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Okaeri! Chibi-Robo! is an absolutely amazing sequel to the original Chibi-Robo! for GameCube
Taking elements from all previous entries to create the best game in the series yet.
Hoo boy! This game floored me, man!
I genuinely didn’t expect this to come close to the original considering it’s on the DS of all things but man I’m I glad to be proven wrong.
Ok! Let’s get straight into this I am excited to write about this.
Welcome Home! Chibi Robo!'s story takes place in Jenny Sanderson's house (from the first game!! yknow! The frog girl!), the house is in really bad condition as jenny and her family are quite poor.
In order to help with the finances and keep the house clean, the family saves up for a chibi-robo to help with those tasks.
You have your work cut out for you from here! Clean and make cash in order to make the life of the family better.
Pretty simple.
And from there... here I go rambling about the gameplay and story. OH MAN I HAVE ALOT TO SAY YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS GAMEAGH....
Let's start with the gameplay... holy shit it’s so good man
So. how do you go around? it is a 3D DS game after all... how do you control the game?
... with the touch screen- HEAR ME OUT IT WORKS
While not as comfy as the original, the touch screen implementation is really well done! you grow quite used to it and because of how its set up, the dpad is dedicated to camera control which works out great!
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Because of how you are likely to hold the device there L button is there for some extra actions mapped to it! ... that I will get to later.
Controls are alright!
Let’s put in place some basics. Chibi-Robo runs on a small rechargeable battery. You have a timer on you at all times. every second you stay still or take a step, your battery goes down.
Everything you do uses battery which creates this fun loop of trying to look for a charger every time you are low on power.
This has been standard for every game in the series. you do well and after a while you get a battery upgrade to explore more comfortably.
Actually, this game makes the loop even faster by not making every plug a save point which was an issue with the original. In the original every time you plugged into an outlet the game would ask you if you would like to save which was... annoying past a certain bit. Here the only save point is your chibi-house which works out. I do get why the original was made like that, the Sanderson’s house is massive so being able to save anywhere helps a fair bit but the smaller design here makes it so that wouldn’t make much sense.
What about that smaller design eh? how’s the house
Jenny's house is so damm fun to explore!! despite the cutback in CPU power due to being on the DS, Okaeri! Chibi Robo! has an immense sense of scale. areas truly feel hugeeee and there is a nice use of verticality that I will also get to in a bit.
The game also looks quite good! of course... not as good as the original but for DS standards its quite nice and stylized!
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Despite having less rooms than the original. I’d say it does a way better job than the original Sanderson's house in making a lot with less space.
We have a Living Room, a Kitchen, a hallway, a bathroom, rooms for Jenny and Keith (Jenny's son) and the backyard
They are all full of things to do!
Same as in the original, you can also enter a wide variety of small areas inside those rooms like the chimney, the couch, the AC (when you buy it), the water pipes, a hidden ghost casino... I won’t explain that one, under the house and so on!
There is a lot to explore which makes going around a joy!!
Chibi's arsenal is a bit different this time around. No chibi copter this time, as the need for it vanished when falling damage was removed (which is a godsend here btw), no blaster or radar, no mug or boombox from park patrol made a return but the spoon, toothbrush and the squirter (featuring its park patrol look) did make a return!
And there is the inclusion of a few vehicles you can use to speed up your travels
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But the most important out of all them is... the vacuum cleaner.
This is the most important part of the gameplay loop.
The vacuum only works when plugged into a wall which creates a lot of interesting scenarios where you have to see how to get to certain places or clean certain things that are out of your reach.
you can only go as far as your cord cable extends. you can upgrade this with cash at the chibi-house but for a while you will be struggling to clean everything with how small your cord is.
anyway, by vacuuming dust and cleaning dirt. you increase a rooms Sparkle Rate, which indicates how clean a room is.
The cleaner the room, the more upgrades and furniture you can buy for them!
The more you clean the more money you earn
When you fill one dust bag... you can use it to sieve for gold and gems.
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This will be your main method of making money for most of the game!
If you clean a lot, you get a lot of gold which is a significant amount of money.
and with the thrash you clean off, you can generate more power to the house... Oh yeah, the house runs off recycled waste which makes gives the player an incentive the clean!
No cleaning? No power, No Power? No Chibi Robo
So, the loop is Clean > Sieve > Buy > Repeat
While a game about cleaning may sound boring... it has one trick up its sleeve... one thing that changes this whole game to make it one of the most fun things ever... the cord throw...
When grabbing your plug over your head, you can hold L to start swinging it around, when its full charged it can be thrown a long distance (as long as your cord length is long enough) which leads some fantastic verticality not possible in the original
The original chibi robo had a problem with verticality where going up was a pain and falling down was too punishing. it was frustrating specially with the 15 minute time limit per day but okeri just... does not suffer from this one bit because you can do stupid shit like this in EVERY ROOM IN THE GAME.
While yes you can’t do this as soon as you start, it’s still immensely rewarding getting to this point
Everything in okaeri feels like you are working towards something. You see your cord length go even farther than before, you see the house look nicer and nicer with more furniture you buy. Okaeri Chibi-Robo is an absolute joy to play because of this, your progression is displayed so clearly.
To go back to launching the plug for a second, every aspect of the house is designed with it in mind. A lot of plugs are put in a way so chibi can climb up there even with a low cord length so progression is usually not gated.
in no moment do you need to have a max length cord in the whole game so don’t worry about being short on cord.
Ok so the gameplay is great and has a great sense of progress... what about the story and characters
Starting with the toys!
Theresss a new set of toys in this game! Only one set familiar faces are here, that being of the free rangers and their underground explorations.
They are all so charming and fun! their side quests are all an absolute joy to get done!
I actually did all of them for my playthrough and was genuinely surprised when I didn’t have more of them to do. I genuinely wanted to do more of them but there wasn’t any more to do.
I loved doing Habanero's, Ketchup's and Iberico's side quests. those three were my favorites. no shade to the toucan phone tho, that was fun too.
All of them give you unique costumes with unique powers that are activated by pressing the L button! The police outfit lets you shoot with L, you can swim with the diving gear with L, you can pull out a guitar with ketchup's outfit and so on! its cool!
It does have less content than plug into adventure sadly but it is what it is, It is a DS game after all and it does enought for me to be satisfied with.
now... the story... man
Go to the next big bold text in order to continue
Okay so I set the basics down with why are you on Jenny's house... well as you continue to help you start seeing how the family has certain troubles apart from poverty...
You see her, her son Keith and the family dog, Lucky at all times but never Karl, Jenny's husband... and Keith makes mention of how he wants to see his father again after progressing the story enough.
After Keith says that, at night you can visit Jenny where she tells you the truth.
Karl, passed away in an accident before they could get married, Keith was born before they could get married.
Jenny never knew is Karl genuinely wanted to marry her or not as he often joked around the idea...
Okaeri Chibi Robo is a that deals with topics of loss in its own unique way as you help the family cope with the loss of Karl.
Jenny tries to move on, dating a guy she met at work... but Keith can’t let it go, getting mad at her mom for doing such a thing as she was devoted to his father...
After a while. you help Keith cope with all of this and you even get to talk to Karl's spirit
You realize that he did want to marry Jenny all along and you help him make the wedding Jenny never got.
The game ending with Karl and Jenny's wedding under the moonlight.
Karl's spirit passing away to the afterlife with no regrets, saying good bye to his family.
I could keep going but me making a summary like that is a disservice to how well done everything is.
In some ways its goofy but it’s so earnest and earned... in ways only chibi-robo can do.
The characters help the story a lot, they are all well done, you feel for Jenny's struggle as a single mom and how Keith misses his dad. You can’t help but feel sorry for them which pushes you to try to help them get out of poverty
The main cast and the side characters are all fantastic and enjoyable. They are one of the best parts of Okaeri! Chibi-Robo, managing to capture the charm of the characters found in the original game.
Okaeri Chibi-Robo is a wonderful experience that I don’t think I did justice here. it’s a game that you truly have to experience by yourself to have a good idea of how unique and fantastic it is.
Its def one of the best games I’ve played this year and I left out a lot of aspects of the game on purpose in order to entice you to find out things by yourself.
I love this game... there’s not a lot of games out there that can be goofy and as heartfelt as chibi robo...
one point taken off because... it is dragged down by being stuck on the DS, most sound effects are heavily compressed and don’t sound the best and the music isn’t that good honestly... which is a huge shame as skip is known for their oddly catching melodies in their games (Specially in Plug Into Adventure and Captain Rainbow)
My apologies if this was pretty scattershot and not great to read. Its hard to put into words how I feel about certain games that I love... and the next review wont be any easier with it being E.X. Troopers...
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foliobanana · 2 years
Rpg maker mv keygen
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js file of a plugin, and then configure it directly in the editor. You can get them from us, get them from other fans, or master JavaScript to make your own! With our new plugin manager, you can just drop in the. USE PLUGINS TO MAKE A FULLY CUSTOMIZED GAME - Want to customize your game even FURTHER? Use plugins to change things the way YOU want them. With a default 1.5x the resolution, sprites can show more emotion and the scenery can be more detailed than ever before. SEE YOUR GAME IN HIGHER RESOLUTION - RPG Maker MV can show more than ever before. Games made with ASCII/Enterbrain/Kadokawa Games RPG Maker series of game engines.
USE A MOUSE OR TOUCH SCREEN TO PLAY YOUR GAMES - Tired of playing RPG Maker games with your keyboard? With RPG Maker MV, your game will allow the player to play the game with a flick of their mouse, or using a touch screen. Find tools tagged RPG Maker like Access Key 8 Waves Bundle Collection, Bundle Full Collection - RPG Maker MV Plugins, Stella Character Generator, GB Studio, Bundle Free Starter Pack Essentials - RPG Maker MV Plugins on itch.io, the indie game hosting marketplace. USE TWO DIFFERENT BATTLE MODES, RIGHT OUT OF THE BOX - With a tick of a checkbox, you can switch between the classic Front View Battle to a Side View Battle system. MV comes with resources for both Fantasy and Sci-fi games, and you are easily able to add more. From sprites to battlers, from sound effects to music. GET STARTED IMMEDIATELY WITH BUILT-IN RESOURCES - RPG Maker MV, like previous RPG Makers, comes with its own graphic and audio resources for you to use in your game. You can easily and quickly create NPCs for your characters to interact with, puzzles for them to solve, and quests for them to complete. This is the sole instrumental role that can achieve the desired effect. Then we hindquarters easily say that information technology is a tool that handles entirely types of lodge-editing problems in a matter of seconds. MAKE YOUR WORLD LIVE WITH A SIMPLE EVENT SYSTEM - In RPG Maker MV, you use the simple, intuitive event system to bring your world to life. RPG Maker MV 1.6.6 Product Key: 1.6.6 RPG Maker Millivolt Torrent is a little, but a highly elegant, and howling piece of software system. With an additional automated upper layer, mapping in MV is even easier than before. Users can also export games for the following platforms: Windows/EXE, MacOSX/APP, Android/APK, iOS/IPA and HTML 5 for Web Browsers.īUILD YOUR WORLD WITH AN IMPROVED MAP EDITOR - RPG Maker MV uses a user-friendly map system to help you build the RPG world of your dreams.
MAKE GAMES FOR THE PLATFORMS YOU WANT FROM ANY PC - RPG Maker MV can run on both Windows and Mac OS X PCs. Make your game on your Windows or OS X PC, and then deploy it for iOS, Android, Windows, OS X, or even to play in a browser using HTML5! Features Now, with RPG Maker MV, your game isn't just on Windows PC, its on the move. We have strived to give everyone, regardless of experience or skill level, the tools to make a game they could be proud of. Import .Mod.POWERFUL enough for a developer SIMPLE enough for a child VERSATILE enough for any platform! For years, RPG Maker has been the easiest way to make your own Windows PC Roleplaying game. Joystick Button A joystick to move the player. Dpad Button A directional pad to move the player. Hey,crack de Rpg maker vx ace Key: IDONT-HAVEAPRODU-CTKEY-ISOKNoubliez pas de vous abonnezA la prochaineMon contact : Dis. Control Button Used to hide/show all other buttons on the screen. RPG Maker MV Crack is the software program that can help you make the RPG games.package. RPG Maker MV - POP: Slasher Forest freeload Keygen SteamDB record for depot RPG Maker MZ - POP: Slasher Forest Depot (DepotID or AppID: 1468850). Regular Button A simple button that can simulate a keyboard key.
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RPG maker MV 1.6.2 Crack Full Version Patch The RPG maker MV 1.6.2 allows you to make your very own RPGs, that you can distribute and share it. The same is said for the best video game character creator (RPG Maker). RPG Maker MV 1.6.2 Crack Keygen DLC Pack 2020
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witchblade · 2 years
im going to try mk11 with my ps3 controller instead of the xbox ...
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cindyaquiart · 7 years
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Been meaning to draw Otus, the wonderful fluffy birb boy, since forever haha.
I love him so much Q-Q)
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ishibishie · 2 years
so last night i decided to play a bit of bdsp at my local game store who has the game, and i kinda wanna ramble about my first impressions of the game. i’ve only played it for about two hours so idk if it ramps up later but like.....
this game is kinda not fun.
VERY first impressions though: it was a shock that the game doesn’t run at 60 fps which looks incredibly jarring on the switch, and i still don’t like the chibi style. especially when the camera zooms in on them? it’s just zooming into no details and the crunchy face textures of these roblox characters. the battle backgrounds are admittly pretty in spots, but also in team galatic battles you’re just thrown into The Void(tm) which is....... very odd and breaks immersion. 
also why is nobody talking about the way the chibis move? you can move on a 360 plane but the npcs are stuck on a 4 way grid so they clunk and jank around to meet you by walking, stopping to take TWO full 90 degree turns, and walking again. god it looks SO bad. remember when oras let the npcs move diagonally which felt more natural than whatever the fuck bdsp is doing? REMEMBER WHEN ORAS LET YOU MOVE DIAGONALLY ON THE DPAD BUT BDSP LOCKS YOU TO THE 4 WAY GRID TOO ON DPAD HERE? this is by far my most gripiest gripe about the game’s presentation. it looks clunky and unpolished and i hate seeing these little lego people move and sway around. who thought this was okay?
and like i said. i was BORED playing this game. there was a certain magic that hgss/oras had to appeal to older players: that renewed sense of adventure. you went into the game knowing that things have changed, so you instictivly think, “oh boy! i wonder what new things the game has added on the next route/city? i can’t wait to see a new way to look at an old game!” which is WHY remakes are fun! but with bdsp..... it’s the same as diamond and pearl. there is NO childlike wonder of finding out new secrets about the world because the world is just as boring as it was in 2007. there’s nothing new to explore. as someone who was introduced to the game with pearl and still owns my copy, this game gives me no incentive to play the remake because they’re fundamentally the same fucking game. hgss? learn about friendship with pokemon by walking with them and doing all sorts of cool side modes/battling some tough opponents. oras? discover the secrets of primal reversion and hoenn and look at how hot steven is. bdsp? lol no have your fucking remakes you whiny gen 4 fans
at the end of the day, this is a pokemon game so it has to be at least SOME level of entertaining. but from these mere 2 hours of gameplay i’ve tried, these games have absolutely none of the magic that previous remakes had. instead of carefully handling our childhoods and enhancing them with new features, stories, and whatnot, bdsp is the bare minimum and feels like no love went into the project. IF i ever try to finish the game over time, i do not look forward to the process because it honestly crushes me to know that my childhood didn’t get the same level of respect the johto/hoenn fans did. bdsp is just. depressing
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6ad6ro · 5 years
okay so i just saw another post about how "gamecube has objectively best controller" so here we go...
1. horrible rigid dpad. bad placement. tiny. hurts to use.
2. facebutton layout is actually stupid. really really stupid. so awful. buttons all dif sizes and shapes like the rectangular buttons were the WORST. even spacing between buttons so it's easy to find em without looking??? NO THANKYOU! having big a button for resting is fine and all, but too bad most games aren't based on one button! so we deal w tiny little shitty b button. great...
3. click clack goddamn awful l/r triggers! fucking stupidddd! a single TINY r1 button called... z? suck my fucking dick dude. no the triggers are awful tho like dreamcast were way better HELL n64 were better w easy to press buttons.
fludd was dumb just scrap fludd too.
4. c stick kinda dumb. analog stick nothing special. it was okay i guess and at least it didn't break instantly like n64s? but it was really shallow with stupid circle pattern like calm down junji ito...
5. ergonomics OUT THE WINDOW!
no it was rly bad for ppl with big hands tho.
6. listen it was fine. i like gamecube a lot. i'm a bigger nintendo fan than any other game company 4 sure. but... you guys are losin ur minds here. there's a reason nintendo dropped the design. have you USED the pro controller? god it's this lovely combo of snes/ps2/xbox360 controllers. it's great.
i mean i get it i understand... i love the objectively awful n64 controller. because i love things like mario64. great games were based around silly controllers. just bc a few specific games worked well with em, that doesn't suddenly change them into good all around controllers? and...
7. u guys just love smash melee. you love smash melee. you keep playing fucking smash melee. nonstop. smash melee. you know it had sequels, right? you just suck and suck and suck that smash melee dick for 20 years? and it gives you brain rot.
the controller is "just whatever" at best and u guys just love smash melee.
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jawbreakers2015 · 5 years
Player Profile: Hang
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avid modder, occasional TO and montage video producer from Germany top 12 in the Jawbreakers Stunfest Qualifier (artwork of Drop by Kagu)
What names do you go by?
I used to go by Troke for the entirety of April. Which was based on a dumb coincidence where I talked to Neer and had one of my usual mobile spelling errors and I wrote "I'm having ha troke" instead of "having a stroke".
I wanted to go away from "Hang Boy" since quite some time as I specifically wanted to get rid of the "Boy" and just "Hang" felt wrong and was still associated to Hang Boy anyway. But I guess I'm back to that now.
Reason to why I wanted to rid myself of "Boy" was as simple as me linking my online persona to my OC (By choosing her for profile pictures on basically any platform) which then of course lead people to believe she is a male based on the thought "Hey this is Hang Boy. So the profile picture must also be Hang Boy".
The name Hang Boy btw occurred just as I started my first step into the internet, when I was a big fan of the Binding of Isaac. So i needed an online name and I ventured through Isaac related things. Which was when I came across the Tarot card "Hanged Man". So I just took that and adjusted a bit.
How do you feel about your performance in this tournament?
Was pretty okay. I didn't expect to get far into it. Although I'm a bit sad I didn't make the Top 8 picture. Only needed one win more as well.
However I would have been disappointed in everyone else, if they allowed for me to reach Top 3. So good that didn't happen.
What was your strategy preparing for and competing in the tournament?
I haven't played Blaze in weeks. The only times I played recently was to get some recordings for a Toxic montage. Right before the tournament I was more worried to finish my Isaac run. Which I did win!
And during the tournament was pretty much just "Turn some nice music on, jam to it, play some Nitro, do some silly cuff shenanigans, do dumb parry grab down throws so the viewers can laugh over something".
I did "fly" with Nitro in one match but sadly it wasn't streamed so only Hellraiser was able to see the glory of Flying Cuff™.
Which was your hardest match of the tournament?
Hellraiser I suppose. He did kick me out of it. I never really played him or saw him play and he didn't fall for my aggressive playstyle, so it was a tough time.
What surprised you most about the tournament?
Cherry's second place finish. I know he's good, I think he's underrated even.
But second place is a really good finish. Even more so beating JawDrop since, in my opinion, he has some of the craziest tech and can be really really confusing to play against.
(Yea he also has weird lag even tho he lives in France but whatever :p)
Is there anyone you didn’t face that you wish you did?
I would have wanted to play Defur if possible. To some degree I see his entrance as a sort of meme entry. But jokes aside and game aside, I can only take my hat off to this man and his effort for the tournament scene.
Sadly didn't get to play Daio. It feels like a tradition to face off against him in FellowsTV hosted tournaments. Which always goes the same way tbf. He counters my playstyle hard, I'm annoyed to play against him, don't bother changing my playstyle in order to win, get demolished. But the tradition counts!
I'd put Neer in the same boat. Hate playing against him but it just kinda has to be.
How did you get into Lethal League?
A friend bought it for me. We played a couple of games, he had to leave. I went into QM, found Garu, got absolutely demolished, he friended me and pulled me into it.
I specifically remember seeing his Latch corpse juggles and thinking "Man this is so cool, I want to be able to do this too". So right of the bat I started to play for the style, which is what I still go by.
Style > Efficiency
It feels bad not having paid for LL nor Blaze but I bought LL for a bunch of friends so guess that checks out.
What's your current Lethal League experience?
450+ hours in LL 340 hours in Blaze (As of now. 26.4.2019) And a giant bunch of hours of community interaction and modding.
I was very excited when asked to be beta testing and it fulfilled a childhood dream of being in video game credits.
Despite only getting into Beta a month before release, I stacked up 90 hours before the game came out. Lots of 9 hour playtime days. It was massive fun.
I bought almost all of the merch...got most signed by Tim & Dion too. I went to the Netherlands twice to meet TR. It was fun, they are cool people. Watching Dion doing a live dance off was pretty rad ngl.
I brought self made cheesecake the second time, but Tim had to get it into the building since they check your bags for normal visitors and it wasn't allowed to bring food.
I'll never forget the sight of Tim with his big bag looking like he's smuggling a bomb into a convention.
Who are your main/side/counter character picks?
Everything. So yes random, it's random.
However I most enjoy playing Nitro because of all the dumb things he can do. Especially flying, cuff storage (specifically for down angle on the ground, to just pull a little bit forward) and half pull.
Doombox is also very fun. Special>bunt>smash>parry>special>repeat can chain pretty often on some opponents and is hilarious.
The only characters I "despise" playing are Toxic and Sonata. But only because I'm really bad with them.
What are your favourite character outfits?
Dust and Ashes. Just their whole design.
For real tho. There's not really skins that stick out to me since I use my own modded ones.
Can you share your favourite/most used custom outfit?
Hm I missed that that's not "outfits"...well take a load of skins! In order
Mothyman Jeviman Spacetor Golden Switch Drop Palette Sonata Supercharged Latch PaDice-a the Rapper Skull Grunt Supercharged Grid Supercharged Doombox Dropbox FYouBox Nitro with a blue, white and mint color scheme I made for every character and lastly my Toxic skin with that same color scheme
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What are your stage preferences?
Idc. I play random so who really cares. I guess insert the usual "Paradise field eclipse succs!!!"
What input method do you use?
PS4 Controller Dpad for movement L1 Bunt R1 Swing R2 Grab
I used to play LL on a cheap SNES controller using only face buttons. When I was over at Dutch Comic Con with Serchiot I played a couple games of Blaze with his PS4 controller and really liked his layout and the feel of the controller. So I just sneakily stole his layout and got myself a PS4 controller.
Coming from all face buttons, I needed some time to get used to it. But in my opinion it's just superior this way.
How do you make your character montage videos?
I have two ways of recording clips. Just consciously recording with OBS or putting Shadowplay on and saving every time something cool happens. I usually just boot up Blaze and jump into ranked to get some games in. With the Toxic montage it was a bit different since I now have a 4K monitor but 4K can hardly be recorded at 60fps and setting the output resolution in OBS to 1080p got me weird screen effects. So every time I went to record, I put the resolution of my monitor to 1080p in order to at least get that in good quality. Then I just cut all the good clips out of the recordings and mix ‘n’ match ‘em. What's usually the hardest decision is what music to use. There's been a couple of songs that I'd like to use, but they either don't fit over Blaze gameplay, don't fit my playstyle or were just the wrong length.
My two favourite Montages are definitely for Candyman and Nitro. Candyman took a long way to develop, because I just wanted to show off so much. It's one of the few montages where I actually asked higher skill players for games instead of jumping into ranked. Picking the song was really hard, I was only sure I wanted a Klaus Veen track, but OD V2 was too mainstream and most others were too short. So in the end I opted for two songs with a break in between the montage. Splitting the clips into two sets, each song one. With the second part containing what I considered the more hype bursts.
And for Nitro I actually had the montage pretty much done, but I wasn't too happy with it. Still planned to just upload it like that tho. However when I saw the Nitro voice actor interact with a community member in a way that could only be described as "incredibly wholesome", I was inspired to redo most, if not all, of the clips and do the best I could. For the first time actually going into training mode to lab some combos (mostly corpse juggles tbf) and eventually learning Flying Cuff™ too. Watching JawDrops Blazin' Combo video and taking a slice off the Nitro plays there. Which resulted in a montage I am very happy with.
What other games do you play?
It differs from time to time.
The only games I always come back to are retro games like SMW, CTR or something like Mario Kart 8D. Which I always enjoy playing at local tournaments and pretty successfully so even. People just can't handle it when someone plays with one hand.
Atm I also like playing TBoI Rebirth.
Will you come to Stunfest?
Probably not. Driving/Flying over to France is just very expensive. I would love to meet all my Baguettes (Lusked, Jawdrop, Aru and Lalou, who stated he can't make it due to exams, yes I know). But exams and the neer-ing end of my apprenticeship is leaving a lot of work to be done.
So it probably won't fit into my schedule. However never say no! Trips to Blaze events aren't uncommon for me.
Is there anything else you’d like to say to the community?
Play the game for fun, not for glory.
Stop rubbing yourself for an imaginary title that doesn't mean anything as there's not even any competition for it.
I can't stress enough how great Soda City Funk by Tim Legend is. Go listen to it right now.
And for my last words. Be more like Kota. And remember, We love Ramkat <3
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kitsoa · 5 years
Breaking my media blackout to announce that i just finished kh2!!! I sat down and took on Luxord, Saix, and all of Xemnas. Luxord was hilarious, because as I've stated, those dpad things are the absolute worst and I won none of the games I initiated. I got so frustrated I started chipping away at him as the dice. I was actually getting him. To my surprise I beat him in that same first try. I seriously don't understand how. I was clearly overlevelled.
Anyway, in my reflection I feel more ownership of this win than the KH1 win, though even then that final fight was more bitterly won. This game really taught me how to think combat oriented and enjoy the spoils of grinding and the smaller ambitions. I did not do Atlantica (I am not a fan of the music) or Pride Lands ( I like the gameplay but really didn't want to adjust) and the 100 acre but that last one was a matter of time.
It's just such a fun game to play. And I adore the characters so much. I'll be tge first ti say the kh2 has sone rocky writing but it really champs through it. I love it dearly.
And... the time is 12:00 am. This time next week I will have KH3 in my hands. Poetic.
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pageshunter767 · 2 years
Super Mario 3d Land 64 Rom Hack Download
Super Mario 3d Land Rom Download
Mario 64 Land Rom
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W1 mini hack Super Mario Run DS. (Download now available) 1 2 ConorDoesHacks: 24 24058 06-09-18, 12:08 pm by DaneGaming. Super Mario 3D World 64 is a hack of Super Mario 64 made by Kaze Emanuar which was released in 2017. Play with 5 different playable characters - each with their own unique abilities and voices. Use the dpad on the file select or the act select screen to chose a character. Mario: can twirl through the air.
Super Mario 3D Land
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Details Download Super Mario 3D Land rom
Group: VENOM
Number: 3DS0041
Super Mario 3d Land Rom Download
Release Name:
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Console: 3DS
Download Super Mario 3D Land We offer you the chance to play this game directly to your PC without any emulator because of the format, which was converted by us. This ROM is in executable format, and requires only installing. After simple installation, the icon will appear in your chosen destination.
Product description Past Mario games have let the blue-suspendered hero roam around fully rendered 3D landscapes. Now, for the first time, players can see true depth of their environment without the need for special glasses. Super Mario is a 3D evolution of classic Mario platforming featuring new level designs and challenges.
Mario is one of the workers in the game, whether you are at the Olympic Games or the exploration of space, this icon of the game is busy competing. Super Mario the plumber put 3D land, although their steps to find other research mission and to save a missing princess. On his way successfully in the classic 2D Mario sensation in a 3D environment that feels uniquely translated from other 3D versions of the series. Some other features of the game, unfortunately, behind this designer brand, but you're still left with a platform game full of fun filled with content.
Classic mode, Mario, Super Mario Land 3-D begins with a kidnapping. Princess Peach has been captured again by Bowser and Mario is the only one who can save them. Your journey takes you through eight themed worlds, the dusty deserts to deep water. Everyone is responsible for the invention of steps that you curious to see what the other side keep. This includes five common scenarios, a stage manager, and a few special steps. Some of them are locked at first, it requires you to collect star pieces - solo collection of the game - to access it.
The main steps are almost always necessary and it will guide you through the castle full of lava and high-flying aircraft past Mario. Both places have their own mini-boss is waiting at the end: either a battle showdown with Bowser on the deck or a fight with some candidates Koopalings. There are also some special stages, such as mushroom boxes and grant unique element of mystery known. Mystery boxes Mario can reward you with additional elements or parts of itself - if you can reach the goal before time runs out.
No matter where you are in the game, the game is fun, thanks to stricter controls and provides a simple platform 3DS circle. This means reaching the mast will not take long for him in the first half of Super Mario Land 3D. The phases are constructed in a specific linear path, in contrast to the later stages of the 3D free-form Mario Galaxy second This shifts the focus from exploration to speed and performance. In many ways, the steps, reminiscent of classic 2D Mario games and do an excellent job of translating their platform challenges in a 3D environment. The game itself promotes fast turnaround, your best time in both of them and their representation to capture the accounts of other players on your purchases.
The costume fan favorite to triumph is also the transition time 2D Tanooki. This article quickly lost over time in most games. Allows Mario to stop the descent of the aircraft, little tail wagging a raccoon. He even has several enemies swollen tail, brown, although this is unlikely to change their attack patterns. Other items are a new suit boomerang, you guessed it, we throw boomerangs Mario get rid of his enemies at bay, or pick up objects difficult to reach. The image of the propeller New Super Mario Bros. Wii is Mario must also, if a vertical available.
However, these are nothing any more than two elements to the support of the game are available: the Journal of invincibility and the p-wing. This paper appears invincibility after failing five times on stage and grants Mario Tanooki white combination. Although the use of this study can not be hurt Mario - unless you fall off the screen - and the effects last until the stage is cleared. The wing-P is released after 10 failures. Mario sends this element to the end of the scene. Of course, the use of these elements is completely optional, the game does not need you. Not even in the stages you've already completed will appear, or challenge stages unlocked after completing the game
Mario 64 Land Rom
These steps are divided into eight worlds that reflect the original game to be difficult. Some are small changes, while others are quite unique. Overall, increases the difficulty of the game design with the most difficult and take with them a few extra surprises, including a brother, determined to unlock. One feature that does not add much to the 3D experience. The effect is purely optional, ie the 3D eye-candy is pure, with minimal impact on the gameplay. At best, the effect adds a strong sense of depth when it is under water or a touch of vertigo in the air. But these tricks have been used before, and would have been nice to have seen this function used in interesting ways.
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Other features were also lacking in creativity. With Street Pass, you can exhaust your mushrooms home and just hang buckets other users of 3DS, even if it makes the game very simple pieces of stars, like dice are complaining accumulate usually very easy to complete challenge. The gyroscope is used binoculars stations at certain stages. These stations allow toads to find hidden cry of joy and throw pieces of stars or other power-ups for you. Despite these properties, lack of imagination in the design level of the game is shown, 3D Super Mario Land is always a pleasure. With a backlog of scene and the reaction is made easy recommendation for fans of all owners of the action of 3DS.
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smoqueen · 6 years
the xbone controller is a huge source of disappointment for me, and this is coming from a microsoft fan. like a huge microsoft fan. like “xbone” is a term of endearment for me.
the 360 controller was generation-defining, and in many ways was “perfect” for what the generation demanded of it. from a design standpoint the button layout was near perfect, and as shooters reached the apex it was arguably the best dual-stick controller, with the right stick situated naturally where the thumb went and the bumpers being “attached” to the triggers.
the xbone controller is...not as comfortable, and in an effort to be more “boxy” (because modern design favors that over sleek curves) the controller feels worse in my hand. the micro-usb seems incredibly flimsy, and i would rather have a different attachment. (this is something i hated about the ps3 dualshock as well.) 
maybe it’s because i’ve always loved corded controllers over wireless ones, but if i want my controller to ‘feel’ wired, goddammit, i should be able to on first-party controllers.
the controller i still use is some dinky walmart piece of shit CAMO CONTROLLER with ORANGE HIGHLIGHTS. it’s corded (can’t go wireless), significantly smaller than xbone controllers, and has “clicky” buttons (and a ‘clicky’ dpad to boot), and i love the thing to fucking death. one of my favorite controllers i’ve ever owned! 
that really says something about how lacking microsoft is in the design department. i think ALL the console devs are this generation, though...it’s a far cry from what a lot of people want, or think is “natural,” but it’s not like they have a choice to detract from when ALL of the console devs are doing weird shit with the controllers.
side note: i do NOT like the joycons, even though theyre meant to be evocative of NES/SNES controllers when playing simple multiplayer games, because they don’t feel symmetrical or asymmetrical in a meaningful way. it feels haphazard, which is a huge step backward from nintendo, which tends to overproduce and eleventh-hour the shit out of EVERY physical design choice
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theplaystationbrahs · 3 years
Why You Should Have a PS VITA
Why You Should Have a PS VITA
Why should you have a PS Vita? Good question! (since the handheld has not been a big commercial success) As you might know already, I’m personally a big VITA fan. Why? Let’s have a look! ______________________________________________ 1. Quality Handheld Gaming Build Quality The VITA is really a high quality handheld. The dpad is one of the best out there in the market, still if you…
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waynekelton · 4 years
FIFA Mobile: Worth it?
It feels like the decision by EA to rename its FIFA Football Football Games has pushed the series further away from that name’s FIFA portion and closer to the football bit. And it’s going to be disturbing to some.
The center of the game is still about kicking the ball around the field, but the emphasis is on the quick snappy play, collecting cards, and social interaction from the biggest mobile games we’ve come to expect.
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Does it work? Okay, what you’re looking for depends on it. This is not the full FIFA perspective in your pocket, and you’re going to be disappointed with die-hard fans. But if you’re looking for an uncommon casual hop, it’s going to be up your path.
The game begins by walking through the buttons. There are swiping options, and in the corner of the screen, if you don’t press the dpad, everything will happen without you.
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There’s still a choice to play with a simpler button scheme, but it’s all streamlined within one inch of your life. The casual intrusion is as far as the soccer games are concerned.
Finally, the game is about getting the best group you can by collecting cards. But now it’s not just games that you pick. There are sets of cards to complete which also give you additional bonuses.
It’s an interesting system if it’s a little complicated. But it means you’re going to be very disappointed if you want to lead your favorite team to soccer glory the old fashioned way.
There’s probably a very real chance you won’t even play a single FIFA game. The game’s meat is divided into fighting activities and routine workouts.
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Attacking events will only see you take control of your team when you are in the half of the opposition. It’s kind of a weird asynchronous multiplayer thing where the other person is doing the same for two periods of 45 minutes.
It’s kind of fun. But it’s very easy. It all feels skewed in your favor early on, and you can’t help thinking the free play change has had a detrimental effect on how the game feels like playing.
The feeling of kicking a ball around a field. Mastering a skill set to defeat your foe, has decreased, and because of that, the game ends up being severely lacking.
FIFA Mobile is a game where the community will be divided. And that’s the point in a certain way. It’s almost EA claiming this is no longer your regular FIFA. It’s just a game that holds that sobriquet while it’s separate from the releases of the big console.
The post FIFA Mobile: Worth it? appeared first on GAMES INDIAN.
FIFA Mobile: Worth it? published first on https://touchgen.tumblr.com/
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terryblount · 5 years
Grand Theft Auto 5 Marvel Thanos Endgame mod is now available for download to everyone
Talented modder “JulioNIB” has released a brand new mod for Grand Theft Auto 5. This mod brings Marvel’s Thanos from Endgame to Rockstar’s open-world title. Also, and contrary some other mods from JulioNIB, this one is not behind a patreon wall, meaning that everyone can download it.
Similarly to his Iron Man and Hulk mods, this Thanos mod features a lot of unique controls and combat mechanics. For example, Thanos can power shoot, power wave, ground power wave and ground smassh with the Power stone. Thanos can also create a Portal with the Space stone, and throw meteors by combining the Space and Power stones.
Moreover, he can control mind and turn a victim into a bodyguard, slow down time, steal people souls, resurrect dead pedestrians use a telekinesis attack.
Seriously, JulioNIB has done an incredible work and we strongly suggest downloading the mod from here. Even if you are not a Marvel fan, you will really appreciate how fun it can be to be Thanos and wreak chaos in Los Santos.
Below you can find the controls and the key features of this Marvel Thanos Endgame mod for GTA 5, as well as a video showcasing the mod in action.
Have fun!
Ctrl + N – Show mods menu
Up/Down/Left/Right (also numpads 2, 4, 6 and 8) – Navigate
Enter/Numpad5 – Select item
Numpad0/Backspace – Previous menu/Close menu
In controller:
Hold DPad Left and press X to show the NIBMods menu
Up/Down/Left/Right – Navigate
A (Sprint) – Select item
B – Previous menu/Close menu
Left mouse button (Right trigger): Attack with special powers/thrown
R (Right shoulder) Attack with basic melee attacks/thrown
R (Right shoulder) when falling: Attack with Power Stone (Ground smash)
E (Left shoulder): Hold to show power selection or simple press to switch power
T (DPad right): Open portal for teleport in targeted ground position or in targeted waypoint indicator
Q (B): Grab/lift target, hold to grab with telekinesis (Mind stone), press again to release victim
Ctrl+Q (Y+B): Grab victim by neck
Hold R/LMB while grabbing by neck: Show the grab by neck finalization mode HUD
Shift (A): Sprint
Space (X): Jump
Delete (DPad left): Delete targeted portal/black hole
Double click right mouse button (Left trigger): Toggle time freeze On/Off (hold to slow down time temporary)
For attack buttons: Hold to increase power/keep attack
Double press Melee or Grab button to teleport to the victim
Sword attacks are performed pressing R (Melee attack), select the sword in the power selection HUD to equip or unequip the sword
When sword is equipped and you are running to a victim after pressing R to attack, press Jump button to jump, teleport and make a smash down attack with the sword
Power shoot with Power stone
Power wave and ground power wave
Ground smash with Power stone
Portal creation with Space stone
Throw meteors with Space and Power stone
Teleport and throw vehicles against target
Create black holes with Space stone
Change Gravity  attack
Catch and throw fire
Turn things into stone, animals or water with Reality stone
Grab and throw entities with hands or mind stone
Control mind and turn victim into a bodyguard
Telekinesis attacks
Time slow down with Time stone
Steal people souls with Soul stone
Resurrect dead peds
Infinity melee attack
Infinity beam attack
Snap fingers
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The post Grand Theft Auto 5 Marvel Thanos Endgame mod is now available for download to everyone appeared first on DSOGaming.
Grand Theft Auto 5 Marvel Thanos Endgame mod is now available for download to everyone published first on https://touchgen.tumblr.com/
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cindyaquiart · 7 years
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Ok but he is such a good boi tho ((Cries)) 
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