#Daniel Curcio
magicinknpiercings · 1 year
Hello! My name is Ghost, and I’m 28 years old and married. I have been writing for many years, and have a lot of roleplay experience. I don’t live online, and I am visually impaired. Therefore I will not be formatting. If you ask me to format I will take that as you have not read my rules and will kindly end the thread after telling you why I cannot.
Without further ado let’s get into this.
I will not accept meta gaming in threads, if it is knowledge that would not be readily available to your muse, it is not to be used in thread until it is revealed. If you want to plot it out, we definitely can work with that.
No heavy GodModding. This means you CANNOT control my character’s life or reactions. No murdering my muse without permission, you can beat the crap out of him though.
Triggers; Though I have some random obscure ones (Zombies for example), I will try my best to tag the normal triggering ones. That being said, there will be triggering content on here. Please take caution.
Anon hate is not tolerated. But it may be openly mocked or met with compassion depending on my mood. More often than not, it will be deleted.
Banned fcs; Ashley Purdy, Devin Sola, Amber Heard, Dove Cameron, Cameron Boyce, Daniel Curcio, any known abuser or deceased person. I also will not rp with people who have asked not to be used as an fc out of respect.
I prefer writing multi para, third person, past tense. Sometimes I will be in the mood for short little things but that is very rare.
These rules will be changed as needed should something arise.
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godsoftherealm · 2 years
To start things off; if you are here to send hate, please leave now. It will just be deleted as I come here to have a good time and not having a good time means that it's a waste of time for both of us. Also my character sheet template is taken from Kaishos on DeviantArt.
That being said... Hello! I'm Pastel Ghost, or just Ghost! I'm over the age of 25, and I am married to a wonderful person who cares for me more than anyone else has. I work full time, so i am not always available. I am also a parent, please be patient with me. I will be low activity most days, but i am always available to chat in PMs.
No godmodding or Metagaming
No hate anons. Just don't.
Drama- Absolutely not.
I will not change my muses to fit yours. That does not mean my muses will not attempt to manipulate your muses, they are fae based. They will tell half truths, they will lie, they are not the healthiest of muses to write with. This leads into the next rule....
There will be triggering content. It will be tagged to the best of my abilities, but there will be mentions of domestic violence, physical abuse, mental abuse, etc. If this bothers you, this is not the blog for you.
Smut- it will be present. I don't know how frequently it will happen, but other content will be much more prevelent.
If you are unclear about the setting of a starter or of something in my reply, please feel free to ask. I would rather you feel confident writing with me!
I write in third person, past tense. I will probably be more likely to write literate replies than not on this blog, and I would like at least one to two paragraphs to work with.
Banned FCs: Ashley Purdy, Daniel Curcio, Devin Sola, Amber Heard, Dove Cameron, any known abuser or deceased person. Anime/hand drawn fcs are questionable for me.
If you ask me to format to small text... I will not. It is very difficult for me to read. I have vision issues, heavily. So I avoid heavy formatting or making text smaller for my own comfort. I won't ask you to change your style, but please don't ask me to change mine. I am here for writing and not aesthetic, it may not look pretty but hey its readable and that's what matters!
If you've read through this, please send "frozen fireflowers memories" to my pms. If you feel uncomfortable with a password, you can just like the mobile version of these rules.
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lamilanomagazine · 4 months
"Luci e suoni di Napoli" quattro giorni di eventi per il Capodanno
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"Luci e suoni di Napoli" quattro giorni di eventi per il Capodanno Dopo il successo dello scorso anno, torna il Capodanno a Napoli con l'evento "Luci e suoni di Napoli...", una grande festa e tante iniziative dedicate ai napoletani e ai numerosi turisti presenti in città per un fine anno 2023 ed inizio anno 2024 all'insegna della musica, dell'arte e dello spettacolo. Sarà una quattro giorni ricca di eventi, dal 29 dicembre al 1° gennaio che, nel solco del progetto 'Napoli Città della Musica', strizza l'occhio alle nuove e meno giovani generazioni, con una programmazione tesa a valorizzare differenti generi di intrattenimento, in particolare musicale. Le iniziative che accompagneranno l'arrivo del nuovo anno confermano quella visione inclusiva e policentrica di città che l'Amministrazione comunale si è impegnata a realizzare, valorizzando in primo luogo i giovani ed esaltando le diverse espressioni d'arte. Gli Eventi Ad aprire il calendario degli appuntamenti, venerdì 29 dicembre, saranno due momenti di solidarietà: il primo con il maestro Carlo Morelli che porterà La musica in carcere con la band in concerto per i detenuti di Poggioreale, il secondo dedicato ai piccoli pazienti del Santobono che nel pomeriggio (ore 15,00) riceveranno la visita del sindaco Gaetano Manfredi accompagnato dagli artisti Lele Blade, Lda, Francesco Cicchella e Peppe Iodice. Sabato 30 dicembre Capodanno dei Bambini al Maschio Angioino: dalle 10 alle 20 il castello si trasformerà in un luogo fatato per i più piccoli con giochi, spettacoli ed intrattenimento. In Piazza Plebiscito, a partire dalle 20, protagonista sarà la musica urban e rap con diversi artisti della scena napoletana e non solo. La serata sarà aperta dai vincitori del contest "Giovani promesse di città della Musica" selezionati da una giuria d'eccezione composta da Geolier, Luchè e Chiummariello. Si esibiranno, poi, Plug, Lele Blade, MV Killa, Yung Snapp, Niko Beatz, Enzo Dong, NTO, Coco, LDA, Vale Lambo, Andrea Settembre e, in chiusura del concerto, la signora del rap italiano Rose Villain, tra i protagonisti del prossimo Sanremo. Domenica 31 dicembre, Grande spettacolo in Piazza Plebiscito in attesa del brindisi di mezzanotte con la partecipazione di tanti artisti, comici e cantanti. A partire dalle 21, sul palco, saliranno Enzo Avitabile e i Bottari, The Kolors, Francesco Cicchella, Arisa e Jimmy Sax, in una serata condotta da Peppe Iodice, Francesco Mastandrea, Francesco Procopio e Daniele Decibel Bellini. Insieme a loro scalderanno il pubblico anche altri grandi protagonisti del mondo dello spettacolo come Gabriele Esposito, Erminio Sinni e Ciro Giustiniani. Si esibiranno sul palco anche i vincitori di un contest per giovani comici emergenti. 31 dicembre 2023, dalle 23.30 alle 06:00 'Napoli cambia traccia': Alla Colonna Spezzata in Piazza Vittoria il nuovo anno sarà celebrato con HISTORY 90+, irresistibile format lanciato da Drop e dedicato ai favolosi 90's con l'inconfondibile radio style di DJ Cerchietto e con i dj set di Danilo De Santo e Irene Ferrara, seguiti in battuta dal vocalist Goldie Voice. Sul palco alla Rotonda Diaz il dancefloor sarà invece animato dalla new generation della club culture partenopea in collaborazione con i collettivi musicali Drop, Soul Express e Bang! e con i protagonisti della Nu Disco e del Nu Funk made in Naples tra i quali Marvin&Guy, Pellegrino, Fantasie Safari, Mario Bianco& Gabriele Del Prete, Vincenzo Curcio B2B Mugman e Valerio Viglione, tutti dj e produttori musicali del territorio metro-napoletano che si stanno facendo attori di una rivoluzione musicale che "suona" anche in molti club mondiali. Lunedì 1 gennaio Alla Colonna Spezzata dalle ore 16:00 alle 20,00 NAPOLI JAM SESSION Concerto/evento a cura di Max Jovine, bassista dei 99 Posse, che unisce circa trenta autori, artisti e musicisti della nuova scena musicale napoletana: a partire dalle 16.00 del 1° gennaio 2024, una originale e trasversale miscela musicale fonderà i ritmi, i sound e diversi linguaggi prodotti negli ultimi anni all'ombra del Vesuvio. Dalla band del collettivo N'Arte a quella del maestro Giuseppe Spinelli che accompagnerà le esibizioni live dei quindici special guest: 1. Andrea Tartaglia; 2. Balbusea; 3. Veronica Simioli; 4. Antonio Marino; 5. Collettivo N'Arte; 6. Dario Sansone; 7. Francesco Di Bella; 8. Greg Rega; 9. Helen Tesfazghi; 10. Jovine; 11. Peppoh; 12. Simona Boo; 13. Zulù; 14. Fabiana Martone; 15. Vesuviano. Basilica di San Domenico Maggiore, alle ore 18,00, il nuovo anno si aprirà con il tradizionale concerto di musica classica omaggio al Maestro Roberto De Simone 'Natale a Napoli alla Corte di Carlo di Borbone'. L'orchestra La Nuova Polifonia, diretta da Alessandro De Simone, ed il coro Ensemble Vocale di Napoli eseguiranno il Mottetto natalizio Quem vidistis pastores? riportato alla luce dal Maestro Roberto De Simone. Un momento musicale natalizio al quale Napoli, nella splendida cornice di San Domenico Maggiore, non ha mai rinunciato sin dal 1737 ed un evento importante non solo per la promozione delle tradizioni locali, ma soprattutto per la storia della musica e della cultura Europea. "La programmazione di eventi che accompagnerà cittadini e turisti all'arrivo del nuovo anno si annuncia vasta e variegata con concerti e spettacoli adatti al pubblico di ogni età - ha dichiarato il sindaco Gaetano Manfredi - L'esperimento dello scorso anno ha avuto successo e lo abbiamo confermato come format, Capodanno a Napoli sarà tanta buona musica, ma anche occasione per esprimere solidarietà e per valorizzare l'arte ed i talenti giovani del territorio. Come Amministrazione stiamo rilanciando una visione di città inclusiva e che sia all'altezza dello straordinario afflusso turistico che stiamo vivendo, in questa direzione continueremo con il progetto avviato da 'Napoli Città della Musica' affinchè l'arte attraverso la musica contribuisca allo sviluppo di una comunità consapevole che sappia custodire la tradizione guardando al futuro". "Dopo lo straordinario successo del 2022/23, una seconda edizione sempre nel segno della musica e del progetto "Napoli Città della Musica" – ha spiegato il delegato del Sindaco per l'industria musicale e l'audiovisivo Ferdinando Tozzi - Quest'anno abbiamo puntato, in tempi non sospetti, su Rose Villain e The Kolors... due big di Sanremo 2024 che si esibiranno a Napoli nella notte di Capodanno dedicata ai cittadini e ai tanti turisti, così come su Geolier, altro big di Sanremo inserito nella giuria del contest dei giovani musicisti. Ma il programma vuole rivolgere la massima attenzione a tutti, in modo trasversale, dai bimbi ai giovani ai meno giovani, ai meno fortunati, perché Capodanno è la festa di tutti. Poi c'è l'intenzione di valorizzare i nostri talenti, con ben 3 contest come "Napoli e' mille colori" e tante diverse espressioni di intrattenimento, di generi musicali (dalla urban al Maestro De Simone) e di comicità. Insomma una grande festa popolare e di tradizione, ma che guarda alle future generazioni e si apre alla contaminazione culturale".... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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autopsiedflowers · 7 months
Hello! My name is Ghost, and I’m 29 years old and married. I have been writing for many years, and have a lot of roleplay experience. I don’t live online, and I am visually impaired. Therefore I will not be formatting. If you ask me to format I will take that as you have not read my rules and will kindly end the thread after telling you why I cannot.
Without further ado let’s get into this.
I will not accept meta gaming in threads, if it is knowledge that would not be readily available to your muse, it is not to be used in thread until it is revealed. If you want to plot it out, we definitely can work with that.
No heavy GodModding. This means you CANNOT control my character’s life or reactions. Unless you wanna just stab Soren, go for it.
Triggers; Though I have some random obscure ones (Zombies for example), I will try my best to tag the normal triggering ones. That being said, there will be triggering content on here. Please take caution.
Anon hate is not tolerated. But it may be openly mocked or met with compassion depending on my mood. More often than not, it will be deleted.
Banned fcs; Ashley Purdy, Devin Sola, Amber Heard, Dove Cameron, Cameron Boyce, Daniel Curcio, any known abuser or deceased person. I also will not rp with people who have asked not to be used as an fc out of respect.
I prefer writing multi para, third person, past tense. Sometimes I will be in the mood for short little things but that is very rare.
These rules will be changed as needed should something arise.
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usaccidents · 1 year
TORTILLA FLAT, AZ (May 2, 2023) – Officers identified 21-year-old Daniel Christopher Curcio-Kennedy of Gilbert as the victim who died in a crash on Highway 88 on April 29
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daniel-curcio · 3 years
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palayeroyaleblog · 3 years
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Pinkpop Festival 2019 in Netherlands
📸 Roberto Finizio/NurPhoto
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theh0lyandm0therly · 4 years
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shy-veil · 4 years
My aesthetic is whatever the fuck Palaye Royale got going on
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iamnotbonkers · 4 years
Emerson: A drunk mind speaks a sober heart
Sebastian, drunk off his ass: beesechurger
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a-and-mtrashpile · 4 years
Hello! Could I get a Remington Leith imagine? Either featuring them in quarantine or something involving their new song? Thank you so much!
A/N: Thank you so much for sending in a request!! I’ve been going crazy during this quarantine (I gave myself bangs and they actually turned out decent I’m gonna be dyeing my hair half orange half black if you guys want a picture when I finally get the dye and do it) but I hope you’re doing good during all this craziness!! Also, I wrote this on mobile at 2 in the morning so if it’s not good I’m blaming it on that
You laid in bed as Remington got ready to go over to his brothers house, singing along to the music he had playing from his speaker. “Are you sure you don’t want to come with us? It’s just gonna be the Sebastian and Emerson with their girlfriends. Oh! And the puppy’s!” Remington said as he kept straightening his hair. “As much as I want to see the puppies I’ll probably stay here, I don’t want to brush my hair,” Remington chuckled as he put the straightener down and unplugged it, putting gel in his hair to get it just the right amount of spikey.
“I see how it is, don’t wanna spend any time with me,” Remington mumbled as he sat on the bed to put his shoes on. “Baby, we’ve spent almost every moment together since you got back. You literally followed me into the bathroom while I took a shit the other day.” “We were having a conversation!” You shook your head at your boyfriend as you sat up, motioning for him to hug you. “Tell everyone I said hi and that I miss them,” you said into his shoulder as he held you. “I will.”
He kissed the top of your head before grabbing his jacket and keys, shouting he’d be back in a bit as he walked towards the door to leave. “Be safe!” “I always am!”
After a while longer of laying in bed, you decided to get up and clean a little bit before starting to work on lunch/dinner. Honestly, you didn’t really know what meal it was, having finally eaten dinner at 2 in the morning the night before.
It didn’t take long to pick up, mainly just putting Remingtons clothes back in the closet or in the laundry basket. When you were about to start dinner, you got the notification that they went live. You chuckled when you got on and Remington was holding Pepper and ignoring his brothers, only looking up when he heard Emerson mention that you had joined.
“Hi babe!” Remington said as he used Peppers paw to wave. You type a hi into the chat then set you phone up so you could still watch but start getting dinner ready.
By the time you had everything cooking, the boys got off the live. Remington sent you a text saying his was on his way home and excited to get back to cuddling. Once you finally turned on some music you had decided it wasn’t loud enough so you grabbed Remington’s speaker from the bathroom. Once your phone was connected, you clicked shuffle again and went back to cooking.
An excited gasp escaped your mouth when their new song came on, you turning the speaker up as loud as it could go. You started singing along and dancing around the kitchen, the food now just waiting to be put on a plate. During your little concert you didn’t notice Remington come in and take off his shoes.
“Jesus Christ Remington! Don’t fucking scare me like that!” You shouted as laughed, no longer singing along. “I’m sorry baby, I couldn’t help it,” he apologized as he walked over to you and put his arms around your waist. He helped you plate dinner, still singing along to the song coming through the speaker.
After the two of you finished dinner, Remington grabbed the plates and put them in the sink. Before you could suggest that you get them done he grabbed you and pulled you to the living room. He put on an old Elvis record then grabbed your hand and put his other on your hip. When you looked at him confused he chuckled, placing a kiss to your forehead. “We’re slow dancing you dummy,” he responded, chuckling again when the realization showed on your face.
You let him pull you close, loving every second of him holding you. “I love you so much Remmy,” you mumbled into him, placing a kiss where your face rested.
“As much as I love touring and meet the fans, I think being able to hold you every night and kiss you awake tops any feeling they could give me. I love you so fucking much (Y/N).”
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samyelbanette · 4 years
Damn. Why is it so hard for band members to not be creepy to their underage fans?
First, it was Daniel Curcio of Palaye Royale. Now, allegations have surfaced against Ashley Purdy of Black Veil Brides. :/
At least both bands kicked their respective creepy members out, and released statements condemning their actions.
So I can keep stanning the rest of the band with confidence. I hope.
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sunflowerinc · 4 years
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I galaxy brained at the sight of this thread
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tainted-darling · 4 years
andrew: ok who stole the weed
sebastian: i didn’t
remington: i haven’t seen it all day
emerson: i CaN hEaR cOlOrS
andrew: call animal control
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dollymoodboards · 4 years
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Happy Birthday Remington
5 of May 1994
There is so many things I want to thank Remington for. I'll only say a few of them. Thank you for making amazing music, for sharing your stories, for making me smile and laugh and believe in myself and other people. Thank you for giving me courage to be myself. Thank you for inspiring me and many other Soldiers in so many ways.
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daniel-curcio · 3 years
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