#Educational flag quiz
lalasworld08 · 5 months
GUESS THE FLAG Quiz ! Can You Conquer All 59 in under 15 Minutes?
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 4 months
I'm so glad you're doing well!
Could I perhaps ask for Damon and his darling nerd? Maybe something really good happens to her that she's excited about and when she tells Damon about it, she hugs him without thinking because of how happy she is. I'd imagine him getting drunk off of the physical contact and just wanting more
Yandere! Jock x Honor student! fem! reader everyday tidbits: achievements
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Damon was nervous.
He's rarely nervous.
And, the fact that he's nervous for another person is weirder.
But, at least he's nervous for you. That made it more excusable as he watched you from afar on the bleachers, biting his nail while praying to whoever God that still didn't give up on him.
Sweat riddling down his temple, he watched as you raised your whiteboard with the words "300 to 3,000 Mega Hertz". Your eyes focused on the screen projector up above the University stage, with the question reading "What range of frequencies are usually referred to as the Ultra High Frequency (UHF) Band?"
It was your University's Intramurals week, with today being the Academic night. You were assigned to be the representative of your college's individual science quiz bowl, and that meant that Damon didn't get to have that much tutoring off of you.
Other than being pissed that you just had to join the quiz bowl, he felt somehow proud. You, the academic genius, the introverted yet blunt student of the Education department, is in a competition in front of such a huge crowd like this? It was unbelievable.
And yet, his unfounded jealousy trickled down his spine when the people cheered for you once the proctor beside you raised the green flag, signaling you got the right answer.
He may be cheering for you, but others are too. Just thinking about how other people can see your brilliance other than him was boiling his blood under his skin.
"One more round..." He whispered, gripping his fist. "Just one more, and she's for my eyes, and my eyes only once again."
His muttering scared his friend beside him, not used to seeing Damon so... ??? What is Damon's face projecting? He doesn't know. It was foreign to him.
Damon's heart jumped once he realized it was the last round. This is it.
The projector flashed once more, with the last item of the hard round. If you got this, then you'll be the champion of the individual science quiz bowl. If not...
"Which prefix is often used with scientific terms to indicate that something is the same, equal or constant?"
Hmm? Why did language studies came here?
Anxiety riddled his body for you.
What is it?
Whispers got out on the surrounding stadium and from the bleachers, wondering what the answers are. Some students are trying to mouth the answers to their representatives, but to no avail.
He found himself clasping his hands together, eyes wide as he leaned forward and bit his tongue.
"Come on, y/n... You know this... Wait? Do you? Whatever...." He whispered under his breath, watching you turn the gears click and clack on your pretty head.
Then, your hand started to move on the whiteboard you're holding.
As the timer ran out, you put your marker down with a shaky breath and an unsure frown, making your college groan in defeat.
Damon almost lunged at them. How dare they? How can they not believe in you, sighing in defeat-- do they not know it affects your morals too?
As murder plays on his mind, the projector flashed, showing the answer.
His breath hitched, watching you put up your whiteboard marker.
As the College cheer and the defeaning beat of the drums wafted from the bleachers, your eyes widened in delight, covering your mouth from disbelief. You actually got that right?!
Damon was suddenly buzzing with energy. His eyes wide, mouth a small "o". He stood up, and as if time stood in a slowmo, he vaulted over seats, and down from the bleachers. Ignoring the shot of pain on his feet, he ran through the barriers and ran past shocked people.
But before he could scoop you up in a hug, your eyes found his and with a huge grin, you ran to him and embraced him first.
Your soft body on his hard one, your arms giddily wrapped around his neck, your head buried on his shoulder.
He froze, not knowing what to do.
"I-I did it! Damon I did it!" You giddily whispered. Your voice, usually laced with shyness and a bit of ridicule, was full of elation and happiness. You felt so light, free from the pressure that you were placing on yourself. Tears of happiness trickled down your cheeks.
Damon trembled. His senses were overwhelmed with yours. Your scent, your body, your warmth... It was too much.
His arms shakily wound around you, gripping you tightly as his nose buried on your neck, inhaling your scent and calming down.
He can't be too worked up. After all, he's in front of countless people.
He reluctantly let go of you, wiping your tears away from your cheeks.
"I'm so proud of you, y/n." He whispered, eyes filled with so much affection that even your blindness to his advances got shunned away for a bit, making your heart race.
"Thank you, Damon..."
Meanwhile, everyone at your college were shocked, and other students let out high pitched coo's and aw's, thinking that you and Damon are together.
"What the fuck? Damon?" His friend was bewildered. Sure, he knew that Damon had the hots for you. But this?
It was too cheesy for him. Blegh.
Sure, maybe Damon took advantage of the crowd, vaulting over people to hug you and make it seem that both of you are dating. Will he deny it? Nah. Maybe even vaguely insinuating and egging these people to believe more.
At the very least, with him being your "boyfriend" nobody will try to snatch you away from him now that people saw your brilliance.
And as he buried his face on hair once more and spun you around happily, he knew the next few days and weeks will be one hell of a ride.
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‘A Muslim woman who received death threats after appearing on a popular British quiz show has won “substantial damages” and received a public apology from a Conservative politician who wrongly accused her of anti-Semitism, her lawyers said on Wednesday.
Melika Gorgianeh, a doctoral astrophysics student at Christ Church, Oxford University, appeared on University Challenge, a BBC show, in an episode that was aired on November 20.
It was filmed months earlier in March.
The team’s mascot was a stuffed toy, a blue octopus, and Gorgianeh was wearing a multicoloured jacket that was navy blue, orange, pink and green.
Jacqueline Foster, who holds the title of baroness as she’s a member of the House of Lords, took to X after the show was broadcast to claim Gorgianeh was wearing the colours of the Palestinian flag and was responsible for the mascot.
Neither observation was true. The colours of the Palestine flag are black, white, green and red. The mascot belonged to the team of four.
Foster described the octopus as one of the most “disgusting anti-Semitic symbols” and called for Gorgianeh to be “expelled” by her university and “arrested” by the police.
She also tagged top politicians, including Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, as well as the national communications regulator Ofcom, the BBC and the University of Oxford.’
Source: Aljazeera
This is called Islamophobia. She saw a woman wearing a hijab and reached through her fucking ass to find a way to accuse the student of antisemitism. Imagine some fucking Tory pos seeing you appear on a quiz show and being so fucking terrified of you that she has to scrabble to find the weakest fucking sauce excuse to not only publicly accuse you of antisemitism, and not only to tag in the fucking prime minister, and NOT ONLY suggest you deserve to be expelled but that you need to be FUCKING ARRESTED.
Things baroness Foster did not do:
- accuse the makers of blue octopus stuffed toys of being antisemitic.
- accuse shops who sell blue octopus stuffed toys of being antisemitic.
- suggest that shops selling such toys, or their manufacturers, should be arrested by the police.
- suggest that anyone who owns one of these toys is antisemitic and needs to be expelled from their place of education.
- suggest anyone else on the four person team could have had anything to do with it.
Because really, what happened was that she saw a way to publicly express her hatred for a Muslim woman and she fucking jumped on it.
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sunnymegatron · 1 year
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The infamous “🐝D💲Ⓜ️Test” -- thousands have proudly posted results on their Fet profile like a badge of honor. It’s been recommended as an educational tool & #kinknegotiation starter since 2014. But is this test all it’s cracked up to be? Why don’t we scrutinize it the same way we vet other educational sources? Why are we not asking who created it, why, and what are they using the massive amount of data they’re collecting about our deviant desires for?  And what about its wider impact? Or the claims that it (and its many copycats) stigmatizes kink & normalizes red-flag behavior disguised as "healthy kink"? Come join us on Saturday 1/7 for a deep dive into this well known test. ****** Reposted from @planetmidori @Ropecraft is hosting a monthlong virtual event full of classes, socials, and fun events. This Saturday join Midori, @SunnyMegatron, & @Jofezasa as they take a closer look at the infamous BD$M Quiz we've all seen (or done) and talk about what it really means and if it should be shaping our discourse around kink. LIVE at 2pm PST online! http://www.ropecraft.net/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CnDz-arLjfq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sneakydragon · 2 months
Sneaky Dragon Episode 644
This week David and Ian talk Coke encounters, patent pops; sneaky arks; flagging interest, deep cults, psychonuts, liminal spaces, home prayer, Easter ughs, forgiveness and forgive not, horror commentary, he-man woman haters, and eclipse shows.
This week: the Fan Four; Coke encounters; patent vending; there goes the neighbourhood; story ark; quiz whiz; the sequelizer; Mutt and death; flagging interest; deep cults; acid reflects; psychonuts; nothing is real; out on a liminal; prayer home companion; holy mantra; watch out; Easter ughs; celebrate long time; forgive and for pets; cold fish; complimental health; physical education; R.I.P. Ed…
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luxurypropertiesworld · 5 months
Unique Republic Day Celebration Ideas in the Office
Republic Day is not just a national holiday; it's an opportunity for offices to foster a sense of patriotism, team spirit, and inclusivity. In this article, we'll explore 24 unique ideas to make your Republic Day celebration at the office memorable and impactful.
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Republic Day celebrated on January 26th, marks the day when the Constitution of India came into effect. While it's a national holiday, offices can turn this occasion into a vibrant celebration that boosts employee morale and unity.
  Why Celebrate Republic Day at the Office?
Celebrating Republic Day at the office goes beyond the routine. It's about instilling a sense of pride, patriotism, and unity among employees. When teams come together to celebrate the nation's achievements, it creates a positive work environment.
  Planning Committee Formation
To ensure a successful celebration, form a dedicated planning committee. This team will be responsible for organizing and executing various activities, ensuring that the celebration resonates with everyone in the office.
  Decorate the Workspace
Transforming the office space with Republic Day-themed decorations is the first step to setting the mood. Consider adorning the workspace with tricolour banners, flags, and inspirational quotes that reflect the spirit of the day.
  Themed Dress Code Suggestions
Encourage employees to dress in patriotic colours. A themed dress code not only adds visual appeal but also creates a sense of unity among the team.
  Interactive Flag Hoisting Ceremony
Start the day with a meaningful flag-hoisting ceremony. Involve employees in the process, creating a sense of participation and pride as the national flag unfurls.
  Cultural Performances
Organize cultural performances like dance, music, or skits. This not only showcases the diverse talents of your team but also adds a touch of creativity to the celebration.
  Office Potluck with a Twist
Revamp the traditional office potluck with a Republic Day twist. Include dishes representing different states, offering a culinary journey across India.
  Republic Day Quiz
Engage employees with a quiz about the nation's history, achievements, and culture. This not only educates but also sparks healthy competition and camaraderie.
  CSR Activities
Incorporate Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities. Whether it's a blood donation drive or a cleanliness campaign, contributing to the community adds a meaningful aspect to the celebration.
  Employee Recognition Awards
Take the opportunity to acknowledge outstanding contributions. Present awards for exceptional work, fostering a culture of appreciation within the workplace.
  Crafting Republic Day DIYs
Engage employees in creative activities by organizing Republic Day-themed DIY crafts. This not only adds a personal touch but also provides a break from the routine.
 Guest Speakers or Lectures
Invite guest speakers or experts to share insights on patriotism and national pride. Their perspectives can inspire and add depth to the celebration.
  Republic Day-Themed Games
Infuse fun and competitiveness with Republic Day-themed games. From tug-of-war to patriotic trivia, games create an atmosphere of enjoyment and teamwork.
  Memorable Photo Booth Setup
Create lasting memories with a themed photo booth. Decorate it with props that reflect the Republic Day spirit, allowing employees to capture the celebration in a fun and memorable way.
  Employee Testimonials
Share inspiring stories or testimonials from employees about their connection to the nation. This personal touch adds a human element to the celebration.
  Republic Day Gifts for Employees
Consider thoughtful gifts for employees, such as tricolour merchandise or personalized items. This gesture reinforces a sense of belonging and appreciation.
  Social Media Engagement
Leverage social media platforms to share the celebration beyond the office. Encourage employees to post pictures and share their experiences, showcasing the vibrant workplace culture.
  Reflecting on National Achievements
Take a moment during the celebration to reflect on the nation's achievements. It's an opportunity to instil a sense of pride and appreciation for the progress the country has made.
  Promoting Diversity and Inclusivity
Celebrate India's rich diversity by incorporating elements that represent different cultures and traditions. This promotes inclusivity and unity among employees.
  Closing Ceremony and Thank You
Wrap up the celebration with a closing ceremony, expressing gratitude to the planning committee and all employees for their participation. A heartfelt thank you reinforces the positive energy generated during the celebration.
In conclusion, celebrating Republic Day in the office is not just a tradition; it's a powerful way to instil national pride, teamwork, and appreciation for diversity. By incorporating these unique ideas, you can create a memorable and impactful celebration that resonates with employees.
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bronzethunder · 6 months
I'm at my second ever rally/protest.
The first one was 2 weeks ago, calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. I arrived nervous and uncertain in what to expect.
What I found:
1. There was such a range of people. There was old people, likely retired and grandparents. There were young people, like highschool young, there by choice. There were families, kids with their parents and babies in prams. Mums and daughters. People with their partners. There were heaps of queer people. There were people of different skin colours. There were people of different backgrounds, university educated people, tradies, people in unions. People who were organised with flags and signs. Plenty of people like myself who just arrived as they were.
2. No one is going to quiz you or question why you're there. You have nothing to prove, and you don't have to be the smartest most across the issue ever.
3. Take water. Chanting is thirsty work.
4. Before the march/chanting there will likely be speakers who address the crowd, bringing different perspectives on the issue you are protesting. During these speeches you can sit. They might start doing some of the chants in their speech, like a call and response.
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jaipuria-vidyalaya · 10 months
Engaging Independence Day Celebrations Ideas & Activities for CBSE School in Rajasthan
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As we approach the year 2023, India will be celebrating its 76th Independence Day on August 15th. This significant occasion provides an excellent opportunity for public school in jaipur to instill patriotism and national pride in students while also fostering a sense of unity and appreciation for the country's rich heritage. 
To make this Independence Day memorable, here are some interesting ideas and activities that cbse school in jaipur can incorporate into their celebrations:
Flag Hoisting Ceremony:
Begin the Independence Day celebrations with a traditional flag-hoisting ceremony. Involve students in the process of raising the national flag with utmost respect and dignity. This symbolic act sets the tone for the rest of the day and reinforces the importance of the nation's freedom struggle.
Past March:
A march past, also known as a parade or procession, is planned on the school campus or in the neighborhood. The opportunity presented by this activity can be used to remind everyone of the sacrifices made by our independence warriors and the significance of this day for us as Indian citizens. CBSE-affiliated school in jaipur must take this activity as an important part of Independence Day. 
Cultural Program:
Organize a cultural program that showcases the diverse cultures and traditions of India. Students can perform dance, music, and drama representing various states, promoting a sense of unity in diversity. This will help them understand and appreciate the nation's rich cultural heritage.
Independence Day Quiz:
Conduct an interactive quiz based on the history of India's independence struggle. This will not only be an engaging activity but also an opportunity for students to learn about the sacrifices and contributions made by our freedom fighters.
Patriotic Art Exhibition:
Best school in jaipur encourages students to participate in a patriotic art competition where they can express their love for the country through their creative talents. Display their artworks in an exhibition for the entire school to admire and appreciate.
Inspirational Speeches:
 Invite guest speakers or teachers to deliver inspiring speeches about India's journey to independence and the importance of being responsible citizens. Such talks can motivate students to contribute positively to their society and country.
Flag-Making Workshop:
Organize a flag-making workshop where students can create their own mini flags using art and craft materials. This activity will help them understand the significance of the national flag and the pride associated with it.
Tribute to Freedom Fighters:
Devote a segment of the celebration to pay tribute to the brave freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives for India's independence. Share stories and anecdotes from their lives to inspire and educate the students about their incredible contributions.
Cleanliness Drive:
 Promote a sense of civic responsibility by organizing a cleanliness drive within the school premises or its surroundings. Top schools in jaipur encourage students to participate actively in keeping their environment clean, just as our freedom fighters worked towards a clean and free nation.
Freedom-Themed Dress Code:
Inspire students and teachers to dress up in outfits representing the colors of the Indian flag or attire reminiscent of the freedom struggle era. This will create a visually appealing atmosphere and enhance patriotic fervor.
Jaipuria Vidayala is the best CBSE board high school in jaipur, celebrating 76th Independence Day with full enthusiasm, it is a time to reflect on our nation's past, appreciate the present, and aspire for a better future. By organizing engaging and meaningful activities, schools can help instill a sense of pride, love, and respect for India among the young minds of the nation. Let us celebrate Independence Day 2023 with enthusiasm and fervor, remembering the struggles of the past and working towards a brighter, united, and prosperous India.
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unitygamefree · 11 months
“ The average IQ is 100. Have you wondered what your IQ score is? Our original IQ Test will give you a fast, free and accurate iq score. Take our fast and free IQ test and find out just how smart you are ” Quizzes to test your brain 👉 Quizzes designed are an engaging way to challenge your cognitive abilities ... Test Now Math quiz for adults ? 👉 Are you ready to flex your math muscles with a challenging math quiz ? Test Now Find 7 differences ? 👉 Put your observation skills to the test as you examine every detail, color, and shape... Test Now Quizzes for fun ? 👉 Tests and quizzes for fun can also be enjoyed purely for fun and entertainment ... Test Now ... 5 IQ Puzzle Game ? 👉 Prepare for a mind-bending experience with IQ puzzle games! Engage your cognitive abilities ... Test Now Find 6 differences ? 👉 Get ready for an exciting game of finding differences! Challenge your visual acuity ... Test Now IQ Test Math 2023 👉 Are you ready to test your IQ with some challenging math problems ? Test Now Test and Quizzes ? 👉 Tests and quizzes are common evaluation tools used to assess knowledge and understanding... Test Now ... IQ math riddles 2023 ? 👉 Are you up for a challenge? Engage your brain with these IQ math riddles ... Test Now Find 5 differences ? 👉 Put your observation skills to the test and find five differences in these two images ... Test Now math quiz with answers ? 👉 Are you ready for a math quiz? Test your mathematical skills with these challenging questions ? Test Now Are you a millionaire quiz ? 👉 Take the quiz and find out! Answer these fifteen questions about ... Test Now ... IQ Math Quiz 👉 A new puzzle with numbers is here for you ... Test Now Millionaire Trivia Quiz 👉 Millionaire Online Trivia Quiz – find out answer ... Test Now Math Puzzle Difficult 👉 Can you solve this math puzzle . Look at the sequence... Test Now Am i a millionaire quiz ? 👉 Train your brain in our quiz! Answer daily general... Test Now ... Quiz Flags Europe ? 👉 This flag discovery will advise you to recognize all... Test Now Find differences pictures ? 👉 Are you good at spotting the very hard differences between... Test Now Flags test asia ? 👉 The flags test asia, you will be given asia countries ... Test Now Can you answer this ? 👉 Do you want to exercise your mind with this riddle ? Test Now Quiz Flags Australia ? 👉 This educational games will test your knowledge and help you... Test Now Can you solve this IQ Math ? 👉 We are posting a fresh new Math Quiz to be solved. Test... Test Now African Flags Test ? 👉 African flags test Capitals game are all in this educational trivia... Test Now “Different riddles and tricky tests will challenge your mind. This new puzzle game may break common sense and bring your new brain-pushing experience !” Millionaire Quizzes ► Millionaire Quiz is an online take of the classic TV game ... All Quiz Test Math IQ Shapes ► Can you Answer this Math IQ Shape Question ? ... All IQ Test Math IQ Test ► Our original Math IQ Test will give you a fast, free ... All Math Test Quizzes For Kids ► Quizzes For Kids that are Educational, Interactive and Fun... All Kids Test Flag Quizzes ► Flags quiz to recognize flags of the world, learn flags ... All Flag Test
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Guess the Flag Quiz 50 Countries How well do you know the flags of different countries in the world? Put your knowledge to the test in the Guess the Flag Quiz! Here is a selection of 50 flags of countries around the world. How many flags did you guess right?  Let me know in the comments! #thequizchannel #flagsquiz #triviaWATCH  #quiz #flag #flags #trivia #triviagames MORE LIFESTYLE PEAK VIDEOS SUBSCRIBE to our CHANNEL here:   / lifestylepeak   and SEE AMAZING, INTERESTING, ENTERTAINING, EDUCATIONAL, AND FUN VIDEOS! You may also want to WATCH MORE, see our PLAYLISTS:   / lifestylepeak  
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kbcwinneersin · 1 year
How to Verify the Authenticity of KBC Head Office Number
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KBC or Kaun Banega Crorepati is one of the most popular and loved quiz shows in India. It has been entertaining and educating audiences for more than two decades now. However, with its popularity, there has been an increase in the number of fraudsters who are using the KBC name to cheat people. These fraudsters often call people claiming to be KBC representatives and ask them to share their personal information or pay money to claim a prize. Therefore, it's important to verify the authenticity of kbc head office number 2023 before sharing any sensitive information or paying any money.
Here are some ways to verify the authenticity of KBC head office number:
Check the official website
The official website of KBC is the best place to start. You can find the contact information of the KBC head office on the website. Make sure to cross-check the Kbc official Whatsapp number you received with the one mentioned on the website.
Contact the KBC customer care
You can contact the KBC customer care to verify the authenticity of the number. The customer care executives can provide you with the correct information about the kbc head office number.
Look for the KBC logo
The KBC logo is trademarked and can be found on all official KBC communication. If the caller claims to be from KBC but does not have the logo on their communication, it's a red flag.
Verify the number
You can search for the Kbc official Whatsapp number on Google or other search engines. If the number matches with the one you received, it's a good sign. However, be cautious of fraudulent websites that may provide fake information.
Check for registration
KBC is a registered show, and the head office must be registered as well. You can check the registration details online or with the relevant authorities to verify the authenticity of the head office number.
Be cautious of fake prize calls
KBC does not call winners to claim their prizes. Instead, they send an official email or letter. Therefore, if you receive a call claiming to be from KBC and asking you to pay money to claim a KBC Official Prize, it's a scam.
Check the area code
The area code of the Kbc head office number is 022. If you receive a call from a different area code claiming to be from KBC, it's likely to be a fraudulent call.
In conclusion, with the rise in fraudulent activities, it's essential to verify the authenticity of an online kbc head office whatsapp number before sharing any sensitive information or paying any money. Remember to be cautious of fake prize calls and always cross-check the information with the official sources. By following these tips, you can enjoy watching and participating in KBC without falling victim to any scams.
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amberfaber40 · 1 year
Free Printable Country Fact Sheet For An Easy Geography Lesson - Layers of Learning
Free Printable Country Fact Sheet For An Easy Geography Lesson - Layers of Learning
Grab this free printable country fact sheet to write cool country facts all in one place.
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Free Printable Coloring Pages of People All Around the World
Need geography printables for kids? Download these 18 printable coloring pages of people all around the world today! Click here!!
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12 Jobs for Geography Majors | The University Network
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Vintage World Globe
A finely designed world globe with intricate details and geography. Classic spinning globe with metal stand that is more durable and great for office, study room, kid's bedroom, and classroom desktop decoration. It will also make a great gift for your relative and friends. Globe Diameter:14cm/5.52inch Base Diameter:11.5cm/4.53inch
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Global Geography Worksheets 4 Latitude | PDF | Latitude | Equator
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Can You Beat This Infuriating A To Z Geography Quiz?
From Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, via a world of pain.
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Free Seven Continents Printables
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School Notebook - Geography
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Quiz: Can You Name Every One Of These Countries By Their Capital On A Map?
How worldly are you?
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Set of geography symbols
Set of geography symbols. Equipments for web banners. Vintage outline sketch for web banners. Doodle style. Education concept. Back to school background. Hand drawn style
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Printable Landform Flash Cards
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World Map
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Geography This exploration is for all ages, as the colored smilies show. You can do the Country Fact Sheet with your whole family together! 1st thru 4th grades 5th thru 8th grades 9th thru 12th grades Western Europe is the first unit in the Mapping Our World geography course from Layers of Learning.The Country Fact Sheet is a geography printable that can be used with any of the geography units from Years 2, 3, and 4. Those years focus on learning about a variety of countries from all around the world. It s first introduced in the Western Europe unit. Layers of Learning has hands-on explorations, maps, printables, and lots more activities in every unit of this family-friendly curriculum. Learn more about Layers of Learning.Years 2 and 3 of Layers of Learning are a survey of countries around the world, and we like to keep a written record of a lot of what we learn. The Country Fact Sheet is just one of the ways we record what we’re discovering in our geography time. It’s a place to record the information they are reading from our country studies all on one page.Step 1: Library ResearchBefore you begin exploring, read a book or two about the country you’re studying in a library book or in an atlas. Here are some suggestions of atlases we like to keep on hand for our country studies. Your library likely has atlases you can borrow too. The colored smilies above each book tell you what age level they’re recommended for.As Amazon affiliates, the recommended books and products below kick back a tiny percentage of your purchase to us. It doesn’t affect your cost and it helps us run our website. We thank you!DK First Atlasby Anita GaneriChildren’s Illustrated Atlasby DKStudent Atlasby DKStep 2: Country Fact SheetHere is a printable country fact sheet if you want to try this with your kids.   A printable country fact sheet to fill in.Search the internet, look in an atlas, or go to the library for books, then spend an hour reading and writing down fascinating facts, drawing maps and flags, and just satisfying your curiosity about countries.  Fill out the country fact sheet as you go, then fill the backside of the page with more interesting things you discovered along the way.  As you work, discuss the similarities and differences between the country you live in and the country you’re studying.  If possible, find some stories from the countries too.  Many countries have traditional folk tales, fairy tales, myths, or legends that kids love to listen to.  Famous art and music is another fun focus.  We have our television attached to our computer with an HDMI cable (making our big screen function as a computer monitor so everyone can see it well), so I pull up famous art from the country using a simple internet search.  Sometimes we watch YouTube videos of traditional dance or music, travelogues, or other informational videos too.By the end of the week, you will have all learned about the country by researching, discussing, and writing.  It’s a fun way to bring other cultures and places a little closer to home.Step 3: Show What You KnowRead the interesting facts to each other, presentation-style. See if some of the things you found out overlap. Did you find any information or fun facts that no one else in your family did?Additional LayersAdditional Layers are extra activities you can do or tangents you can take off on. You will find them in the sidebars of each Layers of Learning unit. They are optional, so just choose what interests you.Writer’s WorkshopWrite a simulated letter, imagining you are visiting the country you studied and writing home about the things you are doing and seeing.Additional LayerMake a traditional recipe from the country you are learning about. We love to cook food from the country we are studying and then give our presentations at the dinner table.ExpeditionWhen we can’t go visit a country in person, we go visit the Layers of Learning YouTube playlists and get a little peek through video of what it’s like there.Try family-style homeschooling now with free samples of four Layers of Learning units when you subscribe. You'll get to try family-style history, geography, science, and arts with your children.NamePlease enter your name.Email AddressPlease enter a valid email address.Subscribe!Thanks for subscribing! Please check your email for further instructions.Something went wrong. Please check your entries and try again.You can unsubscribe any time.
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aiimsjodhpur · 1 year
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@aiimsjdh family feels proud to announce that DM residents in Interventional Radiology Dr Tushar and Dr Arjun have secured the second position in the prestigious IR quiz organised by Indian Society of Vascular and Interventional Radiology(ISVIR) during the national conference. Five teams were selected for the finals among 66 teams. Our team has been awarded an educational grant of Rs 25000 each apart from registration worth Rs 15000 for the next national conference. Furthermore, our Assistant Professor Dr. Rengarajan has been awarded the best reviewer by JCIR,the national journal of ISVIR. Best wishes to keep our flag high! (at AIIMS Jodhpur) https://www.instagram.com/p/CojXGQYon7b/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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goldiers1 · 1 year
Environment Minister Shri Bhupender Yadav Launches Save Wetlands Campaign
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  Shri Bhupender Yadav, Union Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change launched the ‘Save Wetlands Campaign’ in the presence of the Chief Minister of Goa. This campaign is structured on a “whole of society” approach to wetlands conservation, enabling affirmative actions for wetlands conservation at all levels of society and involving all strata of society. This campaign over the next year will include sensitizing people to the value of wetlands, increasing the coverage of wetland mitras, and building citizen partnerships for wetlands conservation. Two publications were also released during the occasion, ‘India’s 75 Amrit Dharohar- India’s Ramsar Sites Factbook’ and ‘ Managing Climate Risks in Wetlands - A Practitioner’s Guide. The factbook is a one-stop resource of information on our 75 Ramsar Sites, including their values, threats they face, and management arrangements.  
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Wetlands campaign launch. Photo by Government of India.   The practitioner’s Guide on Climate Risk Assessment provides step-wise guidance on assessing the site-level climate risks and integration of adaptation and mitigation responses into the wetland management plan. Shri Yadav interacted with wetlands managers of states and heard their experiences about achievements and challenges. In his address, the Union Minister highlighted the critical role played by the wetland ecosystem in securing ecological, economic, and climate security. He also mentioned various green initiatives taken by the Government in the budget 2023 under the leadership of Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi including Amrit Dharohar, MISHTI, PM PRANAM, Green credit, and Green Growth aligned with Mission LiFE. Shri Yadav also highlighted the achievements of the country in the last 9 years under the leadership of Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi during which the country has not only developed economically but also with ecological balance. The Minister also emphasized the importance of strengthening communication, education, awareness, and participation in the conservation of the wetlands. Shri Yadav also said that Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in his Mann ki Baat of January 29, 2023, highlighted the invaluable role played by local communities in the conservation of Ramsar Sites. The national celebrations of World Wetlands Day which concluded today saw the Union Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Shri Bhupender Yadav, Chief Minister of Goa, dignitaries from the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change and Government of Goa visit Nanda Lake, Goa’s first Ramsar Site to oversee the conservation and management efforts. On this occasion, the Union Environment Minister unfurled the National Flag and unveiled the signboard of Nanda Lake.
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Fazilka, Punjab, India. Photo by 350.org. Flickr.   Chief Minister of Goa, Dr. Pramod Savant congratulated Government of India for the achievement of 75 Ramsar Sites in the 75th year of independence and for realizing the dream of the Prime Minister. He also thanked the Government of India for supporting the State in the designation of Nanda Lake as a Ramsar site and he also thanked for giving Goa the opportunity to organize the event. He assured that Goa will continue to work towards achieving the goal of sustainable development. In line with the emphasis on participatory management of wetlands by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and the mission and vision of Sahbhagita Mission, based on an advisory issued by Ministry. State Governments and UT administrations celebrated World Wetlands Day enthusiastically at all 75 Ramsar sites this year with over 200 events with the hoisting of flag at the Ramsar Sites and organizing over 50 activities with student engagement in which drawing competition, quiz competition, exposure activities, and bird watching were organized. The wetland pledge was administered during these events. The site-level celebrations were followed by a Regional Consultative Workshop for Restoration and Integrated Management of Wetlands held at Goa on February 3, 2023, which saw the participation of 48 representatives from 7 states namely Gujarat, Haryana, Punjab, Goa, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh. This workshop, organized under Mission Sahbhagita, is a platform for sharing wetland management experiences, success stories, best practices as well challenges. Three roundtable discussions on mainstreaming LiFE Mission in wetland management, restoration and integrated management of wetlands, and youth engagement and outreach, were included in deliberations.  
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Save the Saras.... Photo by lensnmatter. Flickr.  
About World Wetlands Day
World Wetlands Day is observed on 2nd February every year worldwide to commemorate the signing of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance in 1971. India is a party to the Convention since 1982 and has so far declared 75 wetlands as Ramsar sites covering 23 states and Union Territories. The 2023 theme for World Wetlands Day is ‘Wetland Restoration’ which highlights the urgent need to prioritize wetland restoration. It is a call on an entire generation to take proactive action for wetlands, by investing financial, human, and political capital to save the wetlands from disappearing and to revive and restore those that have been degraded. India has the largest network of Ramsar Sites in Asia, making these sites a critical ecological network for the conservation of global biological diversity and supporting human well-being. The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) launched Mission Sahbhagita in 2022 with a mission of a healthy and effectively managed network of 75 wetlands of national and international significance which support water and food security; buffer from floods, droughts, cyclones, and other extreme events. Other considerations included employment generation; conservation of species of local, national and international significance; climate change mitigation and adaptation actions; and recognition, conservation and celebration of cultural heritage.   Sources: THX News & PIB. Read the full article
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logotrivia · 1 year
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With 100 logos to guess, this quiz will test your knowledge of everything from tech giants to fast-food chains
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