#Fe5 amalda
nieznasztejosoby · 5 months
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I want my new years resolution to be posting more of my jugdral aet so enjoy. :D
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randomnameless · 5 months
Fates unironically did the "muhritocracy" schtick better than 3H lol; the vast majority of the playable Nohrian characters are commoners who got into high-ranking positions in the Nohrian army due to being exceptional soldiers and getting rewarded as such, whereas the only commoners on Adrestia's side that aren't turncoats (or fodder soldiers that are stated to exist only in throwaway dialogue from faceless NPCs) are Ladislava (non-character with no screentime, personality or even feats to support that she did anything to help the Adrestian army in any significant way), Fleche (slightly more of a character, still does nothing to help Adrestia), Randolph (does nothing to help and isn't even particularly well-recognized or rewarded for his skills, if him being jealous of his superiors is any indication), and Dorothea (only got to a high-ranking position due to prostituting herself in order to get into Garreg Mach, befriending the crown princess of the Empire, and being made into a general of the Adrestian army due to nepotism from that same crown princess).
What makes it even worse is that Nohr rewarding merit for anyone and everyone, regardless of social class or status, is an irrelevant bit of background worldbuilding, whereas Edelgard wanting to reward commoners' merits is one of her most consistently-repeated ideals, but the only non-nobleborn CF playable character only got so far in life due to (literal) peepee-sucking and nepotism, and even the NPCs are either featless non-characters (Fleche and Ladislava) or complain about not being recognized enough despite his skill/is recognized enough and Edelgard just decided a power-hungry, immoral dumbass was meritant enough to be made into a general in her army (Randolph); shouldn't the order have been reversed? Like, the game where one of the main characters' principle ideals is to recognize and reward anyone who's skilled should be the one to have most of her allies be commoners, whereas the one where the concept of merit is completely irrelevant to the story, themes and characters could have just had the characters be mostly nobles instead of consistently making them commoners just for subtle worldbuilding? It's weird.
Want to see an upstanding posterchild of Nohrian muhritocracy?
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Chaos will always topple the ones who don't earn their status. It's folks like you and me who rise to the top. And the way we do that is by cutting down all our enemies.
I won't stop at captain. I will keep on climbing!
I'll be a king someday. I'll make it happen—you wait and see.
More seriously -
It's all about the what is actually rewarded.
I've already joked a bit about it, but basically Randolph and Nopes!Caspar want to demonstrate their muhrit by... invading countries, killing refugees or randoms who returned in their home after being ousted by the Imperial army.
Much muhrit, very uwu.
Take Whodislava, as you mentioned, bar being a named NPC who as less screentime than Kronya and is supposed to be a sad casualty for war, while being the posterchild of Supreme Leader's muhritocracy, we don't a thing about her. What has she done to be granted the rank of general? What are her achievements?
At times I'm pretty sure TS was partly written to laugh and mock FE16, but Avlora is basically in the same situation, save that Avlora has more plot relevance and exists bar being a sign the devs hold that's written "please feel bad about this character you've never interacted with and only has 5 lines of dialogue and is only here to garner sympathy when she dies I mean even Fates!Candace had more presence than her".
Avlora was an orphan, trained under Groma - a famous general - who continued to train even when Groma retired, became Adre- Aesfrost's top general and defeated Maxwell in a duel. We have her story - she came from nothing - her feats - she defeated the strongest warrior in Glenbrook - and the entire meritocracy angle sticks : Avlora was a nobody made general because she kicked asses.
The meritocratic Adrestia NPCs?
Randolph... tries to get muhrit, but fails as we protect people and only laments about his status in his House (as he is fucking killing people to gain more status, like dude, priorities?) - so in way, both Randy and Flèche are imo, counterexemples of Supreme Leader's muhritocracy : Randolph kills peons and invades an orphanage to demonstrate his "muhrit" because, otherwise, without any muhrit, iirc it's implied he and his sister will be demoted to randoms in House Bergliez (even if Flèche is supposed to be younger than Cyril iirc? Like how the frick do you want a kid of 12 to demonstrate her muhrit, else she'll be kicked out of her house?).
Whodislava... dies heroically, at least that's what we're supposed to get from her very "please cry" cutscene when she dies in front of Supreme Leader in Tru Piss - as Rhea and her family + knights tried to retake their ancestral home and she prevented them from doing so - or it's the same nonsense as "we killed Ferdie professor :(", we are supposed to feel bad about people who were fighting alongside a demonic beast when, in FE16, we fucking know what they are.
Since the FE5 banner released earlier this week, FE5 paints "honorable" Reinhardt as a pitiful man, because no matter how honorable or kickass or kind Reinhardt was, when it came to defect to protect children from being kidnapped or stop the general nonsense the Empire was pulling in Thracia... Reinhardt refused to do so, pretexting remaining by Ishtar's side, and when that became impossible, he choose death over rescuing toddlers. His situation is supposed to be compared to his sister's Olwen, who, when she discovers the truth of what is happening in Thracia, ditches the Empire to help Leif rescue the children - and, imo, Amalda (who's not in FEH yet!) who is also, basically, a commander who plays a larger Camus role as in, she tries to appeal to her Lord to stop the child hunts, her Lord tells her to eat shit, and when asked why she still fights and why she doesn't defect, Amalda says if she does so, her knights will be killed + Amalda appears as a NPC allied unit in a map to hunt bandits to save a village.
So, compared to those ladies who defect or try to protect whoever they can protect - their soldiers AND civilians who are being trampled by their own army - Reinhardt who doesn't do a thing and picks "death" is, as Olwen's ending puts it "pitiful".
Back to your ask anon, even if I disgress from the meritocracy angle - Flèche, Whodislava and Randy are such non-entities compared to characters with 6 lines from FE5 that even if they try to pull the "I have to do this for my family" or the "I came from nothing and still help my emperor because I am thankful to her for having raised me from being a commoner to a general", our Adrestians NPC feel very, very flat.
Are we supposed to cry for Hans's failed dreams of becoming a king when we kill him? No, but Randy and Whodislava's deaths are overplayed with so much pathos that the game is basically telling you "and here you should feel bad because they died" but... what is more important, the fact they tried to unlock a lot of achievments to demonstrate their "muhrit", or what the hell they were ready to do to unlock said achievments?
As for Doro needing to befriend people to enter Garreg Mach, remember that Doro, being touted as another example of the muhritocracy Supreme Leader's Adrestia aims to be, had to engage in sex work from a young age, to reach the diva status - which has very disturbing implications, that are glossed over because that's FE16 for you. Are we supposed to believe Doro "worked hard" to be able to catch the eye of some deranged fucks when she was a pre-teen to become a diva - or, as Manu puts it in a support that cannot be achieved in Tru Piss, muhrit alone doesn't work to become a diva, and it's actually a pretty font to hide the "dark" deeds young singers in Mittelfrank have to do to reach the "diva" status?
Minor tidbit though, Doro is famous enough for being Supreme Leader's dearest friend but she isn't promoted to "general" in Tru Piss, she's only BESF who's not, at least in her bio, a general Post TS.
Imo the question you raise is actually relevant to how empty Supreme Leader's muhritocracy's ideal is - in both game Ferdie has to remind her that to build "muhrit" or for commoners to be able to gather "muhrit" as nobles do, they have to start at the same lever, and receive education as nobles do.
IIRC, in Supreme Bullshit, despite their feats, Hubert tells Barney they're only a commoner - not even a worthy commoner like Doro - but a fucking random - when muhrit wise, Barney should at least be named general!
In both games, Linhardt is a general... but we don't see anything from him, bar his tropey "i want to study crests and nap and i dgaf about anything else" traits - if that's all there is to him, how and why the crap was he made general??
Why, it's almost as if "muhrit" is a smokescreen to hide the fact that the one who chooses/picks who gets to be important from who isn't does it on their own terms just like irl
What is merit, really? Who gets to decide what is merit from what isn't? Or who is the "best" at doing things, from another?
It's another instance of, imo, Fodlan's artificial feel, the game raises a question/issue, and starts some smoke about it, but without tackling said issues seriously we're left with "I agree and think starvation shouldn't exist anymore" milquetoast and cliché opinions that give the illusion this game is "very deep" when it's just, a puff of smoke.
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petraevesplace · 11 months
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Route A knights who put the well-being of children above even morals and duty, my beloveds
Piece by archaneaisms and if you want to read some gorgeous fics about Mishamalda, check out war and peace emblem by grazergroves. As my friend described, her writing feels like it should be a ballad told through a harp
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elftism · 2 months
congrats on his transition
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bi, girlflux, and girlflux bi amalda icons
like/reblog if you use and credit me
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anruraiocht · 4 months
miranda and her friege-isms
We know precious little about Ulster!! It's fine though!! I'm the only person alive who cares, but I care quite a bit!!
What we do know is that anywhere from 762 (765 if we think kaga is insane for thinking a two year old and three year old had enough developed long term memory to be able to recognize each other a decade later. Engage confirms this later timeline, more or less.) House Friege executes the king of Ulster and then Bloom moves right into his house.
Where does that leave the princess of Ulster, who was taken hostage?
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Mental illness.
Whether she likes it or not, Miranda was more or less raised by House Friege (and Conomor) from age 2~5 to age 13~14* and this has irreversibly changed her as a person, reflected through gameplay.
Mage Knight
Miranda's promoted class, Mage Knight, is overwhelmingly associated with House Friege. As in, almost every other named Mage Knight throughout both Jugdral games belongs to House Friege, with the sole exceptions of Azelle and Miranda.
I stress the named part because one of Conomor's NPC bozos (Ulster aligned) in chapter 19 is a Mage Knight. He has Tornado and a Great Sword, if you're curious. The Mage Knight (Friege aligned) associated with Amalda in chapter 19 has Thoron instead, consistent with most of the other Friege aligned Mage Knights.
...Of course, we must remember that Ulster has been under Friege control for 13 years at this point, which muddies the waters on whether we can consider this sufficient evidence that Mage Knights are also common in Ulster or if this too is another case of adapting to the environment.
At most, we can prooooobably assume that one or both of her parents were a magic user in some way? Just due to the way class inheritance tends to happen between parents and children in Jugdral.
While in her native FE5, Wrath as a personal skill is kind of just handed out to whoever (Miranda and Sara are the only two girls in FE5 who have Wrath as a personal skill, fun fact), in FE4, Wrath is locked to the playable members of House Friege minus Amid, plus Julius... who is neither playable nor a member of House Friege, betrothal aside, but I thought it was funny to bring up. Two ships passing in the night.
The Ethnia Issue
I just think Umemura made a really poor choice in reusing names here lmfao. Miranda has no Holy Blood to speak of, is unable to wield the Bragi Sword, and the timelines simply just don't line up. We know that Miranda was in Ulster at the time of the assassination attempt because that's how she knows Leif and co. This would have required Ethnia(F) to abandon Miranda by herself in Ulster to run away with Linda and Amid to Silesse and then be dragged back to Ulster with Linda anyway.
This also would create an awkward situation where Linda, who would also be one of Ulster's heirs, is able to act freely (I use this term very loosely lol) while Miranda is treated fully as a hostage which ?????????
And...to be quite honest, I think Miranda's base E rank for thunder magic just does not track with having Thrud blood. Tine and Linda start at B and A respectively, while Arthur starts at B and Amid.......who mysteriously only has access to thunder magic on promotion, will then get it at rank A. Miranda does get thunder magic weapon experience on promotion (along with fire magic weapon experience, which she already has a head start in), but it's certainly not enough to take her from E to B.
It's an interesting hc for sure, but I think it's genuinely more impactful for Miranda to not be related to House Friege in any way. I am much more invested in Miranda's relationship to her captors being based in nurture rather than nature and the stress of turning out more like the people who raised you than your actual parents.
*Did you know that promotional material lists Miranda as 14 but in 16A Conomor explicitly refers to her as "only 15" implying her birthday happened sometime after the start of the game but before May (17B)? I think that's so funny way to continuously kick her down the stairs kaga. you can only find out her birthday passed if you leave her to rot isnt that so foul
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dykedragonrider · 7 months
34.) Underrated Character? If you think doing a single one is too short then split it up between different games, maybe?
FE1/3/11/12: Est.
FE2/15: Delthea.
FE4: Azelle? If he's not underrated enough, Lachesis.
FE5: Nanna. If she's not underrated enough, Amalda.
FE6: Niime.
FE7: I don't like anyone in this cast enough.
FE8: Neimi.
FE9: Calill.
FE10: Leanne.
FE13: Gregor.
FE14: Beruka.
FE16: Hapi.
FE17: Nel.
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gascon-en-exil · 1 year
And now for something only I care about. Diarmuid jumped up a whopping 75 places this year - he made it out of the bottom 200!
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...Granted that he actually received twelve fewer votes this year, but everyone's saying that turnout was unusually low this time so that's to be expected.
As for whether this will actually mean anything, let's take a look at how Diarmuid measured up to the other Jugdral characters who aren't currently in Heroes.
First, here's the characters from FE4 who outdid him:
Patty (120th)
Oifey (214th)
Coirpre (226th)
Arion (227th)
Fee (249th)
Dew (251st)
Lana (257th)
Edain and Febail (272nd)
Chulainn (274th)
Naoise (296th)
Midir (301st)
Laylea (333rd)
Beowolf (334th)
Ouch. Some of those are expected, but losing to a substitute character and to his own sort-of-canon-in-FE5 father (who isn't particularly well-liked in fandom owing to his place in an early shipping war) stings. Diarmuid is going to be battling a fair number of more popular picks to show up on a Gen 2 banner...and some that are apparently more popular than I thought. Coirpre and Febail, really?
Now, FE5:
Linoan (215th)
Machyua (262nd)
Marty (271st)
Misha (281st)
Amalda (314th)
Fergus and Homer (321st)
Lara and Shannam (334th)
Safy (335th)
Carrion (337th)
A clearer field, especially since none of them broke the top 200 and more than half of these characters have waifu factor going for them. I'm not surprised that Fergus came out better - much more availability and more of a standout unit - but I doubt IS would stick them on the same banner despite the familial connection.
*sighs* It looks like it may be another year or two before House Nordion is all together in FEH.
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mishamalda · 3 years
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do you see no ghosts in me at all?
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sicahyart · 4 years
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Lady Amalda of Friege
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adalheidis · 5 years
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battoart · 6 years
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Amalda from Thracia 776!
If you like my art, I’m doing a raffle! Enter below (you need twitter)
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randomnameless · 1 year
Conomoore in Thracia 776 could've been a General with an A rank in Lances and Swords, keeping his extra move point and accost, whilst adding Pavise instead of an extra paladin. That way his Lance rank would be something he had to offer over Amalda, whom gets to keep her staff ranks during the many indoor chapters that make up the late game. For reference after chapter 23, all remaining chapters are indoor chapters.
Yeah losing on Amalda is one of the reasons I don't like the B route and Conomore isn't that memorable either, save maybe for his moustache and implied pairing with Miranda.
It'd have been cool to have a general!
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petraevesplace · 10 months
Flower Language for Jugdral, Pt. 17
Sleuf- Calla Lily: Holiness, faith, reincarnation, sympathy, new beginnings, respect, admiration, mourning early deaths
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Misha- Butterfly Weed: Sorrowful remembrance, dignity, freedom, hope from sorrow, leave me
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Sara- Purple Lotus: Enlightenment, purity, compassion, detachment, higher state of consciousness, balance within self
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Shannam- Geranium: Folly, deceit, unexpected meeting, ingenuity, friendship
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Miranda- Petunia: Anger, resentment, not losing hope
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Xavier- Star of Bethlehem: Atonement, hope, reconciliation, honesty
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Amalda- Gladiolus: Strong moral values, inner strength, ability to overcome challenges in life, remembrance, honor
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Conomor- Hyssop: Protection, humility, penitence, sacrifice
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Diarmuid- Gaillardia: Charming, modesty, optimism, bravery, aristocracy, strength, courage
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Saias- Nemophila: Victory, success everywhere, trust
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caraidean · 5 years
Ishtar Survives AU: Meng, Maybelle & Bleg
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Left to Right: Meng, Maybelle, Bleg
Who Are These Guys?:
In Ishtar’s final appearance, she’s accompanied by three Silessian pegasus knight sisters as her bodyguards, who can use the Triangle Attack and are implied to have known her for a long time - or at least since the outbreak of the newest war. Given the deaths of Reinhardt and the Friege Mage Trio (Eriu, Banba & Fotla) along with the defection of Tine and Amalda (another Friege general in FE5, in a similar role to Reinhardt) to the opposing force, they are likely the only friends she has left, military connection or not. They normally die either immediately before or immediately after the player confronts Ishtar herself, normally through Holsety-related hax.
They each have basically no dialogue except their death quotes, all of which involve them asking Ishtar for...something.
“Lady Ishtar, good luck...” - Meng “Lady Ishtar... ...my sisters...” - Maybelle “Lady Ishtar... Please forgive me...” - Bleg
Okay But Why Do You Care: Because Ishtar deserves to have friends okay. She’s been through so much. Let her have this.
In all seriousness, as her bodyguards for her final confrontation, the odds are that if she surrenders they would as well - particularly since they seem so attached to Ishtar over anything else. This would mean that Ishtar wouldn’t be completely isolated from her former life, and would at least have some others to talk to during her self-imposed imprisonment, at least before they are returned to Silesse for their own sentencing. 
Characterization: This is based off of one line of dialogue and a single stat change each. They literally all have the same statline, skills and gear (Earth Sword+Leg Ring) otherwise. 
Likely the oldest, or at least the one in charge, thanks to her four Leadership Stars. Likely the closest of the three to Ishtar at the start, given her last words and her status as a commander. Likely to stay in Silesse and re-join the military after sentencing. 
Her last words are of her sisters, which leads me to believe she’s more compassionate and cares more for other people than herself. The most likely to return to the capital and try to bond with Ishtar instead of remaining in Silesse following their eventual release and re-induction to the Pegasus Knights.
Was likely bullied for her name as a child, jeez, what parent would do that to them.
The most proud, and with the most to prove. Feels as though she’s let Ishtar and her sisters down upon her death, and focuses on growing stronger provided she survives the events of the game. 
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kalosbian · 6 years
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so here’s why i love amalda fe5 and why you should too
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