#Finding your roots
zeropro · 4 months
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findingyourrootscomic · 6 months
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Get hype for Finding Your Roots in 2024! Didn't make as much progress on the comic this year as I was hoping to, but that's okay. I'll bide my strength and make FYR absolutely epic next year!
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saltnpepperbunny · 21 days
Hi!! I've been following Finding Your Roots for a few years now, and it's one of my favorite little pokemon comics :) I love the characters and the designs and it honestly makes me wanna try doing a comic myself. I've been in an art drought for a long time but I really wanna make some tangible fanart of the Earthen crew. I did one of Cedar a while back and now there's so many more characters that have caught my favor. I'm really excited to see where you're going with the story, there's already many interesting aspects and perspectives. It's also helped me consider my own behaviors in real life and think critically about biases and behaviors I hadn't noticed in myself previously. Thank you so much for putting FYR out there, it's helped me in many ways and made me see many things I didn't before :)
Omg thank you very much ;;;O;;; You are so sweet!!! I really appreciate getting messages like these. :D I'm very glad you are enjoying the comic, enough to consider making fanart! If you ever get around to drawing it, I'd love to see it!!!!!
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apawture · 1 year
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A lil warm up drawing I just did tonight! Rory of my nuzlocke, @secondchance-nuzlocke and cedar of @findingyourrootscomic !! In a universe where they both existed, I think they coulda been friends!
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kemetic-dreams · 2 years
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dadsinsuits · 8 months
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Henry Louis Gates Jr.
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icedsodapop · 2 months
I don't know about y'all, but if I ever find out that I'm distantly related to Tina Fey or Nancy Pelosci (esp Tina Fey), I'm launching myself out the window 🤷🏻‍♀️
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flowerbarrel-art · 2 years
I was playing some Mystery Dungeon DX and after some missions, the Trapinch who gave me one of them offered to join my team. I couldn’t resist editing Nauki in there.
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(Used this page for reference—hope I didn’t draw Nauki looking too wonky!)
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alliedbiscuit · 1 year
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findingyourrootscomic · 11 months
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Been a while since I did a reflection. ^w^
Wow, look at this! Finding Your Roots is officially five years old. On this day in 2018, I sketched the first six pages of FYR. Now it's 2023, and with 510 pages publicly released and 567 drawn, I'd say we're doing a pretty bang-up job of moving this story along! Three gym badges obtained, 12 chapters completed with a 13th halfway done (including intermission chapters), 0 deaths passed, 1 revive used, and 9 catches caught. I'm so happy with the progress I've made on this comic in this half a decade I've been drawing it. The cast is growing, the story is moving, and the actual plot is finally kicking off!
Because of this comic, my life has been permanently changed. Since starting it, this comic breathed new life into me. I found an audience for my stories and writing. Every day my work is showered in love, and it is an absolute dream come true. I'm an accomplished comic artist now with two completed works and two more in progress, and we'll keep going until we finish every single one! Through comicking, I was even able to finally find an audience for my prose work, which is even MORE a dream come true! And it's not just about my fictional work, but my life as a whole. Being a comic artist has become my identity. I spend hours every day working on my stories. They held my hand through mental illness, strife, and recovery. They gave me purpose and helped me look to a future I could no longer envision for myself. Thanks to their help, I was able to graduate college (I started FYR just before my freshman year began), and now this month, I'm starting a proper career in psychological research! I'm moving in with my best friend (again), my pets are thriving, and for the most part, I feel healthy and sound. I don't think any of this would've truly been possible if I never found support for my writing!
So really, THANK YOU to everyone who reads FYR. Thank you to everyone who reads any of my comics! This is a journey we're all on together. The comic is maybe a third of the way done, possibly close to halfway depending on circumstance, and we're just gonna keep going and going and going to the end! I'm so fucking excited y'all, I'm excited for what we've accomplished so far and I'm excited for the future I get to look forward to! This comic is gonna keep getting better and better, so if you're up for it, keep reading! In return, I'll keep on drawing. ^w^
Thanks so much for five amazing years, guys. Here's to five or ten more!
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saltnpepperbunny · 22 days
Okay so. ;;;>.>
I know I said both comics will both update 2x weekly again once June hits. But it's unfortunately not looking like it's gonna be feasible.
It's been a bad drawing month and my buffers shrunk again. My chronic fatigue has been fucking with me, essentially. I could technically update both comics 2x weekly next month, but it'll basically eat through what buffers I've managed to scrounge together since slowing down updates.
So I'm probably just going to update both comics once a week in June, and try to use June as a catch-up month.
I'm aware it's not what I promised, esp since CotL is now updating Thurs/Sat for the rest of the month. But yeah it'll probs have to go back down in June, and hopefully we'll be good to go for July??????
I am sorry. y.y
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"The Perilous Story of David Duchovny's Family Finally Revealed | Finding Your Roots | Ancestry®"
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apawture · 2 years
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Frisk the skitty! Of Finding Your Roots!! @findingyourrootscomic
Theyre such an intriguing character! I'm pretty confident that they'll be the first new member of wesens family, but with the start theyre getting, I can't wait to see how they'll end up bonding!!
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goodra-morning · 2 years
'She only said nice things about you.'
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Yay extra fanart for @findingyourrootscomic yes sadly double notif but man I just like the comic sorry😔
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