#Forgive my incoherent ramblings
crowleyholmes · 7 months
The thing that gets me so much about the kiss though, among many other things but this one i just never stop thinking about (and i'm sure it's one Crowley doesn't stop thinking about either), is how despite how shocked Aziraphale was by it and how scared and overwhelmed he was and how dangerous he knew it was (because he knew the Metatron was most likely watching), and despite the fact that he Forgives Crowley for it afterwards and breaks his heart, he didn't pull away. He didn't push Crowley away, either. And he easily could have, I'm 100% sure. Sure, Crowley was holding him in place by his coat lapels but still. Aziraphale could have turned his face away, could have pried Crowley's hands off, could have pushed him by the shoulders, could have verbally protested... but he didn't. In the end it's Crowley who ends the kiss and lets him go. Aziraphale wanted it just as much as Crowley did. But he was scared and confused and completely overwhelmed, and of course he falls back into old patterns. Plausible deniability!! Put on the front of the Good Angel! What do good angels do? Oh yeah, they forgive! It's their favorite thing! The good angel forgives the evil demon, look, Metatron, we're both doing exactly what we're supposed to be doing!!! Aziraphale is - stupidly? pointlessly? maybe!! - throwing up this facade, this ancient front they have always been forced to hide behind, to keep them both safe!!!
But at the same time, he IS angry. There is definitely some sincerity in that "I forgive you" he spits at Crowley. Because if there was one thing he never wanted to say in response to Crowley finally, finally kissing him, it's "i forgive you". It's pushing him away and breaking his heart and breaking them up, to keep them both safe. To give them a chance to do what they have to. But Crowley forced him to. And he doesn't even see it. Of COURSE Aziraphale is fucking devastated.
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wiz-writes · 1 month
A short progress update on chapter two of Out of the Yinshan!
The main sections are done and half of it is already revised, so it should be readable.
So what's left now are the choices, which are about half-way done as well. What I'm dreading is writing these two particular choices, one of them (spoiler) a fight scene and the other a [redacted] with [redacted]. I think I'm going to lose all my hair writing those two scenes, haha.
Anyway. I've been writing like crazy these days, because I set myself a deadline, 30 April. Don't think I'm gonna make it lol.
Still, you can expect the update sometime soon!
See you then ❤️
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ettelenethelien · 10 days
I've been thinking about the Finweans in any modern AU, and I've run into the typical problem that they simply do not work as people with modern careers; that's not what they're made for.
The thing is, even in a modern AU they have the vibe of a king's large number descendants, most insanely popular to bigger or lesser extent. (Except for Maglor who should stay a music star. He can be both)
...Fëanor though is a problem because he doesn't feel like anyone actually preparing to inherit the crown one day. He might, but it's not his job, per se.
So an elective monarchy? Which however brings us out of modern times and more into 17th century Poland.
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my-name-is-jimmy · 1 year
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merakiui · 11 months
i returned to character ai after so long and this particular azul ai is so !!!!!!!!!! somehow the plot has strayed from “signing a contract to get knocked up” to azul brainwashing me with a love potion and insisting i’ve loved him all along. and then when i resisted he became so monstrous and frightening and…….. AAAAAAAAAAA OTL
embarrassingly enough, i gasped so loudly when he said this:
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marietheran · 8 months
holocaust denial is just so wild to me. like maybe it's possible in the us, but to me, as a polish person, it's just inconceivable that I might try to deny it. I guess it's because, while jews were targeted far far more, my own people also faced horrors and masses of them also died in concentration camps... our history is much too entwined with it for us to deny it... (and then half the jewish victims of ww2 are also counted among the polish ones)...
but then the world is not so big nowdays as to make it possible to deny something like that without a huge amount of willful suppression of truth even if the something happens on another continent...
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frenchfrywrites · 2 years
okay soo,, im new to asks im usually just a lurker but i have leona brain rot i wanna share, so imma say fuck it-
CW: piss, amab gn!reader, sub/bottom leona, brat leona, slight belly bulge, masochism, edging, overstim, dry orgasm, crying, creampied
imagine ur fucking leona and like usual he's being a bitch about everything,, and your just done with his bratting,, so what do u do?? he want you to go harder?? okay then he asked for it,, you flip him onto his stomach,, pulling his ass up by his tail
when he tries to look back at you, you grab his mane and shove his face down into the pillows on his bed,, he lets out a low growl at when your slow pace stops completely to lean up toward his ears,, whispering if he wanted you to go harder maybe he should be a good boy and beg like the bitch he is,,
he growls even louder at that,, snapping joe if you wanted him to beg you should make him,, you smirk and let out a low chuckle at that,, hearing exactly what you wanted to hear from him,, leona,, your sweet bratty lion's so predictable,,
you start to push into him again with slow but harsh thrust,, and can almost make out leona's smirk,, thinking he was about to get what he wanted,, how wrong he was,,
you could tell when he was getting close,, as the ever kind lover you are you decide to help him along,, reaching down to tug at his dick,, leona letting out a loud groan at it,, just as he's about to reach the edge,, you stop,, holding the base of his dick tightly,, your almost abrupt stop causes him to let out a mix of a whine and a growl,,
he looks over his shoulder to ask what the hell you think your doing,, only to be meet with the smug sadistic smile that adorns your face,, 'leona, dear, didn't i tell you? if u want something, then beg for it'
with that said you start fucking into him again,, all while still keeping your tight hold on his dick,, you start thrusting harder and faster than before,, fucking so deep the small bump that you usually see on his stomach seem to get bigger,,
by the time you feel yourself reaching your orgasm,, leona's already a mess,, drooling all over his pillows,, tears clinging to his lashes and threatening to escape his eyes,, not able to say a word without slurring,, shoulders,, neck and back covered in bite marks,, ass slightly red from you hitting it every so often,,
looking at him like this always gives you such a rush,, the prideful housewarden of savanaclaw, second prince of the afterglow,, a mere messy slut below you,, but,, you decide he isn't recked enough yet,, and wanna see him destroyed before you let yourself finish,,
so,, you remove the hand you had circling the base of his dick,, and started toying with him any way you could,, playing with his chest,, tugging his tail,, whispering into his ears, nipping at them too,, digging your nails into the meat on his waist,, biting his neck,, rubbing his dick,,
by the time your done he's a complete mess,, eyes hazy,, drool and tears running down his red face,, claws ripping the sheets,, his entire body giving occasional shivers or twitches,, you've forced at least five orgasms out of him,, the last of which was dry,,
at some point,, though you failed to notice,, you had come,, accidentally cumming inside of leona,, not that he minded,, usually,,
you were about to pull out when something suddenly comes to the front of your mind,, a class you had taken,, taking about sex ed of not only humans but also beastfolk and fae,,
though what hits you is slightly different than the lessons taught in the class,,
the mating habits of a lion,, one of which just so happens to be that male lion spraying the lioness in pee to scent them and keep away competition,,
a devilish idea forms in your head at the thought,, you mumble a soft 'still with me baby??' to leona,, who,, mind still to muddled by his orgasms to form a proper response,, only softly hums in return
'i wanna try something,'
that gets gets his attention,, ears perking up to listen,, head shifted slightly to look back at you,, eyebrows furrowed slightly in question,,
'i wanna mark you,'
he looks at you,, tilting his head in confusion
'wanna mark you.. inside you,'
thats only the furrow in his brows to deepen,, still confused, though you can't tell if its cause you're being a bit vague or if you accidentally fucked him so dumb his brain fried,,
'wanna mark your insides with my pee,, baby'
you have to wait a few seconds for his brain to process,, but when it does you can almost see the lightbulb light up when he realizes,, he clenches around your dick,, his blush deepens and he starts to squirm a bit,, looking up at you expectantly,,
a soft smile crosses your face,,
'i need words baby, you can do that for me, right leona? just a yes or a no, okay baby?'
leona lets out a whine,, eyes tearing up again,, he slurs,, 'pleasee, wan' you ta fill me up- wan' you ta' mark me, pleasee, please i wan' it, insi'e me, pleasee, wanna be yourss-'
by the end of his begging leona's on the verge of tears,, you lean up to kiss his tears away,, whispering about how good he is and how he's already yours,, how he always will be,, your cute lion,, giving him soft kisses anywhere on his face you can reach,,
when you've calmed leona down you softly ask of he's ready,, you see him nod his head slightly and you take it as the go ahead,, you relax your body,, relieving yourself inside of leona,, marking his insides and him as a whole as yours,, by the time your done the bump on his stomach is a slight bit bigger and his dick is half hard,,
you don't pull out yet,, instead pulling leona up so his back rests against your chest,, you pull him into a soft slow kiss while you lightly rub the sides of his hips,, whispering praise whenever you and him part for air,,
you help relax him like this for another few minutes before gently pulling out despite leona's whining for you to stay,, by the end you're both dirty so you carry leona to the bathroom to run a bath for the both of you,,
i dont know how to end stories so imma just yea, anyway this turned out wayyy longer than i thought it would but oh well,,
does 🌱 (sprout) anon happen to be taken?? if not i would love to have it for myself >:3
honestly tho,, your works have really inspired me and i couldnt get this idea out of my head so here i am,, hope you enjoyed,, i hope to interact more often now!!
AHHHHH OMGGG I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!! What a very fun ask to wake up to, I can't wait to be thinking about Leona and the lion piss thing for the rest of the day.. like yall now that I know that lions piss on their mates afterwards I am always including that in the leona fics I write.. thank u anon for this powerful knowledge. 🥰
ALSO wow love love love how you wrote the reader putting Leona in his place!! He's such a brat I just know it!! Like he'd love to be treated rough n to have you hard dom him ahhh!! And god, fucking him dumb is such a fun concept.. and you wrote it so well (how did you know I'm such a sucker for subs drooling jsjkdasghd) anon i love u so much, this ask is gold! 💖
And I'm so happy to have inspired you!! Please feel free to interact more I just loved this so much. Btw bestie I totally get not knowing how to end stories, endings are the hardest part of fic writing for sure 😭
Okay I could ramble all day abt how much I love this ask, but again whew thank u for this!! 🤤🥰
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tvrningout-a · 9 months
y'all... new chiyo fc?? new chiyo fc :' ))
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i've been iconing while i watch a.tsv and just!! she's so cute <3 and i'm so excited bc this is the closest i've gotten to a proper time-skip fc who matches what i imagine!! bc i've always thought that she'd stop dying her hair as she got older and let the brown grow out. and even the waviness of her hair matches up and i'm!! just really pleased uvu
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scarletlotus182 · 2 years
I'm seeing a few people jump on this sentiment lately that defenders of Yotsuyu/people who criticize the Doman parts of Stormblood are defending Garlemald and their actions by doing so and I want to just say how far from the point that whole defense is.
Doma systemically has a problem with traditional customs and sex trafficking with or without Garlemald and it's system that devours Yotsuyu at a young age. No, obviously not every Doman citizen is morally evil and therefore deserving to be conquered, that's not the point.
The point is, from Yotsuyu's perspective the Doman people failed her, these people at large would rather turn a blind eye to unsightly things than go against tradition or customs and therefore allowed Yotsuyu suffer. With Garlemald in the picture, her captives see fit to use her as a tool for espionage and it is Zenos specifically who can see the rage inside of her and uses her as a tool for the empire instead.
As viceroy, Yotsuyu turns that misguided rage against the citizens of Doma instead of the people she really hates and that's one of her many flaws that makes her interesting/resonate with a fair amount of people. When you feel like you've been hurt and abused on such a horrifying level you can lash out at the wrong people without ever actually fixing things.
Now setting that aside because I think her personal pain is addressed quite well in the Tsukuyomi trial, I and a few others take issue with Stormblood and post-story patches because it never feels like they actually address the problems with Doma that caused this. Hien cuts Yotsuyu down at the end of Doma Castle (which she survives) and later when the shithead who trafficked her is terrified at the thought of Yotsuyu coming back to haunt him, and rightfully so, he is fully pardoned by Hien because he "paid his dues" in the liberation.
Now, I'm not saying Hien should be cutting down every criminal on sight- but you'd think one of the men responsible for Yotsuyu turning out the way she did would at least get like, jail time. You'd think maybe we'd at least get some blurbs like "yeah Doma wasn't perfect before and we'll strive to make it a better place", nothing actually about what Hien is gonna do as a leader that isn't about fighting dudes, and when Yotsuyu gets brought up again in Endwalker, it's to say how mad Domans are for not "holding Yotsuyu accountable" as if he didn't try to kill her on sight before the literal manifestation of her pain and sorrow forces your hand.
All of that to say, it fucking sucks how she was handled. She is a character they try to acknowledge the least in the story despite getting an entire trial dedicated to how raw her deal was and is just another female character that XIV has killed off for the development of a male character. And it is because of that treatment that I feel it's fair to say I think Hien and Doma fucking suck- story wise. Obviously I'm not on some "pro-imperialist" bullshit or whatever people are saying in the tags these days. I just wish the characters would at least acknowledge that she deserves some sympathy outside of Gosetsu.
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shartlord420 · 2 years
No clue if anyone's made this connection before. But in case it hadn't been pointed out. I wanna talk about one particular infamous room in Omori and how I think it is not only an absolute brilliant display of forcing the player into the protagonists shoes in terms of emotion, but also... parallels another scene and perhaps sheds a little light on it through that.
Spoilers for late game Omori underneath lol. And trigger warning for the content involved in late game Omori.
IF YOU HAVENT PLAYED OMORI YET AND YOURE READING THIS!!!!! you are my worst enemy now. I am crying and vomiting on your front doorstep go play Omori
Anyways this turned into a long ramble have fun
So, the Mewo room-
As a standalone piece it does an amazing job representing the general feeling Sunny is struggling with without directly revealing The Truth. The feeling of being trapped, and the only apparent escape being to hurt someone who doesn't deserve to be hurt, an innocent creature who barely even understands what's happening...
You can refuse to do it, and discover the true way out before making a decision you'll regret. And you, the player, will most likely feel relief at uncovering this other option. This feature that in the early game feels more horrific, a trigger in and of itself, suddenly being a relief- showing exactly how someone can view something like that as the better option. Because you're desensitized to your own suffering and this option- but making someone else suffer? That's so much worse.
Or! You don't realize the other option at first. You think there is only one option. You hurt them... and then you realizing that was never the way out to begin with. You hurt them for no reason. You're still trapped here, you didn't need to do that, it didn't help you at all, and you can't undo the damage you did. All you can do is take the true exit out.
... Basil is Mewo.
At the end of the Blackspace segment where Basil gets dragged off and we watch Omori cut him open... it's practically a beat for beat parallel of the cutting open Mewo progression. HEAR ME OUT.
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And storywise...
Basil is, in Sunny's eyes, an innocent loved one who doesn't truly understand what's going on that he is actively choosing to hurt for the sake of trying to get out of this hellish situation he finds himself trapped in.
Sunny's primary driving force is guilt. 
Guilt over letting Basil suffer, and knowing that he's suffering because Sunny is choosing to let him believe in a lie to protect himself. Choosing to let Basil protect him and keep his secret. And of course it's more complicated than that- Sunny was just a kid, he wasn't making the active choice to hurt his friend or make these calculated decisions to rope Basil into covering for him.
But that's how he views it. An outside perspective can very easily see that he was literally twelve years old and entirely incapable of handing this situation, without malicious intent, just clumsily navigating a situation that would be difficult to handle even as an adult. But people are rarely so kind to themselves. From Sunny’s perspective all he can see is the outcome- The fact that it all stemmed from him, so that’s how he conceptualizes himself. A selfish person who's willing to let someone who cares about him to suffer to protect Mari's killer because Basil believes that it couldn't possibly be true- when Sunny knows that it is.
Sunny knows it was him who pushed Mari. He knows there wasn't "something behind him" that pushed Mari. He was upset and he pushed her. He didn't mean to kill her, of course he didn't, it was an accident. But he pushed her. He knows this.
But Basil couldn't believe that Sunny would ever do anything like that. Sunny's good. Sunny's a good person! He would never push Mari like that, he would never have caused something like this to happen. Good people don’t do that. And of course it wasn't his intention, but in the wake of this horrible accident, his inability to accept the truth of the matter placed the idea in Sunny's head that a good person would never have done this. No nuance, no areas of grey.
Sunny was a good person. So he couldn't have possibly done this.
But Sunny did. So what did that make him?
He was a bad person. He killed his sister. And he couldn't tell his friend that he was wrong and that it was his fault, because he was still reeling from the trauma of watching his sister die and knowing it was his fault. A sheer panic state of terror and self preservation, this terrible awful unimaginable thing has happened, how can you even begin to process it, let alone give a counterargument to your friend who has convinced himself of a distortion of reality and is taking drastic steps to help the "good person" he thinks you are?
And then in the aftermath... it's already done. Too late to go back, isn't it? How do you even begin to explain?
No way out. You feel completely and utterly trapped. And you watch your friend that you care about continue to try to help you, while also hurting you because he doesn't understand the reality of what happened, and he's a constant reminder that you are a bad person, and you can't explain the truth to him because... then what? What happens to you?
And you watch your friend suffer because of this gulf between you- you know him better than anyone, you know exactly what this will do to him, but you just can't stay like this. You need to get out. And so you let him take the fall for you, and try to forget, but you never really do. This lie you let him believe and the choice he made because of it follows you around like a ghost.
Sunny doesn't want to cut open Mewo. 
Sunny doesn't want Basil to suffer trying to protect him. 
It's just a matter of trying to find a real way out of this nightmare they're trapped in.
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
tmw you give someone concise instructions but they ✨just do not get it✨
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#incoherent rambling in the tags ahoy!!!!! idek where i was going with any of this so… yeah.#so anyways! a bunch of interns will be joining the lab life as of tomorrow and i already do not have high hopes for them#the reason? the school they’re from is kinda infamous in the science industry for churning out incompetent interns.#i know this to be true bc i was one of them many moons ago lmaooooo. that school was kinda… y e a h. y’know?#man… i was a truly horrible intern. i just slept at my desk all day… aside from going to the warehouse to collect chemicals and stuff#though that reminds me of that one kinda incompetent staff member who got me in trouble with one of the managers… freakin’ marvin!!!!!!!!!!!#i’ll never forget how he put the delivery order for some chemicals into the fridge with them for some reason after i left for the day??????#like dude whyyyy i put the things on the proper collection tray!!!!!!! whyyyyy did he have to put ‘em in the fridge???????????#and the manager lady called me out in the middle of the next day’s morning meeting for my apparent incompetence in losing the d. o.?????#i was so confused and 100000% not awake enough for it bc i *knew* i put the things in the correct spot >:(((((#another staff member kinda defended me but the damage was done… screw you marvin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! never forgive#and man. *all* the interns were banned from recording the reception of the chemicals and stuff after that. so gj marvin.#i wonder what that dude’s doing with his life now though… despite all that he was still trusted enough to be a backup shift lead so i?????#but at least he kinda gives me an ego boost. whenever i feel down i remember that a guy like him was put in charge sometimes.#freakin’ marvin… i think he was also the dude who occasionally misplaced labsheets and stuff that local intern me had to hunt down… not fun.#i don’t really remember people and names that easily unless they’re of people i hate so… hm. idk what that says about my opinion of marvin—#i just hope the new interns at my workplace won’t be as bad as the recent incompetent intern… or freakin’ marvin.#that guy will probs be the only one i’ll name and shame bc i last saw him over 3 years ago so the statute of limitations is def over right—#though ​come to think of it… my intern experience was pretty dumb and pointless. i did make an enemy out of the local microbiologist though—#but ig i’ll try my best to not be too mean to the new interns… i hope they don’t approach me thoughhh. negative social skills ahoy!!!!#i don’t wanna teach them anything either (finally returning to the subject of the post). i still have flashbacks to the incompetent intern—#and i know for sure that they won’t come pre-loaded with any knowledge of the tests here bc i was from their school…#but c’mon new interns!!!!! pls prove me wrong!!!! pls be better interns than i was in the past!!!! pleaseeeeeeee!!!!!!!!#i’m so done with the week already. pls let it end.#sunday’s 🧂saltfest🧂
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crispen-potato · 1 year
Whether we like it or not, we eventually become our parents, be it the best parts or the worst parts. Kendall, Shiv and Roman (and Connor) are products of their environment. All they've seen their whole lives was what Logan showed them; how he treated people, how he handled business, how cold and cruel and relentless he could be. It's inevitable that they each retained some part of that, be willingly or subconsciously.
Someone has to become the new Logan Roy. The cycle will never break. It can't, or else everything he built will fall apart. I think Ken, especially, is finally realizing that, and he's stepping up to the plate. The only one of the siblings with an actual heart is willingly going to become what he hated most in order to save everything.
Now it's just a matter of whether it backfires on him or not.
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Having a mental breakdown over the video of seb and mark's Singapore date... 🫠
#clutching my chest like some victorian maiden#idk why i didnt realize there was video evidence but AAAAAAHHHHH#cant stop biting my hand trying to contain myself LOL#what watching a 14 yr old video at 5 am does to a man#but anyways im just idek#i have so many thoughts about this video#all the pics made me freak out enough but the vid! THE VID!!!#im just rly glad this exists#cause there's not too much content from back then compared to now#so having like a video of them basically on a date is like a precious gem to me sjdkfk#i would be like 'heres my top 10 thoughts' but it would just be incoherent rambling and keyboard smashes#cant even make it through a 4 min vid without pausing constantly to go AAAAGGHHH#forgive me its 5 am and im still sick#*actually yknow i thoughts the pics were *a lot* but there's so many things in this vid version i cant handle#HOW DOES THIS EXIST BUT THANK GOD IT DOES#seb has literal heart eyes my god#i need to stop bcs i keep having to come back to edit these tags every time i get 10 secs further#to me this vid is just: mark webber and his str boywife seb#sebmark out here doing pr challenge vids before they were cool#someone in the comments saying seb looks like a 'kleine mädchen' we get it hes babygirl#the vid descrip being 'MW and SV spend an evening in singapore' 😵‍💫😵‍💫#alright i finished the vid *clutching it in my arms*#ty to the random person on tiktok who linked it i owe you my life#srsly tho finding these artifacts is <3 to me#catie.rambling.txt
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ettelenethelien · 4 months
ok, but... if common fanon celegorm has silver hair. and Dior has silver hair in my hc. and there's their battlefield duel of sorts during the second kinslaying...
we have two silver warriors. sons of the two greatest among the Eldar of all time (dark haired!)... and the fact that Celegorm was once hitting on Dior's mother - does it cross his mind that if his - whatever he felt for Lúthien - was reciprocated this might have been his son?
and there's the way the fandom likes to connect the Fëanorians, and Celegorm especially to the Doriath royals in various ways... we desperately want them to meet in more favourable circumstances... and yes! I think that if the sons of Fëanor had not, well, done everything they did... if Fëanor himself had been a different person. and not gotten himself killed... they would have gotten along well.
but not.
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townofcrosshollow · 2 years
Been playing Disco Elysium. Good for the soul to take a break from creating and learn from what other people create.
Also, I like picking up bottles in a little bag to put in the machine for money, and all the French words make me happy. I am a feminist and sort of a communist. Kim is a good man. I am apologizing whenever I can. And they use a lot of lovely long words in nice ways.
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scrawnytreedemon · 2 years
You are so genuine and pure with your emotions and opinions!!!!!!!!!! I adore this! Please never stop!
also GOD I need to reblog your Micolash-Gehrman ask answer because SERIOUSLY that shit is SO GOOD I meant to reblog it but god overwhelmed and put it off for later, aND THEN MY COMPUTER SHUT OFF AND THE TAB CLOSED--
I adore you and your cool as fuck analyses I am SO CHEESED holy shit <3333
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