aquatic-batt · 1 year
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Cherrynose still on the brain :P
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thecalamariman · 7 months
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My babies.
Also the art gets worse and more lazy the further down the post you go so. Sorry lol
(Top left Dovewonder
Mid left Pineleaf
Bottom left Harefoot
Top right Alpine
Mid right Sequoia
Bottom right Honeygrass)
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lovingrot · 7 years
i had a dream that i ran away and i kept running for miles and i found a swamp and i ran into it and it was dark there was trees an muddy water up to my legs. . . and an evil witch named honeygrass found me and took me in and she loved me and she had an alligator head and a big poofy tent dress and pretty black eyes and i loved her she was nice to me and we cursed mean people together an we made love spells and money spells and all kinds of other spells and she read tarot cards and told fortunes. . . and every sunday night we would make a big pot of soup so big from a big recipe book that was all torn and yellowed . . . and there was only a little end table but when we stretched and pulled it with our hands and said a chant it would get bigger . . then a bunch of skeletons would knock on the door and they would ask to join for supper. . . they were all nice and had big big teeth .. we all ate soup and the skeletons didnt even spill any it just disappeared when they drank it.. . they didnt pay us any money but they would leave us special herbs that no one had ever seen before on the table while we were sleaping . . . . then one night i woke up with little antler stubs and the witch was so happy her big alligator teeth showed when she smiled she said i looked very handsome . . everyday my antlers would grow a little bit. . . i would hang roots with string to dry on my antlers while i helped make the soup at night .. and when i went to bed i would wrap my antlers in soft cotton cloths. . . honeygrass was very nice to me i wish that was real . . i miss honeygrass and she doesnt even exist
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shaydixons · 6 years
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@honeygrasses have you seen martino smh
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bolazuli-blog · 6 years
Women of Whall
The fire crackled and the wood broke, spilling embers into the night. Eight logs lay flat around the flame, seats for the attendees. One stood up, thin and dry and old like tangled branches. Her joints jutted and curved as if each limb planned to ambush the next. "Women," she cawed, loosing her crooked arms above her head. A great chorus of shrieks rang in response, with each attendant flailing their arms in a similar fashion. "Naughty knots and basil pie," she continued, spitting the words out like seeds as she suddenly grew very serious, "Crumpled sheets of paper, lime and juniper." The women hummed and nodded. The fire made silhouettes of them all, casting strong light from their knees downwards. A starless sky spread above them to a moon, shy and dim, far, far away. "Indeed Agha," a seated attendee called out, nodding furiously as if desperate to keep her head balanced on such a thin neck. Her name was Emphat, but the others called her The Madamè. "Don't be fooled by the quiet hills," Agha gnashed, "We are being watched as we speak!" "Straight to the point, why don't you?" A plump woman, wearing a large frilly dress, jabbed a fleshy finger into the air as she spoke, "Didn't even let us settle for a moment - just STRAIGHT to business. Always Agha!" "Always Agha!" the others chimed and giggled.
"There is little time," Agha said, chewing on each word as small bubbles of freckled froth gathered between her thin teeth. "We must discuss, then we must depart." The plump woman watched Agha with sincerity. "I say we eat first," she began, "THEN we discuss. We drink, THEN we depart." Her name was Babanda, but the others named her One Spell. The giggles continued to ripple around the fire. But there was one who did not share in gigglement. A young one, pale-skinned, with long, puffs of deep brown hair. It fell to her hands, which lay buried between her thighs. Gophie, they called her - for she did not desire a spare name. Her wintery eyes, grey and full, watched the fire waft in the wind, like a hand waving from a pier. "If all you wanted was a bite to eat, then why - come - at all?" As Agha spoke, a smile crept along her lips and spread across her face. "Why, you could have stayed home and had a merry old time, just eating. Alone." One Spell crumpled her brow into an ugly frown as the others lifted their chuckles - they knew it would not end there. "Yes!" Agha continued, her voice becoming deep and growled, "Home. You could have let down your hair from those buns; put on your finest frock and wiggled down to a nice, warm leg of ham." As she performed, she let her shoulders roll with her words. The others roared and shrieked, and the hills cackled with them. But One Spell closed her eyes in defiance and lifted her hands to tighten the two balls of knotted hair on her head. "To business!" Agha hissed, growing serious once more. "Always Agha," the others hummed. "In belly flutter and dune of sand swam the town of Hsrelgan." "A quake?" one woman asked worriedly, "A ground storm on Hsrelgan?" "I have said," Agha replied. The others became quiet, save for a few whispers - muttered blessings to free them from the omen that they all felt. Even Gophie, still lost in the fire's trance, murmured, "Ezalphae" - a common word for women as shaken as these.
Agha placed a veined, blotched hand on the shoulder nearest to her, for support. Her face softened as she looked to the worried woman.   "But what does this mean?" the worried woman asked. One Spell, who was still working the knots of hair between thick hands, grunted with contempt. "It means, Tulip, that there was a ground storm on Hsrelgan," she huffed, "Still confused?" The worried woman narrowed her eyes, until her lashes curtained them completely. She was NOT Tulip, nor was that her spare name. One Spell merely had a habit of mocking those who did not eat...'normally'. No, her name was, in fact, Lozrelli - named Loscenta by the others, partly for the strong perfume of crushed rueberries she always wore. With thin, diamond-shaped spectacles of a dark red, and slanted lenses that squinted her eyes, she always appeared unimpressed. Her lips remained small yet firm, with the slightest lick of dark balm, to match the shade of her glasses. She smoothed down the creases of her gown - slowly. It was a long, faded thing of black, with a large, purple triangle-pattern rising from her ankles, bending across her knees and peaking at the thigh; where it met the cleanest of hands. Loscenta locked on to One Spell with a glance. "Is that you, Hoggums?" she asked sweetly, in that delicate voice she was often noted for, "Is that you, Hoggubub?" She sat straighter and gave the slightest of smiles, "Is that you, my dear Hoggaboo? Aww, Hoggaboo." The others were much too distracted by the recent news to join in with hoots and giggles. They merely watched, as a baited One Spell also sat up straight, widening her eyes until there were no lids left. "Calling me a pig, Petal?" she growled. Loscenta's faint smile quickly disappeared, "I called you a hog," she replied, just as quick, "They're wilder and terribly daft. The poor things can't even tell the difference between hogs and pigs." One Spell grabbed a nearby rock, "Try me again," she snapped. "Breakfast already?" Loscenta sang, eyeing the stone. "Enough!" Agha barked. She pointed a finger at One Spell, who now had the rock clenched high above her head. "Enough," Agha said again, quietly. One Spell dropped the weapon to the ground and the grass around it shrivelled brown. "Yes, a quake has drowned Hsrelgan," Agha began quickly, shifting her weight unto her right leg, "Which means that it won't be long before--" "--The gloom of babies born to mothers old with lust and scorn." Gophie's eyes did not waver as she spoke the words. The Madame perked right up, "The Words!" she shrieked, "Agha, she said the words!" She grabbed her top hat from her head, revealing straggles of grey hair, and marched around the fire until she stood a few paces in front of Gophie. "You don't say the words!" she screamed and threw the hat down at the young one. But instead of hitting her, the hat span past and whittled into the darkness. Gophie stood slowly and smiled at the dishevelled woman, before placing her pale hands on her shoulders and seating The Madame on her own log. She then hoisted up her ice-blue skirt, shuffled towards the fire, gave a gentle leap across and took The Madame's seat instead. Once sat, her silvery-grey eyes settled on the flames, and her face became transfixed once more. Agha's head was low and heavy, "Yes," she said, "The gloom is soon to come. What shall we do, women of Whall?" "Pray," came the voice of Mugheg, another aged woman, on whose shoulder Agha rested. She spoke as if dust swirled in her throat, "Pray that Whall remains hidden - that the gloom passes by without a second glance." Mugheg wore a loose shawl around her head, patterned with curls of burnt orange. It billowed slightly about her, making her appear even more foreboding. "Prayers..." One Spell huffed, "Prayers cannot stop the gloom. It is prayers that bring it upon us." Mugheg shrugged and returned to cracking roachnuts into the murky-clay bowl between her legs. "Then we flee." Loscenta said, straightening the folds in her dress, "We flee to Whall?" "No," said Agha, "We can no longer be apart." Mugheg smiled to herself as the silence set in. Agha also felt the fear that had crept up on her fellows. She nodded, "Now we move as one." Perhaps she could have reassured the women if not that her face betrayed her. "Move where?" One Spell tested. "We move towards." Agha's eyes were soft and knowing. "Towards?" One Spell flared, "Are you mad?" "Indeed!" The Madame shrieked and rolled off her log, laughing. "Don't doubt our strength," Agha spoke over the shrieks, "It is all we have, and it is, I believe, our only chance this world has." "This world?" One Spell shot, "This is the world you're worried about?" "One Spell..." "No! This world, Aghaba? Where you have to sneeze to be blessed? You're very sure?" One Spell snickered. "This sorry world would see us burned," she continued, "Impaled on the stake and burned. We'd be ash before the wood cracked." It was Mugheg's turn to chuckle, though that sounded more like two dry leaves rubbing softly together.
The next morning, the sun was white behind an icy sky; the air was crisp and chilled like winter-apples, and the ground was brown and firm. The ashes had become trapped amongst the frayed hairs of honeygrass and the dying flame had begun to exhale its last slither of smoke. Agha and Mugheg lay seated, with their backs against the same log. The other women were strewn upon patches of grass, in sleep. Poor One Spell - her frock had flapped up to her chest, exposing her belly to the morn. Mugheg cracked another roachnut and dusted the scene with knowing eyes. "We won't be able to run, should they give chase," she said quietly. "I know,” said Agha. "So we do fight?" "I wasn't joking, Moo." Mugheg gave a slight smirk that deepened her wrinkles and darkened her features. Agha massaged her jaw with her fingers and shifted her position against the log, "Have you been up through the night?" she asked with a grunt. Mugheg didn't answer, and instead nodded towards a sleeping Gophie, cross legged on a log. "When did she sleep?" Agha asked. "Maybe an hour ago," Mugheg replied. "Strange." "Why?" Agha squinted, "Well, for one, does she always sleep like that?" she said. Mugheg glanced at Gophie; she seemed entranced, caught in a moment that seemed to last and last, "She's alright." "Nonsense," Agha grumbled, heaving shakily to her feet. She rolled her shoulders and stretched - a multitude of cracks clicked along her spine. Carefully she sneaked her way towards Gophie, mindful of her companions. She approached the small mound of ashes and she stopped, looking at the scatters, before humming a smile and stepping over the mound. Agha looked at Gophie
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aquatic-batt · 1 year
here’s the second sketchbook batch!
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this is actually three different doodles, the top right one is basically a representation of Waspbite (rounded angry cat, she/her) and Jaythroat (spiky nervous cat, they/them)‘a relationship! then there’s Vanny in the style of a rockafire explosion animatronic! then Lincoln Lynx (they/them), one of my animatronic ocs I have for a weirdcore series I plan on making at some point in the future!
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so for Casting Shadows there is a part I plan on having where a group of cats go to visit the Tribe. after it was found out that Rabbitheart (she/her) was meeting with Frecklefang (she/her) for info on RiverClan’s plans, rumors started spreading that they were mates. during the journey to the tribe, Finchsneeze (flirty cat, they/them), a SkyClan cat, started teasing Rabbitheart (frustrated cat) about it while Frecklefang (short cat) listened, flustered. they aren’t actually mates at the point but it is something they’ve talked about
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I have a pirate ship server on Minecraft w some friends and I have two cats so I drew them :]
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I drew some birds in a class I don’t like KENEIJRUD did you know that kiwis nostrils are ay the bottoms of their beaks? it helps them smell for food!
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some concept art of Leafbreeze (he/him) and Honeygrass (she/her)c they’re siblings in WindClan that are heavily religious and are meant to represent a priest and a nun. I’m considering making Honeygrass a medicine cat instead of Leafbreeze but aren’t sure yet!
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alliluyevas · 7 years
@honeygrasses yes i have !
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