bloodpen-to-paper · 6 months
Aintnoway Pierre feels nothing from Tubbo's one-sided rivalry with him over being Sunny's favorite but immediately gets jealous when he learns Sunny's bestie is Etoiles
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piosplayhouse · 11 months
"bl should have more female characters that aren't just stuck in there to try to break up the main couple" Tianlang Jun is literally RIGHT THERE.
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blackmageeljin · 4 months
I haven't posted in a long time.
My anxiety and depression have backslid a lot in the last year. My social anxiety and agoraphobia are particularly out of control.
I have fallen out of producing fandom content, frankly because I have been too afraid to. Fandoms have become a lot more charged than they were when I was younger. I keep trying to get into new fandoms that I hope are less problematic only to stumble across the same patterns, up to and including someone being harassed and told to 'kys' repeatedly over fandom drama to the point of ending their own life.
But being isolated is hard. I haven't stopped making content I just... Stopped sharing it. I don't really know what to do, or if any followers I have here are even still active. I got back into JoJo's and expected most of the discourse to be more 'gay vs not gay' type stuff but some parts are... Really, *really* bad. Worse even than KH. And inconsistent! Censoring myself to fit some fear mongering anti's agenda seems like an anathema, so I just haven't posted anything, even the stuff I have I know isn't problematic.
To me the 'right' thing to do would be to post anyway and stand up for a censorship free Internet and community, but I'm afraid that, especially right now, I just don't have the resilience.
I guess I'm asking people more in touch with a 2024 Tumblr what they think. If it's even worth it. What tools there are. I've spent half the day blocking hate in a tag and trying not to panic about it. As an actual abuse survivor, seeing some of these accusations fly over such inane things is just... Disheartening. Especially knowing my abusers will never be prosecuted, but I'm getting accused of those crimes by trying to cope through artistic expression.
Also if there is anyone interested in some of the 'problematic' ships I've tagged, please give me a ring. I might try finishing and posting some stuff after all of it will actually make people happy. But after seeing witch hunt posts calling for people to haze or blacklist certain crators? It's just... Really scary.
But I'm so tired of being alone.
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good-beanswrites · 10 months
Ahh ive been reading some of your writings and they're just so warm and fluffy to read (if that makes sense??) Though i cant really express it in the tags ;; also if its alright, may i please request blanket with mikoto or tears with fuuta? - @erimnar
Omg thank you -- I've been so grateful for your tags! :)) And thanks for the requests, I had a lot of fun with these woo! I went with a real fun one for Mikoto/Blanket (once again, picture T1 minigram vibes) and I'll post a slightly angstier one for Fuuta/Tears soon 👍
“Mikotoooo, just share with Muu,” the girl pouted. “I mean it!”
He scooted out of her reach. “What are you gonna do, stab me about it?”
Muu’s jaw dropped, but there was no real horror behind it. “Maybe!” She lunged for him again. 
After a strange rattling from the walls had woken some in the middle of the night, all the heat in the prison had seeped away. Es had left to fix it immediately, and no one had seen them for hours. In Mikoto’s opinion, they seemed better versed in law than plumbing and mechanical fixes. He had no idea how long they’d all be shivering like this in the winter chill.
The prisoners walked around all morning in a mismatch of spare layers. Mahiru giggled inside one of Shidou’s extra doctor coats, far too big on her. Mikoto hadn’t stopped laughing that Shidou owned extra doctor coats in the first place. Yuno’s stylish hats could be spotted on several of the prisoners, Mikoto included. (He’d given his own beanie to Kazui, earlier.) Fuuta had handed out a concerning amount of sweatshirts, and Muu had some fashionable scarves that gave enough warmth to be useful.
In addition to the ridiculous getups, they each carried their bed sheets around their shoulders. Mikoto was surprised to find himself the envy of the group.
A while back he’d requested a weighted blanket; he remembered finding one helpful when work got too overwhelming. Milgram had provided a fairly large one, though he felt it hadn’t worked as well here. He didn't expect it to cause a stir until Shidou pointed out that its weight would make it even warmer than his own. Following that, it didn’t take long to attract the small army of murderous children that were after him. 
As he stepped away from Muu, Yuno leapt at his other side, ready to snatch the blanket off of him. Although Haruka and Amane were too nervous to make a grab at him, they stood anxiously nearby rooting for his loss. Mahiru had jumped in as well. Her quick movements forced Mikoto to spin around and draw it even closer around his shoulders. Caring less about the blanket, but always ready to tackle someone, Fuuta joined the scuffle.
It wasn't like Mikoto cared about the blanket, either. He had no issue sharing it with the others. He knew the attitude in the prison had been dropping recently. Despite the brief camaraderie from sharing articles of clothing, everyone’s mood had been especially bitter today. As physical discomfort added to their mental strain, things could go south quickly. The place needed to liven up a bit.
He stepped back from the blanket thieves, flicking the corner of it from Fuuta’s hands. 
“Not so fast!”
Fuuta fumed. “You asshole…”
Yuno, meanwhile, seemed up for the challenge. “You’re quick!”
“I’ve had a bit of experience…” He flashed a wicked grin. Mikoto didn’t talk about his family much, but a few of the others knew he grew up on fairly good terms with a younger sister. His big brother instincts had developed just fine.
He darted this way and that. He faked and sidestepped and spun. As his opponents grew bolder, he ended up sweeping the blanket off his back. He swung it around the room with less effort than expected. He was stronger than he looked, and easily kept the girls at bay while wrestling Fuuta for the blanket. He let out a laugh as he fought back against all the grabbing hands. Taking advantage of the height difference, he lifted it directly over his head.
The position wasn’t the most secure, though. His taunts were quickly replaced by feigned cries as the others dragged him to the ground. As they pinned him down, a cheer erupted from Haruka before he covered his mouth. The others joined in the celebration as they claimed their prize.
Mikoto lamented, “you’re so cruel… you’re all so cruel…” It was good, he thought, hearing them all laugh.
The loss of his blanket wasn’t his only punishment. Heaving an exhausted breath, Yuno flopped down directly on top of him. She tucked herself and Muu into the blanket. Then Mahiru wiggled in, beckoning to Amane and Haruka. By the time they all nestled in, there was just barely enough room for Fuuta to squeeze in with everyone. 
Mikoto wheezed from under the pile of prisoners.
“Okay, okay,” he said. “You win. Fuck -- let me breathe...”
Mahiru just made herself more comfortable. “But you’re so warm!” The others muttered their agreement. Not one showed any sign of moving. The prison was far too cold to give up heat like this, after all.
“That’s because you all made me work so hard!” He huffed. “Come on.”
“What are you gonna do?” Muu giggled, doing a poor impression of his voice, “murd--”
“-- Aw, shaddup…”
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kakusu-shipping · 3 months
Since you like Koro-sensei and splatoon, I wonder what he’d be like as an octoling. Definitely a pretty strong one!
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Y'all beat the Side Order secret boss yet?
I can't imagine Koro-Sensei as anything other than, well, Koro-Sensei. Making him an OctoLING is impossible for me, because I just can't see it. It wouldn't like him.
Every time I self insert him into media with me, he still looks like that no matter what. Like people who self insert as their fursona and are the only Furry in the source. I love that for them.
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I love the idea of him being a huge Marina simp Fan and constantly antagonizing Pearl, just for shits and giggles, while trying to mentor 8 during their fight, giving tips while dodging. He never attacks, it's a pure battle of endurance. You either kill him or walk away.
If Splatoon ever gets back on board with anime crossovers like every other shooter I think his outfit would be a good mirror to the Squid Girl costume from Splat1! I couldn't think of shoes to go with it though sense Koro-Sensei doesn't... wear shows.... But I miss the friendship bracelet of Splat2 that let you be barefoot so I just did that! They're like the fake contacts.
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raayllum · 5 months
the real question is whether i write the ezran&rayla parallels meta or the "rayla parallels viren, aaravos, claudia (+ soren)" meta first
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nyankoizumi · 2 years
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Me @ bigger red guy: i hate their fake ass!! Me ten minutes later: me and the bestie
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warningsine · 1 year
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wayward40k · 4 days
👀 - Is there a muse you’re currently looking for interaction with?
Another Munday Meme!
Not specifically? Pretty much any muse on my dash gets a "hmmm, I wonder how they'd react" sort of thought...
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tortoisesshells · 3 months
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jewishcissiekj · 3 months
E. K. Johnston's dedication to writing books that could be so good but just miss everything that would make them good would be admirable if. it was anything to admire
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rjalker · 1 year
"only white people use it/its pronouns" pretending people of color you disagree with don't exist does in fact make you racist
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direwombat · 1 year
Why am I only ever struck with the desire to work on fragile creatures while I'm at work when I really can't work on it
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floating-goblin-art · 2 years
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say what you will about Whisper, but in the end they were two lonely kids pitted against each other
#arttag#fable#fable anniversary#fable tlc#hero of oakvale#fable whisper#i could actually go off for hours about whisper#her writing was god awful and a missed opportunity. she had the potential to be one of the most compelling characters of the era#god dammit she was terrified of failure! you can see it#thunder was all the family she had left and he was a great hero#she just lived in his shadow forever#and he pressured her far too much to outdo him#it's not fair. she was just a kid#just a hurt and orphaned kid with nothing left. just like the hero#but all that was abandoned for god knows what reason exactly when her character arc seemed to be heading towards growth#towards learning from her mistakes of always antagonizing the hero#just toss all that out the window! and she was never heard from again#how is that fair at all?? briar rose not playing a huge role i can get; she's just Some Hero from the guild#even though that too is disappointing#but whisper? she had a tie to the hero. they grew up together. they were each other's first rival/taste of competition#there's a HUGE issue with the first game's female characters and the way they were treated#but in a way i get it; the times were god awful for any sort of female character. lionhead got a ton of flack for whisper just Existing#that's why hammer was introduced the way she was and given so much importance in the second game#or so word goes#so despite everything they did Try. and i can appreciate that whisper was a unique kind of character#she's actively there to kick ass and her character arc's tied to the hero's but not dependent on it#she's not a plot device but a proper rival#and for as flawed as her role in the story was. i'm grateful we did get her#song is love love love by the mountain goats btw
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bitterlimoncello · 10 months
@lunarscaled said: PICKS HER UP
A colourful string of expletives hisses forth from her mouth as she feels Lyric's hands hook firm under her arms to haul her out of her seat and into the air. Lyric is lucky Limoncello has heard their approach and recognized it (or perhaps it's Limoncello who's lucky that Lyric didn't bother to cover the sound of their footsteps and seems to not actually want to murder her, because in a battle of strength with Lyric at her back with the advantage, she's not so confident in her odds), otherwise she would be going for the eyes with immediate and ruthless abandon. As it is, Limoncello's thighs tense, legs bent to plant the heels of her feet firm into Lyric's knees to regain some personal balance. She shoots her friend weird pseudo-roommate a scrunched look from over her shoulder that turns abruptly scandalized as she registers the particular gleam to those orange eyes. Realization--or perhaps just suspicion--dawns.
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"Son of a bitch--you did not just pick me up because I was sitting on 'your' side of the couch."
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creamiceandsugar · 2 years
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im in Love with their competitive little brains
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