#I ain't wastin my money
tabl3 · 1 year
update on narcissistic father:
he wants to see my siblings and I for his birthday (which I fully forgot existed, idek how old he is tbh 💀)
so, we're gonna go somewhere expensive and bleed his ass dry wooooo
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🎵 Instrument of Surrender
"Extravagantly phrased -- but I can roll with it."
TOMMY LE HOMME - "Yeah, imagine -- it's been a whole week already." He snickers.
EMPATHY [Medium: Success] - Behind the laugh, however, a touch of sorrow.
TOMMY LE HOMME - "So, tell me... what do you need?"
"Care to spare some change for a working stiff?"
"Tell me more about this... *strike*."
"Know anything about the dead man? The one hanging behind the hostel there?" (Point at the yard.)
"What are you hauling anyway?"
"You seem like a man who knows about *drugs*."
"I'm good for now, good talk." [Leave.]
TOMMY LE HOMME - "Huh?" Sudden financial duties snap him out of his daze. "Oh. No, I ain't got any money. They don't want to pay for unfinished work."
"'They' who?"
TOMMY LE HOMME - "The bosses, man."
"Makes sense. First work, then pay."
"I don't know who these *bosses* are, but that sounds like a good arrangement -- for them."
"So you're broke. Got it. What else did I have to ask..."
+1 Communism
TOMMY LE HOMME - "Yeah, it sure ain't good for me -- or you. I'd spare a coin or two for a city cop down on his luck. If I had, say, *four* myself."
1. "Tell me more about this… *strike*."
TOMMY LE HOMME - "It's like... whatever's going on over at the docks. Workers got a blockade set up. Making demands. No way in or out."
"What's the Union demanding?"
"Anything else I should know?" (Conclude).
TOMMY LE HOMME - "Some pretty wild stuff, I hear. Like a giant new power-crane and half the company? I forget *what* exactly. Good on them, I guess..."
"I've heard talk there's a company rep in town too. Like... a strike negotiator type. They'd know what's up. Precise demands and so on."
2. "What do you think the company wants?"
TOMMY LE HOMME - "They want to keep that money flowing in, my man." He makes a 'ka-ching' sound.
3. "Anything else I should know?" (Conclude.)
TOMMY LE HOMME - "Anything else?" He thinks. "Yeah, this ain't really my area of expertise. I just do my job and get paid. I have things to do and places to be. All of us do."
"All of who?"
TOMMY LE HOMME - "Us lorry drivers. Camionneurs. A few still hang around here waiting for this mess to end. Most have scurried off somewhere. To get drunk, or high. Or laid." He smiles awkwardly. "Not that I blame 'em, really."
"Not you?"
TOMMY LE HOMME - "Not my thing. Chasin' transient pleasures is a drag these days. I prefer the examined life now -- thinkin', reflectin', observin'." He glances down the road toward the horizon, a glint of... something in his eyes.
COMPOSURE [Medium: Success] - He tries his best to look nonchalant, but there's a rigidity in him, as if trying to conceal something warm and deep beneath a cool exterior.
2. "Know anything about the dead man? The one hanging behind the hostel there?" (Point at the yard.)
TOMMY LE HOMME - "He ain't one of us drivers -- I know that. All accounted for. Otherwise, I haven't really asked about that. Been wastin' time right here. Keepin' busy."
DRAMA [Easy: Success] - It's easy to see he's telling the truth. He's kept his nose out of the dark stuff.
"Busy -- with what?"
"Alright, never mind then."
TOMMY LE HOMME - "Analysin' the fundamental structural and psychological conditions of being stranded in the midst of a sea of motor lorries and their sad, despondent chauffeurs."
"Wait, what?"
"And your conclusion?"
TOMMY LE HOMME - "A sense of surprise there ain't more bodies hanging from more trees."
3. "What are you hauling anyway?"
TOMMY LE HOMME - "Oh, high-grade narcotics. Illegal fire-arms. Stuff like that."
AUTHORITY [Easy: Success] - Time to arrest him!
"You're under arrest."
"Wicked. I've always wanted a friend in the underworld."
"Okay. And what are you *actually* hauling?"
TOMMY LE HOMME - "Hah, no. I'm joking, my man." He grins. "FALN runs a nice, clean business. This haul of cargo is mostly sporting goods. You know, tracksuits and that kinda thing."
"They usually get shipped to Graad and the Occident. Though we've been making headway in the Iilmaraan market lately."
"So, nothing illegal then?"
"That's your machine behind you?"
"Could I get one of those FALN tracksuits you're hauling?"
"Right. I had another question." (Conclude.)
TOMMY LE HOMME - "Not unless they've illegalized sports equipment while I was on the road."
2. "That's your machine behind you?"
TOMMY LE HOMME - "This rockin' beauty?" He points at the lorry with his thumb. "Sure is, like a rash you can't get rid of. You interested in heavy duty cargo machinery?"
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frozenhuntress67 · 2 years
Deadly Damsels *Eddie Munson x Reader*
Eddie takes the crew to see his girlfriend's band the 'Deadly Damsels'
As I stood leaning against the brick wall behind The Hideout, I grew nervous. Eddie was going to bring everyone to see my band and while I was excited, the kids had never seen or heard me play before. They'd of course been to some of Corroded Coffin's gigs but never mine.
"Afraid I wasn't coming?" I heard someone ask. I turned to see Eddie walking towards me. I ran into his arms.
"Of course not, just nervous, you know how I am. The whole Scoby Gang came?"
"Even mama Steve." He joked. "And though it took a little convincing the chief let Supergirl come too."
"I'm happy for that El doesn't get out much or know a lot of good music for that matter."
"(y/n), we're on in five!" Linda our bassist said, her head sticking out from the backdoor.
"I'll leave you to it." Eddie said kissing me before going back around to the front of the building. Taking a deep breath, I walked into the building and headed for the stage. Seeing the whole Scooby Gang here definitely helped calm my nerves.
"YEAH (Y/N)!" I heard Dustin, Max, and Lucas cheer which made me laugh. Then I put my stage persona on.
"Welcome everyone! We are the Deadly Damsels!" I shouted before nodding to the rest of the band. As the music began, I grabbed my guitar.
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Tryin' to get along
We've been here too long
Pretendin' that you're oh so shy
I'm a natural ma'am
Doin' all I can
My temperature is runnin' high
Cry at night
No one in sight
An' we got so much to share
Talking's fine
If you got the time
But I ain't got the time to spare, yeah
Do you wanna touch?
Do you wanna touch?
Do you wanna touch me there, where?
Yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
Do you wanna touch?
Do you wanna touch?
Do you wanna touch me there, where
There, yeah
Every girl an' boy
Needs a little joy
All you do is sit an' stare
Beggin' on my knees
Baby, won't you please
Run your fingers through my hair
My, my, my
Whiskey and rye
Don't it make you feel so fine
Right or wrong
Don't it turn you on
Can't you see we're wastin' time, yeah?
Do you wanna touch?
Do you wanna touch?
Do you wanna touch me there, where
As we finished our first song, I felt so truly powerful and seeing all of my friends there made it even better. We continued our set and played our hearts out. When we were finished, and the equipment put away I made my way over to my friends.
Do you wanna touch?
Do you wanna touch?
Do you wanna touch me there, where
There, yeah
"Well, what did you think? I think we can give Corroded Coffin a run for their money." I joked earning a nudge from my ever-supportive boyfriend.
"That was awesome! Think you could add some Kate Bush next time?" Max asked.
"I'll think about it red." I replied before hugging them all. "I'm really glad you all liked it I was so nervous and worse than I usually am."
"It was nice to go out and do something normal for a change." Steve said and I gave a nod in thanks.
"Happy to contribute to your pseudo quasi happy existence Steve. But now I am exhausted." I turned to Eddie. "Take this Damsel home?" I asked.
"You never have to ask that question." He replied picking me up and hoisting me over his shoulder. I shrieked in surprise.
"Goodnight guys!" I shouted to the scooby gang and then my bandmates. I finally felt at home with my friends and my boyfriend who'd I'd do anything for and vice versa.
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sweetswesf · 2 years
Check In
What I Did Today
Ordered a waffle; have been craving one for A WHILE...it didn't hit like it was supposed to tho :/ :(
Got a lay of the land of all the things I need to study
Spent my monies on the preps...hopefully I REALLY use them this time...I think I will because I have a better sense of what I need and why, before I wasn't convinced; it means more now
Got hit up by some more people checking in on my wellbeing since they heard about the layoffs in the news, some I ain't heard from in FOREVER
Chatted with my old colleague at the company I want to be at
Meal prepped for most of this week
Finished my 4 hour juicing process; you heard that right...I'm good for the next 3 days, and it's good for me, but it's expensive, both financially and time wise, so also financially...
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What I Learned Today
The company I want to work at has NO ON CALL! Hallelujah! They do lowball on offer salary though, so, it's recommended I get a good offer somewhere else so that they can match it
The company I want to be at only goes up to T4 instead of T5 like my last spot, which, still works for me, but, maybe for only the next 2 years?...max...was kinda hoping to go for maybe even a T5 position at my next place, but T4 sounds good, especially since it's a new company?...Idk if that is me being conservative & safe22 or insecure
The company I want to be at allows you to do a 6 month fellowship at a non-profit! I've always wanted to work at a non-profit but was afraid of the money situation. This is great news! It looks like an even better choice!
Twitter laid off 50%...gosh damn!
Next month, I'll have to pay for transportation and all of my phone bill, both of which were covered by my job...and the Black tech professional org I was in outside of work I probably cannot participate in because usually I get my job to cover the almost $400 membership, but I need every dolla right now, and I don't want to get to a point next year where I regret that I paid for membership...True, I could dip into my savings for it, but maybe I just need to sit it out next year...I can't keep telling myself, 'Well you have savings and you'll have a job soon to re-up"...or can I??
My company actually paid pretty well compared to other companies in the industry...I just was not getting paid what I wanted to because of my age and what I SHOULD be getting if I didn't make a career transition...
Slightly nervous and anxious, but much better than last week. Like, I did my dishes, meal prep, juiced, had a work-related meeting, took some calls, redid my schedule. With SOOO many people laid off, sometimes I worry if I will get a job in 6 months with so much more competition and with hiring generally slowing down for the next 3 months, but, I'm trying not to worry. I am also wondering if I should be helping others more, because so many people are reaching out to help me.
I also feel determined.
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I don't want to let myself down...I've been trying to learn these concepts for years but they always get put on the back burner. I have no choice now, but I hope it doesn't take me MONTHS to get my act together...or understand the concepts well enough
I wonder if I need to take the rest of this week off just to relax...And if I do so, I need to do it without feeling guilt/lazy or like "time's a wastin'"...
There's A LOT of things I want to cover in this time to study, but, I'm excited for it all
A lot of people come out the woodwork, but some folks just want to be nosy or bask in your downfall but don't truly care; the realest ones gone pick up the phone or offer to hear your voice, or see you over FT and video; only about 3 have done that, but I'm grateful for every bit of support in any form; we are so used to texting now and I know we're all busy, but, going forward, I'm going to remember what I'm feeling now & try to call and FT instead of just texting for sensitive/traumatic events my friends or family go through
These recruiters out here are reckless; a lot of them are just bombarding my inbox with subject lines, LITERALLY like, "Hello/Lyft Layoff" like, this boilerplate, insensitive template that they replace with whatever company layoff happened the person they're reaching out to is coming from; one RANDO recruiter I've never talked to just called me out the blue at 6:22 PM!...sir, I don't know you, and I'm looking for a job yes, but you are disrespecting a boundary!!! I don't know what he's up against though. He may be trying to avoid being next on the chopping block...but nuh un sir. The disrespect...GOTTA protect my energy because a lot of people are masking as being helpful but are really being self-serving, even when they know it's a sensitive time; very few TRULY GAF about you, but you have to GAF about yourself and your peace
Tumblr's trending again now that Twitter is Elon's now...hopefully more people can check out this blog & maybe it can be helpful to more folks!
Elections are tomorrow & my brain is like, "woah lady, one thing at a time :/". Feeling guilty about not feeling prepared for it...but I'mma go...
Need to stay prayed up, confident, and stop thinking about the worst case scenario & have bigger faith
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Goals After Today
Understand the main concepts I need to from Interview Cake, AlgoExpert, etc. in less 3 months
Drop my body fat percentage
Use social media/YouTube less
Improve my relationship with my family
Be more confident & faithful
Move more during my day
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Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time? Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging? Makeup? Neuroses? Do they recognize them as such? Favorite book genre?
Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time? "My favorite way to waste time is gettin high, really. Or maybe takin a nap. Or not doing anything! Guess that's not really wasting time, depending on how you look at it. Downtime is just that, right? It's time that you're down, doin whatever you want when finishin a job or whatever." Phe shrugs. "Mmm, s'pose if I was meant to be doin somethin, and I was just wastin time well....a quickie's a pretty good way of doin that too." "As for my feelings on it? Eh, it depends. If times wasting when somethin important is put on hold, then yeah, I get a bit fidgety and irratated. If I can afford to waste time? I will and I don't care bout it." Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging?
"Droppin money on bath stuff. Scented candles, bath bombs, body scrubs, special washes? Man, that's my guilty pleasure and I'm sure as hell indulging on it. Treat yo fuckin self, right?" Phe grins. "I love a bit of indulging now and then. Or a lot of it. I've been indulging a lot lately, actually."
"Yeah! I wear it, and enjoy it. Most of the times I'll have some sort of lip balm or gloss on, and some eyeliner. But if we've got shows, or formal events, I'll go all out. I'll get it all done nicely, way better than what I could do myself. Really make an effort, right? I got quite a good little makeup collection, but it ain't nothin compared to all the stuff avaliable to the Tarts, or the amount of shit beauty salons have."
Neuroses? Do they recognize them as such?
"Uh....neuroses..." It takes her a moment to figure out the question. "No...I don't...think so." She's clearly thinking hard about it now.
Favorite book genre?
"Oh! Love action and stuff. However, I've been gettin into like, tales too. Heard some really good ones at the Tournament of Ages, told by a tauren woman. One of em was an old tale about how wyverns came to be. I'm trying to chase down some stories like that, things to tell around a campfire. Old legends and what not, been pretty interested in those."
ty @glitterdustedwren
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newmysterygirl · 3 years
Summary: Jasmine trys to convince the reader to go on a date.
A/N: Inspired by Give It A Try by City Girls Ft. Jaquees. Some of the lyrics are different, missing and words are added but I hope you enjoy💙
Warning: Cussing.
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"I ain't really got time for the fuck shit."
"Girl you got more time than Abuela"
"I'm telling you he's defdefinitely your type AND he thinks your cute."
I just stare at Jasmine "He just wants to put me on his fuck-list."
"Why is it that you won't date or go on dates again?" Cesar ask
I shrug, looking at the soda in my hand then point to my neck tattoo "Maybe it's the money 'Cause the grind don't stop, and the money keep callin'"
"You don't ever get lonely?" Monse ask while sitting on Cesar's lap
"I kinda wish I had time for it, but that love shit not important."
Jasmine start to say something but I stop her.
"Yeah, I know that the roses so red and the violets be blue but I gotta tell the truth when he ask "What it do?"
"He wanna ride me with his top laid back. Late night for a midnight snack"
"So?" Jasmine, Monse, Jamal and Ruby ask at the same time.
I laugh then say
"I ain't in the business of wastin guys time so if he try's to hit my line, then I'm gonna hit decline. I'm not trying to be rude it's just how it is with me."
"So you won't give any guy the time of day?"
I look to my left and see Oscar sitting there, staring at me with a look I can't read. I sigh then say
"I don't know what love like. Honestly never had the perfect kiss or been hugged right."
Turning to look at Oscar I say
"So yeah I might never give a guy a try 'Cause all men the same, all they ass do is lie." I down my soda wishing it was something stronger.
"What about me?" Oscar ask, looking into my soul.
I decided to be completely honest and say
"As soon as I fall for you, you gon' up and dip 'Cause you don't even know me and you don't see the real, you just see the homie. Tell me what you gon' do when it's time to hold me?"
He opens his mouth then closes it.
"See you don't even got an answer"
I grab my keys and walk to my car, leaving the night as it is.
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fuqrammstein · 3 years
If I looked like Megan Thee Stallion I would be wastin gas money bein outside my house all the damn time. Lookin like a whore. Lookin like a SLUT. Lookin like a fuckin HOOCHIE. Tiddies jigglin ass hangin out. And men talkin bout "make better music" you lucky she ain't at your local club causin a fuckin scene. You lucky she ain't stole your girl. What the fuck.
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licensehaver · 7 years
free bleeding advocates must not know how hard it is to get stains from heavy blood flow out of clothes
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kumbayamylawd · 3 years
if it ain't about the money,
don't be blowin' me up, n* i ain't getting up
if it ain't about the money,
ain't no use in you ringin' my line, stop wastin' my time
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icantlose · 5 years
Shit, O'Donnell, I - I been workin' still sir jus' like you said to do! I was jus' takin a lunch break I swear I ain't slackin off.
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“What’d ya call me? I don’t think I heard ya right, pal. O’Donnell? Ya really stupid enough to think ya could’a gotten away with callin’ me that? I’m payin’ ya money that I could be usin’ to fund Star Wolf or upgrade my Wolfens. Why the hell should I keep wastin’ my money on some shitheel that thinks he can slack off AND disrespect me!?”
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UNEEK RADIO SEASON 9 EP.9 “IF IT AIN’T ABOUT THE MONEY!” …YOU CAN MISS ME WIT IT! If it ain’t about the money Don’t be blowin’ me up, I ain’t gettin’ up If it ain’t about the money Ain’t no use in you ringin’ my line, stop wastin’ my time! If it ain’t about the money! Nah I can’t even hear what you say, I ain’t finna do shit If it ain’t about…
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