#I have some genuine bangers
melancholy-thots · 3 months
Literally the Best Pokemon Game, Fight Me
I have said my whole life that Pokemon snap was my favorite pokemon game. It holds such a dear spot in my heart and may be one of the only things I feel genuine nostalgia for. I spent time in college drafting up ideas and models for a fan remake. So when Pokemon announced this remake, I LOST IT.
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They had to know what they were doing to my one nostalgic memory when they did this shit. Is this what people feel like when DisneyMarvelSuperCrossover shit happens? If so, it's honestly understandable.
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(For context, Todd is the player character in the original Snap)
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I have so many edited photos. Honestly the improvements they made are all so good. The people who made this game really get it. The joy of just taking silly little images of your favorite pokemon. And boy, do I have pictures of my favorite pokemon here. I could become an entirely bidoof blog for months if I shared all of them.
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Plus being able to share your photos? I don't even care that much about other people seeing the little images I make so much as I care about seeing other people with correct opinions about the perfection of bidoof.
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Obligatory Amogus while I'm sifting through looking for plot points to talk about
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Oh! Not plot, but I am loving the new stages they added. Obviously on this crazy superior hardware we can do so much more, but I kind of expected new biomes like Jungle. Not weird haunted forest where you keep getting teleported around. Really was not expecting underwater. All great additions.
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Literally the only picture I have of an illumina pokemon. But I really like what they're doing here. Obviously it's not the kind of mind-bending story plots that I typically love. But this isn't a narrative game either. It's a fun photo game. And they are giving us even funner pokemon to take photos of. And it's a really nice addition.
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goldensunset · 1 month
sometimes i think about how some poor unsuspecting soul asked me what my favorite kikuo songs were and instead of being normal i unleashed a fully thought-out ranked tier list of like 20 different songs half of which probably have never been heard by more than two people worldwide
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uniquezombiedestiny · 2 months
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narwhalandchill · 4 months
btw if u equate childe and aventurines backstory in any fucking way please leave this blog and unfollow me <3 preferably block me while ur at it too uwu
#havent you people done enough to systematically destroy his characterization already? genuinely curious#turning him into generic YA sadboy with no narrative purpose according to yall than to be traumatize meow meow smolbean#who has no greater purpose no greater relevance whos just a victim with 868 made up mental illnessess#and actually the fact that he canonically displays no typical signs of mental illness or distress proves he has giga trauma#because we all know the writers intention is always the thing they give 0 time on screen 0 hints at in lore 0 presence in canon#because you people are so fucking boring and incapable of basic reading comprehension that 'fantasy isnt 1 to 1 with irl psychiatry'#and 'stories can ignore real life logic of human psychology in favor of a desired narrative'#are like completely fucking incomprehensible concepts#god i am so fucking mad#like now the fact that another character hoyo wrote from a different fucking game#has some surface level adjacent qualities to ajax. and turns out to have a sad backstory#THATS fucking proof to yall? imagine reaching this hard .#none of you people have ever genuinely liked childe as the character he is canonically established to be#leave him the fuck alone#i am so fucking exhausted#but NOOOOOO listen childe is female coded with prey instinct and actually showing 0 signs of trauma is proof you have SUPER trauma#and him being mentally well off and clearly at peace with who he is in all its contradictions is just him brainwashing himself to believe i#AND IVE SEEN WORSE. IVE SEEN WORSE#god i am so fucking mad and exhausted and depressed like NONE of the people in this fucking fandom actually care abt him#as the banger fucking character he is#because he just has to be the most boring fucking YA archetype bc you ppl cant comprehend nor handle anything interesting .#anyway woops.#delete later
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steelycunt · 3 months
dragging myself through the waves ill be so honest with you
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mashmouths · 4 months
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i am genuinely so sad about nhl marketing ‘cause i’ll be scrolling on tik tok and a random nfl team’s page’ll come up and they’ll be doing some sort of fun lil challenge or they’ll be having some fun lil time and like… why can’t we have that? it’d be so nice :(
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gnomeantics · 10 months
i have a folder in the notes app on my phone for all the thoughts i jot down at ungodly hours in the morning and i can usually decipher them afterwards and figure out my train of thought but sometimes they are just completely .???? case in point
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the worst betrayal of my life was when i got really really into pirate folk metal band alestorm for like a month and then i happened to meet the guy who runs the studio where they recorded an album so naturally i was like omg!! so cool you got to work with alestorm!!! and he was like oh yeah didnt you hear they turned out to be massive shitty racists. fucking devastating.
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taking a coin out and opening clip today like 'oh boy who am i going to project onto today ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶'
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upsyturvyy · 1 year
you all are not going to like what I have to say about The Greatest Show Unearthed Returns I can tell you that much
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flatstarcarcosa · 2 years
rt is either planning something huge with rvb or they’re planning to old yeller the series entirely and i don’t care which because it’s going to be hilarious to watch from the sidelines
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mbat · 1 month
i constantly forget that "zombie-ing out" is a thing in the zombies franchise and isnt some weird idea that people have simply thought up and talked about a little as a weird fanfic-y idea. like who approved of that LOL
like ive been tossing around the idea of rewriting the franchise literally from the first time i saw any of the movies (i saw zombies 2 on the day it first aired lol), and i was like. yeah fuck that lol thats just a myth humans made up to make zombies seem scary and monstrous. and therefore i kinda replaced the canon in my head on accident
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ravenwolfie97 · 5 months
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i felt the need, it's been a year and a half since my last genshin design tier list (as unbiased as possible) and boy howdy is it tiring to really analyze nearly 80 characters
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steelycunt · 11 months
i am hoping all is well with you!!!! (weather is nice, cats are fluffy, biscuits are warm and in abundance, etc. etc.)
i come bearing sacrilegious news. i haven't listened to any beatles songs (outside of the ones you hear when out perambulating in the big wide world) and i know you to be the local beatles professeur, so which album would be a good start? or what songs perhaps?
thank you kindly!!! 🐛 (<- this is me, the insect in question)
hi omg!! i am well thank you my love!! and certainly this is something i can help with xx
firstly!! i am going to. be cheeky and suggest my beatles playlist george and the uglies which has every beatles song i personally like (and thus recommend) on it xx for albums their discography is usually split between 1962-1966 and 1967-1970 (and there are compilations for both of them linked) but personally i recommend a hard day's night and help! for early beatles albums, revolver and rubber soul as mid beatles albums, and sgt peppers, the white album and maybe. abbey road? for late beatles (although im not as keen on their late-late stuff like yellow submarine, abbey road and let it be, although there's definitely still some good stuff on all those and they're certainly still worth listening to xx)
sgt peppers is my personal favourite beatles album, but i personally think out of all their albums rubber soul and revolver are probably the best places to start!! and then depending on what you like from those you might want to go back to their earlier stuff or further into their later stuff. for more compilations, 1 is a compilation of basically (?) all their uk & us number one singles throughout their career. my personal favourite beatles songs are a day in the life, in my life, she said she said, martha my dear and she's leaving home but there are sooo many others i love across nearly all their albums!! good luck, i hope you find something you love!!
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bedcorpse · 7 months
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