#I mean I’ll probably go out in it but afterwards I wanna be inside XD
skyward-floored · 4 months
Heyo! I’m finally able to play Triforce heroes again so if you ever are free maybe we can be able to play!
Ooh yeah, that would be great!! I have lots of time tomorrow, if you want to try then?
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yandere-sins · 2 years
ah! i know, i know, you’ve spoken about this lots, so i completely understand if you don’t want to bring it up again, but i wanted to say that, reading your view on compliant darlings was quite interesting. personally, i don’t like them because they’re no fun. i mean, the whole point of having a yandere is that they’re insanely, manically in love w you, right? so much so they’d kill for you and keep you locked up. but where’s the fun if the darling is just like “oh, yeah, haha, i’m fine w the shit you’re doing, sure, i’ll stay inside w you all day!”? i don’t know—in almost anything, the chase is more fun than outcome, so if the darling just sits down & accepts it, well… what’s the point? that’s like playing hide and seek and just standing right next to the person counting—might as well just skip to the next step. and, as you said, i agree that yandere is a horror trope, so imagine if in a horror movie the mfs find out one of their friends has been the killer all along and they’re like, “oh, damn, man. wanna go watch tv?” a darling just happy to be w their yan is just a possessive, maybe even toxic relationship. that’s not yandere. but, yeah, i didn’t explain this too well and, again, i know you’ve spoken about this a few times before, but i just wanted to butt in too :)
We are two peas in a pot it seems, I wholeheartedly agree with you! ^-^ And it’s true the chase is more fun! Thanks for sharing your views!
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As I said before, forced compliance is something I work with too. Like if nothing else works, maybe sometimes you just want to appease instead of hurt even more, right?
However, if the darling is self-aware enough to understand their problems like in your second example, I don’t think they need to get a yandere, rather a therapist. (And no, not a yandere therapist, shh) It might seem like the easier way out than therapy, but with that amount of self awareness, I’d also say they wouldn’t just let someone walk all over them and still think they are feeling good about it either. The latter of your descriptions is definitely not the darling I’d want to write, that much is sure.
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That raises the question if the person you are sending to do your dirty work is really your yandere, or just your accomplice? Are you a captive or a mastermind? Probably also depends if you will get along well with the yandere afterwards, but if killing some people you don’t like is enough to woo you, by all means, the yandere probably has good chances with you! Wouldn’t call them a yandere anymore, you two would just be a killer couple, but you know... To each their own xD
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kanasmusings · 5 years
[Translation] Satsuki Aoi “Reincarnation” Drama Track 2
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And here’s the final track for Aoi’s “Reincarnation” drama tracks~! I hope you all had fun because this was a very cute and fun drama track to translate~!  Oh! Also, for those who asked, I think Deea will be working on the 4th Season drama tracks for Kakeru, Koi, Hajime, and Haru XD I only worked on Arata and Aoi~ And probably Ikkun, too, when his gets released www 
After this is all infinit0 subs and cast interviews~! Please get ready to know Rei and Roa more afterwards  ヽ(o^▽^o)ノ
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission. Please just like/reblog them instead ^^
Oh! And if you can, please do consider buying the CD here to support the artists ^^
Under the cut, enjoy~! 
Track 02: [たった一人の兄として] “As your one and only older brother.”
ARATA: Looking at it on the tablet’s big screen…
AOI: It is, without a doubt…
ARATA/AOI: It’s Chi-chan…
ARATA/AOI: (sighs)
(Arata puts the tablet down)
ARATA: Alright, Aoi-kun. Let’s think about this positively.
ARATA: We’ve already accepted the situation.
ARATA: This time, we can deduce several things about it.
AOI: Meaning?
ARATA: First is this: The amount of uproar based on the truth that it’s just a misunderstanding of the picture in question will increase on the timeline.
AOI: Uh… I’m not too keen on having his profile exposed but… I also get where you’re coming from…
ARATA: Number two.
ARATA: That suspicion on “Satsuki Aoi’s Heart-Throbbing (Star Mark) Late Night Shopping District Date” has already been disputed by the agency itself.
ARATA: Everything’s leading to the truth and gradually, evidence will prove that we’re not lying.
AOI: I can only sense evil since you’re trying to make this into a full-blown case but… You’re right.
ARATA: Number three.
ARATA: Spring… has arrived for Chi-chan.
(Aoi buries his face on a pillow)
AOI: (muffled) That’s exactly it!!
AOI: (muffled) It’s a normal thing but I don’t know why I’m so shocked…!
AOI: (muffled) And you’re alright with this, Arata?!
ARATA: I’m actually not. I’m in extreme shock. I have proof, look.
ARATA: My eyes are so wide open.
AOI: Eh…? S-sorry, it’s hard to tell. In any case, you’re shocked, too, aren’t you…?
ARATA: Yeah.
ARATA: (sighs and then plops down on his seat)
ARATA: Thinking about it calmly… He’s been so cool for as long as I remember…
ARATA: He’s smart. He’s got a good personality…
ARATA: It’d be weirder if he didn’t have a girlfriend. I know that…
ARATA: But I’m still so shocked.
AOI: Yeah, that’s true…
AOI: I know I should probably congratulate him but I don’t know why I’m so shocked…
ARATA: This is, you know?
ARATA: It doesn’t sit well because Chi-chan doesn’t seem to be into that kind of thing.
ARATA: The impact of the “late night date” article being posted without notice is too huge.
AOI: Eh? Back in middle school and high school, I feel like I saw him with people who looked like they could be his girlfriend…
ARATA: (takes a deep breath) Really…?
AOI: Yeah… They were walking together and they were holding hands and stuff… I think that they were probably his girlfriend…?
AOI: But, that time it wasn’t really much of a shock to me…
AOI: I was only thrilled for him…
ARATA: By the way, right now, I’m really…
ARATA: I’m really a lot more shocked now.
AOI: Ah, I’m sorry somehow.
ARATA: (exasperated) Ah, forget it… For now, let’s just say I’m super shocked.
ARATA: I’m so shocked…
ARATA: Chi-chan is someone I admire, too. Though, in a different way from Hajime-san.
ARATA: And that Chi-chan is…
ARATA: Going on a “Heart Throbbing… Star Mark… Late night shopping district date…”
ARATA: Ahhhh!!!
AOI: Seeing a different side to Arata like this makes me feel kinda calmer…
ARATA: You traitor!!
AOI: In any case, sitting around here will do nothing. I’ll go call Nii-san and confirm.
ARATA: Confirm what?
ARATA: Like, the name of his girlfriend? Where they first met? (whining) I don’t want that!!
ARATA: I don’t wanna hear it. What are you gonna do if he talks of her sweetly?!
ARATA: I’ll be too shocked… I probably won’t be able to drink strawberry milk for a while, y’know?
AOI: At least, your sugar level will go down.
AOI: Alright…! I’ll go call him right away.
ARATA: Aoi-kun’s manliness is too much once he’s recovered!
AOI: (starts dialing)
(phone starts ringing)
AOI: Chi-cha—Nii-san? Um…
 RECEPTIONIST: Welcome! Are you here on a reservation?
AOI: We’re a group of three reserved under Tsukishiro’s name but…
RECEPTIONIST: Ah, of course! Tsukishiro-sama, was it? I just received word about it.
RECEPTIONIST: The other one is… It looks like he’s still not here, I presume?
RECEPTIONIST: Please let me introduce you two inside first.
AOI: Yes.
ARATA: Chi-chan’s not here yet?
AOI: Looks like it.
RECEPTIONIST: Welcome. Please let me handle your coats. Go ahead inside, please.
RECEPTIONIST: (to the staff inside) Reservation number 5 has arrived!
  (Arata and Aoi are walking inside)
ARATA: By the way, why was it under Tsukishiro-san’s name?
AOI: Because I asked him to make a reservation for us.
AOI: The net’s still in an uproar and I just that telling him about it before going to a bar would be a good idea.
AOI: The reservation just kinda happened while we were talking about it.
ARATA: I see. As expected from our capable manager, Tsukishiro-san.
ARATA: If it’s a shop he chose then, I’d feel safe in it.
AOI: That’s why.
RECEPTIONIST: Ah, no need to take your shoes off. It’s over here.
(The receptionist introduces them to a private room)
RECEPTIONIST: Now then, please enjoy your stay.
(The receptionist closes the sliding door behind him)
  ARATA/AOI: (sighs)
ARATA: Oh yeah. Your “late night date” has stopped being the talk of the town, huh?
AOI: Why do you sound a bit disappointed? (wry laugh)
AOI: I’m glad that it died down before it turned into a bigger scandal.
ARATA: Kakerun and Yoru-Yoru uploaded a pic of you guys on that certain night so, it looks like that cleared the misunderstanding, huh?
AOI: Yup. What I was wearing and my hairstyle were completely different, too.
ARATA: Won’t it have been faster if you just uploaded a picture yourself?
AOI: I’m ashamed to say that I didn’t take pictures myself…
ARATA: Oh my, my~
AOI: (sighs)
AOI: I feel like I’m gonna be nervous about tweeting for a while.
ARATA: Don’t mind it. It’ll fall out of topic soon enough.
ARATA: That’s how rumors go.
AOI: Yeah…
AOI: SNS is fun and convenient but… It’s a bit scary, huh?
AOI: Things you didn’t even know about yourself end up being a big topic and rumors suddenly surface like what happened the other day…
ARATA: Just one mistake or one wrong impression can send comments flooding, huh.
AOI: Yeah.
AOI: I don’t know if it’s good or bad but, the rate at how fast information spreads is getting too fast, I think.
ARATA: People all over the world are connected in one click so, rumors, topics, and even comments can happen in a flash.
AOI: That sort of speed makes me feel dizzy sometimes…
ARATA: You don’t have to force yourself to catch up to it, you know? Why not just use it at your own pace?
AOI: You’re right. I know that but… It’s just, I can’t seem to…
AOI: But, you’re good at using the net in your daily life, aren’t you?
AOI: I’m so jealous.
AOI: I mean, even when I tweet normal stuff, I worry about whether I made a typo or any mistake.
AOI: Or stuff like, “is this going to be misunderstood?”
AOI: I get nervous pressing the “tweet” button every time.
ARATA: Even when just saying “Good morning?”
AOI: Even so.
ARATA: Isn’t that tiring?
AOI: I won’t call it tiring but, I’m aware that it is an irrational fear.
AOI: I want to try doing it like you, you know? With a carefree and sort of just doing it when you feel like it attitude…
ARATA: That’s how light my tweets feel…?
AOI: (chuckles) Ah, of course, not the content itself. It’s more of how you feel when you send one out.
AOI: In my case, I keep getting nervous even just thinking about what to write.
AOI: I guess I… I keep thinking about whether the people who read it will think it’s interesting… or something…?
ARATA: Aoi-kun, I think that you’re overthinking it a bit too much.
AOI: I think so, too.
ARATA:  I’ll say this again. You don’t have to think about it too much.
ARATA: There are a lot of simple things out there to say. Like, “good morning~” “good night” or even “I ate something delicious~” you know?
ARATA: Just take it easy and tweet short stuff.
AOI: Take it easy…?
ARATA: Yeah, exactly. I mean, it’s just tweeting, you know?
ARATA: You’re not particularly writing an essay or something.
AOI: You have a point…
ARATA: Plus, if you keep worrying about what you say, doesn’t your serious side just show up more?
ARATA: Then, it’ll be okay. The fans already know that about you anyway.
ARATA: I think they’d be happy just to get a glimpse of what the Prince’s daily life is like.
ARATA: You don’t have to force yourself to do it. You can run away from time to time if you find it hard to use, you know?
AOI: Yeah… Yeah. You’re right. It’s exactly as you say.
AOI: I don’t have to think too much about something good to say and um… I’ll try to use it to just greet people.
AOI: If it’s just a greeting then, I think I can do it without overthinking anything.
ARATA: Ah, greetings sound nice.
ARATA: A “good morning” for the world~ A “good afternoon” for the world.
ARATA: I feel like that’s the best way to use it, too.
AOI: So… After this is our very private “fight” that we absolutely cannot upload online…
ARATA: Ahhhh…!! (whines)
ARATA: My heart’s not ready yet.
AOI: (laughs) And here you are, acting all cool a while ago~
AOI: I wonder why you suddenly turn lame when we’re talking about Nii-san.
ARATA: I mean, you know…? I feel like I want to know about Chi-chan’s love life… but at the same time, I feel like I don’t wanna…
ARATA: I really wanna know…
AOI: Which is it, really? Ah, but, I feel like I understand how you feel…
RECEPTIONIST: (from beyond the door) Please excuse me.
(the receptionist opens the door)
RECEPTIONIST: Your other companion has arrived.
ARATA: He’s here…!
CHIHIRO: Yo, Aoi, Arata.
CHIHIRO: Long time no see.
 CHIHIRO: And so, the person, no—The people I was seen with in the picture are—
ARATA: Was surprisingly my sister, Uduki Yuuka…  
CHIHIRO: Exactly. And the person here whose head was slightly pictured is Tanaka-san from across the street.
CHIHIRO: This guy whose shoulder was the only part shown is Old Man Shibata. He’s—
AOI: Ah, the people here are not passers-by but, all participants of a drinking party…?
ARATA: Then, all the people here were in a neighbourhood mah-jong tournament?
CHIHIRO: Exactly. Yuuka-chan tried to hunt for new mah-jong participants in her company, too.
CHIHIRO: But, they all said that they only knew how to play mah-jong on the computer.
CHIHIRO: That’s how the neighbourhood people who had experience were pulled into it.
AOI: And you were called for it, too?
CHIHIRO: Yeah, I was caught. (smiles) I got dragged into it.
AOI: I didn’t know you played mah-jong, Nii-san…
CHIHIRO: Even so, I only know a little. I only accompanied my mah-jong playing friends back in high school.
CHIHIRO: But, I’m bad at it and I’m pretty weak.
CHIHIRO: I was even worse than Yuuka-chan who only started playing today.
CHIHIRO: I was so weak that they gave me the nickname “Kamonegi”… (1)
AOI: Kamonegi…? That’s cute.
ARATA: Guess I’ll ask since we’re all here.
ARATA: Chi-chan, do you have anyone you’d go on a late night date with?
CHIHIRO: You mean a girlfriend?
CHIHIRO: Unfortunately, I don’t have any.
CHIHIRO: Right now, I’m enjoying vet school and I’m pretty busy so, I’ve got my hands full.
AOI: I see…
AOI: So everything from the beginning up until now were all misunderstandings, huh…
ARATA: What’s with this exhausting feeling?
ARATA/AOI: (sighs)
  AOI: Arata…
AOI: I’m equally guilty because I didn’t notice, too, but…
AOI: It’s your own sister so at least recognize what she looks like from behind, please…
ARATA: Sis changes her hairstyle a lot so I can’t tell.
ARATA: Even though I can tell if I see her up front.
AOI: Well, even I can do that.
AOI: U-um… You two… I’m sorry.
AOI: I don’t really use SNS much so I didn’t know how much of a big deal it was.
CHIHIRO: Aoi, are you okay? Did you get in trouble with the agency? Maybe I should go and tell them—
AOI: Ah, no, that’s okay. They figured out it was a misunderstanding quickly, too.
CHIHIRO: I see. Then, that’s great.
ARATA: Aoi’s panic when we first found out was quite something though.
AOI: Arata!
CHIHIRO: (chuckles)
AOI: Nii-san?
CHIHIRO: It might sound imprudent of me but, it’s rare for me to meet you two in a place outside our hometown.
CHIHIRO: I was just thinking about how happy I am.
ARATA: You’re right.
CHIHIRO: To think that I’d get to meet my younger brothers who used to wear kindergarten hats and played with mud in a bar like this~
CHIHIRO: Even though I see you often on TV, on the net, or on articles.
CHIHIRO: It would be nice if we could create an atmosphere like this where we can talk with each other directly again once in a while, huh?
AOI: Eh?
CHIHIRO: I hear a lot about you from here and there but, like what happened the other day, there are bound to be some misunderstandings.
CHIHIRO: But, there’s no warmth in something like that, right?
CHIHIRO: Being able to meet you, feel your warmth, and talk to you directly is without a doubt so much better, is what I was thinking.
(Chihiro pats Arata and Aoi’s heads)
CHIHIRO: (smiles) Are you feeling happy? Are you doing your best? Are you feeling tired?
CHIHIRO: I’m your stupidly over-concerned brother so I wish that you’d meet me sometimes and make me feel at ease.
ARATA/AOI: Chi-chan…
CHIHIRO: Aoi, and you as well, Arata. You’re always doing your best, aren’t you?
CHIHIRO: You look cool and sparkling and I’m so proud of you both.
CHIHIRO: As a fan and as your one and only older brother.
CHIHIRO: I’m always going to be cheering you on, okay?
AOI: Yeah.
ARATA: Thank you, Chi-chan.
CHIHIRO: Ah~ Tell me all about your relationships directly before they turn into a scandal, too, okay?
AOI: Chi-chan!
ARATA: (laughs)
Translator’s Notes:
(1) “鴨葱/Kamonegi” is Japanese slang for someone who came to play/gamble but they’re so weak/clueless about the game that it’s like they basically came just to “say goodbye to his money” XD
If you enjoyed this, please consider buying me a ko-fi here to support my work if you want. (o^▽^o)Thank you!!
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your-hero-imagines · 6 years
Could I have a head canon where Bakugou realizes he has a massive crush on the reader and tries to confess multiple times but he keeps messing it up and he ends up just kissing the reader in public? ❤️❤️
Yoo my friend are you still alive and in the fandom? I hope so since I’ve finally done it! XD
Sorry guys I have a massive writing block when it comes to BNHA atm. I’ve been through some shit and I’m finally getting my life back in order. But let’s stop ranting and start writing!
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Warnings: Swearing, jealousy.
Words: 1641
It happened slowly, but steadily. At first he didn’t notice himself, but from time to time Bakugo realized how his chest was narrowing whenever he saw you surrounded by people you seem to be fond of. Those dumbasses didn’t deserve one second of your precious time, goddamn it!
When he finally admitted to himself that he was developing feelings for you, he didn’t know what to do. He…confessing? Exposing himself to the danger of being humiliated and turned down? But if he doesn’t do anything, someone as amazing as you is sure to belong to someone else, soon…
You on the other hand have been exchanging lovestruck looks with Bakugo for a long time - ever since Mineta was creeping on you and he sent him flying, he had gotten your attention. But he was simply unapproachable. Too determined to ever consider something nearly as important as his dream to aspire to become the No. 1 hero.
But you knew there was more to the boy than just arrogance and anger. It was hard to grasp, but deep inside Bakugou sure is a big softie, full of love and insecurity - he just expresses it his own way. Anyway, you couldn’t dare to get closer to him, simply too afraid to make a fool out of yourself.
So both of you were just dancing around each other, every time you were getting close just acting like it was an accident. Especially since Bakugo would occasionally mock you with some comments, which weren’t too mean for his usual standarts.
The fear of being rejected was holding both of you back, as well was the fact that your attraction to each other was growing bigger with each day. The two of you had different ways to deal with it, though.
“Heya, [___]. You look lovely today!” Kaminari said with a charming smile on his face.
“Oh, hi, sweetheart!” you cheered as you hugged your friend. Bakugou could only clench his jaw as he watched this scenery. It had been like this for a few weeks: Kaminari just was that way to all of his female friends. Only some harmless flirting, as long as the other person didn’t mind it. You almost always ignored it and just stayed polite, but Kaminari was complete oblivious to the fact that his friend had developed feelings for you.
Lately, you noticed that Bakugou left the classroom very often - especially every time you were surrounded by male friends of yours. Huh, that’s probably just your imagination, though. As soon as he got outside, he ran to the training fields and made as many explosions as he could do in that short a time, to help himself calm down. But most of the time he remained furious about the thought that you might like someone else than him.
“What are you staring at, dumbass?” he disturbed your pondering through yelling at you in the midst of the class.
“Uh…I…Was just buried in thought. Seriously, I was just staring right through you! Sorry!!!”
“C’mon, Bakugou. Leave her alone!” Mina said, protectively as always. You didn’t want to cause a scene, so you just apologized quietly once again and ran out of the room.
“Now look what you’ve done! Embarassing her like that!” Momo preached with her arms crossed, not afraid of his wrath in the slightest.
“Shut it! Like I give a damn!” Actually, he did.
He let some time lapse away until he acted like he had to go to the bathroom, but instead went after you. Since he always secretly admired you from afar, he knew where to find you: On the athletics field, probably training your quirk to get your mind off this topic. Actually, he really admired how strongwilled you were, and how you’d always just do your thing no matter what other’s might say.
As soon as you saw him approach you, you got embarassed and tried to run away, but stumbled and fell. “Watch your step, clumsy girl” he mumbled as he lend you a hand to get up on your feet.
“T-thanks” you stuttered, shyly adding “Sorry for staring earlier…”
“Don’t mind it, I know I’m way too handsome to take your eyes away.”
“Wow, you’re not the humble one, huh” you chuckled, expecting him to get loud or insult you.
“Well, I’ve got all reason to think highly of me. And you should show some more confidence, too. You’re way better than you’re portraying yourself.” This was really the last answer you thought you’d get.
“That’s really kind of you, Bakugou. You sure are incredible.” Instantly getting flustered, the Bakugou faced the ground so you wouldn’t notice his crimson red cheeks. You on the other hand glared at him with wide open eyes, not thinking about how brightly you must’ve been blushing right now.
Realizing that one of your notebooks had fallen out of your bag, Bakugou crouched down to pick it up for you - your hands touching because both of you went to get it the same time. For a while, both of you were looking deeply in each other’s eyes in excitement. Quickly, Bakugou shoved the notebook into your arms and wandered off, mumbling some curse words under his breath. What the hell is wrong with him all of sudden?
You didn’t see him at school that day anymore, his friends told you he called in sick. As he got home and ignored his mother yelling at him for why he’s home already, he just walks right past her and tossing his bag into the corner of his room. Throwing himself on the bed, he buried his head deep into his pillow as he tried to calm his heartbeat, which was still racing way too fast considering you only got a bit too close.
“Fuck…Why do you have to be so damn cute?!”
The day afterwards, you smiled widely as you saw him entering the classroom.
“Heya, Bakugou, I’m glad you’re healthy again!” you chanted happily, and even made him giving you a crooked smile in return.
“Since when are you friends with that jerk?” Uraraka asked, eyeing Bakugou suspecting.
“Oh, I wouldn’t call it friends. He was just being very kind to me, so I’ll treat him nicely in return!” It was almost impossible to notice how nervous you got with that question, desparate to hide your feelings.
Uraraka shook her head as she frowned in frustration. “You’re way too good for these kind of people…”
It was until the breakt hat the day went pretty normal. As always, you stood with your friends in the canteen, just chatting casually after eating. Then suddenly a student of class C approached you, making obvious attempts to get you on a date. All of your friends just giggled like little children as they observed you and the boy flirting. You went along with it because, well - why not? You’re single and Bakugou was out of your league anyway, so why not enjoy some positive attention?
“Heya, fuckface! You wanna get your ass kicked or what?”
The angry yelling voice you heared belonged to Bakugou, walking towards the other boy with firm steps, his hands balled into fists.
“What the hell is your problem, man?!” the boy responded, holding his hands up into the air as a sign of peace.
“I just don’t like your freaking face, dumbass!” Bakugou growled back, making small explosions to threaten him. At this time, all the other students in the canteen already surrounded you to watch the spectacle - but you went between them, almost slapping him out of anger.
“What the hell is your damn problem?!” People seemed to be more surprised about you swearing than anything else. You teared up, grinding your teeth. “I thought you’re actually kind of nice in your own, strange way. But seems like I was wrong!”
Seeing you like this made his heart stop a beat. To think that you might never speak to him ever again pained him too much to bear, so he did something very unusual out of his despair. “S-sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry” he stuttered, making everyone’s jaws drop about him having actually apologized to anyone. He really lacked the confidence he usually coated himself with.
“Then why are you always so angry around me? Mocking me this whole time, and being mean to anyone close to me?! That’s not what friends do!”
Your eyes widened in excitement as Bakugou silenced you with a long, passionate kiss. Feeling his lips on yours, you could clearly realize that he was shaking. As soon as your lips parted, you could see his head being as red as a tomato. No one dared to make a sound as he said “Maybe this idiot is jealous.”
What? Did this seriously happen right now, or were you dreaming? His words stopped your pondering immediately. “There, now you have your damn reason! Now say something! Are you satisfied yet?”
“To be honest, I am” you chuckled awkwardly as you heared anyone around you whispering.
Bakugou’s threatening glare was enough to make them leave you alone. But he wasn’t done yet, and called out after them. “Fine! Just to be clear, this girl is mine now. Any of you who got a problem witht hat, come here for a beat-”
His words stuck in his throat as he saw you rolling your eyes. “Sorry. This habit might take a while to change.”
You laughed softly as you took his hand, saying. “Well, I like you just as you am. Just try to contain yourself a little, would you?”
Bakugou blushed heavy once again, his grip at your hand tightening as he dared to place a small kiss on your cheek.
“You want to go on a date after school now, or what?”
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peppermintii · 6 years
CHAPTER 23.5: THE FIRST LOVE THAT CAME TOO LATE (KUREKAMIJI’S POV) Ever since I’ve become aware of my surroundings, I never had trouble with women. Not that I sought it on my own. I, Kurekamiji Akihiro, am the second second son of an affluent family. We manufacture and sell precision equipment, and when you mention our company name, anyone in the world knows about it as the foremost company. We’ve extended our hands in other industries as well, speaking of Kurekamiji Conglomerate, they’re in the top 5 wealthiest family in Japan. In addition, although we can’t overtly say it, we control a part of a Hong Kong mafia and prosper in the underground business too. Thanks to that, as well as being born and groomed with good looks, I was naturally popular with women. Because of the big difference in the birth rate between men and women in this world, [being popular with women], is quite a rare thing. To the women of this world, guys are, whether they’re leaving them or approaching them in humor, easily available. As if buying something and saying, ‘I want that’, they’re treated like servants. However, to those women, even the Kurekamiji Conglomerate holds a special charm for them. From the first half of my teens, various kinds of women tried to get close to me, I would make up some facts if possible. The youngest being 10 years old to even 40 years old, really different women. I basically ignored silly flirtatious women, and sometimes there’d also be those gloomy helpless kind. They’d think that just because they had some face and style, they’re already worth loving, they’re all so foolish. No matter how much you chase them away, they would still follow me around. Such women who eat just because they can, I only disposed them. It’s certainly an established fact in this country that you have to get married, but, that’s only applicable if your partner is alive. Being sick of those days, becoming a teacher was relatively smooth-sailing for me. As usual, there were times where both my licensed female colleagues and students alike chased after me but, I don’t know if it’s because it’s a prestigious school, both those colleagues and students were all the serious type, they’re a manageable bunch. ------ Just, ever since I was born, the thirst to hold someone was never quenched. I do think that the job as a teacher is my vocation but, I don’t feel satisfied with just that in life. Seeing my friend have someone they love and have a family, I’d think of how I don’t have my own partner. I thought that maybe it was just my fate. And the one who overturned that thought was a 15-year old girl who just entered high school. Still a young girl----- Honda Rina, at first, she was just a student to me. She was just unfamiliar with the society, she’s unusually open-minded and relaxed, and doesn’t care one bit when faced with a man’s flattery. Lastly, she declared her intention of being single and even announced her [do-or-die resistance]. That declaration of hers instantly charmed all the guys in her class. In the first place, although there would be some girls who would first approach, it is still usually the guys to approach them initially. On top of that, Honda’s looks aren’t bad. Her face without any make-up would look immature but between that gap and her powerful gaze as if going her own way was strangely fascinating to the guys. And I was no exception from that. Her childish face and her cold bearing. Looking at her, it gives me the chills and want to conquer her. And with that, she instantly gathered the attention of the guys, afterwards, surprisingly, no one dared to touch her. If things go downhill, she might get raped so I kept my eyes peeled but, we rarely even chatted so I don’t know if she’s being called out. What on earth did you do? I convinced myself by observing her. I wasn’t sure if I did it deliberately or unconsciously but there weren’t any chances at all. She doesn’t meet with the guy’s eyes, even when those guys approach her to chat, she would stand up from her seat with great timing and look over her phone. However, the more that it happens and accumulates, their gazes would burn even hotter. And I too------- Somehow, when I chat with her, I gradually got more and more attracted to her. Inside her innocence is her unusual sex appeal. She’s stoic, and because of that, her delicate scent as a woman stands out. The more I look, the more she gives me the shivers. I’d call her over and cover it up as a part of the chores, and as I had her assist me, those feelings have just grown stronger. She’s an ordinary girl. A natural airhead, goes with her own pace, as well as stubborn. She’s really just a very, very regular girl. But, she’s lovely. When she pouts, I want to poke her cheeks, and when I get stared at, I want to just kiss her. After drinking cocoa, her face would relax limply that just makes me want to hug her tightly. When she’d get teary-eyed, I want to make her cry even harder. I wanna make her cry with my own hands-------- How sweet would her kiss taste like? Taking off her clothes, kissing the little crowns on her chest, what kind of face would she make? Conquering her, and pounding her hard, how sweet will her voice let out? Just thinking about it makes me tremble with excitement. I’d love to see her slovenly appearance after I thoroughly caress her. Behind the mask of a [Good Teacher], I imagine about her like that and masturbate to her many times. But, I still really am a teacher after all-------- I gave her my contact number, I made a bit of some body contact, and I understand it’d be dangerous to do anything more than that. I was conscious about it but still------ [Hey, today’s class duty, come with me and help me out at the prep. room.] Honda’s on class duty today. Of course, having her help out is just an excuse, I just really wanted to spend some time with her and just us two. I’m mixing my personal with official matters but give at least this much. I called out on Tounouin Ao. He’s on good terms with Honda. When they chat, they exude [High School Youth], and it makes me irritated. Even though I’m enduring it, this guy is just----- But, what I don’t like about him is that we seem to be similar. When I and Honda talk, he would scowl intensely. And the last straw, just before, he said to me, [You’ve been nominating Honda a lot to assist you, what are trying to do? That’s sexual harassment, you know.] What’s with this brat, he’s really annoying. [Haa? If it’s Honda, she already went to help you out.] Tounouin-kun irritably said so. As usual, he doesn’t treat me as he should as a teacher. It got me annoyed as well thus knitting my brows. Honda went to help me out? I only requested for her assistance today for the first time---------- I have a bad feeling about this. [Hey, where did she go?] [What do you mean ‘where’, you’re the one who appointed the place.] [Whatever, tell me where she went!] I almost howled at him, making his face turn a different shade. [By any chance, you weren’t the one who called for her?] [Since when and where did she go!?] [Audiovisual room. ------- About 20 minutes ago.] The moment he heard his answer, he turned on his heels and ran with all his might. I don’t understand the whole situation but it probably isn’t something good. Much more in a fully soundproofed audiovisual room. -----She’s in danger. Even if she gets sullied, I’ll never forgive the other party. Just killing him wouldn’t be enough. I’ll make him spend his life looking forward to the days where he could die but not able to. At the same time, I realized something. ------ I can’t run away anymore. From my own feelings. I can’t say it’s because I’m a teacher. I won’t allow Honda to belong to someone else. Never. I won’t hand her over to anyone, I’d keep her enveloped in my arms forever, melt her in my love, and make her only mine. [Prepare yourself, Rina.] The first time I said her name, it became a chain of thorns that bound my heart and will never be taken off. TN: - This is just getting crazier and crazier… I can’t believe this…. XD - S-Such a dark character, you mean, y-you k-killed them off?!?!!? (`〇Д〇) - Does this mean…… sensei, you, you’re our ML for this novel???? ‘she was just a student to me’ XD HAHAHAHAHA (*/∇\*) - GUYS, I JUST WANTED YOU TO KNOW THAT I REALLY TRIED TO TONE DOWN THE TERM MASTURBATE…. But I really can’t… it’s not possible for me… However I found some wonderful slang about it on the net and this is my best three 1) fisting your mister; 2) whipping the willy and; 3) bopping the baloney HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA as you can see, I don’t see myself putting it up in my translation BUT DO TELL ME WHICH ONE YOU FOUND THE MOST INTERESTING!!! - YOUR FEELINGS ARE TOO HEAVY SENSEI!!! How much yandere could you get if she got another one???? ━(◯Δ◯∥)━ン - I sometimes wonder if my own comments could amount to a whole chapter…. XD
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thechocobros · 7 years
Pair: Nyx Ulric / Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
Words: 6722
Plot: Luna and Nyx didn’t fell in the Empire’s trap, Nyx didn’t had to use the ring and he survived. What would have happened if Nyx really had the chance to ‘see Luna safe to Altissia’, like he promised to Regis? Here the part 5: The quick showdown in Altissia separated the newly wed Lunafreya Nox Fleuret and Nyx Ulric. She must fullfill her duty as Oracle. He must survive and go back to protect her. New allies and new enemies will come in their way, so in the chaos that follows, what will the future bring to them all?
Personal Comment: This took me long because I’m making so many things for the lunyx week! I also started to write two new lunyx fics etc, so please, please FORGIVE ME! >.< I hope this chapter will make amends. I’m publishing it before the week, so you will have time to read it.
Speaking of the chaper … Action and angst. My jam. I had to rewrite some scenes after seeing Ignis’ episode trailer, where Ravus appears too xD I also wanted to show more Luna and Nyx in their roles (especially Luna. Damn, that last update really ruined her more and I needed to go back to a more KG version of her, where she actually does stuff without whining), so yeah, I hope I did it good? More action!Luna is yet to come anyway. Let me know.
The next chapter should be the final one. OMG.  
Luna must have fainted at some point for she woke up on the couch, exhausted and covered in sweat. She had experienced terrible nightmares as always, but this time waking up and realizing that Nyx wasn’t back yet felt even worse.
Out of the window, the sun was setting alread, or maybe it was the dawn of the day after, she couldn’t tell and this made her panic. If she wasn’t able to understand what time was it, how could she know if it was the case to be worried or not?
She asked the soldiers guarding her room but they didn’t see the Glaive return. He was away for more or less 15 hours. Luna thanked them and shut the door behind her. Once she was alone with her fears, she started to cry.
The worst part was not knowing what happened to him.
Luna waited until midnight on a chair on the balcony, biting her nails to the quick. Her fingers bled when she bit too deep, and all she could do was weigh the possibilities of what could’ve happened. Maybe he was caught by the Imperials. Maybe Noctis thought he was a traitor under Kingsglaive fatigues. Maybe he was killed. Her mind screened and examined dozen of awful scenarios, where her husband got trapped, betrayed, tortured and even assassinated, and in each of them she felt like it was her fault.
The torment born by these nihilistic thoughts brought anything but peace and nobody was there to offer her comfort. In fact, after their last discussion, Ravus decided that it was too risky to stay in touch with her sister and was now probably too disposed with the Empire to actually care about his new brother-in-law. Luna wished to ask Aranea, but had no way to contact her.
And so, Luna realized that she was alone.
“You just have to go on with the plan and do what you gotta,” Nyx had whispered in her ear during their last night together after loving her thoroughly and passionately. “You have your duty. Coming back to you is mine.”
Awakening Leviathan. Kill her and also the other Gods. Defeat the Darkness together with Noctis. Nyx strongly believed that she was able to accomplish such an absurd and extremely dangerous mission, even without his help.
The amount of faith he placed in her was unbelievably huge, but he had always been right about her. Even in so little time, he was able to know her better than she ever knew herself. She believed that she had the power in winning this battle because of him, heard it until it resounded throughout her entire being. Luna wouldn’t let him down no matter what came to pass.
When the dawn came, Luna knew her husband was lost, perhaps forever.
Her heart was shattered in thousand pieces, but none of that matter now. She had a duty to see through and couldn’t let her own irremediably compromised feelings tear her down before it. She was the Princess Oracle, no, she was the Queen Oracle like her mother before her and she carried the voice that only the Gods would adhere to.
She had to look at things in the right perspective, focus on her priorities. She tasted a piece of heaven thanks to Nyx, but now he was gone and she had to do what Eos expected her to, Nyx included. Wiping away her tears with closed fists and nerves taunt as tight ropes, Luna would not falter – not now, not ever.
Nyx was engulfed in nothing but pain and darkness.
It was like someone was tearing his skin off, piece after piece slowly, starting with his arm. He wished to have his arm torn off once for all so he wouldn’t have to bear that constant agony, but the relief didn’t come until an immeasurable amount of time later.
Nyx couldn’t understand when or how, but he started to breathe again and was able to open his eyes.
Even before realizing where he was, his first thought went to Lunafreya. Where was she now? What did she thought when she didn’t see him coming back and what did she do afterwards? If he was still alive, he had to go back to her at any cost.
But wherever she was, it had to be better than his situation.
The place he was caged in was nothing but a dark dungeon with cold walls and only a small window on the ceiling. Hewas chained by the wrists behind the back. His shoulder still hurt like hell, but as he tried to stand on his feet from the supine position he was, he noticed that also his entirebody was sore. Nothing alike the miserable condition he was some time ago anyway.
“You shouldn’t exert yourself,” said someone in a matter-of-fact tone. “I so kindly pulled you from death’s cold embrace so you don’t meet such a tragic end. Need time to gather your bearings? By all means, you shall have it.”
Nyx boggled at the sound of that mellifluous and cruel voice, it was like a creepy music which sent shivers upon his spine. Even at cost of terrible pain, the Glaive turned to watch his interlocutor.
“You…!” He said, recognizing Chancellor Ardyn Izunia himself leaning on the wall and waiting for his awakening.
“Me? Judging by your tone, I assume you recognize me.” He whispered melodiously. “Excellent. I dislike frivolous formalities immensely. We can speak simply, you and I.”
Nyx gnashed his teeth, trying to stand up. He just didn’t have the strength to, barely managing to move a few inches that his restraints allowed. “You healed me?”
“You may be surprised of how many people I used to heal back in my time though I might be a tad rusty at it now. Feel the drawbacks, yes?”
“Because I don’t fancy conversing with corpses. To put it plainly, dead men tell no tales.”
Nyx was finally able to sit, his ribs protesting like they were broken in two and a wave of nausea struck him even if there was nothing inside his stomach to dispel the sensation. “I guess this is the Imperial way of getting someone’s attention?” He brought his chained wrists to his sides, gingerly brushing where the bullet went through. “Dunno if I even wanna know what happens when you guys get friendlier than this.”
Ardyn Izunia moved too, his unhurried gait held an air of pompous clairvoyance and the aloofness of a grand chessmaster.
“Magitek troops are neccessary pawns, but simply incompetent. They know no other way to stop a Glaive but to shoot first. They lack the foresight to consider much else.“
"So using Lunafreya’s notebook and pretending to be Prince Noctis to corner her was probably your idea, huh?”
“You recognized my style! I’m glad to hear that and well, you can’t say that wasn’t genius.” When Nyx raised an eyebrow at the word ‘genius’, the Chancellor added quickly, “Lower your suspicions now. I hold nothing but the deepest regard for men like you, Nyx Ulric. Men who are brave enough to stab the Frostbearer in the name of love. You remind me of myself when I was your age and maybe this is the reason why the Gods are not fond of you. But I do. In fact, the last person who dared to challenge the Astrals was myself so impatience drove me to meet you in person. To see that spark in someone’s eyes.”
“What do you really want?” asked Nyx, not liking his insinuations and starting to loose his coolness. The wound on his shoulder was gone, but the pain left him exhausted and wasn’t in the mood for his mind tricks.
“I want to help you.”
Nyx grimanced. “I don’t buy that one bit.”
“But what if I told you that as soon as I heard about the Glacian’s tragic end, I brought the Crystal to Altissia so your lovely princess could awaken the Infernian and the Draconian?”
Nyx narrowed his eyes and held his breath, studying the chanchellor’s expression to determine if anything expressed had a ring of truth to them. There must have been a catch somewhere, he knew it. Ardyn’s eyes were glowing with the cruelest light, it was like a purple and malicious spark, able to creep the hell out of Nyx. He couldn’t trust his words. “Isn’t what you wanted?” The chancellor continued, appealing to Nyx’s true desire, “To kill all the Six and free the innocent princess from their devices?”
“It is. But I also want to save my King and Eos from the grip of Darkness.”
“Ah, and that’s where, hero. However, I’m not apathetic to your distress, I’ll give you an inestimable opportunity. Consider it a sign of gratitude for killing the Glacian once and for all in my place. Without her divine intromission and the other Astrals’ help, the Chosen King will be in the palm of my hand.”
“What… are you talking about?”
“I can protect the Princess Oracle when she wakes the rest of the Six. I can lend her my power so she will quickly end them. Speaking of ‘her’, I mean your 'wife’.” Izunia stopped to admire with a corrupted smile Nyx’s surprised expression. “Yes, I know that too. What an admirable act of courage, to get marry in order to escape from the destiny the Gods chose for her. But now, don’t throw your bliss away. If you allow me to protect her, I can offer you an everlasting future by her side.”
Nyx instinctively shook his head. “What are you asking me in exchange?”
The chancellor gesticulated with his hand, trying to look casual. “Nothing. After your princess kills the Six, you can take her and flee. You can take her wherever you wish, no one shall ever oppose you ever again.”
Nyx smiled, but he was not amused at all. His mind caught the evil beyond the apparent endeavor of looking lenient. “You only want Lunafreya out of the way.”
Ardyn Izunia pretended to look offended, a mock gasp before chuckling, “Oh! You presumemy beautiful gift as something terrible!”
“Afraid of her, too, aren’t you? You’re right to. Just wait to see what she and Prince Noctis are gonna bring to your sorry ass.”
Ardyn Izunia wasn’t one to know Nyx’s insolence and to tolerate those of his ilk. His playful smile turned into the pure personification of evil as his face lit of a mischievous glow Nyx would be better to fear. “You may live to regret your words.”
“The only thing I would regret is to free my princess from the demons of her past only to force her again under a far more heavy remorse. She would never accept your offer and neither will I.”
Speaking such a reckless statement with a defiant grin painted on his lips earned Nyx a backhand slap to the face. The strength beyond it was so supernatural that the Glaive couldn’t help but fell back on the floor, blood spilling from his nose and lip. He didn’t emit a single whine though. He was not so easy to break.
“So be it. You chose to be the one to experiment regret: because of you, I will kill your beloved wife before Gods do.” That was the only sentence which was able to sweep away the smirk from Nyx’s sore face. No physical pain nor personal menace couldn’t be compared with the fear of seeing Luna being hurt because of him.
“You can’t win this battle, Ardyn Izunia. They won’t let you.”
But Ardyn didn’t bother to reply. He just took his hat off and bowed a little, leaving him there, chained and worried. It was his turn to smirk smugly, like he already won it all.
Luna decided to step out from her safe hiding place to perform the rite of awakening the Hydraean. She sent a short message to First Secretary Claustra to inform her of that, and received a visit from her correspondent.
“Your groom?” she asked, taking a sit on the empty chair in the luxurious room of the Princess.
“Not here,” Lunafreya answered, glacial expression and posture elegantly composed. She was dressed in the beautiful white dress Nyx bought her in Lestallum, her make-up was on and her trident was ready to be used. She wear her mask perfectly, exactly like it has been all those years. If she didn’t hold on to such an appearance she wouldn’t be able to hide her heartbreak. Nobody was allowed to see the pain beyond.
“I met with Prince Noctis this morning,” Camelia stated, trying to look professional. Her eyes hid a evil glow though, but Luna knew she wouldn’t be cause of trouble, not until she and Altissian people would have been safe. “He told me he received a message from you and that you would have asked me to perform the ritual to awake the Hydraean.”
Luna boggled, her words slicing through her like a knife. If Noctis received her message, it meant that Nyx succeed in his mission. So whatever happened to him, happened after that. She stood in silence to mask her anxiety from Camelia.
“We’ve sealed a deal. You can have your ritual. But I want my people to be protected.”
Luna was relieved to hear that was her condition.
“It’s reasonable.”
“We decided to evacuate the city but we’re going to need time. Now you will have a speech where you reassure people of having the situation under control. By the voice of the Oracle, Altissia will listen and evacuate promptly. My only plea wouldn’t help.”
“I can do so.”
“And tomorrow you will call for the Goddess of the Sea, not before noon. This time should be enough for a correct evacuation. The Prince’s friends are gonna help.” There was a small pause where Luna took a deep breath and forced herself to keep a straight face up. She had to focus on the real goal.
“What is the Empire going to say about your intromission in this situation?”
“The Empire knows the Accordo government will do anything to protect its people, so if we organize the evacuation they won’t be in the position to say anything. Regarding me protecting you, this is a personal business they will never know of. Furthermore, it was only a temporary solution. In fact, from now on, you will be on your own. Accordo is not going to protect you when the speech will start, nor it will during the ritual on the altar. You, Prince Noctis and the Empire will be allowed to do whatever you want on our territory once people are safe, but we won’t mingle in your affairs.” A neutral position. An hazardous choice for an all-business politician like Camelia Claustra. Luna was sure that if it wasn’t for the old friendship between her and her mother she wouldn’t have gone that far either.
“I see.”
“You know what really allures the Empire. The power of your trident, along with the rest of the Lucian Ancestors Arminger. When they’ll see Prince Noctis wielding them, they will lose their mind and chaos will burst. If worse comes to worst, you can threaten to throw the trident into the sea. Then they’ll listen. In the meantime, it will be well guarded. Better than the Oracle herself.”
“Understood. I shall reclaim it at the altar.”
“Remember, you’ll be under imperial watch.”
“Think of it as a necessary evil in order to forge the covenant.”
Luna felt weird hearing her mention a covenant. Camelia wouldn’t have known that the princess had evoked the rage of the Gods upon herself because she refused to forge any more kind of covenant. The First Secretary couldn’t even imagine what Luna was actually trying to accomplish with Leviathan’s awakening.
“I am in your debt.” Luna said anyway, bowing a little. The more complacement with the situation, the better.
“Once it’s over, you may go as you please. But you do so without our protection.”
“So be it.”
Camelia let a sigh escape from her lips. For the first time since they met, she looked compassionate when she said: “You better get going. Your public is waiting for you.”
Luna shouldn’t have been surprised of the escalating pace of her life, yet as she watched Camelia leaving the room, a squeeze on her heart reminded her she was getting closer and closer to the end.
She wished Nyx was there beside her.
When a dozen of imperial soldiers rushed in the room, almost crushing the door open for the excessive zealousness and pointing with their guns at her like she was a criminal, Luna didn’t stop to stare into the distance. If she was able to bear her husband’s absence, not even an entire army would have hurt her anymore. She took an unnoticed deep breath and stood up proudly, fervor in her eyes. The soldier who tried to put her on the opposite side of the gun was pulled away with one only firm and cold wave of the hand. Too bad Luna couldn’t see the face he made under the helmet.
She walked ahead, having nothing but one goal: destroy the Gods and the Darkness and possibly find a way to get her husband back.
The gunshot was healed, but now Nyx had to deal with the headache caused by Izunia’s punch. He had to turn around a bit, breathing heavily and hoping that the hemorrhage would have ceased. In the meantime, his brain couldn’t stop thinking and thinking. He had to do something but he was chained down and not even his magic would have been useful in that condition.
He cursed under-breath for falling right in the Chancellor’s trap, but then again he knew it wasn’t his fault. He only had to find a way to get out of there. Who knew if the chaos already started somehow up there.
“Hey!” He screamed, headed to nobody in particular. “Is someone there? Heyyy!” The echo of his own voice was the only thing answering back. He let his head falling back on a stack of hay. That dungeon was so dark and silent it was hard to catch the smallest noise. The frustration grew bigger, until his whole body started to scream like a desperate. “Heyyy, someone take me out of here!” he screamed again, angrier. Then he heard something. A delicate swish, nothing more, but it sounded like it responded to the Glaive’s screaming. Nyx lift his head and looked around. “Who’s there?” he asked, this time almost whispering.
A shadow came out from the darkness and he boggled.
“Sir Ulric?” The mysterious figure was hazel at the beginning but as it got closer, Nyx could only sigh in relief and most likely, in disbelief.
“You…? What are you doing here?”
Ignis Scientia, the Prince’s advisor himself, came under the only candle light they had and adjusted his glasses, surprised as much as the Glaive.
“I’m evacuating the area under Secretary Camelia’s orders and it happened I had to check if someone was left behind in this dungeon.”
“Great! Find a way to get me out of here.”
“I’ll reserve the questions about your imprisonment later.”
“Yeah, later is good.” Nyx grinned, licking the blood away from his lip. He tried to stand up because he wanted to be useful for Ignis in case, but the young advisor seemed to have already clear in mind a solution. After less than one minute, he came back with Nyx’s kukris and without saying a word he shoved it in the floor, looking expectedly to the Glaive, which quickly understood his plan. As a matter of fact, Nyx started to feel immediately the magic running through his veins, screaming to him to be used. Smirking with satisfaction, Nyx let it go. He warped out of the cage’s bars, grabbing the hilt of his weapon and holding on to it. He had left the chains back in the prison and now was free to move again.
“If they really wished to cage you, they should have hidden your kukris in a better place, not near the dungeon’s entrance, where i spotted them before.”
“Right. Our weapons are more important than arms to us, our whole magic is connected to them. And to the King, of course.” Nyx confirmed, knowing that a member of the Crownsguard like Ignis knew all this for sure. “Thanks for bringing my kukris back, someone must have taken them away from me when they knocked me out” Nyx said, expertly rotating the knifes and insert them back in his belt.
“What happened?”
“After my talk with the prince, Ardyn Izunia decided to chat and somehow I ended up here. Crazy, ain’t it? Anyway, what’s the situation up there?”
“Lady Lunafreya is about to wake the Hydraean. The rite will start in a matter of minutes.”
Nyx felt his heart ache, knowing that Izunia was headed towards the altar too, with the clear intention to hurt her. Lunafreya needed his guardian, now more than ever, and he was still too far from her. He had to be quicker than a bolt.
“Ignis Scientia, what about Kingsglaive and Crownsguard joining forces? Please, take me to Lunafreya.”
As Luna stepped ahead towards the podium, she heard people’s voices slowly shut up, in great expectations. It surprised her how many people promptly came as soon as they heard she would have had a small speech. Like she needed more evidences, that was one another one showing that she really was an inspiration for all Eos.
As the silence fell, she knew she held them in the palm of her hand. Whatever she would say, they would have listen, so she took a deep breath.
“Dear friends,” Luna started, “I stand before you today with little hope the words I speak shall reach beyond these walls. For slowly but surely, the Light fades from our world. And as it does, the shadows shall loom ever longer until all succumbs to the darkness. Darkness that evokes terror, hatred and sorrow in the heart of men. The ashes of Lucis… A dream of peace, twisted into a nightmare of death and destruction, claiming innumerable lives and leaving myriad souls to suffer.”
The memories hit Luna’s mind with an unexpected ferocity. Sometimes she wanted to afford the luxury of thinking that she wasn’t traumatized by Insomnia’s destruction, but she was. She really was. Even if she had already Nyx next to her at that time, she couldn’t forget the horrible feeling in her guts when Glauca passed his sword through Regis’s spine the same way he did with her mother. Nor she could forget the sensation of having buildings almost falling upon her, the screams of the citizens panicking around, the fire illuminating their skin, the blood on her dress, the smell of the ashes and powder, the uncertainty of not being able to do what it was her duty to do.
After stopping for a second, Luna regained enough energy to continue: “Yet, I beg you, do not surrender to despair. Have faith, for even if our gods would abandon us, the real power to resist darkness is inside every one of us. Working together, we can build a new world, a new future where the sun always shines. Where the night will mean only dreams instead of nightmares, where the rays of the moon will illuminate the peace fell upon us all. Our world will be delivered from the perils of the dark. I stand before you here, in Altissia, to call upon Leviathan, Goddess of the Seas, spirit of the deep. But first I offer you my solemn vow: on my honor as Oracle, I will not rest until the darkness is banished from our world and the light is restored.”
And in that very moment, an emotional applause covered her words. She looked into the crowd and she spotted a single familiar face. She couldn’t be certain of his identity because so many years passed since last time they talked. Only when he nodded, Luna could sigh in relief.
Her childhood friend.
She smiled, nodding back to him, and turned away.
Ignis was incredibly fast for a man moving in such an elegant suit. Nyx expected to have to slow down the pace, but thanks to the stars it wasn’t necessary. They both ran so fast it was even hard to catch them with the eyes. Their goal was the altar but arriving there was more difficult than they expected.
The city was completely empty so they didn’t have to worry too much about people left behind and if this was a good thing, it also meant Altissia wasn’t a safe place for them neither.
A dark grey sky was illuminating a ghost town, touched only by a cold wind and spurts of water coming from the sea. It wasn’t raining yet, but there was so much humidity that the effect on the clothes and skin was very similar. It was so creepy that Nyx hardly recognized the warm and romantic city who welcomed him and the Princess only a week before.
In the meantime, Ignis continued to run, unstoppable. It looked like he knew perfectly every narrow lane and every hidden path, which was probably true since he seemed like the kind of guy who studies maps at night to be prepared the day after. If it wasn’t for him, Nyx wouldn’t have reached the cathedral square so fast.
“This is where Lady Lunafreya had her speech,” the young Advisor explained quickly, not bothering to stop to catch his breath. The place where they arrived was huge and now empty. The ferocious and supernatural wind pulled papers and trash on the beautiful tiles of the square, turning the original beauty into a desolated open space. “She headed in that direction. The altar must be there.”
Nyx grabbed Ignis’ arm, forcing him to stop.“You shouldn’t come with me. It’s too dangerous. A mess bigger than you think is about to start and you must not die.”
“I can take care of myself.”
Nyx shook his head, that was not what he meant. “I don’t doubt it. It’s not you I am worried about. Go to the Prince, keep him safe. If you die before, you won’t be able to do it.”
“What about Lady Lunafreya?”
Nyx closed fists, his eyes grew darker as he whispered, determined. “You have the Prince, I have the Princess. It’s my job to keep her safe. I won’t allow anyone to do any harm to her, as much as you won’t allow anyone to hurt the Prince.”
“You’ll need help.”
At that words, Nyx smirked, but the smiled didn’t reach his blue eyes. “Yes, I know. But I’ll manage it somehow.”
Behind the glasses, Ignis’ pupils reveled his evident desire to go back to Noctis and stand by his side during the battle. He clearly wanted to be helpful and he knew the best way to do it was to go back to his friend.
“Don’t die,” he said, finally nodding. They were in the center of the square and the dark clouds announcing a supernatural event we’re surrounding them. It felt somehow like a goodbye.
Nyx was about to answer when a sudden earthquake shook the floor underneath their feet. They barely had the strength to stand straight before a frightening noise broke the sky in two. They quickly turned to watch the sea in the distance and they saw the huge profile of Leviathan breaking out of the ocean, screaming with a terrible voice, capable of making the bravest man to shiver.
“The Hydraean!” Ignis screamed, his voice bearable audible in the chaos.
“Lunafreya has begun the rite!”
Ignis and Nyx shared one more look and nodded. They would have proceed with the plan if another intimidating noise - this time much closer - wouldn’t have interrupted. It wasn’t good news.
An entire fleet of imperial airships was on their way towards the altar, and as they passed by, Nyx noticed one in particular staying behind. Nyx instinctively wielded his kukris, because he kinda knew who was inside it. As a matter of fact, that single airship veered towards them.
“Bet it’s the Chancellor!” Nyx screamed so Ignis would hear him. The advisor wielded his knifes too, ready to fight, but when a small army of MTs jumped down the airship, there was not much they could do if not starting to kill them all one by one.
Nyx and Ignis formed an unexpected compatible duo in battles. Nyx was more impulsive but this defect was balanced by Ignis’ impeccable strategies he kept yelling at him. As expected, Nyx was a better soldier. His magic was way more powerful thanks to the warp and the spells he learned to use in the Kingsglaive so together they needed only a couple of minutes to have the situation under control. As soon as they did, Nyx caught the Chancellor’s profile watching them from the airship.
“I knew it” he had the time to whisper before Ardyn Izunia jumped down on the square next to them.
“You escaped the dungeon. Why am i not surprised, I wonder” he spoke out loud, gesticulating at Nyx like he was an old friend he was glad to meet again. “And you’ve got company I see.” Ignis’ eyes narrowed in the attempt of lining up the pieces of the puzzle, he certainly had no idea of what was really happening. In spite of this, when he spotted the Glaive wielding the kukris against the Chancellor, he did the same, lips arching in a menacing grimace.
“Go to Lady Lunafreya” he ordered, like the strategist he was.
“You have to run away, too. Fighting him now would be out of our league.”
“I fear it is” Ignis admitted, but his elegant accent didn’t lose the composure.
Yet, Ardyn Izunia summoned a weapon in that very moment, a beautiful sword Ignis could swear he saw already somewhere. Was that really an ancestral weapon? Things were getting even more confusing at this point.
A dozen of other imperial soldiers appeared out of the fog in that very moment, charging against them with the ferocity of an entire army.
Nyx had less than two seconds to decide. He didn’t want to abandon an ally like Ignis there, because he knew that would have been the equivalent of a sentence to death. At the same time, he knew that staying there to fight wouldn’t have helped Ignis anyway. They both would have died and the sacrifice would have been heroic yet useless. But in spite of any logic, for Nyx it just wasn’t an option. He never abandoned a companion during all his military career and he certainly wouldn’t had now. Wasn’t he the hero of Kingsglaive after all?
“Hell no.” Nyx said, then, with a smug smile on the face.
The impact was violent. There was shooting, iron against iron, screams, smell of sweat and blood. Ardyn chose Nyx as his direct adversary, so the soldiers threw themselves on Ignis. They took him down after less than a minute, attacking him from the front and from the back. The Strategist was really good in using magic even if he was just a member of the Crownsguard and not a Glaive like Nyx, so he was able to free himself a couple of time, but he would have died pretty fast anyway if it wasn’t for a long sword coming to help him. Looking up to see who was there surprised Ignis a lot:
“Lord Ravus!”
“I will regret this, Scientia. But for now, let’s just join forces.”
In spite of the impression he wanted to give, Ravus proved himself a lot less careless than he would have ever like to admit. Understanding that there would have never been a more crucial battle, he was ready to play the “it’s now or never” game.
Ignis didn’t need to be asked twice. No matter how much he was covered in sweat and blood, he stood up again. He and Ravus joined together against the imperial soldiers, opening a way to reach Nyx and Ardyn.
In the meantime the Glaive - who was hardly warding off Ardyn’s knocks - noticed Ravus’ arrival and with a smooth somersault, he moved back, crouched down and then warped ahead, so he could reach the allies.In a second, Nyx, Ravus and Ignis were standing one next to the others, watching their backs to protect themselves from the Empire’s wrath. In a way, counting on the support of such skilled allies was a relief, but it couldn’t last, because they had to part as soon as possible. In fact, Ravus’ true intentions were reveled when he said: “Ulric, go to Lunafreya. I’ll stay with Scientia, so you can stop playing the war hero.”
Nyx smirked but nodded, silently thanking his brand new brother in law for the help.
Under the Chancellor’s eyes, Nyx avoided a soldier which was attacking him, and was forced to warp on the closest airship to avoid the hit. The platform were he land was empty and safe, a perfect spot to watch the situation from another angle. However, when the airship started to move, Nyx gasped, glad but also worried for not knowing the direction he was headed to.
“Don’t die, ok?” He screamed anyway towards Ignis and Ravus, which still were in the center of the square, surrounded by imperial soldiers. He didn’t leave lighthearted, on the contrary, he knew that both Ignis and Ravus were risking their life and that their possibilities of survival were very few.
He cursed under-breath as he noticed that Leviathan in the distance was throwing huge pieces of buildings up in the air. Some reached the area close to them, starting fires and destroying everything. He focused again on the two allies getting smaller and smaller from the safe place on the airship. He noticed that they started to fight already but in a very short time Ignis was immobilized on the floor by the imperial soldiers. The rain was wetting his glasses, the mud sullied his elegant suit. It was a pitiful view even from afar and Nyx hated it. In fact he felt the urge to warp back to help him but decided to trust Ravus.
The last thing he saw was Ardyn Izunia swaying towards the royal Advisor and saying something, before he turned to watch the Glaive go with the most malicious blink.
Nyx closed fists, knowing it still wasn’t over.
And in the distance, the yell of Leviathan broke the sky in two.
Everything was still. In front of the altar where she was standing, there was nothing but the sea, fogged by the upcoming cataclysm.
Lunafreya collected her energy to perform the Awakening for the last time. Even if the disease weakened her enormously, she still had in her what she needed and after all, that was her calling. She did it perfectly. As she felt a quake in her magic, also the earth underneath her trembled in a similar way and the ocean curled up in spirals, making space for the ferocity of the Goddess of the Sea. The huge creature, with the form of a snake or better a dragon, appeared abruptly from the depths of the waters, screaming her anger out and spilling intolerance. Even if Luna got immediately soaking wet, she didn’t flinch. She stood still, the trident in her hand, with a determined glow in her eyes.
“What fool mortal dares break the slumber of the Tide!?” The Hydraen’s voice was like the broken noise of a vibrant radio station, it was terrible, harsh, strident. Luna needed all her strenght to not step back.
“It is I, Lunafreya, blood of the Oracle! Goddess of the Seas, I beseech you: cease your vain attempts of using mankind for revenge. Bless us all with the freedom of choosing about our own destiny.” Her request was simple: she just wanted to be set free.
“This wretched pile of bones and flesh, ignorant of that which governs all, comes to requisition the might of a goddess?“
"I do.”
“Blasphemous ingrates, all men, quick to forget the ages their goddess stood watch!” With a single violent wave, Leviathan threw the princess against a wall. The poor soul almost fainted because of the pain and blinking her trembling hands, she used the trident to regain footing. Her voice was beautiful in the chaos:
“It is in receiving mercy that men offer praise, and in shedding grace that the gods solicit worship.”
But Leviathan wasn’t inclined to accept any praise, and temperment most foul to afford shedding grace. “Yet this profane speck speaks her «freedom» heresies before a goddess! Insufferable sacrilege! Such a thing is far beyond your control!”
Lunafreya stared at the wild creature in front of her, as the saddest sigh touched her lips: “Well, I had to try to ask nicely”. But now, all she could do was to proceed with the plan, even if that would have meant risking more than her own life. If she failed, the entire world would have paid for her act of rebellion. Yet it was for the world’s sake she had to try.
She raised her trident up to the sky, releasing all her white magic in a single burst. It was unexpected, not even the Goddess of the Sea could imagine to be hurt immediately after her awakening. Nor she could expect to be hit by the Oracle itself.
The brilliant ray of power emanated from Luna cut both her fins and slashed the scales near her throat, but didn’t kill her immediately. On the contrary, it provoked her rage even more. As a reaction, Leviathan moved her tale, hitting Luna with an impressive wall of water and she didn’t fall in the depths of the ocean only because she found a rock to hold on to. As the Oracle spat out salt water that assaulted her nose and mouth, she took a second to recover and then tried again to raise her trident in the air. Leviathan was badly injured which made her extremely exasperated. As the Goddess lost from her fins the same silver blood Shiva shed too, she moved again out of control, causing such an hysteria that Luna couldn’t hit her again with the trident’s magic.
The Oracle let the adrenaline take over her own mind, so she could jump from a debris to another debris. Her beautiful white dress tore apart, a irregular slit appeared on the soft material but the girl didn’t bother. She helped herself with her own bare hands, turning the long skirt into a messy mini. After that, she looked out for an ally in all that chaos, knowing someone must be there.
In fact, Noctis appeared in that very moment on a spike in the distance. Luna felt a light squeeze on her heart as she watched the future King of Kings standing there, ready to fight and keep to his duty. In spite of his huge role in the destiny of the world, he still was the childhood friend whose memory filled Luna’s mind for years. Who knew if he used the Ring already and if its power started to corrupt his bones, leading him inevitably to self destruction. The coming developments would have revealed it to her in the hard way.
Lunafreya understood immediately what she was supposed to do now that she noticed the young prince in the chaos: reach out for him and fill him with the Oracle’s magic so he would have the strength to take the battle to Leviathan head on.
Clasping her fingers around the trident’s cold metal, Luna rushed ahead, trying to get close.
The war cries of the Sea Goddess were deafening and because of them, Luna missed an imperial airship’s arrival, coming out of the blue toward her direction. She stopped, staring in surprise at the Chancellor Ardyn Izunia himself descendingto meet with her.
Luna couldn’t believe at her eyes when the man grinned with a wicked smirk that illuminated his entire face, concealing nothing to the Oracle. He had came for her and now she hadn’t nowhereelse to run.
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
Aug 28 Dancitron Movie Night - How It’s Made & Fermat’s Last Theorem
Mixed in with the other How It’s Made videos, Soundwave showed one about how potato chips are made out of the pulp of endangered trees, and one about how ketchup is made out of blood, urine, and cocaine, and they went all but completely unquestioned. Alien robots, ladies and gentlemen.
Prowl was the only one who enjoyed the Fermat’s Last Theorem documentary.
After movie night, Soundwave out-mushed every single mushy thing he and Prowl have ever done together. It was glorious.
Today ItsyBitsySpyers 8:08 pm ((pluto can you work w/ me please)) boomtank 8:09 pm ((apparently it says no ItsyBitsySpyers 8:09 pm ((ffs)) boomtank 8:09 pm ((-pats- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:10 pm ((also hi XD i'll get ic in a sec)) boomtank 8:10 pm ((oh, no worries, Blaster's kinda dead to the world ItsyBitsySpyers 8:11 pm ((ok so it's just pluto and not rabbit in general. welp time to YT playlist)) boomtank 8:11 pm ((that's a good thing Bevel 8:13 pm ((yay for things not being completely broke ItsyBitsySpyers 8:14 pm *Soundwave is stressed, tired, and contemplating something that scares him to death. This seems like a suitable song to start the night's pre-show on while he sits down.* boomtank 8:15 pm -comes in, and all but drops into a seat, looking quite a bit dead tired- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:15 pm *Ah! Must be going around. He nods.* boomtank 8:15 pm -does manage to give Soundwave a wave in response- boomtank 8:16 pm -who would have guessed that setting up a government could be so hard?- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:19 pm *Tell them about it. At least nobody's leaping across the discussion floor to throw punches. ... Right?* boomtank 8:20 pm -..............can he come back to you on that one?- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:20 pm *...Oh dear.* Whirl 8:21 pm *trots in and assumes his usual seat, with a few head-bob greetings* boomtank 8:21 pm -Slag has hit the fan several times over- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:21 pm *Well who let a Dinobot into the government? That was the first bad decision right there.* boomtank 8:21 pm -Right now it would be preferable to have the Dino in there with all the bickering- Swoop 8:22 pm *DID SOMEONE SAY DINOBOT* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:22 pm *Soundwave raises a hand in Whirl's direction. This happens right around the same time the twins jump down on him from above with a shout.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:22 pm *Whether he was waving hello or pointing at them is unclear.* FakeProwl 8:23 pm *appears. takes seat. slouches back.* Swoop 8:23 pm Bird? 😆 Swoop 8:23 pm Bird 😮 boomtank 8:23 pm -Yes. Get your brother out of a government in the making- Swoop 8:23 pm Biiiiirrrd Whirl 8:23 pm *either way Whirl was comfortably seated before DEATH FROM ABOVE and he springs out of the way in a not-too-0graceful but prodigious leap. And if that chair and/or table aren't secured to the ground they're going flying cos of those flailing legs* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:24 pm *Soundwave points to the bundle of plates sitting on a table because what are chairs to the legless.* Swoop 8:24 pm *scampers over to said pile and lays his upper body on the table next to Laserbeak* Hi Bird ItsyBitsySpyers 8:25 pm *Frenzy and Rumble whoop and go flying with the chair and table, but they seem okay despite crashing and rolling. They're giggling.* Whirl 8:25 pm *he will gather up whatever dignity he might have left and approach the disaster area, speaking gravely* Did you two start drinking WITHOUT me or something? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:25 pm *And Prowl gets... he gets a nod and a ping. Because he actually showed up, which was more than Soundwave expected after his talk with the Constructicons.* Bevel 8:25 pm *trundles in* boomtank 8:25 pm -is just going to be watching the crazy stuff from relative safety- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:26 pm \\JUS' A LI'L BIT.\\
//Not me. I'm this dumb natural like.// ItsyBitsySpyers 8:26 pm *They snort and pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and start trying to get things back in order.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:27 pm \\YO, BEV.\\ FakeProwl 8:27 pm *what talk? the constructicons have probably already forgotten it happened. they sure didn't tell prowl.* Swoop 8:27 pm You still a sleeping bird? : > ItsyBitsySpyers 8:27 pm ((i will start in 8 m please get your snacks now)) Bevel 8:27 pm Hey! *waves to the twins* Whirl 8:28 pm Hey, Shovel! *he will assist the twins in re-arranging everything properly and plopping into his chair again* Well. Least you're honest, Rumble. *snickers* FakeProwl 8:28 pm *after a delay, he pings back Soundwave. Soundwave is still acknowledging him. That's a good sign in favor of Prowl not having scared him off.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:29 pm {{Noooo. Bird awake.}} She pinches the beak piece on his helm with a feeler and cackles. {{You Swoop sleeping?}} Bevel 8:29 pm Hi, Whirl. *grins and finds herself a seat near Whirl and the twins* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:29 pm //I ain't never told a lie my whole life.// Swoop 8:30 pm *snickers* Nooooo! No sleeping! Never ever. Swoop 8:30 pm Ratchet say Me Swoop always moving. Whirl 8:30 pm *her company is received with an additional happy head-bob* Is that so? Well. I believe you implicitly. Whirl 8:30 pm You've got an honest face, mech. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:31 pm \\HONEST MEAN "UGLY" IN AUTOBOT OR SOMETHIN'?\\
//Get fragged!// Whirl 8:31 pm Frenzy. You... you remember that you two are TWINS, right? Bevel 8:31 pm *giggles* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:31 pm \\YEAH, 'N I'M THE HANDSOME ONE.\\ ItsyBitsySpyers 8:32 pm *He grins at Bevel. He can hear that giggling. Thank you for backing up his insults.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:32 pm {{Swoop big liar liar, beak on fire. All bot sleep, yes, yes. Even Boss~}} Swoop 8:32 pm Beak on fire LOTS. No lying needed kehehhehh! Whirl 8:33 pm *snorts and leans back* Is there any reason you guys decided to dive-bomb me this evening? Some kind of special holiday particular to your dimension or something? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:33 pm {{Oooo, then you lying more. Then nobody knowing difference. Good trick, neheh.}} ItsyBitsySpyers 8:34 pm \\I SAID THE LIGHTS WAS WAY UP HIGHER 'N EVEN YOU.\\
//'N then he said it'd be good ambushin'.//
\\WELL, IT WOULDA BEEN IF YOU WAS ANYBODY ELSE.\\ ItsyBitsySpyers 8:34 pm //So we climbed 'em. Been waitin'.// Swoop 8:34 pm Me Swoop not a liar. *informatively, not at all put out* Me Swoop tell truth to You Bird. Ask aaaaaanything! : > ItsyBitsySpyers 8:35 pm {{What him Grimlock passwords?}} ItsyBitsySpyers 8:35 pm [[Laserbeak. Stop that.]] Bevel 8:35 pm Tackel-a-whirl Day Swoop 8:35 pm Whatever Ratchet set stuff up with kehehhehheh ItsyBitsySpyers 8:35 pm *"In public," he thinks afterward.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:35 pm //New official holiday Bevel jus' made up.// Whirl 8:36 pm *considers this; ambushing someone because it seems both possible and "like a good idea" seems convincing enough to him* Well, you gave it your best shot. Here's a tip: try it when I'm drunker next time. Whirl 8:36 pm *SNORTS* Well. All right. So be it. That's today then, yes? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:36 pm [[All right. He found more educational videos about Earth products. We will begin with something familiar.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 8:36 pm This message has been removed. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:37 pm *Soundwave cringes ever so slightly. "Hot wheels."* Whirl 8:37 pm *perks up and tilts his head; this is the first time he's catching this series* What's all this? Whirl 8:37 pm ...*and please enjoy the slightest, sly sidelong glance at "hot wheels," Soundwave* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:37 pm \\LIKE. HOW DRUNK? CAUSE I'M GUESSIN' YOU GOT A SPOT WHERE YA FIGHT BETTER LIKE THAT.\\ ItsyBitsySpyers 8:37 pm *Soundwave looks absolutely everywhere but Whirl.* Swoop 8:38 pm *commits fully and climbs on top of the table to lay down around Laserbeak* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:38 pm *She chatters meaninglessly about this, pleased to have a guardian in case that awful three horn shows up.* Swoop 8:38 pm <3 FakeProwl 8:39 pm *leans forward and chinhands at the screen* Whirl 8:39 pm We-eell... it's an issue of RELAXATION. I am a little bit--just a little now--what you call JUMPY. Conditioned to expect an attack at any second of the day. That happens, after a while. You know how it is. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:39 pm [[Ah. Yes. You missed the last time. These are - well, you can see what they are. He tried to find a variety of subjects - and one you might like.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 8:39 pm [[That will be later.]] Whirl 8:39 pm So, you're likely to get the jump. It's just... the drunken consequences might be a little worse. Whirl 8:39 pm *he'll tilts his head at Soundwave, but doesn't say anything; he knows he doesn't have to for Soundwave to sense his inquisitiveness* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:40 pm *They confer over comms.*
//...Maybe we'll stick to ya bein' sober. Don't wanna get the Boss angry.// FakeProwl 8:40 pm *wonders how similar this is to cold construction facilities. Superficially, they look similar, but he doesn't know a whole lot about what goes on at the inside of those facilities. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:40 pm *He was actually hoping Prowl might be able to enlighten him on that subject. He's never seen one either* Whirl 8:40 pm You can always invoke my drunken wrath elsewhere. Consider this--*drpes a claw over his cockpit* An open ivnitation. Whirl 8:40 pm You too, Shovel. You look like you pack a punch. FakeProwl 8:41 pm *he's only had glimpses from news programs and from shortly after his own creation. nothing as in-depth as this.* Bevel 8:41 pm *isn't sure this looks like anything cybertronian she's ever seen or heard about* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:41 pm \\WE TRAINED HER.\\ Frenzy puffs up. \\WELL. BEFORE SHE GOT LOST 'N WENT ALL SOLDIER.\\ Swoop 8:42 pm ((cro you are so enthusiastic in tonight's chat!)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:42 pm ((rabbit why are you c/ping there and the url at the same time)) Bevel 8:42 pm *punches her palm with a grin* Oh yeah. Whirl 8:42 pm Really? You guys've known each other that long? *he looks between the three of them, with interest* How did you lot meet? Whirl 8:42 pm ((soundwave be like "LOOOOK AT THESE COMPACT DISCS!!!")) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:42 pm ((i'm feelin good)) FakeProwl 8:42 pm ... I wonder if we've ever a program like this. I wouldn't be surprised. Swoop 8:43 pm Me Swoop remember that bubbly computer. Him Chip have one. And! And! It in movie. In... uhh..... Zoolander. Keheheheh. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:43 pm [[He would watch it if one were made.]] Whirl 8:43 pm It is honestly kind of interesting. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:43 pm {{Chip. Him not-Spike Autobot human?}} FakeProwl 8:43 pm I'd like to see something like the last segment on cold construction facilities. Bevel 8:43 pm I was born on Cybertron after the war. My creator let me spend time with them when I was still little and now I can spend time with them all I want. Whirl 8:44 pm *nods gravely; he understands full well why someone would want to do that, Bevel* Swoop 8:44 pm YAH! Him Chip have wheels. Him Chip and Her Carly smart. Them hang out with Ratchet and Wheeljack. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:44 pm {{Oooo, him. Bird remembers. Him Ravage steal. Neheheh.}} Swoop 8:45 pm Ravage steal Chip? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:45 pm =Not ME.= Swoop 8:45 pm Keehee Whirl 8:45 pm I had no idea you lot went that far back. I'll be damned. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:46 pm //Well, I mean. It ain't, like. It's - Bev, you explain. I ain't good with time scrap.// ItsyBitsySpyers 8:46 pm *Soundwave glances at Prowl.*
(txt): Facilities still exist? Whirl 8:46 pm *leans back a bit* Ravage! Any chance I could get a drink to go with this history lesson? I got an idea how to pay you back, and it's a doozy. Bevel 8:46 pm Um, oh, I got stuck in other universes for a really long time. For me. Not them. So they did not really spend a lot of time with me growing up after I got lost. FakeProwl 8:47 pm Not anymore. Most were probably destroyed during the war, and any that weren't would have been erased when the world reset. Swoop 8:47 pm Chip nice to Dinobots. Him make funny joke sometime. Her Carly Dinobot friend too. Him Spike and Him Sparkplug ok. Them more Autobot friend. Not Dinobot friend. Her Carly Dinobot friend! FakeProwl 8:47 pm *saw that note* Bevel 8:47 pm Magnets! FakeProwl 8:48 pm *... WILL like this one. magnets~* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:48 pm *Ravage rumbles.*
=What's your offer?= Whirl 8:48 pm *nods* Multiverse shenanigans, then. I'm pretty well-acquainted with those. They're why I'm here. ...*pause* And also why I'm very nearly NOT here. Bevel 8:48 pm *has an appreciation of magnets since they can be quite useful in engineering so this is neat* Whirl 8:49 pm @R: This will need to wait until the end of the night, for obvious reasons, but... I need to prove a point. So you wanna just take a hunk off my leg? I need you to let me know the taste, too. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:49 pm *Ravage's optics go wide open and bright, BRIGHT yellow.* Swoop 8:49 pm FIRE :V Swoop 8:50 pm *double fist pump* Swoop 8:50 pm *for fire AND hitting things with a stick* Bevel 8:50 pm I am still really surprised I got back here and now that I know where it is I can come and go all I want. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:50 pm {{Dinobot got more friend than Autobot, heh. Best friends, too. Dinobot Swoop got Bird friend.}} ItsyBitsySpyers 8:50 pm @Whirl: = We will talk.= ItsyBitsySpyers 8:50 pm *He'll go get that drink.* Whirl 8:51 pm *salutes Ravage gleefully* Swoop 8:51 pm *opens his mouth to argue the point and hten immediately goes hurrrr instead at "Bird friend"* Yeah-ha Whirl 8:51 pm Right on, Bevel. I've no idea how to get back to my own dimension. Doubt I ever will. Swoop 8:51 pm BIrd is BEST friend! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:51 pm *Soundwave's mostly just. Watching Prowl watch this one. Quietly.* Bevel 8:51 pm Aw. I hope you do if you ever want to go back. Whirl 8:52 pm Nah. I'm in no hurry. I don't miss it, and I won't be missed. *waves a dismissive claw* FakeProwl 8:52 pm *poker face. but a very attentive, slightly-brighter-opticked poker face.* Whirl 8:52 pm I'd be leaving more important things behind if I went BACK rather than if I STAYED. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:52 pm //Ah, c'mon. SOMEBODY gotta miss ya.//
\\WE WOULD.\\ Bevel 8:52 pm Then I am glad you stayed. Whirl 8:52 pm Well--yeah. That's what I meant. You're HERE, not there. Bevel 8:52 pm I would miss you. Who else is going to call me Shovel? FakeProwl 8:53 pm *there was a cog-shaped magnet. prowl wants a cog-shaped magnet.* Swoop 8:53 pm That not blue Swoop 8:53 pm That white ItsyBitsySpyers 8:53 pm {{Heh heh.}} Whirl 8:53 pm *snickers* A damn good question. Bevel 8:53 pm Sparks have electromagnetic frequencies. I wonder if you could make a magnet with one. *bevel no* Swoop 8:53 pm MMMM but BLUEstreak not BLUE either Swoop 8:53 pm Bird Swoop 8:53 pm Why blue things not blue? FakeProwl 8:54 pm ... You'd have to figure out a way to channel the frequency THROUGH the future magnet. Whirl 8:54 pm *but he will nudge the twins; he knows you two would miss him. But before he can think of anything to say that's suitably personal he's distracted by this gelatinous milk what the HELL* Whirl 8:54 pm ...I wonder if Killer would like that stuff. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:54 pm *...He likes seeing Prowl enjoying himself like that. Watching things attentively and - now getting into the subject with Bevel. It's... it's... something.* FakeProwl 8:55 pm *would be more bothered by the gelatinous milk if he had any conception that whirl shouldn't be gelatinous* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:55 pm {{Maybe that bad batch. Them selling real blue cheese.}} ItsyBitsySpyers 8:55 pm ((....jello whirls)) Whirl 8:55 pm ((OH NO PROWL)) Bevel 8:55 pm Channeling energy from a spark sounds painful. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:55 pm \\HE'S SPANKIN' THE CHEESE?\\ FakeProwl 8:55 pm *YOU'VE GOT NO IDEA, BEVEL* Swoop 8:55 pm You Bird talk to Soundwave. You get Dancitron have "blue" drink not blue keheh Whirl 8:55 pm ((the next m!a. Jellywhirl)) Whirl 8:56 pm *SNRK* FakeProwl 8:56 pm It would probably take a very small amount of energy to make a proper magnet, though. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:56 pm //Ain't... ain't mold, like. Rot? Organic rust?// FakeProwl 8:56 pm And it IS possible to channel spark energy... Whirl 8:56 pm *as soon as he has that drink, he's going to hoist it to toast the table* To the multiverse. When it's not trying to kill us. *and he will take a nice, long swig* Whirl 8:57 pm I don't know enough about it... but Killer likes peanut butter. So maybe it'd like cheese? Bevel 8:57 pm Maybe it would not hurt as much since it only needs a little energy. Like a pulse or something. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:57 pm \\WHY ARE THEY LETTIN' IT GO BAD? DON'T THEY WANNA SELL IT? THE FRAG?\\ Swoop 8:57 pm Mold is bad thing. Her Carly throw out all food in fridge for humans in Ark. Her say "You guys bad, all food old old moldy!" Then smack Spike on back of head keheheh. FakeProwl 8:57 pm And it IS possible to channel spark energy... ItsyBitsySpyers 8:58 pm *Rumble and Frenzy raise imaginary glasses and shout "Hear, hear" at Whirl's toast* FakeProwl 8:58 pm *he could make his own magnets at home out of his own spark* FakeProwl 8:58 pm *............ after it's recovered. it still hasn't recovered.* Bevel 8:58 pm I can control my spark some. I bet I could make a magnet if I tried. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:58 pm [[Please do not expose sparks in the club.]] Bevel 8:58 pm Not here. FakeProwl 8:58 pm ... Bring your results if you ever succeed. Bevel 8:58 pm Ok! Swoop 8:59 pm Bird make music : > ItsyBitsySpyers 8:59 pm {{You ask her Carly why mold cheese.}} Swoop 8:59 pm K boomtank 8:59 pm -perks up- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:59 pm {{Bird make good music, yes, yes~ All self.}} ItsyBitsySpyers 8:59 pm *Soundwave's turn to be distracted and watch.* Swoop 8:59 pm Bird good at LOTS of things! But really really at music stuff : > FakeProwl 8:59 pm Maybe cheese with mold is the same concept as rust sticks. Usually it's bad, but with the right strains in small enough doses with controlled ingredients, it's safe. Swoop 8:59 pm And sneaky stuff kehehheh FakeProwl 9:00 pm *... sounds can have brightness and warmth??* FakeProwl 9:00 pm *now assumes that pipe organs give off light and heat* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:00 pm ((PFFFF)) Whirl 9:00 pm *THIS is more his speed; this is ART* Whirl 9:01 pm *he's going to watch with notably more attentiveness* boomtank 9:01 pm ((poor prowl boomtank 9:01 pm ((getting the wrong idea ItsyBitsySpyers 9:02 pm //Pff.// Bevel 9:02 pm *giggles* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:02 pm [[Really, Rumble.]] FakeProwl 9:02 pm *instruments are so complicated. Who thinks of these things? somebody comes up with these wild ideas.* boomtank 9:02 pm -definitely more interested in this one, it's an instrument- ItsyBitsySpyers 9:02 pm *Geniuses. Geniuses he would give anything to watch and record.* Swoop 9:03 pm How Bird does music stuff? FakeProwl 9:03 pm *prowl's thinking "geniuses" is probably accurate.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:03 pm {{Bird making self sounds, yes. Sometimes instrument. Mostly gear, plate, other inside piece.}} Bevel 9:04 pm It looks almost as cool as the marble instrument. Swoop 9:04 pm That upgrades, mods, stuff? Or Bird just smart at doing stuff? Kehhehh FakeProwl 9:04 pm ... I didn't see where the organ produces the light. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:04 pm [[He loves the marble instrument.]] boomtank 9:04 pm ....I want one now. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:04 pm [[The organ does not produce light.]] Whirl 9:05 pm *his optic expands and he stares* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:05 pm {{It secret. Bird not tell.}} FakeProwl 9:05 pm The video said it does. boomtank 9:05 pm ...what? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:05 pm [[...When?]] Whirl 9:05 pm ((if u left me a message i missed it sorry WAS GRABBIN POPCORN I GOT BACK JUST IN TIME)) Bevel 9:05 pm I want to make a marble instrument but I am not very good at music. Swoop 9:05 pm Sneaky bird : > FakeProwl 9:05 pm When it was describing the metals used. Tin assists in the production of brightness and lead produces warmth. FakeProwl 9:05 pm Obviously, the heat wouldn't be visible, but we should have seen the light. Whirl 9:06 pm *very softly* Now the tourbillon... boomtank 9:06 pm Not what it meant by that Whirl 9:06 pm *nods* Swoop 9:06 pm Oh it very small thing Bevel 9:06 pm Tiny engineering! FakeProwl 9:06 pm *oh, the watch gears are fun to watch* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:06 pm *Rumble watches Whirl and the video by turns. He heard about this stuff from the Boss. This might've been his idea.* Whirl 9:07 pm *he doesn't seem to notice he's being watched* Whirl 9:07 pm The bridge next... Swoop 9:08 pm *sloooooooooowly reaches out with the tip of one talon to poke Bird's side where her feelers are* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:09 pm [[It is a word used to describe the timbre of the sound. It refers to the high-frequency content of each sound. A representation of ideas, not a direct translation.]] FakeProwl 9:09 pm *someday it might be nice to have a very precise clock with the moving parts visible. FakeProwl 9:09 pm ... So it's just high-pitched sounds? Whirl 9:09 pm *seems to come back to himself at last and hastily takes adrink* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:11 pm [[...Loosely, he supposes. He thinks of it as the feeling they produce when heard. He can demonstrate later if you wish.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 9:11 pm *Rumble watches the drink and wonders if maybe this wasn't a good idea. Whirl's been drinking a lot more lately...* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:11 pm *Laserbeak huffs and pinches the talon. You stop that.* Whirl 9:12 pm Heh. Always liked that. "Rotor." Whirl 9:12 pm *fear not, Rumble, the hasty drink was to cover his tracks* FakeProwl 9:12 pm ... All right. *he has no other plans after work.* Swoop 9:12 pm Keehee <3 <3 <3 FakeProwl 9:12 pm ***after stream* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:13 pm //...How's a dirt speck fail it?// FakeProwl 9:13 pm ... Hold on, the watch is self-winding? It powers itself by—by jiggling a little? Bevel 9:13 pm Clocks are cool. Whirl 9:14 pm A watch that small--everything has to be precise. Painstakingly precise. Whirl 9:14 pm And yeah--more or less, prowl. Whirl 9:15 pm You can build a watch that uses your own motion to wind the mainspring. Bevel 9:15 pm It even rings. That is really neat. FakeProwl 9:15 pm ... Huh. *THAT'S BRILLIANT AND HE'S AMAZED.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:15 pm @Whirl: //...You charged that much for yours?// ItsyBitsySpyers 9:16 pm *Implied compliment ahoy.* boomtank 9:16 pm ((and have the possibility of getting stuck in the corner of your eye boomtank 9:16 pm ((like mine just did. Excuse me a sec ItsyBitsySpyers 9:16 pm ((oh dear)) FakeProwl 9:16 pm ((why's it gotta do you like that)) Whirl 9:17 pm *he stares down at the glass in his claws for a few moments. Rumble's comment draws him out of it, though* @R: Mm? I dunno the conversion rates, but... I mean, probably comparable. Maybe a little more, depending. *another pause* My stuff was may more complicated and ornate than THAT. Whirl 9:17 pm @R: Not that it wasn't a nice chronometer. FakeProwl 9:18 pm *prowl did not know until now that humans put extra lenses on top of their eyeballs* boomtank 9:18 pm ((got the fragger boomtank 9:18 pm ((and it apparently hates me Whirl 9:18 pm *nods to prowl* Remember when it mentioned the "rotor?" That's part of it. That's how you know you got a self-winding mechanical chronometer. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:18 pm *They have a rough idea of what that's worth because of what their Boss does to acquire equipment from Earth. Rumble's visor flares bright in shock. And admiration.* Whirl 9:19 pm *with a touch of humor* Even watches are better with rotors. Heh. FakeProwl 9:19 pm Huh. So that would only work with wearable watches, correct? Not wall clocks. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:19 pm \\HEH.\\ FakeProwl 9:19 pm ... Unless you live somewhere earthquake-prone, I suppose. Whirl 9:19 pm If you had a clock that was moved around, it could work. It relies on moving the rotor around a pivot--the shift in weight is what does it. FakeProwl 9:20 pm Hmm. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:20 pm ((and now for a little fun...)) Whirl 9:20 pm *glances to Rumble; he saw that* @R: Probably seems steep, but business was good. Whirl 9:20 pm ((gimme dem prangles)) Whirl 9:20 pm ((omg HAHAHA)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:22 pm [[...Why?]] FakeProwl 9:22 pm *potato chips are made out of trees, not potatoes?* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:22 pm [[What is the purpose of the second line?]] FakeProwl 9:22 pm So a second worker can pat the chips instead of making one worker lean too far to reach the others? Bevel 9:22 pm Why do they use endangered stuff? Whirl 9:22 pm ... ItsyBitsySpyers 9:22 pm [[He supposes that makes sense. And humans are wasteful.]] FakeProwl 9:23 pm Perhaps the trees weren't endangered before they started to be used to make potato chips. Whirl 9:23 pm *he's gonna ask Hiro about this. He's pretty sure he doesn't eat tree pulp* Whirl 9:23 pm *but... it's possible...* FakeProwl 9:23 pm Maybe they consume the chips at a faster rate than the trees can regrow. Bevel 9:23 pm Oh. That makes sense. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:23 pm *He's seen human spies eat paper in movies all the time.*& FakeProwl 9:24 pm *humans can eat basically any plant and animal that isn't actively poisonous.* FakeProwl 9:24 pm ... What's a wig? FakeProwl 9:24 pm *besides something that goes on the head, apparently. some kind of hat?* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:24 pm [[He doesn't know. That is why he picked it.]] A wise nod. FakeProwl 9:24 pm I see. *sensible.* FakeProwl 9:25 pm *so far, he's thinking fancy hat.* Swoop 9:25 pm Wig in movie for sneaky hide spy stuff : > Bevel 9:25 pm Hair. FakeProwl 9:25 pm *... a fancy hat of hair?* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:25 pm \\VENETIAN BLIND? DON'T THAT GO ON WINDOWS?\\ ItsyBitsySpyers 9:26 pm //I feel kinda dirty watchin' that.// ItsyBitsySpyers 9:26 pm //Like there oughta be clubs for that or somethin'.// Whirl 9:26 pm Is... this a thing? Where you're from? *glances to him; Whirl already knows that you lot have some weird mouth stuff going on* FakeProwl 9:26 pm *has to glance down for a second. that's a lot of strands to watch moving* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:27 pm //...What, smackin' hair around? No. But it's the whole - floggin' thing.// Whirl 9:27 pm Ohhh. Right. That makes more sense. ...I think. *peers* FakeProwl 9:27 pm *... safe to look again? looks safe.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:27 pm *He shrugs. He only sort of knows about that.* FakeProwl 9:28 pm ... humans wear fake hair on top of their real hair?? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:28 pm \\SO HE'S MAKIN' HAIR RUGS.\\ Whirl 9:28 pm Huh. That's kind of... neat. FakeProwl 9:28 pm ......... Why? boomtank 9:28 pm Cool Bevel 9:28 pm Some humans do not have hair. Maybe they wear them to fit in? Whirl 9:28 pm Costumes. Disguise. Whirl 9:28 pm That's my guess, anyway. FakeProwl 9:29 pm Humans can paint their hair, though. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:29 pm *Buzzsaw heard the word "art". He nyooms down for a second.* FakeProwl 9:29 pm ((ohhh i love glassmaking)) Bevel 9:29 pm *oh hey Buzzsaw* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:30 pm //I swear these ain't real words.// Whirl 9:30 pm Punty. Swoop 9:30 pm This look fun Swoop 9:30 pm smelty drop glass Whirl 9:30 pm Hey, Swoop! ItsyBitsySpyers 9:30 pm {{You do?}} Swoop 9:30 pm Hi : > Whirl 9:30 pm *points* You're a real punty, you know that? Swoop 9:30 pm keehehehheehehh Swoop 9:31 pm YAH Whirl 9:31 pm *snickers back* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:31 pm //How come it don't lose color?// Whirl 9:32 pm Couldn't tell ya, mech. I don't know anything about glass. Bevel 9:32 pm Whoa. Swoop 9:32 pm Me Swoop want to eat them 😮 Whirl 9:32 pm *this is very interesting. Art that's done entirely hands-off, so to speak* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:33 pm }}Primitive. But beautiful.{{ ItsyBitsySpyers 9:33 pm *Zoom! Back to his sculpture.* FakeProwl 9:33 pm *is reminded of the silica case he told Soundwave about* Bevel 9:34 pm *bye Buzzsaw* Swoop 9:34 pm Bite it ItsyBitsySpyers 9:34 pm ((this one's a little gross, idk if anyone needs to temp step out but if you do that's ok)) Whirl 9:34 pm ((:O )) Swoop 9:35 pm *leans in a little bit to nom Bird, pauses when he remembers BIrd is not a Dinobot..... do not Dinobots gnaw on each other for a joke/entertainment? Hmm.....* FakeProwl 9:35 pm ((it looks like bologna)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:36 pm ((...ew)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:36 pm {{...What you doing.}} Whirl 9:36 pm *squints* This... definitely isn't a food, right? FakeProwl 9:36 pm *leans over to Soundwave* Cybertronian glass artists don't do it at a distance like that. Swoop 9:36 pm Bite? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:36 pm \\NAW. IT'S MEDICINE. LIKE MESH GRAFTS.\\ Whirl 9:37 pm Huh. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:37 pm *A lean? With a message for him? But that's - that's so much closer than before. Isn't he - is he not afraid?* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:38 pm *Soundwave debates whether or not shifting closer to better hear Prowl is a bad idea. What if it scares him of-- no. It's an avatar. Of course. It's okay.* FakeProwl 9:38 pm *why would he be afraid? ... other than the usual obvious reasons that he doesn't think about.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:38 pm *The usual obvious reasons that he doesn't think about.*
(txt): ...Prowl watched?
*He's seen Buzzsaw work with it, and mechs all over Harmonex, but this is a surprise. Prowl's never indicated an interest in art.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:39 pm {{Swoop bite, Bird zap.}} It's not friendly sounding. FakeProwl 9:39 pm No, but I learned a little bit during the case were we arrested one. Swoop 9:39 pm :V Swoop 9:39 pm *why??? Bird???? mad?????* FakeProwl 9:40 pm His hands were coated with... I think it was platinum, so he could hold the molten glass without his hands melting. Swoop 9:40 pm *sets his chin on the table* No Swoop biting ItsyBitsySpyers 9:40 pm {{Good Swoop.}} Pat pat. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:40 pm //Uh.// ItsyBitsySpyers 9:40 pm (txt): Prowl has image? Whirl 9:40 pm *peers* Whirl 9:40 pm What did he say this was again Swoop 9:41 pm Keehee ItsyBitsySpyers 9:41 pm //Catch-up?// Whirl 9:41 pm And what is "cocaine," anyway? Bevel 9:41 pm Cocaine? FakeProwl 9:41 pm *hold on. he's watching this video.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:42 pm \\...SO ROT, WOOD, 'N BLOOD? UM. ARE HUMANS OKAY?\\ FakeProwl 9:42 pm *this video that claims ketchup is made of blood, cocaine, and urine.* FakeProwl 9:42 pm *a pause. and very confidently, he says,* This video is mistaken. Cocaine is illegal. Swoop 9:42 pm *touches the tippy tip of his talon to BIrd's wing* Whirl 9:42 pm But what IS it? Bevel 9:42 pm It is? FakeProwl 9:42 pm It's a narcotic. Humans aren't permitted to possess, produce, or use it. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:42 pm [[Perhaps it is black market catch-up?]] FakeProwl 9:43 pm If it were from the black market, it wouldn't have been recorded for a show like this. Whirl 9:43 pm I... all right. I'm not an expert on humans. But considering that this sort of thing is what they'd make horror movies about... I kinda doubt this is accurate. FakeProwl 9:43 pm I served on Earth, undercover as a police car. People were arrested for having and using cocaine. That part is DEFINITELY false. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:44 pm This message has been removed. FakeProwl 9:44 pm *that's it, that's what prowl has a problem with. not the human blood or the souls of the damned.* Bevel 9:44 pm I hope the blood stuff was false. That seems bad. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:44 pm //Hey, he remembered!// Whirl 9:44 pm Hm? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:44 pm [[...He will have to fact check this later. Perhaps the narrator was mistaken.]] FakeProwl 9:45 pm Maybe. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:45 pm //We asked for gold last time cuz the Boss did silver.// Swoop 9:45 pm Oh! Bird. Look! It cave. FakeProwl 9:45 pm ......... Or maybe the ketchup wasn't destined for an American market. Whirl 9:45 pm Oh. Gotcha. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:45 pm [[It is not a universal rule?]] boomtank 9:45 pm Explosives? Swoop 9:45 pm Him Beachcomber is geologist ItsyBitsySpyers 9:46 pm \\EXPLOSIVES.\\ Happy sigh. FakeProwl 9:46 pm Human laws vary between nations. I don't know about cocaine specifically, but I do know they have different drug laws in different nations. Some legalized things that are illegal in the United States. boomtank 9:46 pm Ah. Oh wow... Whirl 9:47 pm *returns to contemplating his glass, and his claws clamped around it* Swoop 9:48 pm Wheeljack say Dinobot cave feel like smelter ItsyBitsySpyers 9:48 pm *"Whose"? The smelter is alive?* boomtank 9:48 pm What about the other materials? Swoop 9:48 pm KEHEHEHEHHEHHH Swoop 9:48 pm SLAG Swoop 9:48 pm KEHEHHEHHHEH ItsyBitsySpyers 9:48 pm [[Again: humans are wasteful.]] FakeProwl 9:48 pm *JEEZ, humans. don't use that kind of language.* boomtank 9:49 pm -sighs- Swoop 9:49 pm Slag residue kehehhhehheh FakeProwl 9:49 pm Ah. This video takes place in Canada. Bevel 9:49 pm How do they refine it ItsyBitsySpyers 9:49 pm //...I'm hungry.// FakeProwl 9:49 pm Perhaps the ketchup video happened in Canada too. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:49 pm [[You should find the Canada... ite? Laws.]] boomtank 9:49 pm Burn it more? Swoop 9:49 pm BURN MORE Bevel 9:50 pm Lots of burning. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:50 pm *Searches through his dictionary.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:50 pm [[Canadian.]] Whirl 9:51 pm Huh. Uncanny. FakeProwl 9:52 pm *... so humans put fake lenses over their eyeballs, they put fake hair hats over their hair* boomtank 9:52 pm That is some attention to detail FakeProwl 9:52 pm *... are these "wax figures* going to be used as suits to put on top of people's skin* Swoop 9:52 pm Neck crust ItsyBitsySpyers 9:52 pm //Removes crust at the neck sounds like a doctor problem.// ItsyBitsySpyers 9:53 pm \\LISTEN, I AIN'T DOIN' NO NECK CRUST REMOVIN'. SWOOP, YOU CAN DO THAT.\\ Whirl 9:53 pm *snickers* Swoop 9:53 pm Burn it Windchill 9:54 pm *Appears* Windchill 9:54 pm *Sees Whirl.* Swoop 9:54 pm ((4 weeks fuck off)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:55 pm [[...Why don't they just give it a wig?]] FakeProwl 9:55 pm ... So the process of putting hair in a wax figure's head takes four weeks. But— yes. That. FakeProwl 9:55 pm A wig only takes fifty hours. Windchill 9:55 pm *Penguin waddles as if his joints had fused together.* Whirl 9:55 pm *swivels his helm to regard Windchill* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:55 pm [[It is inefficient.]] Windchill 9:55 pm *PENGUIN NOISES.* FakeProwl 9:55 pm Indeed. Bevel 9:55 pm Too much time. FakeProwl 9:55 pm ... maybe they charge their clients by the hour. boomtank 9:55 pm Yikes Whirl 9:55 pm What happened to YOU? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:55 pm [[That's quite a racket.]] Glance. [[Hello, Windchill.]] FakeProwl 9:55 pm ... They replace their knees, too? FakeProwl 9:56 pm Is there anything on a human that's original? Bevel 9:56 pm *on that note, Bevel's off, probably to gather things and prepare to make a magnet with her spark* Windchill 9:56 pm *Shakes his head with more annoying BRRRRRRRR sounds.* Whirl 9:56 pm Seeya, Shovel. Swoop 9:56 pm > .> Bevel 9:56 pm Bye, everybody! Swoop 9:56 pm <.< Whirl 9:56 pm *eyes Windchill evenly* You can sit with us if you stop that. I am getting EDUCATED, thank you very MUCH. boomtank 9:56 pm Bye! Windchill 9:57 pm *Penguin noises at Bevel in passing.* Swoop 9:57 pm *scritches Bird's back* Windchill 9:57 pm *Tilts his head, appearing to think it over.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:58 pm *Bird hums happily. Get all the itches, minion.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:58 pm *And a belated nod as Bevel leaves.* Swoop 9:58 pm Them finding dinosaur bone Windchill 9:58 pm *Okay, he'll stop being a penguin and sit.* Windchill 9:59 pm *Even if he looks totally like a penguin.* Whirl 9:59 pm Anyway... I'm guessing organic parts wear out quicker. Need prosthetics more often than we do. Whirl 9:59 pm *a gracious nod at Windchill* Swoop 9:59 pm *also <3 <3 <3 <3 at Bird's hums* Windchill 9:59 pm Sterilized. Windchill 9:59 pm *He's a parrot now.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:59 pm [[Meat and bone -are- fragile.]] FakeProwl 10:00 pm *ping to Soundwave; the picture asked for earlier. A set of disassembled hands, photos from an autopsy* Windchill 10:00 pm Blood clots. Whirl 10:00 pm *going to take a nice, long pull from his drink* Windchill 10:00 pm *Actually he's not going to sit.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:01 pm *...Do they actually have the platinum on them or... did Prowl just. Send him disembodied hands?* FakeProwl 10:01 pm *one hand has smooth, rounded fingertips; the other had rigid, rectangular fingers, and the gripping surfaces on each finger have different textures. There are traces of different-colored glass caught in the grooves of those gripping surfaces.* FakeProwl 10:01 pm *they have platinum.* Windchill 10:01 pm *He took a bath and so he has to get dirty again; he's gonna lay on the floor like a giant bearskin rug.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:01 pm *Nice try. Soundwave keeps this place CLEAN.* FakeProwl 10:02 pm *police badges. Pays attention and mentally prepares himself to ignore anything said by or near Whirl.* Whirl 10:02 pm *eyes Windchill, contemplating putting his feet where they BELONG... decides against it for now* Windchill 10:02 pm *Feet still walk there.* Swoop 10:02 pm Smash! ItsyBitsySpyers 10:02 pm *Soundwave is a little too busy being fascinated by all the details to notice the badge one. He'll have to rewatch it later.* Windchill 10:03 pm *Slides and fidgets and tries to wiggle under Whirl's feet. A proper footstool, he will be.* Whirl 10:03 pm *you may rest easy, Prowl, because the first association Whirl makes here is...* I wonder if this is how they made OUR badges. Autobot ones, that is. Windchill 10:03 pm Eh. Whirl 10:03 pm *oh, now he's PURPOSEFULLY lifting his feet to keep them off Windchill* FakeProwl 10:03 pm *Oh. That's safe.* I think they're cast in molds. Windchill 10:03 pm *Snaps his teeth at Whirl's retreating feet.* FakeProwl 10:03 pm The metal ones, anyway. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:03 pm *Look at all the differences. Were they created like that? Did they have to learn the differences between the hands, like he did? Why the textures? And the little granules... He would have to speak to Buzzsaw later.* Whirl 10:04 pm I've been through so many. No idea where mine came from. *lifts his feet higher still. A gradual contortion is taking place* Swoop 10:04 pm Blue Windchill 10:04 pm Your badges must be fancy. Windchill 10:05 pm Wait. Whirl 10:05 pm Nah. I mean, maybe highfalutin Autobot high command got fancy ones, but nobody with any sense would give a valuable badge to a Wrecker. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:05 pm //Boss still got ours. I think. Right?//
[[Hmm?]] Replay. [[Oh. Yes. They will not be worn again, though. Reminders only.]] Windchill 10:05 pm Do they just stick on? Swoop 10:05 pm Badge? Swoop 10:05 pm Oh FakeProwl 10:05 pm I only got standard-issue ones. Swoop 10:05 pm *scratches at his on his beak* FakeProwl 10:05 pm But Optimus's was custom-made. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:06 pm [[It would be.]] Whirl 10:06 pm Pfft. Of COURSE his was. Whirl 10:06 pm ...*side-eyes Soundwave; sympatico* Windchill 10:06 pm Weird. FakeProwl 10:06 pm It glowed slightly, so it would look good on camera. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:06 pm *Where are they on his list of - ah, yes. Now the gift.* Whirl 10:06 pm *and then looks to Windchill and the twins* What're you lot's made out of? Just normal metal? FakeProwl 10:06 pm It wasn't hooked up to his biolights, mind. It just glowed. FakeProwl 10:06 pm *All of Prowl's police brands were stick-on decals. He's never had a police badge as nice-looking as the ones in that video.* FakeProwl 10:07 pm *... Never will, he supposes.* Whirl 10:07 pm That sounds very like him. Always about appearances, but O was. Is. Windchill 10:07 pm Where I come from it's just engraved into your plating. Crosscut 10:07 pm ((Test)) Windchill 10:07 pm It's not a separate piece. Whirl 10:07 pm ((I SEE YA)) Swoop 10:07 pm Him Prime suck ItsyBitsySpyers 10:08 pm //Yeah, ours was jus' metal. Could get 'em engraved, but.// Shrug. Crosscut 10:08 pm ((I'm not sure if it made the name Crosscut or if it's showing the username but whatever.)) Windchill 10:08 pm So mine is a titanium alloy or something. *He fakes a yawn.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:08 pm ((it's showin ali but we will know it is crosscut do not worry 🙂 )) Whirl 10:08 pm ((ye!)) Crosscut 10:08 pm ((Too lazy to change the thumbnail either so yall gonna have to look at this cute bunny.)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:08 pm [[He has been considering a replacement, but he does not know what to put where they were.]] FakeProwl 10:08 pm ((welcome, crossbun.)) Whirl 10:08 pm Generally not a fan of Primes, myself. *nods at Windchill and the twins* Crosscut 10:09 pm Hello, what are we watching? Windchill 10:09 pm *Rests his head on the floor.* FakeProwl 10:09 pm *oh! Fermat's last theorem. Prowl knows about this.* Crosscut 10:09 pm ((Where are these taking place btw?)) FakeProwl 10:09 pm *it's so cute how long it took the humans to work it out.* Windchill 10:09 pm Aw, math stuff. FakeProwl 10:09 pm *... also frustrating.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:09 pm ((Soundwave's place. A club, basically.)) Windchill 10:10 pm *Slumps.* Crosscut 10:10 pm ((Oooh)) Whirl 10:10 pm *reaches over to pat with his foot* Windchill 10:11 pm *Frenchmen AND Mathematics? 100% enemy.* FakeProwl 10:11 pm *the documentary's got prowl's full attention* Crosscut 10:11 pm ((Creepy)) Windchill 10:12 pm *Scribbles on paper. He can do that.* Windchill 10:12 pm *But it doesn't mean anything.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:12 pm *The documentary does NOT have Soundwave's full attention. Right now. It's got about a third.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:12 pm *Rumble squints at the screen.* Whirl 10:13 pm *it has 10% of Whirl's attention. He's staring at his glass again* Crosscut 10:13 pm -since no one answered his questions he's just gonna take a seat. A documentary about a math problem? - ItsyBitsySpyers 10:13 pm ((OH OOP i thought that was an ooc question, my misread bad)) Crosscut 10:14 pm ((Its alright, everyone is engaged in...math?)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:14 pm //Hey! It's some kinda... uhhhh.// ItsyBitsySpyers 10:14 pm //It's. Math.// FakeProwl 10:14 pm ((prowl is probably the only person who's actually engaged)) Whirl 10:14 pm *slow nod* Historical math, or something. FakeProwl 10:14 pm Historical math, yes. Crosscut 10:14 pm I see... Windchill 10:14 pm *huffs. Smells like floor down here.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:15 pm ((BTW NEXT WEEK we will have a movie-movie if i can help it)) Crosscut 10:15 pm I suppose that can be, interesting. FakeProwl 10:15 pm It's a wonderful bit of—of intellectual detective work. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:15 pm //How come they don't do a buncha computers?/ ItsyBitsySpyers 10:15 pm //Give 'em all sets of numbers.// FakeProwl 10:16 pm The quantity of computers doesn't matter. Crosscut 10:16 pm That's a good way to look at it I suppose. FakeProwl 10:16 pm Infinite numbers are infinite. It's impossible to check every number because numbers never end. Windchill 10:16 pm *Rolls onto his back dramatically.* Whirl 10:16 pm *glances to him* I think you came at exactly the wrong time, my friend. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:16 pm *Rumble squints harder.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:16 pm //...Sounds fake, but okay.// Whirl 10:16 pm We were watching all kinds of assembly videos earlier. FakeProwl 10:17 pm ... What sounds fake about it? FakeProwl 10:17 pm *does. does rumble not understand infinity.* Windchill 10:17 pm *Raises a hand, even if it's awkward from down on the floor.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:17 pm //I mean. Everythin' ends, don't it? By Unicron, if not other scrap.// FakeProwl 10:17 pm ... Not numbers. Windchill 10:18 pm Doughnut. Windchill 10:18 pm I have a question. Whirl 10:18 pm You kind of have to throw out real-world factors when you get into theoretical stuff, Rumble. Crosscut 10:18 pm I mean, I enjoy the scenes of earlier human life at least. It's funny how quickly that species goes through changes in fashion, culture, technology. Short life-spans will do that. FakeProwl 10:18 pm Anyway, numbers are... conceptual things, not something dependent on physical existence. Whirl 10:18 pm Yeah, Windchill? Windchill 10:18 pm Do people actually dance...in Dancitron? Windchill 10:19 pm *This is an important question.* Crosscut 10:19 pm -snickers- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:19 pm //I never been good at theoretical scrap.// FakeProwl 10:19 pm *okay, there's got to be a way to explain infinity.* Okay. Er... Okay. Imagine the largest number you can imagine. Start there. Whirl 10:19 pm Presumably, at dance night. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:19 pm [[Yes. He has specific business hours. This, obviously, is not part of them.]] Windchill 10:19 pm Wow. Whirl 10:19 pm *nods sympathetically to Rumble* Me either. That's scientist work, really. Not my bag. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:19 pm [[And the speed of human advancement is... fascinating.]] Windchill 10:20 pm *He had to be sure.* Crosscut 10:20 pm It really is ItsyBitsySpyers 10:21 pm *Soundwave's attention briefly diverts from Prowl to stare at the shapes* FakeProwl 10:21 pm *it's not the best rendering of a modular form he's ever seen, but it's pretty good for humans.* Crosscut 10:21 pm Early life if always interesting to see, watch them develop with time. Crosscut 10:22 pm *is ItsyBitsySpyers 10:22 pm //Scientist work... yeah, seems like the kinda stuff Shockwave would get.// Crosscut 10:22 pm ....Do you all, drink at these gatherings? Windchill 10:22 pm Whirl usually does. Whirl 10:22 pm Yep! *hoists yp his own glass* Whirl 10:22 pm Soundwave, about how long is this one? Windchill 10:22 pm *Points, there's your proof!* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:22 pm [[There are refreshments on the bar. High-grade costs, however. A precaution.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 10:23 pm [[Roughly thirty minutes left.]] Whirl 10:23 pm Mmm. I take this is gonna be your last one of the night? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:23 pm *Small nod.* Windchill 10:23 pm *He's going to consider this.* Whirl 10:23 pm All right. I'm gonna duck out now, then. *drains his glass* Thanks for the entertainment. Crosscut 10:24 pm Makes sense. -He stands to approach the bar- Anywhere in particular you'd like me to leave the pay? Windchill 10:24 pm Same. Windchill 10:24 pm This place isn't dirty enough to replace my lost dirt. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:25 pm [[If you want a filthy bar, try Blurr's.]] Swoop 10:25 pm Me Swoop from 80s : > ItsyBitsySpyers 10:25 pm *Ravage pokes his helm over the bar and stares at Crosscut* Crosscut 10:25 pm ((Shots fired)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:25 pm =Here. Barter.= Windchill 10:25 pm I don't know him. Crosscut 10:26 pm Oh... ItsyBitsySpyers 10:26 pm *He sniffs at Crosscut. What does he have on him right now?* Windchill 10:26 pm *Rolls back onto his front to get to his feet.* Crosscut 10:26 pm -Just a bit of cash, credits if necessary- Whirl 10:26 pm He's on our C ybertron. Maccadam's. You should visit sometime Windchill 10:27 pm I don't really do bars. Windchill 10:27 pm *Why yes, he IS being stubborn.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:27 pm *Well. They can make an exception every now and then. Call it good faith.* Crosscut 10:27 pm -As for items...literally only a few datapads with scripts - ItsyBitsySpyers 10:28 pm *Ravage pats the bar with a paw.*
=We are not too picky.= Crosscut 10:28 pm You use a bartering system here? Whirl 10:28 pm Yep. He's a hell of a bartender, Crosscut. Windchill 10:29 pm Nearly poisoned me once, it was great. Whirl 10:29 pm My advice: bring neat food. Stuff you can't get anywhere but out Cybertron. Fair trade. FakeProwl 10:29 pm *prowl likes this human. zealously driven by The Call Of Math. good motives.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:29 pm //...I keep tryin' to think of the biggest number but it keeps goin' higher.// Whirl 10:29 pm Don't listen to Windchill. He just can't handle a Gaugebuster. Windchill 10:29 pm I really can't. FakeProwl 10:29 pm *... SHOW HIS MATH DOODLES, DAMMIT* Whirl 10:29 pm .......you should get a Gaugebuster. Windchill 10:29 pm *Not even a virgin gaugebuster.* Swoop 10:30 pm Me Swoop drink that!! Swoop 10:30 pm And throw up Swoop 10:30 pm It pretty cool Windchill 10:30 pm I made a face, it was less cool. Crosscut 10:30 pm I'll keep that in mind I suppose...-He sets a copy of some previous work down- I don't have much on me at the moment....Maybe some gum if I really dig through my space. Windchill 10:30 pm *Swoop has him beat...THIS TIME.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:30 pm =No currency. Dead system. Unsupported.= Slow blink. He leans forward and peers at the pad. Whirl 10:31 pm Well. I think they're delicious. Windchill 10:31 pm Yeah, well. Windchill 10:31 pm We can't all be as tough as you, I guess. Crosscut 10:31 pm I see...Well, I be out of luck today, I'll take note to bring things for proper trade next time. boomtank 10:31 pm -okay, he has to go now, he needs actual sleep- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:31 pm *Ravage looks over at Rumble, then down at the pad* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:31 pm *He places his paw on it.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:31 pm =What do you want.= boomtank 10:31 pm -up and heading to the door now. G'night- Crosscut 10:32 pm Oh uh, I suppose whatever you feel it's worth is fine. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:32 pm [[Goodnight, Blaster.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 10:32 pm ((puff rumble answered u finally)) Whirl 10:32 pm I mean. That's an empirical fact. boomtank 10:32 pm G'night, Soundwave. Crosscut 10:33 pm Oh Blaster, I didn't see you there! Crosscut 10:33 pm Have a good night. FakeProwl 10:33 pm Exactly. You keep trying to think of a biggest number and it keeps going higher—that's how infinity works. boomtank 10:33 pm ((thanks for the stream. g'night! Windchill 10:33 pm (( Goodnight! )) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:33 pm *Ravage slips behind the bar, pad in tow - sorry if he wanted to keep it, but he's gonna have to get it out from under those claws now - and disappears to make something.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:34 pm *When he comes back, it'll be with a drink made from some of what's left of Ratbat's best stash.* Whirl 10:34 pm *lingers; Ravage is dealing with Crosscut, and he needs to make sure he doesn't have to pay his tab Right Away* FakeProwl 10:34 pm No matter what number you think of, you can find a higher number. You can always add one more to it, and then add one more to THAT one, and then one more to THAT one. FakeProwl 10:34 pm That's why there's no end to numbers. Because it's always possible to make up a bigger one. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:35 pm //...But they gotta stop when there ain't nobody left to count 'em.// Crosscut 10:35 pm -Its fine, it's an older copy. That might be relevant to some but he'd prefer newer ones anyhow- FakeProwl 10:35 pm *opens mouth. ... shuts mouth.* Crosscut 10:35 pm -He nods and takes the drink- Thank you. Windchill 10:35 pm *Quietly penguin waddles for the door.* Crosscut 10:35 pm ((Rumble you tiny smartass)) Windchill 10:35 pm *He might not be the toughest, but he can be
The Fastest.* FakeProwl 10:36 pm ... That's philosophy, not math. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:36 pm =Welcome.= Whirl 10:36 pm *LAUGHS* Whirl 10:36 pm I mean--true, but--PFFT. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:36 pm *Opens and shuts his own mouth like a dying fish before finally going*
//...What's the difference?/ Whirl 10:36 pm *sorry he's counting that as a win for Rumble* Crosscut 10:36 pm I like it. It might be true that it's more philosophical but it's a valid point none the less. Windchill 10:36 pm *The difference is math is boring.* Windchill 10:37 pm *He's gone.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:37 pm ((byeeee ;; )) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:37 pm *And then an alarm goes off from somewhere upstairs.*
//...Wh-- frag, the chargebacks!// FakeProwl 10:37 pm It's only valid if you think that numbers are a fictional construct of the people who utilize it. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:37 pm *And he's up and out of his seat, dragging Frenzy with and rushing for the door.* FakeProwl 10:38 pm Rather than a theoretical framework to describe something fundamentally fac... *oh.* Whirl 10:38 pm *blinks--everyone has left before he could say anything* ... *some of them under urgent circumstances. Well.* Whirl 10:38 pm Chargebacks? FakeProwl 10:38 pm *... chinhands at the movie.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:38 pm *Soundwave leans closer to Prowl.*
(txt): Tell next time. Crosscut 10:38 pm -Sips his drink and looks around the now nearly empty room- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm =Chargebacks. Wild beast. Pest.= Swoop 10:39 pm *sits up sharply at people running out the door* ?? FakeProwl 10:39 pm *mumbles* I'm not good at explaining. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm (txt): Negative, negative. Minor important matter. Storage shed alarm. Whirl 10:39 pm Oh. Huh. Anyway... so. Ravage. Before I go--you want I should settle my tab now, or later? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm *And then, from outside, EVEN THROUGH THE STILL-OPEN DOOR:*
\\FRAGGIN BARNACLES\\ Whirl 10:40 pm ... ItsyBitsySpyers 10:40 pm =.........Perhaps later.= ItsyBitsySpyers 10:40 pm =You should run.= Crosscut 10:40 pm (What's going on?)) Whirl 10:40 pm *yelling* You mean barnac--*stops himself, and in a shocking display of tact, moves away from the central floor where folks are trying to watch the film* You mean, like... PLURAL? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:40 pm ((they've been watching whirl's barnacle. it had babies all over the place. again.)) FakeProwl 10:41 pm *looks toward the door?* Whirl 10:41 pm Gotcha, Ravage. ...I might be at Teach's movie night. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:41 pm =We talk there.= Whirl 10:41 pm ((most importantly: cos Killer is in love with ravage)) Whirl 10:41 pm *salutes* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:41 pm *Soundwave just puts his face in his hand and shakes his head.* FakeProwl 10:41 pm *are they being warned to run?? does that apply to everyone? obviously PROWL doesn't need to run but does he need to prepare to protect soundwave* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:41 pm *Ravage slinks over to Crosscut to watch him drink the drink. Gotta make sure it tastes good.* Crosscut 10:42 pm ((Oh my)) FakeProwl 10:42 pm *RAVAGE isn't running. can't be THAT bad.* Crosscut 10:42 pm -He smiled down at him and gives a nod before taking another sip- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:42 pm *Rumble would call that a matter of opinion. But he's also got a barnacle stuck to his visor.* Crosscut 10:43 pm Does he need, help? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:43 pm *More distant yelling.* \\I'M GONNA STICK 'EM ALL OVER HIS BERTH--\\ ItsyBitsySpyers 10:43 pm =...No.= Whirl 10:43 pm Okay, well. I'll... *hmm. He could just go home, but...* See you guys later! *he'll scuttle off to help with this barnacle situation*
*and as soon as he sees the babies he's going to burst out laughing so loud that everyone in Dancitron can probably hear him* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:44 pm =Better inside. Trust me.= Crosscut 10:44 pm -This all is much more entertaining than the film about math- Crosscut 10:44 pm I'll take your word on that. Swoop 10:45 pm *stares at the door and the yelling* Swoop 10:45 pm Bird FakeProwl 10:45 pm *the film about math is FASCINATING* Swoop 10:45 pm Them need burning stuff? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:45 pm {{What?}} ItsyBitsySpyers 10:45 pm {{No! No no.}} Crosscut 10:45 pm Thank you by the way, you are quite the bartender. Swoop 10:45 pm But .... : < ItsyBitsySpyers 10:45 pm *Ravage closes his eyes and rumbles. Good. Goooood.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:45 pm =I am learning.= Crosscut 10:46 pm ((Btw I think I did get to a reply for Rumble earlier in the week finally XD Sorry for the massive delay on that)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:46 pm ((AH i must have missed it! i will look for it tomorrow o7)) FakeProwl 10:46 pm *... aww. poor human mathematician.* Crosscut 10:47 pm ((Cool beans, just let me know on skype if you have trouble finding it I will link you)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:47 pm ((will do 😄 )) Crosscut 10:47 pm Well you should be proud, you'e already quite good. Swoop 10:48 pm Me Swoop good at burning stuff dead, Bird : < Crosscut 10:48 pm For future reference what is usually best to bring to barter here? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:49 pm =Useful repair components. Interesting information. Specialty items.= ItsyBitsySpyers 10:49 pm {{Noooo. No burning shed.}} Crosscut 10:50 pm I see, I'll keep that in mind when I return. Crosscut 10:50 pm I do apologize for not being aware before. Swoop 10:50 pm Why no burning shed? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:50 pm *And he IS proud. Ex-Senators tend to be picky, in his experience. It's an accomplishment, for someone with a ruined palate.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:51 pm {{It important stuff. No burn.}} ItsyBitsySpyers 10:51 pm =You are new. It is expected.= Swoop 10:51 pm Kaaayy Swoop 10:51 pm *resigned sigh* Crosscut 10:53 pm I have been to quite a few planets with such systems. How is it working out for you all? Running a business in such a lack of true economy, that sounds tricky but rather fascinating. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:54 pm =We thrive. It is familiar now. Learning interests, meeting needs.= FakeProwl 10:54 pm *a happy ending* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:54 pm =Difficult outside our planet. Still possible.= FakeProwl 10:54 pm *mumbles* You should show documentaries about math more often. Crosscut 10:54 pm I can imagine. FakeProwl 10:54 pm *partially because they were good and partially because it drove half the crowd off* Crosscut 10:54 pm ((Prowl hot and bothered over math over there)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:55 pm *Soundwave huffs softly. He would, if only to see Prowl that happy more often.* FakeProwl 10:55 pm ((his natural state)) FakeProwl 10:55 pm *the most content pokerface* Swoop 10:55 pm *could not care less about the math movie, just wants to lay on a table with bird AND ALSO BURN THIGNS BUT THAT'S APPARENTLY NOT HAPPENING* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:55 pm *DID YOU NOT SEE THE RULE ABOUT NOT TORCHING THE PLACE SWOOP* Swoop 10:56 pm *HE'S NOT BURNING DANCITRON HE'S BURNING A SHED IT'S TOTALLY DIFFERENT* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:56 pm *Prowl isn't slouched and inattentive. It counts.*
*Ravage pings Crosscut a list of some of the things they usually need more often than others. That should help him.* Swoop 10:56 pm Bird Swoop 10:56 pm Me Swoop want story Swoop 10:56 pm about fight Crosscut 10:56 pm -He accepts the ping and nods- Swoop 10:57 pm Fight from last time movie when everyone, when sleepy sleeping bird! Crosscut 10:57 pm Aren't you sick of tales of war by now? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:57 pm *Of particular note are textbooks and other educational materials, various manufacturing tools, little bits like springs and gears... etc.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:57 pm ((sorry, didn't want the weird scratching and stuff)) Crosscut 10:58 pm -He had plenty of educational stuff- Crosscut 10:58 pm *has FakeProwl 10:58 pm *... oh, right.* You were going to play something that... demonstrates brightness and warmth in sound, right? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:58 pm {{Noooo. That secret story. Not here-tell. Tell upstairs. Come, come.}} Swoop 10:58 pm :V Swoop 10:58 pm *is exCITE* Swoop 10:58 pm yAH upstairs!!! Crosscut 10:59 pm -relaxing music, he's enjoying that- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:59 pm *Soundwave nods and holds up a finger. Let him double-check on the twins, Whirl, the barnacles, and his orchid.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:00 pm *Laserbeak floats up and heads toward the stairwell. Follow, minion. She has magnificent lies to deliver.* Swoop 11:00 pm *is FIVE THOUSAND PERCENT ready for said lies and scampers after Laserbeak* Swoop 11:01 pm ((l8r nerds)) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:01 pm ((bye!)) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:02 pm *All right. It looks like Whirl isn't going to run and tell everyone about the Thing That Doesn't Exist. It's safe to have his demonstration.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:03 pm *Ravage curls up on the ground near Crosscut's pedes and turns himself into a snooze loaf. A busy workday, making all both of those drinks.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:04 pm *And doing a bunch of other things, of course, but shh.* Crosscut 11:04 pm -Gosh no, he's so cute- ItsyBitsySpyers 11:04 pm *Only when he's not murdering.* Crosscut 11:05 pm -He contently sips his glass, occasionally glancing at the small mech near his feet- Crosscut 11:05 pm -Oh geez, don't tell CC that. He wont be able to look at murder kitty the same way again- ItsyBitsySpyers 11:06 pm *CC won't see if they have their way.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:06 pm *Now, how does Soundwave explain this through his mangled speech?* FakeProwl 11:07 pm *can't be THAT hard to explain brightness. He did an okay job giving Prowl the concept earlier.* FakeProwl 11:07 pm *maybe throw in a couple of graphs with sound waves.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:09 pm (txt): Higher frequency... pleasant associations, within certain range. Light physical effect. Considered cheerful, bright, similarity: common daytime perception.
*That's exactly what he's going to do. Soundwave plays a nice, clear noise beneath the music playing overhead and shows the matching waves on his visor.* FakeProwl 11:10 pm *nods attentively as he reads/listens* Crosscut 11:10 pm -CC finishes his drink, setting the glass carefully back onto the bar- ItsyBitsySpyers 11:10 pm *Soundwave starts to write something, then glances over at Crosscut* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:10 pm [[Thank you. That is more thoughtful than most of his guests.]] FakeProwl 11:10 pm *... can't really tell the difference, but.* FakeProwl 11:11 pm *on the other hand, he likes this song. that's neither here nor there, but.* Crosscut 11:11 pm I should probably get going myself. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:11 pm [[Understood. He hopes you will make it to more of these.]] FakeProwl 11:11 pm Evening, Crosscut. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:12 pm ((ya caught the tail end mostly, heh - i try to start around 8cst if that helps!)) Crosscut 11:12 pm I hope so as well. I've been rather busy lately, haven't given myself much time for relaxing social events such as this. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:12 pm [[...He would not advise saying farewell to Rumble this time. Unless you prefer having barnacles all over your frame.]] Crosscut 11:13 pm ((Yeah, I usually have table top games today which is why I'm not around much, but today's fell through so here I am XD)) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:14 pm ((gotcha! well, thank you for coming here then 😄 )) Crosscut 11:14 pm I see, well tell him good night for me than. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:14 pm [[He will. Travel safely.]] Crosscut 11:14 pm -He waves and makes his leave.- FakeProwl 11:14 pm *farewell nod* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:15 pm *A pleasant enough mech, Crosscut. And somewhat impressive. A politician speaking politely to a minicon? Well. Soundwave would like to learn more about him some day. Now, where was he...*
(txt): Lower frequency, darker. Low, ominous. Vibrations felt within frame. Personal understanding: threat, growl in shadow. Hear, feel. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:17 pm *After a moment's hesitation, he turns to face the seat better and plays a deep noise that literally causes the couch to start buzzing beneath them.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:17 pm *It doesn't last long. He's too amused by this not to cut himself off with a small shoulder tremble.* FakeProwl 11:18 pm *ah. he feels that.* Is that "warmth" means, then? FakeProwl 11:18 pm *... he doesn't get why it was amusing but he's glad Soundwave's amused all the same* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:19 pm *Nod nod.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:22 pm *...He's being too playful, isn't he. He should - he could have made that more clinical.*
*Soundwave twists back to the way he'd originally been seated and looks down at his servos.* FakeProwl 11:22 pm *Prowl's got no problem with it* FakeProwl 11:22 pm *he Learned a thing* FakeProwl 11:23 pm ... So. Brightness is higher-pitched and metaphorically "light," whereas warmth vibrates your skidplate. FakeProwl 11:23 pm ... Not the kind of warmth I was expecting, but... ItsyBitsySpyers 11:24 pm *He sits up a little straighter, mildly startled by the, er. Choice of words.* FakeProwl 11:24 pm *poker face* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:24 pm (txt): ...Soundwave supposes appropriate vibration causes warmth, if applied well. FakeProwl 11:25 pm *... poker face with slight lip twitch.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:26 pm *He looks like he's staring straight out at the wall across the room, but he's actually watching the lip twitch from the corners of his optics.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:27 pm *It's such a - a ridiculous thing to want, seeing that. To get attached to the idea of being someone who can put it there, like it has some sort of important effect on things like war or reconstruction or fighting entropy.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:28 pm *But he is. Attached to it. Not for everyone - he doesn't much care if some random tricycle on the street laughs at comments like that - but this one.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:31 pm *He's attached to a damn lot of little things he would miss. Deeply. Painfully. Especially if Bombsh... if someone found a way to take them from him. Some of them are related to another mech on another planet, but that'll be its own thought process.*
*And he supposes that's not the smartest thing he's ever done, putting himself in a position to feel like that. But then, neither is letting mechs into the deepest sections of his mind within a few months or signing public records of lifelong friendship.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:33 pm *He is, it would seem, not quite as sensible as he'd like to think. Or as Prowl seems to think.*
*That may be a problem, especially if the Constructicons tell Prowl that he's - if they make him think he's working with others capable of controlling minds. Or that he's doing that himself, maybe has been this whole time. It means readily accepting a blaster shot to the spark instead of his outermost armor.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:35 pm *...But if he does any one thing for Prowl before something like that happens, let it be making sure he hears one more truth. Even if it becomes tainted later. Let him have that for just a little while.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:36 pm (txt): ...What process, official confession? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:37 pm (txt): Prowl requires data recording? FakeProwl 11:39 pm *he gives Soundwave a puzzled look* FakeProwl 11:39 pm ... Well, usually it involves going to a pol—to an ACTIVE police officer, at a police station. The statement is usually recorded, transcribed, signed, and entered into official records there. FakeProwl 11:39 pm Why, what did you do? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:42 pm *Equally puzzled look (which amounts to him staring with only the tiniest head movements to either side). What is Prowl talking abou-- oh. He thinks it's a crime confession? Yes, he would, wouldn't he? Soundwave didn't explain himself and Prowl couldn't read minds.*
*Small internal wince at that last bit.*
*He smooths over it and flicks a hand.* FakeProwl 11:43 pm *okay, so not a big crime* FakeProwl 11:43 pm *petty misdemeanor at worse?* FakeProwl 11:44 pm *he's surprised and a little pleased that Soundwave's looking into how to confess and make up for it, though.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:45 pm (txt): Improper phrasing. Intended meaning...
*And nothing is coming out of his brain. It's all getting clogged up at the filter. Great. Typical. Unhelpful. Aggravating. It's not supposed to be this hard. It's never this hard for anyone else.. Or if it is, they make it look a lot more effortless.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:46 pm *His hands curl to face each other and make a bland sphere that doesn't help. Both feelers slide out to flicker and spin their claws with helpless frustration.* FakeProwl 11:46 pm *Prowl hasn't figured it out, but he DOES know struggling with words when he sees it.* FakeProwl 11:47 pm ... Take your time. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:52 pm *He nods.*
*His own words are as useless as ever. The sting of being responsible for his own inability to speak to Prowl the way he wants drives itself ten feet deeper than the night before. Which is kind of amazing if you think about it, since Soundwave's pretty sure he's not even ten feet thick from front to back.*
*Whatever. He's going to have to try it another way. Prowl won't understand it as well as Soundwave does - it's not much of a shared language, as multiple discussions have proven - but he should be able to get SOME of it.*
*Some of it will have to do.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:52 pm ▓▒░ ♫ Please understand that It's still strange and frightening For losers like I've been It's so hard to say ♫ ░▒▓ ItsyBitsySpyers 11:53 pm *He points to the main speakers and starts burning through files, looking for what he needs. It'll be just a second...* FakeProwl 11:53 pm *oh. music. all right then. Prowl nods.* I'll try to keep up. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:58 pm (( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQJsBVWrp7c )) FakeProwl 11:54 pm *... and wonder what this strange and frightening thing that Soundwave has to confess to is. now he's thinking less "petty misdemeanor" and more "accidentally murdered one of King Starscream's trinemates."* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:55 pm *Nod. A little of it is going to have to be exaggeration - human beliefs and customs differ from theirs, and there are some things he can't promise even like this - but it's all he's got.* FakeProwl 11:55 pm *well, what allies does he have whose bridges he hasn't burned that he can ask to hide Soundwave while he's hiding from a murder investigation...* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:55 pm *Rumble and Frenzy file back in and go to get a drink. They flop over down by Ravage and then look at the screen. Wh....?* FakeProwl 11:55 pm *... shuts up and listens to the music. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:56 pm *Soundwave quietly informs them of his plan. They stare, but... raise their cubes and grin.* FakeProwl 11:57 pm *... this doesn't sound like a description of a murder scene.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:57 pm *Soundwave might like to die a little right now, if that helps. It would be less stressful.* FakeProwl 11:57 pm *unless Soundwave is trying to say it happened on a swing near dancitron while his deployers watched* FakeProwl 11:58 pm *surely the more emotional references in the song are just... incidental unrelated bits.* Yesterday FakeProwl 11:59 pm ... Right, so. Something that happened here. ... With witnesses. *gonna figure out this crime.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:00 am *...Looks up at the ceiling. Primus, please.*
//Naw.// ItsyBitsySpyers 12:00 am \\SHHH.\\ FakeProwl 12:00 am *glances back. Oh, there are the witnesses.* FakeProwl 12:00 am *......... there are the witnesses. hold up.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:01 am https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvKamqdWTwE FakeProwl 12:02 am *... okay, now the singer is singing about having his arm around his love interest during a movie showing. which is sounding VERY familiar. gives Soundwave a suspicious look.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:03 am *That is a GREAT ceiling. He's proud of it.* FakeProwl 12:03 am *slowly, AS IF HE DOESN'T KNOW* ... Haven't worked up your courage yet for what? ItsyBitsySpyers 12:04 am *More useless hand motions. An angry series of red slash lines ripple across his visor in reflection of his irritation at himself.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:04 am https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxWusykU_Yo )) FakeProwl 12:04 am *a very slow nod* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:05 am *IF PROWL DOESN'T GET IT AFTER THIS, SO HELP HIM.* FakeProwl 12:05 am *annnd his optics are getting. very bright.* FakeProwl 12:06 am *he's comparing it to music now. he's comparing it to music.* FakeProwl 12:07 am *wears the most serious expression as he props his elbows on his knees and covers his mouth.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:07 am *...Prowl is laughing.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:08 am *That's. He's. He's not sure that's a laugh he actually wants to see, for once.* FakeProwl 12:08 am *not shaking. just. just covering.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:08 am (txt): ...Not joke. FakeProwl 12:08 am *no shaking so probably not a laugh he's hiding. quite possibly just the facial expression associated with a laugh.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:09 am *He's anxious. His mind is gonna see the worst.* FakeProwl 12:09 am Didn't think it was. *his voice is a liiittle thinner than usual.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:10 am (txt): What - did?
*That's an awful sentence. Awful. Poorly done, Soundwave.* FakeProwl 12:10 am That is—a—a very adequate way to confess. Yes. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:11 am *And that's put his feelers and hands still. Soundwave will actually look at Prowl now.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:11 am (txt): Prowl - knows? FakeProwl 12:11 am *nod nod nod* FakeProwl 12:11 am *... nod nod nod nod* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:11 am (txt): ...Mad? FakeProwl 12:11 am *SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:12 am *................!* FakeProwl 12:12 am *which dislodges a hand long enough to expose the edge of a smile, before he covers it again* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:12 am *..............!!!!!!!* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:12 am *Soundwave taps the couch between them and points to the speakers again.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:12 am (txt): Important. More listening. FakeProwl 12:13 am More?! ItsyBitsySpyers 12:14 am *Nod nod. He got it across. Now he has to - explain it. What he would want, if he could have it. Or what he'll try to give while he still can.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:14 am https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5pQ4pf8DiY )) ItsyBitsySpyers 12:15 am *That part's a bit of a fib - he's been happy before, and he has secrets left - but he needed the rest of this song.* FakeProwl 12:15 am *and he's offering to give up secrets* FakeProwl 12:16 am *the mouth isn't enough. now it's the whole face.* FakeProwl 12:17 am *even if it's just a symbolic offer, it's a BIG one.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:18 am https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8T-bhioAx4 )) FakeProwl 12:19 am *... oh. those lyrics are... oh.* FakeProwl 12:20 am *he's down to one hand covering his mouth. the other one is groping around for Soundwave's nearest hand.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:20 am *It's still in the air. He lets it drop to the couch. Maybe curls it tight once Prowl finds it.* FakeProwl 12:21 am *there it is. good. squeezes it tightly.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:22 am https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-MBfn8XjIU )) FakeProwl 12:23 am *... and squeezes tighter again.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:24 am *...Finally squeezes back. This one is - he has his reasons to include it.* FakeProwl 12:24 am *The risk of losing one another has been a—a very real risk, in every relationship Prowl's ever been in. And probably ever WILL be in. Too few of his past relationships have ever bothered to acknowledge it.* FakeProwl 12:25 am *It's—very practical—very realistic—to recognize it. To point it out. How many people can do that AND be romantic about it?* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:25 am (txt): That - Soundwave: done. FakeProwl 12:26 am *small nod* ... I'd thought you were going to tell me you'd killed someone. FakeProwl 12:26 am ... Recently, I mean. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:26 am *...Well. He kind of had. 29 of them.* FakeProwl 12:26 am *well besides THEM.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:27 am (txt): Negative. Different confession. Still - important. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:27 am (txt): Prowl deserved knowledge. FakeProwl 12:27 am *nod nod* ... Thank you. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:28 am *He's sort of half-looking at the smile. Wants to see more of it. Can't quite bring himself to stare. He's not sure Prowl would want that.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:28 am (txt): ...Welcome. FakeProwl 12:28 am *and it's still half-covered. for a total of one quarter smile exposure.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:29 am *...No. You know what?*
*He's gonna slip his hand free for a second.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:29 am *And reach for the other hand. You know. To pull it down.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:31 am ((these are DEFINITELY not on his list lol)) FakeProwl 12:31 am ((accidentally stole tarantulas's list)) FakeProwl 12:31 am *lets Soundwave pull his other hand down.* FakeProwl 12:32 am *This is an avatar. He COULD just disconnect the auto expression generators and switch his face back to neutral. He WANTS to. He really does.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:32 am *Gratitude ping. He'll take a moment to go ahead and look full on. The song did say "like I'm gonna lose you," and he would hate to do that without seeing it first. But he won't stare for longer than that.* FakeProwl 12:32 am *But he doesn't. He'll give Soundwave this.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:38 am (txt): ...Prowl can cover again. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:38 am (txt): More deserved, always. FakeProwl 12:38 am *hides face against Soundwave's large, flat upper arm. Perfect shield.* Thanks. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:40 am *He reaches to pet Prowl's helm with his free arm... then thinks better of it. The Bombshell accusations are still ringing in his mind.*
*He pets Prowl's shoulder instead.* FakeProwl 12:42 am *deep breath in. slow sigh.* FakeProwl 12:44 am ... Well. This is unfortunate. FakeProwl 12:44 am I'd hoped that ONE of us would be able to maintain a higher degree of objectivity until we'd been together... oh... at least two or three centuries. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:45 am *Soundwave leaned back a little bit to get a view of Prowl that wasn't blocked by a shoulder or provided by a blurry feeler optic.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:45 am (txt): ...Unfortunate? FakeProwl 12:45 am That we're both officially—well—you know. Emotionally. FakeProwl 12:47 am Relationships with greater long-term compatibility slowly move up to that emotional plateau. If it happens rapidly, it's—infatuation, which peaks quickly and then destabilizes. It's not *impossible* to have a stable relationship come out from an early infatuation, but it's harder to set a stable foundation for an ongoing relationship if the early years are spent not regarding the relationship objectively, but being......... *searches for word.* FakeProwl 12:47 am ... twitterpated. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:47 am (txt): Prowl does not - is not--
*There they go again, slipping out of his grasp once more. Prowl was disappointed? Prowl thought he was insensible.*
*...Prowl thought it would stop soon.* FakeProwl 12:49 am ... But, we're here now. We can work with this. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:49 am *He looks down at his pedes.*
(txt): Soundwave apologizes. FakeProwl 12:49 am Don't. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:49 am *But.* FakeProwl 12:49 am ... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have—that's—that's not what you wanted to hear. Not what anyone would want to hear. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:59 am *No. No it wasn't. It was true, because of course it was; it'd been part of what terrified him to say it now.*
*But what else was he supposed to do, if not this? He'd agreed not to lie to Prowl.*
(txt): ...Will attempt future sensibility, stability. If proven failure: inevitable, Soundwave - minimizes fallout. FakeProwl 1:01 am ... You don't have to do that alone. We're both in this together. ItsyBitsySpyers 1:01 am *Small nod. Okay. He would like to not be alone in that.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:02 am (txt): ...Request: Stay? FakeProwl 1:02 am Besides, we're both largely rational, practical people. If anyone can manage get through the initial infatuation stage with an intact, stable relationship, we would have better odds than most. FakeProwl 1:03 am ... Of course. ItsyBitsySpyers 1:03 am *Soft huff. Flatterer.*
(txt): This, official calculation? FakeProwl 1:03 am Naturally. ItsyBitsySpyers 1:04 am *Just this side of crushing the hand, he's squeezing it so tight. That's. Oddly comforting.*
(txt): Soundwave trusts. FakeProwl 1:05 am ... *pingpingping.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:05 am ((BAD YOUTUBE)) FakeProwl 1:05 am ((and yet, an oddly fitting rickroll)) ItsyBitsySpyers 1:05 am *Ping.* ........... ........... ........... *Ping ping.* FakeProwl 1:06 am *scoots over so he can lean more heavily on Soundwave* FakeProwl 1:07 am *... is their audience still there? glances back.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:07 am *....The audience is still there and has, in fact, grown to include all possible members.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:08 am //Don't stop on her account// Rumble jerks his thumb at Laserbeak. //Heh.// ItsyBitsySpyers 1:08 am *She blats and flies upstairs. Well, Prowl didn't crush the Boss' spark. She doesn't have to kill him.* FakeProwl 1:09 am ... You've been very well behaved. ItsyBitsySpyers 1:09 am //Weren'tcha listenin'? It said we promised to be quiet.// FakeProwl 1:09 am I suppose so. ItsyBitsySpyers 1:10 am *Frenzy busts into laughter then and pushes himself onto his pedes, dusting his knees off.*
\\NIGHT, BOSS. SEEYA, PROWL.\\ FakeProwl 1:10 am *nods to them* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:10 am *He motions to the others and jogs up the stairs. That was like a year's worth of mush tolerance used up tonight.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:11 am *They follow, Rumble walking backward and holding a thumbs-up in Soundwave's direction as they go. And disappear upstairs.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:12 am *Soundwave shakes his helm and tugs Prowl into a more invasive lean than he's already got going.* FakeProwl 1:13 am *how gracefully can Prowl slide that lean into sitting on Soundwave's lap? spoiler: the answer is irrelevant, because he's going to do it anyway.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:14 am *Irrelevant or not, he'll get as much help as he needs from Soundwave's feelers to make it more graceful than Prowl has any right being.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:14 am *Maybe a touch of reverence as well.* FakeProwl 1:16 am *leans his helm against Soundwave's shoulder. good. he can stay here a while.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:17 am *Soundwave nuzzles the side of Prowl's helm - that's okay; it's not hands where they don't belong - and wraps his arms around Prowl's back, lacing his fingers together. This is his now.* FakeProwl 1:18 am *similarly wraps arms around Soundwave's waist. And this is his.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:22 am *No. Wait. Give him one of those arms. Don't worry; he won't move his. The thing poking at it is a feeler.* FakeProwl 1:24 am *okay, the arm is soundwave's. what'e he going to do with it?* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:25 am *Lift it up to the minuscule visor release buttons and stroke a thumb over the back of Prowl's hand in encouragement.* FakeProwl 1:27 am *oh!! yes! Prowl eagerly clicks the buttons.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:33 am *It comes off quite easily. What Prowl does with it after that is more or less up to him, as long as he doesn't break or steal it. Soundwave's too busy rubbing his bare face against Prowl's cheek to really care right now.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:35 am *He'd kiss Prowl properly, but, er. Considering the last time someone did that here, he should. Probably keep it a little lighter tonight.* FakeProwl 1:35 am *it's going to get deposited somewhere on the couch so Prowl can wrap an arm over Soundwave's shoulder and nuzzle him back.* FakeProwl 1:37 am *Prowl has no such qualms about the potential risks of kissing. Before long, he's turning his nuzzle to press a light kiss to the corner of Soundwave's mouth.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:45 am *Oh. Well, he can't say no to that now that it's there. That is, he could, but like hell does he want to.*
*The nearest mandible pops loose to tap at Prowl's mouth in the hopes of startling him into opening it. If it succeeds, Soundwave will catch Prowl's lower lip in his fangs and hold on for a split second before delivering a gentler kiss of his own. Crinkly optics and all.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:46 am *-Cupholders.- Heh.* FakeProwl 1:50 am *He opens, but less because he's startled and more because he's hoping to get caught. He kisses back even as Soundwave's fangs have his lower lip trapped.* ItsyBitsySpyers 2:00 am *He's caught all right. Soundwave gives it a little tug and cracks a wide smile after the kiss, enjoying the way the faint purple light from his fangs colors a streak across Prowl's face. He couldn't be more thankful that Prowl isn't afraid of how he looks if he tried.*
*He hopes Prowl isn't afraid of the dark either, because things are going to get confusing in just a second.*
(txt): Hold tight.
*One second, there's a flash of blue-green between Soundwave's back and the couch. It's gone come the next, replaced by near-total darkness. Nothing much changes aside from that. There's a small metallic clunk, and the smallest of jarring motions, but honestly? They might as well not have moved at all.* FakeProwl 2:05 am *Prowl's already holding pretty tight, but what f—?*
*Prowl knows SOMETHING happened; the holomatter avatar generator registers that his avatar has spontaneously changed locations. But no, no sensation of movement. Had they bridged? Where? It had to be in the same facility if his avatar was still working. He pulls back just enough to try to look around in the darkness.* ItsyBitsySpyers 2:06 am *The only such luck Prowl will have is making out the outlines of the portion of the piece of furniture they're sitting on, and mostly due to Soundwave's brighter-than-usual biolights at that.*
*It would appear they are sitting on a berth.* FakeProwl 2:07 am *So it would. And he's got a guess he knows whose berth it is.* FakeProwl 2:07 am ... Are we here for napping, or for a demonstration about the warmth of vibrations? ItsyBitsySpyers 2:08 am *Soundwave vents against Prowl's mouth, the closest to an actual laugh he's ever come where Prowl could witness it.*
(txt): Prowl's choice. FakeProwl 2:16 am *Oh. He got to actually FEEL one of Soundwave's little huffs. Beautiful. He nuzzled against it* FakeProwl 2:17 am *It took a long moment of hard thought, but,* ... Demonstration next time. *Because right now, he just wanted to hold on and hold still.* ItsyBitsySpyers 2:21 am *Why Prowl likes something practically nonexistent, he'll never know, but so be it. Little nibbles in response.*
(txt): Acknowledged.
*He slowly eases them both back into a better resting position, though, spines withdrawn so he can lay down. Prowl can keep holding on if he wishes. The backpack forces enough space between Soundwave and the berth that Prowl's hands would still pretty much fit.* FakeProwl 2:22 am *The rare blessings of large back kibble. He settles down with Soundwave and keeps his hands slid around Soundwave's back.* ItsyBitsySpyers 2:22 am *And just in case he falls into recharge like this before Prowl has to go... something he said once before. This time, intentionally.* ItsyBitsySpyers 2:23 am (txt): To-tasnem-tor ha’kiv-kil. ItsyBitsySpyers 2:23 am *Small wiggle. Nice and comfortable now. Time to be still, ventilate, and simply enjoy this.* FakeProwl 2:25 am *... If that's going to be a thing, Prowl needs to think up a proper response to it. But for now, he makes an indistinct noise and dims his optics.*
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evilsciencebros · 7 years
Agathrights: This local bug literally lives in a box and Megatron lets it crawl around inside of him to do repairs, News At 10.
evilsciencebros: You made him 10x awesome in ways I never would have expected! I love your fountain of imagination. LMAO *snuggles up inside the warrior poet*
agatharights: I kinda had the vague idea of making him either a true minicon or an uplift a while ago so it was fun to finally flesh that out!Who doesn't want to crawl around inside of megatron. it'd be cozy
evilsciencebros: *huggles the swiss army knife* He's perfect *squishes down into pancake mode*
agatharights: He just squish down.The only problem with being an uplift is that -actual- scraplets will probably follow him if given the chance, because this scraplet is bigger and smarter so clearly it has more food!And i'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that a nonsapient swarm of dumb, hungry metallovores makes for poor company, unless you're in an autobot base in which case HEY NEW FRIENDS EAT EVERYTHING
evilsciencebros: The perfect drone army. They're not allowed in the Decepticon base
agatharightsyeah: probably a good idea to not bring those homeThey can't tell the difference between autobots and Decepticons and while Oil Slick is pretty unpalateable to everything (both Junkions and Unicronians refuse to eat him, which is impressive) everybody else...
evilsciencebros: Bless. He probably has a little hidey hole for them, so they don't go wondering off. Either that, or just kills/eats them, like Movie Scalpel did with that creepy worm thing that crawled through Sam's head. LOL. Everything keeps trying to eat Oil Slick and fails miserably XD
agatharights: I'd imagine so. Scalpel can probably eat virtually anything, if given enough time for his teensy tiny mouth, since he's still got a scraplet digestive system.
evilsciencebrosI: eat with his butt
agatharights: They had to remove most of the scraplet mouth/jaws though to make room for an actual brain.
evilsciencebros: Tiny brain. An Archive worth of knowledge. That's an impressive memory chip he's got
agatharights: Excellent quantum linkage with his spark for memory storage. Whatever company made him probably priced him pretty high- he would've been top-tier medical equipment at the time
evilsciencebros: ^w^ He is one of a kind
agatharights: "He is one of a kind" "Because everything else in his production line was disposed of when they became obsolete or were deemed too high-risk." you can even ask Optimus but like "What was Cybertron like?" "It was beautiful, and terrible."
evilsciencebros: it was beautiful...but at the same time, on fire
agatharights: Well, to be fair, on fire was more after Megatron finally started calming down and realized he maaaay have literally killed Primus and was like "Mm. Okay. I'll admit, I got a little out of hand.""Lets...lets just go find a new planet."
evilsciencebros: *sweeps the old planet under the rug.* Don't worry, we can still fix this
agatharights: And then he left Cybertron, a post-apocalyptic wasteland, and somehow by the time he got back Shockwave had made it worse and he was like how did you do this? When I left this was a heap of scrap that was on fire and full of electrical storms? WHY IS IT FULL OF ZOMBIES AND PREDACONS NOW? And Shockwave was like "i thought you were never coming back ever so I panicked"
agatharights: Shockwave is the master of "picked up necromancy as a hobby, made some mistakes"
evilsciencebros: This is what happens when you don't return people's phone calls. they join cults
agatharights: And if there's no cults to join, they make their own, and when you finally show back up they're like heyyyyyy...the good news is, Cybertron's not dead, the bad news is, neither are the Insecticons and now there's so many of them.
evilsciencebros: On the bright side there's a cool spider lady who keeps them in check...when she doesn't wanna eat you herself
agatharights: I dunno about that. Season Three of TF: Matrix is basically slotted to be "Blackarachnia is pissed Megatron ditched her on Cybertron, has been selectively breeding an army of insecticons and predacons to take it out on him" Megatron, and who can blame him, was like "Alright, we need to get everyone we can off the planet before the spacebridges go dark...but do i want to be stuck in a tube floating in space with a bunch of self-replicating cannibals? Do i really?"And then effectively gave the Insecticons/predacons the wrong time/place and took off without them and they've been salty about it for a few centuries
evilsciencebros: Megatron. Can't break up with someone to save his life. Instead changes his phone number and address, and pretends to be shocked when they finally run into each other years later.
agatharights: ...god I'm terrible because the first thing that pops into my head is "Clearly, he learned that from Orion"
agatharights: Since Orion basically ditched Megatron as soon as the Decepticons started getting too hot for him to handle and then Megatron didn't see him again until he was working with Sentinel Prime centuries later.And he was like  " :) This is fine" And promptly murdered them both.
evilsciencebros: Cybertron. Died because of poor communication
agatharights: Pretty much.Which, to be fair, this problem didn't start with Megatron and Orion, this problem probably started the moment Prima was like "Guys, I know the thirteen of us are pretty happy, but what if we made a few billion more people?"
agatharights sent a GIF
evilsciencebros: I don't see any downsides to this.
agatharights: Downsides: Quintessons were like hey, uhhhh looks like you have...a lot of people there. Can we...borrow some??????"no piss off Quintessons"
agatharights: And then Unicron was like HEYYYYY LOOKS LIKE YOU HAVE A LOT OF PEOPLE THERE...CAN I DEVOUR EVERYTHING??? "NO PISS OFF UNICRON" (and then Nova Prime was like "Hey, what if institutionalized racism?" and instead of going "no piss off Nova" people were like "yeah okay" and that's Cybertronian history) The ghost of Solus Prime shaking her head like come on you guys I did not make all this shit that can literally cause miracles just so you could immediately start conquering and murdering things but she was dead so nobody listened to her
evilsciencebros: immortals need hobbies too. The only ones allowed to traumatise their OCs are them.
agatharights: "these are my OCs the entire Cybertronain race. original idea, do not steal." (and then the Quintessons, who created Primus and Unicron, were like WHOA PLAGARISM) Also oh no I realized the saddest thing that could happen to Scalpel
evilsciencebros: !!!!!
agatharights: Scalpel would've been an actual Scraplet, if very briefly (probably plucked right from a natural forge) before he was modified into a, well, a person, rather than a parasite. Which is all well and good, uplifts weren't uncommon for a long time, though they're very rare post-war
agatharights: But if he attacked Buster and Buster panicked there'd be a chance Buster's matrix abilities- including the ability to "repair" virtually anything Cybertronian given enough energy, would kick in- and Scalpel could be reverted into a Scraplet. It briefly happens to Ravage, but Ravage shares a spark with Soundwave- so Soundwave is able to re-activate his uplift status by restoring his spark (and Buster is very sorry like yeah okay the Decepticons have regularly tried to kidnap him as a power source but he didn't mean to hurt anyone!)But Scalpel being turned back into a Scraplet, even if it were temporary, sounds like a nightmare for him. Turned into a literally brainless creature (scraplets have no processors- their actions are directly connected to their spark rather than utilizing a processor)
evilsciencebros: ;-; poor baby
agatharights: He keeps biting Oil Slick and then being surprised and angry when Oil Slick tastes bad but he has no memory at the time. So he keeps trying bc Oil Slick carries him off to try and fix him ;-;
evilsciencebros: <3
agatharights: awwgh that's so sad i'm putting that in the "horrible things to potentially do to characters" folder
evilsciencebros: My boys. Looking out for each other ;3;
evilsciencebrosYou should feel bad! Poor Scalpel, reduced to something less than an animals, and poor Oil Slick trying to care for his little buddy.
agatharights: Someone on the team suggests that they should put Scalpel out of his misery, that they don't want to risk him eating someone and producing more scraplets, and Oil Slick gets so angry about it he has to leave for a lil bit, just to clear his head before he does something stupid like drop a white phosphorous grenade on them)He'd have to get fixed, eventually, but until then Oil Slick can keep him in a box and feed him scraps
evilsciencebros: OMG I hope he gets better one day! Poor Oil Slick trying, and failing, to bring Scalpel back, but unwilling to snuff out his little spark.He will murder that human boy >:/
agatharights: jskdlfaj if he confronted Buster the poor kid would be like ???!!! Because he'd have no idea what he'd done, and once he knew he'd freak out and start bawling because he didn't mean to! He's so sorry! He can fix it- he can, he can try, at least? "I don't want to hurt anyone! Please, just lemme try to fix it..."
evilsciencebros: He is very fortunate that Oil Slick is desperate and revenge can wait.Now stop pouring lubricant out of your optics and do your work weird god magic shit.
agatharights: akfdljsaf poor babies. At least Buster can probably undo it. Might take a bit, though, and a lot of energy. he'd konk right out afterwards, and Scalpel just re-grew an entire brain so he's very tired too.
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