#I’m just wary of this production team idk
roxy206 · 2 years
People are right, Trixie really has had more on-screen chemistry with every single guest on the show than with David. I can't wait for Katya's episode because the chemistry, the banter, the CHAOS and the happiness are gonna be fucking insane. Trixie will be so giddy to show her everything and Kat will be so supportive and proud, I can already see it.
I just wonder like … did production see it too? This week’s episode where the Property Brother (I don’t know which one he is of the two) was like go snuggle on the couch, I was like mhm this really sums it all up
But in any case. I really can’t wait to see Katya on the show either. Trixie obviously loves having Katya take in all of her other projects & hearing her opinion on them. And the motel was a huge undertaking, plus a stressful one, so I’m sure that Trixie was so happy to be able to show her around — & not just one room. Bringing her on at the end meant she got to show her the entire thing. Whether we’ll see that on screen is unclear — Katya may be the guest who sees the reveal of the lobby / reception area (+ finished pool & landscaping?)
I just hope that they didn’t try to script anything for Katya’s appearance. She didn’t sound so thrilled about the fact that her entrance was from a portapotty when they did that Gaydio interview, so I hope that’s the only thing. It’s hard enough watching Trixie in these scripted moments when that’s not normally how we see her, so I can’t imagine having to sit through something with them both like that
Their chemistry & banter really need little to no direction & I hope that’s what we see — & tbh I think it would be hard to contain anyway
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carpisuns · 1 year
Hii! Can you explain why Jeremy Zag’s characterization feels off to you? I’ve seen more blogs commenting about it and I’m curious. Also... I had a theory that perhaps there was no Adrien so the children who never watched Miraculous with no knowledge of the Love Square wouldn’t get overwhelmed and confused thinking there were two love interests for the protagonist instead of just one, but then I stopped and realized it was a stupid theory because Adrien’s and Chat Noir’s hair looks far too alike in this animation style and anyone would be able to realize they were the same person. Idk what to think now.
Hmm well I can’t comment a lot on the actual characterization in the awakening movie since I haven’t seen it but I’m just a little wary of Jeremy zag in general tbh. From what I’ve heard and the general sense I get, his creative decisions can be iffy and don’t necessarily fit in with Thomas astruc’s original vision for the story and characters. Of course I’m not sure of what all goes on at the studio but I’ve heard that zag has made the writing team change things. And for the movie, as far as I’m aware thomas and his team were not involved in the writing, so I kind of think of it as a $100M jeremy zag fanfic production? haha. Jeremy provides the money for ML but Thomas is the creator and since he didn’t work on the movie it’s just not really miraculous to me? It’s like. Miraculous adjacent lol. it looks beautiful and hopefully the characterization and story will be good and I’m sure I will really enjoy seeing it! I just will enjoy it separately from ML the show.
(I am honestly not trying to curb anyone’s enthusiasm for the film and like I said I am excited to see it myself! I’m just not regarding it as canon)
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
Team RWBY doesn’t have the moral high ground in their spat with Ironwood. RWBY crit under the keep reading. If you don’t want to see any Ironwood defense or people talking about RWBY being questionable, don’t read this.
First off, I want to start by saying that I’m against Ironwood murdering, attempting to kill a fifteen year old, and hacking into Penny. I think that was a bad choice from the writers, but I can explain that in another post if people are interested. However, since the only member of RWBY and co that knows about that (if I recall correctly) is Oscar, I’m going to frame all of this from only their main argument; Ruby wants to keep Atlas, the Relics, and the Maiden in Salem’s direct line of fire until they can evacuate the people of Mantle who are getting attacked by Grimm. And Ironwood wants to save the Relics, the Maiden, Atlas, and arguably the world, despite the fact that he would be leaving Mantle without proper defenses. The show frames Ironwood’s choice as absolutely wrong, cruel, proof that he’s untrustworthy, and proof that he’s a danger to everyone.
RWBY would rather stand and fight, making a stand against an immortal witch, because they can’t save everyone in Mantle yet (thus leaving both cities in danger.)
In season eight, didn’t all of Team RWBY, JNOR, and the Huntresses essentially give up on Atlas though? Essentially saying ‘it’s too late for Atlas’ and choosing between A. Helping Mantle or B. Launching Amity? One could argue that knowing Ironwood would be launching defenses himself, they didn’t think they needed to help, but we see tons of soldiers launching themselves into battle, we see Grimm in the city, possibly killing children, and Ironwood told them that he and his soldiers were all completely exhausted. It’s possible RWBY and co didn’t realize this would happen, but they still abandoned an entire very large city, knowing that Salem was attacking, and knowing that the Vale authorities and the Atlas authorities weren’t enough to stop the attack on Vale that Salem wasn’t even a part of. Either they were blind and foolish, or they knew the attack would be devastating and didn’t do much of anything to stop it. Let me correct that. They actively stopped people from stopping it.
The fact that Team RWBY and co disagreed with Ironwood’s choice to abandon Mantle wasn’t my main problem, I actually like that. But they pretty much immediately abandoned Atlas themselves, which is just as bad and destroys their message of ‘you have to work to save everyone.’ They split into two groups, and the group specifically sent to help Mantle... Oh yeah, abandons it. I understand that they were trying to save Oscar and they were teenagers who were emotional, but JRY officially no longer have any moral high ground. They were fine with completely abandoning one city to save another, and then they were fine with abandoning an entire city of people to save one person. Team RWBY took the stance of ‘it’s better to send out a confusing message to everyone to warn them of danger and ask people who mostly couldn’t make it to Atlas in time to come and help us.’ This shouldn’t have ever even been on the table because at the tail end of season seven, they established Amity wasn’t nearly finished, and then pretended it was in the next season. However, they did retcon that to give RWBY and co a win. But when they manage to launch Amity, instead of doing anything to help Mantle or Atlas, three of our main characters sit and wonder if they should bother. They officially have no moral high ground. You could say they were trying to help save the world by getting the message out, but of course, you could say Ironwood was trying to save the world by getting the Relics and Maiden away from Salem’s reach, only while Ironwood was sacrificing Mantle, RWBN + Penny was abandoning Atlas and Mantle, and then when they finished their task, they did nothing more to help either city.
This isn’t a story about unity, this isn’t a story about trust, because Ironwood trusted our main heroes and they betrayed him only for the story to then frame them as Right and him as Wrong despite the fact that they don’t actually have a moral high ground in that fight, and Ruby was proven ‘right’ for their own mistrust by having the show make Ironwood a full blown child murderer. They warn the whole world that he can’t be trusted because he was doing the same thing they were doing in a way that arguably would save more lives. It’s very possible that if they were working together with Ironwood, they would be able to save everyone like Ruby wanted. But again, their group doesn’t have the high ground, because the reasons he doesn’t trust them and the reasons he tried to have them arrested are directly based on actions they did. Ruby led everyone into lying to him, and Blake and Yang went behind his back and divulged secret plans to Robyn (and she apparently wouldn’t stop talking about it.) They didn’t realize what it would lead to, but it was their actions that made James distrust them. Yes, Ironwood is also partly responsible because he wasn’t listening to them, but he’d given them the benefit of the doubt before. He’d trusted them, brought them into his plans, gave them their licenses, considered himself lucky to have them, and then they lied to him and went behind his back. This is why I actually like Yang arguing with Ruby, and I actually would’ve liked more of that. If the story was, Yang was accusing Ruby and Ren was accusing Yang and Blake, and some of them were saying they should try to reason with Ironwood and others were saying he clearly won’t listen, and Ruby was struggling to hold her own team together, it could’ve been a great consequence to the actions they took. Maybe Yang wouldn’t be being fair (since she’s lied too and let Ruby lie to Ironwood,) and maybe Ren wouldn’t be being fair (Blake and Yang were only trying to help,) and maybe it’s clear to the audience that James isn’t being receptive. But I just think that would’ve actually been more interesting than just Yang saying Ruby wasn’t that good of a leader and then dropping it and defending their track record to Ren.
Personally, I would really prefer it if this arc was centered around Team RWBY and co being confronted with consequences, but still coming out on top because (presuming that the show didn’t have James go way too far) they actually manage to break through to Ironwood eventually, helping him through his clear mental breakdown and convincing him to let them in again and join together to fight Salem back. Ruby learning that she shouldn’t have lied promotes the show’s pushed message of trust and honesty and sets Ruby apart from Ozpin (who had great reason for being wary, but still insisted that he was right to keep things from them and didn’t seem open to changing that.) Ruby and her team not trying to divide the people against a leader who’s only trying to do what’s right (again, this James wouldn’t murder people when he could’ve just arrested them,) would promote the show’s supposed narrative of unity against evil, with Team RWBY not willing to have an ‘us versus them’ perspective. And Ruby managing to talk Ironwood around and help him, thus managing the unity, furthers the ‘victory is in a simple soul’ message that the show has always tried to have. Making Ruby actually win through her emotions like they want by having her act in compassion to James would help their message, instead of retconning things to make her have a win. Having her be a leader who steps up and takes responsibility, who does unify people against Salem, and who maybe even leads the attack would make her a much more active and good protagonist. Honestly, idk if those are even good ideas. I’m just disappointed.
Just to clarify in case it wasn’t clear, 1. I’m not trying to hate on the mains. Every good character has flaws and makes mistakes, I just don’t like how the show frames them as morally superior, in the right, and totally ready to lead while ignoring the flaws. 2. I’m not saying that James is perfect. He’s a deeply flawed character and I like his gray ‘ends justify the means’ character. But his obvious PTSD and paranoia are mental problems that should be treated with more sympathy. 3. I also am not saying his actions of senseless murder and hacking Penny are alright. I think they’re horrific and actually move him out of a position where he can be redeemed (unless they really go hard to make the actions a product of a semblance or subtle mind control or something.)
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by dragonov
What is your favourite dinosaur? I’ve never been into dinosaurs... I’ve always found the T-Rex costume that goes viral every now and then absolutely hilarious, though.
Would you rather live with wolves or tigers? Wolves.
Have you ever forgotten what a certain kind of pain felt like? I have only gone through the loss of an immediate family member once. Of course my grandpa’s death will always make me feel as sad as I was on the day that I found out; but it’s been a while since I’ve been hit with news that heavy. I don’t quite remember the feeling of being slapped in the face with such a tragic update, and I’m not looking forward to the next time.
Do you prefer water from the tap or bottled water? Bottled. We can’t drink tap water here; though some rich households will put some fancy purifier thing hooked to their sink so that they can drink ‘tap.’
Do you actually use any of the shampoo hotels provide? Yeah haha. We always buy the same products at home and it gets boring, so it’s fun to try out and experiment with the different shampoos and body washes provided in the hotels we stay in.
What do you remember the most about your childhood? My cousins, siblings, and I largely alternated among three channels - Disney, Nickelodeon, and Cartoon Network every day. We would also play outside from around 5-6 PM. It was the same, simple routine every weekday, but we were happy kids nonetheless. Also, watching wrestling every single day, back when it was a lot bloodier.
Do you feel as if someone has robbed something from you? I feel like it would be selfish of me to claim this, since I never like to point fingers...but this does feel like the case when it comes to a few people. 
Have you ever stared at the sky and wondered if it was all worth it? I get into such a mood at least once a month. I just did this last Monday.
Would you rather have a pet dinosaur or have mythical creatures be real? Erm, neither. I’m wary of dinosaurs’ temperaments and I’m not too fond of mythical creatures.
What age did you get your first hair cut? I think I was around 3.
Do you have a favourite toy from childhood still? I didn’t even get to keep any of them. I knew I had a favorite cash register, toy laptop, and Blue’s Clue’s toy telephone, but my mom threw each of them out the older I got.
What are your thoughts on the end of the world? I personally wouldn’t have a problem with it as I don’t think much about existentialism and things like that. I’d be more concerned with people panicking and panic-buying all over the place, and the possibility of the end of the world being hugely destructive. If it ever does happen, I wish it’d come calmly.
Which sports do you enjoy watching? Wrestling, tennis, and volleyball. Sometimes basketball when my university’s team is playing lol, but I never understood the different rules. I love playing table tennis, but I never particularly enjoyed watching the sport.
Would you ever have a breed of dog that is considered aggressive? Like pitbulls? Yeah, for sure. I personally do not like chihuahuas though.
Have you ever made bread? I think...we have?? In home ec?? Back in Grade 6? I have a vivid memory of playing around with yeast and dough, but I no longer remember if it had been bread we ended up making. I do remember making rainbow cake, apple pie, and macarons from that year though, so it’s likely we also made bread.
Would your childhood self be disappointed? I say this a lot, but she would probably be surprised I’m still here. She’d also be surprised I managed to be in a long-term relationship, regardless of its failure. One of my biggest worries as a kid was that no one would ever like me, and I was so certain I’d end up being single forever lol.
Do you think in the future you'll have done yourself proud? God I don’t know. I hope so.
Did you read The Great Gatsby before seeing the movie? I have done neither. Idk if it’s my kind of content.
What do you feel about movies made from books? I wish the entertainment industry would take them more seriously. There are hits, of course - like how Harry Potter fans seem to like both books and movies - but there are misses that have been embarrassing like the Percy Jackson movie adaptation. But idk, I have a bigger bone to pick with other movie types (aka live-action adaptions of Disney animated classics lmao), so movies made from books aren’t much of an issue with me. 
Has anything ever fallen asleep on you? A few dogs here and there. My ex also used to.
Do you have to use the bathroom? Not at the moment, no.
Is the above question too invasive? Not even remotely. I’ve encountered more intense questions on surveys.
What do you feel about surgeries? Do they worry you? Ugh, yep. I hope I’ll never need one. Needles just freak me out.
Do you have a tumblr? :))
Would you rather have an open book shelf or one with doors? Open. If I had an impressive collection of anything, I’d want to show it off.
Do you need a large or small place to live comfortably? Large. I get uncomfortable if I’m in a small room for too long, which is why I have to take work breaks every now and then and leave my room (which doubles as my workspace) just to pace around the house and play with the dogs for a little while.
Would you ever consider moving to another country? Yeah, but I’d prefer an area with a considerable English-speaking population, practicality-wise. I feel that a language barrier would just stress me out and would keep me from getting fully excited about being in a foreign land.
Have you ever dropped everything and reevaluated? That’s what the last three months have been about, haven’t they?
Do you play minecraft? if so, feelings about servers? No I don’t play Minecraft, though I did use to watch Pewdiepie’s Let’s Plays of it haha.
Do you long for easier times? Not always. But this is where I’m at right now, given how tough life has been for me in the last few months. I just want a break, no matter how tiny.
Do you believe that life gets easier or we just get stronger? The latter. At least, that’s what I tell myself to cheer myself up and to encourage myself to keep going.
Does it weird you out to think that humans are just more advanced animals? It fascinates me, it doesn’t weird me out.
Do you ever wonder why religion came about? I have no clue. I’d love to learn why.
Would you ever consider shaving your head? If it was for a cause that’s close to my heart, this would be no problem at all.
Would you rather belong to a cult or a religion you feel is wrong? I guess religion? so I could at least get out of it. Also, I’ve already personally abandoned the religion I was baptized in because it never felt like a good fit, so this is coming from experience.
Have you ever considered murder? Never.
Kill a man or a woman? Again, no.
Would you like to live in a realm where the zombie apocalypse is possible? Nope.
Are you afraid of any animals? Reason? Wild animals likely to chase or attack humans, because duh. And cockroaches, because everything about them is just bleck.
Someone knocks on your door three times right now, do you answer? I’d tell them to come in, yeah.
Do you read creepypastas? Not really. It was never a pastime of mine when I was younger either.
Can you sleep afterwards? I can, but I won’t. It’s only 5:20 and I’ve still got 40 minutes until the end of my shift. I also want to hang around with my family after work, so.
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cassatine · 4 years
Hi, I sent you an ask a while ago about Ben Solo living after redemption, and I just wanted to say thanks for your in-depth thoughts. I also saw TROS and although I was disappointed/grieved, it was Rey’s story that really got to me and made me feel miserable. I wanted an atonement story, a romance, but I also didn’t want to lose our heroine on the altar of nostalgia. It all felt so status quo, “leadership” and capitalist. I’m not insecure about what I wanted from this story anymore. Fuck Disney.
Hi nonnie! Glad to see you again, although I do wish both of us had more to celebrate wrt TROS, and sorry for the late reply - I’ve been Reacting to TROS quite a bit, but tbh mostly circling the Rey & Kylo Ben arcs because it hurt me in a way other aspects of the shitty subtext and bad pacing don’t, and I’m still untangling… idk, the ways that it’s shitty because it is, and the ways that it’s shitty for me, because it hit some personal stuff and I was completely unprepared for that.
Longish rambles under cut
My thoughts on redemption and atonement haven’t changed, but it’s been on my mind a lot recently so I’m taking the occasion to air some more here.
I wrote this in your first ask (I think it’s the one)
I’m not even that much of a fan of redemption arcs on a personal level, but these arcs, whether they’re about the nitty-gritty of redemption and the difficult process of realizing, admitting and then acting on the fact that you fucked up, that you were wrong, that you did wrong, whether they’re fantastic and exaggerated and written in blood across the stars - they’re about people’s capacity to change for the better, to come back from the worst version of themselves. They’re about the fact that however far you might err, you can change paths; it’s never too late. What’s not to like in that? It’s some of the best humanity has to offer, the very capacity to grow and learn and admit wrongs and become better for it.
TROS sure didn’t change my mind on that - in fact I’ve seen enough people saying Kylo Ben Deserved Death and read enough Terrio/Abrams interviews by now that I’m feeling it more than ever. I kind of want to talk about in terms of different views of justice, restorative vs. punitive, but what I really can’t stop thinking about is that one definition of redemption, “deliverance from sin.” I’m not religious, but I bathed in enough catholicism growing up that this does mean something to me - I’m not hot on the whole notion of sin, but deliverance? God cares about sinners is what it means; it’s the whole fucking point. God forgives, and doesn’t yeet you in a fucking pit when you finally decide to get your act on straight.
Ahem. I’m talking in religious terms because I’ve been seeing a lot of reactions couched in a very different view of sin, which posits that once you’ve been tainted, whatever the circumstances, it’s done and over, you’re bad forever. To the pit you go. It’s not something I find a lot of beauty in (a euphemism for the ages). It’s not the same view of God, and it’s not the same view of human nature.
Which circles back to justice, restorative vs punitive - there’s a wide array of positions, of course, but fundamentally if you’re inclined to believe tainted once tainted forever, that this is human nature, you’re much more likely to go for punitive justice, and with a depressing regularity on socmed, as far as ‘actually I can totes cast the first stone’. And you kinda need to believe humans can grow better to go for restorative justice, or to at least to want it to be true.
I’ve been thinking about how I don’t particularly care for redemption arcs myself; I like them fine, but I’m not… enthusiastic? about them. I compare that to people to whom these stories matter deeply, and I don’t want to overgeneralize because there are plenty of reasons to be drawn to redemption stories, personal or otherwise, but I’m coming to think a big reason why I don’t respond much to redemption arcs (unless they titillate my id for another reason) is basically that I don’t need the affirmation that people/me can grow better and come back from the worst version of themselves. It’s A Given that’s pretty much been drilled in my head and that I’ve never seen reason to undrill, even at my most misanthropic (and that was A Lot). 
This was a lot of rambling but what I’m saying is yeah holy fuck we need redemption stories that delve in the process of atonement and where do we go from there. No one fucking misinterpret me on this, but fiction does have an impact - a story’s never just a story: it comes with its creator(s)’ views and questions and beliefs, it makes points consciously or unconsciously. As audience we can challenge ourselves with stories that challenge our own mindset. Or do the opposite, find affirmation in stories - and both are good! some things do need to be affirmed (like people’s capacity to grow better), although I’m also veeery dubious of points like happy endings are better or those be the rules here is the template a story must follow; I enjoy escapism as much as anyone and I don’t particularly want to challenge my views with every piece of fiction I consume nor do I think anyone should do that, but I’m wary of any position that boils down to “fiction should be comfortable” because - and again! I like escapism! it’s kinda like asking for the bread & games back but without the bread. 
Anyway, I’m really oversimplifying but basically, imo the most impactful thing fiction can do is challenge people’s views and all that jazz, and I’m all for challenging the kind of bullshit TROS served us and the whole notion that sin doesn’t wash off eveeeer and that at best redemption is death in sacrifice.
I’m not even going in the Good Child / Bad Child vibes in TROS. I should, because it makes the whole thing even less palatable, but honestly, I just can’t.
Okay. I think I’m done with that. 
Going back to your actual ask -
I also saw TROS and although I was disappointed/grieved, it was Rey’s story that really got to me and made me feel miserable. I wanted an atonement story, a romance, but I also didn’t want to lose our heroine on the altar of nostalgia. It all felt so status quo, “leadership” and capitalist. I’m not insecure about what I wanted from this story anymore. Fuck Disney.
tbh foregoing my own preferences the main reason TROS sucks *that bad* is… well you more or less said it. It’s a film that feels like it’s been designed by a marketing team trying to reach the widest possible audience by having something in it for everyone at a purely cosmetic level. I’ve mentioned the shitty subtext (and it’s A Lot, like the core thesis of the film imo is [this], pretty much every woman’s done dirty [thread], Poe’s background is fucking racist and Space Orientalism is in full form, and here’s for [Finn & troopers & agency], and [my fears aging like fine wine], just for a top-five-or-so of Things That Set Me Off), but the shitty subtext is there because it’s a soulless, incoherent void of a film that can’t commit to anything. 
It is… *drumrolls* A Product. As disappointing as TROS was, at the end of the day there’s really no reason to expect stories produced by fucking disney to truly commit to pushing narratives that criticize the status quo they thrive on. “SW is about fighting fascism” my whole ass, SW is about American nostalgia for nicely black and white conflicts and under the surface it’s always been reactionary af. It could always be read in different ways, and R1 & TLJ let us glimpse a version of the franchise that could grow beyond, and maybe there’ll be more of that, but I’m not gonna hold my hopes up personally. 
Sorry I wish I had more positive things to say - I’m glad you don’t feel insecure about what you wanted from the story anymore though because like… why would you? All of us are invested and we want the story to resonate with us on a personal level. Nothing wrong with wanting romance and atonement or a heroine that’s not done dirty.
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Part of me questions whether or not I’m going to watch the new season of ML...
Potentially unpopular opinions below the cut.  
I know it’s airing in a few countries now and I remember just how devoted I was to the first season.  Or at least the first half of the season.  
I’m still wary about all the ‘dude in distress’/comedic kicking doll role Chat Noir (Adrien) was relegated to in the second half of the season.  As in all the episodes that came out after the hiatus where the number of times he was tied up, mind controlled, or rendered powerless by an akuma and had to be saved by Ladybug started to stack up in overwhelming numbers.  
The last time I pointed this out and stated that I wanted to see a little bit more of an equal partnership between Ladybug and Chat Noir, I was torn a new one by a few fans.  I believe one or two called me unfeminist or anti-girl power which was a fun time (note tired sarcasm).
Now I see bits and pieces of the new season swimming around on my dash.  And while I hesitate to call it ‘cliche’ since I’ve not actually seen any of it, I wonder and worry if the writers are just going for the easy drama and angst of a few really well-known tropes that are frequently overused.  I’ve seen hints about Ladybug and Chat Noir being pitted against each other or that Chat Noir will find himself under someone else’s power yet again.  
I also haven’t forgotten about the toxic nature of some of the fans.  Chasing out the PV fans after Thomas Astruc got tired of answering questions about what happened to Felix.  Then there was/is the problem of rampant art theft and plagiarism (to which I fell victim to TWICE).  How many fantastic fans left the fandom because of these reasons.  
The production company, and to some point the creative team, have fed into hype.  They have promised things from comics to webisodes.  From a 2D PV anime style to a live action movie.  For specials and extended episodes.  Many of which have been delayed, canceled, or delivered but fell short of expectations because of promises.  That “hour long” holiday musical special jumps to mind immediately as well as the original PV.  I’ve also seen screenshots of the comic floating around that are kind of concerning to me.  I don’t want to be drawn in by the promises and hype again.  I don’t want to get excited about something only to be disappointed when it doesn’t happen.  Or when it doesn’t meet expectations.
Part of my problem is that I might also be expecting something more complex.  More complex than a children’s show.  Maybe it’s my own fault for putting unfair expectations on something that is geared towards kids.  Wanting plots, themes, and characters that explore more than just the shenanigans of hiding double lives and goofy antics of first love.  Wanting to see more connections between the episodes that I don’t have to piece together like a giant puzzle in which I only have a handful of scant facts to support my theories.  
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future-blue-rangers · 7 years
Idk if you're taking prompts still but..... Would you be up for writing something where Kimberly patches Trini up after the battle because Trini is still all bruised from Rita's attack that night and she had the deep scratch along her collarbone. Just like hurt/comfort or angst and fluff or whatever idk you're the writer
^^sorry this took so long. State testing is a bitch. Hope this is fulfilling for what you wanted.
Trini knew that her back would be killing her for the next few days when the puddy knocked her to the ground. She could feel the old bruises Rita left her aching in pain. She got back up and started punching left and right. Knocking puddy after puddy to the ground. Soon enough it was just her and the rangers standing in a rock filled cliff edge.
“Alright. Alpha bring us home.”
“Right away Master Zach.” Her world filled with a flash of bright yellow as her surrounding changed. Once back in the ship the rangers de-morphed. Zach was sporting a nasty black eye while Billy’s nose was almost facing the wrong way. Jason’s knuckles were black and purple from his suit almost crapping out on him when he sustained the worst of a blow. The ships med bay could handle 2 ranger at a time since alpha was the only one who knew how to work everything.
“Jason and Billy, you guys go first this time.” Kimberly said as she rubbed her neck. Jason looked like he was going to fight the decision, but Kim stared him down so he just followed Jason. The whole team knew better than to argue with her when she was in ‘mom’ mode. “Zach Taylor, where do you think you’re going?” She asked as the ranger tried and failed to sneak out unnoticed.
“Home. I still have the meds Alpha gave me for my last black eye. I’m fine Kimmy. See you guys tomorrow.” Once the black ranger had left the ship Kimberly turned her attention to her girlfriend.
She was beautiful as ever standing their in the control room. Her tight yellow shirt leaving nothing to Kimberly’s imagination. Her tan and trimmed arms, the long curve of her neck, the bright red spreading across her chest, the toned shoulders- bright red. Blood. Kimberly crossed the control room and began to take Trini’s shirt off.
“Kim I know I’m a hot product and I’m one of those amazing hot rangers that saves the day-” Since Trini wasn’t helping any Kim ripped open her shirt. “Holy shit kim. Please what the hell?! Oh. Oh. That’s why my neck hurts.”
Her old cut from Rita was open and clearly inflamed. Blood flowed from her neck and didn’t show much sign of stopping. Kim ripped her own shirt and pressed the cloth down onto her neck. Kim easily picked up Trini and walked into the med bay. Jason now stood to the side of Billy’s bed. Once he saw Trini he picked up her legs.
“Alpha. Trini. Now.” He said with the full force of the red ranger behind it. Trini was finally patched up and fully ready to leave a few hours later. Kimberly and Trini left together that night. They slept over at Kim’s somehow squeezed into a twin bed together. Kim kissed around the gauze all night and for the next few days. Everyone was wary of Trini’s side for the next few days. Zach grabbed her by the side of the neck one training and when she winced in pain during the whole process.
Kim was by her side in a moment and threw Zach over her shoulder in one swift movement. “Damn pink. Remind me to not hurt Trini ever again.”
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c-sand · 7 years
ultimatemj: I think she was definitely lying about him only dealing with the drugs once and fp almost seemed familiar with Polly when jughead mentioned her but I could be reading too much into this
Yeah, because even when FP was talking to Betty and Jughead he said both that he never spoke to Jason personally, that the guys gave him product and then thought he ran off with it until he turned up dead -- and also that Jason helped them and they helped him, which implies [to me, at least] that at some point the drug running had to actually of worked? Which means it couldn’t of just been that one time that failed? I just rewatched the scene, tho, and I don’t know if I think he reacted to much when Jughead mentioned her. It didn’t feel like the mention of her name brought anything out of him.
bettytail: Me too. The whole Coopers even Betty I love her but what's was up with the multiple personalities. Why haven't we known anything more about that. Also Alice talking about what she's capable of. Hmmmm...  Maybe the girl who plays Polly just isn't a great actress but every time she speaks about something relating to what happen I don't buy it.
The mental thing going on with Betty hasn’t been dealt with in awhile, so I’m lost on that. 
But, the feeling that I get every time Polly’s talking is one where it almost feels like she’s acting for the other characters in the show. Before we met Polly we were being led to believe that she’d flipped out and had a nervous breakdown over Jason -- and that Betty thought it was really her mom that pushed her there. Then, we were led to be suspicious of their parents -- that they steal evidence and are crazzzzy and that Polly might not be as broken as we once thought. Then we finally meet Polly and she bounces back and forth between talking like someone who’s actually okay and talking like someone who’s completely unhinged and her eyes hER EYES. I just don���t trust her eyes. Even in the flashbacks [which I’m always wary of, as well] it just felt ...... off. I don’t know, it all feels so off. And, at this point in the story, we’re now going off of HER story of how events went down, and what real evidence have we been given that she’s a reliable narrator of those events? I don’t want Polly to of done anything, but I just don’t trust a single word she says.
When it comes to Alice, I feel like she’s a lot like Jughead. Within the town [to people like Sheriff Keller] Jughead is such an obvious choice to be suspicious of. He’s a ‘loner’ [he’s really not a loner, tho, he obviously has multiple friends -- he “looks like a loner”] who’s bullied by the football team, who’s from the other side of the tracks with an “alcoholic” dad [which I’m now questioning, as well, with that little shake of the beer bottle]. That town can look around at it’s options and go, “Well, he seems like a good possibility.” And I feel like that’s what Alice is for the audience. For the entire duration of the show, so far, she’s been presented as such a, “Well, she seems like a good possibility.” character. Even in an episode where we get so much development from her, and we see a little more of her thought process in sending Polly to the sisters, and we see that Hal’s the one who’s doing things secretly behind her back -- she’s still given a vague line that could allude to soooo many things, just to keep her on our kill sheets. idk I feel like she’s the fakeout watchout.
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