#I'll be fine though
jamisonwritestf2trash · 7 months
I am about to make some unwise decisions 🤯
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torifuckingspring · 6 months
not to be dramatic but the fact that i'm still alive is incredibly surprising and could change at any given moment
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whathorselegs · 2 months
The dang heart attack I just had realising I accidentally replied to That Person thinking it was just some random blog.
Instant block.
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tornsurvivors · 11 months
slowly working on one of the 'five times kissed' asks. im probably not going to do them all today though, so don't get too excited. its probably going to be the Amy x Carla one for Red, because I'm kind of feeling dead island 2 again. might just start a new slayer today, but i also might play WoW. I don't know. I'm just... bleh.
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certifieddudette · 7 months
ok summoning you. 1: a nintendo gamecube. 2: a test tube with some neon green liquid. 3: drawing of a mousegirl, cheese on her head. 4: train. 5: unsolved rubik's cube. Did it work?
YES! But instead of graciously taking shape from orbs of light or anything like that I come crashing down through the drop ceiling, straight in the middle of the pentagram :3
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krissiebucks · 10 months
O ^ O
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louisianna · 1 year
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. learn to know your mutuals and followers. 💕
I have a five-year-old niece and I love getting to spend a day or two with her each week. It's hard work, but it's worth it. I love having an excuse to make art just for fun and read picture books and play with Barbies. I worked in childcare for years, and you could say that all children make me happy (happy and exhausted, lol), but she's special to me. I hope we'll still be close when she's an adult.
This might sound weird but being really intentional about expressing my authentic self through my personal style is honestly one of the hobbies I am most passionate about. Even when I was a child, I was cutting up and gluing things onto and sewing together my clothes to make them more like how I wanted them to be, and now as an adult I love that almost my entire wardrobe is handmade by myself or something that I've bought secondhand and edited.
Dancing! One of my favourite things to do at the end of the day is put on a vinyl record and dance around my room.
Something from this week in particular that's made me happy is the show Poker Face. It's a little bit Columbo, a little bit Knives Out, a little bit Monk, a little bit Pushing Daisies, a little bit Life Is Strange, a little bit Psych… It's been too long since I've had such a good cozy murder mystery series in my life!
Pana vegan chocolate, especially their truffles.
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hesitantdream · 2 years
Small update
Haven't been actively writing or answering asks, but I'll get back to it once I sort out stuff in my personal life. A lot has happened this week and I'm just mentally exhausted.
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furryprovocateur · 1 year
From someone who gets 50k notes a week: turn the reblogs and replies off now
im probably just gonna delete the post if it annoys me anymore. im gonna generally just try to practice not acknowledging it
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When did this pre interview shower turn into a spiraling suislide 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
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dat-anime-potato · 9 days
somebody should kill me i think, so i am just as dead on the outside as I am on the inside
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wildskissed · 6 months
I guess that's all I have in me at the moment, but after work I'll try to get to the memes I still owe and the other replies. I had sleep paralysis twice last night/this morning, so I think for now my sleep paralysis demon has won and I'm gonna take my exhausted self back to bed to try to sleep for another hour or two before I head into work, lol.
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darling-zain · 8 months
You broke up with ur boyfriend?
yup, and my heart is still #broken
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dinotoaster · 9 months
comet-ish relationships make so much sense to me it's wild. feels so save and beautiful and the only thing I'm afraid of is other people not fully grasping the beauty of the concept. going through a bit of an discovery journey regarding my identity and the way I interact with the world and it's terrifying and wonderful and healing and so much
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certifieddudette · 9 months
This newfound blissful apathy is, apparently, not a good working ethic. I can't fucking catch a single break now can I?
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I've been feeling shitty lately. Not everyday, but most of the time when I eat when I'm kinda not really hungry, I just feel sick. Right now I'm actually having the feeling of vomiting but I'm scared to.
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