#I'm thinking about drawing my ocs and other characters playing their roles too. I think it'd be fun
so I'm playing darkest dungeon 2 again, mostly because my computer couldn't handle bauldur's gate and I feel left out lmfao. Dd is technically campaigns as well and there's some aspects of customization so it's helping me fill the need.
so anyway. I've been renaming the characters based off fandoms and friends.
do y'all want me to add yours? 👀
there's a bunch of classes but right now I'm using:
The Hellion (high dmg, leader/1st rank. An exiled warrior trying to gain back her honor, because in the face of war she was a coward)
The Highway Man (range and melee, any rank. Your standard hardened ex-con looking for redemption. Meow Meow flavored. Best character idc idc)
The Plague Doctor (healer&debuffs, back rank. Gremlin scientist that tried to defy death despite her professor's warnings. Also meow meow flavored tbh)
The Vestal (healer & party buffs, back rank. A warrior nun that was exiled from the church because she wanted to watch people getting FREAKY. Probably the weakest backstory out of all the characters, but I still love her and she's a based healer. so.)
The Occultist (debuffs & range, back rank. Astral traveled to the void and it seems the void talked back.)
The Grave Robber (range with toxicity, any rank. Your standard rich lady with an abusive drunk of a husband that mysteriously wound up poisoned. She spent all his money and then robbed his grave for more. Serves absolutely CUNT and is my other favorite character.)
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manasurge · 9 months
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Mourynn, my GW2 OC's bio page! This is just meant to be a simplified breakdown of her character where I will branch out (lol) to all the other aspects in detail in their own separate posts/drawings. I just wanted her bio to me more visual instead of all just text, and I also included some inspirations with a little background info to fill in some blanks (which will be expanded upon later as well). to note: - she does, for the most part, follow the canonical Commander storyline, except not EVERY part and with not the same exact personality of the in game player character either (tbh I don't think anyone's Commander OCs do so I suppose this is obvious lol) - allowing her to still play the Commander role (to a slightly lesser degree but still just enough) allows me to integrate her into all areas of Tyria, and with a more diverse set of experiences and characters to interact with and keep her involved in the major storyline (ESPECIALLY with the Elder Dragon storyline. I'm going to have lots of fun with those interactions and experiences) - this also opens more doors for giving her unique experiences in these different zones with different characters that don't happen in game (since it's easier for me to work with an existing storyline instead fo fully creating a new one. Uses up less of my brain battery) - this also allows me to poke fun at some things in game with Mourynn in character bc I have SO many things saved up that are highly amusing to me and this way I can use a bunch of my saved screenshots to my potential. - I'm also taking advantage of a bunch of plot holes and other spans of time (such as the Firstborn Era before the Secondborn came about) Her dragon form will have it's own page (with inspirations) since there is lots I still need to design and showcase, and I wanted it to have it's own separate focus! Everything will make more sense once it's all done (such as explaining how a firstborn and scion(?) are to exist at the same time, I have a fun way to which I wanna explain it once I'm done the dragon bio page). I'll also have a separate breakdown of her Elite spec and showing/explaining what it does and how it works bc it was a lot of fun to create.
Anyways this is a VERY self indulgent OC, and since I only ever make one OC (since they're almost always a self-insert to some degree with me), she's going to be very spoiled and will allow me to give her lots of attention and have fun with all the dynamics. I also can't mentally handle more than one OC bc that is WAY too overwhelming for me lol.
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w98pops · 9 months
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i knew i said i would take a little break, but ive been mentally declining a lot and drawing my silly guys is my way of coping. I never actually properly drew Wendy from 2301, so im filling in the blanks.
I'd like to think of her as a person who never actually... grows up. She just kinda gets taller and more sad over time. Wendy was always very vulnerable but cheerful, and House kinda groomed her into a serious and politically aware person, still unbelievably vulnerable but a viable subject nonetheless. I always had this problem with writing her relationship with another canon character, no one realistically would give a fuck about her and her opinions. Sure, maybe Arcade will pity Wendy because she's "stupid" from a neurotypical point of view, but other than that, she doesn't have any weight in any political conversation that's going on in the Mojave. So I made her really fucking stubborn. Annoyingly so. Wendy just... gets the job done. She's resourceful, efficient and very easy to manipulate. A perfect fit for a House's courier, I think. She doesn't question his orders, she does not care for consequences as long as she has House as her cover (a trait she inherited from her step-father) and she's sometimes sociopathic and numb to voices of empathy. Not in a "edgelord murder killer girl" way but more like. She doesn't see people who hurt her as humans. A coping mechanism that would probably be the end of her, sometime in the future. I mean, she did confront Benny and got really physical. There was no way she could've win a fight against a grown ass man, and Benny did beat the shit out of her, but in the end he was the one with a cracked open skull. I just like to think that her pure madness and helplessness was enough to fuel her mind and overpower something she had no chance against in the first place. SPEAKING OF CHANCE. That's why I think she would totally get along with Chance, the Khan from the comic. I don't really put a thought about how he would've survived or joined her, but they're pretty much soulmates. They have very different backgrounds, personalities, literally anything, but Chance recognises her rage. Her inability to do what's right and the constant fight against unfightable (?) circumstances she's facing every day. I'd like to think he's autistic too. As a treat.
So yeah, she's super uncertain about anything in her life, and that makes her a very useful tool in the hands of a right man. Mr. House mastefully manipulated her personality in a conventional way, taught her the secret and mysterious knowledge of "masking" and sat her down for a few years to teach her ways of the capital and created this really sad but smart and charismatic politician with no real political voice whatsoever. She's also very cute and sweet looking so yeah. He made himself a Tandi. 😭😭 Also he scanned her brains, which would totally not be a big plot point for the future.
Almost perfect, but Sharky is here too, for some reason. He's the biggest pain in the House's ass since Benny. He has a certain emotional intellect, not easy to bribe or manipulate in mental or physical way, he really fucking cares for his sister, and is very aware of the things The Big Guy does to her. See, Sharky wasn't raised by his sister, she was a child herself at that time, and his mother didn't play much role either, too busy bickering with Aletus and then later too busy drinking and fucking in Gomorrah. Sharky was raised by the Strip and the rules of Wasteland. He might not be the smartest guy alive, but emotionally he's mature beyond belief. He's very observant, empathetic and cunning person. Even tho he was mute most of his childhood because of child neglect and untreated autism, he has incredible social skills and a Yes-man in his basement he found while renovating the Tops. He has a plan. Not a good one, but a plan nonetheless.
I have so much OC material I'm ought to write a fanfic. Or a comic, idk. In my dreams, sure, but it's still refreshing to talk about my ocs and draw them, and recieving feedback and praise for my storytelling skills 😭😭😭 it means a lot. Thank you all for reading this far!!!
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lil-gae-disaster · 2 months
Okay so little funfact about the world(s) of my spidersona:
I first played w the thought of giving them a whole 'nother suit, but this suit was too painful to draw. And it was obviously the colors of the transflag remastered, because the first thing I knew about him before I patchworked my lore and other ocs together was that he would be trans. Because back then I identified as a transman and he was a projection of me w a slightly different name.
The reason for him being trans and not simply a guy was that I made this during the peak of the anti-trans bills in the US and I KNEW that this would flush over to Europe if it wasn't gonna be put to stop in the US. And, to comfort myself, I have made a trans & aroace spidersona who is basically me w more trauma and leads a successful life even with being trans. And aroace. It was important to me to have a successful, alive and happy trans character after seeing the statistics of the suicide rates of trans people. :)
And then I went through a lot of brainstorming, until I came up with
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Back then I didn't really think that his old superhero name wouldn't be of my liking.
This is a bit over 9 months old.
And as you can see, I have only changed my artstyle slightly, as one can see when comparing this picture and a picture of his suit I very recently drew
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Same pencil used, same color palette, just slightly different shading)
Then, I was goofing around w him a bit, drawing him and only him, but then I decided upon a Deadpool because, honest to God, we need a Deadpool to spiderman.
And so this picture happened:
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Then I goofed around again.
Until I made the picture below and needed to categorize the girl in the drawing
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And since I already had a Deadpool and didn't think of venom and ALSO didn't want someone as important as Deadpool dating some civilian (and it also didn't fit in into the lore as seen in the now slightly outdated text), I decided that she'd be black cat.
Then, I came to the conclusion that I hated drawing a beanie as much as I hate the subject Latin, so I redesigned the suit a bit, and also came up w a new artstyle. :D
The first picture of said redesign:
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I was goofing around a bit, by then I came to the conclusion I'm agender, and was like "ykw? I need a new spidersona so that I can actually project onto them." This was also when I was experimenting w my new style I have designated to earth 5426.
So, I painted this picture:
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And then I was just playing around, being a good little puppeteer, and kinda forgot about my spidersona and friends. UNTIL I managed to draw in spite of my artblock. That is also when I introduce new villain and a new artstyle.
Everybody, welcome ???? ?????? !
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And now I'm in possession of about 20-ish OCS all covered in various parts of the multiverse. Some of their lore is explicitly planned (like Novah and Coy) and some is loose (Like MJ, Noah and Wade) and upon some I haven't even decided upon their role yet (???? ??????)
And now I'm vibin' coming up w lore and just drawing what my heart desires :)
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darkrpfinder · 1 month
23 yr old lesbian looking for any fellow queers to write monster fucker stuff with!! cishet men dni. i average around 200 ~ 600 words, looking for similar! when i say monsters, i mean it! i love non human characters, literally anything you can think of i probably like it; from basic things like angels & demons, werewolves, vampires, aliens, to eldritch horror types, to anthro/furry/beast(?) like characters,,, however you wanna call those! i have a few ocs i'm hoping to use, mine range from humanoid - anthro/furry like. but making new ones for roles is okay with me, too! any gender pairings are okay!🌈✨ i adore the non human x human trope, but non human x non human is just as good if you have your own monster character! i love playing switch characters, but if you only do one or the other that's fine! just pleaaase no uwu subs that're overly shy and can't do anything, i'm a little over this trope and having to carry everything. bring me your feisty brats or mean power bottoms!! that being said, i'm not just looking for smut! it's fine later on but there must be plot, build up, and chemistry between characters. i love dead dove/problematic themes! anything you're uncomfortable w/ doesn't have to be included, but i would loove to do something with underage, grooming, age gaps,... i'm not looking to do anything unsanitary, extreme underage below 12, or excessive violence/gore. you're free to ask me about anything specific! (and again they don't have to be included if you're not into it!) i don't do rl fcs/ai/stealing artists' oc(s). i draw/commission art of my ocs, preferably you do the same or even a picrew or written description is fine! if you dislike anime art styles, you're not gonna like my ocs... pls keep this in mind!! as for ideas, i have a few in mind, but i'm hoping to brainstorm together! please no yes men, i'm hoping to find someone who will be happy to discuss ideas and share memes, gush abt the ocs and plot, etc!! send me your pinterest boards!! tell me ur what ifs and ideas abt our ocs! so if you're only looking to keep it strictly rp i'm not your gal. i'm hoping to be friends alongside writing! like if interested and i'll reach out!
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osterby · 8 months
Baldur's Gate 3, via Osmosis
So I think I played the first Baldur's Gate game for like an hour at a friend's house back in college, and all I remember about it was how delighted I was by the miniature giant hamster. I didn't even know there was a second game until I started hearing people get excited about the third one. That's about the sum of my knowledge of this franchise.
So without more ado, here's what my tumblr dash has taught me about these blorbos (I got @malaloba to huck the screenshots at me, so I didn't spoil myself on the names)
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I want to say this one is Shadowheart, but that's too on the nose. She's probably .... Mythrin... Mithras... Mithotyn... Nope, I haven't got it.
She looks grouchy, and like she has a very good reason to be grouchy, and I would assume she's a combat class from her armour, but that's all I've got.
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Gale (or Halsin) I know this one! He's the one who turns into a bear in The Cutscene that broke the internet for a few days. That means he'd be a Druid, right? I think he cross classes or something, though.
I hope the furries are having a great time drawing him as an anthro bear with a very large weenie.
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Astarion! This vampire twink was all over my dash long before the game was released. Apparently he has a tragic backstory and is a jerk about it in a way that is either annoying or endearing, depending on the player's opinion of vampire twinks. His main role in the game, however, seems to be comically failing to pick locks. This means he's a Thief. Apparently the thing with the bear just had Astarion as the player character, and he isn't canonically dating the bear guy. Oh well.
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Halsin (or Gale) The Other One who is Not a Bear. I would have said Bard for his class, but he's glowing a bit much for that here, so maybe a caster? I feel like he's more popular in areas of Tumblr that don't cross my dash.
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Karlach or Karlak or something (not Karkat, that's a Homestuck thing).
Lesbians love her! She is large and angry and apparently really easy to romance just by approving of her chopping things with her axe. I think she was a child soldier? I see a lot of jokes about her crappy ex. I think her ex is actually her god and not her ex, though. Anyway, she seems like a prototypical Barbarian, good for her.
EDIT: I just remembered that she has PLAGUE, and is on a quest to Stop Having Plague. This is apparently her ex's fault
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Laz'el. Lae'zel. La'zael. Something along those lines. I've seen treatises on her backstory and characterization, and she sounds like a really interesting character. Grew up in a cult of some kind, got dead or something, got abandoned by a crappy god (who might have also gotten dead or something), and is now wandering around trying to figure out how to exist in a world that isn't a cult. Apparently Other Players don't like her and dont't get what's up with her, which is a sore point for her fans (It's very possible that I'm mixing up portions of her backstory and fan reception with Karlach's) Her nose weirds me out (some uncanny valley thing between a skeleton lack-of-nose and a nose-nose), but I think she's pretty neat.
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Ok, so if the blue lady at the top of this post isn't Shadowheart, then this one is Shadowheart. When I first saw the name Shadowheart, I thought it was someone's OC, and then I thought it was a generic name for the player character. From what I can gather, she's Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way with the stupid scraped off. She seems to be younger than most the other characters; she and the red tiefling are the kiddos of the group (Astarion doesn't count, because vampire). I think she grew up all sheltered in a weird little cult, too. Did ALL these characters grow up in weird cults? Is that a theme? Did I hear one backstory and apply it to a dozen different characters?
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I happen to know for sure that this guy's name is Wyll. Good for me.
I don't know beans about him but I suspect he might be my favourite character when I do finally get around to playing, just from how his peronality is conveyed in fanart.
I get the impression he's the Only Sane Man to all these characters who grew up in cults and divorced dead gods and got vampire'd and whatnot, but he also has horns in like half the fanart and screenshots and is clearly Haunted (metaphorically, figuratively, literally, probably all of the above), so who knows.
As for the second figure here, I know the premise of the game is you've all got brainworms, who are in leage with a mindflayer con man who you can bone but who is also running some sleezy marketing scam, so maybe that's the brainworm made manifest?
I also see a lot of talk about character called Dark Urge, and the fan art doesn't look like that, but if Dark Urge is a manifested brainworm, then it could take various forms.
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aerkame · 4 months
Is it okay to ask if we could lean more about your OCs in the Finfolk AU? Like, what’s their work life, the roles they’ll play, what are their hobbies, and what was the inspiration when creating them? Oh, and will we see your butterfly OC by any chance? I love butterfly characters because of the unique and mesmerizing wing patterns.And fun fact, some butterflies are actually attracted to blood.
Sorry for the rambling.
I don't mind at all! Though I've never been one to make many OCs. It was only until after Welcome Home did I consider making any at all so they aren't really finished. Also I am an indecisive person on personal creative projects like this.
Both Ankor and the butterfly OC are works in progresses since I could not decide on their appearance and backgrounds, but I do have a general idea of what I want them to be so I'll share!
Ankor, who might be renamed to something more fitting, is supposed to be a shark-like dog similar to Barnaby but his features are much more sharp and he gives off an aura of strength. I got this inspiration from seeing funny videos of sharks acting like puppies around some divers because they wanted pets on the head (they were literally pushing each other out of the way for a good scratch it was so cute).
Ankor's character is that of someone who loathes injustice so he often goes about setting things right. Or well, making the scales even. He's not a "good guy", but he's not really a villain at heart. He cares about others but he does things in a violent and lethal way. More often than not, he'll be wearing silk-like furs that are really just selkie furs. No, Ankor isn't hunting them or anything like poachers do, it's actually just a good way to try and find the coat's owner because he usually does concerts near coastal regions (Side explanation: I personally think in a world of magical creatures and normal ones there would absolutely be people sick enough to hunt others for their magical qualities so I added poachers in this universe because it adds a bit more depth and danger to anyone with magic in them). He has a giant audience which means there will be lots of eyes that will see the coat so someone is bound to come forward later and get it back. He repeats this over and over whenever a new coat is found and given back to the owner. Oh, but do not lie to him. He will absolutely know when someone is lying, and he does no take well to others lying straight to his face.
As for the music he does? I'm still deciding on that.
During his free time, Ankor sometimes visits the island to see Barnaby and just hang out. The island is very quiet, there's no chance of him being tracked there, and the finfolk that Barnaby lives with all have useful items that he often buys from them. It's a win win honestly.
Onto the butterfly OC. That one I almost got rid of.
Bit of a rant sort of, it's still a touchy subject to me
At the time last year, I don't remember around what month, but it was when Welcome Home was booming, I ended up getting lots of messages from people on X about my OC and if I could draw NSFW art of her or draw Wally. The fandom seems to have this pattern of wanting NSFW from artists of either the WH characters or their OCs. It is very concerning behavior and I decided to drop anything that could possibly be NSFW or leaning towards it in any way even though I wanted my OC to be sexy or drop dead gorgeous (she's a butterfly, of course she needs to be that). But it appears that adults on X and in this fandom are too immature for that.
Her whole design was something I wanted to be alluring because of her nature. I actually did take in the fact that butterflies drink blood, sweat, and tears literally, purposefully irritating the eyes of animals to make them cry, or eating dead flesh off of reptiles. I was thinking of making her a beautiful vampire but decided against that because it felt too generic.
I think, if butterflies could truly gain higher sentience and they became giant they would not be kind at all, but flesh-eating monsters that used their pretty looks to lure others in or take advantage of others. Also, my gods, their wings would probably get massive if they became even human-sized. Gorgeous, but massive enough to cause damage.
I didn't really take the chance to flesh out her character, but I did with her personality. She has a deep French accent and a gentle but elegant aura to her and with every step she takes she looks like royalty. And she'll still keep that act up when she's drinking away at her victim's life force and blood. I wanted this OC to be as cold as ice, but lovelier than the brightest star.
If she did have a job, I could only imagine it would be modeling at fashion shows, being a designer herself, being in ballet shows, or some sort of famous singer.
As for personal non-fandom OCs? I have very few, barely even two. In fact, these two are just a mere idea of a story I want to make, but I'm not sure how.
I'll share it some other time because I really have no idea of how I can possibly express these ideas other than imagine Swan Lake, but the guy she's in love with is an evil dark lord that wants to take over the world and she's a rogue knight from an opposing kingdom that's trying to kill him and they have no idea who each other are they just want each other dead but they find each other so pretty they can't do anything about it. 😭
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cathalbravecog · 8 months
since you have a lot of thoughts of whats out there in the toontown universe i wanna throw my 2 sents: so "toons" is short for carTOONS, the much is obvious. but as you & i both know cartoons can be so much more than your typical loonytunes slapstick humor. so i like to think there are other islands out there which represents a different genre, such as: a fantasy adventure land, a sci-fi land, a western land, a horror thriller land, a rom-com land, a detective mystery land, a preschool land. so on so forth. with all their own unique animation styles. with the only consistent thing is that all the land's inhabitants are anthropomorphic animals (GOLLY sorry if this is long)
OHOHOO. you caught me in a rambly day, so prepare for a long one, lol!! (i JUST talked about some world building for my deltarune AU in private) (and i just spent my whole day listening to video essays)
this MAY be ttcc specific but aside from some ttcc details, this could apply to just... toontown in general. but i am a ttcc blog and that's my hyperfixation so that's what i'll talk about.
i love that idea! honestly, something like that is what i've had in mind, too! maybe not everything being placed on island - but a majority of them being. (perhaps similar themes being on bigger islands or just masses of land with some wilderness and such between?)
i already have my idea for a prehistoric toon land, but it's also still based on your looney tunes type cartoon - just populated completely by dinosaurs! it's where my OC, archie archaeopteryx comes from.
an idea like this in general would allow for a lot of interesting places to be made, stories to be told, characters to be made... all that could eventually get into toontown and interact with our typical toons and interact together in interesting ways and have jokes and themes based around their different animation styles and genres.
it would also let the toons to be expanded upon even more, since, in my opinion at least, ttcc can lack that a little bit in some ways. (but going out of my way to look at toons a bit more rather than just the cogs does bring some small interesting things into the light, even if just singular pieces of dialogue, lol. sadly, i don't have examples on my mind right now.) i'm a big cog fan and all, but i wanna see more from the toons! but then again, we play in the role of the toons - so i suppose that's our stories to tell! :]
I also like the idea of everything being anthro animals (ignore the fact i'm a furry for a second) it just allows for more fun, diversity, and just consistency. human-ness being reserved for cogs is what makes this work more in my opinion, but even with that not even all cogs are humanoid. (i am so glad ttcc brought us more robotic cog designs!!)
but the sheer contrast of a human-like robot interacting with ANY cartoon animal is what works in it's favor, y'know? makes the division more clear - even if there's a lot of stories and themes of these lines being blurried more. (like cog and toon friendship -> william and rain, misty in general, whatever dave has for the player toon, thomas warming up to the toons...) which i really like! gives more ideas for stories to be told and explored, and question the laws and logic of the world.
i guess this could also explain art style changes and design choices - like, for example, i don't exactly like the way flesh colored snouts look, it just doesn't fit my art style and so i leave them out. obviously, that's for all toons i draw - and honestly all art styles for just our regular toons are to be loved and celebrated. but y'know, this doesn't have to be! just a little idea i wanted to throw on the table as well.
one thing that could be interesting would just be different medias - i know toontown is a 3d game based on traditionally animated cartoons - but imagine the mixing you could do in art and in story telling! a classic cartoon coming across a pixar-esque cgi animated cartoon and them interacting, both baffled by one another - but still connected by their tooniness deep down!
it's a really interesting idea i like, thank you for sharing this with me and letting me ramble a bit! now, i'm going to list some genres or artstyles that i would like to see! based VERY OBVIOUSLY on my personal interests.
old kids edutainment game, i'm talking 90s - early 2000s. the jankier animation, bit-crushed voice acting, pretty off-model art... but all just very jolly and meaning to educate a young audience! could mix in cgi elements as well, since old games like this would have this. and y'know, some of these would be based on pre-existing thing.
honestly, just old games like that in general... the type of ones you don't see a lot, especially when spoken about online between more mainstream gaming places... but games you probably owned! games of mysterious origins, with very good charm tied to them despite their obvious lower production value... but maybe also something like pf magic petz! oh i'd die i'd love to see petz toons running around - except perhaps more anthro, but still four-legged since there are cartoons of non bipedal animals living more human-like lives.
just... digital in general? perhaps low poly cgi... listen i just like old games and their vibe. but we could do modern animated cartoon toons! both things from studios - but also indie things!
eastern european slav cartoon toons - hey, that's where i am from! i grew up with a lot of cartoons from here (czechia), russia and poland! (these being the most notable obviously) and... the themes, animation styles and vibes are very different to anything anywhere else in the world! i would love to see that! obviously, this is hinted at older cartoons - but newer modern ones could apply, too! i'm just unfamiliar with those.
a bit more on the previous topic, since my country has a big history of this type of animation... stopmotion and/or claymation!!
i'm NOT a comic book person, but oh my god would comic book toons be interesting to see! i don't even mean super hero - just comic book style in general! comes from someone who's only comics they read and own were like... my little pony, astérix and obélix, tom and jerry, smurfs and some ducktales. very toony things!
now, most of these relate to art mediums and art styles... i think those are a bit more interesting than genres, since after all art is an art medium, and genres come second. soo many possibilities. thought there are some genres i think would be interesting to see!
detective/noir type toon world? a mysterious place filled with crimes and mysteries to be solved! could make call-backs to things like scooby-doo, too!
kid's cartoon, like you've said! something cute, fluffy, there to entertain the whole family and teach the kids a valuable lesson. not to be a bluey enjoyer on main here but... bluey toons. that would be very very cute, i think.
on that note, one could argue there could be an adult animated cartoon place, but considering a place like toontown we probably want to keep things pg 13... maybe not! but it's still a possibility - as long as you take inspiration from good animation made for adults. i will not be naming any names here...!
okay, this one is MORE an art genre/style thing but... illustrated children's book type thing? maybe not for VERY young kids, but still filled with fun stories and anthro cartoon animals regardless! could appear as 2d cutouts.
medieval toons, but in the art style of medieval styled drawings...! based on old tales and fables! could also mix with some fantasy elements, of course!
just anime. toon beastars. shoutout to that one louis fan-toon i saw some time ago
and honestly...im out of ideas for this here! i don't really look at genres too often to be honest! they kind of fly over my head, so i'd probably want these to reference specific types of stories that could be told in one of these, but not enough to base a whole place on. anyways, running a bit low on steam here, and i'd repeat myself on possible video game genre based toon worlds, so...! that's it from me! hope you had fun reading this... and my many callbacks to other medias for reference.
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(also, your ask is not long! just long enough to be a delight to read! just look at my own responses here :,] )
also, question- should i get a tag for big rambles like this relating to like... world building and ideas in general? both for the cogs and the toons! would make it a bit easier to navigate, even if i am a little bit shy about people reading back through these, especially as my opinions may change. looking at you old thomas and robert ramble...
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chordsykat · 9 months
You seem to be one of the best oc creators in the fandom and I was wondering if you had any advice on mtl ocs? I wanna make one but I'm not sure where to start!
Goddamn, anon. That's one hell of a compliment to wake up to, but I'm glad you like my characters all the same. Truth is, this fandom is full of very fleshed-out, intricate OCs. Utterly jam-packed. I only think mine get a lot of attention because I present their stories in a visual media, as I am extremely, extremely lucky to have the time and energy to do so. I'm also old and benefit from having my characters for over ten years. I have had a lot of time to get to know them.
That said, entering into a fandom with a lot of excellent OCs might seem a bit intimidating, but the first thing you have to remember is that it's a fandom space and it's all about having fun. We're all really supportive of each other in this arena, which is another rare thing for fandoms in general -- but here in MTL you shouldn't be afraid to just dive right in.
I'm not sure if you're more of an artist or writer, but the first real piece of advice I can give is that there's no wrong way to make a character. For me, drawing them is most helpful, but you might also want to get their traits down on paper, first. What do they look like? How do they move? What are their basic personality traits, too? Any way you want to tackle it is fine. If you do happen to be a visual artist, I just happen to have a little tutorial I made on character design, right here.
Honestly, I think another thing that Baen-Shee benefits from is the fact that I made a whole group of them, instead of just a one-off individual. There's a built-in sense of "Oh, it all fits!" when you make multiple characters, and have them all taking on different roles. In this case, they're a band, so you can play off traits typically associated with people in their individual musical sweet-spots: Confident frontwoman, badass lead-guitarist, cocky drummer, mysterious bassist, demure rhythm-guitarist, etc. They're also a family, and you can work within those associations. And, as you'll come to find out - they're also a bunch of superheroes, so you can work with associations tied to their elemental powers. It's all reciprocal when you do work on multiple characters at the same time - you can see what I mean when you look at their individual character sheets and compare them.
Also, don't be intimidated by making a band if you yourself have never been in one. I think this is one of the things that holds a lot of people back from making MTL OCs, specifically. First of all - this fandom is full of original characters who are not, themselves, musicians or in any way inclined. Don't feel like you have to have a character that is in music in some way. Second, if you do want to make an ensemble act -- Just model them after a band you like and go from there. If you're caught-up on details about how certain aspects of music and instruments and all that work, I have a tutorial for that as well and plan to make more. You don't have to be a band-guy to be in this fandom. Hell, you don't have to be a "music" guy. You just have to be creative!
So, now we've come to the part where I say you can basically take everything I just said and throw it out the window if you only want to follow one rule. And that rule is this:
Give your character a story that will make people care about them.
If your audience can read a story about this character, step into their shoes for a while, and find a place of comfort, there - congratulations! You have written a good character. Are there small intricacies to this and could I go on for days and days about what all this means and what ways you can go about doing this? For sure - but until I get the time to do that, rest-assured that people will be drawn to revisit stories about your OC, the more they find themselves caring about them. And the key to that is putting them in situations where the reader finds themselves rooting for them. I really think this is the biggest way to win an audience over for an OC (or a pile of them, as the case may be). One small point of advice, though: Try not to step on other characters' toes as you do this. Especially the canon cast's. Unless it's funny. Then, go nuts.
I promise more tutorials on this in the future, anon. I invite you, meanwhile, to go check out the Metalocalypse OCs Wiki and study the characters you find interesting. See how they're put together, and pay close attention to what makes them compelling to you. It'll surely give you ideas for your own OCs. @thatwritingho has put a ton of work into it, and you're sure to want to spend hours there, if you're into making characters of your own.
As I said, there's a lot to this - but I hope to explore it in even greater detail, in future posts. Hope the things I linked and what I've said here so far though, is of use to you!
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eternalwritess · 2 months
Hey, I'm that anon that was matched with Charlie a while back (the one with the soy sauce packets). I was wondering if you could match me with one of the Helluva Boss characters?
It's the same info as before \/
I'm a bisexual aroace (If you've heard of "demiromantic"; that's how I experience romantic attraction). I use he/it/they pronouns.
I'm an INFP, though I have gotten ISTP sometimes. I usually keep to myself around strangers, and my first words to people that I'm not introduced by friends are usually just work-related with a bit of small talk (even in fandom spaces, surprisingly). Once I get comfortable around people, I tend to let my childish nature and antics shine through, and once I consider you a friend, it's hard to ever fully shake me off. My friends sometimes call me an "old grandpa", with the way I know a lot of random psychology and biology facts, and the way I fumble with new technology, slang, and texting acronyms. My love of non-fiction and my adherence to grammar rules certainly doesn't help. Simultaneously, they (lovingly) call a 12-year-old boy, with the way I don't hesitate to pull out a "your mom" or "that's what she said" to the conversation and with the way that I almost exclusively watch animated movies and shows over live action ones. I carry with me 15 packets of soy sauce in fish-shaped sachets in my (several) pockets. Why? Because I think it's funny, and the confusion I bring to those around me with my soy collection gives me a sense of joy. (I do other things of a similar calibre, but I wanted to name an example) Despite all of this, I tend to gravitate towards the "Mom Friend" archetype. I carry with me a lot of people pleasing tendencies (I get a lot of anxiety around not upsetting others), and that translates to making sure that the people around me are happy. I also tend to fill a "Therapist Friend" role because of this fact, my psychology facts, and how intuitive I can be at times. I tend to isolate myself, whether by physically or mentally leaving the room, when I feel upset, and I don't really like talking about negative experiences I have unless those experiences have been resolved.
On a brighter note, I consider myself quite the creative person. I draw a lot, though I usually only draw other characters instead of my own OCs. I have a discord server that I use to jot down either: a) my opinion of a certain media b) images/reactions I find funny/relatable c) infodumps about AUs or crossovers that I've made I don't really write, so I consider "c)" to be the next best thing. I also love music. I listen to mostly indie music, with a couple of generic queer bands thrown in there and a couple of musicals' and video games' OSTs. I play the violin and the trombone, so I may be biased in saying that I love jazz (really doesn't help the "old man" allegations, but who cares). In terms of non-creative hobbies, I love reading. Although I find myself drawn to the odd science non-fiction book, my heart lies in fantasy and mystery novels (this does include webtoons, manga, and webnovels, though I don't read those as much). On the same vein, I love video games (where else would I get those OSTs?). I tend to like story-rich games that are either turn-based (think Undertale) or no combat (think Slime Rancher), though if the mechanics aren't too overwhelming, metroidvanias are nice (think Hollow Knight). The last main hobby is food. If I didn't give you "mad scientist" vibes, let me tell you, I "Victor Frankenstein" my way through every meal, when time permits. I mostly mix and match what I'd think taste good together based on what I was craving at the time. I'd also say that, apart from Quality Time, I show affection best through giving foods that I've made. It works in reverse, too, where I get pleasantly happy when people I know well offer food to me. There was this one time I was bickering with some friends and one of them held a packet of chips to my face, and I tell you, the way I immediately shut up the second I saw it... I was almost embarrassed by how well that worked...
I'm really sensitive to a lot of textures, and the biggest ones are stickers (and anything sticky in that way) and wet things (think water fountains splashing water unexpectedly, fruit juices spraying on my face when I cut them too harshly, even stepping on wet floorboards without socks can set it off). Clothing/carpet with short hairs send literal shivers down my spine, but only when I touch them with my fingers/feet. I don't like kissing (at all.), so I normally stick with nuzzling. Hugs and spooning (both with people I'm comfortable around) are okay, however.
I don't really have any pet peeves, other than just blatant disrespect of basic boundaries as well as these boundaries in particular.
I hope you have a good and well-rested day :)
𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕕 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙…
Tumblr media
Honestly the first person that came to mind for you is Moxxie
The way you two met is that he probably say you trying to mediate between an argument with a few others it started getting a little... dicey so he decided to step in before you got hurt
Yeah so those guys are now dead-
He made sure that you were okay immediately afterwards
"Are you okay? Some people in Hell are just so unreasonable,"
After that he offered to walk you somewhere safe (at first he offered to your house but then started stumbling seeing how weird it sounded since you both just met)
He tried getting you talk on the way asking you small questions here and there trying to get to know you more since he found the way you handled the situation between the two guys amazing
"So what do you like to do for fun?"
Once you let your guard down he really fell in love with you
He absolutely adored your more childish nature and it would push him out of his boundaries just a little more
You and him would absolutely bond over not understanding the internet. You would both try to learn it and Blitz (idk how to do the o thing) would try to 'help' you guys (just make fun of you)
He would randomly asking you questions loving your random psychology and biology facts. He admires your will to learn and finds it as one of the most attractive things about you
"Do you know what this is?"
Whenever you pull out a 'your mom' joke he finds it slightly immature and doesn't get it all of the time but Blitz likes it and will encourage you on it
Either way though he finds your sense of humor quite nice compared to Blitz's
He doesn't know why you have the soy sauce packets... its a mystery to him
"May I ask... why?"
You and him probably read series's of books together like honestly I wouldn't doubt it. Its one of the many things you do together
Whenever you get upset and leave the room he gets concerned and will try to give you space but might end up following you and trying to comfort you. But if he sees that you just really want to be alone he'll leave you and apologize
He'll then grab some of your favorite stuff for you and surprise you with it trying to make sure that you're alright
"I know you're having a bad time so... I grabbed a few things for you"
He encourages you to be creative all of the time constantly buying you drawing supplies and praising your work. He hangs it up everywhere... and makes sure that everyone knows that you did it and that its the best artwork in the seven rings
While you and him might not have the same music tastes he loves you anyways and will end up writing songs for you
"I made a little something for you..."
Whenever he hears you play the violin or trombone he swoons and will start hugging you and nuzzling you whenever you're done
Sometimes you both play duets together and afterwards he'll always praise you saying how well you did
Whenever he sees you mix and match food he gets confused and will give you the weirdest little look ever as if he's questioning his life decisions...
But besides that he'll just give you an awkward thumbs up
:Thumps up:
He gets you food... like all of the time. He loves gift giving if you can't tell by now-
Whenever there's a texture that you don't like and it comes into contact with you he'll help you get it off always
He always follows your boundaries no matter what <3
It took him a while to open up to you about his past and he didn't share all of it... but you comforted him through it
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dreamingofthewild · 2 months
Welcome 🍃
A little about me: my friends call me Yam, and I live in rainy Britain. I am 30 summers old, my pronouns are she/her, and if I could have a fantasy occupation, I would be a druid. My ideal date is April 25th because it's not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket.
What my blog is about
Reblogs of BG3 art. They're tagged #art reblog.
All things Gale Dekarios. I made a tag called #gale defense to record all Gale analysis posts.
Aesthetic posts.
A little Skyrim. I am currently playing Skyrim with an AU Gale as the Dragonborn. The tag is #OC Gale of Watershallow.
This is mainly a BG3 dedicated fan account. I don't write or draw, yet, but I occasionally post my own game screenshots. Any original posts are tagged #dotw original.
I sometimes dip my toe into BG3 fandom discourse. The links are below.
I sometimes post my female mercenary Tav OC Octavia. Her hashtag is #OC Octavia.
BG3 ships
All origin × origin pairings, I am a multishipper. Although, I mostly post Bloodweave and Bladeweave content here. Feel free to ask me questions about these ships.
Gale x any origin character
Gale x OCs of any gender 🩷💛💙 (Pansexual flag emoji)
I love all the companions, but Gale Dekarios has bewitched me body and soul, so this blog is centred around him. I do share posts of the other origin characters.
My blog is a safe space for everyone 🏳️‍🌈
(I am Heteroflexible)
Just to be sure, if you're under 18, please proceed with care as I may reblog some spicy BG3 art. Any NSFW posts will be tagged appropriately.
BG3 discourse/head cannon posts
Elminster's role in grooming Gale; https://www.tumblr.com/dreamingofthewild/745957500572106752/hi-there-i-was-just-reading-your-post-on-mystra?source=share
Gale & Astarion are character mirrors;
Planned: A gifset of Gale kissing all the companions. A post about what I think Gale was up to before he was abducted. A list of fic recommendations on A03. The parallels between all the origin companions and the overall narrative of the game.
Feel free to ask me anything
I'm open to answering questions about Gale or Bloodweave. If you need to rant about Gale or Bloodweave, you can use it by inbox, as long as it's nothing nasty or hateful. I'm not a massive blog but I am happy to engage with and help others.
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chronicbeans · 10 months
My little Welcome Home OC Segment featuring my OC, Pinkie Patience! It's formatted like a forum post asking to find the episode.
If y'all wanna participate in this challenge (that I created because I just love how creative some of these OCs y'all are making are), go right ahead!
Here's the link to the post explaining it:
So, a little about me: I'm a disabled man, trying to find this one episode of Welcome Home. This show was kinda my comfort as a kid. I was put in a wheelchair due to an accident from a really young age and the positivity this show exuded was very welcoming and comforting. I mean, it was literally called WELCOME Home! One character, however, really helped me out. His name was Pinkie Patience, and he only appeared in a few episodes. He was disabled, like me, and made me feel understood. Like I had a friend in him, because we were similar. I've heard similar stories from other people online who remember him and are disabled. It kinda seems like he was the bread and butter for disabled kids, back then.
There was this one episode, however, that kinda made me realize that I had more friends than I thought. I always felt like I needed to stick with other kids that were disabled, because a few of the "normal" kids made fun of me and the others. They made fun of my wheelchair, made fun of my friend's leg braces, made fun of anything they could. Especially when it was a visible difference. It really made me feel bad about the fact that, not only was I disabled, I was VISIBLY disabled. Kinda like I couldn't make friends with able-bodied people, because they wouldn't want to be seen with me. This episode, which for the life of me I cannot remember the name of, made me realize otherwise. It made me realize I COULD make friends with able-bodied kids, that, if they were a good person, they wouldn't feel ashamed of being seen with me. I want to find this episode, so I could show it to my kid, who recently had to get a back brace for scoliosis. They hate that people can tell they are wearing it, even if they hide it with clothes.
So, I can't remember the name, but I remember the specific segment that involved Pinkie. It was actually a Wally segment, with him painting. The other characters got involved, too. Let me write out what I could remember.
So, Wally starts out the segment like normal. Instead of asking the viewer what to paint, however, he says something like "I want to paint something for Pinkie. He seemed upset, yesterday, and still seems upset today." Then, he went on to explain how everybody was playing a game yesterday, accommodating for Pinkie's limited movement and joint pain. However, partway through, Pinkie had to stop playing, because his joints got worse and his leg brace broke.
So, Wally begins painting a picture of Pinkie, specifically Pinkie in his leg braces. This is important for later, but isn't really mentioned. Anyways, Julie ends up interrupting the segment, knocking on Wally's door. Wally let's her in, with Julie mentioning her concerns for Pinkie. She joins in on the art segment, drawing a picture of Pinkie relaxing in the sun in crayon. It repeats with each character, with Frank and Eddie working together to make a paper chain of something, Sally writing a play about... Something I also don't remember, but I think she mentioned making sure it wouldn't be too taxing for Pinkie to play the lead role. Howdy and Poppy worked together to make Pinkie a cake, making sure to not put any chocolate or peanut butter in the recipe, because Pinkie was allergic to those foods. I don't remember what Barnaby did, but I do remember him making a joke about how people seem to think Pinkie doesn't do much because of his disabilities, but in fact, he probably does more than the people who think that way about him.
So, Wally making a painting turned into planning a surprise party that was being held in Wally's house (AKA Home, because his house was alive). Eddie ended up going and getting Pinkie, who was brought in in a wheelchair, due to his leg braces still being broken. Everybody presented their gifts to him, trying to cheer him up. I don't remember how he reacted at first, but by the end, he was happy.
Everybody left one by one, until it was just Pinkie and Wally. Pinkie turned to leave, but was stopped by Wally, who hadn't given him his painting, yet. This was the part where the painting became really important. Maybe not to the episode, but to me.
Wally gives Pinkie the portrait, with Pinkie looking a bit shocked. Then, Pinkie smiles and goes on one of his long rants. I still remember it, almost word for word, despite it being a bit long imo. I mainly remember it because I rewatched the episode to write down what he said and I still have that paper. My writing was messy, though, and my spelling was a bit off. So I kinda had to decipher it would write it down. I made sure to write it down, because this was the exact moment that made this show, especially this episode, Pinkie, and Wally Darling, so special to me.
Pinkie said "Man. Thanks. You know, sometimes, I wonder why anybody would find me appealing enough to draw or paint a picture of me. People tend to find it hard to draw things like my braces or my wheelchair. Also, I just think that they look unappealing. Then, I think to myself, "Wow! Imagine all the people in the world who think the same thing! All the beautiful people who also have braces, wheelchairs, or a difference they think is noticable from people who aren't disabled? I know that if I saw them, I would think they are beautiful people, so what makes me different? And I know that you think I am a beautiful person, Wally, be cause you always say so. The same with the rest. Everyone here always tells me how nice I looked that day, how nice I look today, and how nice I'll look tomorrow. You guys always cheer me up when I'm down. It's why, most of the time, I feel good about myself. It makes me sad to think about all of the lovely people who feel down because they are different, and they don't have others to cheer them on."
There was then this moment of silence, like the two of them had this silent understanding. Then, Wally looked to the screen, saying "It's always nice to cheer others up, no matter who they are and what they are going through. You may feel like you have nobody, or that you can only be with others like you, but that isn't true! The world may be a bit mean sometimes. People fear those they don't understand... but avoiding what you don't understand only makes it so that you'll always fear it! You need to go out and meet others who are different, no matter how scary it may seem, at first. Then, you'll eventually meet the people who are nice and want to understand you just as much as you want to understand them."
The show then ended. Wally's segment was at the end of this episode. If it helps out in finding this episode, I think this episode might've been dedicated to someone in specific. I remember the end card having a subtitle saying it was dedicated to someone, with my mom mentioning that it was the kid of a set member on the show who was recovering from polio and had to have knee braces because of it.
I have a few books with Pinkie, like the one about his birthday and the one about not being afraid of going to the doctor. This episode, though, is the only thing I remember that directly talked about how some kids feel when they have to use a visible aid or if they have a visible disability. Please, I really want to find it! I already contacted the Welcome Home Restoration Project people on the website, but I think having extra people searching could help!
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🍎👻WH: Casper (1995) AU👻🍎
Creator: wally-the-friendly-puppet (me)
Yes, I am making a Welcome Home AU. Not sure what to call it, probably “Wally the Friendly Puppet” or something like that.
It's an AU of the 1995 movie Casper, they are not high school kids, but instead will be college kids to age them up. Wally will take the place of Casper, and Y/N will take the place of Kat. Home will either be Carigan or Casper's father, but I'm still deciding. Im not too sure about the other characters since the three ghosts, Casper's uncles, are kinda mean. They'll probably Sally, Julie, and Barnaby; Sally being Stretch, Julie being Stinkie (she doesn't stink don't worry lol), and Barnaby being Fatso. They'll just pull pranks and not actually be mean to Wally (he means too much to me for his friends to bully him 😭)
Eddie will be Dr. Harvey, Kat's father. So, yes, he will be your father in this AU. I figured that since Eddie is kinda clumsy and a nervous wreck, he'd be perfect for this character. Frank, sadly, will be Dr. Harvey's deceased wife, Emilia (it hurts me to make Frank dead. But if I had a nickel every time in an AU that both Frank and Eddie were married, but Frank is dead and Eddie is alive, I'd have two. Which is not a lot but it's weird that it happened twice *cough* corpse puppet *cough cough*).
Howdy will be playing Ben the college boy (don't worry he's nice in this role unlike Ben in the movie). Poppy will be a teacher at the college (teaches cooking and sewing). I'll have to make an OC for the bitchy girl that I forgot her name who is rude to Kat (Y/N in this AU).
🍎👻Here's the cast!:👻🍎
Eddie-Dr. James Harvey (Y/N's dad)
Frank-Emilia (Eddie's deceased husband and Y/N's father)
Julie-Stinkie (she doesn't stink lol)
Howdy-Ben (college student)
(WIP OC)-rude college girl who doesn't like Y/N
Poppy-College professor (teaches cooking and sewing)
Home-(WIP) (Possibly Carigan or Casper's father)
Here are the rules for this AU:
Do's ✅:
-Fanart- I'd love to see art of this AU but keep it respectful, please. If you do make fanart and want me to see it of my AU, or just of my Sona, please tag me in it and credit me as the creator of the AU.
-Ask questions if you don't understand- It's okay if you don't know something too well, don't be afraid to ask (I think the best thing for you do to is to watch the movie for yourself to understand a but more).
-Fanfiction- As I said, I would love to see different types of art with this, not just drawings and sketches. If you do make fanfiction, please tag me in it to see it and credit me for the AU.
Don'ts 🚫:
-NSFW- I am a minor and not comfortable with this. Please keep it 13+. If I catch you making any NSFW art of my AU, I will block you. The same goes for me; if I catch you drawing any NSFW about my Sona, I will block you.
-Homophobia or Transphobia- I am a part of the LGBTQ+ community. So for you to disrespect the community, you are disrespecting me as well. I will warn you not to do this, but if you don't stop, I will block you. I don't want to harm anyone of the Welcome Home fandom.
-Racism- If I catch you saying anything rude or racist or white-washing any characters (if I ever do human fanart of them), I will block you. I don't want to harm any person of a different skin tone or race in the Welcome Home fandom and in general.
-Pedophilia- I know there characters in this AU are aged up for this reason, but there will be some children characters now and then. If I catch you saying anything inappropriate about the kids, I will block you. The same goes for me; if I catch you saying anything inappropriate about my Sona, I will block you.
-Tagging- I want to be tagged in stuff about my AU and fanart, but I don't want to be tagged in anything unrelated to Welcome Home, my AU, or anything awful. Please don't do that.
(This may change later on as this AU grows more. Please follow these rules and we'll be fine 🥰)
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findroleplay · 2 years
Jujutsu Kaisen / Madoka Magica
Hey everyone. 18+ roleplay writer who is around literate and novella style. I'm looking for a Jujutsu Kaisen rp and by a long shot Madoka Magica too, although i don't think I'll get a lot of request for that.
I've been wanting to play Satoru Gojo, moreover my own iteration of him. I'd like to write him a little bit different from usual protrayals that I've seen. I'd love to explore his complexity as the strongest and yet not strong enough character in the series. Someone that still wonders over the fact whether he is the strongest because he's Satoru Gojo, or is he Gojo Satoru because he's the strongest. So expect a lot of angst from my side haha.
I'm also open for OC's! Though I might refuse some if they don't fit together in my opinion. But I love seeing well thought out original characters, so send away dear fellow writers. (Please don't be intimated)
Equally also open for canon ships, emphasis on a Geto Suguru pairing. But also open for any other ships, except the ones where the other character isnt in Satoru's age (Like say, I'm not one for Itadori x Gojo, or Fushigoru x Gojo.)
The only requirements I ask of a partner are that they're 18+ (very fine with older partners too), at minimum semi-lit and patient with me, because I do have a busy schedule and tend to take a little before responding. Though I'd say that's because I also put a lot of work into my responses. However you can always talk in general with me.
That all said, I'm an avid plotter. I love talking headcanons and imaginations. Who knows, maybe I'll even draw a picture.
As a sidenote from me, I know some people only play submissive/dominant characters. I might not be the right one for you if you're adamant about one role, as I don't like to define the characters I play as only by their sexual preference. I mean sure, I'm open for some kinky nsfw scenes but those are like not detrimental to the story, for me personally.
With that out of the way, I hope to find some meaningful rps (despite me being very busy.) 🌟
As for Madoka Magica, I was hoping someone would write the Homura to my Madoka in verse after the ending of rebellion. I was thinking it would be interesting to write and Madoka slowly regaining her memories as well, but more on that in dms.
I think that was it? Like this post or dm me if you're interested! Toodles.
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novastargalaxydesigns · 5 months
~About Me~
+ I am a demigirl who uses She/Her They/Them. You can use any and all of my desired pronouns, but there are moments where I use non-binary pronouns more with my non-binary name, Sterling. So if you wish to ask which name I'm currently using, that'd mean a lot!
+ I am a masculine lesbian. My favorite description I've heard is that my large shirts and massive hoodies make me look like I'm not up to no good and all I can think is "I don't even stay up pass the 9:30 curfew my parents gave me. My butt's in bed by 8:15."
+ I am an artist, cosplayer, and role-play. I do write on the occasion but I am much more motivated art-wise. So you'll mainly see more art and cosplay things, especially art related to role-plays I'm in.
~Where To Fine Me~
Toyhouse: https://toyhou.se/NovastarGalaxyDesign
Scratch: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/NovastarGalaxyDesign/
DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/novastargalaxydesign
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/Novastar_Galaxy
Commissions: Open (I use Paypal)
Art Trades: Open
Design Trades: Open
Asks: Open
~Art Dos~
+ I do furry art, fantasy and mythical creatures, scenes, backgrounds. But all traditional! Yes I do good on digital art and will do it once in a while, but I find so much more joy with my pencils, sharpies, and colored pencils.
+ Character reference sheets. Every character deserves love in my opinion. And what better way to give them that love none other then their very own ref sheet?
+ Badges, head shots, and chibis.
~Art Don'ts~
+ Humans. They are very hard for me to draw. So please don't ask me to do it.
+ Please be polite and no homophobic comments.
+ No harassment.
+ Teasing is all fun and games, but if you go too far with it, I'll let you know privately.
+ I have ADHD, ADD, and OCD. If I'm taking a long time to do something, please gently remind me. I do get art done, I just lose focus a lot more than the time that goes into a piece.
+ All wips will be posted to my patron. I will post a blurred pic then my patron link for subscribers.
~Stories/Oneshots on Wattpad~
+ Her Jinx (Jinx x Fem! OC Reader)
+ Her Jinx Oneshots
+ Arcane Next Gen: Rise of Zaun
+ I Hate You (Wednesday/Galaxy Family AU)
+ Book of Requests
+ Sereneful Woe (Wednesday x Fem! Reader) COMING SOON
+ Sunny Connections (Adora x Fem! OC Reader) COMING SOON
+ Welcome to the Origins (Novastar Galaxy Origin Story) COMING SOON
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chromatic-casino · 9 months
📙 (show me the blorbos :looking:)
I don't know if you want ocs or not (I bet I'll ramble about some later lmao) so I'll just ramble about one of my older fics that I'm trying to get back into planning : Life series but Inscryption. And this was SO MUCH MORE rambling than I expected so its under the cut.
I love AUs so much and this one is so! Its just so. Grian essentially takes the role of the Scrybe of Beasts with Martyn being P03, Pearl being Grimora and Scott being Magnificus (since they are the four series winners so far). This one was more for fun but some of it fits into place perfectly, in my opinion. Grian would probably lock the player into playing the game, sort or reversing the roles Watchers and the audience have when it comes to who draws on who's attention and emotions, while Martyn is trying to take the position instead (since its still a WIP, I considered shards from his VTuber series being a motivation with. you know. How P03 tries to upload the game onto the web and such. So Martyn trying that to escape the data stream? Kind of works out pretty well). I actually had a design for Grian at some point. He's got deer antlers too because that's just a feature I love drawing. And a vintage camera. Scott would be the Scrybe of Dye, Pearl the Scrybe of Hearts (maybe, renamed because of game functions) and I considered changing Martyn's title to the Scrybe of Redstone because books can be used in circuits (I think, I'm not a redstone player) and how that still has the technology link.
Other changes include: Stoat (Martyn) card becomes (Arctic) Fox card, Stinkbug card becomes some kind of Moth (Pearl) card, Caged Wolf becomes Caged Canary, the Cat card being replaced with Ren who permanently becomes Red King for that round when it dies enough times, Magpie cards becoming Allay, and a few other tweeks to add in nods to characters, lore, fanon curses and connections that seem pretty popular. Most notebly the Old_Data from the game takes the role of whatever the Hell Watchers use to become aware, which is why Martyn is searching for it during Act 2. But there's no connection to the DLC nor the ARG outside of the Old_Data mention.
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