thefrsers · 29 days
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#they been knew
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Heyyo! Im fairly new but i already love it here. 
Could i request a scenario where mc and GE Saeran visit eachothers animal crossing islands? - Submission
You had taken the time to convince Saeran to come and play Animal Crossing with you since you really wanted get back to playing your copy of New Horizons. The weeds had overgrown on your island and your villagers thought you had been avoiding them after all that time that you'd spent at Mint Eye.
It would take you hours to clean up your island and fix everything that had been crying for real repairs. Isabelle was nice about it but you knew that the island rating was... subpar. Your poor system. It was going to take a while. You weren't going to let the village go to waste after it had waited all this time for you to return. You had spent so much time trying to make everything right!
It was going to look good or you were going to rip your hair out. Trying to find that specific set of items and trying to smooth out relationships and clean up was taking its time. Your groans and sighs had pulled the attention of the other members of your household.
Since you spent so much time playing, it really sparked Saeran's curiosity. He never had time to play games. He never really got that chance as a kid or even an adult. It was something that you had taken for granted.
He only researched them to figure out how to make the RFA seem like a game. So, when he asked you about this game, he was intrigued by the concept. He had no idea that games existed where you could design things and plant life into something. It hadn't even crossed your mind that he would love knowing about Flower Breeding!
It's a thoughtful game that you used to relax if you had a bad day. Though, it got a little tedious dealing with the hunt for your favorite villagers. It was purely a game that you played at your own pace and since it was very methodical and all too repetitive? It seemed like a perfect thing for him to play!
You surprised Saeran with his own copy after he spent quite some time watching you play as a backseat gamer. You'd not expected him to be really interested but hey, he was ready to try anything that he could think of without one second thought.
Anything that he could think of was worth a shot, that's what he told you.
You could tell he was making mental notes the more that you explored items and customs, as if he was making a chart in his head of what he could try later. Saeran was always thinking and creating inside his head. It wouldn't have really surprised you if he was making a map of a layout for an ideal island.
He was pretty happy about it!
But, you wanted to let him learn and experience on his own time so you didn't hound him to see his island or anything. You could tell that he was taking his time. Though, every other time you knew he had some free time during the evening, he'd be on his pink switch and playing away somewhere.
"What are you doing over there?"
"Mmm, I'll tell you later, my love."
"That just makes me more curious!"
You would ask now and again, but he'd smile and say that he was having fun. You were just glad to see that Saeran was having fun. Clearly, he was taking the design of his island rather seriously. It was interesting. You wondered what he wanted on his island, or how he would style things.
You thought perhaps he would spend more time trying to breed flowers to get the rarer ones and make a virtual garden. Wait until he finds out that there's a Lily of the Valley, you thought with a chuckle.
It took a few weeks of trial and error with him to get him to reach out to you about the game. It was out of the blue when he approached you one evening and asked if you wanted to come and see his island now. You stared at him for a second and then hurriedly nodded your head as if he had offered you gold.
It had felt like a secret! You never got a peak at his screen so it was hard to say what he was or wasn't doing. You just were elated that he was ready to share! So, you booted up your game and sat next to him as you got everything ready to go over. He waited patiently until you hit the airport and came over to his island.
"Saeran! Oh my goodness," you breathed as the screen gave you an overview. "You've been doing breeding and terraforming? No wonder you were working so long!"
It really was. His island had multiple layers to it as well as carefully crafted waterfalls, patches of flowers and cornered sections for gardening as he needed for each item. It wasn't just flowers he was working with. He had to have gotten really lucky grinding for recipes. This man could have given Studio Ghibli a run for their money. You thought Howl had a garden utopia but he had nothing on Saeran.
You glanced at him but he had a bit of a nervous smile on his face. Your island was nothing on this caliber but you weren't focused on trying to make things perfect. You had been focused on trying to build friendships and cute interiors for the villagers as well as fixing their houses to make a good neighborhood. But, Saeran seemed to have the goal of becoming a master of the game in a matter of weeks.
"Ah, I've just been learning from what you showed me," he offered. "It's still not quite where I want it to be."
You looked back at your game, incredulous. It was still not up to par for him? This damn man was a perfectionist even when he was having fun! Not that you were jealous. Exploring his island would only reveal that he had spent a lot of time making the sections work for what he wanted.
It was like a cottage paradise... with a lot of cute villagers. Plenty of places for people to have a good tea or hang out. He'd learned how to make his own paths and it was formed just right, with glowing mushrooms and lights. If he shared his dream ID, people would kill to take selfies in that spot.
Hidden next to his house was a personal garden and a lookout over his hidden beach. He even got a picket fence and everything. You thought he was too much, too cute. Saeran was watching for your every reaction, too.
It seemed like it boosted his confidence whenever you smiled and pointed something out to him. It felt like you were praising him with all you had and it made his cheeks begin to burn hot red.
You felt subpar compared to him since you only brought him a few terrariums to decorate his house with and he put out so much already on his own! Sweet as it was, it was obvious that this man was a God.
And when he offered to visit your island, you suddenly felt nervous. But, he did the same thing for you, complimenting your island and telling you how much you had fixed up since he had seen the mess. Even the cheesy little nooks you made made him smile.
"I did make you something, though," he said from your side.
"Really?" You asked.
And, he had, you opened his gift and nearly snorted in laughter. "Did you spend time trying to craft one of our photos to be a painting? Saeran, that's so cute. I'm gonna hang this in my house. I just wish Blathers would let me put this in the museum!"
He glanced away from you. "It's not that great."
"Any gift from you is priceless."
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