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Autumn Moon at Ishiyama, by Utagawa Hiroshige (1857).
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day neo interview
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Shinsuke Kondo (Kondo) his series "Ninja and Haradou" in the comic DAYS
Ishiyama , his series "Ryu and Chameleon" at Gangan JOKER
source: interview article! in japanese
Kondo and Ishiyama, not only "DAYS NEO writers" from each other, but . Actually, he was a "former jump writer" and he said, "I was originally a friend."
translate interview.
The "Ninja and the Faro"
Thank you for your time today。Today, talk as you think in free talk (laughs)。I will edit the content that the two were excited about to make the article feel good。Thank you!
Ishiyama: Thank you。Last article I feel good at that time, so I am relieved today (laughs)。
Kondo: Thank you。I'm glad to see Ishiyama-kun after a long time。
Well then, to Kondo-san...
Kondo: I won't hurry! Can I wash my hands for a moment? .
Well, oh, yes。Wash your hands, leave this room and be on your right hand。
Kondo: sorry! I'll be back soon。
(Mr. Kondo, leave the room)
Ishiyama: Mr. Kondo, if you are too free (laughs)。 I started now with my cousin (laughs)。
Takeno: I'm sorry, maybe I'm nervous because there are so many (laughs)。
Ishiyama: It's not that type (laughs)。 I'm sorry, and I'm not talking about the recent "Ninja and the Faro"? .
(It will be exciting with "Ninja and the Far Road" talk for about 7 minutes until Mr. Kondo returns)
Kondo: I'm sorry, I kept you waiting。What were you talking about? .
Ishiyama: I talked about "Ninja and Haruido" recently。 "I'm sorry about Tokyo."。
Kondo: I see。let me see。 If you do something like terrorism in Tokyo with the theme of drugs..。
Higuchi: I can't think of a way to do more damage than ale in drugs x Tokyo。
Takeno: Kondo is a person who thinks innocently evil (laughs)。
Higuchi: Sukueni is a Shinjuku, so it would be a catastrophe with Kabuki-cho..。 Even if you survive, you'll be out with a water drink。
Kondo: It will be more amazing from now on。 look forward to it。
Ishiyama: I wanted to hear from before, but how long have you been thinking about it until it was deployed? .
Kondo: I'm thinking of Zakuri until the last of my work。 I'm really Zakuri, but I'm thinking about the end of each chapter and what kind of enemy to fight and what kind of development will be in that chapter���
Ishiyama: Do you think about the characters that appear in each chapter? Or are you all thinking? .
Kondo: Boscala has been thinking for a while, but other characters sometimes think about it。
Takeno: "The order in which you leave" is important, right? .
Kondo: Yes Yes。 Both the ally side and the enemy side have decided "who is where and how to leave"。
I read that Dr. Wakichiro Fujita said in an interview about Nari no Kama, "I will decide on the death of the character and draw towards that death."。So now, "Ninja and Harudo" may be made by Dr. Fujita (laughs)。
Back in the Jump era, we thought we'd rather make things on the spot, right?
Ishiyama: No way! "I have to catch the vote!"。 I didn't think about it first (laughs)。
Kondo: You were told by the editor-in-chief at the time, "I'll die if I think I'm in the het" (laughs)。I've changed the field now, and I feel like trying a different way。
Ishiyama: When you look at "Ninja and Haruido", it looks like you're facing now, right? .
Kondo: I feel like I'm addicted to it so far。
Ishiyama: I'm getting in a lot of power, like the death of a character。 It's cool to kill Kitchi at the end of the battle, and cool at the end of any character。 It's really irresistible that the last of the chapter is properly made to get excited。
Takeno: "Ninja and Harudo" is a production number since my neck flew。
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At the same time: (Lol)
Ishiyama: I'm so excited about it! . "Wow! I flew! I'm dead!"。
Kondo: I'm thinking about how to leave the place, so I want to draw with the enemy's backbone toy。 I want the character to be convincing。Because it draws a person's dense part, sometimes I can pull myself a little。
Takeno: That's also a Requiem to Kondo's character。
Ishiyama: Suffering with the character..。 It's going to be mental..。 Isn't the episode of enemy characters really disgusting?。
Kondo: I want to draw a compelling, punchy episode。 Sometimes I look up the case that was actually there and refer to it。
Ishiyama: There's a miserable past that makes it painful for those who read it, and I'm relieved to read it because I'm dying as a result, but I'm laughing at the end..。
It means that I've decided the whole story and the end of each chapter, the only way out of the character... but when did you decide? .
Kondo: I decided to some extent in the planning stage。 When I decided to make eight boss characters, then eight ninjas... I was inflating like this number..。
In "Ninja and Haruido", you wanted to make a composition by saying "There is a boss for each chapter"。Defeat the boss and go to the next chapter。Like Rockman。So I'm really aware of "building up the boss character"。First I thought about the backbone of the boss character, then the backbone of the ninja... I thought in turn。
Ishiyama: Absolutely more serialized than the initial concept, right? Is that not the case? .
Kondo: I'm sorry。(Coronation)
At the same time: (Lol)
Ishiyama: I thought it was! . All the characters stand out too much!.
Kondo: If it was true, I was planning to finish it in about 3-4 years, but already... (laughs)。
After all, I want to draw with the enemy's subordinate toy from about glass still drain。Personally, I wanted to draw my children particularly well。But once you do it, you want to do the same in the next chapter。
If you think about it now, "I took care of it myself and clenched it" (laughs)。
Ishiyama: It doesn't end unless you draw various characters properly (laughs)。
Takeno: It'll be no good if we don't expand it again from now on!
At the same time: (Lol)
The "Ryu and Chameleon"
ーMr. Ishiyama, how do you create your works?
Ishiyama: I haven't changed since I was jumping, and I feel live with my eyelashes。
Kondo: eh! Even now! ? .
Ishiyama: is。The following idea comes out while drawing。 I've decided only the last one, but the others are not。I'm still derailing (laughs)。
Kondo: Ishiyama-kun is a boy manga disposition from the root, let me see (laughs)。
Ishiyama: So I'm not like Kondo to decide the end of each chapter。 I will decide "this will happen at the end" and decide by then with a series of chapters。I put it as an idea at the time I came up with it, and I feel like using it when I can use it。
``Rong and Chameleon'' were single-line Hiki, and so was Volume 1, but it came out in August Volume 2 I think I'm getting more and more excited about the next volume, but is this also born in a live sense? .
Ishiyama: I am aware that I want to be a good toe。I'm making a sense of live (laughs)。 When I'm serialized, "This is the last story of a volume," I added a oyster that I was interested in what I originally decided to draw, or made the story itself a better story。
Higuchi: It's also quite a bit of a last minute when the toes are decided (laughs)。 I think I had one or two volumes put in a bus with a level of nothing more, but it was really when I was playing the name of the month..。
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Kondo: It's a sower... (surprise)
Ishiyama: So I just put "Kinjukai" in two volumes, but actually one story more。So the book was a little thicker。I'm glad I managed to get a screw... (laughs)。
Kondo: It's screwed (laughs)。
Takeno: I've done it since I've been saying "single book, 30 pages left" and then "Let's make it on the next 30 pages" (laughs)。
Kondo: let me see。WEB serialization is because the melting there is a good choice。I'm going to draw 15 pages in one story, but I'm free to draw 30 pages。
Ishiyama: Actually, so is Gangan JOKER。I can't believe it, right? ? .
Takeno: Eh, is it possible to have any number of pages with Gangan JOKER?.
Higuchi: You can do it quite freely。I've been creating a scripture since I heard the writer's wishes。
Takeno: Paper magazines, such as Morning, have a fixed number of pages per piece, so if you forget to say the number of pages increased or decreased, it's a mule。I'm angry at the organization。"Let me see Shirot!"。
Kondo: The number of pages was decided by the number of jumps。 The image that the person in charge is doing a lot of work on the page increase。
Ishiyama: So when I get more pages, I put my temper and draw (laughs)。
Kondo: But if there are too many pages, that can be a burden。
Ishiyama: It's difficult, isn't it a name cut without thinking about making a picture?。 So you don't hate when you make it。I cut my name。 If there is a page with a lot of people who are hiki and have a lot of people...! .
Takeno: After all, Ishiyama has that kind of thing (laughs)。 Mr. Kondo also thought that "Why did you make it like this in Coiz" recently? .
Kondo: I've always thought (improject)。
At the same time: (Lol)
Ishiyama: Eh, is it a character (lol)?
Kondo: so。It's a torch。 It was a machine that was still connected by two human bodies vertically, and had four hands... but the torso itself was two tidy, and the image was really troublesome because the torso itself was swirled around。
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shiyama: Eights certainly looks like a lot of noise..。
Kondo: Moreover, the human body of such a structure is not a reference material。 It's hard to think about which muscles are connected..。 But I want to move naturally and I have to do my best (laughs)。
Ishiyama: That's what it really is。I can't express "sickness" unless it is drawn properly。
Kondo: I feel that the cost of making is being squeezed by the beginning。But the next chapter is relatively simple clothes, so it might be fun there。Next is not blurry, but the assistant dies。
At the same time: (Lol)
Ishiyama: There is a fox cousin somewhere (laughs)。
Takeno: It's almost Kondo's death, his assistant's death, both die, or the deadline is over and the blur dies。
Ishiyama: It's a magnificent work place (laughs)。
Two encounters and first impressions
It's been a lot of communication from the past that Mr. Kondo and Mr. Ishiyama are good friends, but when and how did you meet in the first place? .
Ishiyama: Mr. Hasegawa is the kikkake of the encounter。It's a jump writer。
Kondo: Is it okay to name it with Coco? (Lol)
Ishiyama: Hasegawa will forgive you! (Lol)
Kondo: Sway。Let's sweeten the kindness of Nagayakawa-kun (laughs)。 Nagaya-kun was a good friend of the ass when he was serialized in a jump。Hasegawa-kun is also linked by a jump, but Isayama-kun and Hasegawa-kun met there, right? .
Ishiyama: That's right。I entered when I was the first one and Mr. Hasegawa was the first series。 I was getting along soon after age was together。 When I buy a workplace with a series of prey, I don't know any other place, so I borrow it about 10 minutes walk from Mr. Hasegawa's workplace。
Kondo: Yes Yes。 Then, Nagayawa-kun often calls people to his house, but when there is, he says, "Shall I call Ishiyama?"。Because there was also the same jump writer, the connection was made。I met there for the first time。
Ishiyama: The first time is Ale, I watched a movie! "Mad Max" (*1)。 Hasegawa-san Y-ku-san (*2)-Kondo-san-Mu-ku。 (*1) "Mad Max Anger Death Road" (*2) One of the fellow comics at the time
I met and stayed in the cinema without talking。 I'm a clear person while watching the movie。I've never talked to you for the first time (laughs)。 Then, with the rice that followed, Kondo and I got along。
Kondo: After that, I used to play at the house of Kunagawa。 Hasegawa-kun, I often disturbed because the room was clean (laughs)。
Ishiyama: Isn't it better to call Mr. Hasegawa today (laughs)? .
Kondo: I didn't want to call you, though! . But when that happens, I have to speak to Shueisha... (laughs)。
Ishiyama: Unfortunately。But I often played at Hasegawa's house。
Kondo: Yeah, about 2-3 times a year? . Gather at the Nagagawa-kun house with the manga family members, draw and drink and smabble。
Ishiyama: Oh yeah, I drew it and said, "Who is the most similar?"。
Kondo: Everyone plays by drawing the same cara。It was fun。
During the dinner after ``Mad Max'', did you have a heated discussion over impressions and became good friends?
Ishiyama: No...? I don't think I talked about Mad Max so much (laughs)。
Kondo: (Lol)
Ishiyama: I remember the little frog meat that was eaten (laughs)! .
Kondo: That store in Shinjuku, right?。 It's funny that I was suddenly eaten by Getty Mono at first face-to-face。
The impact of the frog's meat is too great (laughs), but what was the first impression of each other at that time? .
Kondo: You thought "a cool person"。
Ishiyama: It was my first time I was nervous (laughs)。
Kondo: Maybe that was also the case (laughs)。 More recently, I thought, "A person who thinks about cool but manga!"。
I've always wanted to see Ishiyama-kun in the first place。It was interesting to see the "Three Neck Condor" he was drawing。It's over, but it's nice to see a swirl and swell towards the end。What kind of guy like this drew... (laughs)。
Ishiyama: Wow, thank you。
Takeno: You are also rivals at the time, right? .
Ishiyama: Well, I think I can say that I am a rival as the same new writer。
Kondo: I was so tired when I was in series, and so much a bee! Maybe it wasn't feeling。
Ishiyama: When I first met each other, they were done, so I felt a lot of sense。Maybe I was a big hit if it was before the series, but I think it was。Which one will harvest first! What (laughs)。
Kondo: After all, it's a bee (laughs)。
Takeno: Then what if it was a line like "Spring Rinseng! 1st bullet/Misama! 2nd bullet/Kondo!" .
Ishiyama: Then you're motivated to kill it! .
At the same time: (laughs)
ーYou had a hearty discussion about manga when you first met! What was your first impression of Fujito Chika, Ishiyama-san?
Ishiyama: This is pureness that remains the same。Maybe I thought about it in the bad faith or behind the scenes, and I had the impression from the beginning that I couldn't feel it at all。So I didn't have to be vigilant and I could talk about anything from the beginning。
Anyway, I immediately knew that Manga liked me。Since the first face-to-face, I've been thinking "people who want to talk about manga together"。
Higuchi: Does that mean it's something like a bowl of frog meat (lol)?
Ishiyama: I was talking about manga all the time when I was served with frog meat。 That work is, this work is this (laughs)。 So Kondo-san will come to me。 Manga love is so strong that it doesn't stop when I speak like it is now。
Kondo: I love manga and manga houses。 You're just a manga geek becoming a manga house。
Kikkake posted by DAYS NEO
-In June 2019, a year after the two of you met, Fujito posted ``Ninjas and Yakuza'' on DAYS NEO.What made it happen?
Kondo: At that time, I was a Gakun with a jump contract。
I was a senior student and worked in the Ranobe department of Kodansha, and the person said in half a joke from the front, "If you don't jump, do you draw at Kodansha?" After contacting "I was cut out, I was supposed to drink immediately."。
So "Now with a whip, DAYS NEO is the service only。You can see the various editorial departments out there, so what if you put it out? "。"Hey, there's something like that," and for the first time, I knew DAYS NEO。
So, there was a name that became a bot at the time, so "Let's get it out..."。I posted to DAYS NEO because I was going to do it because I was a fake meeting。
ーThen, I received an offer from the comic DAYS/Take Hon to be in charge of it, right?
Takeno: It's interesting to read it。It was interesting, but there were some ways I could improve。So I told you it was interesting, but I feel like I sent a message to Bakibaki that wrote an improvement。
Kondo: The message was about composition, so maybe it was such a Bakibaki...? When I first met him, I was prefaced with "I'm funny," and I was told by Bakibaki (laughs)。
Takeno: Maybe it was (laughs)。
Kondo: I feel like I was told about various improvements, but the first is "information is too much"。 Certainly, at the time of "first story", there was a fraction of four episodes。I think it was about four episodes and the volume of two volumes of a book was about (laughs)。
Takeno: So "this is the reader can't chew"。 The settings were already outstanding and the characters were also attractive, so "focus on the cara a little more and let the story fall apart and reconstruct"。But then it was too early, right? .
Kondo: It was early。It's been about half a year since the first meeting started to serialize。 I wonder if I repainted it about twice in about half a year。
It started serialization in half a year since I met...! Then it's a work that carries the comic DAYS Monday, right? .
Takeno: I updated on Monday to make it more talked about than Jump Manga。
Ishiyama: eh! What is that? .
Takeno: like that。 Kondo also said, "'Ninja and Haruido' will be more talked about than Jump Manga, so I'll update it on Monday."。
Kondo: Yeah。
Ishiyama: Wow, isn't it a bee (laughs)?。
Takeno: Backed by hot fans, "rest" and "striped" are now talked about, and I think the relationship between Mr. Kondo and everyone of the fans is amazing。
Ishiyama: When on vacation Open the full story and posted on Twitter "Message in charge" I was buzzing, but it was so fuzzy, right? .
Kondo: Takenemoto really thinks about the measures to make the series a topic, and I'm counting on them because they are addicted to it。
About three years after Mr. Kondo posted "Ninja and Haruido" to DAYS NEO, Mr. Ishiyama in May 2022 "Ryu and Chameleon" Posted in DAYS NEO。Ishiyama-san also had a mushroom? .
Ishiyama: After all, Kondo-san。Mr. Kondo met the editor at DAYS NEO and was serialized from there and was active... I heard that。At that time, I had a contract period, and while I was assisting, I thought, "What should I do with my work?"。
However, Mr. Kondo was busy and I didn't see you at that time。At that time, remember DAYS NEO。After all it was easy and there is no particular demerit here, so let's post it! I mean。
Kondo: DAYS NEO is really nice。 You see, if you bring it in once, you'll be pretty mind-cut, right? .
Ishiyama: I understand (laughs)。 If you say something negative, you're already told。
Kondo: After all, I feel very much because it is the communication between people。
Ishiyama: Yes Yes。Look up, make a reservation, go on the day, and that's all that makes my body and heart difficult (laughs)。
Kondo: Actually, I brought "Ninja and Haruido" to several editorial departments in Comitia。
Ishiyama: Oh, really? I didn't know that!
Kondo: I think it was just before I gave it to DAYS NEO, but. I brought it in about 3 editorial parts。I remember being tired。
Takeno: How was the reaction of the editors at that time? .
Kondo: 3 The editorial department also said, "I like ninjas, but I wonder if I'm going to do it."。
Ishiyama: Is that what you said to me?
Kondo: Let me see, then, in any editorial department, "I should stop the polar road..."。
Takeno: Eh! It's okay because they're ninjas and gangsters!
Kondo: So, I was the only one who said "Ikudo is", but Takenmoto-san was really the only one。
Takeno: Ninja and the extreme road are the best。 You feel like "the strongest battle manga setting that you thought about"。
Kondo: Almost everywhere, "The polar road is not fashionable ⁇ , I should change it" was a reaction。Takenemoto just said, "I'm a polar road!"。
Ishiyama: It's refreshing, "Bash the strongest and the strongest!"。
Takeno: Like "Godzilla vs King Ghidora" (laughs)。
Kondo: Personally, I was originally confident in the planning of Ninja and Farway, and I thought, "Kore is interesting! Ike!"。
When I was asked by my friend, "What kind of manga do you draw next?"。"What is that!?"。I thought that "after all, this plan has an impact" because you can laugh so much in this moment。
Takeno: The reading of the early titles wasn't "Nagyoshi and I" though! .
It was "Shinariya Isumi" in the early days of the series, right? .
Ishiyama: So, when did you change?
Takeno: It's time to issue a single book volume。Rubi was shaking, but to the sales department I was told that when I searched for "carrot", it doesn't come out."。
Well, that's right..。
At that time, I thought of a picture as "I will change the reading method! I will only replace the lubi of the logo!" on Twitter, and I immediately TELed it by "Let's change the reading" to Mr. Kondo。
Kondo: When I received the call, "Oh, yes"。I was only convinced for the reason (laughs)。
When I was asked by my friend, "What are you drawing manga now?", I read "Writing in the extreme path with a ninja" and "When I see" Manga! "I answered, so it was easy to explain, I decided immediately。
Ishiyama: As a result, it was a title that was easier to understand than this, and I'm glad I changed it (laughs)。
Well, even in the same work, the editors responded differently... but when Ishiyama posted "Ryong and Chameleon" to DAYS NEO, two editors immediately gave him the hope of taking charge. You were sent, right? Is there a reason for choosing Higuchi? .
Ishiyama: Let's win with "Rong and Chameleon"! Because he told me。 I was also confident in the planning of "Ryu and Chameleon" and wanted to win at Kore。So I was glad that the editor who came there gave me the request。
So, I did not bother with Mr. Higuchi (laughs)。
Higuchi: It was in the midst of GW that was posted and matched, but I sent the editor-in-chief the URL of "Ryu and Chameleon" during GW! .
Ishiyama: Yes Yes (laughs)。 Say "You should see it above!"。
Kondo: Gangan JOKER, that hen footwork light。
Higuchi: I agree! Among the squennies, Gangan JOKER has light footwork。 At that time, I had the editor-in-chief read it immediately and had the series meeting held at the fastest。
Ishiyama: That's right。I was surprised。
There are regular series meetings in the editorial department, and there is an image like a series of works..。So even if the editor-in-chief looks at the name, I think it will take a few months before the series is decided。
But "Ryu and Chameleon" was decided to be serialized as soon as "Maji!?"。It was about 5 months after matching until the series started。
Kondo: Even then, it's early until the series comes。 By the way, comic DAYS has no serial meeting in the first place, right? .
Takeno: Well, if the person responsible for the creative signs the GO sign, it will be serialized。 When you have a good name, show it and say "You're serialized, right?" (laughs)。
Kondo: I was surprised because I had a series meeting every few months when it was a jump。
Ishiyama: After all, you'll be surprised, right? . Well, have you decided yet? Isn't it a lie? It's now。
Higuchi: I want to bring the writer's heat to the series while atsuing, and I want to convey the reaction of the editorial department to the writer as soon as possible, so if you give me a good name, it will be a direct decision (laughs)。
At the actual series meeting, "Ryu and Chameleon" was well received and was carried by Tonton Tsuko。
Ishiyama: I was really grateful。
Kondo: "Ryu and Chameleon", from the beginning, it's a hot and interesting picture..。
Ishiyama: Thank you (laughs)。 I think you can draw by yourself。
Kondo: I think you read that the two protagonists are also ridiculously cool, but the story of ordinary people is really ⁇ , or the whole story of the manga family's suffering is a complete reality! .
Ishiyama: (Lol) Well, I'm going to stick it in Coco (heart)。
Kondo: 本当にさぁ...連載が獲得できないか打ち切になたら作家の話さぁ...! .
Come on, read it, but really..。 Ishiyama and Hore have been cut off twice, right? .
"Oh, I've seen hell like that," and I feel like a baboon while reading (laughs)。
Ishiyama: I agree...。 From the Manga family members who have already experienced the censoring I got a lot of messages。"I was stuck!"。
Takeno: I would like to post to DAYS NEO by all means of such writers。
Kondo: DAYS NEO, I want to be Seriously because there are so many editors。You can tell me what you didn't care about and what was bad, and I'm not the only Kodansha anymore。
Well。DAYS NEO is pursuing "better for creators", so it's better for creators to "where there are only Kodansha" than "where there are various companies/editing departments". I think about it and I'm here。
Ishiyama: I really appreciate it as a blur。 I wonder if the new person should give it to DAYS NEO for the time being when he draws his name. I think it's nice to start with DAYS NEO。
Takeno: It's a mess from the edit。
Higuchi: It's messed up。
Takeno: After all, the number of works that can be read has increased by the number of works that can be read。
Kondo: I'm so happy that the writers are also editors。Look, I didn't bring anything in, so I can't imagine the writer asking, ``What do you think?''
Ishiyama: I see, there are sometimes complexions ⁇ (laughs)。
Kondo: Ando, "Uhne... Imiti。Isn't there an editor who feels like "。
Ishiyama: (Lol) Whose mane is low (laughs)。
The charm of "Ryu and Chameleon" from Mr. Kondo
I think it was enough for the readers of this dialogue that they would respect each other's work, but let me dig deeper! What is the charm of "Ryu and Chameleon" from Mr. Kondo? .
Kondo: Definitely heat。 It's hell, but it's fun to draw manga。Both are extremely hot and will be drawn by Eg and stabbed。
So I especially like the characters of the manga family who were cut off by Nakano, which appears in about 3-4 episodes。No, it's not the protagonist, but the legend box guy (laughs)。
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Of course, it is the superhuman manga family like Hana dei who leads the story。The real distress of the legend depicted in it stings。"Oh, there's something like this!"。
Of course, because they are manga houses, they also stick deep in the blur..。Do you also receive such a flight from readers?
I have a lot of surveys and flights��� There is also empathy for the severity of creation, and you can know the back side of manga creation... and some people can enjoy where they go。You may also be able to expand a little more and think it as a "work thing" and read it over time as you normally do it。I'm really receiving a response from various layers。
A reader who read an episode of the manga house Carra named Nakano was told by a reader, "I knew the conflict between the cut-out manga authors I once liked and paid off my feelings at that time。There was also a flight。
I wonder if there is a reality that Mr. Ishiyama can take out of his experience, but that is the story, and it is a scoop that is dropped into the work with that picture! I think.。
Kondo: You're improving or drawing。 No, I think the protagonist is so fuzzy and full of dragon aura。I think "Mustful Yaba!"。It's getting polished。
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Is that digital? analog? .
Ishiyama: It's digital! .
Kondo: Is that so... no really amazing。Drawing haze。
Ishiyama has been good since I was jumping, but I am still improving。I've been reading it since I was about "Three-necked Condor"! I've been growing from that much, and I'm already a Zgarn with a growth curve for a picture! I'm jumping through。
Ishiyama: I'm really happy to say that。
Especially "Ryu and Chameleon" is the manga family and I want to do my best to draw。It's fun to draw and it's stuck as time allows。It's also a big deal that is easier to digitize and fix。There is a monthly issue, and I'm doing my best (laughs)。
Kondo: Originally there was speed, and I followed my skill with my skill... It's getting amazing (laughs)。
Ishiyama: Thank you very much。Pruritus without praise (laughs)。
Higuchi: Ishiyama-san, I'm drawing alone。
Takeno: Really?。That's amazing...! .
Kondo: Maybe it's the background, but Ishiyama-kun drew it by himself, right?
Ishiyama: I also draw a background。It's fun to draw (laughs)。
Higuchi: Every time I was moved by the manuscript being sent, I was wondering how I was getting the time for the past month (laughs)。
At the same time: (Lol)
Kondo: "Ryu and Chameleon", how many pages per story? .
Ishiyama: I feel about 40 pages。
Kondo: Wow, 40 pages in a month, including background..。 I can't draw any background, so I can't hold a book without an assistant... (laughs)。
Ishiyama: Is Kondo-san analog too? .
Kondo: I'm doing analog up to the carapen, and I'll draw the flame and the effect as much as I can, but the work from there is digital。Scan what you drew in analog and give it to the staff "Background I have!"。
Ishiyama: So, Fujito Chika, do you feel that you don't touch anything digital at all?
Kondo: Digital when flying sound effects or droplets when finishing。 I did it digitally because the left tiger and the character used the thread in the battle, but the thread was also digital faster (laughs)。
Ishiyama: After all, I don't feel like drawing it myself。
Kondo: Yes Yes! Whenever I ask someone to help me, I definitely want to draw it myself! There is a place。Like "I have one drop in here... I should come in!"。
Ishiyama: When you get to that level of obsession, you have to do it yourself (laughs)。
Kondo: After that, I draw all the face-to-face characters myself。 It's a cara with a mob but a yak and a pimpy face。
Ishiyama: I have to draw that face with Mr. Kondo! .
Kondo: You can't be satisfied if you don't draw yourself after all, with the individuality of the movement, the character with the posing becoming the individuality, or after all。
Ishiyama: Yes, Ale says, "Please draw a distressed look and a character of the posture."... I can't reproduce it as a request。
Kondo: The rest is just a joke, maybe when I want to secretly insert a small story into the picture...?.
Takeno: Kondo-san is not a "sneaky" (laughs)! .
Kondo: I'm now a little adult compared to the jump era..。 Once upon a time, when I drew a cara of anime for a famous girl in the background, I was sometimes angry by the person in charge, "Stop it because I am in the world."。
Ishiyama: No, it was quite noticeable (lol).
Takeno: I'm glad that the reader noticed such a small neta and said it as SNS。Good communication with readers。
I felt that both the background writing story and the small Neta story were hospitality about "how entertaining the reader"。For the reader, it's clear that how much attention you have in your work..。
Kondo: It's fun to draw purely。 It may be extra, but is it fun to draw so far?。
Ishiyama: I want you to enjoy it! Let me see! I also want you to think, but sometimes I don't want the reader to think "Oh, I'm out of the coits" (laughs)。
Kondo: Ah! It also has it! .
Ishiyama: So I'm getting stuck... (laughs)。
Kondo: As the series continues, it will stack more and more..。
Ishiyama: Wow, the manga is truly the best! Please let me know! .
"Ryu and Chameleon" Volume 2 But isn't it because you've drawn the works of five writers, and the five works are so different?。I thought that was also a great commitment。
Ishiyama: Let me draw。That was completely Higuchi's idea, "What do you do with a book, a ghost page?"。
Takeno: That's really the best。It was amazing。Which manga would you like to read first if you were blurred? I thought。
Ishiyama: Wow thank you, I'm glad to draw。
Higuchi: I came up with the best-pages that readers would be most pleased with, and I came up with "I'm making two volumes after all" and suggested。I am glad that the readers are happy and I really appreciate it。
Takeno: Moreover, it is quite a guts drawn。About 4 comas per work。Moreover, all works have a title logo。It was really glued。
Kondo: There is a place like the Daigo taste of the manga house manga that I made during the making。
Ishiyama: I agree。 I didn't have a timing to make it out, so I thought if you could enjoy it on the bonus page..。I'm glad I did my best。
Takeno: Kondo-san has a great deal of attention on the bonus page, right? .
Ishiyama: Mr. Kondo, you're just going to make a mess of daunted pages in a book (laughs), right? .
Higuchi: I like it when I removed the book cover of "Ninja and the Farway"! .
Kondo: Originally, if I thought that the text was faster than drawing manga, it would be hard。Next volume (Volume 12) But write a lot of letters。 I think the pattern is as different as I can every time, so I try to make it like a newspaper or wikipedia。
Takeno: The 12-volume bonus page is also quite interesting。
Kondo: I used to use the letters again, but I did a guy I had never done。
Takeno: I'm really grateful that the designer always takes on it。 It's easier to do it in the same format every time, but thanks to the designer, Kondo's commitment can be expressed (laughs)。
The charm of "Ninja and the Far Road" from Ishiyama-san
What is the charm of "Ninja and the Far Road" from Mr. Ishiyama? .
Ishiyama: I just touched it a little, but when the character's death is super cool, he brings it to the climax of the battle properly。
After all, I'm the strongest and the strongest, and I'm fighting between the most attractive characters, so it's so funny to see it! I think it will。I've been doing that all the time, and that's why I'm so funny, I can believe and read it with confidence。
ーRead ``Ninjas and Yakuza''...it's incredibly addictive, isn't it?
Ishiyama: I understand the addiction。 It feels good at the end of the battle, or it looks like a drug (laughs)。 It feels like it's getting more and more soaked。
Takeno: By the editing line, I take good care of stylism。The strongest vs. the strongest, so what doesn't cause inflation... what a cousin who eventually makes the frame "strongest vs strongest" and easier to understand。 After that, "I've been flying my neck, so I'm production!"。
Such frames are important for readers to read just as they can read。
Ishiyama: I'm cool, but it's not a battle climax。No matter what a cool battle, the last one is dying and makes you more attractive than a battle... so it's delicious until the end。I think it's a good composition。
Higuchi: Even if you have a bad enemy character, you can finally reveal the backbone of the kind and make you feel at ease..。I'm having fun every time a new character comes out。
Ishiyama: Yes Yes! Every time I get a weird new cara, "What kind of backbone is this!?"。It's getting weird! ...I think (laughs)。
Takeno: I have a lot of thought about the death of all the characters, but I like the end of the glaze so far。 It's a scene that breaks down the stylism that I could spin over 11 volumes in a sense, but it's also the scene of a character with that persuasiveness it's the best。
Kondo: Since I'm one of the strongest, I did it all that much。
Ishiyama: I'm the prime minister! I like seven loveless。 I like Gumte and the Seven Scenes In the interaction with Tsukushi, for a moment, when Gumte shakes. The best scene where a non-ninja general shakes a gamte that is too Yaba for a moment with just that straightness。
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Kondo: At Gamte, I wanted to draw a story about the general public doing their best。 I drew Gumte and the Seven Scenes as its iconic scene。
Ishiyama: Gumte, isn't it all the time I've been making it?。It makes me look like that, so I'll make it a lot! .
Kondo: That was the cousin that the character moved to。 If I'm shi seven, I'll do this。
Takeno: In the case of Glass Tildren, the president was also a good character..。
Kondo: The president is already "this is the fxxk at the main place!" It's a character that came to mind and was born "This is cool!"。
Takeno: I read that name too and laughed every time. I'm squid (laughs)。
Ishiyama: It looks like it's fun when drawing (laughs)。
Higuchi: It looks like the meeting is wonderful (laughs)。
Kondo: Sometimes when I meet up, I have a mess with Takeno-san Pokan。 Like "What?"。Then, when I draw it in manga, "Oh, I see."。
Takeno: Sometimes Kondo doesn't understand what it means to say because he has an innocent and ridiculous idea! But I trust Kondo, so when that happens
"Can I take a look at the name for now?"。
Kondo: I have a funny drawing in my head, but. After all, it's difficult to convey by mouth (laughs)。
Ishiyama: It's difficult to convey by mouth (laughs)。 Even at that time, it is a good place for the manga family to be told by drawing! .
Well... and the talk got so excited that it took another 80 minutes when I realized。It's a shame that I'm running out of time to draw this sign, but let's end the meeting here...! Thank you for visiting us today! .
Ishiyama: Wow, it's been that long already! It was a lot of fun to talk to Mr. Kondo after a long time。Thank you very much!
Kondo: Thank you very much。I enjoyed it。 It's early to end, I don't have to talk at all。Ishiyama-kun, let's go again。
Ishiyama: By all means。At that time, I invited Mr. Hasegawa and others as well (lol)!
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ofhouses · 4 months
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1108. Osamu Ishiyama /// Pioneer House /// Ueda, Nagano, Japan /// 1973-86
OfHouses presents: Japanese Fields OfHouses, part II. (Photos: © Masao Arai. Source: Jutakutokushu 10/1986.) — This project will be published in our upcoming book: ’Japanese Fields | OfHouses.’
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jelyrvia · 1 month
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Rewatched Code Lyoko and redesigned Yumi 🫶
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local-lamppost · 1 year
Code Lyoko is one of those shows where you step away for a bit, it comes back to you, and you think “it wasn’t actually that intense. I’m just misremembering, how I felt when I last saw it as a kid that’s all.” 
Then you watch it.
And no, no actually, I remembered correctly. They almost drove into a nuclear power plant, a military laser as pointed at them, they team up with the big bad to rob the government, the man characters have a near death experience every day, it’s very much implied that deaths on Lyoko is very similar to the real thing, literal men in black came after Aelita’s family, William lost months of his life, Jeremy was torturing himself to keep his friends safe on the other side of the screen, Odd almost drowned, Yumi and Ulrich were nearly boiled alive.
Also, you remember how hard the intro goes.
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hlrart · 1 year
Just wanted to draw them how I would design them if i was in charge of a reboot/revival...
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codelyokooutofcontext · 2 months
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parushontas · 1 year
(Something goes wrong, X.A.N.A attacks, they get stuck in Lyoko etc)
Jeremy: *tries to explain what's happening and what to do with hardcore tech terms*
Yumi, Ulrich and Odd: In English??
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Code Lyoko Tumblr Text Posts. And most of them are Ulrich and the others are mostly Odd
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code-lyoko-zone · 7 months
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We need to talk - Episode 85
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characteraiumagic · 2 months
Character Ben 10 Ishiyama Ai Artist #10
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maiamaiden · 8 months
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i'm a bit late BUT! happy 20th anniversary to code lyoko!
this show was my first hyperfixation and also my first time participating in fandom spaces and was just in general a HUGE part of my formative years, to the point where it's not even nostalgic because it's just an enormous part of my life.
i'm currently rewatching the series and looking forward to many more decades of code lyoko taking over my brain whenever i think about it!
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ortut · 2 months
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Naoji Ishiyama - Treasure hunting (drypoint), 2008
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