#Just absolutely enchanting
the-nwah-embassy · 1 year
I love Skyrim and I adore Oblivion, but something about Morrowind just feels like home. 
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noodles-and-tea · 3 months
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This trope would be so funny for them
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adelaidedrubman · 4 months
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fully and completely losing my mind over this gorgeous piece i had the joy of commissioning from @delicateweapon of new dawn faith and jenna reunion finding each other in the radioactive bliss wastelands after a decade of believing the other to have died during the siege of the henbane. i could not thank nika enough for doing such an incredible job bringing this scene to life in stunning, perfect detail. i absolutely recommend grabbing a commission from her if you can!
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dreamskis · 2 months
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"George? Is that... is that you?"
"You shouldn't have come out during the full moon, Dream."
(my dnf/teen wolf au from gorlic's multiverse collab! slowly trying to repost all my art on here ♡)
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ch3shire-rabbit · 1 year
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The top one is a request from insta that was cute enough for me to digitalize, on the bottom it’s just. Juan n José
Do NOT repost, edit, trace, or use my art in any way. Thanks.
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roberrtphilip · 8 months
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Robert & Giselle + Touch (insp. x, x)
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esmeraywrites · 6 months
Because there is something so utterly precious about Griffin Lovell/Harley. Like this boy probably did everything he could and was not able to satisfy his mentor/father despite it all for something that wasn't even his fault. Something that probably tore at his insides because despite being raised in an English and Hindi surrounded area, I am still Telugu and I can't think of not knowing it. And yet, I don't dream in it like my father does and that really makes me feel like an absolute outsider in my own house so imagine being Griffin.
Imagine being taken from ur motherland for something and then not being able to accomplish so you don't really belong to where u were taken but also don't belong to ur motherland because u were taken too early. And imagine when he realised this. Think of how much grief he had to deal with, he is lost. He has no shore, no anchor. And isn't that really a scary asf thought??
And maybe this ideology he shares with Hermes is his anchor? The only thing keeping him afloat? But imagine finding out u have a baby brother that prolly went thru all u did but turned out successful while u were just a failed demo? Imagine how shitty that must have felt?
(only on pg 254 as of now y'all)
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 2 months
i've felt kind of guilty about loving the ~ken of it all~ so much (the internet! it can make you feel guilty about anything!), like it makes me a bad feminist, but i have to say: i don't think the take that ken is a better character than barbie because the writing of the movie is somehow inherently misogynistic is true. i think barbie and gloria are both extremely endearing, distinct, fun characters with a wonderful bond and that they both go through a story of growth that's very touching, and i think that they capture a lot -- albeit maybe in a somewhat intro-to-feminism way -- about what it feels like to be a woman in society. i also think margot robbie really shines as barbie in a way that is fundamentally endearing & relatable, while also being very funny.
i think when you've got a bombastic supporting character like ken it's easy to have that character be a real standout because the comedy is so strong, but i think that's also a very different role to occupy in the narrative than being the protagonist or the more serious emotional heart of the film. (though i think ken is part of the serious emotional heart of the story too.)
idk. i just don't really agree with a lot of the beef about this movie. i think it works really well in general and has a lot of strengths and that all the lead characters are wonderful and distinct. but also, i don't think it makes you a bad person or a betrayer of the feminist cause to enjoy ryan gosling being silly about ken.
this has been: my stance! 💖
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gaycrittercentral · 1 year
I’d like to know where the Maxlings came from
Oh hell yeah I’d love to tell!! ok so I had the concept planned as a comic initially but it really got away from me and got too long for me to actually make, so what I’ve got is sort of a script-lookin thing that I would have used as framework for it. I hope that’s an ok format?? I considered trying to write it into more of a prose/fic format but honestly I like it best like this. Ok enough rambling I hope it’s funny to y’all lmao (also it got. Um. Very long)
First scene is in the middle of a beautiful glade deep in the woods, where Sam and Max are dancing in a crowd of magical-looking fairies, grinning at each other. It’s late and there are fairy lights (teehee) illuminating the area, tables of food and drink scattered around the outskirts of the crowd.
S: wow, quite the day we’ve had, eh little pal?
M: you can say that again, Sam! I mean, how often do you get to save an ancient fairy commune by beating up their evil warlock oppressor?
S: and on top of that they throw this little shindig in our honor! I have to say, I never knew lutes could play such great club music.
M: and I’m living for these hors d’oeuvres! We simply must get the recipe.
Behind them, a pair of fairies in big leafy crowns talk quietly.
Fairy queen: these strangers are so delightfully mischievous.
Other fairy queen (they are lesbians): quite! Truly a pair of mortals after our own hearts. How should we reward them for defeating our fell foe?
FQ 1: hmm…I have an amusing idea. What’s better than two chaos-causing mortals?
FQ 2: ahhh, I see! A marvelous idea!
The queens approach Sam and Max, with several other smiling fairies clustered around.
FQ 2: well, my friends, it has been a true pleasure to have you! Before you depart, my queen and I have a gift for you as thanks for defeating the dreaded warlock Snivellion.
(M: tee hee)
FQ 1: here, please take these.
She hands Max a little package made of leaves and tied with twine.
FQ 1: these magical seeds will grow into a wonderful gift if you keep them warm and safe.
M: well, we don’t have the best record with houseplants…
S: but we’ll happily accept your gift anyway! I’m sure they’ll be fun for the few minutes they manage to survive in the harsh climate of our office.
M: if they live through the trip back in my pocket, that is.
FQ 2: oh, trust me, I’m sure they will be every bit as hardy as the two of you.
Max stuffs the leaf packet in his inventory and he and Sam take their leave, waving to the fairies as they go.
S: so long now! Have fun partying eternally!
M: you know, we never did get introduced—don’t suppose I could get your names?
FQ 1: hah, nice try. Fare thee well, mortals!
FQ 2: farewell!
As they go, we see a shot of Max’s inventory, with his gun and maybe a hammer or something to show that’s what it is. The leaf package sits quietly for a moment, before releasing a tiny sprout.
Several months later…
Sometime in the dead of night, they’re both sleeping until Max stirs and sits up with his ears all lopsided, looking kinda disgruntled and tired.
M: I’m gonna go take a dump
S, not quite asleep yet and regretting it: you don’t have to tell me every time. I actually think I’d rather if you didn’t.
M: but what if I fall in? I’d want you to know what I was doing! :D
S: *half-asleep grumbling*
Max wanders off to the bathroom to perch on the can and read a magazine.
M: oh, Martha, you get me. Mostly because we’ve both been to the slammer
Suddenly a baby wail echoes from the toilet (thank you, mammalian diving reflex) and Max immediately screams, flings his magazine to parts unknown and runs for the hills.
M: Sam!! SAM!!! The toilet screamed at me!!!! I think that ill-advised bathroom exorcism we did instead of cleaning the shower drain didn’t work, we must’ve summoned some kind of toilet ghost instead!!
S: what are you talking about, numbskull? You interrupted a perfectly good dream I was having about a discontinued ice cream bar :(
M: just come help me get rid of it! I can’t go with some spectral peeping Tom shrieking at me!
They get to the bathroom and Max hovers by the door as Sam inspects the toilet.
S: Max, you cotton-brained dolt, there’s no ghosts in—GREAT GALLOPING GEYSERS TAP DANCING ON SATURN’S FURTHEST MOON!
He immediately reaches in to save the weird little wet rat almost glaring accusingly at him from the bowl (it could glare a little better if its eyes were functional yet). Max cringes at him.
M: Jesus, Sam, I know we’re both nasty, but I thought we agreed to leave this level of grossness to me! Wait what the fuck is that thing.
S: well, if my outdated recollection of mammalian biology and your horrifying baby pictures is correct, then I’d say it kind of looks like a neonatal lagomorph. Did…did this come out of you?
M: oh please, I think I’d know if I had something like that stashed away somewhere in here. (Vaguely gestures to himself) Now could you get outta the way? If it was just some weird naked rat that crawled up the toilet to yell at me and not a ghost, then I’d like to finish my business in here.
Sam stares at the little rat-looking baby. It has teeth. Teeth like Max’s. He grabs a towel out of the bathroom closet instead and tosses it in the bathtub, then nabs Max by the scruff of his neck and deposits him on top of it.
S: why don’t you just wait down here for a minute while I get this little thing cleaned up?
M: Sam what the hell I don’t need to be housebroken!! Ugh fine but you’re cleaning the towel if—oh my god there’s another one.
Several escaped kits later…
Sam and Max lie together in bed with the kits on top of them, all wiggling around and squeaking faintly. Sam looks vaguely shaken by the experience, but Max just kinda looks like it’s totally normal.
M: haha I thought you guys were just weird little turds! Well, aren’t all children though, come to think of it
S: and you’re sure they came out of your inventory and not some hitherto unknown reproductive system of yours?
M: Sam, at this point I think I’d be able to tell if they’d been up my ass, don’t you?
S: well, sure, but also that’s not where—
M: and besides, my pocket snacks have been going missing all day and this totally explains it. Look, that one’s still got Cheeto dust all over her face!
Sam looks down at one of the girls, who is indeed very orange.
S: ooh. Let me just clean you up there, sweetheart.
He licks her clean gently. She squeaks in approval.
S: huh! What do you know, that really is Cheeto dust.
M: see, I told you so! I still have no idea how they could’ve gotten in there, though…I mean, they look brand new. And also a lot like us.
S: well, mostly like you.
M: nah, see, this one’s got little floppy ears! And lookit their tails, mine’s not long like that. Oh! And this one’s got your nose!! Oh, Sam, it’s so precious I could just squish her like an overripe tomato! …um, but I won’t, obviously.
S: personally, I find myself rather enamored with their tiny little toe beans. Just look at that! They’re so little…
They both giggle delightedly over the kits for a minute, before relaxing back into the pillows. It’s still the middle of the night and they’re both exhausted.
S: so…if we don’t know how they got there, and they don’t look like they could be anybody else’s…
M: 👀
S: I mean unless we want to take them to the vet to check for microchips or something…?
M: too late I’m already coming up with names and dreaming of all the bad words I’m gonna teach them
S: oh, good, so am I. I guess it doesn’t matter how they got there, then…but you really have to wonder…
Something like a half hour ago…
The kits are sitting in a little pile in the middle of Max’s inventory, the opened leaf package below them and Max’s gun leaning against the wall beside them (it’s bigger than they are). Lacey’s face is covered in Cheeto dust and there are a few remaining Cheeto crumbs scattered around them. They have a brief conversation of squeaks, translated into pictures.
Maisie: >:/ *exit sign, there isn’t an emoji for it but just draw one*❗️(she’s bored and she wants out)
Lacey and Crowbar: :o ???
Maisie starts crawling around determinedly until she comes across some kind of rift in reality, through which the toilet bowl is visible. But not to her, of course, because she can’t see just yet. She immediately plummets out of the rift with a tiny shriek, and her siblings react like :0 there’s silence for a second, before Crowbar squeaks and is translated to:
C: dare you to go after her
L: 👀
And that’s it!! Hdkhsshsg here’s hoping it’s at least a little amusing to y’all because it’s very funny to me for whatever reason hdjshsjhddhdjhfjd
Oh! And as a reward for sticking around here’s one of the other first drawings of them I ever did :’> they were very much inspired by @lillylunala’s drawings of Max as a baby if it isn’t obvious, which you should absolutely check out if you haven’t seen them bc my god she really nailed it heheheeee
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algrenion · 10 months
i went to a 4 day retreat for Historical European Martial Arts enthusiasts (people who make Big Swords a sport) down in England, and i’ve frankly never come across a more welcoming gaggle of nerds in my life
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manga-panels-daily · 2 years
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xxcherrycherixx · 5 months
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Hehehe makeup
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pupkou · 3 months
had to get off minecraft because it made me shake with anxiety 😭
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roberrtphilip · 9 months
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My love for you has power, and you’ll have it there inside you when I’m gone.
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khlur · 1 year
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details from The Execution of Lady Jane Grey (1833) by Paul Delaroche
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totopopopo · 1 year
The really annoying thing is thst robert w chambers is actually a fucking incredible writer
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