#Kayo Tomiyama
P5X and the Importance of Community
There’s something interesting about how P5X is handling confidants. Obviously, I’ll have to wait until it gets officially localized, but there seems to be a running trend in regards to community.
See, X is different from P3,4, and 5 in that the protagonist did not move before the start of the game. There’s no adjusting to some new environment and meeting a bunch of people there. Wonder has lived here all his life. So making friends isn’t about becoming a part of a new place. Instead, it’s a signifier of Wonder’s change in attitude.
Wonder’s whole deal is that he was just kinda coasting through life. As the lyrics of Ambitions and Visions points out: “Act like I don’t care. Why even bother? That’s what I though then. Just another bluffer.” He was a go with the flow guy who couldn’t be bothered to put in the effort whose bitterness and lack of ambition was the reason why things weren’t going the way he wanted in life. A fact that he didn’t really want to admit.
But that changes when he becomes a Phantom Thief and he begins to actually put effort in and start caring. The whole idea of the Phantom Idols is that Wonder’s connection to the Sea of Souls allows him to see the potential in people. To see who they could be. Meaning he’s learning to shed his previous ambivalence and see people for who they really are and who they could become.
This becomes even more impactful, because he’s not in some new place with new people. He’s in his home, with most of the people having already been living there alongside him. So it’s not a matter of the world changing. It’s his perception of it that changes. It’s him realizing that the people he’d written off are actually pretty amazing.
So one of the confidants is his next door neighbor and his mom’s friend. Someone who was always around but he never bothered to really get to know. It’s his mom’s friend and they’re both old, what could possibly be interesting about that? They probably talk about whatever it is middle aged women talk about. Boring.
Except she’s not. Once he starts paying attention he finds out that she used to be a fashion designer. And she was good at it!? Not to mention those photos of her when she was younger. Who knew that Mrs. Tomiyama was COOL?!
And hey, did you know that she also has a nephew? Yeah, he’s only like a year older than you and he wants to be an actor someday. Gonna star on tv in Featherman and make so many people smile. If you’re getting to know Mrs. Tomiyama you should probably get to know him too. Who knows? You might even become friends.
And hey, what about that girl that’s always helping her father with running the local bar? You must’ve passed her by a million times by now and you’ve never spoken a word have you? Did you know that she wants to be a nurse when she grows up? Or that she’s planning to simply stay home instead so she can take care of her father with his back problem?
Or what about Yaoling Li? Did you even know that a college student from China had moved into the neighborhood? Right next to the Fujikawa residence! You know, where Yukimi lives? She’s your age, why did you never even try to become friends? But maybe it’s time to remedy that, especially if you’re both gonna befriend Yaoling, who is still struggling with the signage at the local market.
It’s all about the community. That community that’s always been there, that you just never bothered to pay attention to. The people so unique and varied, with dreams and aspirations and lives so complex you can barely imagine. That you could get to know, so long as you were willing to put in the effort to do so. And maybe, if you did, you might just find your life is better for it.
It’s a concept I find incredibly interesting, and one I really hope is done well in P5X. Because, if so, it might just be my favorite handling of confidants/social links yet.
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p5x-theories · 1 month
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Textless phone + desktop wallpaper versions of various art was just posted!
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persona-game-info · 2 months
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P5X Open Beta Countdown image featuring Kayo
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ennaakat · 2 months
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Made some P5X phone Wallpaper edits
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yosukeburger · 1 month
birthdays based off of this menu
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motoha arai - april 10
kayo tomiyama - april 28
tomoko noge - may 1
yaoling li - may 20
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jellyfish-grave · 10 months
Saw this idea from @p5x-theories and it activated my neurons
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+bonus doodles
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mark1139 · 23 days
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Persona 5 Old Man - Old Woman
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slashtblr · 1 month
Happy Birthday, Kayo Tomiyama/Okyann!
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frankenhoez · 10 months
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I need to save her from this gacha game
[Like my work? Consider commissioning me!]
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persona-game-info · 1 month
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P5X Mobile wallpapers
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persona-game-info · 2 months
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Datamined Open beta SMS icons
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p5x-theories · 2 months
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Larger, fuller version of some previously-seen art!
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persona-game-info · 1 month
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Korean P5X chat emotes
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p5x-theories · 19 days
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Transparent versions (or, in Okyann's case, mostly transparent) versions of the characters from this art on the official site!
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p5x-theories · 2 months
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More new art, this time accompanying the announcement that the fourth beta is now open for pre-downloads, as well as a guide on how to receive rewards in-game during the beta!
(Hopefully we get a bigger version of especially the first image soon, because that looks suspiciously like Sepia off to the right side in the background?)
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p5x-theories · 5 months
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Looks like an image of younger Kayo (back when she was a gyaru) appears in the third beta! (Source)
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