fear-ne · 2 months
after that whole conversation i am even more convinced liliana became pregnant right at the cusp of her powers manifesting. i think her powers grew as her belly did. and the nightmares. and dreaming of her child being torn from her. and the red red moon. the red red storms. not understanding. and then her child is born under the same light of the ruddy moon that haunts her. same eyes, same hair, same threat of a curse. and so she runs.
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rotzaprachim · 2 years
funniest part of greywaren was the implication that if the lady in the opal story was marie lynch (they’re described in the same ways!) then niall’s mother has been periodically booking flights from ireland to virginia solely to break into his house and say heartfelt “fuck you”s to the portraits of him and  mór left in their bedroom. all of this while not doing a single thing to contact her three newly orphaned grandchildren or provide a lick of support. they can handle this
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pierswife · 9 months
The want to go into tags for stuff vs okay but I could just leave the queue completely empty for a few days and take a nap instead vs go on go draw/write that angst content that you've been sitting on :) vs go replay Shield cause you actually enjoy that game a lot
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also like sorry thinking about this again but if you want a dark game of thrones-esque live action avatar thing the fire nation royal family is Right There just do a show about them lol.
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scooplery · 2 years
that's my dead friend chris, for new ppl here. fun fact: the combo of me leaving my abusive ex and his suicide not even two weeks later triggered my first ever manic episode! i miss him.
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maudlin-scribbler · 1 year
Rewatching dynasty and god I love Steven SO MUCH and I love him with Sam and they were perfect for eachoter. I'm gonna cry the writers did them so dirty
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specialgrades · 2 years
i think in honour of arcane soundtrack making my top artist and top 5 songs i should write smth for arcane. gimmie ideas babes
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blackmoldmp3 · 1 year
when ur trying to figure out the gentlest way to tell ur mother she should maybe go back on her antidepressants
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sickness-stricken · 14 days
If you look up what the woman who the Last Great American Dynasty is about and what she did with her mentally ill daighter....
Swift has a really dodgy history with mental health and abliesm
Okay so I did some digging and just a general trigger warning for talks of sui (in pretty gorey detail might I add) because holy shit
For context, The Last Great American Dynasty is about a debutante named Rebekah Harkness. Edith was her daughter.
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This is an excerpt from quite an old article, around 1988, but the fact they labelled a young woman clearly struggling as a “failed sui****” is fucking horrendous Jesus Christ
Hey Taylor, you wanna talk about being raised in an asylum while living in a mansion? A mansion YOU now own, just to clarify? Edith would be a good place to start.
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fear-ne · 4 months
im dying to see how liliana pans out because the implications of having suffered from being an exaltant only to be loved and grow to love a child you are carrying …and then have that child be born under ruidus just like you,,,
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rotzaprachim · 2 years
autistic woman severely emotionally traumatised by a history of familial sexual abuse who self identifies as maybe being a sociopath looking at her bipolar husband in the midst of a mood swing like surely these are the Normal Average Sorts of Feelings a human being might have! I don’t have feelings like that. Why don’t i have feelings like that? anyway love pls use your Human Feelings Baseline for this cabbage patch doll i’m making for this old god/demon of the forest looking for a human heir upon this mortal coil. group project? 
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comradekatara · 6 months
the thing about the adult gaang movie is even if it’s somehow done really well, i don’t wanna see aang and katara as adults, that will actually make me really sad. whereas if sokka is the protagonist that’s fine because i already think everyone should heal and find fulfillment after the war except for sokka. i think sokka should get worse. i think sokka should continue collecting mental illnesses like they’re pokemans creatures. a qing dynasty court intrigue film with sokka navigating ba sing se politics (and iroh can feature as he dispenses occasional wisdom. but sokka is just like “call your son”), or a xai bau spy thriller (except tbh this one would work better as a novel), or even just. a mai and sokka roadtrip movie in the style of an early 2000s stoner comedy (this one would have no artistic merit but it’s also probably the best idea ive ever had). these are but a few examples of the many ideas i have for movies that put my favorite guy through hours of suffering without having to depict my other favorite guys as anything other than the precious babies i know and love.
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do u have any horror recs for other mediums? tv, podcasts, books, youtube shorts, etc
I'm really gonna show my ass in this regard because most of my recommendations are going to be TV shows or short stories because I haven't branched out much beyond that if I'm honest.
I love The Haunting of Hill House (Nell Crain is my favourite horror character full stop) and The Fall of the House of Usher from Mike Flanagan (most of his shows are incredible but these two are my favourite).
THOHH: Flashing between past and present, a fractured family confronts haunting memories of their old home and the terrifying events that drove them from it.
TFOTHOU: To secure their fortune (and future) two ruthless siblings build a family dynasty that begins to crumble when their heirs mysteriously die, one by one.
The Exorcist (2016) was great!
The Exorcist follows two very different priests tackling one family's case of horrifying demonic possession. Father Tomas Ortega is the new face of the Catholic Church: progressive, ambitious and compassionate. He runs a small, but loyal, parish in the suburbs of Chicago. Father Marcus Keane is an orphan raised since childhood by the Vatican to wage war against its enemies. He is everything Father Tomas is not: relentless, abrasive and utterly consumed by his mission.
I really liked American Horror Story: Asylum, can't say the same for the other seasons.
AHS: Asylum takes place in 1964 and follows the stories of the staff and inmates who occupy the fictional mental institution Briarcliff Manor, and intercuts with events in the past and present.
I also liked a few South Korean shows I saw on Netflix.
Kingdom (2019): While strange rumors about their ill King grip a kingdom, the crown prince becomes their only hope against a mysterious plague overtaking the land.
All of Us Are Dead (2022): A high school becomes ground zero for a zombie virus outbreak. Trapped students must fight their way out or turn into one of the rabid infected.
Hellbound (2021): People hear predictions on when they will die. When that time comes, a death angel appears in front of them and kills them.
I loved Interview with a Vampire (especially because it does everything the movie didn't, which is why I didn't like the movie). it's very gay, it plays heavily into the themes of vampirism and sexuality, and I love Sam Reid and Jacob Anderson as Lestat and Louis.
In terms of other media, I really like the Dead Meat channel (if I haven't said it enough already), I also like the Scream Dreams Podcast with Catherine Corcoran (from Terrifier), James A. Janisse (from Dead Meat) and Barbara Crampton (prolific and stunning horror actor).
I know it's a little over done now, but that original series of 'The Backrooms' by KanePixels was great.
Some other horror channels/channels that explore horror as well as other topics are SpookyRice, MistaGG, Wendigoon, ElvisTheAlien, BionicPIG, Trin Lovell, KennieJD, MertKayKay, and AmandaTheJedi.
With books, I'm such a basic bitch, so I've really only read Stephen King's horror books. I'm not sure of this is horror or just very bleak and depressing but I'm Thinking of Ending Things was an incredible reading experience. And at this point it goes without saying House of Leaves is so fucking mindblowing!
H.P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe were terrible people, but their short stories are truly so dark and well-written, the cosmic horror Lovecraft is known translates best in his writing. Ambrose Bierce is the father of psychological horror as we know it, his short stories are great. My favourite short horror story is The Yellow Wallpaper. If you are interested in an audio version of it, listen to Chelsea from the Dead Meat channel with headphones (headphones are vital to that experience).
That's all I can think of off the top of my head for now! I'm sure others will give their own recommendations.
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kickasstorrents · 2 days
i.m so glad i grew up poverty single teen drugs addict in & out of prison mother southern white trash on native american mental illness dynasty crazy style as unfortunate as it is you know i just really am grateful for the like down to earth relationship to the world & life experience all that gave me
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The Psychology of Qi Rong (TW for cannibalism and mental health)
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This is a review of Qi Rong's behaviour and symptoms in relation to this authors note. According to MXTX, if put into a modern day context, Qi Rong would be said to have bipolar disorder. In order to verify this statement, this post is dedicated to comparing actual symptoms of bipolar disorder and Qi Rong's behaviour from the novel in order to prove this statement true.
I would like to put out a disclaimer that I am not a licensed psychology practitioner, but a student who hasn't finished his degree yet. I am simply writing this because this authors note wouldn't leave my brain. Please don't expect total accuracy from this post, though I will try my best to ensure that there is no error on my part
I would also like everyone to note that the term bipolar itself, is used to describe a spectrum of disorders, and that simply regulating it to one term would be incorrect, and that treatment can vary depending on the disorder
Bipolar Disorder: History, Symptoms and Probable Causes
Bipolar disorder is characterized by chronically occurring episodes of mania or hypomania alternating with depression and is often misdiagnosed initially. Treatment involves pharmacotherapy and psychosocial interventions, but mood relapse and incomplete response occur, particularly with depression.
(I want everyone to m
The first recorded case of Bipolar Disorder as an illness was by Pierre Farlet in the mid-19th Century (1851-1854), who called it “folie circulaire” (circular madness). It was defined by manic and melancholic episodes separated by symptom-free intervals.
In 1854 Baillarger used the term "folie à double forme" to describe cyclic (manic–melancholic) episodes (Pichot 1995; Ritti 1879).
There also seems to be a mention of bipolar disorder (Unsure of this, take with a bit of salt) in the book Eight Treatesies on the Nurturing of Life by Gao Lian (Different character from the Lian in Xie Lian); dating back to the Ming Dynasty (1591 {first publication()} [requires fact checking])
(Note: Records of treatment of mental disorders in Ancient China go all the way back to the Tang Dynasty. If you check wikipedia, there is the claim that it goes back to 1100 BCE, which I can't confirm [requires fact checking])
Criteria to be met before diagnosing someone with Bipolar I Disorder according to the DSM-5 are at least one manic episode. This may be preceded by and may be followed by hypomanic or major depressive episodes and the occurrence of the manic and major depressive episode(s) is not better explained by schizoaffective disorder, schizophreniform disorder, delusional disorder, or other specified or unspecified schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorder
Manic episodes are characterised increased talkativeness, rapid speech, a decreased need for sleep, racing thoughts, distractibility, increase in goal-directed activity, and psychomotor agitation. Some other hallmarks of mania are an elevated or expansive mood, mood lability, impulsivity, irritability, and grandiosity (Can be remembered using the DIGFAST mnemonic)
Rapid cycling in bipolar disorder is defined as having at least 4 or more mood episodes in a 12-month period. These mood episodes may be manic, hypomanic, or depressive but must meet their full diagnostic and duration criteria. These episodes must be separated by periods of partial or full remission of at least 2 months or be separated by a switch to an episode of opposite polarities, such as mania or hypomania to major depressive episodes (Note: Switching from mania to hypomania or vice-versa would not qualify because they are not opposite polarity). Rapid cycling bipolar disorder patients have been found to be more resistant to pharmacotherapy.
Hypomania and mania can be distinguished by a certain feature- hypomania does not cause major deficits in social and occupational functioning. The duration of a manic episode is at least a week, while a hypomanic episode is about four days
Symptoms of a depressive episode include feeling very down/sad/anxious, slowed down or restless, trouble falling asleep, waking up too early, or sleeping too much, talking very slowly, feeling unable to find anything to say, or forgetting a lot, trouble concentrating or making decisions, unable to do even simple things, lack of interest in almost all activities, and feeling hopeless/worthless, or thinking about death or suicide
(Note: According to the DSM-5, major depressive and hypomanic episodes are common in bipolar I disorder but are not required for the diagnosis)
Bipolar II Disorder is defined by a pattern of depressive episodes and hypomanic episodes. The hypomanic episodes are less severe than the manic episodes in bipolar I disorder
And finally, cyclothymic disorder/cyclothymia is defined by recurring hypomanic and depressive symptoms that are not intense enough or do not last long enough to qualify as hypomanic or depressive episodes
Like in the case of most mental disorders, there is no known cause for disorders on the bipolar spectrum, however the most widelt agreed upon risk factors are brain structure and functioning (some studies show that the brains of people with bipolar disorder differ in certain ways from the brains of people who do not have bipolar disorder or any other mental disorder), and genetics (some research suggests that people with certain genes are more likely to develop bipolar disorder. Research also shows that people who have a parent or sibling with bipolar disorder have an increased chance of having the disorder themselves).
In relation to genetics, many genes are involved, and no one gene causes the disorder (Which, if the authors note is true, we can assume that one of his parents carried the genes for it, most probably his father).
Qi Rong needs no introduction or abstract (Because I don't have to submit this to a prof hehehe) to start with. He is iconic, and rightfully so. In order to try and analyse Qi Rong's behaviour, let us take a glance at his introductory (In this case, first physical) appearance.
In his first (physical) appearance Qi Rong talks shit about others, which isn't really notable in regards to this topic. Its like my Mother after the guests leave and she's finished playing social politics. Its nothing interesting, just the typical criteria for the average aunty.
But you know what is interesting? His lair.
He has a throne, a banquet hall style dining set up. The only things he needs is the cauldron to cook (human) meat. I don't remember any of his subordinates needing to eat, and considering all of the salted carrion he has hanging around; not to mention the fresh meat stores he keeps (Three hundred humans...three hundred), he doesn’t eat a good chunk of the humans brought to him immediately. Its all unnecessarily grandiose for a single person, (We know that he doesn’t invite any dinner guests over. If he did, they'd be the main course)
If you notice Qi Rongs behaviour a majority of the time fits the criteria for a manic episode. Its also probably why his schemes seem to fail most of the time. Note that there has to be a remission period of two months in the case of rapid cycling (Which I belive occurs in Qi Rongs case), so MXTX is right, in a way. Qi Rong would be diagnosed with a disorder on the bipolar spectrum, more specifically Bipolar I Disorder
(One may also assume that he had cyclothymia during his days as a prince, but I believe that its just a showcase of certain symptoms of Bipolar I Disorder from a young age. He always had it, but it didnt manifest much more visibly until later on in his life)
Now Lets Talk About Kuru
Kuru is an infectious, acquired, non-immunogenic, fatal neurodegenerative prion disease. It progresses rapidly with cerebellar and extrapyramidal signs and symptoms, with death occurring within one to two years of onset of symptoms. What causes Kuru? Cannibalism, or more specifically the consumption of the brain tissue.
The diesease originated and was confined to the Fore Tribe in the Eastern Highlands of Paupa New Guinea, where ritualistic cannibalism was practiced. Kuru is now extinct due to the outlawing of ritualistic cannibalism in the region.
(Note: There is a theory that cannibalism occurred due to famine, and that it was ratonalised by the Europeans who arrived their as a ritualistic practice. Colonisers have also used the excuse of cannibalism to colonise and kill indigenous populations)
What causes cannibalism? Usually, the two most predominantly ascribed motivations are hunger and hatred, and the occasional belief that eating human flesh is medicinal.
(This is a bit of a personal note from me, but from what I've heard, human flesh is not good for any living creatures health. In my hometown there are plenty of stories about animals going mad or dying after eating human flesh)
A point I want to make is that we do not know how Qi Rong died. Did he die from being eaten alive? Or did he pass from a neurodegenerative disease caused by consuming human flesh in order to survive? If its the latter, it could explain his behaviour.
Kuru is also known as the laughing disease, as patients exhibited sporadic uncontrollable laughter, due to being emotionally labile. Perhaps Qi Rong passed before the disease could reach the sedentary phase? Maybe he was killed before that. Symptoms of Kuru can take time to manifest completely, so I feel that this theory should not be discounted.
A note of gratitude for @toowolfdelusion for posting that authors note, otherwise this brainfart of mine would not exist
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riverleyk · 2 years
Clowns are not people.
Clowns are a social and nomadic species of monsters that roam several parts of the earth. The most ancient clowns have been found in the Fifth Dynasty of Egypt, around 2400 BC. Since then, clowns have evolved alongside humans into a variety of breeds, much like domesticated dogs. The domestic clown (the clowns that live in human society) are very secretive. No human nor monster knows that clowns are a different species, as they hide themselves very well and use the excuse of it all being a costume and makeup. Abilities: - Clowns have the ability to shapeshift into humans if they choose. They cannot change their human appearance. They have 1 human form. - Clowns feel less pain, and are basically immune to violence. This is how they can perform slapstick and death defying acrobatics. - Clowns are incredibly flexible, able to fit in tight spaces. - They can also manifest any funny object for a given situation. If a pie is needed, a pie will suddenly appear. - All clowns have the ability to create sentient puppets/toys if they create it by hand. The toys will talk and play on their own. They don't have free will and are incredibly stupid. Most they can do is tell silly jokes. Behaviour: A clown's behavior is heavily dependent on which breed they are. Identifying the base breed of a clown is the most important thing, as the breeds and sex of clowns are fluid. All clowns are born under a specific breed, under a specific category (simply just happy or sad clowns. Happy clowns tend to be happy, and sad clowns are more prone to mental illness. Any breed can be under this category, except for the Pierrot clown, which is always sad). The breed of a clown can vary due to environmental and emotional factors in the clown's life. As a clown needs to adapt to its circumstances, it morphs into a hybrid clown. You can see this in cases of breeds having mixed characteristics for example, a talking Mime or a colorful Pierrot. Here's a list of the most popular base breeds: - Party clownParty Clowns is an umbrella term for multiple clown breeds that fall under this category. They are also known as bright clowns, holiday clowns, happy clowns, or performance clowns. This is due to their breed traits, outgoing, boundless sense of energy, and artistic talent at making balloon animals. Their classic appearance is the most famous of all the clown breeds, being the typical image that comes to mind when clowns are portrayed in the media. They are brightly colored, and often have plump, round noses that are a red color. 
-Pierrot (Pedrolino Bertoldo)Pierrot clowns are delicate and sensitive, preferring calmly stimulating low-risk play over slapstick comedy and general performance. They should be kept away from scare and party clowns at all costs, as sudden loud noises frighten and overwhelm them regardless of friendly intentions. Pierrot tends to have bouts of random melancholy as they fall in love very quickly but struggle to get a date because they are very shy. Pierrots tend to sing, play instruments and are very artistically inclined to express their feelings (usually of sadness or love). 
The Harlequin is characterized by their checkered costume. Their role is that of a light-hearted, nimble, and astute servant, often acting to thwart the plans of his master, and pursuing his own love interests, (mostly going after female clowns such as the Columbine), with wit and resourcefulness, often competing with the sterner and melancholic Pierrot. He serves the role of the romantic hero. The Harlequin is physically agile and his trickster qualities allow them to be great performers. They have mischievous personalities, enjoying playing pranks and bullying their fellow clowns. They are most likely to steal your girlfriend and cuckold you. 
- Columbine 
She is dressed in a very short ragged and patched dress, appropriate to a master of the arts and carries a tambourine, which she uses to fend off the amorous advances of other clowns, such Pantalones or Harlequins. She is the only functional intellect on the stage and she uses this intellect to seduce or trick others around her to do what she wants. Columbines tend to be ringleaders of whatever troupes they are in due to their desirability from the males and their cleverness. 
- Scare Clown 
Scare Clowns are often large, intimidating looking breed of clown, with genetic ties to the Big Top and Carnival clowns. Scare Clowns are considered an umbrella term for many breeds of clown that have frightening traits, but that are not all close genetically, for example including the Axehandlers, Greater and Lesser Scare clowns, some Space clowns, as well as the Killer Clown and some feral clown breeds (juggalos). They are very protective of their young and territorial, often serving the role of a ‘guard dog’.And many more...
Hierarchy: Clowns are a happy go lucky species, even the sad ones, so it may come to a shock to some to hear that clowns have a hierarchy. In fact, the scientist that studied wolves and claimed that they had ‘alphas’ and ‘betas’ was actually studying local wild clown populations. The study was changed to wolves so as to not ruin his career as nobody believes clowns are real… Even then, the study was wrong. The hierarchy of clowns is not strict, nor enforced with any rules. When clowns gather in large troupes, this happens to be how they structure their colonies. They live in tents and roam the world, stopping in random locations to perform their acts and engage with any humans in the area. Humans find these visits fun and love to play with the clowns. These are called carnivals or the circus. During these visits, certain clowns might enjoy the human population so much that they shapeshift into their human form and chose to live amongst them, thus domesticating themselves. 
The clown hierarchy is formed by 3 main classes. 
The ring leader at the top, the stars of the show (androgynous) in the middle and the males at the bottom. These classes correspond to their sexe. Clowns do not reproduce sexually, instead each sexe of clown has a special balloon with the color of their sexe (males are yellow, females are red and androgynous are orange). Also, clown sexe is tied to their breed (ie: all Pierrots are male, all Columbines are female and all Harlequins are androgynous). To reproduce, the red and yellow balloon must be tied together to create a baby. Androgynous clowns can just tie their own balloon together. Once the balloon is tied up in the shape of a baby, the clowns must protect and take care of their baby, and not pop it. Over time, the balloon creature will grow flesh and become a living being. As females are so rare, most male clowns will never be able to find a suitable mate to reproduce with, but that’s ok. Clowns are not bothered by the burdens of parenthood. Most of the clown population growth comes from androgynous clowns making their own children. However, androgynous clowns still compete to mate with females as to ensure that their offspring comes out female. Androgynous clown asexual reproduction will only produce more males or androgynous. Mating with a female will result in a female 100% of the time, and females are so rare, it's best to mate with them. 
Ring leadersRing leaders are the clown that chooses where the troupe will go, where they find food and who organizes the shows. Their work is to take care of their fellow clown and ensure their safety. Ring leaders might have to break fights, or comfort sad clowns. They tend to be the smartest clowns in the colony, so sometimes the ring leader can be male or androgynous. However, most ring leaders are female, as females are extremely rare, and once you add a female clown, all the males are swooning for her and fight for the right to mate with her as clown couples last a lifetime. As their breeds are few in number. The only female clowns are Columbine, the Fool and Clownettes.Androginous clownsThese tend to be Harlequins, Auguste clowns (red clowns), Mimes, Big top clowns, Greater Scare clowns and more. The androgynous clowns are characterized by their propensity for mischief and attention seeking behaviour. They are often outgoing, and the stars of any circus they are in, right under the ring leader. They are cunning and capable of charming others for manipulation/trickery, but they aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed. Male clownsBeing the most common clown, many of the breeds are male such as Party clowns, Sweets british clowns, Pierrots, Jesters, Jokers, Fools, white clowns, etc. Diet: 
The Clown diet varies among breeds but shares some commonality. Most party clowns are happy with corn dogs, doughnuts, pretzels, or most types of cake. The Sweets British breed have a light and delicate food-taste. They favor cream teas, jellied scones, mini sandwiches, and sponge cakes. Any food that is themed the same to your clown should work. Clowns are communal eaters, enjoying to play and fight with food as eating is a time for bonding and socializing. Clowns get really sad if they have to eat alone or throw pie at themselves.
As clowns are nomadic and live in tents, they tend to stay in more dry and even tempered climates. They avoid the rain and snow as much as possible. If they live in a climate with snow, their circus either goes into hibernation, or they flee to live in human-built colonies as the building infrastructure is far superior. Domesticated/Solitary clowns:
These clowns live amongst humans, they stay in their human forms most often to conceal their clown identities. Though clowns are not sexual by nature, they have evolved to look and operate like us. Clowns are not very fertile, but there is a chance of clown and human reproduction. It doesn’t matter if a clown is half human, as long as there is the active clown gene in its DNA, the offspring will be a clown.  This had resulted in a small but growing population of clowns living ‘normal’ lives among us. But secretly, they do wish for the freedom of being with their kin. These individuals sometimes run away to join the circus later on in life, but some get jobs as holiday performers instead to cope with their clownhood. Domesticated clowns struggle to understand human conventions. Sometimes, they dress weirdly, or break social norms. They often feel outcast by society. They take solas in watching movies such as “The joker” or other clown related media. Happy clowns can cope well living amongst humans, using their clown powers for good. Unfortunately for sad clowns, they have a harder time coping with loneliness. These negative emotions corrupting their breeds and turning them into scare clowns. In 2016, there was an uptick in sad clown mental illness which resulted in the increase in scare clown sightings and attacks across the United States of America. These were sad clowns lashing out at the human society holding them prisoner. Thankfully, the SCP foundation has partnered with the World Clown Association and has provided therapy and rehabilitation services to undercover clowns.
Clown Origines:
The clown species first made contact with humans during the Fifth Dynasty of Egypt, around 2400 BC. They were seen as harmless by the humans and fun to observe, so they were not attacked. Clowns didn’t really understand human culture or rules, so they made fun of it. These jokes humored the humans and caused them to self reflect. Some clowns have traditionally served a socio-religious and psychological role. Often participating in rituals and ceremonies in many native cultures. In Europe, the clown or the jester was the only one free to speak against the ruling class. No human would ever dare say such negative comments, but the clowns had no fear and spoke honestly. Clowns evolved alongside humans, learning to mimic them with their shapeshifting abilities and make them laugh. Humans would seek out clowns for entertainment, and in return, they gave the clowns money or treats for their shows. Clowns would use this money for food as humans cook really well, and the slapstick of the clowns make food preparation/hunting impossible or even deadly.
However, the clown species has been struggling. Due to advances in technologies and society as a whole, clowns are an outdated means of entertainment. Humans seek human made media, and are too busy with their jobs and families to be interested in the circus anymore. The wild clown population has gone down with the decrease of circus ticket sales, as they are unable to feed themselves. The main cause of death in wild clown populations is no longer pie suffocation, but now starvation. Ever adaptable, clowns are not an endangered species yet as there is a rise in domesticated clowns. This is not good for the mental health of clowns, as they need to be with their own kind in order to be properly socialized and live authentically, but hopefully the species will find a way to survive in these tumultuous times.
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