charlotte-of-wales · 4 months
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♔ The direct line of succession of European Monarchies (as of January 14, 2024)
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krasivaa · 4 months
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Grace Kelly watching with satisfaction at her wedding cake, right after she married Rainier III, Prince of Monaco on 19th April, 1956. 🫶🏰🍰
♡𓂃☁︎ 𑁍 ☁︎𓂃♡
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fullyvisible · 1 year
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organizedchaotics · 4 months
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Actually did it! Two chapters in one year! Hope you enjoy these 33 pages under the cut and 2 reblogs!
CW for bodyhorror and mild gore
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fexarii · 3 months
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EVERYONE SHOULD GO READ THE MPF COMICS NOW NOW DO IT NOW DO IT RIGHT NOW!!!! I cannot stop thinking about them ,, I can't wait for the third volume but a silly billy has to be patient </3
I love Sam sm he's the perfect balance between someone who takes his job srsly but also knows how to have a good time,, he's very fun to draw ^_^
okay I'll retreat to my art corner now,, until I finish more rendered stuff XP
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Você deve conhecer alguém que passa ou que já passou por esse golpe, a startup é uma das pragas do Google, o "unicórnio" Quinto Andar:
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Não é só o racismo, a homofobia, gordofobia, o xenofobia e outros comportamentos tóxicos que têm que acabar. O abuso e extorsão contra o povo brasileiro também. Há empresas de comportamento fascista ou neonazistas, predadoras, empresas opressoras e realmente tóxicas. O problema é que o consumidor fica sem saber porque a informação sobre o pior é manipulada, oculta ou mesmo apagada, É comum achar o link bizarro e ele estar desativado ou apagado.
Há um crime contra a economia da população brasileira nas barbas do Brasil e que não está sendo tratado como deve. A exploração financeira através de startups com a falsa imobiliária Quinto Andar, vem atraindo as vítimas que precisam de moradia e não tem fiador ou não dispõe de valores altos para garantir caução.
O abuso do empresariado imobiliário que enche o navegador de internet, a nossa TV, telefone, emails e outros canais atrapalhando a leitura e a pesquisa mais simples: é a numero um nas pesquisas do Google, porque ela é uma empresa Google.
Esse empresariado nocivo veio aplicar estelionato no Brasil e quase nos faz perder a democracia. Eles vem aglomerando os simpatizantes de "empresas unicórnios", os tolos que veem em tudo um grande avanço tecnológico e financeiro. Impossível ningu´rm ter se lembrado delas ao citar empresas financiando golpes contra o STF, porque já aplicam golpes contra o consumidor, contra a União, contra usuários e outras empresas "dinossauras" como eles chamam (antigas, sem muita tecnologia e relativamente pequenas.
Com as "recentes" descobertas sobre as bigtechs, como o Google, SpaceX e outras, ficou claro que não só no Brasil a ação desses "criadores de idéias" têm que ser combatida, pois a forma como arrancam informações e conduzem negócios prejudiciais. Principalmente, desconfie de empresários que assumem identidades de donos, criadores ou CEOs de empresas, mas têm um verdadeiro aparato financeiro por trás, como bancos, investidores sociedades ou irmandades, religiosos, advogados e até caras comuns, recem formados e que nunca tiveram nada mas entraram numa sociedade com um valor 'simbólico', como é este o caso.
Seja mais participativo. Procure, consulte, leia, verifique a procedência da empresa, e não acredite de imediato em tudo que lê porque eles são astutos e usam uma técnica conhecida a de se fazer de responsável e de bem.
Pode estar acontecendo ou já aconteceu com alguém que você conhece, com certeza.
São mais de 35 mil reclamações em um só canal de denúncias e que já dá amostra de que vêm ajudando a empresa pois
O brasileiro precisa aprender a ver, ouvir e principalmente a falar. O silêncio encobre toda a sujeira como a que ficou encoberta de 2016 a 2023 nos dois golpes sofridos desde a implantação desses.
Se não fosse o ataque ao Planalto não estaria evidente que a classe média e a pobre estavam sendo física e mentalmente massacradas, pois um dos recursos dessas predadoras é o terrorismo psicológico.
E é você, sua família e seus amigos que estão nela. Ame-se. Ame a sua origem. Você nasceu aqui. Aqui é o seu chão. Um chão cobiçado por muitos outros. Acorde para a realidade.
Na verdade são muito mais que quase 30 mil reclamações.
São muito mais que toneladas de processos contra a empresa que finge ser brasileira e dar 'garantias para você morar'.
É uma alcatéia que alcança montantes de trilhões e têm seu dinheiro protegido em paraísos fiscais e, ao contrário do que pensam, não é 90% brasileira e nem é uma imobiliária.
É um golpe preocupante para quem não entende mecanismos comerciais e publicitários.
Vem sendo denunciada demasiadamente na Justiça e nos canais de Defesa do Consumidor.
E só se vê anúncios da empresa Quinto Andar nos canais de informação públicos e processos absurdos nos TJs, mas continuam induzindo a população e os consumidores na busca da arapuca por necessidade de locação.
Os MPs estaduais, pouco se manifestam sobre isso e é muito curioso, é caso para o MPF intervir antes que haja mais surpresas para o povo brasileiro. Alguns como o MPRJ, MPSP, MPMG têm a denúncia da problemática que não dá mais para protelar uma ação firme. Estranho que, com quase 35 mil reclamações, e bizarras, verdadeiras manobras processuais, ainda não tenham chegado a Quinto Andar.
E saibam: empresas patrocinam para ter isenção e evitar serem investigadas. Não porque são "boazinhas".
O destaque atrai as vítimas que precisam de moradia e grande parte dos despejos são fora da lei, pois burlam as leis para ganho ilícito com o apoio jurídico de câmaras de arbitragem.
Cuidado. No site do Reclame Aqui, o fato de esponder ao cliente e "resolver" aparentemente o assunto, é um dos meios que a empresa usa para ter cotação aprovada no Reclame Aqui. Essa empresa é do Google e eles perseguem os que contam a verdade sobre ela.
Muitas reclamações são desativadas ou somem na internet a pedido da empresa e dos que a administram ou tem parcerias de negócios.
Fiquem ligados.
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delfinoluma101 · 10 months
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Prince Vern (My Prince’s Flower)
OC doodle to see if I could replicate the texture of water colours.
Not worth the effort IMO.
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pollyna · 2 years
I mean it's gonna be fun explain what a pelvic tilts and clamshell movements are without thinking about funny remarks they could never understand :(
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vincentreproches · 1 year
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Patrick ressemble quand même vachement à Christine Boutin
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ocombatenterondonia · 12 days
Abril Indígena: Em Porto Velho (RO), MPF promove Simpósio sobre povos indígenas
Evento será em 16 de abril, das 14h às 18h, no auditório do Ministério Público do Trabalho O mês de abril é marcado por mobilizações voltadas à temática dos povos originários. O Abril Indígena, como é conhecido, é dedicado a reflexões e ações sobre os direitos destes brasileiros e a importância de assegurá-los. Em Porto Velho (RO), o Ministério Público Federal vai realizar o Simpósio “MPF e os…
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charlotte-of-wales · 3 months
a summary of the Monaco Tea, creds to the lovely anon who sent me the article <3
btw most of the information on the family was in article one, the latter were more just info on real estate + off shore accounts
again, this info is all coming from the former accountant of the family:
Prince Rainier III was seriously considering changing succession laws so Caroline would be the head of the family and Monaco as he found Albert to be weak. Albert is said to be the "despised member of the clan" who would stutter while speaking to his father. Rainier even looked into what this would mean to the Grimaldi name since Andrea - at the time 17 - obviously carries his father's name (Casiraghi) and not his mother's (Grimaldi). Rainier told the ones carrying the investigation that this was done in case Albert died.
the funds from Albert's state endowment and his private funds would be mixed all the time.
Albert would say yes to essentially everything his family asked for, including a $30 million apartment for Stephanie
Palmero (the accountant) would frequently buy things for the family to keep "their privacy". He bought Charlene's engagement ring and multiple properties for the Grimaldi's in France. He would pay property taxes for those properties and have the family pay him back.
Caroline and Stephanie would frequently make use of and sell family property (Rainier's cars, family jewelry and art, etc) without letting him know, even though they technically belonged to Albert.
Caroline is in charge of the family's castle in Marchais, which he had an issue with as she would always go off budget.
he makes a note to pay attention to Pierre Casiraghi as he is very ambitious and his dealings in real estate could create problems (spoiler alert: it did)
Caroline is said to hate Charlene
the allowance that Charlene, Caroline and Stephanie receive increases constantly, which worried Palmero. As of late, they were: 1,5 million euros for Charlene, 900.000 for Caroline and 800.000 for Stephanie yearly. This follows the family hierarchy.
 Jazmin Grace receives 86,000 dollars per quarter. In February 2010, Palmero had to spend $5,000 “extra for her birthday”. Albert also bought her a $3 million apartment in New York City.
Albert spends almost a million a year funding Nicole Coste's (the mother of Albert's second illegimate child) fashion business. It's all in Alexandre Coste's name as Nicole fears that Charlene might create issues when Albert dies.
loots about Charlene. She frequently demands high sums in cash, her personal chef is $300 a day, she has multiple undocumented people from the Philippines working in her staff, the celebrations for the birth and baptism of the twins was well over half a million euros, in eight years Charlene spent around 15 million euros when she received 7.5 million euros in endowment (the Palace didn't deny this and said that the accountant was simply told to pay the difference with the family's personal funds), she spent 965,000 on a villa in two and a half months, her office decoration cost a million euros, she requested 3 x 300,000 for her brother's house.
Palmero made sure to change Monaco's regency laws so in case something happens to Albert while Jacques is underage Charlene won't be regent. Instead, the principality will be ruled by a regency council.
Albert has a secret apartment in Monaco, bought by one of Palmero's secret companies. He also got rid of problematic photographs of Albert (hinted at blackmail).
there was a whole system for hiding sums used on "special missions". They were labeled DS (for special destinations) and with time were used to pay for an informal intelligence unit that operated within the police force of the principality. They'd collect information on those close to the family and even on politians of the principality. He would also pay journalists to paint a good picture of Monaco while Hollande was president in France and was constantly criticizing tax-havens.
the DS accounts would be used to hide over-budget situations, including budget for the children's nannies and the budget for the wedding.
they were terrified of the Panama papers, as a lot of money laundering funds go through Monaco and the family had accounts on Panamanian banks.
a link between a Russian billionaire and the Monegasque Minister of Justice was revealed in 2017 and the Minister was forced to resign. An investigation was launched by a French judge and there was fears that the palace would be involved: jurisdictional immunity was granted to members of the sovereign family by order. There was rumours that the French judge wanted to hear the Prince as a witness......he was told to leave the principality. He was accused of having, through his “behavior perceived as authoritarian and vexatious”, “endangered the proper functioning of the criminal justice system”.
the real estate market is a big point of collision here and a big focus of article 3. Nothing too interesting to report - Palmero says he tried mingling in the market to break down the monopoly of real estate owners in Monaco (centered around a bestie of the Casiraghi brothers) while Albert claims Palmero had close ties with some of the developers and tried mingling with things that were of interest of the government in order to make money. The real estate issue was what eventually led Palmero to be fired. Palmero and a former laywer of Albert who was his childhood bestfriend and is also now a persona non grata claims that Albert is now fully under the influence of the bestie of the Casiraghi brothers who now controls the real estate in Monaco.
Palmaro is STILL paying property tax on properties he bought for the family!! crazy!!
Palmero detailed a number of off-shore accounts that hold about 250 million euros of the family's fortune including a company created specifically for Charlotte Casiraghi. He passed on the information from that account to Albert's new accountant at a monitored meeting.
Albert's explanation is lowkey....pathetic. He claims he told Palmero to move all of his family's assets from off-shore accounts to Monaco but Palmero never did it and that was that. He claims he was never able to obtain a precise statement on the family assets due to Palmero's secrecy and Albert just trusted him. He claims Palmero would act in his name and refuse to delay his decisions.
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brasilsa · 1 month
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fullyvisible · 25 days
April Writing Goals
Welcome to April! This month will be exhausting but I'm still writing, at least a little bit, every day.
Let's go!
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organizedchaotics · 1 year
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And here we are. The introductory chapter of Class E. Under the readmore are 21 pages of work that kept me busy for the past four months. Hope you will like it. Light warning though due to mild bodyhorror
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Atenção, população
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delfinoluma101 · 9 months
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Andercor (My Prince's Flower) Didn't remember how to draw smoke so receive a hazy look instead.
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