#MTG Story
xantchaslegacy · 5 hours
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yet another round of MtG story assessments
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sylvan-librarian · 5 months
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chronovus · 1 month
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I love these horrid people SO MUCH
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tanknspank · 1 month
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I know some people aren't as keen on MTG story as they once were, but the writers are definitely having a lot more fun these days.
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snakebun · 30 days
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Yes! Give the people what they want!
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revanezendikar · 11 months
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Happy Pride Month ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Saheeli x Huatli💙💚
(My second favorite MTG couple 😍)
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so, I get sick of the mtg official story links going dead on me constantly, and that's not even to mention the fact that one day WotC could just decide to be funny and take them down forever
SO I have started copying down these stories from their website and saving them to my PC as well as Google Drive, as docx and epub files. They're up for free on WotC's website anyway, so if WotC has a problem with this, uhhhh eat my ass idk what to tell them
Here's a link to a google drive folder:
(Thanks to Tumblr, I had to include the actual bare link for you guys to copy in case it fails for you. Like it did for me.)
So far, I only have Shadows Over Innistrad (which includes Eldritch Moon), but I'm going to be adding more in as time goes on.
I ADMIT the formatting is a bit funky on these, because... well frnakly I am one person and I don't want to edit the formatting of 300+ pages worth of story. I've saved the pictures, it's largely the pictures that bloat the page length so much, but attempting to edit each picture to resize it and make it inline with the text is misery, so I just left them as they are and decided the page length can just be wild.
If anyone else wants to take a shot at it, be my guest and I'll add the files to the folder - but I'll be adding some steadily as time goes on.
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ki426 · 6 months
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Here's some redoodles y'all!
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shallow-wordsalad · 1 year
reading recent stories of Magic: The Gathering's lore has reminded me of the importance of avoiding the Idiot Ball when writing. the latest two chapters of Phyrexia: All Will Be One's story have been a sequential and rapid passing of the Idiot Ball from Kaya to Kaito to Elspeth and it lead very quickly to the villain getting what they wanted through no action of their own. we did a whole thing about going to the past, getting in contact with the person who originally beat Phyrexia, getting an extra copy of the ultra-bomb he used to destroy them, and bringing it all the way to New Phyrexia's portal-opening magic god-tree before Kaya went "hey what if this explosion hurts someone innocent". somehow that one freaking sentence was enough for Kaito to go "hey yeah wait this is a bad idea we shouldn't do this", and Jace - poor friggin' Jace - was just flabberghasted and left holding the bag going "buh - w, wait, hold on, we're already here, we HAVE the bomb, we're good to go!" but, nah, Kaya and Kaito made their moral decision in a split second and by god they're going to defend it come hell or glistening oil. and then, as if that's not bad enough, Elspeth catches up with them after Jace manages to finally activate the Sylex - doing the thing they were trying to do at the start of this entire extremely-lethal excursion - and SOMEHOW knew there was some kind of moral debate happening and that she disagreed with Jace. so he gets freaking stabbed, and she disappears with the bomb to blow it up somewhere else - somewhere where a lot more innocents are likely to get caught in the crossfire. or, since she took it to the Blind Eternities, possibly WAY WORSE - the entire argument was about not knowing if the Sylex's blast-radius could cross the Blind Eternities, so I guess we're gonna fuck around and find out? nice work fellas, we blew up innocent people and didn't even graze the robo-zombies we wanted to blow up in the first place. the same robo-zombies who are about to spread all over the Multiverse and kill everyone anyway.
I don't mind the villain winning, but the state of things in MtG's lore is such that Elesh Norn conquering the Multiverse is really more a testament to the absolute idiocy of the heroes than the ruthless efficacy of Phyrexia. it reads less like a masterstroke of villainous planning, or even just one crucial mistake at the worst moment, more like a D&D party who just couldn't get their shit together for so long that the DM just called it off with Rocks Fall Everyone Dies. this was a series of colossal fuckups and leaps of unfollowable logic, and somehow in pre-written story, someone managed to metagame information they shouldn't have had.
seriously, this? "Somehow, in that moment, she understood everything—what Jace had resolved to do, what was about to happen not just to Mirrodin but to the Multiverse itself. Elspeth saw, with perfect clarity, what needed to be done." this is garbage. yeah, SOMEHOW, Elspeth knew all this very specific stuff that everyone else only had just guessed at two seconds ago, and only decided upon one second ago. what do we need Jace for anyway, Elspeth is clearly some kind of mind-reading precognitive psychic on the level of someone reading a script a page ahead.
jesus christ. if you're going to have doubt and infighting among your protagonists, at least have it make sense. these idiots had an entire plot arc to think about the consequences of the Sylex's use, and only decided to question it at the very-literal last second with the worst conclusions possible. it not only cost the heroes a victory, but it cost the integrity of the story as a whole. this sucks.
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toweringclam · 4 months
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Seanan McGuire sure loves her quasi-Sapphic work rival situationships.
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sylvan-librarian · 7 months
It’s been six months already, but I’m still annoyed at how many people dogpiled on the March of the Machine story because Nissa and Ajani being cured of their phyresis apparently, somehow, meant that the entire saga had no stakes. It’s such a stupid hill to die on: “I won’t be happy with the sci-fi war story in my CHILDREN’S CARD GAME unless it ends in a mountain of named characters’ corpses.” 
Ending such a dark, oppressive story with a small glimmer of hope was a beautiful way to wrap up the Phyrexian arc, and it opened up the doors for more interesting stories to be told down the road. With Nissa and Ajani specifically, both are genuinely good, kind people who now have to live with the unbearable trauma that they were the Phyrexians’ most powerful, blunt tools in the terror they unleashed on myriad worlds upon millions of people; and furthermore, the two of them also have to live with the memories of the things they were thinking and feeling and seeing and doing at the time. Isn’t that a more interesting way to explore the consequences of this (fantasy) war than simply an endless pile of dead characters? 
As a librarian by trade with two (too many) English degrees, I want Magic story to be good like the rest, but I’m not expecting Macbeth out of it; I don’t want Magic Story to be Macbeth because I love Magic Story for what it is: fun, snappy, campy, sometimes inconsistent, but always full of characters I love going on adventures to interesting places with their friends, lovers, and allies… 
I’d rather not end a story with most of them dead to satisfy some misguided attempt to transform serialized Magic the Gathering web fiction into some kind of gritty Pulitzer-Prize winning literary masterpiece.
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Can't wait for this scene in March of the Machine. Poor Chandra. Elesh Norn took her girlfriend, her twink friend, her mentor, her cat...
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tanknspank · 1 month
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I know some people aren't as keen on MTG story as they once were, but the writers are definitely having a lot more fun these days.
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parallel-2-anywhere · 29 days
What I think is going on in the Jace Plot (SPOILERS FOR MTG THUNDER JUNCTION PLOT)
This is very heavily spoilered for the end of Outlaws of Thunder Junction's plot, and also the epilogue fics that are now dropping. I don't know how many more of these will be coming, but this is my theory and I want to get it out there before the fics confirm or de-confirm anything
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Despite the fact that I have adopted Kellan unashamedly. I know that he is not everyone's favorite boy but I love him so much and his arc has been so good for me? But that is another post. Let's talk about the end of Thunder Junction and what I think is happening... ish
So Wizards has confirmed the vault on Thunder Junction is from the Fomori. Which are a species from old Magic lore, that could travel the multiverse without the need of a planeswalker spark. Many smarter people have shown the Fomori's presence in Lost Caverns of Ixalan and other places.
But then in Outlaws of Thunder Junction, there is what's clearly meant to be a Fomori child in the vault
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(Lifted from Akemi Dawn Bowman's The Ballad of Thieves and Thunderslingers)
SO. My thoughts about the Fomori child, the obvious feeling is that the Fomori has something that at least Jace and Vraska believe can help fix the sparks of the desparked planeswalkers, or giving the desparked a way to travel with their sparks damaged.
I don't think Jace is doing this maliciously, but he is leaning on the feeling that made him want to ignite the sylex back on New Phyrexia. The feeling of the needs of the many. If the child is a last of the Fomori species, Jace could see that as a needed sacrifice, if the child even has to die for this process to work, to help the survivors of the war.
If I had to guess from there it's a "misguided but good hearted" attempt to make things better that has some unforseen consequence. Jace wouldn't be made a bad guy, but an antagonist, and we can see him using more aliases to try and get more things he needs for this process.
Admittedly I don't have a lot of things for this since it is such a new plotline, but that is what I am thinking could happen.
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radncoolaesthetic · 28 days
With the OTJ epilogue stories out I feel the the biggest mistakes around the compleated planeswalkers was Nahiri's miraculous recovery and the unwillingness to give them scaring on their new art post healing.
On a side note Alison Lührs writing is phenomenal, her way of exploring characters is everything.
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