dougielombax · 3 months
I’ve heard far too many horror stories about these cursed things.
Russia has been using them in Ukraine and Azerbaijan has been using them against Armenia too.
Ghastly bloody things.
Also leaving this here too.
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etccsy · 1 year
Operation Claw-Sword
Four armored vehicles flying the American flag, accompanied by combat units of the Syrian Democratic Forces, headed on December 2, 2022, to the vicinity of the Al-Malikiyah "Derik" area in northeastern Syria, with the aim of monitoring the Turkish-Syrian
By, Issam KhouryThe Czech-Slovak Institute of Oriental Studies Dec 08, 2022 Four armored vehicles flying the American flag, accompanied by combat units of the Syrian Democratic Forces, headed on December 2, 2022, to the vicinity of the Al-Malikiyah “Derik” area in northeastern Syria, with the aim of monitoring the Turkish-Syrian border, and a similar patrol went to monitor the Syrian-Iraqi…
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ahb-writes · 1 year
Book Review: ‘The Daughters of Kobani: A Story of Rebellion, Courage, and Justice‘
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The Daughters of Kobani: A Story of Rebellion, Courage, and Justice by Gayle Tzemach Lemmon My rating: 4 of 5 stars Repelling a multifront attack, abetted only by dwindling supplies, negligent regional allies, and limited external support (Kobani). Fording the turbulent Euphrates in the dead of night in anticipation of a mine-laden and sniper-beset shoreline (Manbij). Laying siege to a strategically valuable dam, the nation's largest, for two and a half months (Tabqa), situated fewer than thirty miles from ISIS's stronghold. And exhausting all manner of physical and mental strength to serve as the spearhead of regional militia seeking to pry open and overtake Raqqa. The fighters of the YPJ (women's protection units) exhibited remarkable fortitude and resilience, and their efforts proved pivotal in counterbalancing a world on fire. Lemmon's THE DAUGHTERS OF KOBANI is an informative and entertaining read that sits snugly in the middleground of illuminating nonfiction for policy novices or casual strategists. This isn't a book for grinding academics, and this isn't a book for skilled militarists. This book views a limited conflict, in a tucked away region of northern Syria, for the span of a few years, through the eyes and experiences of a handful of dedicated women, belonging to an ethnic minority (Kurds). Every injustice, travail, and disdain perpetuated by the thoughtlessness, violence, and corruption native to this conflict is etched into the hearts and minds of these individuals. Readers seeking more should hunt for supplemental analysis elsewhere. But for their efforts, the women who comprise the YPJ, the growing, specialized partition of the YPG (people's protection units), the battle is personal. These women defied and rebuked the threat of domestication to take up arms against terrorists both organized and not. Lemmon's journalism assiduously documents the YPJ's origin and the personalities that guide and ground its philosophy: Azeema, for example, is boisterous and confident, but also inscrutable and prudent ("We'll sleep when the fight is over," p. 73); Rojda's "quiet calmness" is purportedly mistaken as "passivity," but people "usually made that error only once" (p. 13); and Znarin is dutiful, but not to the patriarchic obligation through which she's lost everything, but to "the cause of women's rights and, as a consequence, Kurdish rights" (p. 23). THE DAUGHTERS OF KOBANI outlines the quest for self-governance (of the Kurdish people, before and during civil war), the quest for authenticity and viability (of extended militia, among enemies and allies old and new), and the quest for individual purpose (of the women whose lives and homes were ripped apart by varying components of black-flag terrorism). Remarkable, then, is Lemmon's interweaving of the fragmented capacity (or willingness) of U.S. policymakers with the difficult reality of on-the-ground, street-to-street combat. All the more so when the point of view for said exchanges pivots between sniper positions with broken radio signals or fiendish and frantic amphibious operations aboard borrowed watercraft. This book strikes a purposeful balance. For example, readers encounter the fantastic necessity of unearthing the historical truths, convenient or otherwise, about the philosophical influence of the PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party) and its founder Abdullah Öcalan. The long-imprisoned Öcalan's progressive intellectualism seems radical and unlikely to western ears (e.g., gender equality, freedom of expression, full suffrage, economic fairness). But the dissident's tenets of human equality and of striking a balancing with the demands of ecological necessity are entirely rational and fundamental to others who's legislative and military options are all that remain when opposed and oppressed by autocrats and terrorists. Understandably, this approach may not suffice for readers hunting for more detail than personal stories can provide. Regional experts will demand more intricate maps of the infernally tense Manbij campaign, which saw waxing and waning success as Rojda and others crossed the Euphrates at night. Or perhaps demand a few more details on the Berthnahrin Women's Protection Forces, the all-female Assyrian militia. Other, book-savvy researchers will surely demand more context for the sprawling Syrian Civil War, proper, during which the book's events take place. Lemmon focuses on the military history and political corollaries associated with the YPG and YPJ, but spends little time on the influence and effectiveness of neighboring or oppositional parties. For example, the Democratic Union Party's Charter of the Social Contract, dated to January 2014, is a remarkable document. But the Charter has clearly been amended over the better part of a decade. Whether those changes are progressive or regressive, goes unstated. Altogether, THE DAUGHTERS OF KOBANI is accessible and edifying. The author's promise is to glimpse the peculiar and inspiring, and the book does well to deliver. The itinerant nature of international war reporting obliges a few gaps in the narrative, but for all intents and purposes, Lemmon composed a memorable story about principled people whose statelessness was only the beginning of their story.
Book Reviews || ahb writes on Good Reads
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prayagraj · 2 years
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There are more and more reports on the network about the beginning of the offensive of #Turkish #troops on the territories controlled by the #PKK, at the moment there is information about #artillery and air strikes in the areas of #TelRifat, #Manbij and #Kobani. They also announce the entry into #Syria of three military columns of the Turkish Armed Forces. If this information is correct, then Turkey has finally launched the promised operation to clear the border from the PKK (less than half a year has passed, only 4 months). #Syria #Turkey https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch6P2ltr3EF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rojinfo · 2 years
29 corps exhumés d’un charnier à Manbij
29 corps exhumés d’un charnier à Manbij
L’administration autonome de Manbij a tenu une conférence de presse suite à l’exhumation d’un charnier contenant 29 corps dans cette ville du nord de la Syrie. Selon toute vraisemblance, les corps appartiendraient à des victimes de l’EI. L’administration autonome de Manbij a fait une déclaration concernant les 29 corps exhumés du charnier découvert quelques jours plus tôt devant la municipalité,…
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navramanan · 1 year
You have to be a special type of diabolical to bomb your neighbouring country in the region that has been affected by the same earthquake that your citizens have been affected by who desperately need & dont receive enough of your help but anything is possible when you're the republic of turkey
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playitagin · 1 year
2016-Manbij offensive
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The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) launch the Manbij offensive, in order to capture the city of Manbij from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).
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Kakistocracy #CorpMedia #Idiocracy #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #DemExit #FeelTheBern
Of all the actors in the Syrian conflict, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are perhaps the most misunderstood party. Five years after the United States decided to partner with the SDF, gaping holes remain in our knowledge about the women and men who defeated the Islamic State (IS)…
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RELATED UPDATE: US researcher Amy Austin Holmes visits North and East Syria: “It requires international pressure to prevent Turkey from continuing its crimes”
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sharktea4-0 · 1 month
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Atargatis of Ancient Syria. Potentially the first mermaid. She was primarily a fertility goddess, and also the ancestor of the royal line of Hierapolis (modern Manbij). She was transformed into half a fish after she drowned herself in a river.
Day 1 of a Global Exploration of MerMay.
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 years
10 Jun 22
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dougielombax · 2 months
Just leaving this here.
Feel free to reblog.
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photos-mdx · 1 year
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An M-ATV used by U.S. troops near Manbij, Syria, July 2018
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brookstonalmanac · 2 days
Events 5.31 (after 1940)
1941 – Anglo-Iraqi War: The United Kingdom completes the re-occupation of Iraq and returns 'Abd al-Ilah to power as regent for Faisal II. 1942 – World War II: Imperial Japanese Navy midget submarines begin a series of attacks on Sydney, Australia. 1947 – Ferenc Nagy, the democratically elected Prime Minister of Hungary, resigns from office after blackmail from the Hungarian Communist Party accusing him of being part of a plot against the state. This grants the Communists effective control of the Hungarian government. 1951 – The Uniform Code of Military Justice takes effect as the legal system of the United States Armed Forces. 1955 – The U.S. Supreme Court expands on its Brown v. Board of Education decision by ordering district courts and school districts to enforce educational desegregation "at all deliberate speed." 1961 – The South African Constitution of 1961 becomes effective, thus creating the Republic of South Africa, which remains outside the Commonwealth of Nations until 1 June 1994, when South Africa is returned to Commonwealth membership. 1961 – In Moscow City Court, the Rokotov–Faibishenko show trial begins, despite the Khrushchev Thaw to reverse Stalinist elements in Soviet society. 1962 – The West Indies Federation dissolves. 1970 – The 7.9 Mw  Ancash earthquake shakes Peru with a maximum Mercalli intensity of VIII (Severe) and a landslide buries the town of Yungay, Peru. Between 66,794 and 70,000 were killed and 50,000 were injured. 1971 – In accordance with the Uniform Monday Holiday Act passed by the U.S. Congress in 1968, observation of Memorial Day occurs on the last Monday in May for the first time, rather than on the traditional Memorial Day of May 30. 1973 – The United States Senate votes to cut off funding for the bombing of Khmer Rouge targets within Cambodia, hastening the end of the Cambodian Civil War. 1973 – Indian Airlines Flight 440 crashes near Palam Airport in Delhi, killing 48. 1977 – The Trans-Alaska Pipeline System is completed. 1985 – United States–Canada tornado outbreak: Forty-one tornadoes hit Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, and Ontario, leaving 76 dead. 1991 – Bicesse Accords in Angola lay out a transition to multi-party democracy under the supervision of the United Nations' UNAVEM II peacekeeping mission. 2003 – Air France retires its fleet of Concorde aircraft. 2005 – Vanity Fair reveals that Mark Felt was "Deep Throat". 2008 – Usain Bolt breaks the world record in the 100m sprint, with a wind-legal (+1.7 m/s) 9.72 seconds 2010 – Israeli Shayetet 13 commandos boarded the Gaza Freedom Flotilla while still in international waters trying to break the ongoing blockade of the Gaza Strip; nine Turkish citizens on the flotilla were killed in the ensuing violent affray. 2013 – The asteroid 1998 QE2 and its moon make their closest approach to Earth for the next two centuries. 2013 – A record breaking 2.6 mile wide tornado strikes near El Reno, Oklahoma, United States, causing eight fatalities (including three storm chasers) and over 150 injuries. 2016 – Syrian civil war: The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) launch the Manbij offensive, in order to capture the city of Manbij from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). 2017 – A car bomb explodes in a crowded intersection in Kabul near the German embassy during rush hour, killing over 90 and injuring 463. 2019 – A shooting occurs inside a municipal building at Virginia Beach, Virginia, leaving 13 people dead, including the shooter, and four others injured.
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30 March 2018: MSG Jonathan Dunbar was KIA from an IED while on a combat mission near Manbij, Syria. He was serving in Delta Force at the time. He was 36 years old. His awards: Bronze Star Medal(3), Purple Heart Medal, Army Commendation Medal(4), Army Achievement Medal(6), Afghan Campaign Medal with two stars, Iraq Campaign Medal with 2 stars, Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, GWOT Expeditionary & Service Medals, NATO Medal, Ranger Tab, Combat Infantry Badge, Parachute Badge,PATHFINDER Badge, Military Freefall Badge, Expert Rifle Badge, German Jump Wings
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rojinfo · 2 years
Deux enfants tués dans une attaque turque à Manbij
Deux enfants tués dans une attaque turque à Manbij
Le Conseil militaire de Manbij a confirmé que deux enfants avaient été tués mercredi dans une attaque turque contre le village d’Arab Hasan Kabir près de Manbij, dans le nord de la Syrie. Mohamed Abdulatif al-Hanefi et Ahmed Fuad al-Hanefi, âgés respectivement de 12 et 13 ans, ont été tués dans une attaque d’artillerie turque, mercredi, contre le village d’Arab Hasan Kabir (Ereb Hesen en kurde),…
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