orion-bun · 3 months
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“I won again!!” Kurenai beans as she wins another game of triple triad.
“How did I let you convince me to play it betting clothing pieces?” Orion looks in horror at her.
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otherworldseekers · 3 months
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Gonna be trying to do some of these this month.
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ngame989 · 3 months
Day 5 - Home Sweet Home
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Chose to lean a bit away from specifically shippy domestic fluff for this since I already do that for everything else. (Plus more excuses to put Meteion in more things)
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bonus: her ass has NOT watched the krusty krab training video
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irisopranta · 3 months
March of the trope Day 4 - Tending Wounds
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The Machines thirst for blood. Good news that your partner is a healer.
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starlight-brainrot · 1 year
FFXIV - Aymeric - Almost Kiss
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I’m using #MarchoftheTropes as inspo for snippets and headcanons!
Day 1: Almost Kiss
Warnings: None(?)
Pairing: Aymeric/Reader
Word Count: 308 Words
Aymeric wants to kiss you so badly. It’s a need etched into his skin- one that’s carved itself into his very soul. To feel your lips against his, to pull you closer…
The two of you were sharing dinner at his estate after one of your adventures, and wine flowed freely as you regaled him with tales. It was a comforting feeling, really. Having a friend to confide in, and for him to truly listen to you; all your minor gripes, your triumphs, your failures… you would be lying if you said that feeling of camaraderie hadn’t melted into… more, overtime, but ultimately it was too risky. What with him being the Lord Speaker, and you the Warrior of Light, it was impractical. A political scandal waiting to happen, not to mention the lengths of time you were far from Ishgard, anyway. 
And yet, you allowed yourself these small moments where you quietly watched him sip from his goblet, and wondered what it could be like if nights like these never had to end.
Eventually reality settles in, and you prepare to take your leave. Aymeric hates to see you go, for who knows when next he’ll see you, if that day will even come. After all, the life of the Warrior of Light is a trying one, and survival is never truly guaranteed. He longed to selfishly keep you to himself anyway, warm and safe within his arms. He allows himself to hug you goodbye, to look you in the eye as you crane your head upwards, to lean in, throw caution to the wind and lay his heart bare for you…
And he gives you a chaste kiss on the forehead instead, wishing you a safe journey back to Mor Dona.
Perhaps I’ll gather the courage on our next outing, Aymeric muses to himself.
Just maybe.
A/N: Sorry for any grammatical errors! It’s the first time I’ve written anything other than academic essays in years :,3c Requests for headcanons are open!
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abstinencesupreme · 3 months
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Almost let today's #MarchoftheTropes pass me by! Day 3 - Grumpy-Sunshine
🎭: "It'll be fun! I swear, no true harm will be done." ☀️: "…"
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sageexmachina · 2 months
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Day 31: That Could've Gone Better First date jitters
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neighawolf · 3 months
March of the Tropes: Wound Healing
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Saoirse can easily cure all the pokes and prods from the overly enthusiastic alchemists at the Great Works. The only thing she can't fix is the Azure Dragoon's wounded pride. Maybe a band-aid and a kiss.
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kootiepatra · 1 year
#MarchoftheTropes 2 - Blind Date
(Note: I have never really done AUs / alternate timelines, or otherwise deviating from “canon”, so this is a big stretch for me)
What if their first meeting had gone differently? What if Haurchefant realized he had two single, pretty, honorable, loser friends, and decided to do something about that?
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“Ahaha… uh… so…”
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calinameloda · 1 year
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March of the Tropes
Day 12: Roommates Battle Couple
Another prompt swap because I wasn't vibing with today's option.
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sheepwithspecs · 1 year
March CarvRhos Ficlet: Almost Kiss
|| FFXIV || Rated T ||(1/??)
Prompts Found Here!
The first of (hopefully) many CarvRhos ficlets! I hope to release as many as I can during the month of March. Each will be under 1000 words, and I’ll post them to Ao3 when the month is over. Enjoy!
“Stop it.”
“Stop what?” His voice is rough, with an edge she’s never heard before… from him, at least. He laughed low in his throat, the sound settling deep in the cradle of her thighs. “What exactly do you think this is?”
“I… I don’t—” She can’t look him in the eye, too afraid of being trapped somewhere between her rationality and the subtle way his lips are parted, a clear invitation if there ever was. It’s easier to focus on his chest, lean muscle disappearing between the folds of his shirt. Her mouth watered at the thought of leaning forward and tasting him there, one finger tugging at the neatly laced front until she could kiss the salt from his skin. The breath caught in her lungs as she imagined it, fighting to break free lest she suffocate where she stood.
“Come now, my dear.” The smooth plaster of the wall met her spine, one hand bracing her hip as he loomed ever closer. “We both know you could stop this, if that’s what you truly wanted.” His hand rose to trace her ribcage, never straying too far and yet mere ilms from cupping her breast through the thin fabric of her blouse. The desperate need to arch into his touch practically burned in her veins, and yet she would rather die than give him the satisfaction of a genuine response. She fought to remain perfectly still, hands clenched into fists behind her back.
“S-Shut up.”
“Am I wrong? Call for reinforcements,” he practically whispered, leaning down until they were eye to eye. “Struggle against me, or—better yet—draw your weapon.” The holster seemed to burn at hole at her hip. “Nothing is stopping you from fighting back. Or could this perhaps be something you secretly desire?” Pale blue eyes swept from nose to chin to collarbone, teasing her silently as they mapped the fierce blush setting her skin alight.
“Who’s talking o’ desires!? I ain’t the one wastin’ time by—by—” Her insult sputtered into silence as rough knuckles caressed her cheekbone, trailing down to cup her jaw with a leather-clad palm. She shivered despite herself, worrying her lower lip between her teeth before trying to nudge him aside with an unruly jerk of her shoulder. “Y-Ye must have a death wish,” she scoffed… or tried to, in any case.
To her immense embarrassment, her voice quivered with the timid mewl of a maiden in the first blush of youth. Her, a woman grown! A merciless corsair! Reduced to this, and by what? A tight-laced, swiving whoreson of a fop with more baubles than brains! Could ye be any more pathetic?!
“Look at me.” Unwilling to concede any further, she purposefully averted her eyes with a scowl. “Damnit, Rhoswen—” For all his mockery, his tone could have easily been mistaken as pleading. “For once in your life, can you not be so godsdamned stubborn?” The calloused pad of his thumb tugged at her skin, tracing the outermost edge of the white tattoo at her brow. She lifted her hand, fully intending to push him away, but ended up grasping his wrist in a sort of halfhearted stalemate.
“Look at me,” he insisted, and she found herself obeying without thought. His eyes fell to her lips, lingering there a moment before rising to meet her wary gaze. Gods, she swore, heart pounding in her ears, the bastard’s going to kiss me. Carvallain, known hater of the unrefined, the unpolished, the imperfect, was about to kiss her.
And worse, she was about to let him.
Her eyes fluttered shut as he leaned in, rooted in place like one of the broken pillars littering the cliffside ruins of Nym. Fingers tipped her chin higher and she quailed inwardly, torn between thoughts of escape and surrender. There’s no going back from this—
Warm breath tickled her skin—not on her cheeks, as she expected, but on the exposed column of her throat. She froze, lips parting in silent query, only to gasp aloud as his teeth found the sensitive skin above her jugular. He bit down gently, just enough to worry the skin without bruising, and she couldn’t help but melt against the wall with a smothered sigh of pleasure. His answering smile was triumphant, victorious in the face of a hard won battle.
“Delicious,” he purred, nibbling his way up to her ear. “I wonder if you’d taste even sweeter elsewhere.”
“Oh, fuck off.”
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orion-bun · 3 months
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“The last one is mine!” Kurenai elbows Orion on the stomach as goes with her hashi
“No! Mine!” He tries his best to stop her hashi with his own.
In the end, he won, but gave to her the piece of candy~
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otherworldseekers · 3 months
March of the Tropes prompt: Wound Tending
Skipping ahead to write a little scene in the new Enemies and Lovers au for a prompt. Slightly spicy, but cuts off before it gets very nsfw.
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The door of the little Inn room had barely closed behind her when the command filled the air, sending a shiver through her. Nero was sitting at a small table in the corner, his feet propped up on the table’s surface, his hands folded in his lap. He had the relaxed confidence of someone who is used to being obeyed and every fiber of her being yearned to obey him, but she resisted. It was all part of the game. 
Severia turned her back on him and took her time stowing away her weapons and assorted gear in another corner. Even so, she could feel his eyes on her, following her every move with that piercing gaze that always saw right through her. 
“You watched, I assume?” 
“Of course I watched,” Nero answered her. “It’s my job. And my pleasure.” 
“What did you think?” She went to stand before him now, but made no move to undo a single clasp or button. 
“Titan is certainly more impressive than Ifrit. There were a harrowing few moments where I thought he might knock you off that pillar.”
“I can’t say it wasn’t a close thing,” Severia admitted. 
“And yet you handled him with all the grace I’ve come to associate with you,” Nero said with a smug smile, as if her prowess were a matter of pride. “You do know you are making my work vastly more difficult.”
“Naturally,” she said with a sweet smile, making him huff in amusement. 
“Strip,” he issued the command again, a subtle growl in his voice that she couldn’t resist. 
Her hands went to the hem of her tunic and whisked it over her head, dropping it on the floor behind her. Nero locked eyes with her as boots, shorts and smallclothes joined the pile. Only when she stood bare before him did his gaze rove over her body. His brow furrowed and his lips curved downward. Severia looked down at herself and was taken aback by the numerous bruises and abrasions that scored her body. 
“On the bed,” Nero ordered. He stood from his chair at last fishing a small jar out of the pocket of his jacket before discarding the jacket on the table. “Lay down.”
“I’m fine. I’ve been healed,” Severia protested as she followed his instructions. 
“And these?” He pointed to the darkening splotches of red purple, the scrapes and mild burns. 
“Y’shola took care of anything serious.”
“Any wound can become serious if it’s not taken care of,” Nero argued reasonably as he unscrewed the lid of the jar and dipped his fingers in. “This Y’shtola is a very shoddy healer.” He withdrew two fingers covered in a reddish paste and proceeded to apply it to a bruise on her thigh. 
“What is it?”
“A healing salve I procured from a wandering Alchemist in the area,” Nero said with perfect nonchalance. “It should help rebalance the disrupted aether and speed your natural healing as well as reducing pain.”
Severia eyed him suspiciously. That… wasn’t how Alchemists operated. Had he… Had Nero gone out of his way to obtain this, knowing that she would be in poor condition after her battle? 
With meticulous patience he sought out every minor wound and rubbed the salve into her skin with such gentleness it made her blush. He’d never touched her like this before. He’d never cared for her before. Theirs wasn’t exactly that kind of relationship. She made a mental note not to get used to this. When he was done with her front he made her flip over onto her stomach, tsking when he saw the condition of her back. 
He missed not a single scored scale, and paid special attention to her horns and tail. She could have told him that these would simply grow over the damaged parts, but she couldn’t deny that it all felt wonderful. Pain had been an insistent hum in her mind that she had shoved to the background, but now that it was truly receding she felt her nerves relax. A contented sigh escaped her. 
“Better?” he said as her tail slid through his hands.
“Much. Thank you.” 
Nero’s hands slowly moved away from her injuries and began to explore, following the curves of her body. “You’re beautiful, Severia,” he murmured as his fingers splayed across her lower back. 
Her breath caught in her throat. She was turned away from him, and couldn’t see his face, but his voice was soft with the same gentleness his hands had shown. “Even battered and bruised?”
“Even so,” he said. “I’ve never seen such lovely bruises.”
Severia turned onto her side and huffed a laugh. “Now you’re teasing me.”
“Only a little,” Nero conceded and leaned in to kiss her. 
She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down on top of her. It felt like ages since he had last kissed her, even though it was only days. When she released him she asked, “When are you going to take your clothes off?”
He chuckled. “Right now.”
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ngame989 · 3 months
March Day 2 - Roll in the Hay (Ryne/Gaia)
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Cons of visiting Il Mheg: a fairy might try to prank you to death
Pros of visiting Il Mheg: lesbian lighting and sunset cuddles
Also I've done it a few times before but I think as a fun lil challenge I'll be doing Where's Waldo style shenanigans with my wol in every post for the month. This one's intermediate difficulty.
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cervidaedalus · 1 year
I've been using the monthly screenshot prompts for my FC but with April being a clusterfuck month with Lalas, Viera, and Aura all overlapping and some months having nothing, we use this setup: January: Jobuary. For both combat and non-combat classes, jobs, and general roles. February: Febhyurary, for Hyur. March: Miqomarch, for Miqo'te. April: Vierapril, for Viera May: Mixedmay. This is for characters that are mixed more than one playable race, characters that are canonically from a non-playable race (Padjali, Garleans, etc), characters that aren't any in-game canonical race (like we have someone who has made a moth viera and I've seen kitsune themed Miqo). I also allow people to showcase characters from completely different MMOs like BDO, ESO, PSO2, WoW, GW2, etc. June: Junelezen, for Elezen. July: Julalafell, for Lalafell. August: Auraugust, for Au Ra. September: Shiptember. For pairings whether they're WoL x NPC, two WoLs, or characters of two people who are involved outside the game. This year we're gonna be using the marchofthetropes prompts someone found on Twitter. October: Hrothtober, for Hrothgar. Hoping we'll have Femhroth by the time this one rolls around this year. November: Roevember, for Roegadyn. December: free month. We don't do anything this month because we got Endwalker in December and might see 7.0 in Dec this year hopefully.
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starlight-brainrot · 1 year
FFXIV - Magnai - Blind Date
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I’m using #MarchoftheTropes as inspo for snippets and headcanons!
Day 2: Blind Date
Warnings: None(?)
Pairing: Magnai/Reader
Word Count: 423
Magnai Oronir:
Sadu put him up to this.
It was originally to get Magnai to stop whining in her general vicinity about his Nhaama, blah blah blah, but- 
When you agreed to the idea of a blind date as well, she decided: you two losers would fit well together anyway.
Magnai chokes on air when he sees you
The Warrior of Light, normally seen in armor or adventuring clothes… in casual wear??? Clothes that perfectly match your features, at that?
He’s floored
You’re equally surprised
It’s not that often that you see the Oronir outside of the Steppe, and he looks almost… natural here at the restaurant you two met at in Kugane
“Sadu did well to match me with someone deserving of my radiance.”
Ah. There’s the Magnai you know. You give him a deadpan stare, and he seems to wilt under your look.
He seems… nervous?
“Apologies… You look lovely tonight.”
Surprised that he seems to have dropped his charade, you decide to give it a shot.
The two of you pass the time while waiting for your food with stories of your youth, and you find out a good bit about Magnai, his sisters, and his life on the Steppe.
In turn, you regale him with your adventures across Eorzea. He seems particularly interested with your fights with primals, eyes gleaming with approval as you speak of your victories.
Food is wonderful, though you do catch him muttering to himself about treating you to a proper feast sometime.
He also puffs up in pride watching you give a disapproving stare to a waitress who seems to be eyeing him. That you would want priority in his attention…!
The night was… surprisingly nice. You certainly didn’t expect this turn of events when you made the impulsive decision to accept Sadu’s proposal of a blind date, but you wouldn’t mind a repeat of this date.
It seemed that Magnai was like minded in this sentiment, even going so far as to walk you back to the inn you were staying at before leaving.
“This was… fun. Would you be open to me visiting you sometime?” You tentatively ask him.
It seems to jolt him out of his thoughts as he hastily replies, “Of course! I would expect no less,” then hastily adds on, “...I would be honored.”
You chuckle at his antics, and kiss him on the cheek.
“Good night, Magnai.”
Sadu’s plan worked, but alas
Now she has to deal with him gushing about you whenever they’re forced to be near each other.
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