#Molly and Caleb own my heart
dent-de-leon · 10 months
really wish I could just be excited for the reunion without getting anxious about it, but like. I can't help feeling like Molly/King had these very fond feelings for Beau and Caleb specifically. And just thinking back on how instrumental they both were in his resurrection...
I don't know. It would just make me so upset if we didn't get to see King be there for them during the Solstice. Especially since he seemed so alone last time, even as he quietly asked Beau and Yasha to tell him about Molly, promised them he'd do right by them. It just would break my heart if he didn't get to be there for them now. Not after, "Empty no longer, Mr. Tealeaf," and Beau handing him her journal--
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magicaltimelady44 · 1 year
Ugh no see with the mighty nein series announcement I now just want to dive right back into the beginning of the mighty nein
I have been trying to watch beyond e4 of vox machina for a week
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hanaaria · 9 months
started watching cr2 last night and. oh my god molly likers i understand u so well now
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captainkingsley · 1 year
Mollymauk isn't monogamous. And he's never hidden that fact, not from Caleb or from anyone else, especially not while getting more intimate with Caleb. He's not worried about it anyway, as after he and Caleb had gotten closer, Caleb had explained his own past. Not all of it, definitely not all of it, but enough to reassure Molly of his own comfort with the idea. Caleb, as it turns out, is also not monogamous, which Molly chalks up to the universe handing him the perfect man.
Since they'd started their little dance between each other, their relationship has been open — Molly had slept with a paid partner here and there, and Caleb had been flirted with to no concern from Mollymauk. It was simply a part of their relationship, and neither of them minded. 
So, with all of that known — why does Caleb feel as though Mollymauk is glaring daggers at him any time he spends time alone with Essek? He tries not to think too much into it, but every now and then he catches a glimpse of Molly looking through a doorway or passing by with a strange look on his face.
They're just studying. Essek is teaching him complex dunamantic theory — they need the quiet time together to focus. Molly can join them any time, he's aware of this, but he never does. Maybe the magic talk is too complex, maybe he'd get bored too fast and cause a distraction. 
Even so, why Molly doesn't simply explain himself is concerning. Caleb makes a note to himself to ask later, after Essek has gone home for the evening. 
Caleb doesn't really get a chance to ask, though. 
Essek goes to leave that night, pulling his cloak on and heading through the halls of the Xhorhouse, intent on getting home to rest and be away from the energy and chaos the Nein bring. Just before the main entrance, however, he sees Mollymauk. His usual coat is gone, and he's left in a tight-fitting top that exposes his scarred arms and hips, his pants covered in a strange pattern of multicolored astrological patterns that glimmer in the dim torchlight. 
"Mollymauk." Essek greets, nodding once as he moves to pass by him. 
Mollymauk puts a hand on the wall, effectively blocking Essek from exiting. A half second later, Essek is staring at him with a furrowed brow, a questioning look, and he's about to open his mouth when—
"You like Caleb, don't you?" Molly says. Essek's face turns a darker shade of purple.
"He's a good student." Essek says, lifting his chin. Molly stares down at him, shifting just an inch closer. 
"You know what I mean, smart boy." Molly says. 
"I'm afraid I do not." Essek replies, keeping his voice level. His expression returns to its normal cold demeanor, making Molly feel a surge of frustration. 
"All I'm going to say is that I love Caleb with all my heart, and if you so much as make him uncomfortable, or try to use him for your own gain…"
He watches as Essek's face pales slightly. 
"...I will kill you."
"You'd put another layer of tension on the war, Mollymauk Tealeaf, killing the Shadowhand." Essek says. 
"War be damned, I'll do anything for Caleb." Molly says, his voice dropping lower as he leans closer to Essek. A hand swiftly drops onto the elf's shoulder, pushing him an inch lower to the ground. Essek shrugs off the hand after a moment. 
"You have interesting priorities." He says. 
"I care about the people closest to me before anything else.  I don't owe the rest of the world shit, but I owe Caleb — and the rest of the Nein — everything. I love him. And I've crawled out of a grave once before, so don't think you could kill me and be done with it."
Essek's eyes widen. Molly grins. 
"I would pull myself out of the ground a second time just to hunt you down if you hurt my Caleb. Got it?" 
“I…” Essek’s voice is now quieter. His eyes scan Mollymauk over, taking in the scars, the tone of his lean muscle, the fangs that peek out of his mouth as he smiles at him. “I understand. Do not worry, I have no plans to ‘use’ Caleb in any way. Nor will I intrude on your relationship.”
"Glad we're on the same page. You're a good boy." Molly says, and taps his hand against Essek's cheek. “And listen. You’re pretty. Stick around long enough, be nice, and maybe Caleb and I will let you between us for a bit. How’s that sound?”
“What?” Essek says, his voice an octave higher. Mollymauk laughs.
“Think about it.” He says, and steps away from Essek. 
Leaving Essek to head home with many, many questions.
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thebest-medicine · 7 months
Day 9: Lie
Tickletober 2023 - Critical Role - C2 Mighty Nein - lee!Caleb
[see my other tickletober 2023 fics]
A/N: Caleb’s not ticklish. Probably. Definitely. For sure.
[read on AO3]
Words: 1.2k
Winding Caleb up was quickly climbing to the top of the list of Mollymauk Tealeaf’s favorite pastimes. 
He enjoyed every eye roll, every quiet sigh, every blush, every sharp retort, every stuttered reply, though he wasn’t a fan of the times Caleb would get so embarrassed he’d just… disappear out into the night! Luckily, Nott was never far behind to reel him back later - but there were more than a few occasions where soft, kind, genuine moments lead to Caleb spinning on his heels and stomping out the door, unsure of what to do with himself or those feelings. 
Molly wondered, many of those times, what might have happened if Caleb stayed.
Later, at the inn, the Nein had just settled into their rooms when Molly found Caleb in the hall and backed him against a wall to have a talk with him more intimately than necessary. Molly charmed him with an arm stretched out over Caleb’s shoulder, boxing him in with a hand against the wall. “Look, I know you get a little embarrassed when we- like now- I just mean, don’t go running away on us tonight, I am rather fond of you sticking around this evening.” (Every evening.) His eyes flicked up and down Caleb, drinking him in. “Drinks, on me. Let's get to know each other better.”
Caleb swallowed. “Ja, okay, I- um.” 
Molly’s spine tingled with excitement, tracking the bob of Caleb’s throat.
“If I need to, I’ve heard tale that I can be rather convincing.” Molly leaned in closer, enjoying the color on Caleb’s cheeks. He reached forward with his other hand, grasping the dirty wizard’s coat between his thumb and finger, and rolled the material in his fingers softly. He made to give Caleb a little push - well, a pull, rather - in grasping him around the waist to peel him from his place frozen like a hare against the wall and lead him down into the tavern. 
When Molly’s hand made contact with Caleb’s side, however, the wizard flinched away violently.
Molly reached forward, grasping at his side for something ticklish, sensitive. Caleb startled back with such a force that he hit his head against the wall. He blinked. 
Molly reached up to soothe the back of his head. “Ticklish, are we?” He grinned, certain that he looked positively evil as he caught Caleb’s eye.
“No- no. I’m- I’m not!” Caleb stuttered, his face red and eyes wide. 
“Oh,” He chuckles, “I don’t believe you.” 
Just then, Beau came out of her room to head downstairs. “Hey, we grabbin’ some drinks or what? Let’s go!” 
Molly turned to answer her, and it was just distracting enough for Caleb to slink away, back to his own room. Molly turned, squinted disapprovingly toward the wizard’s closed door, and followed Beau downstairs.
Caleb’s heart was pounding in his chest as he sat on his bed. He focused on banishing the warm blush from his cheeks and pointedly did his best to not think about Mollymauk. Or about being backed against a wall with cunning mischief and thrilled smirks. Or about how much Molly’s hand on his side had startled him. Or about how he couldn’t actually remember the last time he’d really been tickled. He’d go down after a while, share in a round or two of drinks. He would sit far across the table from Mollymauk and… And not walk close to any walls. 
It was less than an hour later when Caleb made his way down to join the rest of their party for a celebratory drink. He tried to shuffle in unnoticed next to Nott, but Molly’s eyes tracked him from the moment he walked in the room. He made it to the table unscathed, despite feeling rather hunted, and even felt a little warmer as the group received him happily, pouring him an ale. He put a few seats between himself and Molly, and settled into the newly familiar comfort of companionship.
Mollymauk tried to catch Caleb’s eyes a few times throughout the evening. He waved at him at one point, wiggling his fingers as he briefly caught his attention. He enjoyed the light dusting of pink on Caleb, nearly hidden in the low light.
The night wound down - or for some, up - an hour or so later. Nott and Beau excitedly bought shots of hard liquor for a few of them at the table just as Caleb excused himself and made his way back upstairs. It was still early. He was the first of them to go to bed; he could probably get some reading in before Nott came to the room. He entered his room and reached back to let the door close. 
He didn’t hear it click into place, and turned to look over his shoulder.
“It was rather foolish- lying to me like that earlier.” Mollymauk scolded as he finished slinking into the room. Caleb jumped as Molly closed the door behind them. “Especially about something so easy to test.” 
Caleb spun wildly all the way around, staring at the unexpected tiefling in his room. “Mollymauk-”
“I’ll give you a chance to change your tune, fess up.” Molly offered graciously with an evil smile. “And maybe I’ll go easy on you.”
“W-What?” Caleb choked out, voice a much higher octave than normal.
“I thought I was rather kind earlier, asking you nicely to stay and talk and drink and enjoy the camaraderie with us.” Molly tsked. “And rather clear that I- that we wanted you to.” He sighed, then let out a bit of a laugh and continued in a teasing voice. “But you are a stubborn one, aren’t you Widogast?”
Caleb blinked at him, holding his breath.
“I guess you’ll need that convincing I mentioned.”
“Molly…” Caleb took a step back, and the tiefling laughed.
“I have a brilliant idea as to how, too. Like I said, I can be rather convincing.”
“I don’t know what you-” Molly wiggled his fingers. “Ah, nein, wait-”
“So, first, I’m gonna find out if you’re ticklish.” He caught Caleb’s eye, smirked. “And see if you lied to me earlier.” 
“Wait- you, you don’t need to-”
“And then, we’re going to go back downstairs, and have another drink.” Mollymauk finished. “Or I am going to tell everyone else just how ticklish you turn out to be. Sound good?”
“M-Mollymauk-” Caleb stumbled over his name just as his mind tumbled over Molly’s words. He continued backing up slowly until he hit the bed, eyes wide and trained on Molly.
It was almost a mercy when Molly finally pounced, tackling him gently to the bed. His claws poked and wiggled against the sides of his shirt. Caleb sucked in a breath.
It came out as a half-snort-half-laugh when Molly squeezed him low on his hips. “Ha- wait, wait no-”
“Looks like someone’s a liar.” Mollymauk taunted in a sing-song voice, scribbling up his sides. Caleb flailed weakly on the mattress, trying to fight off the bubbling laughter starting to leak from his throat. “A very ticklish liar.” Molly enjoyed the shades of red he was getting Caleb’s face to tonight. 
Caleb gasped, trying to cover his face, flail to freedom, and catch Molly’s hands all at the same time - unsuccessful in each endeavor.
“Let me know when you’re ready to go back downstairs, hm?” Molly reminded him before diving in to squeeze a path up his sides and along his ribcage.
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stardustedknuckles · 2 years
I think I'm going to be losing my mind forever about the way Beau sees her early interactions with Yasha actually. Because she's wrong. Yasha goes through most of the campaign thinking she destroys everything she touches and Beau can only think of all the times they've hurt one another when she's talking to fjord, but they're wrong. The difference is that Yasha has been intentionally trying to overwrite and make up for the harm her hands have caused by the time Beau admits to herself that she's in love. That's Yasha's whole story, learning to forgive herself. She's got a head start.
But Beau.
Beau tries to con Yasha into letting her keep her stick and, failing that, successfully horndogs hard enough that Yasha calls her bluff and carries her to the show. One of the very first things Yasha says is to Jester when she gets hugged: "I'm trying. I'm very uncomfortable with human touch." But Beau was an exception from the start.
And the carrying became its own inside joke! This happened multiple times. Yasha never used her healing hands on herself and she used them disproportionately on Beau long before anything between them was even taking real shape. Yasha caught her when she jumped from the cliff, Yasha actually saved her from a automatic death with no slots left for a revivify by carrying her unconscious body away from Obann the punished. It wasn't far enough to keep her from being struck, but it was far enough to prevent her last death save from being stolen automatically.
Beau put her hand on Yasha's shoulder at Molly's grave and held her hand the second time. Their canonical history is full of the two of them pushing past their reservations without even seeming to realize it. They fought each other four times before the date. That's it. Just four.
And it says a lot about Beau that she would exclusively bring up the fights to Fjord, because in many ways her mind is just as sharp as Caleb's. If she stopped and thought about it - and I think she will, later - she'd realize that the good far outweighs the bad. But she can't, because she's not there yet and a large part of her is so used to being seen as a fuckup that allowing for anything else just feels wrong. Especially when she's vulnerable.
It just makes my heart twist to watch how Yasha has been learning to heal to the point where she hardly blinks when Beau mentions being stabbed - she knows, and she knows things are okay between them - and meanwhile Beau is blaming herself for their every painful interaction. She feels worse about punching the possession out of Yasha than she ever will about being literally impaled at her hands. In many ways, when they finally take that step to commit to each other, Beau has only just begun the healing cycle that Yasha has been developing since we met her. And it's perfect, because Yasha has just begun to discover how to want without fear, and confidence and willpower are all Beau has ever known. They're perfect, and they're perfect because their struggles complement one another every bit as much as their strengths.
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quinn-of-aebradore · 6 months
“Dispense with the honorifics, Mollymauk, we share partners. Yussa will suffice.” “Oh, I’m not using it as an honorific, dear,” they say, voice dropping down to a purr. “Have you ever wondered why you and I just share and it’s not the four of us? Because that sounds just lovely to me.” Yussa’s brain screeches to a halt while his heart races ahead. Caleb and Essek leave their partners alone together for an afternoon. Chaos and kissing ensues.
It was only a matter of time before I smushed Yussa and Molly together too, really XD dedicated to @glossolali , my dear friend in Molly Shenanigans :3
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sapphicquill · 1 year
Critickle Role: spin me right 'round, baby (chapter 1/2)
(ao3 link!)
Rating: Teen
Characters: Essek Thelyss, Mollymauk Tealeaf, Caleb Widogast, the Mighty Nein (Veth and Cad are there, just not by name!)
Wordcount: 2149
Nothing the Mighty Nein ever did made terribly much sense to Essek—at least not right away. The group had a habit of putting their own unexpected twist on just about everything they did, no matter how mundane. Considering Essek had only recently emerged from “the sheltered kid-from-a-strict-religious-family cave” (Veth’s words, not his) he didn’t really have much “real life experience” to lean on, so the group’s antics were a relatively moot point anyway. 
But Essek was about ninety-five percent sure that Spin the Bottle was supposed to involve kissing, and the glaring lack of any was a bit confusing. 
Essek relied on a lifetime of maintaining a completely neutral expression at all times to keep from staring bewildered at the screeching puddle of tiefling that was the current focus of the loose circle of friends. Mollymauk, sprawled out flat on his back underneath Jester, was writhing and wriggling as the young woman mercilessly drilled her claws into her victim’s sides. A lavender tail lashed wildly, the only part of Mollymauk in that moment that still had a full range of motion. 
From beside the pair, Caleb cleared his throat.
“That is time, Jester. Let my boyfriend breathe, please.”
Instantly, the blue tiefling sprung off of Mollymauk, though not without groaning theatrically and turning to the human, her own tail wavering behind her in a way that reminded Essek of Frumpkin before the cat pounced on someone. 
“Caaay-leb, come ooon , that wasn’t two minutes!” 
“Ja, it was exactly two minutes, just like it always is.”
“You’re just whiney because you can never make Molly safeword out, Jes,” Fjord pointed out from his spot across the floor. Jester let out a frustrated noise as she crawled back over to her unoccupied spot in the circle next to her own boyfriend. 
“I totally have before, I just want to do it again!” 
“Try harder next time, darling,” Mollymauk said, voice coming out a little wheezy as he sat back up and grinned over at their host for the evening. 
- - -
Essek was, admittedly, getting better at keeping up with the Mighty Nein. With all of them being so genuine and good all the time (and the somewhat inconvenient, very large crush he was harboring on Caleb and Mollymauk), it was hard to resist the siren call of their unspoken offers of friendship and connection. The longer Essek spent around the collective chaos of the Nein, the easier it was to just shrug and go with whatever happened, regardless of how preposterous Essek found it. 
When Caleb had offhandedly invited him to attend the monthly Jester-mandated party/sleepover (a tradition that long predated Essek’s own knowledge of the group), he had accepted without even thinking about it. His nerves over being in such close, extended proximity to Mollymauk and Caleb were easy enough to tamp down, he hadn’t even gotten close to having a proper panic attack over it. He hadn’t even flinched when Jester’s mutt of a dog nearly knocked him on his ass when he cleared the doorway of her and Fjord’s apartment. 
When Jester had lowered the music and excitedly announced it was time for Spin the Bottle, Essek had taken pause, eyes darting to where Caleb and Mollymauk began untangling themselves to get up from the small overstuffed sofa, laughing and whispering to one another between quick kisses. All the same, after a half-second of hesitation, he took a seat on the floor next to Yasha, who was providing rather aggressive scritches to Nugget while Beau not-so-subtly fed the dog little bits of pepperoni, and resolutely ignored the hammering of his heart.
Jester’s version of Spin the Bottle had, apparently, been a tradition for almost as long as they’d been having these gatherings. At least, that’s what Essek had gleaned from Beau’s exaggerated complaints about how unnecessary having the rules explained again was. Jester’s eyes had met Essek’s from across the circle, alight with mischief, before she continued: either say the safeword—“licorice,” for some reason—or last the full two minutes. Before Essek could ask what, in particular, might necessitate a safeword for a kissing game, Jester had leaned forward to grab the bottle in the middle of their circle.
Honestly, Essek should have been less surprised then he was when Jester’s hearty spin of the empty spirits bottle resulted in the young woman tackling Mollymauk and unleashing a rather brutal tickle attack. One of the first things Essek had accepted as “Nein-normal” was the group’s extremely comfortable relationship with tickling. Caleb had tried to fill in the gaps as much as he could—it had, of course, started with the tieflings (“Look, of all the stereotypes, this one’s probably the sweetest and most accurate,” Molly had said) and had spread from there. It was to be expected, if one spent even five minutes with some configuration of their friend group, that some sort of tickling would occur. 
Essek had seen Fjord tweak Jester’s sides as he passed her by; had seen Yasha loop her arms around Molly’s waist and hold him still while Veth unleashed revenge for whatever antics the tattooed tiefling had gotten up to; had seen the soft, sweet, surprisingly gentle tickling that Jester was fond of showering on Caleb. Essek had witnessed quite a lot. 
He’d never participated, though.
- - -
 “Careful, you know she’ll take that seriously,” Beau said, rubbing Nugget’s head roughly enough for Essek to realize she was probably wiping off excess pizza oil on the dog. 
“I’m hoping for it,” Molly shot back, already half-crawling closer to the middle of the circle. With practiced ease, he sent the bottle into rapid circles, watching intently as they began to slow. Essek glanced at Caleb out of habit—it was he who Essek had gravitated toward first, and then whenever he felt out of his depth around the rest of the Nein—and felt his heart stutter against his chest as crystal blue eyes met his own. A small, comforting smile graced Caleb’s lips, the one that always made Essek feel a bit like there were several tiny birds swooping around in his stomach, before the group around them gave a collective, nearly comedic gasp. Essek watched Caleb’s brow furrow slightly, his eyes dropping down to look at the center of the circle before darting back to Essek’s face. His expression was… strangely unreadable. 
Finally looking away from Caleb, Essek felt another swoop in his gut as he took in the scene before him: the others staring at him, Molly’s grin turning nearly feral, and the empty bottle’s neck pointing squarely at him. 
It felt a bit like time had paused, without the sharp ozone of recently-cast dunamis. 
“Ah, Mollymauk—”
Caleb’s voice was soft, his expression still impossible for Essek to parse, as he curled a hand over one of Molly’s shoulders. His boyfriend turned to face him instantly, and Essek felt quietly relieved that the two’s attention was off of him, if only temporarily. 
“Essek’s new to this, ja? So be—” Caleb paused, seemingly searching for the right word. 
“Gentle?” Yasha offered quietly from beside Essek, and if his mouth wasn’t suddenly so dry, he thought he might thank the woman. 
“Of course, darling,” Molly replied seemingly to the both of them, his voice much sweeter than Essek had anticipated. The tiefling turned, and Essek tried to calm the rapid beating of his heart as Molly crawled the rest of the way across their circle of friends. On his knees, Mollymauk was practically towering over Essek’s seated form. Essek expected that same devious grin from earlier to still be settled on his face, but was surprised again to see a much friendlier, kinder smile curling at his lips. 
It was the same smile Molly wore when he and Caleb got lost in discussing complex arcane theory, or when Essek admitted to not understanding some turn of phrase someone had thrown out. 
The flock of birds in his gut doubled. 
“Remember the rules, dear?”
When had Molly gotten so close? Essek licked his lips, eyes glued to the two sets of claws hovering mere inches from his torso. 
“Ah, say ‘licorice’ to tap out…”
“Or last the full two minutes that Caleb counts out,” Molly finished for him, leaning ever so much closer into Essek’s space. 
“Right. Yes. Two minutes.” 
The last time he’d been tickled he’d been a child, Verin pouncing on him after declaring he was being a stick in the mud and unleashing an attack that had left Essek in blubbering hysterics. 
“Ready?” The question seems mocking, but the look in Molly’s eyes is shockingly genuine and Essek didn’t know if he wanted to run or to kiss him. 
“As, um, as I’ll ever be, I suppose.”
The air in the room was still and silent, even Nugget stopping his tail whacking down on the carpet as everyone seemingly held their breath. 
Essek squeezed his eyes shut tightly, bracing for kneading fingers as Molly descended even further. Nervous energy danced like lightning down Essek’s back. 
Then there were two light claw tips, slowly skating down from the tops of Essek’s ribs on either side, and he felt his breath hitch without permission. The light, pinpoint sensations felt a little like pure electricity shooting into his nerves and he started gasping out giggles without even realizing it. It didn’t even tickle that badly—between the anticipation and the fact that it was Mollymauk doing it, Essek felt a bit like he was going insane from the lightest touches. 
He didn’t say anything, though, much less “licorice.” Molly was being so gentle. He could last through this for two minutes. 
Then, the claws reached his hips, and suddenly they were moving much faster and in circles and Essek couldn’t have ever hoped to stifle the surprised laughter that punched out of him. His eyes flew open at the shock of sensation, and the look on Molly’s face made his stomach do a backflip. The tiefling’s eyes glimmered with delight and the kind of affection Essek had only ever seen directed at a certain human wizard. Impossibly, the tickling felt ten times as intense. 
Molly kept valiantly on at Essek’s hips, alternating between skittering spirals and random patterns that Essek couldn’t make sense of. While the majority of his conscious thought consisted of white noise, a tiny section of his mind quietly pondered how different this would be if the rest of the Nein weren’t there—if it was just him and Molly and Caleb sprawled out on the ridiculously opulent bed he knew the two had in their apartment. Maybe there wouldn’t be a countdown at all, just Essek getting slowly driven to pleasant delirium by the two men who had captured his attention and his heart. 
How in the name of the Luxon had it not been two minutes yet?
A sudden third spot of ticklish sensation lit Essek’s nerves like a string of firecrackers. He didn’t even have to open his eyes (though he severely doubted he would even be capable of that at the moment) to know that a lavender tail’s spade tip was dragging ever-so-lightly back and forth cross Essek’s right inner thigh. That, combined with the attack still concentrated on his hips, nearly had him screaming. 
Just as it felt like he might pass out from lack of air, someone spoke up from elsewhere in the circle. 
“Scheiße, that was two minutes and, er, roughly forty-five seconds, sorry, sorry.”
Instantly, Molly let up, his tickling ending so abruptly that Essek almost felt dizzy. Phantom tingles of sensation raced across his skin and his laughter dropped into breathless giggles once more. If not for the near lifetime of practice in self-restraint, he would have let out an aggrieved whine and a soft plea for more. A delightful haze of dazed happiness had descended without Essek even noticing . 
“Wow, Essek, that was like, super impressive for your first time playing!”
Jester’s chirping voice popped the joyful bubble encasing Essek’s mind in an instant, and instinctual chilled terror shot down his spine at the reminder that the rest of the Nein had seen that entire ordeal play out in front of them. He sat bolt upright, vision hazy and unseeing. 
“Ah, ex—” Essek started, a shivering ghost of a laugh rudely interrupting. “Excuse me, I, hah, need to, uh—”
Without even finishing his sentence, Essek stood and hurried from the crowded living room. A chorus of voices sounded behind him, but he didn’t stop. The apartment’s tiny guest bathroom offered a safe place for him to sink to the ground and press his face into his hands, breath slowing even as his heart thrummed rapidly in his chest. 
Even with embarrassment and mild panic coursing through him, Essek’s mind could only conjure the image of Caleb and Mollymauk looming over him with warmth and mischief and affection in their eyes. 
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critter-genfic-events · 5 months
Modern AU: A Genfic Rec List
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This week we have six fics that take place in the modern day! Check them out under the cut, and don't forget to kudos or comment if you like them!
As the story unfolds over time by ArbuscularMycorrhizal (9365,Teen) Warnings: none Pairings: None
The nein bully Yussa into caring for Caleb
Reccer says: I liked it
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it's 3 am (I must be lonely) by Meridas (1024,Teen) Warnings: nightmares, panicking Pairings: QPR Molly & Yasha
During one of her trips away, Yasha dreams that Molly is dead. She calls him and he reassures her that he's fine.
Reccer says: It's very short and sweet and soft, a little bit of angst but mostly just comfort. I love QPR fics in general and this one in particular has my heart. It's also part of a series! Some of the other fics do include Caleb/Molly as well, but all of them are very nice and relaxing to read.
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make sure you kiss your knuckles by SongOfWizardry (2469,Teen) Warnings: implied self-harm, implied parental abuse, and some vague descriptors of panic Pairings: Beauregard Lionett & Caleb Widogast
The empire siblings and the aftermath of punching shit to deal with emotions
Reccer says: I love Beau and Caleb's relationship, and I love the way that Caleb manages to take care of Beau here.
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dragonfly year by bogfable (52965,Teen) Warnings: Descripitons of Chronic Pain, Disassociation, Psychosis Pairings: Caducues Clay & The Mighty Nein
Caduceus moves in with the rest of the nein.
Reccer says: Caduceus isn't often the focus of fanfic, so having him be in here - and also be very relatable - is a treat.
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Shake The Glitter Off by maybetwice (1164,Teen) Warnings: none Pairings: Fearne Calloway & Orym & Dorian Storm, Opal & Orym, Fearne Calloway/Opal
Fearne brings home Opal to the apartment she shares with Orym and Dorian. Orym is stuck giving her the morning after speech.
Reccer says: It's a modern-with-magic -- Fearne is still a Satyr and Orym is a vampire -- and wonderfully in character.
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Above the Fold by dimircharmer (1855,General) Warnings: None Pairings: None
Vox Machina saves the president, but that's really not the story. Vox Machina wakes up hungover, and thinks they may have just changed their lives.
Reccer says: It's a great translation of what early Vox Machina was like - a bunch of fuckups who stumbled into doing great things - and translated it into the modern world.
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Next week, we're featuring Cuddling!
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grayintogreen · 5 months
9 and 22 :3c
in the dark, where nothing grows is a LitMoR side story that details the events of YCDHN from Astrid’s POV and gives a little more insight into what’s been going on on that side of things. It serves as kind of a YCDHN version of there’s something divine in the way screams can sound because I didn’t want to give too much direct insight into the Trent plot until the end, but there’s a lot there to explore that explains where Astrid and Wulf are at.
the sky lights up with fire is the “Iron Shepherds swap” fic where Fjord, Yasha, and Jester are left behind but Molly, Caleb, Beau, and Nott are captured. The main beats of it are that Reani is the person Fjord, Jester, and Yasha meet instead of Keg and Caleb and Beau manage to connive their way into joining the Iron Shepherds to protect the other two, because they’re just humans and not worth much but have skills that might be useful to them. It definitely puts Caleb in a Bad Place.
This one I have written some of
Here’s the plan: it’s a shit plan.
Jester’s been anxious since they started planning it, because she knows it’s a shit plan. They don’t have the right people. It relies too much on hitting hard and not getting hit back. They have an extra person and, really, Jester loves Reani a lot because she’s a sweetheart and a hero in her hometown, apparently, and of course she believes that, but that doesn’t change the facts.
It’s a shit plan.
Her Duplicate is drawing fire while Reani is stuck in one-on-one combat with the Iron Shepherds’ druid, the two of them are direwolves ripping into each other while Fjord tries to take out three other Shepherds on his own.
She’s trying to undo the lock on the cart, trying to free her friends. She’s not good with lockpicks and her magic won’t open it. She’s about to smash the cart with a lollipop and hope she can heal anyone who might get hurt from it when Yasha’s scream of rage chokes off suddenly.
She’s pierced through her sternum, pinned to the ground by Lorenzo’s cruel glaive, mismatched eyes losing their rage as the light leaves them. Jester screams. Reani howls. Fjord negotiates. The Iron Shepherds move on, leaving them behind.
It’s a shit plan.
Rain has started to fall, churning up the road dirt into mud, and Jester flings herself upon Yasha, her hands clasped over the bleeding place, willing the Traveler to grant her the power to heal her. Her tears fall faster and harder than the rain does as she begs.
”My dear, she’s too far gone.”
“No, no, I can bring the dead back. You showed me!” She cries out to dead air as far as anyone else can see. (She doesn’t know that Reani understands, but she will, in time, on this journey.)
”You don’t have the diamonds.”
His hands are on her shoulders, easing her back, but she won’t move. She won’t stop pressing on the wound and willing it to knit closed. “Please just show me. Just let me try.”
The Traveler grants her the magic and the verdant light flows from her fingertips, the air crackles with potential and the smell of Feywild flowers. The light eases into Yasha and cradles her heart and the wounds knit close and suddenly she’s sitting up and screaming her rage and pain to the sky and she’s alive, but she’s lost Molly again and she has no one to take her anger out on.
They’re going to have to follow them.
It’s a shit plan, but they have to go.
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dent-de-leon · 1 year
Because if any of these make into the animated series I think it'll both make me cry and warm my whole heart. I just really miss them and can't wait to see the Circus Man and Magic Man together again 🧡💜
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mouseinthecastle · 1 year
Some two purples and a human writing I started in May but forgot about until I recently got caught up in my Molly/Caleb/Essek feelings again. Essek (and Molly) figuring out some feelings. I wanna make this into a series so bad. Pls check it out and lemmie know whatcha think 🧡💜🧡
It was easy, at first, before it became difficult
In the beginning, Essek spends most of his attention not on his own feelings, but on Calebs.
While Essek wasn't totally sure what to make of the changes to their relationship, he could see that Caleb felt guilty and torn, and he hated to see him that way. Who was Essek to deny this man any ounce of happiness?
It was awkward for them, but they talked. They talked for a long time.
They took time to think about it.
They talked again, this time Mollymauk joined the conversation.
They took more time to think.
Caleb was ever-cautious, terribly considerate, and reassured him constantly. One word from Essek and it would never be brought up again. Essek was sure the strange pain in his chest was from his heart full of love for the man, and nothing else.
Even Mollymauk, to his credit, seemed to be taking this seriously. Taking him seriously, for once.
It wasn't all that uncommon in the Dynasty. Many consecuted souls found themselves falling in love many times in many different ways over their lifetimes. It was said to be a blessing of the Light, to be loved and share one’s love so. Essek never thought much of it; but until Caleb, Essek never thought much of romance at all.
Essek was surprised to find that the practice happened in the Empire as well, although seemingly much less common. Perhaps it was just usual for people to have this much love to go around, Essek wondered. It wouldn’t be the first time his tenuous relationship with attraction left him the odd one out.
He wasn't sure if it would have been easier with any other member of the Nein. He refused to entertain the idea of the mess his life would become if it were Veth. Though he was very fond of Yasha, she would come paired with Beau and that was too difficult to wrap his head around, even in the furthest stretch of the hypothetical. Caduceus, however, was a kindred spirit, and he held a great respect for Fjord. He could picture a life with them, faintly.
But Jester would be the best fit. Essek loved her, and he knew Caleb did, too. Although he didn’t hold the same physical attraction for her as he did for Caleb, he wouldn’t at all mind having her around more often. Spending time with Jester was easy, spending time with Jester and Caleb was a delight.
But the Nein’s other tiefling was a different story, He certainly didn’t dislike Mollymauk. He was a good man, and Essek could admit he was an attractive one as well. He made Caleb happy.
Perhaps that was it. Jester was Jester. She made everyone around her happy, and it was impossible not to fall at least a little bit in love with her. Loving Jester was as natural as breathing.
The purple tiefling was different, so different from Caleb or Essek. He could hardly sit still for ten minutes, let alone spend an evening tucked away reading quietly in the library as Essek often loved to do with the human. The only thing they had in common was that they both had the tendency to be cocky, competitive bastards. But Mollymauk was bright, showy, and loud. Vibrant, in a way that Essek could never compete with.
And they both loved Caleb.
Mollymauk made Caleb happy.
Essek knew that he made Caleb happy too, and that Caleb loved him very much.
But Caleb also loved Mollymauk.
(And Jester, and his old classmates, but those were different stories)
Essek didn’t understand, not really, when Caleb explained it, but he looked at the man, his man, who asked for so little and allowed himself so little joy. Who was he to deny Caleb this, when he himself wanted Caleb to be happy, so badly it hurt?
Essek was reminded again that he was different from most others, in terms of love and relationships. He refused to let his own defects get in the way of Caleb’s happiness. He would catch up, for Caleb’s sake. Essek looked into blue eyes, held his ever-cold hands to warm cheeks, and smiled.
It couldn’t be much different than the strange closeness Caleb already had with their other friends.
For a while, it was not much different than usual. Essek and Caleb’s little cottage in Nicodranas with a teleportation circle in the garden shed and small patio with a curtain of green vines to shade from the worst of the sun often saw different members of the Nein coming and going, and Mollymauk was no exception. Until he was.
They were more present, in small ways. There were small things that calmed his fears, that he actually came to enjoy greatly; but also things that were driving him insane.
Caleb assured that Essek didn't have to be any more involved in his relationship with Mollymauk than he was comfortable with. Mollymauk assured that he would be more than welcome, and made a comment that Essek didn't quite understand, although he did take a moment to appreciate the pretty shade of red it made Caleb’s face turn.
Essek was surprised to find himself invited to their time together more often than not, and although he always politely declined, he was even more surprised that sometimes, he was actually tempted to join.
Away from a crowd to perform for, Mollymauk could actually be pretty sweet and thoughtful when he really put his mind to it.
There were times like last night, when Molly had come over to pick up their shared wizard for a night out:
Molly’s curls flowed fetchingly around their horns and over their forehead. They were wearing the faintest bit of some gold, shimmering glitter on their eyelids. Perhaps by accident, a few stray flecks of glitter had ended up across their collarbones, leading the eye to their handsomely scarred chest disappearing beneath a pale, open collared shirt.
Mollymauk sauntered over to Essek, who was curled up sideways on the seatette with an unusually large cat laid across the tops of his feet, and a somehow even larger tome open across his lap.
“You sure you're good here, floaty?” Molly asked as he leaned over the sofa and into Essek’s personal space. He was wearing enough dangling jewelry to rival Essek’s own, and they jingled sweetly as they moved, “I’m fairly sure there's enough room in the bar for the three of us.”
Essek tore his eyes away from his reading, and used an impressive amount of control to keep himself from jumping when he looked up and saw the tiefling’s face so close to his own. Molly was practically draped across the couch in the same way their cats sometimes did.
“Thank you for the invitation, Mollymauk, but I am quite alright here tonight.”
“Yeah, I figured you’d say that.” They said it good naturedly, but Essek couldn't help but feel shame start to coil in his chest. The tiefling paused for a moment to reach down and lazily pet the cat at Essek’s feet. Dough kindly accepted the attention for a moment before beeping out a strange noise and abruptly turning on her side to clean herself, leg stretched out high.
Both Essek and Molly shared a quiet laugh. It was barely more than a soft breath, but it broke the tension and Essek relaxed a bit.
Molly abruptly stood, and hopped back with a flourish, “However, I think it's a perfect night to get wasted, and I simply can't stand aside while you sit here and stay sober” and Essek realized he had been holding one hand behind his back the entire time. He eyed Molly suspiciously.
“Come now, don't be like that, love.” He says, but he didn't keep Essek in suspense for much longer. From behind his back, he pulled out a bottle of wine.
Essek’s eyebrows raise. A Lionett vintage.
“Don’t worry, I didn’t steal it.” Molly says quickly, “Our lovely expositor lost it to me in a bet. But you know me, the cheap stuff suits me just fine. I figured I’d share the winnings with someone who can actually appreciate how fancy this stuff is.”
Essek purposefully didn’t try to hide the small smile that bloomed on his face. “That’s very kind of you. Thank you, Mollymauk,” he said, accepting the bottle from the tiefling.
The expression on Mollymauk’s face was charming, but hard to place. If it had been anyone else, he would have called the answering smile bashful.
But he didn’t have too long to examine; the next moment Caleb came rushing down the stairs.
“Ach, sorry to keep you waiting. Had to finish a few things up before you get me too drunk to remember.”
Caleb too tried to make an attempt to coax Essek out for the night. Thankfully Molly saved him from the guilt of declining by quickly dragging the wizard away, throwing a smile and a wink back at Essek before kicking the door closed behind them.
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catsandrandomness · 1 year
I gave up trying to force my hyperfixation to reattach to campaign 3 and have restarted campaign 2. And damn it I love early mighty nein.
Caleb and Nott. I love their early relationship and I miss crazy little goblin girl. I miss when Nott was just a little kleptomaniac that did her best to protect her boy. I miss Caleb and Nott having their own little communications and plans. Caleb getting so happy every time Nott does almost anything.
Cowboy Fjord. Even more entertaining knowing more about him. You go you little insecure half-orc.
Yasha being just as bad at people as always but having less people who know her. Hyping her best friend as best as she can. She's trying her best y'all.
Molly. Exuberant circus man. Why are you so easy to knock out sir. Stop falling unconscious. Please. My heart hurts.
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hopefulstarfire · 1 year
my darling beautiful beloved sweet amazing wonderful loving light of my world boyfriend got me into critical role.
I started on campaign 2 (/ also watching legends of vox machina) and I'm on episode 18, close to starting on episode 19.
I love all of these characters very much. The Mighty Nein owns my heart.
But he knows what types I usually like. Latch onto. He forgot though until I mentioned how much I love Caleb and Molly.
Now. I knew about what Molly's story was and where it led. I've been preparing myself accordingly.
When he found out how much I adored Caleb, he told me I'd get the backstory when Liam asked everyone but Marisha and Sam to leave the table.
I was so excited.
And now my hearts been ripped out of my chest and I legitimately wept actual fucking tears.
And he's currently overseas fast asleep while my heart shattered and I am so Mad like he got me invested in this to watch me get emotional because he's a rat bastard.
I love him with my whole heart. But I will Remember This.
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thatonesadending · 2 years
There is Magic in Memories - Chapter 71
Just a widomauk snippet, full chapter and story on A03 ----- “Sweetheart, I don’t think your memory is as perfect as you think it is, you were quite resistant to my attempts to allure you unless there was drink involved when we met.”
To Molly’s surprise, Caleb led them up to the tiefling’s room almost immediately instead of making any excuses of needing to work or study, “Ah, you see, that is where you are wrong. I succumbed almost immediately, that first day really, but was too prideful and cowardly to let you know that. Did I really strike you as the kind of man who goes to a circus without already knowing what he wanted to watch?”
“I stand corrected,” Molly gave instructions to one of the tower cats to bring them some fruit and drinks, and whatever Caleb’s favorite snacks were, and settled next to where the wizard had kicked off his boots and arranged himself amongst the pillows on the floor under the stain glass window’s light. Caleb had one of his books upholstered and in his hands, looking for something.
“I did tell them about you though. I am not sure if you remember leaving this mark after having Jester distract me,” he had flipped to a page perhaps a tenth of the way into the book, one that had the wizard’s particular scrawl and a rather lovely shade of maroon lipstick that Molly had once owned. He did vaguely remember leaving the kiss mark on the page, a little tipsy at a tavern, and irritated that Caleb had held himself up in a corner and refused to participate in the revelry. The mark was the price he decided the studious grumpy man had to pay for ignoring him.
“I thought about ripping out the page in front of you,” Caleb confessed,“but you would have just left another, so instead I wrote to them about you. Eventually, I wrote about all of you, but your story, or what I knew of it, was the first one. I hadn’t thought I would be with you all that long, so I hadn’t bothered before that night.”
As Caleb thumbed through the book, Molly realized it was really a collection of letters to his parents. They sipped on some mulled wine while Caleb shared with him some of his favorite letters. He had never heard the human speak so much, clearly he had had a lot on his mind lately, but this wasn’t at all what Molly had expected his wizard to want to talk about. He would be lying if he said it didn’t provide considerable insight to why Caleb was the way he was, and it broke Molly’s heart the way told some of the stories as though he was still the villain rather than the victim. Still, he had the feeling that had he heard this story a year ago, before his end on Glory Run Road, it would have been a much different one, one with no happy ending.
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risingroleakira · 2 years
So, in my time of not being able to use my hands much due to my hand strains on both side, and C3 being on break, I've been watching a lot more of critical role C2. I'm currently watching episode 18. Since my last post, Nott has climbed way up the ranks, definitely beating Beau and Molly and getting to Caleb and Fjord in their first place positions. In fact, I would say Beau has sunken in the ranks for me quite a bit, no longer in second place.
I would also not currently place Molly at the top anymore (I did for a little bit after the last post), so just like in the last post, he's in second place - now on his own. Though he hasn't sunken by much - it's more that Fjord and especially Caleb have climbed even higher than before. I loved Fjord's second dream sequence a lot, and I just got past Caleb's back story dump which. MAN.
I knew he went through a lot (, and I knew that he killed part of his family, but that was a lot worse than I was expecting. I want to hug him so bad, but also I love tragic backstories so I'm kind of living for this shit lmao sorry- Anyway, I want that asshat that did that to him and the other students to fucking burn. (And, while I did enjoy the scene, it did also destroy my heart and feelings so I'm suing Critical Role for emotional damages once again) /j
I know she's a fan favorite, but I still don't like Jester all that much. I feel like she might grow on me later on? But for now I don't really like her as much as the rest. Doesn't mean I hate her, she has her moments, but I do find her somewhat annoying a lot of the time. And then there's Yasha! Delighted to see a little bit more of her now. I didn't really like or dislike her before, as I didn't see enough of her to really get an opinion, but now that she's actually been here for a little bit I kind of like her! I think she'd might be above Beau right now.
No shade to any of the characters btw, or any of the people who might like the ones I don't, of course! This is all just my personal opinion, and I'm currently only at episode 18 so things might still shift. Anyway, better wrap this up as I have to write most of this with Speech Recognition and, besides taking a lot of time, it is a fucking pain in the ass. Especially if you have even the slightest of accents.
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