ranisthan-history · 10 months
The History of Ranisthan (Part 1)
It is uncertain who were the earliest residents of Raz Tapu Samal. One claim is that it's Puntiu (Pwntjw) people from the Land of Punt, a kingdom southeast of Egypt, also known as Ta Netjer, the Land of God, and who referred to themselves as Nouti people (or the Netjeri), the people of God. Their rulers supposedly were the legendary and mythical King Noynti Romi and his wife Ouru Kheriaha di-Kesromi (di-Kesromi also being the name of their capital city now known as Ksar Arrum and located on the eastern border of Zabulgarh in northwestern Ranisthan, which is officially in the realm of Queen Aditi Bintulama, a hereditary, so-called 'Gold Standard', non-ruling minor queen but militarily one of the most powerful queens in Ranisthan).
      Others claim the original residents were the 'Adites under their King 'Ad-Samaw'al Binnuh bin Tulama of 'Ad. The aforementioned Queen Aditi is a direct descendant of this king, though, like with King Noynti, there were initial doubts, historically, regarding his existence.
      Further suggestions point to the Afur tribe as possible initial residents of Raz Tapu Samal. The Afur are a tribe supposedly related to the Afar and Oromo (called Oromoo in Ranisthan). The ancient Afur queendom Affará Númu (aka Affura), still exists today but as the Tetrarchy of Ranifur (sometimes called Ranifour), ruled by four queens, the Furey Sisters, supposedly direct descendants of the former rulers. This is disputed by Rev. Dr. Qallitti Uuma, leader of the Waaqeffanna Church of the One God in Gallaland, Atarasar, Union of Qara, Ranisthan. Rev. Uuma (aka Orma Gurracha) dismisses the sisters' supposed lineage because they are not only white, but according to her Irish (Travellers actually much like the ancestors of the Afur tribe). However, the sisters did not claim or take the so-called Tetrathrones by force. They inherited it from their mother and aunts, and the 12 Ruling Queens, Queen Qara before them, the Mahrah Sultanate before that, has never expressed doubts regarding the Furey inheritance. The current queens have also submitted documentation, provided by archaeologists and researchers, Rev. Dr. Binyamin Navarra, Prof. I. B. D. M. Foote and Prof. Regan Szekszárd-Király (all highly respected by the political, judicial and royal rulers of Ranisthan) that support their right to the Ranifur thrones and may also link them with legendary king Noynti Romi (aka Nounte/Nouti/Noute Rom).
      Rev. Uuma, who is of Oromoo heritage, thinks the Oromo were the original residents but the Oromo are not mentioned in Ranisthan history until the 19th century. She, however, thinks the Afur were Oromoo. According to research done by the three professors mentioned above, Rev. Navarra has come to the conclusion that the above-mentioned tribes were most likely related to each other but that none of them were the original residents of Raz Tapu Samal.
Prof. Navarra believed that all of the above tribes migrated to Raz Tapu Samal from the afore-mentioned Land of Punt, specifically from the region now known as Djibouti. The professor's colleagues, husband and wife egyptologists Sir Walter Bartonstone Scott-Campbell and Lady Jane "John" Patterson-Scott-Campbell, initially confirmed this. However, they soon claimed upon further research that Djibouti was not the origin city but the northwestern Arabian peninsula. The Scott-Campbells identified these people as a nomadic, Thamudic-speaking tribe, who passed through Djibouti, Oman and Yemen to Raz Tapu, where they had a long time ago established a colony, calling the island Baclanaza. Prof. Navarra rubbished this second theory. [NB. Both husband and wife were once students of Prof. Navarra and his first wife anthropologist Prof. Candida Xu Verzaubert and their friendship endured rumours of affairs between Prof. Navarra and Lady Jane, all parties knowing they were false. All her extramarital affairs were with women]. Prof. Navarra insisted that the Scott-Campbells misread a text, referring to Baclanaza as 'inland', as 'island'. The Scott-Campbells eventually altered their theories, identifying the tribe as Old Arabic speaking Nabataeans and their date of arrival on Raz Tapu as sometime between the third and sixth centuries. They claimed King Noynti Romi was their leader, saying inscriptions that said NOYTE was a misspelling of NBYT, Taymanitic inscription Nabayataya (Nabataean), and the Nouti people were really Nabataeans and of the christian faith. Prof. Navarra contradicted that though as the languages associated with King Noynti is Coptic (specifically Akhmimic) as well as Greek. Rev. Dr. Qallitti Uuma thought the egyptologist Brit and his Aussie wife should stick to field of speciality: Egypt.
      Prof. Navarra, however, partly agreed with the timeline and a possible Thamud and later Nabataean occupancy of the island. He believed King Noynti (his existence was later documented and proven) and his Nouti people arrived in the island in 3rd Century. They were not Christians. They were followed by the 'Adites and then the Afur, and possibly somewhere in between, or after, the Thamuds, as supposedly evidenced by the city Mada'in Matasalih, in Moghudesh (named for a possible Thamud ruler Matasalih III or Matusalih III or Madasalih, which is also an alternative name for the city. It is however sometimes linked with with a later period, a later non-Thamud ruler and with the so-called 'twin' city of Mada'in Hagara also known as Al-Hajar, Al-Hagra or simply Hagra). The supposed Romans or Greco-Romans, described as such in all Ranisthan history books, including the revised one by Prof. Foote, with their rulers being King Malichus lll Soter and Queen Shaqeela Hagara (aka Shaqilath IV or Shaqilath Hagru), were most likely Nabataeans and may have included some Thamuds, both groups, though not Romans, representing Rome as allies and auxiliaries respectively.
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King Noynti Romi (aka Nounte/Nouti/Noute Rom). The character in his name looking like a "Y" is actually pronounced as a "U", according to Prof. Navarra, which would make his name "Nounte", as inscribed on the ancient mural found in the ruins of Erum. His second name also appears as "Rom" and not "Romi", which indicates a link, Prof. Navarra thinks, to the Romani and not Rome, the latter an inconceivable conception by an ignorant few. [I. B. D. M. Foote ( 1968)]
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Queen Ouru Kheriaha di-Kesromi, wife of King Nounte Rom. Like most of the queens in the history of Ranisthan and Raz Tapu, she dominated her husband and was the real ruler of Raz Tapu Samal. Prof. Navarra eventually changed his opinion and believed the 'Adites were in Raz Tapu before King Nounte's conquest and that Queen Ouru was an 'Adite, who King Nounte eventually married. Based on this, he thinks that the so-called Rape of the Ar-Razi Women (by King Nounte and his army), depicted so many times in the ruins of Erum, is really the Rape of the 'Adite Royal Women and was only perpetuated by King Nounte and members of his court and not by the army and not on the mass population. However, based on oral history provided to me [Prof. Foote] by minor, non-ruling Queen Bilqis* and to both myself and Prof. Navarra, among others, by Ranisthani Oral Historian "Mukha", Prof. Navarra is not discounting that it is Ethiopian Sabaeans, who may have been the victims of the rape, and also, that Queen Ouru may have actually been an Ethiopian Sabaean. Regardless of that, Prof. Navarra believes the entire population of Raz Tapu was connected to each other or related in some way due to an intermingling of tribes over approximately 1000 years beginning some where about 500BCE and concluding between 400 to 500CE. [I. B. D. M. Foote ( 1968)]
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*NB. It should be noted that my paternal grandfather, the above-mentioned Prof. Foote was the husband of Queen Bilqis even though he was already legally married and continued to be married to my grandmother, abandoning her in Bousy Island from the late 1960's to early 1970's. He returned to her and to Bousy Island in 1972 at the beginning of the Great Evacuation in Ranisthan. Queen Bilqis was granted "tenancy" of Bousy Island in 1974 by the elderly Graend Dame Cerisse of Bat Island, who owned the island, after the death of the former tenant the so-called Queen Solms. In the next year, Queen Bilqis, after long negotiations, was allowed to buy the island for an undisclosed sum. She changed nothing about the so-called "Island of Pubs", except to stop collecting taxes from the residents and also allowing them to own instead of leasing their properties. Other than its pubs, Bousy Island is famous for its former use as a departure point for one of the ex-Nazis ratlines to Argentina, and the assasination of former Nazi GenMaj. Otmar Zar, which ended the ratlines originating there. It is also the home of former Nazi Admiral (turned British spy) Euric Erbgraf von Schauenburg-Schloss and the home of filmmaker and journalist Circe-Lutece Nepteune (second home after her marriage to Bishop Mathurin of Baileywich Island and it is also the birthplace of her former lover, author Jenny Solmos). It also supposedly my birthplace, according to my parents (though all records indicate I was born in Andulasia, Spain). My grandparents continued to lived there and my grandfather continued illegally to be the husband of my grandmother as well as Queen Bilqis (who seemed to genuinely love him and also seem to have eome sort of spell over him). By the way, she never used the title 'Queen' after her arrival in Bousy Island, though the residents continued to address her as such. In fact, none of the thirty-odd Ranisthani queens should have been using that title from before 1950 but they continued to do so for the next 25 years. [Ibi Foote (2023)]
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The Most Rev. Dr. Qallitti Uuma Orma Gurracha, Archbishop of the Waaqeffanna Church of the One God, headquartered in Gallaland, Atarasar, Union of Qara, Ranisthan. She is also a certified antiquarian and self-styled 'amateur historian'.
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Egyptologists Sir Walter Bartonstone Scott-Campbell and Lady Jane "John" Patterson-Scott-Campbell.
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jennnylee · 2 years
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that isn’t mason mount, it’s nason nount
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444names · 2 years
eldamo: khuzdul and external khuzdul names, khuzdul dictionary + forgotten realms wiki: dwarvish dictionary + inheritance cycle dwarvish dictionary
Abran Acie Ackborn Ador Agretair Agrill Akilcous Alle Amarmgread Arace Araulten Ards Ared Arldee Arnarû Arril Arting Arts Atoper Azards Azariml Badow Barang Barbilâb Barg Barn Barver Beakrimsti Bealled Beld Beorn Beowed Bess Bilve Bine Bizaragic Bland Blazar Bled Bofultaeld Bong Bornarres Borop Brone Brortretar Brouthoso Brover Browle Buthavald Buzun Cabrome Cess Chestones Chordûnal Ciall Clak Clandive Clecklen Cler Cley Clingle Clualed Clukart Comanuth Cone Conessalf Corght Corunnû Counect Couns Coup Cous Crendarak Crily Crinflukk Culbrod Cummail Cumurgh Curlly Cuthlibil Dabley Dackboard Dans Dard Darg Darrve Darâghund Dectle Deeth Dentoolf Ders Dest Diall Dift Difuld Digatone Dimst Dimstvol Dindive Diround Divred Docur Dork Dorv Dowdeannom Dows Drachoil Drauthreep Drelind Drivenht Druct Drâg Dugly Dulent Dustion Dwanvrus Dward Dwarn Dwartake Dwarûn Dway Dûnder Dûnol Dûnow Eadverith Eaut Eave Ebar Ebater Encara Encial Enknost Enton Envidive Erak Ervilf Etherak Ethir Exter Fail Fald Falk Fardork Fark Farn Farrglon Feirv Felagodly Felents Feli Fender Feribeoway Fins Fling Flins Flurûg Fook Forfelrans Forn Free Frough Fuldjar Fílims Gable Gabled Gatem Gaverg Gind Ginge Glis Gnhteim Gnienting Gnitdere Godd Greestake Grith Gron Gálder Halial Hancial Harathin Harder Hardulûnd Hartid Harzûl Hastbors Hatiorn Heep Heft Heigialeg Heinger Heingnhted Hell Henwascren Hereen Higna Hing Hoht Holan Holdj Holdu Hout Hrend Hridush Hrrin Hugh Hund Hundionehe Hune Hunt Iensiongn Ifur Iginded Igthmérn Inbarthy Indanago Indanknur Inth Irts Itergh Jeak Khatchelin Khilly Khunrukth Killy Kilval Kins Knulurl Knur Knurfer Knurgeng Knurlurna Knurrimry Knurzûln Knzmans Kords Kortharaut Kuldjark Kult Kulë Kílimne Kóst Lakin Lannahive Lauthougen Layerges Ledinect Liginball Lings Liss Liter Lithûn Loral Lorn Loutch Luestal Lurmeangue Länowalf Mahakes Mahinflant Mall Mance Mandarbizn Mani Manturer Marathar Maritumand Mater Mearn Meit Meitded Melaut Mell Mentelfz Menthra Meounts Mers Mestre Mettle Mezzigh Milgatess Mill Ming Moribeith Morop Moth Moverss Murabin Myconsiny Môgriong Naer Naman Narmar Nodderim Nork Nounts Nuld Nâlars Oble Ociesto Olight Orin Ortiont Ortrunard Oted Pair Pantian Patheim Pers Perso Plad Pleshur Pluck Poods Qenda Qual Quive Racks Renorn Rinbelve Rind Rindards Rinknur Rion Rit's Rive Rivid Rouns Rover Ructimb Rult Sabac Safaks Sagarteri Sager Sairs Sandles Sarvery Secar Shana Shend Shiem Shing Sigh Singue Siniturl Siones Skibeogh Skin Smands Smar Smisû Somend Sondunde Sonnor Sper Spil Spils Stval Sultoseck Sulûndarad Swing Tack Tallans Targhal Thanvres Thaol Thar Tharhony Thin Thknur Thmérnd Thoundivil Thourger Thourl Thowarve Thron Thundus Thûth Tinguall Tonces Torak Torakril Torillson Traces Tradest Trethy Tropefief Trudisher Truess Trukher Trultool Tums Turgh Ughalm Ught Uglân Ulds Undialm Undionnû Undân Unting Unzanient Upoug Uradn Ureep Urlcal Useargh Ustal Uzdays Varbilvers Varbily Varvern Vating Vloumor Void Vork Vost Vreciar Vrin Walflical Wang Warn Wativeril Weithadows Weithmann Weitoraut Werbung Werger Wholess Withûr Womeenta Womencear Worgren Worn Wortry Wurak Wurlanclin Wurûrg Xund Yauthy Zahappeam Zein Zemon
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jenuincable-blog · 3 years
6241B LSZH Single Cores +Earth Cable
Cu/LSZH/LSZH 6241B are the electric cables referred to thermosetting insulated and thermoplastic sheathed cables for voltage 300/500V electric power and lighting and having low emission of the smoke and corrosive gases when affected by the fire.
 624-B refers to thermosetting insulated and sheathed cables, single-core 6241B, flat twin-core 6242B, flat 3-core 6243B, with circuit protective conductor (CPC) 300/500V. The conductor is annealed copper conductor of class 1 or class 2. The maximum size is up to and including 16 mm². We supply the cables according to BS7211.
6241B LSZH Single Cores +Earth Cable Parameter
No. of Cores x Nominal Cross-Sectional Area
Nominal thickness of insulation
Nominal thickness of sheath
Nominal overall dimensions
Circuit protective conductor
Nominal Weight
Minimum insulation resistance at 90 °C
 Application Of 6241B LSZH Single Cores +Earth Cable
6241 B LSZH cables are widely used in domestic and industrial power or lighting system. They normally installed in conduit and trunking or can be surface nounted if used as earth cable. They are good options for using in public buildings to reduce the threat to life and equipment cased by smoke and toxic fumes. They can't be installed incontrete without mechanic protection.
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speaknahuatl · 2 years
Why do all the colors have the tik sound in the end?
It's an indication that it's an adjective. And adjective describes a noun (peson, animal, thing, place) so adjectives are nouns. However, not all nounts end in -tik.
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daiskken · 3 years
My Hero Academia 5x05
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Today’s revew is gonna be short cuz well, the episode had 2 main beats. We get a bit of a pause as the teachers give 1-A some advice on tactics. And then we jump into the second fight.
I knew we were gonna get Tokoyami focus but honestly Shihai stole the episode. I love his look, the fact i guess his quirk and his hero name being “Bentablack” is just the best. Seems like he enjoys playing the bad guy so it would be nice to see him once the fight is over. Moving thru the pipes at high speed looks fun and i see his potential, being able to posses Dark Shadow was kinda messed up and i was scared in that bit.
So going into the flashbacks i feel for Tokoyami, he’s very talented and works hard, seeing him just follow Hawks feels as bad as when Momo was picked cuz she’s preety. I was expecting the dynamic to be about Hawks picking tokoyami cuz he couldn’t have Todoroki and him proving himself. But we get right away it’s just a case of Hawks needing someone from 1-A to get intel about the league of villains. On the training part i feel kinda cheated cuz they make it seem like he never flew, but i temember in the obstacle race how Tokoyami nounted Dark Shadow to go past the robots. Yes this new way looks cool and seems more eficient long term but i expected a more WOW move.
Besides that we get Momo and Kendo challenge each other, wanting to stand out and stop being put in the same box, and Aoyama and Hagakure helping out fighting darkness, Like i said in my predictions this fight seems an easy win for Class B, granted i still don’t know what Manga does and Kinoko and her hability to grow mushrooms everywhere doesn’t look usefull right now. 
We’ll have to see how Momo and Kendo guide their teams and who gets the upper hand in the next episode.
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In the Pink
(via In the Pink | Dawn on the Moors III by Jerry Fryer | Flickr)
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ma5ey · 4 years
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An arvo hike up Mount Ngungun
// AUGUST 2ND, 2020
Arriving at the trail head, it became clear pretty quickly that I wasn't the only one with the idea as the road leading up to the small carpark was littered with overflow vehicles.
Setting that minor annoyance aside, I loaded up my pack and headed for the trail head.
The hike up
Described as requiring 2 hours to complete as a round-trip, I was expecting to be putting in a solid 30-40 minutes to get to the top. Even with a little expected traffic along the way, however, I had ascended the mountain in as little as 16 minutes.
Before I start dropping a few photos into the post, I should let you know that I'm going to be giving you a more accurate indication as to exactly where I was when I took some of the images by including what3words location links.
The view at the top
While there were indeed plenty of hikers already at the top keeping themselves responsibly, socially distanced, it was easy enough for me to find my own patch to sit and have a drink, something to eat and check the afternoon's AFL scores on my phone.
After that I spent a good hour or so exploring the different views and vantage points on offer.
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Until next time...
Links & credits:
All images // Rob Masefield
Nount Ngungun, Queensland // aussiebushwalking.com
Glasshouse Mountains National Park // parks.des.qld.gov.au
what3words // what3words.com
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offerito-blog · 5 years
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Child Adult Snowboard board Shoulder Straps Nounting Pole Hand Carrier Lash Handle Adjustable skateboard accessories Ski Bag https://www.instagram.com/p/B0g-v-EovTM/?igshid=18qu8erjsdxxp
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The worst I've felt and my point of view of the dark side
I feel nount I feel not my self pulling my self apart. I'm shouting in my head get me out everywhere I look I'm lost everywhere I run I'm running into more and more darkness it consumes me I don't know how to get out I'm shouting and shouting no one is hearing me. I can't get this I can't get rid of this I'm trapped I'm in my own nightmares. My nightmares are alive my voices have took my soul and locked me up feeling I'm not in my body they are they are controlling me they are talking through me. They say not nice things that's not me sometimes I get through but then they find me and lock me up again. They enjoy pulling me apart they enjoy my pain they feed off that they get stronger I'm getting weaker and weaker then I just get pushed and pushed till the end. The end is coming I feel it the end of your self where they have your soul forever. And there is nothing you can do about it because your gone dead. I. Cant find my strength anymore I can't see all I see is darkness. This is the worst I've been and I'm scared I'm scared of what they will do to me. Please please go away 😪😞😢 I'm begging you but you don't care as long as your winning and have my soul you don't care. I know you hear me I know your watching me I know your coming for me again to lock me up again.
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444names · 8 months
the entire article on "nom" from the english wiktionary
Acogoks Acold Adjec Adjection Adved Afreinal Alend Alictitiu Ancan Anicfr Annese Announew Anounsu Antesah Apeatan Apeeng Apellogon Appean Appeanne Appee Asage Ascatinat Atalataby Atencent Audix Aurantri Ausan Austrông Babasfred Bacol Bahas Bahasey Bally Balter Bikotond Borms Cadves Cated Cater Catif Catitalse Cativerb Cenggil Cented Cesan Chfres Cició Clawa Clectized Clemmal Cliat Clopee Coccianes Colle Coman Comanate Comasoma Combe Comes Coming Comusan Conager Cookbiko Cooksh Courophon Creferja Crencites Crionso Crist Culants Culaît Dansian Dencian Derbsperb Dicadjern Dicfrunch Digily Diging Digink Dinal Dinclect Dinish Dioterbs Drianew Dright Eanguish Eantanat Encen Encoldi Esame Esenciane Esente Eserjeco Estreold Eurasa Eurom Europerma Europhean Eutes Exama Exame Exames Exammani Fanta Ferinhon Forjectre Forma Formasold Formau Forth Fortio Frenció Freng Frent Freput Frety Front Furon Galaît Gicatah Gorms Graby Graka Gralis Gralà Gramen Grandanot Granonnow Grasawi Grasi Greanmast Grengul Gruital Guaged Guese Guesese Guesey Gueskary Hasbikol Hasfrase Homese Honal Honalesey Honnoulan Honnounch Hopetnat Hotran Howes Hyphraish Hyphrase Illemman Illis Inalu Inamed Inese Ingling Inglinsa Inglish Ingua Inguese Inhom Ippopèdis Ishish Italance Italenca Itancent Ition Ittesmt Koloun Kotrase Krinsmt Laban Lanch Lancia Lanisbn Lanou Lanterb Laresel Lasmt Latal Latale Lectinom Lectintan Lectionun Lectish Legal Lemmal Lemmalan Lemman Lemmarch Lemmarish Lemmas Lemmast Lench Lencial Lendigild Lerjec Licitan Licti Llemman Llend Llinka Loquot Loquotera Louncan Madve Mangse Manom Mançaina Masman Matil Mesch Minglican Minon Molle Monbikot Monymsed Mrhymese Mrhyponly Murbalf Musan Namplan Narian Nenclish Nglist Nimunsnom Noccià Nomal Nomalan Nomale Noman Nomench Nomer Nomeska Nomilly Nommon Nomond Nomple Nomplent Nomplu Nomplur Nomup Nomur Nomuroved Nomus Nonunch Nordsms Norks Norkst‎ Normar Norsobre Northe Northil Nortived Norts Nortue Nortugues Noterjawi Noulan Nounceng Nounch Nounche Nound Noungsee Nounright Nouns Nounse Nounsid Nounted Nourengue Nouster Nowed Nowes Noyine Noying Nsubsa Numbel Number Numed Numencese Nument Nèming Objech Objer Obreps Occian Occiater‎ Olease Omesfre Onarish Onsman Ordse Panish Parionom Parons Parowes Partan Partiverb Partugues Pasesey Passage Paudia Pauto Peana Peast Pellorman Pheadjer Phrakayan Phramine Phran Phrippi Plaroonum Plemmasif Plengly Plumench Pocciatal Poeian Poeinkan Popul Preepulin Prence Prench Preold Prold Promasar Pronly Pronstic Pronymese Propeat Propechí Prophral Proports Propuld Proputer Propèdi Propèdic Prote Prénorts Prénounrf Présoc Présoccia Présoccit Querb Quota Quoterbst Readix Reold Ressakan Retese Ricianció Rindic Rippish Romos Roperun Sarom Sasey Scatin Scriet Sculable Sculd Sculened Sence Senchí Sendicnom Showebool Slarit Sonouns Spean Sports Sportsh Stalanian Subst Surized Syllanish Sylle Synom Talish Teralsold Termase Tesed Thantish Thase Therject Thiveseb Thwee Thwes Tonch Tonnom Topeate Trampa Trencian Trhym Trhyms Trion Tuguestin Tugule Uncian Uncist Unsix Uroduiase Uropish Ustal Valish Valse Vancat Vantive Vanton Varcato Varish Varonsman Veran Verence Veskayant Votrion Walatah Walish Wally Whenceng Whipa Whish Whister Wordscar Worma Wormalu Worman Wormangto Worms Worseb Worthwed Wortue Wortuguia Wrion Yeasfrest Yogorman Yogyakar Youlacon Younch Younco Yound Yousakan ±insonym Ímjaviese Ónomi Ónonto
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444names · 8 months
the entire article on "permadefacio" on the english wiktionary BUT excluding "p"
Ablar Ablaris Ablarit Ablartis Ablassem Ablasset Ablast Ablastī Ablat Ablate Ablatis Acerimus Acerēs Acesindī Acial Aciant Aciants Aciatis Acient Acients Acierate Aciet Acimus Acion Aciond Acioː Acitical Acitō Acitōte Aciuncit Aciundī Aciunt Aciās Aciātint Aciēbal Aciēbam Aciēbant Aciēbat Aciēbās Aciēmus Aciēns Aciēs Aciētis Acturent Acturet Actus Actūrum Actūrunt Actūrus Anatendī Anatis Andus Antōte Clarit Claritō Clartio Clartis Classe Classect Clast Clastis Clatio Clatis Clatisse Clative Clesiant Clessect Clessin Cletive Condī Condō Conjugh Conjuns Conjunt Conjunte Conts Contōte Conunch Conunct Conuns Conunt Conunts Datendus Datent Datical Datio Dation Datis Datissēs Datistis Datistī Defacit Defacite Defird Defēce Defēcioː Defēcis Defēcite Defēcī Defīet Defīmus Defīs Defīte Defīunt Defīuntō Defīās Defīēbās Defīēmus Defīēs Defīō Drefīmus Drefītō Dregular Drend Drendī Drendō Drent Ecclar Ecclate Ecclesem Ecclet Eccus Econd Econdī Econdō Econt Econunt Ectis Ectisse Ectistī Ective Ectum Ecturam Ectus Ectūrunt Esectū Esiant Esicatis Esindō Esine Esive Essem Essents Essiant Essicate Essive Essēmus Essēs Etive Etivesse Faccles Faccus Faceral Faciandī Faciat Faciend Facient Facients Faciet Facim Facioː Facis Facistī Facitio Faciunt Faciāmus Faciēbat Faciēbās Faciēmus Faciēns Faciō Factum Factū Fiendus Fiendō Fient Fients Fierfect Fierim Fieruntō Fierētis Fierīmus Fierīs Findī Finfiend Fingular Fingulat Finit Finitis Finitō Fintōte Firstī Fitent Fitive Fitōte Formade Forom Foron Forond Forondō Foronund Forougat Forough Forount Forountō Frond Front Fronts Frougat Frough Froughly Fround Froundus Froundī Frouns Frount Futum Futural Futurant Futurat Futurem Futurent Futuret Futus Fäkio Fäkion Fäkiond Gench Genciet Gencimus Gendus Gendī Gendō Genit Genitōte Gente Gents Gentō Gerbatis Gerent Gerfecon Gerimus Geris Gerisset Germäd̪ Gerās Gerēmus Gerēs Indum Indus Infient Infieram Infiere Infierim Infierī Infiet Infietis Infin Infind Infine Infint Infints Infit Ingular Ingulat Ingulate Inital Initally Inite Initent Initiam Initio Initioː Initis Initisse Initive Initō Initōte Iondum Ionjunt Ionjuntō Iontō Irrem Irrenct Irrent Irressēs Irstisse Irstive Irstī Iticis Itinit Itioː Itissēs Itist Itistī Itive Itōte Kiondus Kiont Larit Lartical Lartis Lartisse Lartive Lassem Lassēmus Lassēs Lastis Latio Latis Latistio Lative Madefa Madeface Madefact Madefect Madefin Madefēce Madefīam Madefīet Madefīs Madefītō Madefīās Madefīēs Modefin Modefī Modefīēs Mology Nonjugh Nonjunch Nonjuns Nonts Nonunch Nonunct Nonund Nonundī Nonunt Nougat Nougate Nougatis Nough Noughly Nouncis Nounct Nounctū Nound Noundum Noundī Nount Nounts Rendus Rendō Renital Renitis Renitō Rentō Retint Rmadefin Rmadefī Rmadefīs Rmäd̪e Secclet Secon Sective Senctū Sendus Senitō Sents Setive Siandō Siant Sical Sically Sicative Siciās Siciēns Sindō Sinite Sinitist Siverend Subjugat Subjugh Subjunch Subjund Subjundō Subjuns Subjunt Subjunts Thirre Thirrem Thirrend Thirret Thirst Thirstis Thirstī Thorms Thorom Thoron Thoront Thorough Thorount Throm Thron Thrond Thront Thronte Througat Thrount Throunte Varim Varimus Varitō Vartion Vartioː Vartis Vartisse Vartist Vartive Vartives Verma Vesem Vesiant Vessēs Voical Voically Voicat Voicate Voicatis Voices Voicioː Voicis Voicit Voicite Voiciēns Voiciō Wetiant Wetio Wetive Īrīmus Īrīte Īrītio Īrītis Īrītō Īrītōte
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444names · 2 years
the entire document on my abandoned conlang project called "soreŋis". rip
Accurfem Acear Acianced Acire Acknak Actil Adeadque Advock Affik Aigarg Alowinns Ambillok Amience Aming Angursols Anoior Antent Arknomplus Arnign Arohn Aspect Auntogon Awifumb Aŋsaccall Aŋsambile Bagisles Bahingal Balaz Balin Balint Bardee Bassitil Basufiko Bearks Beent Beepletc Befik Befil Begern Behieŋi Belcold Bereŋ Berpeon Bithe Blarma Blerned Bodie Boval Bover Boweark Buity Bulityle Butorant Buttle Calnen Canki Carth Cathea Cative Cebbla Chinan Cieford Cifirith Cilach Cines Cionav Coldslet Colins Coloklaz Combile Comes Comet Comewhemes Comifik Commauffik Compleir Coning Conse Contons Contorm Coodbyst Cooted Cosind Coudards Cowerning Culdisduce Culecie Culle Cupeark Cupeetican Curamilas Cörialaw Darcier Datret Ddliot Dervic Dibblar Dight Dings Diois Dision Dithef Doerand Doesle Dopenice Dother Dounsivion Dower Drakan Dramis Drarot Drastyled Drazo Dxeŋi Eaketil Earks Eloulder Emewhysing Enent Englemen Ensed Epeow Eposed Epoteares Eqerake Eqerchare Eqern Etaight Evemago Exise Existher Eyeba Fasion Fasury Fecial Fecie Feloke Femes Femisov Femplud Fline Flineness Fogon Fogonar Forado Foralle Foreŋird Fortilnavo Foutter Fraging Frang Frasad Fraza Frieŋ Frieŋi Frifik Frimicas Frind Frule Frulon Fuleŋi Gaing Galine Gammaight Gathemago Gergy Gerla Geten Gibilasted Giqis Girifik Goarei Goassob Goling Gooklating Guiver Hairaz Haose Havow Heleft Hemberb Herule Heyesn Hiraz Hirulione Holing Holok Hordst Hotandlind Houpbox Huffisamb Huncry Huncturfly Hunstiruk Husits Hörith Iartabyss Iatineŋ Icesn Ideataby Idice Ifike Ilace Ilasob Ilehisic Indimpon Inextird Intore Ionege Iralen Islear Istary Jaced Jacknalt Jeculd Jewhor Judges Jusery Kesil Kilart Kingth Kinut Kishiel Knomieŋi Koing Kolazokna Koldialac Koldieŋ Koldshosad Kolduk Koleat Koses Lancrearod Lechearo Lecia Leculesil Leforpore Lestrad Lider Lifikish Ligatublei Litioll Lokos Lonton Lothicang Ludied Luditer Lurder Lutheye Magiqerg Magiqif Magiroz Magoar Maignowled Maing Mairale Maired Maketer Masal Matoneg Matorelly Matume Maturall Maufielov Mesir Mited Morems Mormato Mounted Mountend Mouse Mover Murpolaz Murpose Mëŋiseŋ Nakine Nenciart Newho Nnowl Nnsontrer Nnstub Noisangind Nonarofik Nonloury Nother Nount Nouthnink Nowind Ocedgenduk Oidea Oionteŋ Oisbegre Onall Onctanced Onedart Onint Onyth Orifik Ortioria Ortiver Pariate Parset Peater Pecho Petindslav Phimand Poisatiene Poser Postai Preŋiddle Progatorm Punce Puregrako Puremple Qaket Quagin Quagon Quardramie Quatoverry Quieŋ Radvo Rammassir Rasadifik Repith Rieŋi Rifike Rifil Rinkitteŋ Rubeal Salle Scastalde Sctill Sctionous Sctive Seecie Session Sestil Shends Shisbal Sideregin Sifik Simagle Sioles Sisade Sistinguil Solactiruk Solith Solov Somer Somerbalik Soubla Sover Sovessifik Spechiles Spelcommay Spele Spencead Spens Spenta Sperie Sphen Sphext Sphing Spirel Stale Stentonaär Sthing Sticalness Stifiela Stilal Stills Sting Stirogre Stpolace Striguarn Strols Surposet Tairul Tanyth Terldith Terlfar Thasing Theaking Themp Therbal Thesayoг Thetrechir Thexaglac Thextramb Thilf Thind Thnil Ticet Tiloth Tines Tione Tionin Tioniscion Toness Tralt Trinin Tweatoms Tweral Typer Tëŋiraldo Unigre Until Usitter Usting Ustion Verend Verublet Vight Vinnsix Vocky Waldeforma Waraz Warneg Waroce Wheamief Whedar Whern Whold Wifik Wifiket Winal Wingth Winowl Wisduk Wisty Witihook Witim Wittletil Worphe Worse Yebeauf Yebehir Äsacky Äsiming Äsionon Äsomie Äsërulok Üzoko Üzufik
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