#Oddworld Lady Margaret
sweetiefayce · 1 year
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Oddworld: The Promised Neverland Homage (Pt. 4)
Now, see…this one was A LOT more complicated to compose, both because of the complexity of Lady Margaret’s design and Glukkon anatomy in general. On the one hand, it may have been poignant imagery if we saw little but armless business suits all lined up…but even though Lady Margaret hasn’t made a formal debut in the game, I feel like it did a disservice to her place in Glukkon society?
Granted, in the original image I was homaging, the demon king is fairly minuscule compared to the clasped-handed followers lined before him…but still, it felt like such a shame to relegate Margaret to a faceless silhouette. So, the solution? Inversion. Let Margaret be larger than life, both literally and figuratively; let her stand out amongst a line of anonymous glukkons, composed and unreadable…and have her show off that, not only does she get to bear and use her arms, but she flaunts this by wielding *two* cigarettes in fancy holders! Have her be at the centre, as if offering all a light…or letting them watch as she relishes her oncoming lung cancer.
Seriously, I’ve been having a bit too much fun making a spectacle of the smoke in these scenes? I dunno, because it feels like such a part of the Glukkons, at least from the artwork I saw, it felt like something I could make a bit of an artsy spectacle out of?
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asameera · 8 months
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OddworldTober23 Day 2: Cartel.
Who's truly pulling the strings?
(I'm surprised my black marker is still alive!)
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vogue-valentine · 1 year
So I'm made some headcanons for the Glukkon!Abe au I was talking about. Enjoy!
-He would probably be a bit like Lulu in munches Oddysee.
-Just probably much more nicer, but still seen as greedy.
-Constantly pressured by molluck.
-Also, I don't really think Abe would be the protagonist (Probably the complete opposite.)
-But it would be kinda cool to play as a Glukkon! (Not like Possessing him though.)
-VERY loyal to lady Margret.
-He would still have his stitches, due to lady Margaret.
-Imagine if Alf became the protagonist and the Mudokon messiah-
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Lady Margaret, yelling at Molluck during his trial: I AM LOST FOR WORDS!
Newscaster Slig, recapping the event: Despite being lost for words, Lady Margaret continued to yell Molluck for the next ten minutes, telling him he was a disgrace to the Magog Cartel and the worst son she ever had.
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bosskie · 19 days
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Man, how to start explaining this oddness... Welp, this was that one drawing idea I have kept to myself to this day, the one I mentioned revealing if I don't redraw it this year since the original is an unfinished drawing I haven't really shown but just Molluck. So, yeah, here it is, after about 3 years!
This is a reference to another video game's ad where the enemies much work together against a common enemy. If you could figure out the game already, I give ya ten points! And if you didn't, well, it's alright. The game is 'Crash Twinsanity'; just one game I love and especially its soundtrack (it's a capella)! So yeah, there was just speculations of how the story would continue after SoulStorm and one of them was that Molluck and Abe would work together againts the Magog Cartel. So, that's where this idea came from. I kinda wish that this was the case since it might be the only way how Molluck would achieve a good ending.
I was originally going to make this as a Mother's Day thing, as a bad joke, but welp, I did let it be... Molluck just kinda has to destroy his mother in order to save himself, so he could use Abe's help to do it and a part of that deal, he could help Abe to, well, at least see his mother. But well, cannot really make any promises from Molluck's part since he is known to be a back-stabber... (It's how he achieved his position.) So, he could just use Abe but maybe something would evoke inside him that would him genuinely let Abe be, so he wouldn't revenge the disaster Abe did to him... Or he thinks that 'revenge is a dish best served cold', like that one saying goes... So yeah, cannot know about Molluck. But I hope that he is able to work with Abe, even after getting himself saved.
Oh, and yeah, in that ad, that deal is pictured as a marriage, so that's why they got such outfits. I must say that Molluck looks very handsome in that suit! Abe's suit is just a white loincloth and a necklace-robe-something thing with OWI's logo. And yes, he is holding a bouquet. I originally did Lady Margaret to look like the original Mudokon Pop but I changed it to, well, make this less violent. I wonder if it should be called Queen Pop or Pop Queen... I'm not sure of how to draw Abe's mother, Sam, since her head is kinda varied, just like Lady Margaret's, since there ain't 'official version' out there, just these concepts... But I tried my best. I also feel like Abe might be a bit too big here but well, this is what you get when you draw on a paper; it's difficult to edit stuff, if not impossible, and you might realize things when it's too late...
I'm not sure if I should show the original WIP since it's quite unfinished and looks kinda bad but well, some improvement I guess:
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I still like the way Molluck looks here, though I did fix the flaws I saw to this new sketch I did. Abe instead has much more flaws, like too human-like anatomy, so yeah, more stuff to fix... But you can probably see better the outfit design I did for Abe here. And yeah, Sam looks different here, mainly because I feel like I understood better how her head 'works'... Lady Margaret looking fine on a stick there but yeah, felt like doing the later version of the Pops to the new sketch...
Man, I'm not really sure about how to explain the things I have been thinking about Molluck recently... I just feel like it only fascinates me, all the possible dark stuff he has done. It just makes me feel interested, somehow amused too since my humour can be quite dark and twisted... It's really like one of the main reasons why I love Oddworld, all that dark stuff! Like, I have probably said this earlier, but for example, that one Lady Margaret's lung transplant concept art just makes me laugh like every time, the one where Munch is basically merged into her body. I also recently learned more about the possible dark arts Glukkons still practice, like forecasting stocks using Mudokon organs... I already got some 'bad ideas' to make it further since 'a liver' is in Finnish 'maksa' and it can also be a conjugated from a verb 'maksaa'. So, 'maksa' can mean 'Pay!' or 'maksaa' is like something costs something or someone pays something. So yeah, such a great organ for this stuff! I feel like my humour is probably one big reason why I'm kinda siding with the Gluks... It's not the same that I supported this stuff, I just enjoy stuff like this.
I also did read the newspapers from the worst ending of SoulStorm again and noticed more stuff. It's not always easy to say what is actually true there but mainly it is. There was just said that Molluck blamed declining resources in wildlife supply on his ongoing diminishing returns but the newspaper said that it wasn't true. I believe that it's true what Molluck said, that those hunted animal populations were getting thin and that's why he did that Mudokon Pops solution; just gotta get that meat from somewhere! It's interesting though how in games, we have only seen how the animals at RuptureFarms are brought from the wilds but in that movie concept, there do are (also) farm animals, like those cow-like creatures. I must say that if Molluck only uses hunted animals, his business model has indeed been quite unsustainable and I don't wonder why he got that downfall and it would actually have been inevitable, so Abe only made it quicker. Though, Molluck was rewarded with that golden medal he wears, that tie thing, so it makes me think that he must have had some other practices too or are Glukkons just into unsustainable things... If so, man, they are slowly killing themselves too. I just believe that Glukkons could practice sustainable capitalism, it would be much more wiser, and if I was with Molluck, I would do my best to get him into this kind of business model, also to save his ass... Well, he did still try to create other products too but welp, they failed... I would still try to help him to save his business.
I have also wondered more about Molluck's actual behaviour, like how bad anger issues he has in reality... It still makes me laugh when I read that 'murderous Molluck' stuff and how awful he was from those newspapers, being said to be 'a psycho'. I just don't personally see him being this awful and I bet that this stuff in exaggerated but has some truth in it. Like, I bet that when Molluck is truly angry, well, he kills. We can see that in SoulStorm, no matter which ending it is, Molluck kills, by himself or via the Sligs. So yeah, do not get on the bad side of him... I'm not really justifying his actions but the world Molluck lives in is brutal and if he fails, he is wiped out, so he must do everything to really survive and retire one day. I just feel like he has needed to harden his heart for this reason. It's just that I feel like I understand Molluck, like why he even ended up killing his Chauffeur. I also just truly love him, so it feels like no matter what is revealed related to him, I'll still love him. I just believe that there somewhere, quite deep inside of him, he still has a heart and is able to love (not just himself, luxuries, his mother, and so on...).
Yeah, dunno what else to say... Just sharing my ideas, thoughts and love for Molluck once more. Frankly, while drawing that new sketch, I still just felt like I cannot really draw well and felt depressed... But I try to just focus on what I draw, not how I drew something since I just feel like I got so much to learn to even make my stuff look good... I just feel like my stuff hasn't good quality... Well, all I can do for that is just keep drawing or just quit. I mainly just post sketches anyway, so they ain't even fully rendered and polished. It's been long since I actually finished a proper drawing... Sketching is just better since I got too many ideas to fart out...
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cardos-talking · 3 months
If you still taking Oddworld character requests... how about trying another Queen? Like Skillya? Please? I just love Sligs too and I'm reaaaally hoping to see her in games one day! Though she probably won't be nice...
Thank you!
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I actually wanted to draw both of the queens. Skillya does looks a bit too endearing but she's definitely not kind and lady Margaret looks like she's gonna sell some of her children for a pack of smokes
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spoocyshrub · 1 year
*Roxx and Daisy both entered the office of the Baron of the Magog Cartel. Daisy took a seat in front of Baron Buptkitzer’s desk while Roxx began to serve his employer a cigar. He placed one into his own mouth and Daisy lit both of their cigars with her lighter. Roxx and Oswald both took a long drag of their freshly lit cigars before the Baron finally addressed them.*
“Roxx, Daisy. I called you into my office today because I wish to discuss something with you both.”
“By the look on yer face, boss, ya got some grim news for us.” - Oswald’s glare became more intense by Roxx’s remark. He spoke once again, but in a deep growl. – “I ain’t gunna sugarcoat this. I’m about to send you both on a mission that will end in many casualties. Maybe even your own. The entire planet is in danger right now. I can’t turn a blind eye to this one as so many of my glukkon brothers and sisters are doing right now, and I’m not going to hide in some doomsday bunker vault like the rest of ‘em.
I am going to send you both to Allervale. Daisy will be in charge of a platoon of armed sligs. You will protect the village. Roxx? I want you to act as Bodyguard to my daughter, her fiancé, and my nephew Dokk. Dokk was recently injured in an attack by Sammdei.”
“Sammdei? You mean that Outcast glukkon sorcerer that Lady Margaret was gunna have executed when he stopped bein’ useful to her?”
“The very same, Daisy. I am not going to tolerate these attacks on my family. I must warn you that this is no ordinary foe. He’s apparently trying to act like a false god and plans to kill us all if he gets the chance. I understand that there is…spiritual forces at play here. The gods themselves are walking on Oddworld again and they are raging some kind of war on Oddworld.”
“A mass casualty event, eh?”
“Mass casualty, or even a mass extinction event if it gets too bad, Roxx. I am aware I might be sending you both to your deaths today. If you manage to come back alive, I will pay you a Queen’s ransom. You will be recognized as heroes of the cartel, and you will be rich.”
*Daisy and Roxx look to each other for a moment before they began to rub their hands together greedily.*
“Daisy, my sweet, we will finally be able to get that romantic candlelight dinner in the Yaymans I promised you some time back. Hell, we can get an entire vacation home in the Yaymans!”
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ohfugecannada · 2 years
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Found this on twitter and decided to share it here because I audibly gasped at how amazing this is.
Credit goes to @ChrisWTFern on Twitter.com.
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magicalgrimm · 3 years
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What if in one of the up coming Oddworld games… Lady Margaret got a hold of Molluck in the bad ending.
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magog-on-the-march · 6 years
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Lady Margaret is one of the biggest, meanest bosses in Oddworld. Apparently in charge of the Magog Cartel, she makes the big decisions and gives orders to the high ranking Glukkons in her service.
The largest and most grotesque of all the known Queens, Lady margaret is permanently suspended by a huge metal arm which moves, giving her far more freedom than Sam and Skillya.
A businesswoman through and through, she uses this advantage to continuously move around her chambers, inspecting all her eggs where they sit in the hive walls. Despite her ability to move around she’s still too big to venture into the outside world, so she often hosts meetings (business and disciplinary) from her room. Summoning those lucky enough to be in her inner circle and unlucky enough to have made a big enough mess (we’re looking at you, Molluck). To reach her, the Glukkons have to take an escalator - they find her at the top, ready and willing to judge, punish and order them around.
Her job is an important one - if the Glukkons want to retain their place high in the current power structure, they need to ensure that there are enough cartel employees to keep things running efficiently. No workers would lead to a loss of the hold they have over society. Incredibly cruel, Lady Margaret, much like Skillya has no room in her heart for love or affection towards her children, the only difference is that with this Queen, it isn’t personal - it’s just business.
Lady Margaret likes to be surrounded by ornate, beautiful artwork and finery to distract from the fact that she’s ugly inside and out. She sits back and watches the birth of each of her children, who are fated to become misled, corrupt and cruel.
Though she’s the current ruler, Lady Margaret isn’t the only Glukkon Queen in the family line, and perhaps she doesn’t have quite as much power as she leads everyone to believe.
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ask-alf-oddworld · 6 years
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w-i-s-e · 4 years
Oddworld OC - Baroness Volvina (Glukkon)
Baroness Volvina, or Vol for short, is a female Glukkon and the wife of big cheese Glukkon, Baron Yekvon, a wealthy oil baron. She and Yekvon have a daughter, named is Sedrina
Biography -
My Love (by Yekvon)
Mother (by Sedrina)
Species: Glukkon
Sex: Female
Gender Pronoun: She/Her
Affiliation(s): Industrialists
Singer (formely)
Alignment: Magog Cartel
Status: Active
Technical -
Voice Actor: Christine Ebersole
Personality - 
She is a strict, stern and curt Glukkon who treats every situation with a massive amount of dignity and importance. She looks at those who she sees as slackers or inferior (mainly Mudokons) in a less light and is a perfectionist.
Behind the Scenes -
When It came to designing her I was trying find a way of combining making her look recognisable as a Glukkon, but also. That is why I choose to give her things that were elements that pointed to th fact she was female, the most obvious being her ‘breast’. Now, these are not actual breasts, as that makes no sense for a no mammalian creature, my idea was that since Glukkons are based on squids, the female could have an area around their chess for flotation.
Now, I know that technically there is only one female Glukkon that is known, Lady Margaret, and that their society works sort of like a bee colony, with a queen and workers. But, personally, I find that a little bit restricting both story and world building wise. especially since if you look at Molluck, he clearly has what appear to be pectoral’s muscles.
Also on twitter one of the designers at Oddworld Inhabitants responded to a twitter saying that one of the Glukkons was female and said it was actually a “male” Glukkon. So, that must mean that there are both male and female Glukkons, can’t have one without the other.
First Picture, Coloured:
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Second Picture, Uncoloured:
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Third Picture, without Dress:
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asameera · 10 months
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I had to draw Lady Margaret running!
Well, technically she's moving fast from a place to another, so she is running! 😜
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bosskie · 18 days
Git Yer Bundle Today
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This post is sponsored by Molluck's MouthLube 'n' Cigars. [Just joking, sadly... I mean, I would be glad to collaborate with him! Not encouraging anyone to smoke tho', but maybe in Oddworld... I don't even smoke; I'm just a cigar owner!]
Yeah, I have had this idea on my mind for some time and decided to draw it now, especially when I'm struggling with cold or something right now... So, Molluck had also invented his own cigar brand and that Molluck's MouthLube we hear about in Abe's Exoddus (I kinda love how 'wrong' it sounds) but they were flops...
I'm wasn't really sure how to design those products, so I used the one Exoddus uses for the bottle. Felt also drawing that ad image from the game but with my edits since it's basically just that yelling Gluk with a bottle. So yeah, just used his basic logo for his stuff, like the SoulStorm Brewery has basically the same Gluk there and it's also Molluck's... Maybe he could have slapped his own face on them too but well, it was simplier to draw them like that...
Frankly, I had no idea about the slogan either but I guess that it would work on Gluks. 'Wanna be as successful as Molluck the Glukkon? Use this stuff, ya chump!' Yeah, dunno how well Molluck could market his stuff but just look at him! I mean, he is such a beautiful Glukkon, he is a perfect commercial model! While drawing this and looking at him I have been just thinking how huggable he is... He is just so cute! I know, it doesn't relate to this but I just cannot resist that face... He is the most beautiful creature to me. He is OWI's masterpiece or at least the most important thing OWI has given to my life!
I'm not sure what else to say... But welp, related to this, I have been wondering how much health issues smoking really causes to Glukkons, like would they live longer than 65 years which is their average lifespan if they didn't smoke. In SoulStorm, Molluck is 50-something, so he has lived about 80-90 % of his life, making him indeed being close to retirement. Though, I don't know if this 65 years is still the case since back then it was said that Molluck is 40-something but Lorne answerer to me that he is 50-something (it was a part of my question). Don't really know if he has actually changed his age or something but yeah, Molluck being 50-something makes more sense to me actually. But we at least know from Munch's Oddysee that Molluck's mother, Lady Margaret, seems to have health issues from smoking, needing new lungs. We don't know her age though, like how long it has taken that this health issue appeared. But we don't really see Glukkons having a cough or any other issues from smoking really. Maybe their species is so used to that stuff, heh, I don't know. Frankly, I would suppose Molluck's teeth being more yellow from smoking but maybe he uses something to whiten them or Glukkon teeth are somehow more resistant...
Oh, and yeah, that Molluck's MouthLube has 'bothered' me since I heard about it... 'Say it, don't spray it!' Whatever that slogan means... Maybe it's used to keep the mouth moistured making smoking better. I have been also joking that it's the reason why Molluck's cigar stays so well in his mouth since well, I have been looking at those animations quite closely and sometimes, his cigar looks more like glued to his lips... So, I could point out some animation flaws I have found but you know, nothing is perfect. Still showing what I mean here though:
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If you look at this part of the bad ending, you can see how his cigar does look like glued to his lips... Or maybe Molluck got some talent there! Yeah, I have just been looking at those cutscenes so much that I also basically know which cutscene to open for reference material...
But yeah, just more of this beautiful Glukkon! ✨
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spoocyshrub · 2 years
Morning Guys. Spoocy here with a little content update:
I'm going to be holding off on any further in character updates for a bit until storylines pick back up again. Spoocy has been dealing with her own kind of roleplay burnout for a little bit and I've mostly been doing other things. It also gives my roleplay partners a chance to get caught up with everything once they feel like writing again.
In the meantime, I'll be sharing more of my fan lore. Lots of the fan lore and head canons I share on this blog are not all shared between my roleplay partners. some of this information, such as my recent fan lore post, applies more to the fan fiction I was planning on writing.
I want to continue trying to write it, but my motivation for focusing on a full fledge story has just been stagnant due to trying to figure things out with my life (Finances, doctors, etc..) and just stuff going on behind the scenes relating to drama that I’ve been dealing with for a while. I have a head full of ideas but I've just not had the energy to try to put it into a cohesive fan-fiction format.
So I'm going to just share little things from that fan fiction idea. Lore and what not. I might even share some random musings and writings. Stuff that I've written on my own that wouldn't be fan fiction worthy but more slice of life scenarios that just make me happy to write and share.
The content that solely revolves around the story ideas I had in my head will be posted here on the spoocyshrub blog and might be relogged by @somebigface or the @enslaved-queenmother if it features lore around them.
From here on, Lore posts that revolve around my personal worldbuilding and stories will have the "Oddworld Freedom Break" tag. This is more of a placeholder title until I can come up with one.
Yes. You are allowed to message them and the spoocyshrub muses with questions that relate to the lore posts or what I was planning for the story. It does not have to be about thread things. If you mark an ask with Oddworld Freedom Break, I'll know it's for my personal story stuff.
What to expect from my personal lore and stories:
Oddworld Freedom Break content takes place AFTER Oddworld Soulstorm and follows the new quintology formula. It picks up after the train stalled out. Big Face sent help to bring Abe, Alf, Toby, and the rescued mudokons home.
After Big Face sends the rescue party to bring everyone to safety after the train ran out of fuel, Abe, Alf, and Toby are sent to take up residence in Sanctuary. It becomes their home village. They have their own houses, and they are within walking distance of each other.
Elli’s house is still on that spot I shared on the map of my pinned post. She lives there but is rarely at home. She tends to spend more time either in a house she has within Sanctuary so she can be closer to Dokk, or she’ll stay with Big Face at the Monsaic Lines.
Elli has known about her half-brothers for a while, and they visit each other often. Leon and Tuff take residence in Sanctuary after the passing of their father. Leon is the local veterinarian and helps tend to the cattle and animals for the village. Tuff makes his living by doing heavy lifting jobs or is hired as a bodyguard for travelers leaving Sanctuary.
Anna’s spirit is absent in my stories. She’s more of a Tumblr Roleplay exclusive character. Tuff, Leon, Elli, and Big Face still mention her often.
The Three Weirdos/Oracles are still present and still like making Big Face’s life miserable.  
Argus is still missing in action, but alive and living as a Travelling Nomad.
Roxx and Daisy are still villains. Roxx is still responsible for Anna’s death. Elli was captured by Roxx at one point but was rescued by all three of the mud brothers and Dokk. They don’t get a redemption arc and stay villains.
Doctor Cornelius still lives in Nolybab under the employment of Lady Margaret. He is still on Abe’s side and was still the caretaker to his mother, though he did not try to raise Abe like he did in tumblr roleplays.
Oswald Buptkitzer is not Baron of the Magog Cartel. Not yet anyway.
Tekkno is already an established trader and often makes trips to Sanctuary. He meets Abe and his brothers when they move into Sanctuary after the events of Oddworld Soulstorm. Tekkno becomes one of Abe’s closest non-mudokon friends. Tekkno will often bring Abe souvenirs from his travels.
Alf and Elli are still together. That's not going to change. I love this ship to much. Fite me dammit.
I'll be covering Character back stories and portrayals in separate posts.
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spoocyshrub · 2 years
Oddworld Fan Lore: Buptkitzer's Grand Emporium
Those who are familiar with Baron and Lady Buptkitzer know that Oswald runs a business called "Buptkitzer's Grand Emporium."
The Emporium is very similar to the company Amazon. Where they stock everything and anything from food to custom goods, that they will ship out all across the world.
There are warehouses and hubs stationed all over Oddworld that allows him to do business. He stocks everything. Furniture, Food items, trinkets, toys. You name it. This hold on the planet is what allowed him a place in Lady Margaret's inner circle, and a seat on her council.
Sometimes when items stay in the warehouse for way too long without a buyer, he will gift those items to friends or family. Most of the time he'll just dispose of them.
Unlike Amazon, Oswald ensures his workers are treated fairly. Given proper pay and bonuses. Even vacation time. His practices are rare for a Magog Cartel affiliated glukkon, but most folks tend to leave him be because of how successful he's been. They tend to not question his motives as long as he continues to rake in moolah for the cartel.
Oswald will offer jobs for some of the liberated mudokons. Those who want to continue working, but in more safe environments with fair pay and good bonuses. Many Mudokons struggle at first getting used to not having to work in fear. The sligs that work the warehouses are much calmer than the ones at other glukkon facilities and will often lend a hand to show new workers the ropes.
In the rare events where Penelope Buptkitzer would visit the warehouses, she will bring lunch for the workers.
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