#Oddworld Glukkons
Trivia about Humanity in Oddworld:
Their natural scent smells TERRIBLE to sligs. The smell is so bad in fact, that will freeze up and violently reeching if a human is even within a few feet of them. (basically, humans are like walking surstromming to them)
In contrast, humans smell ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS to Glukkons. So delicious, that even the smallest whiff of it will have them practically addicted.
And I'm being very literal about becoming addicted to it. You know that scene in Finding Nemo where Bruce the shark gets the smallest whiff of blood when Marlin accidentally gives Dorey a nosebleed, and he goes crazy?
Yeah, that's what happens when Glukks smell human...
It causes them to go into a feral/primal predatory state like it awakened some ancient instinct that they haven't had to use for centuries.
One sniff is enough for them to become obsessed and lose all rational thought...
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for some reason, the fauna of Oddworld just has it OUT for humans. The more aggressive breeds (i.e. scrabs, fleeches, slogs,) will just attack them on sight! This includes paramites, who normally only attack if they're cornered or they're in the presence of another of their kind.
Even peaceful types like Elum or Meeps hate them! Elums will act extremely uncooperatively, refusing to follow instructions and violently bucking if a human tries to ride them, and meeps will run from them at top speed
this scene from spongebob sums it up pretty well
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sweetiefayce · 1 year
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Oddworld: The Promised Neverland Homage (Pt. 4)
Now, see…this one was A LOT more complicated to compose, both because of the complexity of Lady Margaret’s design and Glukkon anatomy in general. On the one hand, it may have been poignant imagery if we saw little but armless business suits all lined up…but even though Lady Margaret hasn’t made a formal debut in the game, I feel like it did a disservice to her place in Glukkon society?
Granted, in the original image I was homaging, the demon king is fairly minuscule compared to the clasped-handed followers lined before him…but still, it felt like such a shame to relegate Margaret to a faceless silhouette. So, the solution? Inversion. Let Margaret be larger than life, both literally and figuratively; let her stand out amongst a line of anonymous glukkons, composed and unreadable…and have her show off that, not only does she get to bear and use her arms, but she flaunts this by wielding *two* cigarettes in fancy holders! Have her be at the centre, as if offering all a light…or letting them watch as she relishes her oncoming lung cancer.
Seriously, I’ve been having a bit too much fun making a spectacle of the smoke in these scenes? I dunno, because it feels like such a part of the Glukkons, at least from the artwork I saw, it felt like something I could make a bit of an artsy spectacle out of?
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ohfugecannada · 2 years
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Throwback to that time I made a Glukkon shitpost in December and a little while later @emipelloworld informed me that someone had screenshot it and posted it to an Ace positivity/meme Instagram page. With nobody realising it was a reference to the Glukkons from Oddworld. A delightful turn of events. Happy Pride month!
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clobertina · 2 months
It is now finally done
I give you, Abe’s Oddysee in the Ultimate Recap Cartoon style!
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It’s not 100% perfect style wise imo, but I think I did good for an attempt!
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gen-toon · 4 months
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demonogeny · 6 months
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Dog fight
Request from @thunder-jolt : "Draw Sekto with Klot. (Any scenario, any dynamic, it's all up to your interpretation.)"
Doggy boy fighting for his life as a crowd of Oktigis (+Sekto), Glukkons and Vamps watch. I don't think their respective mafias would get along but let's pretend they do here so they're drinking and betting in the same room and no one's getting shot down for winning the bet. Made the Vamps a bit more cat-like than the concept art, sorry. This is the scenario I could come up with, I enjoyed drawing this.
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securitygateduty · 8 months
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Cartel was the prompt but all I could think about is corpo party
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grumpygammon · 2 months
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kickasscentral · 15 days
Exoddus Brewmaster vs Soulstorm Brewmaster:
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4tactsart · 8 months
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I've been working on an Oddworld OC. I'm not super familiar with lore so I was very hesitant to post these. I really liked the idea from Soulstorm that glukkon barons can be outlawed for the sake of conveniency, and I got an idea of a disgraced outlawed glukkon baron on the run, but instead of hiding behind the personal militia, he's putting some hands on the matter, figuratively and literally. More detalis under the cut.
I really like characters with unusual anatomy and seeing that glukkons walk on their hands I was wondering if they ever can use their legs as arms. They actually can't, that's why they only shouting orders. But I really like this idea, it's like a little revolt in the way of life of the entire race. I don't really have a name for this character aside from the nickname of "Outlaw baron" or "Outlaw", kinda like "Stranger's Wrath" Stranger. Outlaw was once a respected and mostly feared member of the high society. Maybe others decided that he was way too terrifying for an honorable baron, even more terrifying that the high authority, and they agreed to outlaw him to preserve the power of the high authority. After this, Outlaw ran off into the far lands to plan his revenge. He does not care about restoring his upstanding position, he wants these people dead. By his own hands. Or legs. My friend informed me that glukkon legs are atrophied and can't move whatsoever. They suggested that Outlaw could comission a vykker freelancer to make his legs into arms. I like this idea. Getting his new legs ready, Outlaw picked up bounty hunting, which is a quite risky job for someone who himself has a price on his head. Avoiding bandits, other bounty hunters and glukkon authorities, he gets closer and closer to wreak vengeance upon his traitors.
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magicalgrimm · 5 months
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The three emotions of munch-
Bliss- curious- fearful for his life
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I tried to create a more or less decent character, I don't even know what to call him (I plan to call him Zig). In short, it's glukkon - an artist for whom all are equal and he's a good-looking guy trying to become famous, but unfortunately he's considered just a dreamer.
Ask me - "where the hell did he get his arm from? Munch, are you stupid? "It's a prosthetic arm! It's attached to his body! That must be clever! Or maybe I'm just really stupid-yeeaap
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bosskie · 26 days
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Man, how to start explaining this oddness... Welp, this was that one drawing idea I have kept to myself to this day, the one I mentioned revealing if I don't redraw it this year since the original is an unfinished drawing I haven't really shown but just Molluck. So, yeah, here it is, after about 3 years!
This is a reference to another video game's ad where the enemies much work together against a common enemy. If you could figure out the game already, I give ya ten points! And if you didn't, well, it's alright. The game is 'Crash Twinsanity'; just one game I love and especially its soundtrack (it's a capella)! So yeah, there was just speculations of how the story would continue after SoulStorm and one of them was that Molluck and Abe would work together againts the Magog Cartel. So, that's where this idea came from. I kinda wish that this was the case since it might be the only way how Molluck would achieve a good ending.
I was originally going to make this as a Mother's Day thing, as a bad joke, but welp, I did let it be... Molluck just kinda has to destroy his mother in order to save himself, so he could use Abe's help to do it and a part of that deal, he could help Abe to, well, at least see his mother. But well, cannot really make any promises from Molluck's part since he is known to be a back-stabber... (It's how he achieved his position.) So, he could just use Abe but maybe something would evoke inside him that would him genuinely let Abe be, so he wouldn't revenge the disaster Abe did to him... Or he thinks that 'revenge is a dish best served cold', like that one saying goes... So yeah, cannot know about Molluck. But I hope that he is able to work with Abe, even after getting himself saved.
Oh, and yeah, in that ad, that deal is pictured as a marriage, so that's why they got such outfits. I must say that Molluck looks very handsome in that suit! Abe's suit is just a white loincloth and a necklace-robe-something thing with OWI's logo. And yes, he is holding a bouquet. I originally did Lady Margaret to look like the original Mudokon Pop but I changed it to, well, make this less violent. I wonder if it should be called Queen Pop or Pop Queen... I'm not sure of how to draw Abe's mother, Sam, since her head is kinda varied, just like Lady Margaret's, since there ain't 'official version' out there, just these concepts... But I tried my best. I also feel like Abe might be a bit too big here but well, this is what you get when you draw on a paper; it's difficult to edit stuff, if not impossible, and you might realize things when it's too late...
I'm not sure if I should show the original WIP since it's quite unfinished and looks kinda bad but well, some improvement I guess:
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I still like the way Molluck looks here, though I did fix the flaws I saw to this new sketch I did. Abe instead has much more flaws, like too human-like anatomy, so yeah, more stuff to fix... But you can probably see better the outfit design I did for Abe here. And yeah, Sam looks different here, mainly because I feel like I understood better how her head 'works'... Lady Margaret looking fine on a stick there but yeah, felt like doing the later version of the Pops to the new sketch...
Man, I'm not really sure about how to explain the things I have been thinking about Molluck recently... I just feel like it only fascinates me, all the possible dark stuff he has done. It just makes me feel interested, somehow amused too since my humour can be quite dark and twisted... It's really like one of the main reasons why I love Oddworld, all that dark stuff! Like, I have probably said this earlier, but for example, that one Lady Margaret's lung transplant concept art just makes me laugh like every time, the one where Munch is basically merged into her body. I also recently learned more about the possible dark arts Glukkons still practice, like forecasting stocks using Mudokon organs... I already got some 'bad ideas' to make it further since 'a liver' is in Finnish 'maksa' and it can also be a conjugated from a verb 'maksaa'. So, 'maksa' can mean 'Pay!' or 'maksaa' is like something costs something or someone pays something. So yeah, such a great organ for this stuff! I feel like my humour is probably one big reason why I'm kinda siding with the Gluks... It's not the same that I supported this stuff, I just enjoy stuff like this.
I also did read the newspapers from the worst ending of SoulStorm again and noticed more stuff. It's not always easy to say what is actually true there but mainly it is. There was just said that Molluck blamed declining resources in wildlife supply on his ongoing diminishing returns but the newspaper said that it wasn't true. I believe that it's true what Molluck said, that those hunted animal populations were getting thin and that's why he did that Mudokon Pops solution; just gotta get that meat from somewhere! It's interesting though how in games, we have only seen how the animals at RuptureFarms are brought from the wilds but in that movie concept, there do are (also) farm animals, like those cow-like creatures. I must say that if Molluck only uses hunted animals, his business model has indeed been quite unsustainable and I don't wonder why he got that downfall and it would actually have been inevitable, so Abe only made it quicker. Though, Molluck was rewarded with that golden medal he wears, that tie thing, so it makes me think that he must have had some other practices too or are Glukkons just into unsustainable things... If so, man, they are slowly killing themselves too. I just believe that Glukkons could practice sustainable capitalism, it would be much more wiser, and if I was with Molluck, I would do my best to get him into this kind of business model, also to save his ass... Well, he did still try to create other products too but welp, they failed... I would still try to help him to save his business.
I have also wondered more about Molluck's actual behaviour, like how bad anger issues he has in reality... It still makes me laugh when I read that 'murderous Molluck' stuff and how awful he was from those newspapers, being said to be 'a psycho'. I just don't personally see him being this awful and I bet that this stuff in exaggerated but has some truth in it. Like, I bet that when Molluck is truly angry, well, he kills. We can see that in SoulStorm, no matter which ending it is, Molluck kills, by himself or via the Sligs. So yeah, do not get on the bad side of him... I'm not really justifying his actions but the world Molluck lives in is brutal and if he fails, he is wiped out, so he must do everything to really survive and retire one day. I just feel like he has needed to harden his heart for this reason. It's just that I feel like I understand Molluck, like why he even ended up killing his Chauffeur. I also just truly love him, so it feels like no matter what is revealed related to him, I'll still love him. I just believe that there somewhere, quite deep inside of him, he still has a heart and is able to love (not just himself, luxuries, his mother, and so on...).
Yeah, dunno what else to say... Just sharing my ideas, thoughts and love for Molluck once more. Frankly, while drawing that new sketch, I still just felt like I cannot really draw well and felt depressed... But I try to just focus on what I draw, not how I drew something since I just feel like I got so much to learn to even make my stuff look good... I just feel like my stuff hasn't good quality... Well, all I can do for that is just keep drawing or just quit. I mainly just post sketches anyway, so they ain't even fully rendered and polished. It's been long since I actually finished a proper drawing... Sketching is just better since I got too many ideas to fart out...
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clobertina · 2 months
Still going strong with Abe’s Oddysee but in the Ultimate Cartoon Recap style! (Still a Work in Progress obviously)
Still gotta add a Scrub/slave and Mullok without his suit from the game’s good ending. Also, I know Meeches aren’t technically a part of the game… but 1; they where going to be originally but got cut due to disk space. and 2; although they don’t appear in the game, their lore of being extinct is still an important piece of the game’s plot lol.
I’ll be honest tho, IMO, they don’t look exactly like what they probably would look like if in an actual video… but oh well! It’s still a really fun style to try and replicate lol!
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Therapist: “Chad Shrykull isn’t real, Chad Shrykull can’t hurt you.”
Chad Shrykull:
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cardos-talking · 3 months
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Chroniclers. Imagine being cut out from the game
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zulejee · 2 months
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I tried to recreate the Molluck doll from Oddworld Soulstorm, because I really like that doll. I'm very happy with how the head turned out on mine!
I'm sending him off to the Oddworld craft contest. Wish him luck, or I'll chuck him into a bonfire.
Just kidding! He's stuck with me forever :)
Here's a video of me putting him together:
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