#Radio Onda Rossa
marcogiovenale · 2 months
"elisabetta i - le donne e il potere", di david norisco: su radio onda rossa, oggi
Tutta Scena Teatro ★ Radio Onda Rossa 87.9 fmmartedì 5 marzo 2024, ore 14:50● ELISABETTA Ile donne e il poteredi David Noriscoregia di Filippo d’Alessiocon Maddalena Rizzimusiche di Eugenio TassitanoIl tema del potere da sempre vive di un immaginario al maschile, anche quando è una donna al posto di comando. Lo sguardo che osserva i comportamenti e le dinamiche che identificano il potere è spesso…
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adrianomaini · 1 year
Siete all’ascolto di Radio Onda Rossa
Una delle prime esigenze che si manifestano nel momento in cui hanno inizio le trasmissioni di Radio Onda Rossa è quella di garantire la continuità della diffusione radiofonica nell’arco della giornata. A differenza della Rai, infatti, i cui palinsesti occupano le ore diurne lasciando scoperte quelle notturne <1, Ror ha la necessità di coprire tutto l’arco delle 24 ore, per evitare che la radio…
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bagnabraghe · 1 year
Siete all’ascolto di Radio Onda Rossa
Una delle prime esigenze che si manifestano nel momento in cui hanno inizio le trasmissioni di Radio Onda Rossa è quella di garantire la continuità della diffusione radiofonica nell’arco della giornata. A differenza della Rai, infatti, i cui palinsesti occupano le ore diurne lasciando scoperte quelle notturne <1, Ror ha la necessità di coprire tutto l’arco delle 24 ore, per evitare che la radio…
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ama-god · 11 months
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Perché Rino guardava con simpatia al movimento del ’77, aveva finanziato Radio Onda Rossa ed era anche un lettore del manifesto.
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mucillo · 2 years
"Ti domandi se mi sento sola”
di Adrienne Rich
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Ti domandi se mi sento sola:
Ok allora, sì, mi sento sola
come un aereo vola solo e orizzontale
sulla sua onda radio, puntando
oltre le Montagne Rocciose
verso le piste recinte di blu
di un aeroporto sull’oceano
Mi vuoi chiedere, mi sento sola?
Bene, certo, sola
come una donna che attraversa il paese guidando
giorno dopo giorno, lasciandosi dietro
miglio dopo miglio
piccole citta’ dove avrebbe potuto fermarsi
a vivere e morire, da sola
Se mi sento sola
dev’essere la solitudine
di svegliarsi per prima, di respirare
il primo respiro freddo dell’alba sulla città
di essere l’unica che è sveglia
in una casa avvolta nel sonno
Se mi sento sola
è come la barca chiusa nel ghiaccio della riva
nell’ultima luce rossa dell’anno
che sa che cos’è, che sa che non è
ghiaccio nè fango nè luce d’inverno
ma legno, con quel dono di poter bruciare.
Adrienne Rich
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Ti domandi se mi sento sola: Ok allora, sì, mi sento sola come un aereo vola solo e orizzontale sulla sua onda radio, puntando oltre le Montagne Rocciose verso le piste recinte di blu di un aeroporto sull’oceano. Mi vuoi chiedere, mi sento sola? Bene, certo, sola come una donna che attraversa il paese guidando giorno dopo giorno, lasciandosi dietro miglio dopo miglio piccole città dove avrebbe potuto fermarsi a vivere e morire, da sola Se mi sento sola dev’essere la solitudine di svegliarsi per prima, di respirare il primo respiro freddo dell’alba sulla città di essere l’unica che è sveglia in una casa avvolta nel sonno. Se mi sento sola è come la barca chiusa nel ghiaccio della riva nell’ultima luce rossa dell’anno che sa che cos’è, che sa che non è ghiaccio né fango né luce d’inverno ma legno, con quel dono di poter bruciare.
Adrienne Rich
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romanobserver · 3 months
Psychedelic side of Electronic Music
Radio onda rossa
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nando161mando · 8 months
Intervista sul Gruppo di supporto psicologico per I familiari dei detenuti morti in carcere, su Radio Onda Rossa
Interview on the psychological support group for the families of prisoners who died in prison, on Radio Onda Rossa
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Torna Il Boss delle Vespe: Denys Maiorino ospita Loris Capirossi, il 6 febbraio 2023 su Sky Canale 229. E su YouTube
Dal 6 febbraio 2023 i vespisti italiani e di tutto il mondo hanno di che sorridere: torna in onda Il Boss delle Vespe, il programma in cui Denys Maiorino e il suo team raccontano la passione per una vera icona italiana a due ruote.
Alle 20 su Sky Canale 229, e dal giorno dopo anche in streaming sul Canale YouTube di Epoca Motors (https://bit.ly/EpocaMotorsYT), per la prima puntata di questa nuova stagione de Il Boss delle Vespe, Denys Maiorino ha un ospite d'eccezione: l'ex pilota Loris Capirossi, tre volte campione del mondo di motociclismo nelle classi 125 e 250.
Capirossi è oggi consulente per questioni riguardanti la sicurezza nel Campionato del Mondo MotoGP, ed è soprattutto, da sempre, un appassionato vespista. "E' stata una puntata davvero divertente", racconta Denys Maiorino. "Loris è una persona davvero alla mano, molto disponibile. Tra appassionati di motori in qualche modo ci si capisce sempre, ma trovarsi di fronte ad un pilota del suo livello che ancora oggi si diverte come un bambino a guidare la sua Vespa e ad elaborarla è stata una grande emozione".
Capirossi, classe '73, oggi vive a Montecarlo e ha portato a Il Boss delle Vespe la sua vespa personale: è, ovviamente, una Special rossa fiammante come la sua Ducati, con un 65, il suo numero storico sulle fiancate.
Nell'officina di Trezzo D'Adda, ovvero nel luogo in cui il team di Epoca Motors restaura vespe d'epoca per conto di appassionati sparsi per il mondo, ha sostituito il motore della Vespa di Capirossi con un propulsore nuovo di zecca firmato Epoca Motors, Epoca 144R.
"Dopo la sostituzione del motore, Loris ha effettuato un giro di prova", racconta Denys Maiorino. "Si è divertito davvero a guidare, perché le prestazioni ora sono tutta un'altra cosa. Ha deciso però di lasciare la sua Vespa da noi per qualche giorno, per farci sostituire anche il freno davanti a tamburo con uno a disco. E' decisamente più performance e quindi più sicuro, anche per un pilota come lui".
La nuova avventura imprenditoriale di Denys Maiorino, manager musicale da sempre attivo nella scena musicale dell'hip hop italiano con la sua Level Up e mille altri progetti, è Epoca Motors, un'officina specializzata nel ridare vita solo e soltanto a Vespe d'epoca.
Grazie al suo lavoro e a quello del suo team (oggi formato da ben 4 persone) è possibile far tornare come nuove queste icone dello stile italiano nel mondo. I ricambi che Epoca Motors utilizza sono di alta qualità e quasi tutti Made in Italy, i partner e i fornitori con cui collabora sono solo e soltanto d'eccellenza. "Per ridare nuova vita ad un telaio, ad esempio, non basta un carrozziere qualsiasi. La sabbiatura e la verniciatura va fatta in un certo modo", spiega Denys Maiorino. "Solo così la Vespa che esce dalla nostra officina torna ad essere bella come quando è uscita dalla Piaggio... o anche di più".
Denys Maiorino è diventato "Il Boss delle Vespe". E' questo il titolo di programma tv arrivato alla sua terza stagione in onda su Sky. La prima puntata, trasmessa del febbraio '23, ha un ospite d'eccezione come Loris Capirossi. Le sue passioni Denys Maiorino nel programma le racconta bene, senza filtri e senza esagerare... e nei suoi tanti anni nel music business di amici "vip" Vespisti se ne è fatti non pochi. Per questo nel suo programma ha ospitato artisti come Emis Killa (che conosce fin da quando era solo Emiliano, un ragazzo con la passione del rap e che ha voluto anche una Vespa per sé), DJ-Jad degli Articolo 31 e su fratello Wlady, oppure Mitch (Iena in tv e speaker di Radio 105), intervistato insieme al rapper Sensei. "Abbiamo restaurato Vespe anche per atleti come Tony Cairoli, 9 volte campione del mondo di motocross, il ciclista Tadej Pogačar, vincitore di due Tour de France e l'ex calciatore del Brescia Andrea Caracciolo", dice Denys. Molto interessante per gli amanti dei motori da competizione è poi la puntata de "Il Boss delle Vespe" dedicata ad una gara Endurance svoltasi presso il Circuito di Pomposa (FE). Racconta una gara che ha messo di fronte diverse Vespe da competizione per lunghe ore, mettendo soprattutto i mezzi ed ogni loro parte meccanica a dura prova…
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tarditardi · 1 year
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Torna Il Boss delle Vespe: Denys Maiorino ospita Loris Capirossi, il 6 febbraio 2023 su Sky Canale 229. E su YouTube
Dal 6 febbraio 2023 i vespisti italiani e di tutto il mondo hanno di che sorridere: torna in onda Il Boss delle Vespe, il programma in cui Denys Maiorino e il suo team raccontano la passione per una vera icona italiana a due ruote.
Alle 20 su Sky Canale 229, e dal giorno dopo anche in streaming sul Canale YouTube di Epoca Motors (https://bit.ly/EpocaMotorsYT), per la prima puntata di questa nuova stagione de Il Boss delle Vespe, Denys Maiorino ha un ospite d'eccezione: l'ex pilota Loris Capirossi, tre volte campione del mondo di motociclismo nelle classi 125 e 250.
Capirossi è oggi consulente per questioni riguardanti la sicurezza nel Campionato del Mondo MotoGP, ed è soprattutto, da sempre, un appassionato vespista. "E' stata una puntata davvero divertente", racconta Denys Maiorino. "Loris è una persona davvero alla mano, molto disponibile. Tra appassionati di motori in qualche modo ci si capisce sempre, ma trovarsi di fronte ad un pilota del suo livello che ancora oggi si diverte come un bambino a guidare la sua Vespa e ad elaborarla è stata una grande emozione".
Capirossi, classe '73, oggi vive a Montecarlo e ha portato a Il Boss delle Vespe la sua vespa personale: è, ovviamente, una Special rossa fiammante come la sua Ducati, con un 65, il suo numero storico sulle fiancate.
Nell'officina di Trezzo D'Adda, ovvero nel luogo in cui il team di Epoca Motors restaura vespe d'epoca per conto di appassionati sparsi per il mondo, ha sostituito il motore della Vespa di Capirossi con un propulsore nuovo di zecca firmato Epoca Motors, Epoca 144R.
"Dopo la sostituzione del motore, Loris ha effettuato un giro di prova", racconta Denys Maiorino. "Si è divertito davvero a guidare, perché le prestazioni ora sono tutta un'altra cosa. Ha deciso però di lasciare la sua Vespa da noi per qualche giorno, per farci sostituire anche il freno davanti a tamburo con uno a disco. E' decisamente più performance e quindi più sicuro, anche per un pilota come lui".
La nuova avventura imprenditoriale di Denys Maiorino, manager musicale da sempre attivo nella scena musicale dell'hip hop italiano con la sua Level Up e mille altri progetti, è Epoca Motors, un'officina specializzata nel ridare vita solo e soltanto a Vespe d'epoca.
Grazie al suo lavoro e a quello del suo team (oggi formato da ben 4 persone) è possibile far tornare come nuove queste icone dello stile italiano nel mondo. I ricambi che Epoca Motors utilizza sono di alta qualità e quasi tutti Made in Italy, i partner e i fornitori con cui collabora sono solo e soltanto d'eccellenza. "Per ridare nuova vita ad un telaio, ad esempio, non basta un carrozziere qualsiasi. La sabbiatura e la verniciatura va fatta in un certo modo", spiega Denys Maiorino. "Solo così la Vespa che esce dalla nostra officina torna ad essere bella come quando è uscita dalla Piaggio... o anche di più".
Denys Maiorino è diventato "Il Boss delle Vespe". E' questo il titolo di programma tv arrivato alla sua terza stagione in onda su Sky. La prima puntata, trasmessa del febbraio '23, ha un ospite d'eccezione come Loris Capirossi. Le sue passioni Denys Maiorino nel programma le racconta bene, senza filtri e senza esagerare... e nei suoi tanti anni nel music business di amici "vip" Vespisti se ne è fatti non pochi. Per questo nel suo programma ha ospitato artisti come Emis Killa (che conosce fin da quando era solo Emiliano, un ragazzo con la passione del rap e che ha voluto anche una Vespa per sé), DJ-Jad degli Articolo 31 e su fratello Wlady, oppure Mitch (Iena in tv e speaker di Radio 105), intervistato insieme al rapper Sensei. "Abbiamo restaurato Vespe anche per atleti come Tony Cairoli, 9 volte campione del mondo di motocross, il ciclista Tadej Pogačar, vincitore di due Tour de France e l'ex calciatore del Brescia Andrea Caracciolo", dice Denys. Molto interessante per gli amanti dei motori da competizione è poi la puntata de "Il Boss delle Vespe" dedicata ad una gara Endurance svoltasi presso il Circuito di Pomposa (FE). Racconta una gara che ha messo di fronte diverse Vespe da competizione per lunghe ore, mettendo soprattutto i mezzi ed ogni loro parte meccanica a dura prova…
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marcogiovenale · 3 months
oggi, 1 febbraio @ radio onda rossa: 'tutta scena cinema'
numerose interviste e informazioni su novità cinematografiche e realtà indipendenti, oggi dalle ore 14:00, a cura di Federico Raponi: https://www.ondarossa.info/newstrasmissioni/tuttascenacinema/2024/01/puntata-settimanale-giovedi-01
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The Untold Story of Chumbawamba with Dunstan Bruce
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Dunstan Bruce is perhaps most famous for his lead vocals and listing of libations in the Chumbawamba pop hit, Tubthumping. But there is so much more to him and that band than that one song. For the hour we touch on some of the band’s 30 year history, their relation as a collective, anarchist band to social justice movements around the world and how they used their fame and money to give back, Dunstan’s recently finished documentary “I Get Knocked Down: The Untold Story of Chumbawamba” and his accompanying one man show “Am I Invisible Yet?”, aging and the battle for relevance, staying involved in politics and more. “I Get Knocked Down” is still seeking distribution so not streamable, but keep an eye on the fakebook page for updates on that, and you can find his prior documentary on Chumbawamba published about 20 years ago on youtube, entitled “Well Done, Now Sod Off!”
You can find a rather embarrassing mixtape from us years ago on archive.org, expect a replacement playlist for it soon.
Bandcamp: https://chumbawamba.bandcamp.com/music
Wikipedia Article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chumbawamba
Good 2012 article on the band
Writeup on Anarcho-Punk.Net
Some hijinks from the era:
Miner Strike
Poll Tax
IndyMedia (benefited from Chumbawamba $$)
CorpWatch (benefited from Chumbawamba $$)
Bristol Social Centre (benefited from Chumbawamba $$)
Radio Onda Rossa (benefitted from Chumbawamba $$)
June 18, 1999 Carnival Against Capital protest party in London
The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence (benefited from Homophobia Single)
Mumia Abu-Jamal on Letterman
BASE social centre in Bristol (benefited from Chumbawamba $$)
Other music related projects mentioned:
Loud Women Festival
Pussy Riot in the Orthodox Church
Flux of Pink Indians
Dunstan’s Other Docs
A Curious Life – The Story of the Levellers
Sham 69 China Tour Trailer
Greg Curry Hunger Strike
Greg Curry, a prisoner in Ohio serving a life sentence in relation to the Lucasville Uprising of 1993 for which he claims innocence, has just begun a hunger strike for being stuck in extended solitary confinement known as TPU at Toledo Correctional Institution. To voice concern, you can call 419 726 7977 and select choice 8 to speak to the warden during business hours, or you can select 0 to speak to the operator at other times. You can also mail [email protected] requesting that his communications be re-instated and that he be able to re-enter general population.
You can find our 2016 interview with Greg at our website.
Social Media Documentary from SubMedia
Stay tuned to Sub.Media for a documentary film on the troubles with social media in early June
TFSR Fediverse Podcast
We've launched a temporary instance of Castopod podcasting app on the Fediverse at @[email protected]. Definitely a work in progress, but check it out if you care to.
Bad News, May 2022
The latest episode of the monthly english-language podcast from the A-Radio Network is available now at their website: A-Radio-Network.Org or here: https://www.a-radio-network.org/episode-56-05-2022/
. … . ..
Featured Tracks (get ready):
Tubthumping by Chumbawamba from Tubthumper
Top of the World (Olé, Olé, Olé) by Chumbawamba (single)
Do They Owe Us A Living? by Crass from The Feeding of the 5,000
The Cutty Wren by Chumbawamba from English Rebel Songs 1381–1984
Timebomb by Chumbawamba from Anarchy
I Never Gave Up by Chumbawamba from Never Do What You’re Told (Live)
Heartbreak Hotel by Chumbawamba from Fuck EMI (compilation)
Shhh-it by Oi Polloi from Bare Faced Hypocrisy Sells Records / The Anti-Chumbawamba EP (compilation)
Her Majesty by Chumbawamba (single)
Knit Your Own Balaklava by Chumbawamba from The Liberator - Artists For Animals (compilation)
Song Of The Mother In Dept / Song Of The Hardworking Community Registration Officer / Song Of The Government Minister Who Enjoys His Work / Song Of The (Now Determined) Mother by Chumbawamba from A Pox Upon The Poll Tax (compilation)
Smash Clause 29! by Chumbawamba from Uneasy Listening
Homophobia by Chumbawamba from Anarchy
One By One by Chumbawamba from Rock The Dock (compilation)
Pass It Along by Chumbawamba from WYSIWYG
Bella Ciao by Chumbawamba from A Singsong And A Scrap
Here Now by Interrobang‽ from Interrobang‽
The Day The Nazi Died by Chumbawamba from Class War
So Long, So Long by Chumbawamba from In Memoriam: Margaret Thatcher
Check out this episode!
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gaiaitaliacom · 2 years
Al raduno degli Alpini di Rimini poteva decisamente andare meglio, molestie e comunicati stampa discutibili inclusi
La testimonianza audio di un'attivista di "Non Una di Meno" raccolta da Radio Onda Rossa
In una nota diffusa dall’ufficio stampa di ANA, acronimo che sta per Associazione Nazionale Alpini, si leggono gli argomenti [sic] portati a sostegno dell’estraneità del Corpo riguardo alle presunte molestie agite su donne e ragazze, e accadute durante l’ultimo raduno, svoltosi domenica 8 maggio a Rimini. Secondo la ricostruzione fatta da “Non Una di Meno” di Rimini, associazione che si occupa di…
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maddalenarobin · 4 years
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L’omaggio a Salvatore Ricciardi e l’occupazione poliziesca di san Lorenzo (da insorgenze.net) Il saluto che compagni e amici romani hanno voluto donare ieri a Salvatore Ricciardi è terminato con 16 automezzi della polizia e dei carabinieri, tra cui 7 blindati, intervenuti per bloccare le vie di san Lorenzo, elicotteri che volteggiavano su via dei Volsci, una trentina di persone identificate e il quartiere alle finestre.
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blankrouge · 7 years
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40 anni di @radiondarossa
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ill-will-editions · 4 years
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THE FUNERAL OF SALVATORE RICCIARDI: Celebrating a friend and comrade, while taking over public space again
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A final farewell to Salvo, to the songs of Su, communists of the capital! "This rebellious city, never tamed by ruins and bombings…"
Of all the measures taken during this emergency, the ban on funeral services is among the most dehumanizing.
In the name of what idea of "life" have these measures been taken? In the prevailing rhetoric of these past few weeks, life has been reduced almost entirely to the survival of the body, to the detriment of any other dimension of it. In this there is a very strong thanatophobic connotation (from the Greek Thanatos, or death), a morbid fear of dying.
Thanatophobia has permeated our society for decades. Already in 1975, the historian Philippe Ariès, in his landmark History of Death in the West, noted that death, in capitalist societies, had been "domesticated", bureaucratized, partly deritualized and separated as much as possible from the living, in order to "spare  [...] society the disturbance and too strong emotion" of dying, and maintain the idea that life "is always happy, or at least must always look like it”.
To this end, he continues, it was strategic "to shift the site where we die. We no longer die at home, among family members, we die at the hospital, alone [...] because it has become inconvenient to die at home". Society, he said, must "realize as little as possible that death has occurred". This is why many rituals related to dying are now considered embarrassing and in a phase of disuse.
Even before the state of emergency we are experiencing, the rituality of dying had been reduced to a minimum. That is why we have always been so impressed by the manifestations of its re-emergence. Think of the worldwide success of a film like The Barbarian Invasions by Denys Arcand.
Forty-five years ago, Ariès wrote: "no one has the strength or patience to wait for weeks for a moment [death, Editor's note] that has lost its meaning". And what does the 2003 Canadian film depict if not a group of people waiting for weeks - in a context of conviviality and re-emerging secular rituality - the passing of a friend?
Eight years ago we undertook, together with many others, to set up an environment of conviviality and secular rituality around a dear friend and companion, Stefano Tassinari, in the weeks leading up to his death and in the ceremonies that followed. Much of our questioning on this subject dates back to that time.
If the rituality linked to dying was already reduced to a minimum, the ban on attending the funeral of a loved one had finally annihilated it.
Back on March 25th we shared a beautiful letter from a parish priest from Reggio, Don Paolo Tondelli, who was dismayed at the scenes he had to witness:
"And so I find myself standing in front of the cemetery, with three children of a widowed mother who died alone at the hospital because the present situation does not allow for the assistance of the sick. They cannot enter the cemetery, the measures adopted do not allow it. So they cry: they couldn't say goodbye to their mother when she gave up living, they can't say goodbye to her even now while she is being buried. We stop at the cemetery gate, in the street, I am bitter and angry inside, I have a strong thought: even a dog is not taken to the grave like this. I think we have exaggerated for a moment in applying the rules in this way, we are witnessing a dehumanization of essential moments in the life of every person; as a Christian, as a citizen I cannot remain silent [...] I say to myself: we are trying to defend life, but we are running the risk of not conserving the mystery that is so closely linked to it".
This "mystery" is not the exclusive prerogative of the Christian faith nor of those possessing a religious sensibility, since it does not necessarily coincide with the belief in the immortal soul or anything else, but something that we all ask ourselves, when we ask, 'what does it mean to live?' 'What distinguishes living from merely moving on or simply not dying?
That said, those who are believers and observers have experienced the suspension of ritual ceremonies - including funeral masses - as an attack on their form of life. It is no coincidence that among the examples of clandestine organization that we have heard about these days, there is the catacombal continuation of Christian public life.
We have direct evidence that in many parishes the faithful continued to attend mass, despite the signs on the doors saying they were suspended. One finds the "hard core" of the parishioners in the refectory of the convent, or in the rectory, or in the sacristy and in some cases in the church. Twenty, thirty people, summoned by word of mouth. In particular last Thursday, for the Missa in coena Domini.
The same can be said of funerals. In this case as well we have direct testimonies of priests who officiated small rites, with close family members, without publicity.
In the past few days, we have identified three types of disobedience to some of the stupidest and most inhumane features of the lock-down.
Individual disobedience
The individual gesture is often invisible but occasionally it is showy, as in the case of that runner on the deserted beach of Pescara, hunted by security guards for no reason that has any epidemiological basis. The video went viral, and had the effect of demonstrating the absurdity of certain rules and their obtuse application.
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Continuing to run was, objectively and in its outcome, a very effective performance, an action of resistance and "conflictual theatre". Continuing to run distinguishes qualitatively that episode from the many others which offer "only" further evidence of repression. As Luigi Chiarella "Yamunin" wrote, the video brings to mind,
"a passage from Crowds and Power by Elias Canetti on grasping, which is indeed a gesture of the hand but also and above all is 'the decisive act of power where it manifests itself in the most evident way, from the most remote times, among animals and among men'. Later, he adds - and here comes the part pertinent to the episode of the runner - that 'there is nevertheless a second powerful gesture, certainly no less essential even if not so radiant. Sometimes one forgets, under the grandiose impression aroused by grasping, the existence of a parallel and almost equally important action: not letting oneself be grasped". The video [...] reminded me how powerful and liberating it is not to let yourself be caught. Then I don't forget that if you run away you do it to come back with new weapons, but in the meantime you must not let yourself be grabbed."
Clandestine group disobedience
These are the practices of the parishioners who organize themselves to go to mass on the sly, of the family members of a dearly departed person who agree with the parish priest to officiate a funeral rite... but also of the groups who continue in one way or another to hold meetings, of the bands who continue to rehearse, and of the parents who organize themselves together with a teacher to retrieve their children's school books. It's an episode that happened in a city in Emilia, which we recounted a few days ago.
In order to retrieve the books from a first grade school that had been left at school for the last month, a teacher came to the school, took the books out hidden in a shopping cart, and entrusted them to two parents who live near a baker and a convenience store respectively, so that the other parents could go and pick them up with the "cover" of buying groceries, avoiding possible fines. The books were given to the individual parents by lowering them with a rope from a small balcony and stuffed into shopping bags or between loaves of bread, as if they were hand grenades for the Resistance. In this way those children will at least be able to follow the program on the book with the teacher in tele-education, and the parents will be able to have support for the inevitable homeschooling.
After a phase of shock in which unconditional obedience and mutual guilt prevailed, sectors of civil society - and even "interzone" between institutions and civil society - are reorganizing themselves "in hiding". In this reorganization it is implicit that certain restrictions are considered incongruous, irrational, indiscriminately punitive.
Furthermore: at the beginning of the emergency, parental chats were, in general, among the worst hotbeds of panic, culture of suspicion, toxic voice messages, calls for denunciation. The fact that now some of them are also being used to circumvent delusional prohibitions - why shouldn't a teacher be able to retrieve the textbooks left in the classroom? why should a dad or a mom have to resort to subterfuge, self-certification, etc. to retrieve those books? - is yet another proof that the "mood" has changed.
Provocative group disobedience
The performance of the trio from Rimini - a man and two women - who had sex in public places and put the videos online, accompanied with insults hurled at the police, is part of this rarefied case history.
The police have since held a grudge against the case, as exemplified by their official social channels.
The only thing missing from this catalog of disobedience is, of course...
Claimed group disobedience
Here we have in mind visible, and no longer merely clandestine collective disobedience.
For a moment we feared that the fascists would be the first to bring it into play. Forza Nuova attempted to leverage the dismay of believers in the prospect of an Easter “behind closed doors,” and without the Via Crucis. However, when leaflets circulated calling for a procession to St. Peter's Basilica tomorrow (Sunday 4.12), accompanied by mottos such as "In hoc signo vinces" and "Rome will not know an Easter without Christ", they were dismayed to find that it wasn't the Fascists who were behind them. Instead, it was our comrades and friends from Radio Onda Rossa and the Roman liberatory movement who, this morning, in S. Lorenzo, greeted Salvatore Ricciardi with what in effect became the first political demonstration in the streets since the beginning of the emergency. 
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Salvatore Ricciardi, 80 years old, was a pillar of the Roman antagonist left. A former political prisoner, for many years he was involved in fights inside prisons and against prison conditions. He did so in a number of books and countless broadcasts on Radio Onda Rossa, which yesterday dedicated a moving four-hour live special to him. He continued to do so until even a few days ago, on his blog Contromaelstrom, writing about imprisonment and coronavirus. 
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Headlines about this morning's events can already be read in the mainstream press. A precise chronicle, accompanied by some valuable remarks, can be heard in this phone call from an editor of Radio Onda Rossa [here]. Among other things, our comrade points out: "here there are rows of people standing in front of the butchers shop for days and days, yet we cannot even bid farewell to the dead? [...] We're in the open air, while in Rome there's not even a requirement to wear a mask and yet many people had masks, and there were only a few people anyway"...Yet the police still threatened to use a water cannon to disperse a funeral ritual. The part of the district where the seditious gathering took place was closed and those present were detained by police.
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During this emergency, we’ve seen so many surreal scenes - today, to offer just one example, a helicopter took to the sky, wasting palates of public money, in pursuit of a single citizen walking on a Sicilian beach - and even still, this morning's apex had not yet been reached.
For our part, we say kudos and solidarity to those who run, and are out running great risks to claim their right to live together - in public space that they have always crossed with their bodies and filled with their lives - out of pain and mourning for the loss of Salvo, but also out of happiness for having had him as a friend and companion.
"Because the bodies will return to occupy the streets. Because without the bodies there is no Liberation."
That's what we were writing yesterday, taking up the “Song of el-'Aqila Camp”. We reaffirm our belief that it will happen. And the government fears it too: is it by chance that just today Minister Lamorgese warned against "hotbeds of extremist speech"? 
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In her telephone interview, the Radio Onda Rossa editor says that the current situation, in essence, could last a year and a half. Those in power would like it to be a year and a half without the possibility of protest. They are prepared to use health regulations to prevent collective protests and struggles. Managing the recession with sub iudice civil rights is ideal for those in power.
It is right to disobey absurd rules
We should point out once again that, whilst keeping a population under house arrest, while prohibiting funerals, and de jure or de facto preventing anyone from taking a breath of fresh air - which is almost a unique phenomenon in the West, since only Spain follows us on this - and while shaming individual conduct like jogging, going out "for no reason", or shopping "too many times"...while this whole little spectacle is going on, Italy remains the European country with the highest  COVID-19 mortality rate. Good peace of mind for those who spoke of an "Italian model" to be imitated by other countries.
Who is responsible for such a debacle? It is not a hard question to answer: it was the people who did not establish a medical cordon around Alzano and Nembro in time, because the owner asked them not to; it was those who spread infection in hospitals through an impressive series of negligent decisions; those who turned RSAs and nursing homes into places of mass coronavirus death; and lastly, those who, while all this was happening, diverted public attention toward nonsense and harmless behavior, while pointing the finger at scapegoats. This was blameworthy, even criminal behavior.
Everywhere in the world the coronavirus emergency has presented a golden opportunity to restrict the spaces of freedom, settle accounts with unwelcome social movements, profit from the behavior to which the population is forced, and restructure to the detriment of the weakest.
Italy adds to all this its standard surfeit of irrational ravings. The exceptionality of our "model" of emergency management lies in its complete overturning of scientific logic. For it is one thing to impose - for good (Sweden) or for bad (another country at random) - physical distancing as a necessary measure to reduce the possibility of contagion; it is quite another to lock the population in their homes and prevent them from leaving except for reasons verified by police authorities. The jump from one to the other imposed itself alongside the idea - also unfounded - that one is safe from the virus while "indoors", whereas "outdoors" one is in danger.
Everything we know about this virus tells us exactly the opposite, namely that the chances of contracting it in the open air are lower, and if you keep your distance even almost zero, compared to indoors. On the basis of this self-evidence, the vast majority of countries affected by the pandemic not only did not consider it necessary to prevent people from going out into the open air generally, as they did in France, but in some cases even advised against it.
In Italy, this radius is, at best, two hundred meters from home, but there are municipalities and regions that have reduced it to zero meters. For those who live in the city, such a radius is easily equivalent to half a block of asphalt roads, which are much more crowded than in the open space outside the city, if it could be reached. For those who live in the countryside, however, or in sparsely populated areas, a radius of two hundred meters is equally absurd, since the probability of meeting someone and having to approach them is infinitely lower than in an urban center.
Not only that: we have seen that very few countries have introduced the obligation to justify their presence outdoors by authorizations, certificates, and receipts, even calculating the distance from home using Google Maps. This is also an important step: it means putting citizens at the mercy of law enforcement agencies.
We have recorded cases of hypertensive people, with a medical prescription recommending daily exercise for health reasons, fined €500; or people fined because they were walking with their pregnant partner, to whom the doctor had recommended walking. The list of abuses and idiocies would be long, and one may consult our website for further examples.
Legal uncertainty, the arbitrariness of police forces, the illogical limitation of behavior that presents no danger to anyone, are all essential elements of the police state.
Having to respect an illogical, irrational norm is the exercise of obedience and submission par excellence.
It will never be "too soon" to rebel against such obligations.
It must be done, before it’s too late.
Translated by Ill Will Editions
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