#Ron and Dulcie
itsbrucey · 5 months
wanna draw the dad's bullying my OC Dulcie. Not in an actually mean way but the way they treated Doug. Because that's fun
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wonderwheeljdblog · 3 years
Disney Investitor Day: tutte le novità → Lucasfilm
Altro box ed altre novità. La Lucasfilm anche lui cavalca l’onda della nuova linfa al suo principale capolavoro, Star Wars che con la nuova trilogia ha richiamato i vecchi fan ma anche una nuova generazione di intenditori. Con Disney + l’accesso ai film in formato digitali rimasterizzati in alta definizione ha comportano un aumento degli abbonati e con l’esclusiva di The Mandalorian, la storia dietro la storia di uno dei personaggi più enigmatici della saga e per non parlare del tenerissimo piccolo Yoda, i numeri sono alle stelle. già la saga ripercorre molti anni di cronache ed essendo la galassia immensa e i personaggi tanti ci sono tante occasioni per spin off e storia di altri pianeti. 
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anche in questo caso non solo lungometraggi, il prossimo film di Star Wars, in uscita nel dicembre del 2023, sarà Rogue Squadron, diretto da Patty Jenkins, regista del franchise cinematografico di Wonder Woman, ma anche numerose serie che riprendono personaggi dei film o nuovi personaggi nati con la serie Mandalorian. Dulcis in fundo anche il ritorno di Indiana.
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DISNEY+ (series)
Ahsoka: Dopo il tanto atteso esordio in live-action nella serie The Mandalorian, la storia di Ahsoka Tano, scritta da Dave Filoni, proseguirà in una serie limitata intitolata Ahsoka con Rosario Dawson nel cast e prodotta a livello esecutivo da Dave Filoni e Jon Favreau. 
Rangers of the New Republic è una nuova serie live-action ambientata nella linea stessa linea temporale di The Mandalorian, prodotta a livello esecutivo da Jon Favreau e Dave Filoni che si intreccerà con storie future in un crescendo che avrà il suo culmine con un grande evento. 
Andor, uno spy thriller ad alta tensione creato da Tony Gilroy, arriverà su Disney+ nel 2022. Diego Luna, che riprende il ruolo della spia ribelle Cassian Andor di Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, sarà affiancato da un nuovo cast che comprende Stellan Skarsgård, Adria Arjona, Fiona Shaw, Denise Gough, Kyle Soller e Genevieve O’Reilly nel ruolo di Mon Mothma. 
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Ewan McGregor torna nel ruolo iconico del Maestro Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi per una serie evento speciale targata Disney+. Ufficialmente intitolata Obi-Wan Kenobi, la serie inizia 10 anni dopo i drammatici eventi di Star Wars: La Vendetta dei Sith dove ha affrontato la sua più grande sconfitta, la caduta e la corruzione del suo migliore amico e apprendista Jedi, Anakin Skywalker trasformatosi nel malvagio Sith Lord Darth Vader. La serie è diretta da Deborah Chow, che ha già diretto episodi memorabili della prima stagione di The Mandalorian, e presenta il ritorno di Hayden Christensen nel ruolo di Darth Vader. 
Star Wars: The Bad Batch segue un gruppo di cloni sperimentali con caratteristiche uniche (introdotti per la prima volta in Star Wars: The Clone Wars) mentre trovano la propria strada in una galassia in rapido cambiamento nell’immediato dopoguerra della Guerra dei Cloni. Ognuno dei membri della Bad Batch – una squadra speciale di cloni che variano geneticamente rispetto ai loro fratelli dell’armata dei cloni – possiede un’eccezionale e singolare abilità che li rende soldati straordinariamente efficienti nonché un formidabile equipaggio. In seguito alla Guerra dei Cloni, intraprenderanno audaci missioni mercenarie mentre lotteranno per rimanere a galla e trovare nuovi scopi. Questa serie animata arriverà esclusivamente su Disney+. 
Star Wars: Visions: Presentando uno sguardo completamente inedito e creativo sulla Galassia lontana, lontana, Star Wars: Visions sarà una serie di cortometraggi d’animazione che celebreranno Star Wars attraverso la lente dei migliori creatori di anime del mondo. La serie antologica porterà sullo schermo 10 visioni fantastiche realizzate da molti dei più importanti studi di animazione giapponesi, offrendo una prospettiva inedita e culturalmente diversificata su Star Wars. 
Lando: Il mascalzone preferito della galassia, Lando Calrissian, tornerà in Lando. Justin Simien, creatore dell’acclamato Dear White People e grande fan di Star Wars, è nelle prime fasi di sviluppo del progetto. 
The Acolyte: Leslye Headland, creatrice della serie Russian Doll nominata agli Emmy Award®, porta su Disney+ una nuova serie di Star Wars, The Acolyte. The Acolyte è un mystery-thriller che porterà gli spettatori in una galassia di segreti nascosti e di nuovi poteri oscuri negli ultimi giorni dell’era dell’Alta Repubblica.
A Droid Story: è un esperimento per la Lucasfilm Animation che  collabora con il team di effetti visivi di Lucasfilm, Industrial Light & Magic, per lo sviluppo. Questo viaggio epico ci farà conoscere un nuovo eroe, guidato dal leggendario duo R2-D2 e C-3PO. 
Willow, ambientato decenni dopo il film di Ron Howard del 1988, porta avanti lo spirito di avventura, l’eroismo e l’umorismo del film originale in questa nuova serie che debutterà su Disney+ nel 2022. Warwick Davis tornerà nel ruolo del grande stregone, Willow Ufgood, con Jon Chu (regista dell’innovativo “Crazy Rich Asians”) che sarà dietro alla macchina da presa per l’episodio pilota. 
Indiana Jones 5: Lucasfilm è attualmente in fase di pre-produzione con il prossimo capitolo di Indiana Jones. Al timone c’è James Mangold, regista del premio Oscar® Le Mans ’66 – La grande sfida non è solo riproporre Indy in persona con Harrison Ford, ma portare un personaggio tanto amato e conosciuto in un futuro diverso ed esigente. Indy arriverà nel luglio 2022. 
Children of Blood & Bone: introduce un nuovo eroe ed esplorerà un mondo originale tratto dal romanzo bestseller di Tomi Adeyemi, Children of Blood & Bone. La storia sarà incentrata sulla corsa frenetica di una giovane ragazza africana che cercherà di restituire la magia al suo popolo abbandonato, il Maji. Lucasfilm collaborerà con 20th Century Studios in questa nuova avventura.
Star Wars di Taika Waititi: È in fase di sviluppo un nuovissimo lungometraggio di Star Wars con l’acclamato regista e vincitore dell’Academy Award® Taika Waititi. “L’approccio di Taika a Star Wars sarà fresco, inaspettato e… unico”, ha detto Kathleen Kennedy. “Il suo enorme talento e il suo senso dell’umorismo garantiranno al pubblico un’esperienza indimenticabile”.
Rogue Squadron: Il prossimo film di Star Wars che uscirà sul grande schermo sarà Rogue Squadron, diretto da Patty Jenkins. La storia introdurrà una nuova generazione di piloti di Starfighter, che si guadagnano le loro ali e rischiano la vita in una corsa ad alta velocità, e porterà la saga nell’era futura della galassia. Rogue Squadron arriva nei cinema a Natale 2023. 
(fonte BadTaste)
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mobius-prime · 4 years
175. Sonic the Hedgehog #107
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Crouching Hedgehog, Hidden Dragon (臣人豪猪臧龍) (Part Two)
Writer: Karl Bollers Pencils: Ron Lim Colors: Frank Gagliardo
Yes, those are the same Chinese characters as last time. I was kind of hoping they would have used different ones so we could have a second nonsense phrase to laugh over, but alas. The morning after the dragon's attack, Sonic and Tails are playing video games when they're called to a morning meeting with Station Square's president. Once in the meeting, the president begins to explain his strategy for taking on the dragon, but Sonic is less than interested.
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Sonic suddenly realizes he recognizes the team as the one that captured him at the beginning of Sonic Adventure 2, and promptly bursts into hysterical laughter, remembering how easily he disarmed them last time. Sally is quick to salvage the situation by claiming that it's Mobian tradition to laugh at their allies as a show of respect, and a confused president and annoyed Paladin Team look on as every Mobian at the table howls with laughter to keep up the ruse. Sonic, however, is not pleased with the tough-guy, humorless attitude that every member of the team exudes, and Sally, Rotor, and Antoine stay behind in the city as Sonic, Tails, and Bunnie airdrop in with the team to Pyro Island, where the dragon is believed to be hiding out. The Mobians are cheery, singing and chatting with one another, but the leader of Paladin Team admonishes them for not taking things seriously. While everyone is distracted, two of the Paladin Team members lag behind everyone else, not realizing that there's a shadowy, snakelike figure stalking them from behind. As the Mobians and humans begin to argue, they suddenly notice the disappearance of two of their team members.
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While the humans angrily head out to find their missing team members, Sonic, Tails and Bunnie press on into the trees, trying to figure out where a dragon might hide. Tails spots a cave behind a waterfall, and they duck inside, to be immediately greeted by… Dulcy! It's been a while since we've seen her! Her arm is in a sling, but otherwise she seems fine and happy to see them. Suddenly, the red dragon emerges from behind her, but Dulcy quickly explains that this is Zan, and she's in a relationship with him. However, he begins to act aggressive, insisting that the others are their enemies and shouldn't be here, to her dismay.
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Well, that changes things a bit. Everyone tries to convince Zan to settle down so they can talk things out peacefully, but Zan becomes even angrier when Dulcy agrees. He's interrupted from scolding her for relying on them when a net entangles his mouth, shutting him up, and the humans all rush in with guns drawn, ready to kill both dragons. Sonic utilizes his super speed to take apart all their guns before they can fire, but then Zan breaks free of his muzzle, gloating that now that they're unarmed he can kill them easily. Sonic steps in the middle to prevent that from happening either, and then Dulcy, from the back, quietly speaks up.
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So this isn't the only "surprise domestic abuse" plot in a Sonic canon. Anyone who's played Sonic and the Secret Rings knows that an abusive romantic relationship plays a big part in that game's plot as well. But it still does come as a big shock here. Sonic freaks out, infuriated that Zan would hurt his friend, and begins wailing on him, while Tails and Bunnie rush outside to check on Dulcy. She repeats certain stock phrases that are common of abuse victims, such as "he loves me" and "maybe it's my fault," while Bunnie reassures her that she's not at fault at all and deserves better than to be treated this way. It's honestly a decent portrayal of the guilt that abuse victims become stuck with, just very condensed, because this comic doesn't have time to throw in a whole long subplot about Dulcy's emotional recovery. Instead, it takes a fast-track approach, as while Sonic and Zan fight, Paladin Team sets up explosives and blows up the entire cave, with Sonic and Zan still in it! That'll solve it!
Everyone outside is horrified and rushes forward to try to dig them both out, but Sonic emerges safely, tunneling his way out from under the rock. However, Zan isn't so lucky. The team contacts the president, informing him that the dragon that menaced them is dead and the city is safe again, and he agrees formally to take in the Overlander refugees, while Sonic, Tails, and Bunnie stay with Dulcy at the ruins of the cave till nightfall, letting her mourn despite the abuse.
Fittingly, our character file for this issue is for Dulcy! She's an outlier in almost every way compared to the other characters so far. Since she's a dragon, you'd expect her to be bigger than the others, but I wasn't expecting her to be so massive. She's a whopping 240 cm or 7'10" tall, and weighs 111.8 kg or 245.9 lbs! That's easily taller than Big the Cat and E-102 Gamma, the tallest characters in the games (not counting bosses such as Iblis or Dark Gaia), though not nearly as heavy as either of them. Her wingspan also comes out to 169 cm or exactly five feet, which correspond well enough to how they're usually drawn as proportionately small. However, that's not the most interesting thing about her file. Based on her behavior and this recent relationship of hers, how old would you say Dulcy is? Seventeen? Eighteen?
She's thirteen.
I was honestly shocked when I found this out. This means that most of the previous times we've seen her, she was literally only twelve, not even a teenager yet. This actually puts a lot of her behavior into perspective - her somewhat crybaby attitude and nervousness in the face of danger, all that is due to literal immaturity. This means she was only about two years old when the war against Robotnik started, with her birthday being August 23. The file explains that when Robotnik began his coup, he heavily targeted dragons before any other creatures due to their sheer power. One such dragon, Sabina, sought protection for her daughter Dulcinea (Dulcy's real name) among the Kingdom of Acorn before she too was captured. Dulcy grew up over the years and helped the Freedom Fighters, though she mainly lived outside on her own due to her massive size. Interestingly enough, the file also attempts to provide a bit of a retcon for the whole "dragons can sense truth" plot hole that I pointed out all the way back during Endgame, instead suggesting that Dulcy in particular is just a very trustworthy individual who doesn't like telling lies and has an instinct for knowing when someone is being truthful, which I can accept. It's a lot better than the handwave from before, anyway.
Reunification (Part II)
Writer: Ken Penders Pencils: Dawn Best Colors: Robbie O'Quinn
Lien-Da is pissed. Apparently, she actually didn't expect Knuckles to be able to reverse the effects of the Quantum Beam, despite Dimitri not only promising Knuckles he'd do so himself, but even encouraging Knuckles to do so on his own. Dimitri is also shocked, though more at the sheer extent of Knuckles' power, which exceeds even his own when he was Enerjak.
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What, Lien-Da? You think you're gonna recruit Remington or something? Remington's an upstanding guy, man, I think your chances are… uh… well, I suppose we mustn't forget about the time traveler girl who apparently thinks he's gonna murder Knuckles. Remington asks her for her name and she gives the name "Jani-Ca," though internally she notes that she's trying to hide her own identity, meaning this isn't her real name. Wynmacher and Lara-Le rush up, concernedly asking after Knuckles, and while Remington states he hasn't seen him, Jani-Ca hides her surprise at seeing a younger version of her grandmother. Wait - grandmother?! Then that means she's…
The Chaotix are back as well, having landed right back in the ruins of the Grand Conservatory, with their dialogue again suggesting that they haven't been away for long due to the slower time scale within the Twilight Zone. In Haven, the various members of the Brotherhood are dismayed to find the place trashed from Knuckles' earlier bursts of uncontrolled power, though they instead suspect the Legion's hand. They notice that Matthias and Hawking are no longer there, realizing that they've both died and headed on to the "next evolution," AKA echidna heaven. They sense one more soul with them, whom we know is Tobor, but they can't figure it out. Locke briefly worries that it might be Knuckles before hearing Knuckles' ghostly voice reassuring him that he's fine and currently in the city. Far from reassuring Locke, this only makes him worry that instead of his great plans for Knuckles to be a savior, instead his worst fears have come to pass. What, Locke, you starting to think that maybe genetically engineering and irradiating your unborn baby wasn't a good idea after all?
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*sigh* So, yes, everyone, this is Knuckles' future daughter Lara-Su. Anyone who knows Penders and his whole lawsuit debacle will know exactly who this is. Now, she's kind of an unpopular character because of this (and because many people essentially dismiss her as Penders' Mary Sue OC), and there are definitely valid criticisms to be made about her inclusion into the comics, but I'm not going to immediately jump into hating her just because of the circumstances of her creation. After all, we still know basically nothing about her, not even how she came to be, and anyway you all know that I prefer to judge a character or story on its own merits and not on how likeable its creator is.
Everyone's conversations are interrupted by a flash of light, and Dimitri materializes in the middle of the group. Remington, of course, steps forward intending to arrest him, but Knuckles stops him much to his shock. Dimitri grins in a super-duper-not-an-evil-villain way and says that Knuckles has finally seen that he and his Legion only wish to rejoin the rest of echidna society, and that they're prepared to do whatever it takes to reintegrate…
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pricetracker-blog · 5 years
Apa de parfum Fame, 50 ml, Pentru Femei
Acesta este un parfum oriental dulce, dominat de fructe, flori si ierburi. Gaga a incercat sa creeze un parfum care sa-i reprezinta imaginea controversata. Si i-a iesit, Fame fiind intunecat ca noaptea, atractiv si senzual, la fel ca ea. Combinatia inedita de diferite ingrediente rezulta intr-un miros sofisticat, potrivit pentru seara sau zilele tomnatice. Echipa de creatie din spatele parfumului Fame nu a folosit clasica structura piramidala pentru compozitia aromei. Au ales in schimb tehnologia „push - pull“, care implica amestecarea tuturor ingredientelor in aceeasi etapa. Primele note care se pot simti sunt cele de sofran, a carui aroma exotica se amesteca cu orhidee si tamaie. Mai apoi, se pot simti notele dulci de miere in combinatie cu iasomie, caise si balladonou. Note: iasomie, caise, miere, orhidee, tamaie, sofran.
Pret recomandat: 74.99 RON
de la elefant.ro
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You Only Live Once
By Haris Orkin
Publisher: Imajin Books Publication Date: March 21, 2018 Genre: Humorous Thriller
James Flynn is an expert shot, a black belt in karate, and irresistible to women. He’s also a heavily medicated patient in a Los Angeles psychiatric hospital. Flynn believes his locked ward is the headquarters of Her Majesty’s Secret Service and that he is a secret agent with a license to kill.  When the hospital is acquired by a new HMO, Flynn is convinced that the Secret Service has been infiltrated by the enemy. He escapes to save the day, and in the process, Flynn kidnaps a young Hispanic orderly named Sancho.  This crazy day trip turns into a very real adventure when Flynn is mistaken for an actual secret agent. Paranoid delusions have suddenly become reality, and now it’s up to a mental patient and a terrified orderly to bring down an insecure, evil genius bent on world domination.
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The Rose Parade route begins on Orange Grove Avenue in Pasadena and continues past a mansion once owned by the founder of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Besides being a rocket scientist, John Whiteside (Jack) Parsons was also a devotee of the infamous English occultist Aleister Crowley. Science-fiction writer and future founder of Scientology L. Ron Hubbard was a frequent house guest and would often participate in the occult rituals and “sex magick” ceremonies Parsons would hold in his living room. The goal was to conjure the anti-messiah who would overthrow Judeo-Christian civilization and lead Earth to a new Aeon.
Mrs. Doris Frawley, the oldest patient at the City of Roses Psychiatric Institute, told Sancho she came to California from Arkansas in 1948. She was fourth runner up in the Miss Arkansas pageant and her ambition was to become a movie star. Instead, she dated both Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard and in 1952 gave birth to the Anti-Christ. Every day she told Sancho how sorry she was for bringing so much evil into the world. Every. Single. Day. And Sancho was starting to believe her. He had worked at the hospital for two years now and it wasn’t getting any easier. The nightshift always kicked his ass and he never seemed to be able to get enough sleep.
Sancho dragged his tired twenty-two-year-old butt across the parking lot and fantasized about climbing into his saggy sofa bed. He bought the beige micro-suede futon at a garage sale. The sheets hadn’t been changed in weeks. There were unknown, unnamed crumbs everywhere, but he didn’t care. He just wanted to be horizontal.
Sancho spotted his rusty, dented red ‘92 Mustang next to a gleaming BMW 760i. The Beemer’s gotta belong to a doctor, thought Sancho. Fuckers make a fucking fortune. I gotta make some changes. Gotta buckle down. Otherwise I’m gonna be wiping the asses of nutcases for the next forty fucking years.
Sancho climbed into his beater and sighed. Fast food bags, empty soda cans, and old newspapers covered the seats and the floor. He turned the key and after a few tries, the old engine finally kicked over. The muffler roared. It obviously had a hole in it, and he knew he had to fix it, but somehow, he just never got around to it. He turned on the radio and blasted heavy metal to drown the muffler out. Then he hit the gas and got his ass out of there.
The bored guard at the front gate raised the wooden arm and waved at Sancho as he pulled through. Sancho waved back. The guard, Bill Keeler, a forty-five-year-old pear-shaped guy with a bad complexion and receding hairline was always telling Sancho about his sexual conquests. Sancho didn’t know whether to believe him or not. Was it bullshit? Or was Bill just banging the old, the fat, and fugly? Not that Bill was any prize. Maybe he just had a great rap. It pissed Sancho off to think that Bill might be getting more chocho than him.
Sancho yawned as he pulled out onto the highway. He looked at the Styrofoam cup in his holder and made a decision to try some of that old, cold coffee. Anything to stay awake. He took a sip and made a face and wondered if Coffee-mate ever went bad. Can it give you food poisoning? What the hell was Coffee-mate anyway? As quickly as the question entered his mind, it flitted away. He turned up the heavy metal and took another sip. Something gritty rolled on his tongue and he wondered if it was a bug. Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He involuntarily squeezed the coffee cup, popping the plastic top off, spilling java all over his hospital pants.
“What is that bloody music?”
Sancho jerked around. James Flynn sat in the back seat, his tuxedo all dusty and wrinkled.
“What the hell?”
James leaned over the front seat and turned off the radio. Sancho couldn’t believe Flynn would have the guts to touch his radio.
“How the hell did you get in here?”
“The door was unlocked. I didn’t think you’d mind.” James peeled a Big Mac wrapper off the front of his tux. “But Sancho, seriously, this car is a pigsty.”
“Dude, they’re looking everywhere for you.
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“Of course they are. They want me dead.”
“You know who.”
“Dude, I don’t.”
“You do.”
“If I knew, why would I be asking you?”
“Only you know the answer to that one, my friend,” Flynn said.
“But I don’t!”
“Tell me this then, Sancho. Do you know what a mole is?”
The topic of the conversation had changed so abruptly, Sancho had trouble finding his bearings. “Isn’t it that like a big freckle with a hair growing out of it?”
“I’m talking about a spy. An enemy agent who has infiltrated our organization at the highest level.” Sancho sighed and pulled out a cell phone. “Who are you calling?”
“I gotta let ‘em know where you—” James put Sancho in a choke hold, seizing him from behind. Sancho looked panicked and terrified, swerving as he struggled to stay in control of the car. His face turned purple and his eyes bugged from his head. Flynn ripped the cell phone from Sancho’s grasp and threw it out the open window. Sancho’s voice was tight, strangled. “Hey, hey, hey, let go…Let. Go!”
Still choking him, Flynn demanded, “Are you working for the other side?”
“No way, man,” he said hoarsely. “I’m your friend! I’m not one of them!”
James locked eyes with him in the Mustang’s rear-view mirror. “If you’re lying to me I’ll find out and when I do—”
Sancho’s lips turned midnight blue. “Honest to God, dude, I’m on your side!”
Flynn let Sancho go. He coughed and hacked and desperately sucked down oxygen as he pulled over to the side of the road.
“Sorry, Sancho. Sometimes it’s hard to know who to trust.” Sancho nodded and rubbed his throat. “We have to find Q and Dulcie before they break them. They’re likely interrogating them, doing God knows what to them.”
“Who? Why?”
“For the mind control technology, obviously.”
“Riiiiiight.” Sancho nodded, going along with him as if Flynn actually made sense.
Flynn pulled out a scrap of paper. “I found an address for Dulcie in Grossfarber’s database. Unfortunately, I found nothing for Q.” James climbed over into the front, shoving Sancho into the passenger seat.
“Hey, hey what are you doing?”
“Do you carry a gun?”
“No, man, I don’t have a gun.”
“Neither do I, but luckily, I have this.” James reached into a pocket and pulled out a black and silver laser pointer.
“A pen?”
“Looks can be deceiving, my friend. It’s actually a high-intensity laser that can cut through virtually anything. Q loaned it to me just last week.” Sancho reached for the pointer, but Flynn kept it out of his grasp. “Careful, Sancho, this miracle of technology can slice through an engine block like a chainsaw through Jell-O.” Sancho looked a little dumbfounded as James tucked the laser pointer away. He shifted into drive and hit the gas, burning what was left of the rubber on Sancho’s bald tires.
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Author Bio:
Haris Orkin is a novelist, playwright, screenwriter, and game writer. His play, Dada was produced at The American Stage and the La Jolla Playhouse. Sex, Impotence, and International Terrorism was chosen as a critic’s choice by the L.A. Weekly and sold as a film script to MGM/UA. His original screenplay, A Saintly Switch, was directed by Peter Bogdanovich and starred David Alan Grier and Vivica Fox. He is a WGA Award and BAFTA Award nominated game writer and narrative designer known for Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3, Call of Juarez: Gunslinger, Tom Clancy’s The Division, Mafia 3, and Dying Light, which to date has sold over 7.5 million copies.
 Website / Facebook / Twitter / Goodreads
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From one bookaholic to another, I hope I’ve helped you find your next fix. —Dani
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gianhovn · 7 years
[Bé yêu] 101 tên tiếng anh đặt cho con trai gái hay và ý nghĩa nhất 2017
101 tên tiếng anh cho con trai gái sinh năm Đinh Dậu 2017 sẽ là tổng hợp về những cái tên điển hình thông dụng nhất mang rất nhiều ý nghĩa đặc trưng riêng mà chuyên mục sẽ gửi gắm qua bài viết lần này với hi vọng sẽ giúp các ông bố bà mẹ tương lai sớm biết được đâu là một sự chọn lựa đúng đắn nhất cho tên gọi của đứa con thân yêu. Dù là bé trai hay bé gái thì tên tiếng Anh cũng rất cần thiết bởi nó thể hiện nhiều nét cá tính, phong trào khá hot hiện nay. Nếu như những năm về trước, tên cún cơm ở nhà đặt cho con được các mẹ ưa chuộng thì trong năm 2017 này, danh sách các tên gọi bằng ngôn ngữ nước ngoài vừa thật sự ấn tượng lại khá là mới mẻ. Tùy theo cá tính, sở thích, thói quen hay một niềm mong mỏi nào đó mà bạn muốn gửi lại qua cái tên của con trẻ để hi vọng cuộc sống của các bé sau này sẽ tốt đẹp hơn mà có nhiều gợi ý hay ho khác nhau. Tham khảo bài viết này để hiểu thêm nhé.
Hãy cùng phunu9.com khám phá ngay 101 tên tiếng anh đặt cho con trai gái sinh năm 2017 bên dưới đây nhé!
Cách đặt tên tiếng anh hay và ý nghĩa nhất cho con gái sinh năm 2017
Barbara: Người lương thiện
Catherine: Xuất thân tôn quí, cử chỉ thanh nhã, đoan trang
Christiana: Mẫu mực, có đầu óc
Daisy: Thuần phác, nhu mì, lạc quan
Diana: Tôn quý, thân thiết, hiền hậu
Elizabeth: Đẹp xinh, cao sang kiêu sa
Gloria: Hoạt bát, năng động
Helen: Cao quý, thông minh, đoan trang
Jane: Cô gái cổ điển.
Danh sách tên tiếng anh hay cho nữ cha mẹ nên đặt cho bé gái sinh năm 2017:
Aliyah – “Trỗi dậy”
Acacia – “Bất tử”, “Phục sinh”
Alula – “Người có cánh”
Angel / Angela – “Thiên thần”, “người truyền tin”
Artemis – Tên nữ thần mặt trăng trong thần thoại Hy Lạp
Celeste / Celia / Celina – “Thiên đường”
Erica – “Mãi mãi, luôn luôn”
Eudora – “Món quà tốt lành”
Godiva – “Món quà của Chúa”
Isadora – “Món quà của Isis”
Lani – “Thiên đường, bầu trời”
Myrna – “Sự trìu mến”
Thekla – “Vinh quang cùa thần linh”
Theodora – “Món quà của Chúa”
Ula – “Viên ngọc của biển cả”.
Tên tiếng anh ý nghĩa nhất về tình yêu:
Và những ý nghĩa khác về cuộc sống như niềm tin, hy vọng và tình bạn cao quý được đặt cho con gái như là:
Alethea – “Sự thật”
Amity – “Tình bạn”
Edna – “Niềm vui”
Ermintrude – “Được yêu thương trọn vẹn”
Esperanza – “Hi vọng”
Farah – “Niềm vui, sự hào hứng”
Fidelia – “Niềm tin”
Giselle – “Lời thề”
Grainne – “Tình yêu”
Kerenza – “Tình yêu, sự trìu mến”
Letitia – “Niềm vui”
Oralie – “Ánh sáng đời tôi”
Philomena – “Được yêu quý nhiều”
Vera – “Niềm tin”
Verity – “Sự thật”
Viva / Vivian – “Sự sống, sống động”
Winifred – “Niềm vui và hòa bình”
Zelda – “Hạnh phúc”
Aretha – “Xuất chúng”
Audrey – Sức mạnh cao quý”
Aubrey – “Kẻ trị vì tộc elf”, “siêu hùng cường”
Bernice – “Người mang lại chiến thắng”
Bertha – “Nổi tiếng, sáng dạ”
Bridget – “Sức mạnh, quyền lực”
Daria – “Người bảo vệ”, “giàu sang”
Elfreda – “Sức mạnh người elf”
Eunice – “Chiến thắng vang dội”
Euphemia – “Được trọng vọng, danh tiếng vang dội”
Fallon – “Người lãnh đạo”
Gerda – “Người giám hộ, hộ vệ”
Griselda – “Chiến binh xám”
Imelda – “Chinh phục tất cả”
Iphigenia – “Mạnh mẽ”
Jocelyn – “Nhà vô địch”
Joyce – ���Chúa tể”
Kelsey – “Con thuyền (mang đến) thắng lợi”
Louisa – “Chiến binh nổi tiếng”
Lysandra – “Kẻ giải phóng loài người”
Meredith – “Trưởng làng vĩ đại”
Mildred – “Sức mạnh nhân từ”
Neala – “Nhà vô địch”
Sigrid – “Công bằng và thắng lợi”
Sigourney – “Kẻ chinh phục”
Veronica – “Kẻ mang lại chiến thắng”
Xandra – “Bảo vệ, che chắn, che chở”.
Đặt tên con gái mang ý nghĩa may mắn:
Tên mang nghĩa này với mong muốn con có cuộc sống sau này nhièu may mắn, sống cuộc sống giàu sang, có phần cao quý:
Adela / Adele – “Cao quý”
Adelaide / Adelia – “Người phụ nữ có xuất thân cao quý”
Almira – “Công chúa”
Alva – “Cao quý, cao thượng”
Ariadne / Arianne – “Rất cao quý, thánh thiện”
Cleopatra – “Vinh quang của cha”, cũng là tên của một nữ hoàng Ai Cập
Donna – “Tiểu thư”
Elfleda – “Mỹ nhân cao quý”
Elysia – “Được ban / chúc phước”
Florence – “Nở rộ, thịnh vượng”
Genevieve – “Tiểu thư, phu nhân của mọi người”
Gladys – “Công chúa”
Gwyneth – “May mắn, hạnh phúc”
Felicity – “Vận may tốt lành”
Helga – “Được ban phước”
Hypatia – “Cao (quý) nhất”
Ladonna – “Tiểu thư”
Martha – “Quý cô, tiểu thư”
Meliora – “Tốt hơn, đẹp hơn, hay hơn, vv”
Milcah – “Nữ hoàng”
Mirabel – “Tuyệt vời”
Odette / Odile – “Sự giàu có”
Olwen – “Dấu chân được ban phước” (nghĩa là đến đâu mang lại may mắn và sung túc đến đó)
Orla – “Công chúa tóc vàng”
Pandora – “Được ban phước (trời phú) toàn diện”
Phoebe – “Tỏa sáng”
Rowena – “Danh tiếng”, “Niềm vui”
Xavia – “Tỏa sáng”.
Tên mang ý nghĩa thánh thiện và chân thành:
Tên mang nghĩa này với mong muốn bé lớn lên sẽ là một con người chân thành, đối xử tốt bụng với người chung quanh và có một tâm hồn thánh thiện:
Agatha – “Tốt”
Agnes – “Trong sáng”
Alma – “Tử tế, tốt bụng”
Bianca / Blanche – “Trắng, thánh thiện”
Cosima – “Có quy phép, hài hòa, xinh đẹp”
Dilys – “Chân thành, chân thật”
Ernesta – “Chân thành, nghiêm túc”
Eulalia – “(người) Nói chuyện ngọt ngào”
Glenda – “Trong sạch, thánh thiện, tốt lành”
Guinevere – “Trắng trẻo và mềm mại”
Halcyon – “Bình tĩnh, bình tâm”
Jezebel – “Trong trắng”
Keelin – “Trong trắng và mảnh dẻ”
Laelia – “Vui vẻ”
Latifah – “Dịu dàng”, “Vui vẻ”
Sophronia – “Cẩn trọng”, “Nhạy cảm”
Tryphena – “Duyên dáng, thanh nhã, thanh tao, thanh tú”
Xenia – “Hiếu khách”.
Tên đẹp ấn tượng cho con gái năm 2017:
Bé gái sẽ có một vẻ ngoài xinh đẹp, quyến rũ với những cái tên chứa đựng hàm ý như nhữngt ên tiếng anh hay bên dưới:
Amabel / Amanda – “Đáng yêu”
Amelinda – “Xinh đẹp và đáng yêu”
Annabella – “Xinh đẹp”
Aurelia – “Tóc vàng óng”
Brenna – “Mỹ nhân tóc đen”
Calliope – “Khuôn mặt xinh đẹp”
Ceridwen – “Đẹp như thơ tả”
Charmaine / Sharmaine – “Quyến rũ”
Christabel – “Người Công giáo xinh đẹp”
Delwyn – “Xinh đẹp, được phù hộ”
Doris – “Xinh đẹp”
Drusilla – “Mắt long lanh như sương”
Dulcie – “Ngọt ngào”
Eirian / Arian – “Rực rỡ, xinh đẹp, (óng ánh) như bạc”
Fidelma – “Mỹ nhân”
Fiona – “Trắng trẻo”
Hebe – “Trẻ trung”
Isolde – “Xinh đẹp”
Kaylin – “Người xinh đẹp và mảnh dẻ”
Keisha – “Mắt đen”
Keva – “Mỹ nhân”, “Duyên dáng”
Kiera – “Cô bé đóc đen”
Mabel – “Đáng yêu”
Miranda – “Dễ thương, đáng yêu”
Rowan- “Cô bé tóc đỏ”.
Đặt tên cho con gái theo loài hoa:
Hoặc các hiện tượng tự nhiên như theo ngũ hành kim, thuỷ, hoả, thổ, mộc. Tên các vì sao, chim chóc, mặt trời, mặt trăng và cây cối trong tự nhiên:
Alida – “Chú chim nhỏ”
Anthea – “Như hoa”
Aurora – “Bình minh”
Azura – “Bầu trời xanh”
Calantha – “Hoa nở rộ”
Ciara – “Đêm tối”
Edana – “Lửa, ngọn lửa”
Eira – “Tuyết”
Eirlys – “Hạt tuyết”
Elain – “Chú hưu con”
Heulwen – “Ánh mặt trời”
Iolanthe – “Đóa hoa tím”
Jena – “Chú chim nhỏ”
Jocasta – “Mặt trăng sáng ngời”
Lucasta – “Ánh sáng thuần khiết”
Maris – “Ngôi sao của biển cả”
Muriel – “Biển cả sáng ngời”
Oriana – “Bình minh”
Phedra – “Ánh sáng”
Selina – “Mặt trăng”
Stella – “Vì sao”.
Cách đặt tên tiếng anh cho con trai 2017 hay đẹp nhiều ý nghĩa
Tên tiếng Anh đẹp cho con trai
Anthony: Có cá tính mạnh mẽ
Arthur: Thích đọc sách
Charles: Trung thực, nhã nhặn, có chút cứng nhắc
Dane: Tóc vàng, phẩm vị tốt
David: Trí tuệ, can đảm, khôi ngô
Dennis: Thích quậy phá, hay giúp người
George: Thông minh, nhẫn nại
Henry: Thân thiết, có mưu đồ mạnh mẽ
Jack: Đáng yêu, thông minh, hiếu động
James: Khôi ngô, học rộng, đáng tin
John: Bảo thủ, trí tuệ, hiền hậu
Mark: Hóm hỉnh, thích vận động, gần gũi
Martin: Hiếu chiến, nghiêm khắc với bản thân, tinh tế
Peter: Thành thực, thẳng thắn, không giả tạo
William: Thông minh, bảo thủ.
Đặt tên tiếng anh theo ngày tháng năm sinh
Họ là chữ số cuối năm sinh của bé:
1: Hudson 2: Daring 3: Lombard 4: Marion 5: Lagger 6: Baxter 7: Evans 8: Steward 9: Simpson 10: Spears.
Tên đệm là tháng sinh của bé:
1: Martin 2: Justin 3: Dave 4: Cody 5: Bob 6: Zack 7: Harry 8: Larry 9: Rod 10: Ray 11: Ben 12: Joe.
Tên là ngày sinh của bé:
1: Kyle 2: Jason 3: Michael 4: Olardo 5: Patrick 6: Jeff 7: Cliff 8: Jack 9: Edward 10: Todd 11: Mortimer 12: Fred 13: Hector 14: Silver 15: Troy 16: Lorenzo 17: Johnny 18: Rogger 19: Jake 20: Billy 21: Robbie 22: Zac 23: Daniel 24: David 25: Donald 26: Ron 27: Wade 28: Ryan 29: Nick 30: Victor 31: Chris.
Với 101 tên tiếng anh đặt cho con trai gái sinh năm 2017 vừa được giới thiệu, bạn đã chọn lọc ra được cái tên nào thật ưng ý thật phù hợp với bé cưng nhà mình chưa? Gợi ý cho các bạn những tên tiếng anh cho con gái hay nhất có thể được đặt như một tên gọi thứ hai để sau này lớn lên bé đi du học hay đi chơi cùng bạn bè cũng có thể sử dụng như một tên quốc tế ngoài tên tiếng Việt khai sinh chính thức của mình, thật sự rất cần thiết và ý nghĩa hơn cả đó. Chúc thành công và sớm chọn được 1 tên tiếng Anh hay nhất cho con yêu. Đừng quên đồng hành và ủng hộ phunu9.com nhé!
101 tên tiếng anh đặt cho con trai gái hay và ý nghĩa nhất 2017 Nguồn:
Xem khuyến mãi Global Resources
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oferteproprietari · 7 years
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Crema profesionala de zi Sireia cu SPF 15 natural si ulei de migdale, 40 ml Bio Mer, la 179 RON Numai  179.0 RON ! O crema naturala de exceptie, care este usor absorbita in piele.Are in compozitie ingrediente active naturale, contine SPF 15 natural, ulei de migdale dulci, ulei de masline, vitamina E si biomolecule de alge din Marea Menor (bogate in proprietati unice in lume).
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thenewsrabbit-blog · 7 years
LegalShield Honors Its Top Independent Associates with Lady of Justice Awards at Annual LevelUp Convention
Check out the latest post https://thenewsrabbit.com/legalshield-honors-its-top-independent-associates-with-lady-of-justice-awards-at-annual-levelup-convention/
OKLAHOMA CITY–(BUSINESS WIRE)–LegalShield, one of North America’s leading providers of affordable legal plans and the IDShield identity theft solution for individuals, families and small businesses, is holding its annual LevelUp Convention this week at the Cox Convention Center in Oklahoma City. Every year, LegalShield’s experienced, new and aspiring Independent Sales Associates from all 50 states and Canada come together to engage with motivating speakers, get specialized professional development training and benefit from rare networking opportunities.
“We are proud to count so many enthusiastic associates among the LegalShield family. They play a crucial role in the success of the company, and we are thrilled to recognize them for their dedication and hard work,” said Jeff Bell, CEO of LegalShield. “Each year at the LevelUp convention, we take time to present our best Independent Associates with awards in several key categories.”
The top 10 Associates in each category will receive the crystal Top Producer and Top Recruiter awards. The No. 1 in each category receives the unique and coveted Lady of Justice award, so named to remind recipients of the reason LegalShield was formed: to make justice accessible to everyone by offering affordable legal counsel when they need it. This year’s recipients are listed below.
Top Recruiter, Personal: This category recognizes the Top 10 Associates who have secured the most new recruits during the calendar year.
Michael Colella, recipient of the Lady of Justice award
Michael Fedick
Alex Shahid
Joshua Lockhart
Geoff Cragg & Diane Kephart
Emma & Gregory Itkes
Kenny & Tabatha Spurlock
Elayne Whitfield
Millie L Baker
Jeffrey Jansen
Top Recruiter, Power Team: This category recognizes the Top 10 associates who, as Power Team organizations, have secured the most new recruits during the calendar year.
Brian Carruthers, recipient of the Lady of Justice award
Brad & Moira Roberts
Sean & Loren Mikael
Dave & Beverly Savula
Eddie & Varnessa Bails
Mike Humes
Ross & Cindy Chantrel
Timmer Halligan
Frank & Theresa Aucoin
Craig Hepner
Top Recruiter Growth, Personal: This category recognizes the Top 10 associates who have personally achieved the highest percentage of recruiting growth year over year.
Michael Colella
Jeffrey W Jansen, recipient of the Lady of Justice Award
Patrick Legrand
Charlie Fowler
Candida Dorsey
Kadie Karcher
Kimberlee D Thorne
Claudia Day
Aj And Lisa Diliberto
Veronica Barnett
Top Recruiter Growth, Power Team: This category recognizes the Top 10 Associates who, as Power Team organizations, have achieved the highest percentage of recruiting growth year over year.
Fran Alexander
Ron Chambers, recipient of the Lady of Justice Award
Emma & Gregory Itkes
Cleve & Dulcie Pickens
Frank & Theresa Aucoin
Terri Piazza
Bob & Denny Sappington
Dave Spangler
Bill Guyther
Lisa Bass
Top Producer: This award is presented to Associates who are in the field every day working to build their LegalShield business. The Top Producer category recognizes the Top 10 Associates in five distinct categories: Legal, IDShield, Group, Small Business, and Broker/General Agents.
Top Ten, Legal Plan:
Walter And Stephanie Crider, recipients of the Lady of Justice Award
Jenifer Williford
Tj Citta
Randy & Pam Wells
William & Miriam Anderson
Natalie Gutierrez
Scott & Ronda Ferguson
Keith & Emilia Wann
Jerome & Erika Clarke
Lewis & Joan Boyle
Top Ten, IDShield Plan:
Tj Citta, recipient of the Lady of Justice Award
Anthony Clinkscales
William & Miriam Anderson
Naomi & David Golnitz
Jerome & Erika Clarke
Reinhard & Marianne Stamminger
Marcia Salem
Alan & Sheila Plummer
Bert Calhoun & Fatima Salaam
David T Sheehan
Top Ten, Group Plan:
Jason & Kacy Lavender, recipients of the Lady of Justice Award
Alan Roman
Paul & Robin Dagostino
John & Lisa Schiller
Brian & Abby Parker
Brielle N Hoffman
Marty Gilano
Christa Aufdemberg
Jimmy & Sherry Parrish
Steve Baker
Top Producer, Small Business Plan:
Milliardaire J Griffin, recipient of the Lady of Justice Award
Sandy English
Cecilia Delarosa
Jerome & Erika Clarke
Eddie & Janelle Cobbinah
Susie Smith
Vicky Methven
Bob & Susan Joseph
Kadie Karcher
Diane English
Top Producer, Broker/General Agents:
Benefit Controls Of S.C. Inc (Thomas Gantt)
Bb&T Insurance Services (Randal Dickens)
Phillip M Ernest
Katie Akers
First Financial Cap Corp (Pervis Cooper, Tom Brick)
Lynn Ball
Barry J Olfern, recipient of the Lady of Justice Award
Brian Minyard
Christopher Kelly
Michelle Leckliter
Rank Advance, Personal: This category recognizes the Top 10 Associates who have personally had the most level advances.
Michael Fedick, recipient of the Lady of Justice Award
Mark & Carla Elkhill
Michael Colell
Alex G Shahid
Elayne Whitfield
Lynn Geistweidt
Benjamin M Notini
Emma & Gregory Itkes
Kenny & Tabatha Spurlock
Jim Tanner
Rank Advance, Power Team Volume: This category recognizes the Top 10 Associates who, as Power Team organizations, have had the most level advances in volume.
Brian Carruthers
Mike Humes, recipient of the Lady of Justice Award
Dave & Beverly Savula
Sean Mikael
Mikal & Christa Mekki
Eddie & Varnessa Bails
Frank & Theresa Aucoin
Brad & Moira Roberts
Ross & Cindy Chantrel
Fran Alexander
Rank Advance, Power Team Percentage: This category recognizes the Top 10 Associates who, as Power Team organizations, have had the most level advances in percentage.
Karen Beverly, recipient of the Lady of Justice Award
Craig Hepner
Jim Tanner
Jaya & James Crawford
Fard & Hannah Bell
Diane Clines
Jerry & Sallie Hasson
Paul Braoudakis
Inger Lemke
Ken Smith & Patti Davison Smith
Production Growth, Personal: This category recognizes the Top 10 Associates who have personally raised the bar with their efforts on increasing their percentage of member sales.
Melvin & Sharon Larry, recipients of the Lady of Justice Award
Linda Pitt
Brian & Abby Parker
Rhonda Gibson
Pete Katsaros
Paul & Robin Dagostino
Ernest H Shipman
John Millen
Kimberly B Berger Grooms
Tj Citta
Production Growth, Power Team: This category recognizes the Top 10 Associates who, as Power Team organizations, have raised the bar with their efforts on increasing their percentage of member sales.
Herman & Temeka Davis III, recipients of the Lady of Justice Award
Mike & Mary Bakken
Sherry & Thomas Branda
Timber C Mosley
Morgan & Marla Sharp
Alex Shahid
Emma & Gregory Itkes
Mark & Elizabeth Seguin
Linda Masoli
Jayme & Kirsten Doucette
Retention, Personal: This category recognizes the Top 10 Associates who have personally achieved the highest active membership rate.
Linda Pitt, recipient of the Lady of Justice Award
Lynn Duncan
Emily & Bennie Neal
John & Tiffany Sullivan
Paulette H Ladach
Paul & Robin Dagostino
Brielle N Hoffman
Mike Riches
Pete Katsaros
Pam Comstock
Retention Power Team: This category recognizes the Top 10 Associates who, as Power Team organizations, have achieved the highest active membership rate.
Ali C Sanders, recipient of the Lady of Justice Award
Mike Riches
Ross & Cindy Chantrel
Christa Aufdemberg
Jack Mattson
Nathan J Bourne
Inger Molver Lemke
Mark & Jennifer Riches
Gene L Leider
Linda Bowden & Alex Gardner
Fast Start Qualification, Personal: This category recognizes the Top 10 Associates who have personally achieved the highest percentage of recruits that Fast Start Qualify.
John & Tiffany Sullivan, recipients of the Lady of Justice Award
Cristin Nicole
Terri Piazza
Patricia Lapena
Christine & Pat Manning
Brandon Williams
Mark N Chernobelsky
Paula A Londono
Bayan Reed
Alex Shahid
Fast Start Qualification, Power Team: This category recognizes the Top 10 Associates who have, as Power Team organizations, achieved the highest percentage of recruits that Fast Start Qualify.
Joel & Kathy Davisson, recipients of the Lady of Justice Award
Timber C Mosley
Mark & Jennifer Riches
Joe & Gale Lovejoy – Shannon
Max & Racquel Pilet
Christine & Pat Manning
Obinna & Belinda Ndu
Bill Guyther
Tanisha Morgan
Mike Riches
Go Walk Your Community, Small Group: This category recognizes the Top 10 Associates who open the most small group (5-99 employees).
Marty Gilano, recipient of the Lady of Justice Award
Christa Aufdemberg
Beth & Ron Fincher
Jason & Kacy Lavender
Brielle Hoffman
Adam Thompson
Laura Selken
Jayme & Kirsten Doucette
Brian & Abby Parker
Terry Solimeo
Go Walk Your Community, Large Group: This category recognizes the Top 10 associates who open the most large groups (100+ employees).
Marty Gilano
Kimberly R Royal, recipient of the Lady of Justice Award
Kenny & Tabatha Spurlock
Shobi Raj
Nakeeta Tucker
Paul Archuleta
William & Miriam Anderson
John & Lisa Schiller
Brian Minyard
Tyler Wildman
About LegalShield
LegalShield is one of North America’s leading providers of legal safeguards for individuals, families and small businesses. The company also offers one of the industry’s most affordable and comprehensive identity theft plans, IDShield. LegalShield plans provide protection to more than 4.2 million individuals, and IDShield provides identity monitoring and restoration services to more than 1.5 million individuals across North America. In addition, LegalShield and IDShield serve more than 141,000 businesses.
For as low as $17.95 per month, LegalShield members get access to attorneys with an average of 19 years of experience in areas such as family matters, estate planning, financial and business issues, consumer protection, tax, real estate, benefits disputes and auto/driving issues. Unlike other legal plans or do-it-yourself websites, LegalShield has dedicated law firms in 50 states and four provinces in Canada that members can call for help without having to worry about high hourly rates.
For more information, visit http://www.LegalShield.com or http://www.IDShield.com
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itsbrucey · 7 months
Sickness won. Thinking about how my ocs would feel about/would interact with the dads... oougghh...
Kinda ramble. Look away.
I have like,, 4 main D&D OCS + a fuckton of others but mainly my D&D OCS for the sake of consistency.
I've concluded that my Goliath Monk Vio would be very fond of Henry. They'd get along great as " nature-vegan-love-all" types and Vio would be very into learning about Geology bc he just. Fucking loves new things. Vio would give Henry one of the special enchanted roses that his monastery protects bc he's a kind gentle dude and he'd assume Henry would use it for the good of someone else. Vio would crack Glenn's spine in half if he knew about the UFC betting.
Beacon. Human Paladin. a lot of valor, honor, protection; a little iffy on how far he'll go to trophy hunt monsters but overall pretty chill. I don't think he'd like any of them that much but he'd like Darryl's Protector role in the party and Ron's fishing......hobby??? Might slay Jodie, but would hesitate.
Góban would arm wrestle all of them and would make fun of the losers. She's a human fighter and probably my least defined PC but she wants somebody who will listen to her, will fight her for fun, and carry her in their shoulders if she gets tired. Would think Henry is a wuss, like Darryl and Glenn, and demand that her and Ron compare heights ( she's also short)
Ska'rrva....would fucking hate all of them. Like she's neutral at best but she's an orc body-guard-for-hire and does not fuck around. Stern, strong, easy to irritate if you're a manbaby. Barbarian to Barbarian communication with Darryl, thinks Ron is probably the least annoying out of all of them. Henry needs to shut up and Glenn can stick around is he doesn't sabotage her job.
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pricetracker-blog · 5 years
Apa de parfum Fame, 100 ml, Pentru Femei
Acesta este un parfum oriental dulce, dominat de fructe, flori si ierburi. Gaga a incercat sa creeze un parfum care sa-i reprezinta imaginea controversata. Si i-a iesit, Fame fiind intunecat ca noaptea, atractiv si senzual, la fel ca ea. Combinatia inedita de diferite ingrediente rezulta intr-un miros sofisticat, potrivit pentru seara sau zilele tomnatice. Echipa de creatie din spatele parfumului Fame nu a folosit clasica structura piramidala pentru compozitia aromei. Au ales in schimb tehnologia „push - pull“, care implica amestecarea tuturor ingredientelor in aceeasi etapa. Primele note care se pot simti sunt cele de sofran, a carui aroma exotica se amesteca cu orhidee si tamaie. Mai apoi, se pot simti notele dulci de miere in combinatie cu iasomie, caise si balladonou. Note: iasomie, caise, miere, orhidee, tamaie, sofran.
Pret recomandat: 99.99 RON
de la elefant.ro
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pricetracker-blog · 5 years
Apa de toaleta Poison, 50 ml, Pentru Femei
Poison de la Christian Dior, introdus pe piata parfumurilor in anul 1985, este un parfum fructat-condimentat a carui compozitie poarta semnatura maestrului parfumier Edouard Flechier. Intunecat, misterios si elegant, acest parfum de o profunzime enigmatica este o adevarata arma a seductiei, atragand aproape hipnotic atentia celor din jur. O alchimie de neegalat dezvaluie tonuri puternice de coriandru, anason si prune inca de la prima pulverizare. Inima surprinde cu un amestec preponderent floral de ylang-ylang, tuberoza, iasomie, lacramioare si trandafiri. Baza cuprinde accente calde de vetiver, heliotrope, lemn de santal, cedru si mosc, impletite cu notele dulci de vanilie. Note de varf: anason, coriandru, lemn, prune; Note de mijloc: lacramioare, iasomie, trandafir, ylang-ylang, tuberoza; Note de baza: cedru, heliotrop, vanilie, vetiver, lemn de santal, mosc.
Pret recomandat: 269.99 RON
de la elefant.ro
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pricetracker-blog · 5 years
Apa de toaleta Sunflowers, 50 ml, Pentru Femei
Elizabeth Arden Sunflowers este un parfum floral fructat. In anul 1910, antunci cand femeile se machiau mai putin decat munceau pentru a-si face o cariera, Elizabeth Arden a deschis primul centru spa de pe Fith Avenue si a inceput sa construiasca un brand de frumusete la nivel mondial. Note de varf: lamaie, lemn de trandafir, floare de portocal, mandarin suculent, bergamota, pepene galben, piersici dulci; Note de mijloc: cyclamen, trandafir, iasomie, osmanthus, radacina de iris; Note de baza: mosc, cedru, chihlimbar, lemn de santal.
Pret recomandat: 44.99 RON
de la elefant.ro
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pricetracker-blog · 5 years
Apa de toaleta Sunflowers, 100 ml, Pentru Femei
Elizabeth Arden Sunflowers este un parfum floral fructat. In anul 1910, antunci cand femeile se machiau mai putin decat munceau pentru a-si face o cariera, Elizabeth Arden a deschis primul centru spa de pe Fith Avenue si a inceput sa construiasca un brand de frumusete la nivel mondial. Note de varf: lamaie, lemn de trandafir, floare de portocal, mandarin suculent, bergamota, pepene galben, piersici dulci; Note de mijloc: cyclamen, trandafir, iasomie, osmanthus, radacina de iris; Note de baza: mosc, cedru, chihlimbar, lemn de santal.
Pret recomandat: 44.99 RON
de la elefant.ro
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pricetracker-blog · 5 years
Apa de toaleta Roadster, 100 ml, Pentru Barbati
In 2008 casa de parfumuri Cartier in colaborare cu Mathilde Laurent a creat un nou parfum pentru barbati sensibili, dar puternici. Acesta este Cartier Roadster, un parfum aromatic campenesc, cu o compozitie ce combina note proaspete de menta, bergamota, patchouli, cu note dulci lemnoase: vanilie, vetiver si labdarum. Note de varf: bergamota, citrice, ozon; Note de mijloc: patchouli, menta; Note de baza: lemn, vanilie, labdarum.
Pret recomandat: 203.99 RON
de la elefant.ro
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pricetracker-blog · 5 years
Apa de toaleta Private Affairs, 90 ml, Pentru Barbati
Bald Baldessarini Private Affairs este un parfum pentru barbati picant-lemnos. Lansat in 2011, a castigat intr-o perioada relativ scurta un numar mare de sustinatori, datorita abilitatii sale de a reimprospata complet corpul si revitaliza spiritul, oferind proprietarului o expresie unica a masculinitatii. Baldessarini Private Affairs are un recipient platinat, argintiu si negru, inramat si impodobit cu un capac de metal elegant. Flaconul este conceput pentru a evoca eleganta, forta si energie. Parfumul contine note moi delicate, combinate cu cele lemnoase. Notele incipiente ofera o conexiune unica intre nucsoara, ienupar si bergamota. Intr-o clipa te simti invadat de elegante tonuri specifice, usor dulci, care ofera lejeritate aromei masive. Esenta masculina din piele, lemn de santal, cedru si lemn de nuc, este perfecta pentru finele anului, facandu-te sa devii usor de recunoscut, printre ceilalti. Note de varf: nucsoara, bergamota, ienupar; Note de mijloc: lavanda, muscata; Note de baza: nuc, piele, lemn de santal, cedru.
Pret recomandat: 139.99 RON
de la elefant.ro
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pricetracker-blog · 5 years
Apa de toaleta Sport, 100 ml, Pentru Femei
Jil Sander Sport Woman este un parfum floral, caracterizat prin arome usor dulci de coacaz negru, frezii roz si bujori. Dulceata este redata si prin acordurile mandarinei siciliene, mere si ghimbir. Parfumul este discret si proaspat, atractiv, sexy, increzator. Sport Woman subliniaza vigoarea, atractivitatea si increderea in sine din fiecare femeie. Parfumul Sport Woman este potrivit in special anotimpului cald, avand un miros ideal pentru experiente noi si neobisnuite. Note de varf: mar, ghimbir, mandarina; Note de baza: frezie, bujor, coacaz; Note de baza: piersica, lemn de santal.
Pret recomandat: 139.99 RON
de la elefant.ro
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