#Roswell nm angst hours
lovecolibri · 2 years
SaL anon here bestie and I know I promised you a science rant but let me get this out there first. How the fuck did the writers of this godforsaken series think this season is something they'd want on their resumes?? I know nothing will ever sink lower than S2 but it's baffling to me how anyone involved, knowing there was a possibility the show would be on the chopping block even if it wasn't confirmed, thought this was something that could save them or lead to future employment. Its not just
Malex, it's all soooo bad. Both Liz and Max, the leads, are being their worst selves while trading off on who gets to make poor unilateral decisions without talking to the other and who has to suck it up while being the "best" partner (aka every fucking season's conflict with Echo). Isobel, another main, has literally no storyline, she's just doing random shit that has no apparent impact on her (jumps from Anatsa heartbreak to Kybel, to this Tezca plot, none of which involve her  brothers when her family is supposed to be her main anchor, she only shares scenes with Max and Michael when they need "muscle"). Maria is in essentially the same boat as Isobel but they have to make extra bullshit up since she lacks any relevance as a character on her own. Kyle, who everyone in the show has always relied heavily on, is relegated to pining love interest and can only talk to  Isobel or guest stars. Rosa is only around if someone needs her, otherwise not even worth  not worth mentioning. And then there is Malex *deep sigh*. The sum of it is Alex is, like Rosa, forgotten unless someone needs him (and they are annoyed he's not there) and Michael has been relegated to S1 Michael except in the ways that would be meaningful for Malex (remember when Michael wouldn't leave his Mom, who he loves as much as Alex, until Alex said he'd stay and die with  him? Where TF was he last episode?). But it's so much worse than just that. Its the baffling choice of having Michael all ready to leave for the Oasis while not even giving Alex's lack of communication a first thought (sorry writers, his 20 seconds of regret on screen do NOT make the last 5 episodes better) and the frankly offensive choice to not only have his ex care for him but be the "conduit" so they can communicate. The writers are well aware of people's views on M*ria and KNOW how disgusting this would come across. Looking at all of it, just why choose any of this 😣??
Hi bestie! Looking forward to the science rant! You’re so right though, and honestly season 2 had no coherent plot but does season 4 have one either? What is the POINT? What are we DOING? Who knows! 
Apparently Liz is aimless if she’s not trying to raise the dead, or on a deadline for The Science to be done? Suddenly she’s trying to lecture people about ethics given what she’s done? People who would not be in the position they’re in if she hadn’t been feeing them info about aliens and getting their hopes up only for Liz to be like, I can get everything I wanted, but it was hard and I did soooo much unethical shit so I think you should just give up on your daughter 🤷🏻‍♀️? Not to mention her casual assumption that Michael is out cheating on Alex at the first opportunity when Alex leaves town, and that Michael’s reaction to Alex being missing will somehow be “over the top” when her and Max have both acted worse when separated from each other? I don’t know WHAT they are doing to Liz but it’s all such a bad look. Add to that the recycled plot for Echo making decisions without each other that happens MULTIPLE times every season and IDK why we’re even supposed to root for them to be together when they clearly prefer to make solo decisions rather than work as a team.
This Isobel storyline would have been cool LAST season when we learned about Jones and about the sword and sticking a Jones victim in a season where Jones is already dead and gone seems weird and pointless. I want to like it, but like you said, she’s just off needing something to do instead of being involved in what is going on with everyone. Why isn’t SHE, the one with mindescaping powers, helping Michael find Alex? We know Michael can mindescape too, so why didn’t we see him trying to reach out to Alex that way long before now? But even without that, THIS should be something for Isobel to be involved in and might allow her and her brother to have a chat about their soulmates and learn more about her and Kyle and what’s going on there! Because I don’t know if Kyle in is 4x09 because he directed the episode so they what? Have Kybel sleep together, then Kyle fucks off for 3 episodes? Also WTF is Kyle doing this season besides performing random surgeries and chilling in Mexico while his best friend is missing? Because Alex missing SHOULD HAVE given us Kyle and Michael and Isobel working together to find him! Michael losing his powers SHOULD HAVE given us Science Bros Liz, Kyle, and Michael working together to make a cure! But once again, this show lets Kyle and the Kylex friendship down for no reason other than they hate joy and friendship apparently. Vlamis and Trevino are DELIGHTFUL together and you’d think they’d try to capitalize on that and on making Alex the focus to make up for Tyler not physically being around. But here we are suffering once again through more episodes of the m*ria d*luca show.
Speaking of THAT mess, did the cure that saved her brain take her powers away or does she have powers strong enough to link through dimensions? Is she alien enough to go through an “alien puberty” that NONE of the actual aliens went through, or is she so little alien that the bit of alien DNA she has is killing her? Does she actually have a purpose or anything to do or are they taking scenes that should belong to other characters to manufacture something for her to do? At least that last one has an answer 🙄
And again, Michael’s storyline is another one better suited for a previous season. With him and Alex at odd, we could have had the discovery of some of the alien stones (found/given to Alex and Kyle from their dads/found in their bunkers/Caulfield/research) and had Michael ready to leave until Alex gets kidnapped and he makes the choice to stay. OR we could have some imperative reason he specifically has to go to Oasis but only in a season where him and Alex are working closely together and we can see the pain of the decision. Where we stand now, NONE of this makes a lot of sense. Yeah Michael always wanted to know more about his home planet but the need to escape earth left when he told Alex “you are my home”. And he has no family, no ties, no urgent need to go back to a planet in ruins so why now? Why, when he has someone like Bonnie who can give him answers to all his burning alien questions, does he HAVE to think about going back? Going on a journey he doesn’t even know yet if Alex could survive as a human? And I can see him THINKING about the logistics of going back, and running that all excitedly in the back of his very busy mind! That tracks, but at no point should we be getting this “oh I was so concerned about going to Oasis that I forgot about Alex”. Because in NO PLAN of Michael’s is he NOT thinking about Alex! In NO PLAN of going to his home planet is Michael NOT thinking about bringing Alex with him and figuring out how long the journey would be and if they can have TWO houses with white picket fences. Yes Michael might could have gotten a little obsessed about going to Oasis now that it’s a possibility, but that entire vision would still center around him and Alex doing it together.
GOD we could have been seeing Michael leaving voicemails for Alex about his excitement and what he found out and asking if it was possible if Alex would come with him to see his home planet and instead we got....this. The absolute disrespect for all three of the love stories but especially Malex’s by forcing Michael's ex into the center of everything makes me want to scream. I can’t wait for canon to die so it can stop fucking us over.
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piccolina-mina · 5 years
The dynamics on this show are interesting, but I love how there are groupings because so many of them have such similarities. Objectively speaking, even characters you find unfavorable or unlikable are often in some way similar to characters you like. Like you have:
The Runners - Liz, Alex, and Rosa
Liz didn't used to be a runner which makes her so interesting. She said something broke in her after Rosa died and she was restless ever since. Running was something she resented in her mother and Rosa, but then she ended up doing the same thing. She and Alex, they're good at running towards things they can make sense of, concrete things, purpose: running towards science and achievement, war and battle, danger, but they run away from feelings.
Those are terrifying and harder to make sense of. Feelings and connections. In all of their relationships (friendships and romantic: Diego, Arturo, Maria, Michael), they always have one foot out of the door. It's not that they don't love someone or care, they show all of that in their own ways but it takes work for them to not bolt. They're fighting against their nature. It's survival and self- preservation. Rosa runs to escape too. Ironically, while the other two run for themselves, Rosa does too but also runs for everyone else. She thinks it's better to put a divide between her and the world.
The Internalizers - Kyle, Alex, and Max
This group, fks me up on a personal level because of this, but many of the characters have a bit of this quality, but these three really embody this to the hilt. But they all showcase it differently.
Kyle functions the best. He functions so well people don't even realise or consider he has problems. He's good at giving the illusion that he's sharing more than he really does, and he's great at coaxing other people to be more open, but he doesn't always practice what he preaches. He holds onto the past a lot in part because he doesn't want to repeat it. But that boy has internal battles, and no one really notices. The two people who do are Liz and Alex, but both are runners, and one is a heavy internalizer too.
Alex is one of those internalizers who feels everything but doesn't emote and show it. So he comes across like he's unfazed, but he keeps everything in. It's possible it's an effect of his abusive childhood. It's a conscience effort for him to express most feelings and he distributes them carefully and usually with specific intentions.
Max is the most emotionally open but he's the sort who internalizes blame like no other. It's actually funny that so many fans hate him because he would just take that totally accept it. He'll take blame for things whether it was his fault or not. Guilt eats away at him. He's the poster child for depression out of the three aliens. Hides his pain, sadness, most of his feelings that affect him and him alone, he buries.
The Caretakers - Maria and Kyle
They take care of people. Often at their own expense. There's a reason why Liz feels safe with Kyle, why Alex despite their history is less guarded with Kyle. There's a reason why Liz can confide in Maria. Why Michael responds to Maria, Why Max is at ease around Maria. Kyle and Maria are natural nurturers without even trying to be. They probably have the warmest vibes around them.
They make people gravitate to them with their personality and energy. They're the reason there are quotes about protecting your space, because they have a draw that the wrong people will siphon from at it can be at their own expense.
They take care of people, but they don't have people taking care of them often. They present themselves as if they don't need it. Kyle allows himself to be "a distraction" but also hints at wishing his needs were met too. Maria takes care of her mom without complaint but also doggedly pursues anything that can make her mom better because she misses her mom but she's also tired.
They're the emotional support characters everyone leans on. They tend to needs: physical, emotional, sxual, and mental.
*caveat. Max can also fall into this too. Some of his caretaking is out of guilt (Arturo) but he shows this most with his siblings. Later on with Liz. His entire life is the three of them. But it's limited. We saw that with how neglectful he was with Cam, how it doesn't extend to his mother etc.
The Fixers - Michael and Liz
This is probably why the Science Bros is so appealing even though Michael often treats Liz like trash. They're both highly intelligent, STEM geared, and born and bred fixers. If you have a problem, they can pull off some of the emotional labor (we see that with Liz and Maria when she's made aware and Liz and Isobel and Michael and Isobel and Michael and Maria), but they're fixers first and foremost.
That's why they work so well together and probably will be at the forefront of getting Max back if Michael can keep it together. Michael is the most literal fixer. A handy man and mechanic, the go to for any fix. He's not calculated though. He's impulsive and wants immediacy. He jumps into the first solution he wants it fixed now.
Liz wants it fixed right. She weighs the options and has to figure out the best solution. So they're so similar in that regard but still clash. But that's how they both end up dragged to a healer in the desert. Do they believe it? No. But a fix is a fix.
The Moral Compasses/Arbiters - Kyle, Liz, Cam
Kyle and Liz are definitely the moral compasses of the gang. They're balanced and fair. They run on both logic and emotion effectively. When one threatens to supersede the other, they catch it and correct it. They're driven by what's right. They're moral and conscientious. You can trust that they're always pointed at due north. They have codes they live by. Affirmations.
Cam is like this too. It's interesting how she was set up to be an antagonist, but what's right was prioritized over personal gain. She didn't compromise her ethics even for her sister. She lost her job doing what was right at her own expense.
The Masked Posers - Isobel and Alex
Posers isn't meant negatively, but I couldn't think of a better way to word it. Just FYI.
These two spend so much time hiding behind a carefully crafted facade and mask that sometimes they lose sight of themselves. They both ended the season having to meet themselves in the mirror. Alex is tapping back into who he was (that leather jacket 😍) and Isobel has to figure out who she is outside of Noah and Max.
They're shackled by image and projecting specific ones. But their masks crack and you see bits of what's behind them. They have the most prominent and consistent identity issues.
The Survivors/Outlaws/Rebels - Michael, Maria, Rosa
They're all survivors in their own way, but these three have a very distinctive style. Virtual outcasts of the town. Who they were was decided by outsiders whether they fit the profile or not.
They do what they have to do to survive, and they don't compromise or make apologies for it. They are who they are and they own it.
They're the ones who are inclined to break the rules or laws. Michael and Maria are both hustlers who do what they need to in order to make ends meet. Rosa self-medicated to survive. Michael is the known troublemaker and rabble rouser, Rosa is the town pariah and stain, Maria is the weirdo.
The Protectors - Michael, Max
The brothers probably clash so much because they'll both do whatever it takes to protect their people, but they don't always agree on how to do that. They will fight for you if they care.
Max can extend this farther and does since he's a cop. Michael protects the people he cares about and doesn't give a damn about anyone else. That circle is very small. So far, he protects Isobel, Max, Alex, and Maria. That's it.
The Riders - Michael, Maria, Cam
They are ride or die for their people. No questions asked. Even if you're fking up. They'll bitch but have your back. They will ride shotgun to your crazy every time.
Michael visibly didn't agree with things Isobel did or suggested and verbally and physically disagreed with Max a lot, but he'll still ride with you until the wheels fall off.
Maria endlessly supports and held a decade long grudge on Rosa's behalf. Knew a lot about Rosa and how troubled she was but was her ride or die anyway.
Cam knew Max was lying to her and put up with a lot, but she had his back the whole time.
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pastelwitchling · 5 years
Malex Short Story
24-Hour Malex Writathon COMPLETE
               Michael froze on the steps of the AFTER DARK club, the colorful lights flying over hundreds of similar faces, all laughing or chatting or getting drunk or making out. One of those faces stood out.
               His eyes were closed, his arms up in the air, his vest open wide and revealing his hairy chest. He danced like water, careless of who was watching. His lips parted while he moved, his eyes fluttered open, and ran over every person below the platform, deciding whether or not they were worthy of a night with him. Michael swallowed and moved forward.
               He knew he didn’t look like he belonged in this place, with his black suit, his white shirt beneath rumpled and opened at the collar. He probably smelled like alcohol, but he didn’t care. The stranger’s eyes fell on him and stayed there. He said nothing as Michael made it up onto the platform, only smiled as if amused. Michael thought he looked beautiful when he smiled, then reminded himself that this was a man, and men didn’t think like that about other men. At least, he didn’t.
               When he straightened, he realized he and the stranger were of the same height. And that the stranger smelled like maple syrup.
               “Yes?” he smiled, laughter bubbling in his throat.
               Fuck. “Uh – I – you… I liked watching you dance.”
               “Yeah?” the stranger came closer, his smile widening. He leaned in, and whispered, “How much did you like it?”
               Michael gasped as the stranger’s breath fanned the shell of his ear, his delicious scent of sugar filled Michael’s lungs, his skin so smooth and soft that Michael had to resist the urge to bite into it.
               “What’s your name?” Michael breathed. “Please tell me your name.”
               The stranger ran his tongue over Michael’s lips, and Michael’s heart jumped in his chest. “Alex. My name is Alex.”
               “Michael,” Michael said, and put his hands on Alex’s waist. “Nice to meet you.”
               Alex laughed against Michael’s mouth, and Michael’s eyes fell shut as he pulled Alex to him, and kissed him. His lips were so delicious, his skin even softer than Michael could imagine, his muscles so pliant. Michael pulled back, his eyes wide. Alex, on the other hand, had furrowed brows as if he didn’t understand what had just passed between them. Michael didn’t know who pulled the other back in first. He didn’t care if Alex was a man; he was drunk, it was dark, and Alex felt so good in his arms.
               Michael forgot just how they’d ended up in Alex’s apartment, all he knew was that as Alex’s vest fell off his shoulders, Michael wanted more and more off.
               “Fuck,” he breathed, and Alex giggled.
               Alex leaned his head back to give Michael more access. “Take this off,” he said, and stripped Michael of his jacket and white shirt.
               “Alex,” Michael panted, pulling Alex to him, feeling the way their nipples touched, their hairy chests rubbed against one another. He laid him back on the bed, and kissed down his chest. It was like being stuck in the desert with only a drop of water. It wasn’t enough.
               He tugged at Alex’s pants, and reveled in the man’s moans as he slid them down, revealing a hardened cock. Michael stopped.
               Alex made a soft whine of protest. “What’s wrong?”
               Michael shook his head, his eyes on Alex’s dick. Normally, the sight of another man’s privates would’ve repulsed him, but now, he felt no disgust at all. Only nervousness.
               “I – I just – I’ve never…” he let his words trail off, and Alex’s eyes widened fractionally as realization dawned.
               “You’ve never had sex with a guy.” Alex sat up, breathing hard. He avoided Michael’s eyes as he pulled his pants back up. “Maybe you should –”
               “No, no,” Michael shook his head. “Please, don’t ask me to go.”
               “Michael, you’re obviously weirded out –”
               “I’m not weirded out, I’m not,” Michael said. “I – fuck, I want you – I just,” he ran his hands over Alex’s chest, then nervously pulled away as he reached his shoulders. “I don’t know how to do this, how to make it feel good.”
               Alex bit his lower lip as he considered Michael, and Michael wished he would stop. The sight was making his already messed up mind fall into a frenzy.
               “Fuck,” Alex said, his voice deep. “You’re lucky you’re so cute. Come here.” His voice was surprisingly soft as he pulled him into a deep kiss. Michael’s eyes closed, and he touched Alex’s chest again, rubbing his fingers over Alex’s nipples, his chest hair.
               Alex flipped them over so that he was hovering over Michael, the two of them naked above the waist. Alex slowly grinded his clothed cock into Michael’s, and Michael groaned into Alex’s mouth.
               “Does that feel good?” Alex asked with a grin that suggested he knew exactly how good that felt.
               Michael pulled him back down over him, kissing him senseless. Michael tilted his head to deepen the kiss, slipping his tongue in, brushing it against Alex’s. He brought his hand down, slipping it under Alex’s pants. He gasped. Alex’s ass was smooth and round, Michael wanted to see it. He pushed Alex’s pants down, and dug his fingers into Alex’s cheeks, bringing their cocks together.
               “Ah,” Michael pulled him in deeper, grinding his hips upwards, digging his own cock into Alex’s. “Fuck, I wanna feel you,” Michael breathed, and pulled his own pants down. Before he could even register what he was doing, his and Alex’s naked cocks were grinding together. Michael’s eyes rolled into the back of his head, his mouth open, his tongue swiping at Alex’s.
               “Michael,” Alex moaned, and Michael felt the fire in his gut burn hotter. He flipped them over, and spread Alex’s legs wide before he viciously started thrusting his cock into Alex’s. The room was filled with their moans and shallow breathing. Sweat made Michael’s chest hair cling to Alex’s body, and Michael found himself wanting more, more, more.
               Michael turned over so that his dick was in Alex’s face, while Alex’s was in his. “Suck my dick, baby. Suck it.”
               Without a word, Michael took Alex’s cock as he felt Alex take his own, the man’s tongue swirling around the tip, licking along his hairy length. He thrusted his hips into Alex’s as Alex did the same to him. He didn’t know if he was any good, but he wanted to hear Alex’s moans. He wanted to be Alex’s only source of pleasure. When he finally came, he saw white, and for a moment, he didn’t want to move. He wanted to stay here between Alex’s legs, watching his leaking cock as it throbbed. He wanted to taste it again. So he did.
               The entire night was spent this way, with the two men coming, then Michael devouring some other part of Alex’s body, reveling in his moans, his shallow breaths, his whimpers, and getting hard all over again.
               When Michael opened his eyes at first sign of sunrise, Alex was curled up against him, head on his chest, his hand on Michael’s stomach. At first, Michael felt something strange and warm and strong tug at his heart, urging him to run his hand down Alex’s back and feel the smooth expanse of skin. Then he felt an overwhelming guilt at what he’d done, and he caught himself.
               Michael swallowed, shifting ever-so-carefully out from under Alex, leaving him to curl up against a pillow. Part of Michael wanted to climb back into bed, to kiss Alex awake, to feel his body all over again while he was clearheaded enough to know what he was doing.
               But that part was being drowned out by the loud STUPID STUPID STUPID echoing in his head, condemning him for having associated himself with some random man from a club, one whose cheekbones were still covered in glitter. Michael quietly found his clothes and threw them on. He took one last glance at Alex before heading out the door.
               When he returned to his own apartment, he torn off his clothes, unable to help but remember the way Alex had ripped them off himself, and slipped into the shower, cleaning off the dry cum on his chest, legs, and arms.
               A sick part of him wanted to keep them there, to smell like Alex. He pressed his back into the shower wall, letting the hot water rain down on him as he thrusted into his hand, imagining Alex on his knees in front of him. When he came, he scrubbed himself so hard his skin had turned red.
               “Stop thinking about him, stop it,” he warned himself.
               Michael received odd looks when he’d arrived at work. For a moment, he thought everyone could read his mind, could see what he’d done. He’d only had a few hickeys on his chest (hickeys he’d touched and rubbed when he’d touched himself in the shower), but those were hidden under his clothes.
               It was only when his sister, Isobel, raised her brow and said, “Since when do you show up late?” did he realize why everyone had been staring.
               “Oh,” he said, “uh, I slept in.”
               Isobel’s frown deepened. “You slept in?”
               “Shut up.” Michael sat in his cubicle, setting his briefcase aside. And the hours dragged on, any thought of Alex drained away as Michael suffered phone call after phone call of people hanging up on him, yelling in his face, begging for help for their insurance, or just keeping him on the line because they were lonely and wanted someone – anyone, apparently – to talk to.
               By the time he’d clocked out, he felt himself miserable and dying. He needed to wake up, he needed vibrancy. He swallowed, and once again found himself in front of the AFTER DARK neon light, flashing in the darkness. Would Alex even want to see him again after he’d left?
               Michael stepped into the club, and looked to the platform where he’d found Alex dancing last night. His heart dropped when he realized his stranger wasn’t there. He searched the faces dancing in the crowd, panic starting to set in. What if Alex had only come by once? What if Michael never saw him again? What if Alex was purposely avoiding him?
               “Looking for someone?”
               Michael whipped around, his heart settling in his chest at the sight of Alex, glitter on his cheekbones and around his eyes, his lips coated in a shiny substance. He wore a black tank top today, revealing his deliciously smooth stomach and bellybutton, his pants were pulled down low enough that Michael was sure that, should he slip a finger in, he would be grazing Alex’s cock.
               “Alex,” he breathed, then caught himself. “I-I’m sorry – for leaving, I mean, I – I don’t usually.”
               “I don’t care.”
               “I don’t care, Michael,” Alex scoffed. “Though I didn’t think you hated it, you did seem to be enjoying yourself all night.”
               “I was,” Michael came closer. “I loved it.”
               “You’re already drunk,” Alex noted, and grinned. “Really drunk.”
               Michael inhaled his scent. “So are you.”
               “Mm,” Alex pecked his lips. “I am.”
               Michael moaned, taking the back of Alex’s head, and pulling him in to kiss him. Alex melted in his hold, arms coming around and under his jacket. Michael gasped under his touch, tilting his head to deepen the kiss.
               “Fuck,” Michael breathed, a line of spit connecting his and Alex’s lips.
               “Great idea,” Alex said, and before Michael knew it, they were back in Alex’s apartment, free of their clothes, rolling around on Alex’s bed. Michael spread Alex’s legs apart with one hand, grinding his cock into Alex’s. “Please,” Alex breathed. “Please fuck me.”
               “Fuck, Alex,” Michael moaned, and stuck two fingers in Alex’s mouth. Alex generously ran his tongue over them, making Michael bite his lip so hard he was sure it would bleed.
               He thrusted his fingers into Alex’s hole, then pressed a third. When Alex was ready, Michael pushed his cock in all the way through. He stared as Alex’s balls hit his hairy gut, and it spurred him on. He grinded their chests together as he thrusted in and out, Alex’s arms around his shoulders, holding him.
               Then they came, and Michael was hot all over again, and they started over. They stayed this way until sunrise. When Michael woke up, the sun high in the sky, he forgot about work, about reputation, about everything but Alex. Alex had turned away from him in his sleep, his beautiful back facing Michael as if to prove that Alex didn’t care if Michael left.
               But Michael didn’t want to leave. He came up behind Alex, and slowly rubbed his hole until he woke up with a moan on his lips, then Michael fitted his cock in, and thrusted from behind.
               “Michael,” Alex breathed, and Michael wrapped an arm around his waist, thrusting harder.
               “Say my name,” Michael groaned. “Say it again.”
               Alex covered Michael’s hand on his stomach with his own. “Michael, Michael, Michael.”
               “Yeah, baby,” Michael bit Alex’s shoulder as he thrusted harder and harder, the sound of their bodies slapping together now the only sound in the entire apartment.
               Michael was seated on Alex’s bed after having just showered when Alex, naked except for a towel around his waist, asked, “You want to go shopping later?”
               Michael stilled. “For what?”
               “Just some stuff,” Alex shrugged. “I need a few things.”
               It was not a big or impossible request. It wasn’t even really a request, it was an offering. And yet through it, Michael saw a domestic life with Alex. Sleeping together in the morning, showering together, wearing each other’s clothes, shopping together – and it frightened him. Alex was only meant to be a fun night, why was Michael still here? He struggled to remember.
               Alex smiled, amused, and Michael had to keep himself from pushing him against the wall and kissing him. “You always think so hard about everything?”
               “I can’t go,” Michael blurted. “I’m busy.”
               Alex’s eyes dimmed slightly. “Oh.”
               “I really just have things to do.”
               “You don’t have to explain yourself, Michael. Isn’t that how this works?”
               “How what works?”
               “I need to leave soon, too, actually. Can you hurry up and change?”
               “O-oh, uh, yeah, sure.”
               Michael avoided Alex’s eyes as he put his clothes on. He didn’t say goodbye to Alex before he left (he doubted he’d be coming back), but he couldn’t help but glance at Alex on the way out. The man wasn’t even looking at him.
               He supposed he should’ve been glad that what they had done seemed so insignificant to Alex. It was easier this way, wasn’t it? Yes, this was exactly what Michael wanted.
               And yet the following night, Michael found himself once again in front of AFTER DARK. He wanted one more night, that was all, just one. It would end better than the last one did. He would kiss Alex’s lips, thank him for everything, and leave. There would be no awkwardness, no strange tension. Just him and Alex (and their proper goodbye, but Michael didn’t want to think that far ahead).
               Except when Michael walked into the club, he found Alex in a dark corner with another man grinding against him. He locked eyes with Michael, and kept his gaze even as he moaned, then he shut the velvet curtain, hiding himself and his friend from Michael’s view.
               Michael could still hear them behind the curtain, but he felt worlds away. He stepped back, and out of the club, no longer in the mood to do anything but go home and sleep. But before he could cross the street, he stopped, Alex’s eyes as they had locked gazes burning in his mind. His fists clenched and he marched back into the club, ripped the curtain open, and pulled the large man off Alex.
               “What the hell!” he stood, but just as he got to his feet, Michael punched him with a strength he never knew himself to possess, and the large man fell back down.
               Michael turned his back to him, took Alex’s face in his hands, and kissed him wildly, unwilling to move until he desperately needed to breathe.
               “You’re mine,” he hissed. “All mine.”
               Alex’s eyes were dark, looking at Michael’s lips as he nodded slowly. And he and Michael fell into each other, Alex’s hands coming up Michael’s shirt, and Michael gripping him through his pants.
               The next morning when they woke up, Michael touched Alex again, had thrusted into him, had woken him with kisses to his eyes, his nose, his lips. After they had showered, Michael had stuck his face in Alex’s worn shirt, his jeans, his underwear, smelling the clothing and pretending Alex was in his arms. When that did not feel like enough, Michael went into the bathroom, pushed the towel off Alex’s hips, and took his cock into his mouth.
               “Crap,” Alex said much later when the two were in bed. “I need to go get some groceries. I totally forgot.”
               Michael hesitated. “Let’s go together.”
               Alex raised his brows. “Really?”
               “I can’t let you go walking the streets by yourself,” Michael found himself saying, and cupped Alex’s chin. He raised Alex’s lips to his own, and kissed him slowly. “Someone might try to take you away from me.”
               Alex bit his lower lip, and he pulled away, slapping Michael’s chest with a laugh. “You’re such a dork.”
               When Alex had stepped out of his closet, fully dressed in jeans and a sweater that came down past his fingers, Michael marveled.
               “What?” Alex blushed. Alex looked good when he blushed.
               “Nothing, you just,” Michael shrugged, “look different, that’s all.”
               Alex scratched the back of his head, messing up his already perfectly messed up hair. “Not okay?”
               And Michael’s heart felt so warm in his chest, he thought he could melt. He wrapped his arm around Alex’s waist, and pulled him in. “Gorgeous.”
               It felt strange being at the grocery store with Alex, walking alongside him, knowing that they weren’t friends, but something else. He wondered what would happen if he took Alex’s hand, if he kissed his cheek. When they were in the canned isle by themselves, Michael took the risk, and planted a few pecks to his jaw.
               Alex giggled. “Can’t you control yourself at all?”
               For that response, Michael pinned Alex to the fridge, gave him such a passionate, heated kiss that Alex nearly fell against him, and pulled back. “I’ll have control if you want me to have control.”
               “No,” and Alex pulled him against him. “No control.”
               They made out until an old couple rounded the corner, then Michael took Alex’s hand and they hurried into another abandoned isle. When they finally tore apart from one another, Alex bought a box of large strawberries, and opened it for him and Michael to share in the small park across the store. But Michael had noticed Alex looking for the cheapest options, had seen Alex’s small apartment, and he hesitated.
               “What do you do, Alex?”
               “Hm?” Alex raised a brow, eating the entire strawberry, even the leaves, whole. It was the cutest thing Michael had ever seen.
               “I just realized I don’t even know your last name. I don’t know anything about you.”
               Alex pressed a strawberry to Michael’s lips. “Alex Manes.”
“Michael Guerin.”
“Nice to meet you,” Alex smiled. “And, because you asked, I’m a librarian.”
               Michael blinked. “Seriously?”
               Alex laughed. “Am I not what you imagined a librarian to be?”
               “No, not at all,” he confessed.
               “I love books.” He shrugged. “I’m in Faerie all day, and in Faerie all night.”
               “You mean the club?”
               “People are so free when they’re not being watched by those they know have power over them. Free as fairies.”
               Michael stared. “I really don’t know you at all.”
               Alex’s grinned widened. “What about you? You wear a suit, I’m guessing you work in an office?”
               “Insurance salesman,” Michael said with a frown. “I hate it.”
               “I’d imagine.”
               “I keep thinking I should be doing something else.”
               “Probably,” Alex said. “Are you going to?”
               Michael shook his head. “I don’t know.” And that was all either of them had to say on that.
               “No wonder you needed a distraction.”
               Michael hesitated, looking out at the small field. It was mostly barren, save for a father and his son fishing at the lake. Alex seemed to be watching them intently, his gaze focused and far away at the same time. The trees ruffled in the wind, the birds chirped from above.
               “You knew?” he finally asked, his voice quiet.
               “You’d never slept with a man before, but you came up to me without hesitating, in a messed up suit, and drunk out of your mind,” Alex said with a small smile. “Of course I knew.”
               “You’re not, you know. Not anymore.”
               Alex rested his chin on his folded arms, and sighed.
               Michael didn’t know what to do but put an arm around Alex’s shoulders, and kiss his cheek, resting his head against his.
               When they returned to Alex’s apartment, groceries in hand, Michael had a moment of panic when he saw a strange man sprawled on Alex’s couch. He moved to shield Alex, but the man lifted his head, saw who had come in, and raised his hand in greeting.
               “Great, a newcomer now? I was hoping to talk to you.”
               “Good afternoon to you, too, Kyle,” Alex said, and to Michael’s surprise, pecked Kyle’s lips. “Talk about what?”
               “My boss got on me today about the new menu. I told him spaghetti and meatballs aren’t originally Italian, and he said people wouldn’t notice, and I said we would, and it turned into this whole mess. Anyway, I quit.”
               Alex blinked. “Did you really?”
               “I did in my head,” Kyle said, and fell back down onto the couch. “But I’m not giving up. I’m head chef, so I’ll tell him tomorrow that he can either get with the better program, or he can find himself a new genius.”
               Alex snickered. “You know he’ll just do whatever you want. He always does.”
               “I know, but I need the suspense, you know? It’s tiring when everything always goes your way.”
               “Poor you,” Alex laughed, and Michael felt something sharp like a needle prickling his chest. Who was this guy anyway?
               As if hearing his thoughts, Alex kissed Michael’s cheek and said, “This is Michael Guerin.”
               “Michael, huh?” Kyle said with a meaningful look at Alex. “A friend?”
               “Sure,” Alex said, and nothing else on the matter.
               “Michael, huh…” Kyle was watching him. His eyes were narrowed, his smile odd.
               “Don’t bother him,” Alex said as he took the bags from Michael. “I’m just going to go put these away.”
“Alright,” Kyle waved him off. “Take your time, babe.” When Alex was gone, Kyle turned to Michael. “So, you’re Michael.”
“Er – yeah,” Michael said, the peck Kyle and Alex shared playing on repeat in his mind. “You’re Alex’s friend?”
“Best friend, actually,” Kyle said. “We love each other.”
We love each other. “Right,” Michael said, then, “Well, I think I’m going to help Alex put the groceries away.”
“We’re family,” Kyle said, taking a step to the side to block Michael’s path. “We tell each other everything.”
“Uh huh,” Michael said. “Uh – if you don’t mind –”
“Which is why Alex told me all about you,” Kyle said, and Michael met his eyes. “Look, Alex likes to pretend that nothing really gets to him, and for the most part, that’s true. But the guy’s not made of stone. If you don’t plan on anything serious with him, break it off already. Please. Otherwise, the only one who’ll suffer is Alex, and he’s suffered enough.”
Michael frowned, and opened his mouth – to say what, he didn’t know – when Alex stepped into the living room. “I’m thinking pizza. All in agreement?”
Kyle, smiling widely at Alex, nodded. “Aye!”
“Michael?” Alex asked.
Michael glanced at Kyle. “My treat.”
In the end, Alex paid the delivery boy before Michael even knew he’d arrived.
(“I wanted to do that for you,” Michael had said.
Alex had shrugged. “I don’t like owing anything.”
“It’s me,” Michael said as if that was supposed to be enough of an argument. “You wouldn’t be owing me anything.”
Alex had given no response.)
The three of them sat together on the floor, with Alex leaning against Michael’s chest. By the time the pizza box was empty, Alex had fallen asleep, wrapped in Michael’s arms, and Michael and Kyle were left in silence.
Michael pressed his lips to Alex’s hair, closing his eyes. He thought he could fall asleep like this.
“You really like him, don’t you?” Kyle said, his eyes on Alex.
Michael gently moved Alex’s bangs back from his eyes. “Yeah. I do.”
“I’m sorry,” Kyle said. “For what I said earlier.”
“Don’t be,” Michael said, surprising himself. “You weren’t totally wrong about me. At first, he was just a wonderful distraction from every horrible thing in my life.”
               Kyle stared. “And now?”
               “Now, I don’t know. He just makes things better. You said he’d suffered. What did you mean?”
Kyle sighed. “His dad was never the nicest guy. Let’s leave it there. And don’t feel bad for him. He hates that.”
Michael thought of the man who loved his books, and loved his glitter, and kissed like he was overflowing with nothing but passion and joy and love, and he shook his head. “How do you feel bad for Alex?”
Kyle smirked and nodded, as if to say, ‘Good point.’
“But since we’re talking about Alex,” he added, and Kyle raised a brow. “Could you maybe not kiss him anymore? Or ever again? Yeah. Never again.”
                 That morning, Michael had woken up to Alex giving him a blowjob, and Michael was sure of one thing; he knew nothing. He didn’t know what a future with Alex would look like, if there was a future with this stranger he’d known less than a week, if Alex even liked him as much as he liked Alex, but he knew he wanted to try. He wanted to be with Alex when he woke up, be with him when he fell asleep, and with him all in between.
               He’d told Alex as much, and Alex had blushed and hid his face in Michael’s chest. “You’re cute,” he said, and Michael had held onto him for the rest of the night, even as they entered AFTER DARK. Alex got more than one longing look, and Michael suddenly couldn’t help but wonder how many of the people in here had seen Alex in bed. He remembered the way that large man had grinded on Alex last night, and resisted the urge to pull Alex behind him and hide him away.
               Michael left to get them drinks, and stilled when he saw another man leaning closer to Alex. Alex turned away from him, and the man grabbed Alex’s arm, pulling him back. It was irrational – the jealousy he felt at even someone like Kyle (who Alex had reassured Michael was “basically my brother”), the hatred he felt towards anyone who dared touch Alex, to talk to him as if he belonged to them. Michael clenched his jaw, and let the drinks fall to the ground, the glasses shattering, before he yanked the stranger by his shirt backwards, leaned over him, and gave him punch after punch.
               “Michael, Michael, stop!” he heard Alex’s voice, felt Alex’s hands on him, pulling him back. “You’re going to kill him, stop it!”
               Michael let Alex pull him off. “Don’t touch him again,” he spat at the man nearly unconscious on the floor, even as his friends came to help him up. “Don’t come near him!”
               “Michael, look at me, Michael,” Alex pulled his face towards him, holding it in his hands. “Look at me, I’m okay.”
               “Yeah,” Michael swallowed, wrapping his arms tightly around Alex’s waist and pulling him in. “You’re okay.”
               “I’m okay.”
               “You’re okay.” He shook his head. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to – I didn’t want to scare you.”
               “I’m okay,” Alex said quietly, raking his fingers through Michael’s curls. “I’m okay.”
               Michael took Alex’s lips in his, and kissed him as desperately as he needed to breathe. It was always like this with Alex, Michael realized. Nothing was ever enough.
               “I love you,” he breathed.
               Alex blinked. “What?”
               “I know it sounds crazy –”
               “W-whoa, Michael, stop.”
               “I don’t want to,” Michael pulled Alex in tighter. “I love everything about you, Alex. I love you.”
               Alex shook his head, his brows furrowed. “You’ve only known me a few days.”
               “So what? Other people fall in love in one. Look, I’m not saying it makes sense, and I don’t expect you to say it back – how could you love me? You’re beautiful and brave, and I’m angry and scared all the time – but I just needed to say it, just once.”
               For a moment, Alex said nothing, and Michael wondered what would happen if Alex was so frightened by his confession that he told Michael he never wanted to see him again. What if Alex was too disgusted with Michael to look at him? What if he’d never planned on Michael loving him as anything more than a lover in bed, and he wanted no more than that?
               “I love you, too,” Alex said, so quiet that Michael was worried he’d misheard him. “I must be losing my mind, we met a minute ago!”
               “But you love me, too?” he urged. He needed to hear those words again, he needed Alex to say them.
               Alex laughed, his eyes wide, as if he couldn’t believe the words coming out of his own mouth. “I love you, too.”
               Michael pulled him in for a kiss, muttering, “I love you, I love you, I love you,” against his lips.
               Alex laughed, and Michael swallowed that with his lips, too, just like he did to every moan, every breath, every soft whimper. That night, they ended up at Michael’s apartment, and had Michael not been so preoccupied with removing all of Alex’s clothing, he might’ve given Alex a proper tour of the place.
               Fuck it, he thought as he pulled Alex’s pants down and moved to hover over him. Tomorrow.
Look, don’t give me those ‘Really, Rin?’ eyes -- I know it sucks! But here’s the thing; I had 24 hours to complete this. My first ever writathon had gone badly enough as it is. It’s my own fault. I picked a time when I knew I wouldn’t be able to spend the entire day writing, but I really just wanted to jot down this story! And yes, I know I’m whining, but I JUST WANTED TO POST THIS! And in spite of everything, I’m kind of proud for having finished it. AND IT’S NOT ALL THAT BAD!
You may have noticed that it’s somewhat of a different style. I’m always experimenting in my writing, so if this style works for you (if it helped convey emotions, if it did a good job at showing instead of telling, stuff like that), letting me know would be just dandy.
Here’s my twitter where I leave update announcements, au ideas, quotes that I think reflect malex and that could inspire more stories, and hopefully some malex fanart coming soon. Again, no pressure to follow, but if you want that stuff, you’ll have access to it.
Other than that, I genuinely hope you guys enjoyed reading this (WHAT?), and that it at least made your day a little brighter. Love you all 🧡💛🧡
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arielana · 4 years
RNM Creators Week 2020
Ok, well I’m gonna give this a try. I normally only reblog stuff so actually participating in an event is making me nervous lol.
Before I started watching Roswell NM I’d never been on Tumblr, had never heard of AO3 and had never even read fanfic. Now, a year later, I have a serious AO3 addiction, check for new fic every day and have my own regularly updated list of the fics I love the most and keep going back to over and over again. So I have to take this opportunity to give some love back, as ”just” a reader.
Day 1 - Dynamics
This will mainly be Malex-centric stories, I have no other choice. They occupy a permanent spot in my brain now to an extent that I’ve never experienced before. It’s just how it is. 
Narrowing this down to a few authors/fics has been really difficult, but here it goes...
The Cost of Greatness – @bestillmyslashyheart, @iwontbeyourmedicine /reachedthebitterend
Beginning with the exchange ”Don’t act like you love me all of a sudden” ”Are you fucking stupid?” just straight away sets the stage for a lovely satisfyingly angsty rollercoaster of emotions with an ”us against the world”-feeling that I am a complete sucker for.
Speaking of dynamics, this not only has a Malex dynamic I love, it is also a great duo of authors. They have some amazing stuff, both separate and as co-authors and I’ll happily just spend hours scrolling through their work. To name just a few pieces of brilliance: The red name, Alex Manes: Secret agent man, The last cut is the deepest by @bestillmyslashyheart and truth serum-ish (series), the person that you’d take a bullet for is behind the trigger by @iwontbeyourmedicine /reachedthebitterend
 To raise a child – @haloud, @maeglinthebold /MayGlenn
This childhood AU is a really great series and I am immensely looking forward to continuing reading the 3rd part. It is so interesting to see the dynamics between the characters in this different, but still similar world.
This is also another set of authors who have put out some great fics together as well as separate. A lot of it is distinctly more adult content, but with really great characterizations and lots of emotions. Thoroughly enjoyable!
 Hush - @prouvaireafterdark
Repeating myself, but this author is another one where again everything is fantastic! When it comes to nsfw I love, love, love their Malex dynamic – as it is demonstrated in this little gem with the boys on assignment, featuring BAMF Alex Manes and overwhelmed Michael.
Last year’s wishes are this year’s apologies - @lambourngb
Last but in no way least – If I for some reason would have to choose only one fic to read from now until forever, this would probably be it. It just completely ticks all the boxes for me. It’s wonderfully long so you can just get completely lost in it, it also has a lot of amazing scenes so if you are in the mood for something specific – angst, fluff, nsfw, you can just dip into a specific part to get a quick fix. I get frustrated with the idiots speaking past each other, I cry over Alex hurting, I get a warm fussy feeling when they start opening up to each other again – it is all so very, very satisfying!
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bellakitse · 4 years
Hi again. So a recent follower of yours mentioned they like Roswell NM even though they have never seen the show. I also have never seen the show, but I adore finding new fandoms. In fact I normally jump feet first and stumble around until I understand things. What fics are your favorite/do you recommend as first reads?
Oh man, there so much good writing in the Roswell fandom, it’s insane, so I’m not going to give you fics cause we’ll be here all day. I’ll give you writers.
First @andrea-lyn, Manda is an amazing writer, prolific, and every fic she writes is different and creative. Her --> AO3
Next @daffietjuh Daphne for the longest time has been my happy place for males fics, her work always makes me smile. She also writes Kylex. -->AO3
You want angst, I mean sobbing your eyes out, omg, I will never be the same again? well, that’s the incredibly talented angst queens. @beamirang and @hannah-writes their AO3 are HERE and HERE
Wanna get lost for hours reading nonstop then @spaceskam is your girl, probably the most prolific writer in the fandom with an amazing 271 fics, get ready to do nothing else but read, cause you won’t stop once you’ve started. her --> AO3 
Two other amazing writers in the fandom and people I’m blessed to call friends,
@insidious-intent @manesalex their AO3 are HERE and HERE
This is just a sampling mind you, I know there are more amazing writers in this fandom, I’m forgetting right now.
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