#So many parallels between haku and sasuke
catboysolomon · 1 year
Thinking about Haku’s story as the foreshadowing of the Uchiha clan massacre. How we learn people with kekkei genkai were sought out during times of war due to their abilities and now because of that association they are feared and hated. How both of them had the rug pulled out from under them by familicide because their family had this trait. How it wasn’t just Haku’s father who showed up to kill him and his mother but the villagers as well, just as Itachi did not act on his own but at the request of the leaf village itself. Haku looking over at Sasuke and saying, “Surely that boy has also suffered,” due to his bloodline.
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
Hi, I just want to know why you hate Hinata so much? (I'm a Hinata Stan but I somehow agree with some points in your posts and I respect your opinion anyways)
Hi Anon😊😊😊. Thanks for the ask❤️ 
[[But this post may unintentionally hurt you, Anon. I am sorry for that as I am bashing about a character you love. I sincerely hope you don’t belong to those stans whom I mention in this post. I hope you understand, I am not targeting you or your choices]]
Initially in part 1, I really liked her. When Sakura was treating Naruto like a pest, Hinata was the one who liked him. Because we all started to view this series through Naruto’s perspective, compared to everyone of his classmates, Sasuke and Hinata seemed to be the nicest people.
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She really tried her best to follow Naruto's Ninja way by not giving up in Chunin Exams against her battle with Neji. I really wanted her to win and was little bit disappointed with her loss.
By the end of Part 1, She gave me a good vibe, unlike Sakura, although I didn’t like her stalking Naruto persistently and doing nothing.
And then comes the second part, Hinata slowly started to get on my nerves. She was still blushing heavily on seeing Naruto. I mean more than how she blushed in Part 1. 
Even Sakura, the character I hated so much in Part 1, has changed a lot in Shippuden. Be it her amazing improvement in her skills or her attitude towards Naruto, she behaved really well (Only in the beginning). But Hinata, nope. I was like, ‘Girl !!!!!!, why are you still like this? Have you learnt anything in these 3 years at all? What happened to Naruto’s Ninja Way??? If you follow his way, you must keep him as an inspiration and should have overcome your shyness isn’t it??? So, You didn’t learn anything new!!!’. 
During Pain Arc, She really annoyed me so much. She was clearly told to stay away from the battle. And, at that time, it became a common knowledge to everyone (including her) that Naruto was a Kyuubi’s Jinchuriki and that’s why Akatsuki were targeting him. She never even paid any consideration to these factors and straight away jumped before him and started to fight with Pain, as if she was a top class ninja. 
Yes, She loves him and wants only good for him. But she jumped there because of her stupidity and selfishness. She couldn’t even pull out a single Chakra Rod from Naruto and was doing a clown show before everyone. Couple of Episodes before... we saw, Konohamaru, a 12 year old kid saved his Sensei by attacking one of the Pain with Rasengan successfully. Whereas she was just dancing like a cheer girl and failed miserably. 
Alright, if she really wanted to save him, just go save him. What is the need for the love proposal????? As a Ninja, emotions should be kept on hold and fight without giving up, isn’t it???? She didn’t even behave like a Ninja, all I saw was a foolish girl who wants to play romance at all time... I slowly started to see a milder version of Sakura at that moment. I feel like she wasn’t really concerned about Naruto at all, It’s just to show off her Love and make Naruto guilty.
[[[[There are some idiots who draws parallel between Hinata jumping before Pain & Sasuke jumping before Haku...... Just don’t do it. Sasuke never made any dramatic proposal unlike her and he successfully protected Naruto. His body really moved on it’s own.... whereas Hinata’s mouth only moved a lot]]]]
Hinata made Naruto to transform into Kyuubi 6 Tailed mode because of her stupidity. Did she ever realize what would have happened if Naruto unknowingly killed some villagers during his rampage??? All these years, that poor kid tried so hard to make everyone acknowledge him. All of that hard work would’ve been thrown into the drain. Did she even think of that???? I don’t think so.
After that, I forgot her completely. I didn’t hate her though.
And then comes the Pointless Neji’s Death. There are many organic ways to make someone fall in love. It all takes 4 or 5 panels. Kishi could’ve made Naruto and Hinata walk together and go for a Ramen Date after Pain Arc. We audience would get it. Instead, Naruto went on to angst over someone else and now he made Neji to die for Hinata. Geezzz!!!
Does Neji have to die by playing a ‘Cupid’??? For me, this looks like, Neji saying, ‘Am dying because Hinata-Sama is so horny for you. Please accept her’. So, now the guilt has been placed on Naruto. 
Neji was a very well developed side character almost similar to Shikamaru. He had a lot of potential to make some genuine changes to Hyuuga clan by destroying that stupid Main and Side branch shit. Hinata, may not give two shits about her clan but Neji could. Anyways, nothing about that matters in the end. How can we make Hinata get inside Naruto’s pants? By killing Neji.
On top of it, This..... Grrrrr.....
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What the fuck, this girl is thinking about in the midst of war??????
So, She is feeling orgasmic about ‘Naruto-kun’s big and strong hands......’ While her beloved Neji Nii-San’s body has not turned cold yet. All she ever uttered was, ‘Naruto-Kun’ ‘Naruto-Kun’ like a Hentai Heroine. Sorry, when I think about this, it disgusts me more.
What kind of crass mentality this girl has???
For me this is the ugliest shit, a character can do in this entire series. Even Zabuza who was so cold hearted when he was first introduced in the series, couldn’t handle Haku’s body being treated poorly by Gato.
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This is a man who killed many people in his life just for fun and bloodlust. But when he saw Haku’s body being treated poorly, he got into this monstrous rage and killed Gato in vengence and finally treated Haku as a precious person rather than a tool. His hand gesture proves it all.
If Zabuza has this soft side..... Where is Hinata’s sensitivity??? How can she admire about a boy’s hand when her Brother’s body is still a fresh corpse??? So, the author wants to conveys two things here.
A couple formed on the foundation of a blood stain & a human sacrifice.
A girl will always place her romantic life first despite standing on the dead body of a beloved person.
The worst part is, people are okay with it.
I would go on and shout at any day that Madara was better than this Hinata. 
Her rabid stans are making me hate her even more, by self-inserting her in every part of Naruto’s life and claiming shamelessly that ‘Hinata is his most important person in this life’, While throughout the manga, I’ve never seen her do anything for him. Even before the Chunin Exams match with Neji, she gave a pep talk, yes. But why didn’t she tell Naruto to not go for Close-Combat??. 
It’s as clear as day that Hinata never helped Naruto in his most important moments, be it happy or painful. She never knew who Naruto really was and what he was going through. 
Best Example, say, When Naruto heard about the death of Jiraiya. What did Hinata do to ease his pain??? Nothing. It was Iruka who came up to him and shared him a popsicle just like Jiraiya did once. 
The Two most import people for him are 
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I believe Naruto never used a simple and rageful ‘I’ll Kill you’, for anyone other than Iruka and Sasuke. Even after fighting Gaara, he said, ‘I’ll stop you even if i have to kill you’. Towards Pain, He just said, ‘I’m gonna kill you and bring peace back’. This shows  where Naruto keeps these two people in his heart. In the Gaiden arc, Despite being married for 12 years, Naruto never remembered Hinata as the important person who were not connected to him by blood. He still mentioned only Iruka and Sasuke.
Even Naruto said this countless times. But still the stans want to self-insert in any way possible by claiming that OOC shitty ‘The Last’ movie by erasing the real history and create some pathetic alternate history just to self-insert, ‘The Byakugan Princess’.  
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I have no clue why Hinata stans are self-inserting where they have no business with?? Just because a movie was made for Hinata and was given a new title ‘The Byakugan Princess’, it doesn’t means She can be inserted everywhere in Naruto’s life. She was definitely a secondary side character throughout the Manga and a non-existent in the Boruto Manga. 
[I really hope you don’t belong with these self-inserting stans, Anon]]
This just pisses real Naruto fans more and more, that includes me as well. Because there are million ways to make 2 people fall in love in a fictional world. I’ve seen many K-Dramas where couples fall in love organically in the first 2 or 3 episodes. There is no need for guilt-tripping or retconning the history or making Naruto into an Asshole.
But it doesn’t matter, Naruto’s son is punishing those idiot stans in the new Boruto Episode, anyway. It’s even in the Manga chapter 35, last page. I can’t help but smirk a little.
[[[[[NOTE: I am not making this into an SNS thing. Honestly even if I do, am still right, in some way... This GIF is making my Sasuke and Naruto Co-Parenting Boruto Theory stronger.]]]]]
Here, a kid, Uzumaki Boruto who is the son of Nanadaime Hokage, Uzumaki Naruto and The Byakugan Princess, Hyuuga Hinata,
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Is proudly identifying himself as 
Mr.Sasuke’s Student and Hokage’s Son. 
Naturally a child should identify itself with it’s mom and dad. Or just with it’s teacher separately. It’s weird seeing a kid identifying himself with his Master and his Dad
Where is Hinata?? Ummm.... Making Tea, I guess.
I don’t know whether to be happy about Boruto for trolling rabid Hinata stans like this or sad about the writers reducing the women characters into nothing after hyping up like Princess Hinata & Sakura, the kween.... Hmmm, what a pairing fodders they are. 
God!!!! This Girl was so horny about Naruto in Shippuden series but here she couldn’t even make an impact on her own son. Well, she never made an impact on Naruto anyway. It wouldn’t surprise me.
As a self-respecting woman, I find these girls’ lifestyle so pathetic. Revolving their lives around a man with no ambition or power to support their partners, just staying stagnant and most of all, no recognition from their own kids. And finally non-existent in the Manga.
You see, Anon, I have often said in many posts. Every character can be redeemed within 4 or 5 panels. Even Orochimaru, who committed Child Genocide and Human experimentation was also redeemed at last. He was written to help Sasuke in the War Arc, not as a human predator but as a former Master who was proud to see one of his students has grown wings and was about to fly in his own path. 
Orochimaru went on to help Tsunade and the other Kages, formed a tag team with Hiruzen and contributed something in the war. I can even say it’s because of Orochimaru, Sasuke had a chance to change his heart from ‘Destroy Konoha’ to ‘Protect Konoha’. And Because of him, Hokages could Reanimate and could able to lend a big help in the 4th Shinobi World War. It doesn’t mean I love this character now. I hated him in part 1 and now I feel indifferent. 
This makes me question, ‘What is the difference between a useless girl with no extraordinary jutsu who was feeling horny about a man’s hand by completely disregarding the dead body of her brother and a man who disregards the human life and experiments on it but finally he tried to do something helpful for this world???’ .
I don’t find any. Because they both treat other’s body like it’s nothing.
Atleast with the later, I find him helpful in many ways because of his extraordinary talent, while the former is completely useless.
So, that’s how Kishimoto can able to change people’s opinion in very few panels.
Kishi really succeeded in making me hate her in just 1 panel and he never redeemed her. Because most people are okay with her going horny about ‘Naruto-Kun’, while there are some people who finds her creepy for exactly the same reason. 
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whetstonefires · 3 years
Reverse Unpopular Opinion: Naruto
Hm! Only Positivity huh? I still don’t know why this is defined as Reverse Unpopular; some of my least popular opinions are already Thing Good.
Okay I actually really liked how Naruto (the manga, which I followed week to week for most of high school lol, hurrah for scanlators and rip mangafox) carried off the Big Twist about Itachi. The followthrough could have been better, as is the case with basically every element of the story, but the basic sell of Itachi’s real motives just landed really successfully, in my eyes.
There are a few reasons for that--mostly that it was the endpoint of quite a lot of direct buildup, of weird choices by Itachi that seemed just like his weird personality at a glance but which added together made foreshadowing, plus actual foreshadowing, followed by his absolutely bananas behavior during the climactic fraternal battle and the panel comp for his last words. Which really got me in the heart before I even had context.
But also that it snapped into place with a lot of the story’s strongest existing themes and tied them together in what looked at the time like the potential for a strong wicker sort of framework.
About the harm their society did its people and especially its children by molding them for war, and how seductively meaningful that shape could feel, going back to Haku. About cut-throat intra-clan bullshit going back to Neji.
About the weird emphasis placed on the concept of genius and its enforced advancement, going back to either the early Chuunin exam arc with Lee or earlier with Sasuke’s basic characterization. And about the fuckery that isolation wreaks on the psyche and how easy it is for authority figures to take advantage of vulnerable children, going back to literally the first chapter.
A lot of the time these twist-reveals that some baddie was Actually A Victim All Along are really unsatisfying, because they tend to diminish the horror of their crimes and even argue they were Justified.
With Itachi, the true story of the Uchiha Massacre was worse. Konoha’s government or a subset thereof (it was never clarified who was complicit) actively coercing a thirteen-year-old child into helping to kill his entire family and taking all the blame so they (that is Danzou) could avoid the potential repercussions of a civil war in the worst way possible while eliminating the Uchiha as internal political rivals is so much more deeply horrifying than a genius just snapping. Systemic rot is so, so much worse than individual violence.
(That’s why we as a society are encouraged to view crime as an individual thing, after all, and the prototypical criminal mind as the serial killer driven by nothing but deranged psychosexual needs.)
The fact that everything Itachi put Sasuke through was out of love and a desperate need to keep him alive, because Sasuke was who he loved most and the only thing he loved that he was allowed to save, that is so much more awful than it being out of hate. That that very love was cynically used to corral this child into leaving the corner he’d been backed into at an angle useful to others.
It’s obscene, but it pulls so many elements of the setting and characterization together.
And even though Itachi’s scheme technically went off exactly as planned, the narrative does not embrace it as in any way a good plan that reflected good judgment or even sanity. Which was nice.
The new version of What Really Happened is worse and it adds dimension to the past events being retconned rather than flattening them, which is cool and honestly difficult to pull off.
Also I love the premise of Itachi being, by nature, a very gentle person. Because that hasn’t stopped him from being a mass murdering serial killer, when the correct pressures were applied. He hates violence. He hates people being hurt.
No one ever cared what he wanted. And his family pressured him into a particularly violent and traumatic version of their murder career extra young for the prestige. And that was why, when more pressure came from different angles, he was already someone who could shut down his personal volition and kill whoever he was supposed to kill, no matter how much it hurt him.
They made him into a knife and he was turned against them. I go wild for that. It wasn’t right or fair and so many people died who weren’t directly at fault, but it is a closed circle. Which I find narratively satisfying.
Itachi also played interestingly against Gaara, the series’ previous benchmark for its recurring theme of Utterly Broken Boy, because he was walked a steady path down from Being At All Okay by the demands of the adults in his life, then took a really big hit, then just kept getting worse and worse without ever really snapping completely, but also without anybody ever even coming close to saving him.
While Gaara was betrayed by his family much harder and faster and in many ways more comprehensively, went completely insane when the big hit came, and then with Naruto’s help pulled himself together and ascended to a position of power, and began making things better and having positive sibling relationships.
Another thing that always struck me about the Real Itachi Backstory is that, because the breaking of him was conducted so much within the system--without kidnapping or sand demons talking in his head or social collapse or abandonment or even overt abuse or torture, unsanctioned wetworks divisions and insane cousins impersonating insane great-grandfathers notwithstanding--he makes it much easier to see the parallels between the way the ninja world eats its brightest stars alive very young, and the abusive expectations the real, contemporary school system tends to lay on high performers.
Fugaku’s abuse of Itachi is in some ways understated for fiction but also utterly deranged, in terms of the kind of gore and horror he pushed his genius child into confronting at such a young age. But it’s still sufficiently normalized within his society that it looks enough like a normal dad demanding outstanding academic achievement at all times to be really...the opposite of trippy. Strangely grounded for a relationship whose core  element is ‘refused to let son choose not to be a child soldier.’
I’m torn about the level of intentionality there.
Of course, salt incoming lol I can’t hold it back, praising this kind of thing in Naruto just brings attention to how the resolution of the story was unsatisfying, because it ultimately disengaged from all its major themes other than self-sacrifice and friendship being A Big Deal in order to bring a big finish and a firm conclusion.
Which...man looks like an even stupider decision in hindsight considering it now has a sequel. Hah.
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juusasu4evagrrl · 4 years
I didn’t expect my first ever tumblr post to be about Naruto, but here we go. So I’m rewatching the Naruto series and While watching the land of the waves arc I noticed something. The beef between Naruto and Inari should have been between Inari and Sasuke. Think about it though, Sasuke understood the pain of losing a family member far better than Naruto ever would. Sasuke understood what it felt like to be let down by a personal hero and protector, he probably would’ve understood how helpless and hopeless Inari was much better than Naruto because he’d been there.
Naruto gives great perspective to people who have it all time and time again throughout the course of the series, but his perspective wouldn’t benefit Inari. They’d lived wildly different lives and while Naruto had been through a lot he hadn’t experienced trauma like Inaris. Sasuke on the other hand had experienced the same form of trauma to an horrific extreme. Wouldn’t it be much more satisfying to see sasuke lash out towards Inari in episode 12? More satisfying to watch sasuke give the pep talk? Sasuke just has better insight in this situation.
What’s more, this would’ve been a better way to introduce the Uchiha massacre arc and introducing the massacre arc in this way and this early on would’ve humanized Sasuke and and helped to rationalized his later actions. Designating every teaching moment to Naruto forces his character into situations were he is acts very OOC and not only that but it puts the other main characters and their characters development on the back burner. Like honestly the whole land of the waves arc should have been focused around sasuke. Naruto and Haku should still have their little moment but when you look at it Haku and Itachi have so many parallels! WHY DIDN’T HAKU AND SASUKE GET A MOMENT!
Anyways I guess it not that deep but with every episode I watch it become more and more apparent that this arc would have been better served as a Sasuke character development. Kishimoto just really wanted to beat Narutos savior complex into us huh?
Sasuke deserves so much better honestly.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Two Hundred Seventy-Two: Future ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: A Light Amongst Shadows ] [ AO3 Link ]
Many years ago, Uchiha Sasuke did not consider the future outside of a singular idea. That being the vengeance gained for his slaughtered clan when he finally eliminated their murderer: his elder brother, Itachi. A secondary goal to restore his clan was...vague and half-hearted at best. Partially because he didn’t yet realize just what such a goal would take. Partially because he knew full well that he may die in pursuit of his revenge.
And partially because he had no romantic inclinations until late into his teens.
Sasuke spent nearly every day after his release from Konoha’s hospital a few days after the massacre training, one way or another. Be it practicing his taijutsu, his bukijutsu, his ninjutsu. Or doing extensive study on any subject that offered an inkling of advantage. Seals, chakra rationing, even the history of Konoha and his clan. He couldn’t waste a single moment...because every one he let slip away was another spent with his clan in turmoil, surely trapped in a kind of limbo while they awaited justice for their untimely deaths, from elders to children.
He wouldn’t - couldn’t - let them down.
Beyond his eventual goal, Sasuke took life one day at a time. Get up, eat, train, eat, clean himself up, sleep...repeat. Barely any variation save for whatever obstacles life threw at him. His time at the Academy was spent obsessively studying and practicing. Upon being assigned a genin team, he felt held back by immature missions, and even more immature teammates. Even his sensei seemed too aloof, not giving his goal true consideration. Kakashi didn’t seem to care that Sasuke was so driven. He still held him to the same standards - the same routines - as the dead-last and the annoying girl that was far more focused on him than her shinobi career.
He became so blinkered, that any interruption - any waste of time - was unforgivable. Naruto’s incessant bickering was infuriating. Sakura’s attempts to distract him for her own selfish desires were aggravating. Kakashi’s lack of drive and refusal to take him seriously was a source of constant irritation. Naruto called himself his friend. Sakura claimed to love him. Kakashi, once things got bad enough, tried to relate to Sasuke and his own childhood actions.
But none of them...none of them truly understood. And it was clear in their actions. In no way did they attempt to help him. Instead, they impeded him at every given opportunity.
And yet…
...and yet…
Buried beneath the anger, the hurt, the obsession...was the same caring little boy that fed stray cats in the Uchiha compound, and spoke softly to his classmates, and eagerly vied for the attention of his peers and betters. Because at the root of Uchiha Sasuke’s character...was a deep and unbreakable caring for people.
Why else would be try so hard for people now dead? Because he loved them. Because their deaths were a grave injustice. Everything else? The hatred, the fury, the drive? Was to shelter and protect that ideal from the corruption of his brother. He had to hate him. Had to be angry. Had to strive every moment of every day, or he would fail.
Fail them.
So, despite the aggravations they caused him, despite the impediment of his goals, despite his overall annoyance toward his team...they were his team. They were, in some sense, like family. It’s why he threw himself between Haku’s needles and Naruto. Why he fought so hard against Gaara to save Sakura’s life. Why he tried so hard when Kakashi finally took him for solo training. These people, whether he liked them or not, were tied to him. And he couldn’t deny that.
Not even when he left.
They were the first glimmers of hope for a future. That maybe something could exist for him when all was said and done. When the Uchiha were avenged, maybe...he could shed his layers he’d built up to protect that core.
But until then, to save himself - to save them - he cut his ties. Nothing could hold him back from this destiny. This goal. This purpose that had become the center of his very being.
And just as he thought justice was his - just as Itachi lay dead at his feet - everything shattered.
Itachi was not the culprit. He was the puppet. The puppet of the village Sasuke had been born in, grown in. They had betrayed their own, ignoring their abuse and their wants for freedom...and met them instead with blades and subterfuge.
...and what did his team do when they learned this truth?
That...had been a blow almost akin to learning that truth. The betrayal Sasuke felt when Naruto knew that Konoha had killed his clan, and yet still tried to drag him ‘home’. The audacity of Sakura trying to end his path for justice by killing him, to put him out of his misery…? The sheer hypocrisy of Kakashi, too loyal to a bloody-handed village to see why Sasuke abandoned them - they who chose Konoha over their teammate, friend, love, student - was too much.
In that moment...he truly did hate them.
And those dreams of that future died in the fires of that hate.
How dare they…? How dare they?! How dare any of them uphold a system that produced the most virulent ‘villains’ of the ages? Madara, Obito, even Sasuke himself in some minds...all products of the shinobi system and its broken ideas of loyalty and servitude to the state...even if it means wiping out a bloodline long used and abused by the village they helped create.
So Sasuke saw a new future. One with a slate wiped clean. Dead kage, dismantled villages...whatever it took to destroy that which had made his monster.
And who would stop him...but Naruto?
Even with the ultimate powers granted to him, Sasuke still couldn’t best him. It felt cruel. To be once again shackled to Konoha, to the system of shinobi. It was either that, or death. And death was no future.
So...he gave in.
...but not completely.
Upon the return of Itachi, raised from the grave, Sasuke found - at last - his final calling. To see Konoha’s shadows burned in the light of truth and justice. They would confront the council. They would reveal the truth behind the massacre. Itachi would be pardoned and seen for the hero he truly was: someone forced to make an impossible choice by killing the few to save the many. Neither of them were perfect, and neither claimed to be. But both were done wrong by the village they’d been born in. Given so much of their lives to.
And if Sasuke could not change the world...he would change Konoha.
They had allies. The Hyūga stood with them, debts owed thrice over to one of their own. Cousin clans stood together to shed light on the past.
And it was that act that revealed to Sasuke - even if time would have to pass before he realized - the largest part of his true future.
Hinata had been a virtual stranger. There had been brief meetings during clan talks, and they’d attended the Academy together. Took their first chūnin exams together. But they had never really talked. Sasuke had no recollection of her, really, upon his return to Konoha outside a vague impression of a quiet, shy, but seemingly good-hearted little girl.
A girl who had grown into a fierce defender of what she believed in, and the people she cared for. Whose gentle nature was backed by an iron will. In some ways...she reminded him of himself. He had a basic respect for her, especially as she worked with their clan to help bolster them in their singular numbers. She wasn’t overbearing like many of her clansmen, but instead warm and diligent, paying close attention to the needs and comforts of others.
She was...calming. Quiet, like himself, they could sit in a companionable silence when brought together: be it for clan business, or being dragged along by shared friends or acquaintances. Her temper meshed against his own almost shockingly well. And while everyone else walked on eggshells, she simply went on like business as usual.
It was unbelievably refreshing.
For the first time, he felt he could be heard. He didn’t have to bicker with her like Naruto. He didn’t have to know he wasn’t being listened to like with Sakura. She treated him like she treated everyone else. And their parallels served as a basis of understanding he’d really found in no one else, not even Naruto.
Once he realized how well they got on...he sought her out like a plant in a dark room, reaching for a crack bleeding light. Everything about her just felt...right. Comforting. Comfortable. Nothing forced, nothing expected, just...someone who listened. Who understood.
...and then he realized that he loved her. In his nineteen years, he’d never felt love like that before. Love for family, yes. Love for friends, sure. But love in another half? In someone who made him feel...whole?
...he was terrified.
Partly due to inexperience. Partly due to a fear of driving her away. But mostly due to fearing his reputation’s effect on her own.
But Hinata, of course, refuted it as soon as he brought it up. Her life had nearly been lost so many times...and several times in pursuit of a love never returned. But now, she had someone who made her feel seen. Who she didn’t have to fight for his attention. She and Sasuke just...worked. Never had she felt so connected to and understood by someone. There would be - could be - no one else. And she would gladly risk her reputation - or her life - for such a love.
...so he agreed. And together, they took their first steps into a future for two.
     Phew, finally done with this one! I'm still technically a day late (and probably will be for...quite some time as I do another ship month for October), but at least I'm more caught up than I was lol      This piece is more...narrative and introspective. I love love LOVE getting inside Sasuke's mind. He's such an intriguing character to me. Even more so, admittedly, than Hinata (though I still love her to pieces). I love thinking about and studying his story, and imagining how it could go post-war in another verse with Hinata. Even recently I've changed a small portion of my view of him yet again - seems he's still evolving for me, even after all this time. There's just so much potential for expansion for him...and so much of it wasted in canon by Kishi just sweeping everything tidily after 699. It really irks me xD      But, it's late and I'm rambling! Thanks for reading!
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loveoaths · 5 years
-slides here- can i just say i love your blog and how you developed haku that it feels so nice to see? like i really love reading your posts and headcanons and i'm looking forward for more content here?? asdpfaosdfsd haku deserved better and i'm glad you giving haku what canon never did. -slides out-
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yoooooooooooo, thank you !!! reading this made me so happy, you have no idea ! i often wonder if i’m taking too many liberties with haku considering how little he appeared, but i find haku and the yuki clan just so fascinating, especially since haku was set up as a parallel to sasuke, kind of an on-the-nose comparison, but none the less. with the way haku’s personal goal & nindo so deeply moved & motivated naruto, i always thought kishi missed a great opportunity to explore an additional mindset in-between naruto & sasuke’s world views, or just o have another character on naruto’s side… oh well, kishi is the best plothole writer i’ve ever seen. i’m just glad his mess moved me to write haku, who is my favorite muse in over 8 years. anyway, rambling; thank you so much for the kind words my dear, & i look forward to interacting with you sometime soon ! mwah !
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elite-kunoichi · 7 years
Naruto Tag
Wasn’t tagged, but saw this and really wanted to fill this out!
Female Character(s): Sakura Haruno, Kushina Uzumaki, Tsunade, Ino Yamanaka, Temari, and TenTen (I feel like she’s really underappreciated), Konan
Male Character(s):  Sasuke Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake (He’s tired of everyone’s shit), Naruto Uzumaki, Obito Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha, Madara Uchiha (Fucking Uchiha Clan), Minato Namikaze, Shikamaru Nara, Neji Hyuga, Gaara, Kankuro
Least Favorite Female Character(s): Ughhh This is tough... It’s not that I don’t like them, it’s just they have certain qualities that make me like them less than my favorites if that makes any sense. Because I like Karin as an independent character, and Hinata had so much potential (as did half of the females in this series), but they’re not my favorites. 
Least Favorite Male Character(s): Danzo fuck you danzo i h8 u, Kisame (I’m sorry, fanart and fanfics I read when I was like 10 just made me uncomfortable xD), Kakazu (He creeped me out, ok) i hate video game Deidara, spamming piece of shit
Sensei: Kakashi, stick with the OG Naruto, but besides him, I’d have to go with The Legendary Sannin, they did really well with training NaruSakuSauce.
Team: Team 7, always and forever, and Team Minato, because, parallels.
Clan: Uchiha
Hokage: OBITO UCHIHA FOR HOKAGE Hashirama (//distant screeching from Madara) and my bby Naruto Uzumaki because he reached his dream.
Kage: Fuck me up, Mizukage, and ofc Gaara
Village: Konoha
Akatsuki: Konan, “Tobi”, Uchiha Itachi, Pein, Sasori
Jutsu: Yin Seal Release, Strength of a Hundred Seal, Ninja Art Creation Rebirth, Sage Mode, Susanoo, Summoning Jutsu, Amaterasu, Tailed Beast Bomb, Kushina’s Chains, so much more
Chapters: Oh boy, I don’t remember the specific chapters but: When Zabuza realizes how important Haku was, Orochimaru gives Sasuke the curse mark, Sakura protects Sasuke and Naruto in the FoD, Sasuke wakes up with the curse mark, Sakura and Ino’s fight, Neji and Hinata’s fight, Gaara and Lee’s fight, Neji and Naruto’s fight, Gaara and Sasuke’s fight, Sakura protects Sasuke from Gaara, Sasuke admits how precious Sakura (and Naruto) are to him, Itachi vs Sasuke (pre), Rooftop scene, Sakura’s confession (pre), Sasuke Retrieval Arc, Naruto and Sasuke’s fight (pre), Team 7 spar, Chiyo and Sakura vs Sasori, Chiyo giving her life to Gaara, Team 7 Reunion, Nine Tails vs Orochimaru, Naruto meets Kushina, Sasuke vs Itachi, Sasuke vs Team 7, Five Kage Summit, Madara reveals himself, Obito’s backstory, Jiraya’s death, Hokage are summoned, Sakura unlocks her seal, Team 7 Reunion (good), Sakura and Obito save Sasuke, Team 7 destroys Kaguya, Sasuke vs Naruto (final battle), Team 7 together again
Fight Scene: Naruto and Sasuke vs Haku, Both Naruto vs Sasuke fights, Kakashi vs Obito, Sasuke vs Itachi
Story Arc: Land of Waves Arc, Chunin Exam Arc, Destruction of the Hidden Leaf, Sasuke Retrieval Arc, Shinobi War Arc 
Filler: In pre-Shippuden, I liked the one filler where Team 7 tries to find out what is under Kakashi’s mask. That’s literally it, the fillers are absolute trash.
What is your…
OTP (explain why): SasuSaku; I’ve watched this series since I was like 6-7 years old (19 now). Sakura was my absolute favorite character, probably because I was obsessed with the color pink and I just thought she was absolutely beautiful. The FoD episodes are what solidified my love for Sasuke and Sakura together, seeing the concern he had for who harmed her and how she stopped his curse mark, and it just continued from there. I would get on YouTube and watch countless numbers of AMV’s between the two of them, one I can remember perfectly was an Everytime We Touch AMV with them and it had the FoD scene and I just absolutely adored it xD. From then on out I would google (or go to ask.com and Photobucket) and look up photos of them and watch AMV and Naruto chatrooms xD kill me.
NOTP(be nice): SasuKarin, I prefer Karin with Suigetsu tbh BROTP: NaruSaku, SasuNaru, InoSaku, KarinSaku FRIENDSHIP FOR ALL OT3: NaruSakuSasu and InoSakuTem Crossover Ship: Literally none. Now if we’re talking crack ships... ಠ‿ಠ I’m a slut for MadaSaku (lowkey hinting at marriage to @madara-fate), ObiSaku, KibaHina, InoShika
Do you have any headcanons: Just that Sasuke is a complete dork around Sarada and Sakura and they play cute family games like Monopoly and Uno and they’re just a wholesome family now that Sasuke is back from his mission.
Are you happy with the ending? What would you have done differently?: Sigh. Yes and no. During the whole run of Shippuden, it was referenced, even by Naruto himself, that he and Sasuke would die during their final battle. Do I wish they would’ve? No, because then Naruto’s efforts to become Hokage would’ve been futile, and that would’ve been a huge dick move lol. Sure, have Naruto say that in order to build suspense, but I mean, come on. I also wish more people knew the true reason behind Itachi’s actions, but that’s just a personal feeling. Also, more Team 7, I love those fuckers.  How do you feel about the new generation?  If it’s anything like the Naruto fillers, we’re going to have problems lol. But, I find them adorable, spinning images of their parents and a good personality mixture of both spouses. Except, Shikadai, he is all Shikamaru personality wise.
Say something about your favorite character. Good and bad: Female: Sakura Haruno. God Bless, I would go to war for her. Once I saw her in episode 3 of Naruto when it aired on Toonami, I was immediately drawn to her. As I mentioned earlier, I thought she was absolutely beautiful, and she rocked my favorite color. Honestly, she became my role model and helped me become who I am today (as dumb as that sounds). I admired how intelligent she is and how strong she has become, all without a limitless chakra supply or kekkei genkai. She’s a relatable character, for me, and is proof of what hard work and determination can achieve. She is always there for her friends and spent years trying to help rescue Sasuke from darkness, alongside Naruto. I only wish Kishi would’ve made her more than a support character in the first series, as she would’ve been perfect with genjutsu and more ninjutsu. Also, SS is my otp, but tone it down a bit in the first series.
Male: Sasuke Uchiha. Ya boy went through too much shit when he was a kid and it fucked him up. He wanted to live a normal life with Team 7, but Michael Jackson’s twin had to come and fuck everything up. I think he was a perfect rival for Naruto, because ya know, fucking bonds, but dammit Sasuke you should’ve sent a letter every now and again, even if its just a drawing of you flipping off Naruto. Your revenge having ass got old every now and then, but you are still a precious child.
What would a child between your OTP look like?: 
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Say something genuinely nice about your NoTP: She cared for him and helped him, also helped deliver his child.
Say something negative about your OTP: Sasuke was lil bitch at times and Sakura was too focused on him at times.
Is there any way you could be convinced to ship your NoTP?: Nah fam, SuiKarin all the way. If I did ship them, it would be in a more Brotp. What would make you change your mind about the pairing? Literally nothing. They are good as friends. What makes you mad about the series? Studio Pierrot. Too many fillers, too many unexplained power-ups like wtf, and tbh Anko should’ve been more important to the series. If you could see anything happen in the series, what would it be? Asuma and Kurenai’s relationship, Choji and Kauri because what, Sarada find out more about her clan, Kakashi’s retirement lol What would you say to Kishimoto if given the chance?  Thank you for everything! As much as I wanted to throw my phone across the room at the fandom and some chapters, I honestly couldn’t imagine a life without it. Thank you for making that aspect of my childhood well worth it!
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
So I'm aware of Haku loving Zabuza. But was Zabuza written to reciprocate that same love? Because if I'm remembering correctly, Haku loved Z romantically.
I'll be honest their relationship made me uncomfortable and it was also pretty toxic since Z was just using Haku. I wish Haku had a happier ending.
I also wish that people didn't ship a fucking 15 year old with some dude in his 20s/early 30s that treated him poorly. 🤢🤮
Alright, before Answering this...... I must say.... 
[[Disclaimer: Pedophilic Warning... If you are not comfortable with Haku and Zabuza content... Please don't read this post.]]
So... Even though I don't ship them, their relationship seemed 'odd' for sure... But it's not uncomfortable or disgusting, atleast for me, unlike many Naruto fans and I'll say why. And I thoroughly understand why they feel that way.
I'll be honest their relationship made me uncomfortable and it was also pretty toxic since Z was just using Haku.
I really don't think Z mistreated Haku or used him like a tool. It has been implied few times.
First off..
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Zabuza's nickname was 'Demon' because he killed 100's of his fellow classmates to graduate the Hidden Mist Exam. And Zabuza said, "That sure was Fun".....
Now, a person who killed other people for fun immediately started to tear up after Naruto tapped into his heart and stirred up his real feelings. I don't think he could cry if his feelings weren't real.
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Here he finally agrees, "A Shinobi is still a human... We many not be able to become emotion-less tools... I've lost"....
So, he is accepting the fact that he had emotions and feelings all along...
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This is where Zabuza reveals the true motivations of Haku that he never wanted to hurt Naruto or Sasuke. Well, if Zabuza just used him as a tool without understanding Haku's feelings... how could he know how Haku felt about these boys????
So, Zabuza is very aware of how Haku behaves and what he feels.
And finally, to get a perfect closure....
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Kakashi himself openly conveyed the real feelings of Z to Haku, "He didn't just view you as a Tool"....
And Narrative-wise, if Haku died as someone without any reciprocation of the Feelings.... it won't do any justice to his death. In this series, people dying together were usually shown with mutual feelings all the time. Say, Minato and Kushina??? They both died protecting their Son and the Village. They both shared similar feelings. Same case with Fugaku and Mikoto.
So, I don't think Zabuza just used him as a Tool even though that's how he wants to project himself to be.
So I'm aware of Haku loving Zabuza. But was Zabuza written to reciprocate that same love? Because if I'm remembering correctly, Haku loved Z romantically.
I think it's very difficult to predict how exactly Z felt about Haku. But I'm inclined to think Zabuza loved Haku in some way. Whether it's romantic or not.... That's where the ambiguousness lies. And this panel actually screams, 'romantic' or 'unusual'.....
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Here both Zabuza's and Haku's lips were drawn in a certain angle to touch implicitly.... Like they are not actually kissing.... But it was implied to be. Usually people don't pay attention to such panels, since most of them were too young to even have such visual perception and hence it's easily ignored. But this is definitely not an angle to draw, if the author just wants their relationship to be purely platonic. I checked the Anime version and they too portrayed this scene suggestively.
And their relationship is a clear parallel to the bond of SNS and that's what Kishimoto wanted to convey in the very first Arc of the series. That is, just like how the bond between Haku and Zabuza is Unusual... Naruto and Sasuke also shares the same Unuusual bond between them.
With Haku being a clear parallel to Sasuke.... they both gave up their life for Z and N respectively. And Z and N being so proud or Tsundere for some reason unknown, they couldn't reveal what they felt all along. And much much later, Naruto revealed in VoTE1 that how he felt about Sasuke all along when he was young....
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"I was happy... From first glance, I wanted to know you..."
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And I think this panel wanted to convey the true feelings of Zabuza. But anyways, whether it is romantic or not... it's too vague to predict but I believe it must be bordered on Romantic feelings because of that 'weird' angle to show an implicit kiss. And also it was 'Snowing' in this scene. Snow usually represents Love and Purity....
Not to mention, THEY DIED TOGETHER.... Like I said in many posts, Double suicide (Shinju) is a concept which allows two lovers to unite together atleast in the afterlife... And Zabuza is hinting that he wants to go the same place as Haku...
This is a total foreshadowing of Naruto’s Promise under the bridge.
Considering all these facts... I believe some form of love is reciprocated. That's for sure. It's not one-sided.
I also wish that people didn't ship a fucking 15 year old with some dude in his 20s/early 30s that treated him poorly. 🤢🤮
I understand why you feel this way., Anon...
But can I say I just got used to this kind of story to the point of becoming immune to it??? Again, I am not justifying or anything. This relationship is very similar to the one where a 12 year old Natalie Portman had a crush on a 30+ year old man in a movie called Leon: The Professional.
And this is a very common theme in Chinese Novels as well. Where a student falls in love with their Master. I've read atleast 15 Chinese Novels so far and this theme was a regular in atleast 6 of those.
And I decided to dig deeper as to why this is such a common theme and was widely accepted by their audience. And why Kishimoto also tried to employ this theme?? I wasn't weirded out, tbh but was just curious... Because my culture also has old literatures based on such themes.
And I found this interesting article... [Link]... It’s a good one... And I suspect that Sasuke’s appearance might have been inspired from Japanese Kabuki actors who has this Androgynous looks with a manly character ... (I mean they look appealing to both men and women alike)... This article somehow gave me that vibe because Kishi created Sasuke as a manly character but gave him an heroine status and was referenced with femininity many times.
But anyways,
This article was all about Homosexual Samurai Love in Edo Japan [1603AD-1867AD]. And I'm just going to reiterate the important parts here.
"Nanshoku (男色, literally “male colors”) While nanshoku as a term has been used to refer to male homosexuality (for example in works like Nanshoku Okagami by Ihara Saikaku, translated into English as The Great Mirror of Male Love) between a older man and a young boy, the origin of the term is found in religion. Nanshoku was imported from China into Japan from monks who had studied Buddhism in China, and it referred to a relationship between two monks. In nanshoku, a younger, usually pre-pubescent, monk (called chigo) would come to be under the wing of an older monk (called nenja).
One point favoring nanshoku was the absence of women. During war periods, samurai would be out on the road fighting without many women in sight. Even with the peace of the 1600s, samurai tended to be concentrated in castle cities, where the opposite sex was a rare sight.
A second point was that nanshoku went along very well with some of the concepts and ideals of the samurai life. In a very strict hierarchical world, where younger members would obey and serve older members while being educated and supported in exchange, a relationship between an older samurai and a young samurai would instantly appear advantageous to both. The younger samurai would receive education and abide by the centuries-old values of respect to the elderly and feudal deference, while the older samurai would receive unquestionable loyalty (also in honor-related quests, like duels and fights)… and some other extra favors."
So, I am not trying to justify this ship or anything... Am just presenting the facts here... So, this kind of Haku and Zabuza relationship was very common in the feudal Japan and this culture was imported from China. And that's why I believe I found lots of Novels with stories based on Ancient Era has this kind of themes. Whereas the Novels based on Modern Time Period has nothing like this. They were all portrayed according to the modern standards.
I must appreciate Kishimoto for handling such a bold theme in a much refined way where not many people will find this extremely awkward and they continue to watch the series without even realizing it... because it's so subtle and layered.
And Now I know why he went with a Mid-Aged man and Young Boy dynamics. Because, if only Haku acted around like this with another boy of his same age, then it would give off the obvious homosexual vibes.
But somehow Kishimoto wanted to create a parallel bond which should resemble Naruto and Sasuke in a subtle way as possible. And that's why he went with this couple with such an age difference where only perceptive viewers can find the hidden meaning behind his choice. It's kind of like a foreshadowing for the viewers... that is, "This is the kind of bond you are going to see between Naruto and Sasuke... (an indirect indication of Homosexual feelings)... If you pick up the hints, then you can really understand why Naruto and Sasuke behave 'weird'... Or Else, all you will get is the shallow understanding of their bond and say things like Shikamaru was Naruto’s best friend... And that’s why Chapter 3 'Accidental' Kiss was intentional from Kishimoto's part.. LOL"....
That's why I don't demonize the people who ship them even though I don't ship this couple actively... Because the author wrote both of them in a Romantic way... And such dynamics really existed few centuries ago and even practiced as a cultural thing. 
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
I hate to point this out but aren't there too many parallels between Sasuke and Hinata? Both belong to prestigious clans, both their fathers are leaders of their clans, both of them had sibling rivalry but there was also a lot of love, both wanted approval of their fathers, the absence of which bothers them both, even appearance. Pale skin, dark hair, powerful eyes. Naruto's type, hehe. Also both love Naruto. Although, no comparison. Don't get me wrong, the only female character I detest more than Sakura is Hinata. I couldn't help but notice..
I detest more than Sakura is Hinata. I couldn't help but notice..
For me they are both equal, anon. I hate them equally along with Danzo.
Hinata could've very well escaped my hate list (my hate list is very small, tbh. It's just 3 people) if only she behaved like a human in the War Arc.
She was orgasming about 'Naruto-Kun's warm and big hands' by standing on top of Neji's dead body.
That scene drove me so mad so that I want to destroy my laptop.
What an insensitive hoe!!!!... (Sorry for this word, I simply can't accept this behaviour).
Pale skin, dark hair, powerful eyes. Naruto's type, hehe.
It's partially true anon.
But you are wrong about eyes.
Naruto canonically showed his appreciation of someone’s beauty for three people.
Haku, whom he felt cuter than Sakura.
The girl on genjutsu sent by Itachi to separate Jiraiya and Naruto.
Sasuke, who looks way better than Sai by bazillion times, according to Naruto.
All have black eyes, black hair and pale skin.
So Hinata's bland and lifeless eyes are not his type.
Aren't there too many parallels between Sasuke and Hinata?
Whatever parallels you mentioned are true, in a sense. But those parallels are something which both of them had no control over. It's like saying, I have black hair, you have black hair. We are sooo similar.
But I will tell you what differences they have and how it impacted Naruto.
Sasuke is a sassy, straight forward person. Hinata is horribly shy.
Sasuke purposefully pokes and teases Naruto. Hinata stops at 'Naruto-Kun'.
Sasuke along with Iruka Sensei were the most important people in Naruto's life. Hinata was never even in his second tier list which had Jiraiya, Kakashi and Sakura.
Sasuke had his own goals in his life. Hinata basically had no ambition other than stalking her 'Naruto-Kun'.
Sasuke reached out to Naruto when he was alone. Hinata was just stalking and did nothing.
Sasuke became an orphan who can understand how Naruto feels. Hinata still has a family but can never understand his pain.
Sasuke worked his ass off for an entire day to the point of getting injured to get his father's approval by doing a grand Katon: Goukakyu No Jutsu. Hinata just got crumbled by her father's attitude.
Sasuke succeeded in protecting Naruto from Haku. Hinata was just showing off and failed to remove even one chakra rod from Naruto against Pain.
Sasuke unknowingly improved Naruto's growth in his Genin Days. Meaning Sasuke is Naruto's strength. Hinata....well, nothing to say. She could've warned Naruto about not to go for a Close Combat with Neji before the Chunin Exams.
Sasuke adored his brother Itachi so much. After knowing the truth, he just gave into vengeance to the point of crushing Danzo into million pieces by the mention of Itachi's name from that ugly mouth. Hinata was wetting herself at the thought of Naruto's hand over her brother's fresh corpse.
Sasuke's voice in anime always sounds Confident and Arrogant. Hinata's voice in the anime somehow gave me Shy and Hentai-ish vibes. If only her voice was like Tsunade and Temari, then this point won't exist.
Sasuke, when it comes to battle, can analyze the opponent's abilities with the help of his Sharingan and help Naruto from his Impulsive 'fight first think later' attitude. Hinata, with her Byakugan, ummmm..... nothing to say. Useless.
Sasuke's brother, Itachi, all he had to do was to share his power with Naruto to take care of Sasuke. Hinata's brother, Neji had to die a pointless death to tell Naruto to take care of Hinata. PUKE!!!!🤮🤮🤮🤮
Sasuke can say pages and pages about Naruto's childhood to Boruto. Hinata can't say anything meaningful about Naruto other than naughty, trouble making and cool.
Well, Anon. You can see how different they are. They are not similar at all, atleast not in my opinion.
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