#Then there's the Gears universe... I wanted to try making the original oneshot into a comic. So I never wrapped up the oneshot.
asjjohnson · 1 year
I just had the thought of making a future fic updating schedule of 'once in a blue moon'. (Partly for the pun.) ...But then I looked up how often blue moons happen, and it's only about once every two years. So... that's probably not a good updating schedule. :(
(I have an existing fic with an update schedule of 'Friday 13ths and Halloween'. I like the semi-randomness. I would like to think of similar schedules. ...Though I'd missed the last two update dates.)
#...The 13ths fic is the only one that's currently active right now. And I haven't updated it in a year.#It was way too busy for me to write a chapter last 13th. It fell on a bad time of year.#and my computer's been messed up for the past few months so I hadn't felt like writing as Halloween neared.#Still don't know what's wrong with my computer but it seems to be less worrying now. Except I can't get Photoshop to work which is annoying#I could do 'once in a full moon' or 'once in a new moon' though they're a little too regular.#Hmm... looks like rainy days happen about twice a week when I try looking it up for my US state.#Updating on rainy days sounds interesting... for smaller-chaptered fics. Though I would need to write the chapters in advance.#When it's an event on a calendar it's easier to prepare for than the utter randomness of weather.#oh wait. my other fics aren't abandoned. DE is just the only one with a schedule right now. So... I don't know when to work on the others.#I might try updating 10/20 on full moons next year. ...If I can write its chapters quick enough. ...I might need a plan for a plot. hmm.#PD used to be updated very quickly but then I got stuck on a chapter near the end of the fic. I need to find time to reread it all.#Then there's the Gears universe... I wanted to try making the original oneshot into a comic. So I never wrapped up the oneshot.#And writing Another Gear would spoil the Gears oneshot/comic.#Dan fic 1 is... still not ready for publishing. I'd over-planned it. ...or under-planned it? I need to find time to really look it over.#...And the careful wording used in that fic is exhausting for me.#Hmm... there's a few oneshot holiday ideas I've had.#And the ficlets made specifically for this site (I think I have two unfinished ones—one about Vlad and one about Danny).#...For non-DP fics... They're on hold so far. I don't want to mix fandoms much or I'll get muddled characterization.#and my non-DP stuff doesn't get much attention here. Though I might should work on some Aladdin stuff for deviantArt. And BNHA for AO3.
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the-irish-mayhem · 3 years
This is a series of short, unrelated vignettes/oneshots that was supposed to be posted for Fosterson Week a year or two ago and I finally got around to finishing it. Enjoy!
5 Universes In Which Jane Is Worthy and 1 Where She Isn’t
Read on AO3
On the top ten list of bad ideas she’s ever had, this is so, so, so bad the number one spot doesn’t even seem adequate. The guy who thought he was Thor clearly got caught trying to get her stuff back, and so she is  so  screwed unless she goes in herself. God, why did she go along with this again? He’d claimed he’d fly out once he got what he was looking for (which,  god , again, why had she kind of believed him?)
Her feet crunch quietly against the hard-packed sand leading to the hole in the plastic tarping making up the walls of the facility that Thor had kicked a guy through, and she, without nearly as much hesitation as she should probably feel, hops in.
The place isn’t huge, and it doesn’t take long for Jane to find the main room.
Thor had helpfully drawn nearly everyone in security away from where her equipment is stowed, next to a… hammer in the dirt. Literally, they built this entire site around a hammer? What the  hell , archaeologists never get this much funding and government attention. And what does her equipment have to do with it?
Jane shakes herself. She has a lot more important things to do instead of trying to puzzle out the weird and wild workings of shady government agencies. Things like capitalizing on their inattentiveness and getting her gear back.
She grabs her notebook first, stuffing it into her back pocket, and then trying to figure out how she’s going to cart out at least two hundred or so pounds of equipment.
Jane nearly leaps out of her skin and turns, seeing a pair of security guards sprinting towards her from one of the halls.
“Shit,” she spits, and frantically looks around at her equipment. Lightest and hardest to replace… Radio spectrometer retrofitted for wormholes. Yep, that one. She scoops it up in her arms and takes off.
Even running as quickly as she can, the guards are still within arm’s length of her before she’s taken five steps.
Oh, they are not taking her work. Absolutely not. Erik isn’t here to hold her back this time.
She reaches an arm out, barely managing to hold onto her spectrometer as she grasps the handle of the hammer. Old or valuable, the thing is still a hammer, she can still swing at them with it.
A crack of thunder. A blinding flash of light. The feeling of grabbing a live-wire running through her body for a handful of terrifying seconds until the euphoria comes.
If she be worthy , she hears.
May she possess the power of Thor.
Oh, Jane thinks.
Oh,  fuck .
“No, I don’t know what… That’s why I’m coming out here to… Look, all the issues with our readings at the site are originating from this one spot, so yeah, I’m going to go take a look,” Jane says into the phone.
“Who is it?” Darcy whispers. Their truck rumbles along a remote road in Norway leading to the coast, and the interference from their mystery site makes it so they don’t get any radio stations, so Darcy is starved for entertainment.
Jane covers the mouthpiece and whispers back, “Caplan. He’s--” she uncovers the mouthpiece. “No, there’s not any danger. You--no… No… Wait, but that time wasn’t actually my fault, so…”
“Being a dick again?”
Jane’s eyeroll is all the answer required. “Look, we’ll be ba-- in--” Jane makes an almost comical crackling noise in the back of her throat. “Wha-- interference from the-- thr-- breaking up--bye.” She hangs up without any further discussion.
Darcy contains a laugh. “You’re gonna pay for that later, you know.”
Jane rolls her eyes again. “Well, it’s my being at his facility that’s even getting him funding in the first place, so, you know.” She shrugs. “If he wants to fight me, I’m the one with more published papers and theories that changed the laws of physics.”
Darcy pumps a fist. “Fuck yeah.”
She waves a hand. “He’ll be fine. He’s pissed we took the Mule without asking.” Where they plan on going, there’s no vehicle access, so the ATV was their only recourse. “If he thinks I’ll be satisfied with this one spot fucking up my results over and over again, he’s got another thing coming. Speaking of which,” the device that rests in Jane’s lap begins to ping, “pull over here.”
“Woo, off-road time,” Darcy cheers, and follows Jane’s instructions.
Another hour of driving in the Mule later, they reach the geographic nexus that’s been screwing with their readings.
It’s a pretty spot, bright green grass running all the way to the edge of the cliff, where a sheer drop would land them in the ocean. Norway’s fjords are always breathtaking, and Darcy counts herself lucky yet again that she gets to visit places like this and get paid for it. All in all, a pretty rad job.
“Can you set up--”
“Magnetic perimeter and radiation scanners?” Darcy finishes. “Yeah.”
Darcy unloads the equipment from the back of the ATV as Jane approaches the nexus.
It looks like a storm is beginning to swirl overhead, and Darcy eyes it nervously. Without any cover, they are pretty much sitting ducks if any rain starts to fall, god forbid if lightning starts. Where the hell did all these thunderheads come from? This blew in awfully fast.
Jane crouches down and reaches for something on the ground. “Darcy, you should come look at this,” she calls out. 
Quite suddenly, the hair on the back of Darcy’s neck stands straight up. The sensation is so strong and sudden that it literally causes her to gasp in shock.
“Jane--” she starts but she doesn’t get the chance to finish.
Faster than the blink of an eye, a massive bolt of lightning tears from the sky, slicing straight down to where Jane kneels.
Darcy barely has time to scream.
She is thrown backwards by the force of the lightning strike, and she thinks she hears a voice whisper before she hits the ground behind her.
If she be worthy.
When she looks up again, she knows she hears it.
A strange woman stands where Jane once was--massive, tall, blonde, with impressive armor and Mjolnir in her fist.
May she possess the power of Thor.
Fragile isn’t a word that could ever have been used to describe Jane Foster, but with her cheekbones hollowed out by weight loss, neck and wrists gone skinny and tendons standing out against her skin in sharp relief, fragile almost seems generous. A plastic band wraps around her wrist, stamped with her name, attending physician, allergies, and a barcode encoded with all her patient information.
She is tired, often, but with Darcy’s help still manages to go through her research and rough out an outline for her next paper she plans to publish.
Jane likes to plan, likes to say things like there’s a conference next September that this paper will do really well at, and Jane knows that Darcy is trying to hide her heartbreak at these statements. Darcy used to not hide anything from her, used to barely have the capacity, let alone the desire, but it’s strange the effect dying can have.
Her hospital room is outfitted with several whiteboards scribbled over with notes and formulae, the answers Jane constantly seeks waiting to be pried out of the clutches of the equations she can spend hours puzzling over. It’s a good use of her time, when she’s not--
Jane is careful to hide the hammer. It’s her secret legacy, her last hurrah, her hidden responsibility and duty--
Mjolnir is many things to her, but burdensome is certainly not one of them.
She swings her legs over the side of her bed, gripping her IV pole to help her stand. She walks over to the window, where the sunlight of the early afternoon has been shrouded over by storm clouds. She slides open her window, the cool wind of the storm washing over her face.
In the distance, she hears the rumble of thunder.
Jane Foster smiles.
His axe is buried in Thanos’s chest, and there’s a blinding moment of what feels like sour vengeance--so many have died already, and now the Mad Titan will perish for his crimes.
He presses the blade of Stormbreaker in further, for Loki, for Heimdall, for every one of his slaughtered people.
Then Thanos whispers, “You should’ve gone for the head.”
And he feels his heart drop.
And then, and suddenly as Thor himself had dropped from the sky, another streak of lightning blazes in from the east, and Thor can feel it--  Mjolnir .
But how?
He can’t even tell who is wielding it until the hammer smashes Thanos’s skull in, and the Mad Titan is finally felled. The Infinity Gauntlet drops, the stones unused, the universe saved.
The woman holding Mjolnir is tall, with shining armor that looks well-crafted, including a helmet that hides the upper half of her face. In spite of that, he can see her eyes.
Eyes he would know anywhere in the galaxy.
She looks almost as stunned as he is.
The cell phone footage is grainy and difficult to make out. Shot by a civilian in Garching, Germany, the shaky video peeks at the action from behind a brick wall. A voice out of frame whispers,  “Dude, I think it’s Thor!”  and is quickly hushed by the one holding the camera.  So at least two more witnesses to track down,  Natasha thinks tiredly.
The observation, though, is rather striking in its accuracy. The figure has a red cape and flowing blonde hair, and displays a command of lightning that Natasha hasn’t seen since Thor more-or-less retired after their last showdown with Thanos.
The opponents are a small gaggle of aliens, impossible to fully make out but probably more scavengers who’d come to pick the bones of Thanos’s last battlefield. In the two years since the Snap, they’d been getting a steadier stream of extraterrestrial threats looking to take advantage of Earth’s vulnerability.
“How is it that we have holographic video technology widely available, but every civilian who has useful intel has a Nokia from 2004?” Natasha grumbles, squinting and trying again in vain to enhance the footage.
From her place next to her, Okoye chuckles. “I think we’ve demonstrated that we have the worst luck imaginable,” she jokes darkly.
The figure is still hard to make out aside from the gaudy cape and lightning. The electricity in the air made the audio on the video spotty at best, mostly static and a few loud bursts of accurate recordings of a fight, but mostly useless. Then a few video frames give them a clear view of the front of the figure.
“Pause,” Natasha says, sitting forward in her chair. “Go back three frames?” The computer obeys her voice command, ticking back to the moment when they had the best view.
Both Okoye and Natasha freeze as they take in the image.
There’s a shard of disappointment that goes through Natasha when she realizes, once and for all, that it definitely isn’t Thor. That disappointment turns swiftly into suspicion because she does not know this person, and they certainly have powers that would’ve landed them at the top of a SHIELD watchlist back in the day.
It’s a woman. She’s massive, arms and legs thick with muscle, and extensive armor that could be Asgardian make, but with the graininess of the video, it’s hard to tell. Her helmet covers almost her entire face, only exposing her mouth and jaw. Some sort of chainmail on her legs, perhaps, and a sleeve on her left arm. Her right arm is bare, and clutched in that hand--
“Mjolnir,” Natasha breathes.
“I thought it was destroyed,” Okoye says.
Natasha nods. “We all did.”
Despite the video quality, there’s no mistaking that hammer. Especially when Natasha resumes the video and the mysterious woman throws the hammer, and it returns to her hand moments later.
“We haven’t seen any new powered people since the Snap,” Okoye says, breaking the silence. “With our…  situation  being what it is,” she continues, tactfully calling the mess they’d made of the world a  situation , “we should either ascertain if this woman is on our side, get her on our side, or terminate her as soon as possible.”
Natasha nods in quiet contemplation. They cannot afford to have a powered person running around the world unchecked, not with the way things are. They’re barely managing to hold it together as it is, and the Avengers are spread extremely thin. Not to mention their help is often rejected in an official capacity, a lionshare of the blame for what happened falling to the World’s Greatest Heroes who failed to save the world. It’s a PR nightmare, and there are many nights when Natasha wishes that she’d just been dusted along with the half of the world who didn’t make it.
But she didn’t. She’s still here, and someone needs to lead.
“Want me to track down Thor and ask him about her?” Okoye says. “Based on her strength from that video, she’s probably Asgardian.”
Natasha’s kneejerk reaction is to say no, that Thor can’t handle this, that he’s been in an almost constant state of inebriation and/or depression for the last two years and she won’t expose her friend to something that might be painful for him. Then her rational mind kicks in and she nods at Okoye. Thor is their best lead. “I’ll come with you.” (Then her vicious mind raises its hackles and says if she’s got to wade into the shit that is the post-Snap world, then Thor should have to get right into it with her.)
That night, the evening news features a story with the grainy footage Natasha could’ve sworn she’d managed to scrub from everywhere (but alas, she is no Vision.) The ticker at the bottom of the screen reads The New Thor: Who is she, and can we trust her?
They find him at a hightop table in a hole-in-the-wall bar in New Asgard, and if Natasha had been serving him, she probably would’ve cut him off at least four drinks ago, but the bartender doesn’t seem concerned with denying their monarch his alcoholic solace.
“Do I need to go get Brunnhilde?” Okoye whispers to Natasha.
Thor sways in his barstool, hands clasped around a large stein of beer, but seems coherent enough to answer their questions.
“Not yet.”
“Wha--?” Thor mumbles, eyes half-lidded. “What’re you saying?” His words are disturbingly slurred. Maybe getting Brunnhilde wouldn’t be a bad idea.
Natasha refocuses. “Have you watched the news recently?”
Thor snorts and takes a drink of beer. And doesn’t stop taking a drink of beer until the stein is half-empty. Natasha’s eyes widen when he lets out a loud belch.
“Apologies,” he says, not sounding apologetic, “but you’ll have to excuse me for not keeping up with current events.”
Okoye cuts in, “How about this current event?
She slides a set of photos out of a manila envelope, laying them down on the bar table. The paper sticks to the surface of the table.
Thor shakes his head once, as if trying to rein in the spinning the room is likely doing around him. He leans down and squints at the photos. “That--” He cocks his head. “That isn’t me.”
“No,” Okoye confirms. “It isn’t.”
“These photos were taken two days ago in Garching, Germany. Know of any Asgardians who settled there?”
Thor swallows, and doesn’t immediately answer. He raises his free hand not on his beer to the photos, and the tip of his middle finger drags over where Mjolnir is inked onto the paper. “I thought it was gone,” he mumbles.
“So did we,” Natasha says, tempted to reach out to him at the abject sadness in his voice.
Okoye slants a glance at Natasha.  Focus , she seems to say with her eyes, before redirecting Thor, “Are there any Asgardians in Germany?”
“A few,” he says. “None that look like this woman.” He looks up at them. “Do you know how she found Mjolnir?”
It’s his most coherent question yet. Natasha shakes her head. “We just found out about her. She looks pretty confident with it, so maybe she’s been training somewhere.”
“I don’t underst--” Thor loses his battle with his balance and gravity and falls off his barstool. Natasha and Okoye both reach out to steady him, but he manages to catch himself before he hits the floor.
Natasha goes to Thor’s side, her heart falling quickly as she puts an arm around him. It’s hard to see Thor like this, especially knowing the kind of man he used to be. (Of all the people she thought would stick with her, after Clint and Steve left, she thought that Thor would be the one to stay. He’d fought through so much heartache, sided with them in New York against his own brother, protected the Earth from the Dark Elves after his mother’s murder, faced down Thanos even after his planet had been destroyed, and yet he’d always been ready to fight. It’s downright unnatural, utterly tragic to see him laid so low.)
Turning to Okoye, Natasha says, “Go get Brunnhilde.” Okoye doesn’t need to be told twice.
“Thor,” Natasha prompts, getting the man to look at her. His eyes look pained. She’s sure hers must reflect his. “You’ve gotta stop this.”
“Stop what?” he mumbles.
“You know what.” She hesitates before offering, “You could come back, you know. Join the Avengers again. I really could use the help, and you’ve got more experience leading than everyone else on the team combined.”
He’s already shaking his head. “No.” Clear, concise, and completely at odds with his drunkenness. “No, I can’t do that.”
“Why not?”
His answering smile is sad. “I have nothing left to offer you.”
“Yes, you do,” Natasha answers softly, but based on his tone, this isn’t an argument she’s going to win. Not today, at least.
A beat passes. “You really didn’t know about Mjolnir?” she asks, one more time.
“I’m not worthy anymore,” he whispers. “Why would it call to me?”
Natasha doesn’t answer that. There’s a lot of layers there that she doesn’t think she’ll ever fully understand.
Okoye returns with Brunnhilde at her side. She says to Okoye, “You know, sometime you’re going to have to visit me when it’s not for the purposes of picking his sorry ass up off the floor.”
Okoye chuckles. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Brunnhilde proceeds to pick Thor up in a bridal carry, making Natasha stumble a bit when his weight is no longer against her. “Come on, your majesty,” she says, tone almost bored. “Let’s get you home.”
Natasha bites her tongue against all the questions she wants to ask.
How often do you do this for him?
How is everyone around here blind to what’s happening to him?
Where on earth is he getting enough alcohol to regularly get drunk?
Before she can even think of pursuing another line of questioning, she gets a call from Carol--she is needed urgently back at headquarters.
She sighs. The hunt for the new Thor will have to wait for now.
It’s only once Natasha and Okoye are on a quinjet and flying back to their base that Brunnhilde unceremoniously drops Thor on the ground.
He huffs, but quickly stands up and brushes himself off, perfectly sober. “Unnecessary.”
She glares at him. “How long are you going to keep this act up?” she demands. “Those are your  friends .”
“Natasha is a friend,” Thor corrects, “Okoye thinks I’m a worthless drunk.”
Brunnhilde rolls her eyes. “Because she’s never known you as anything else.”
He grits his teeth. “It’s for the best.”
“That’s what you keep telling yourself, but they  know  about her. What’s your act doing to keep her safe now?”
The muscle in Thor’s jaw works furiously, but he calmly answers, “They don’t know her identity. They think she’s a rogue Asgardian.”
Brunnhilde bristles and brusquely pulls a folded manila envelope out of her back pocket. “Okoye gave these to me, said to ask you about them again when you sobered up.” She quickly opens the envelope and tears its contents out and holds them right in his face. The edges of the photo paper crease under the force of her fingers clenching down on them. “You see this? The better she gets, the more this is going to happen. And you know what’s eventually going to happen?” She jerks her head backwards. “Your friends are going to find her. She’s on a crash course, and then she will be a part of this. You can’t stop that. It was a fantasy to think you ever could.”
“I didn’t think I could keep her from it forever,” Thor replies evenly, and he wraps his fingers around Brunnhilde’s wrist and lowers the photos from his face so he can look her in the eye.
“Then  why ?” she asks.
“Because she needs to be better than me,” he says, like a release of steam from a pot. “She needs to be better, and she’s not yet.”
Brunnhilde shakes her head. “I don’t know if you’re going to get a choice for much longer.
   and the one time…
His shoulder jumps under her head.
“We’re almost there.”
“Oh,” she says groggily, and pushes herself off Thor’s shoulder. “Oops,” she says when she notices the spot of drool on his shirt. “Sorry.” The weird half-sleep that comes along with car rides is slow to depart, clawing at her eyelids until she reaches to her right, where a bottle of water sits.
After she downs half the bottle and truly wakes up, he gives her a soft smile, one that says he probably wasn’t far behind her in terms of falling asleep. “It’s no matter. I thought you’d want to be awake before we arrived.”
She stretches her hands over her head as much as the towncar’s roof allows, and a series of satisfying pops go down her spine. She grunts in satisfaction before saying, “I need to go over my speech one more time.”
“I’m fairly certain  I  could give it at this point with how many times I’ve heard it.”
“You’re a good person to practice with!”
“I’m only teasing,” he says. “And besides, this is hardly your first time doing this.”
“This still feels bigger, somehow.” 
He makes a soft sound of agreement. Jane offers the water to him, which he accepts and drinks his fill before capping it and setting it aside.
Jane continues, “It’s one thing to get, you know, a big science award. Like, the last time I got the Nobel I felt almost old hat at it, you know?”
Thor gives her a look. “I recall you saying that you felt like you were going to throw up before you went onstage to give your speech.”
Jane flaps her hand at him. “Okay, sure I was nervous, but I was….used to the shape of it? This is a completely different type of thing.”
“Yes, excelling at heroics is something you usually leave to me.”
“Hey, I have plenty of behind the scenes heroics!”
“Of course, dear,” he says with a laugh, “but none of those behind the scenes heroics resulted in a singlehanded defeat of the Infinity Stones, handicapping Thanos’s plan, and saving untold lives.”
Jane tilts her head back onto the headrest, a smile spreading across her face. That day, that last fight that Strange predicted would end in only one way, would be permanently emblazoned in her memory as long as she lived. Thor had asked her to stay away from the battlefield, and initially, she’d agreed. She and Tony had been theorizing about the nature of the stones, and they hadn’t had time to parse out the quantum entanglement theories together before her thinking buddy had to jet off to try and save the universe.
It came to her like a lightning strike only minutes after the team had left for the last battle. She’d built a frequency jammer that would disrupt the quantum entanglement of the stones in thirty minutes flat, and then raced out of the Avengers compound like a bat out of hell. She’d just have to get within range of the stones, and they’d be rendered inert, their effects immediately reversed, and they’d just be ordinary stones, and then they could be destroyed.
And, incredibly, even though the science of it was shaky at best, and she’d had to improvise on the fly when some of the wiring on the jammer had shorted out, it worked.
The army from the past was gone, snapped back to their original chronological configuration; Natasha and Gamora were spat out of whatever pocket universe they’d been trapped in; and Tony hadn’t had to use his gauntlet, hadn’t had to sacrifice himself for the universe as she’d  known  he’d planned on.
(Dr. Strange had sputtered, shocked, saying that of the fourteen million six hundred and five futures he’d seen, he’d only seen one possible outcome where they won, and it wasn’t this.
Jane shrugged, breathless, dirty, bloody, and grinned. “I found number fourteen million six hundred and  six .”)
“And all without a single power to her name aside from her intellect,” he finishes.
“I am pretty cool.”
“Both pretty and cool, much agreed.”
She lets her head fall to the side so she can look at him. His beard is long enough to be braided, and he’d done so this morning, and he’d taken care to braid some of his hair as well before pulling it back with a tie. He looked good. Great. Amazing, even.
She reached out her hand closest to him, trailing a finger along one of the braids in his beard. A streetlight from outside catches on her wedding ring just so.
After the Snap, she and Thor had drifted back together, partially out of shared grief and guilt, but had ultimately rediscovered why they’d worked together for years before the distance had become too much strain. They’d officially tied the knot a few years after Tony and Pepper had. (Steve had been Thor’s best man, and Darcy Jane’s maid of honor. Tony walked Jane down the aisle in Jane’s mother’s absence. Morgan had been their flower girl.) 
She wonders if any of this would’ve happened if they hadn’t found each other again. If they hadn’t rekindled their love for each other in the horrible aftermath of the Snap, would she have been around to help? Would Tony have reached out to her with the time travel issue? Would he have invited her to collaborate on the quantum entanglement of the stones if she hadn’t re-integrated herself into the Avengers circle? She likes to think so--they were friends, at least somewhat, before the Snap (but their closeness now was only formed in those last five years of wounded peace.)
“What are you thinking about?” Thor asks, and mirrors her position so he can look at her.
“Just that I’m really glad I married you.” She nudges forward so she can kiss him. “Really, really glad.”
“I’m glad you married me, too,” he answers. “Not many women would have had the fortitude to put up with me for as long as you have.”
She grabs his hand and pulls it over to her lap. “How many people did Pepper say were going to be here?”
Thor shrugs. “Less than two thousand, but there is the webcast as well.”
“ God .”
He squeezes her hand. “Go through your speech once more. It’ll make you feel better.”
“I’d feel better if we could skip past the ceremony and go right to the drinking and partying portion of the evening.”
Thor laughed. “If only I were planning the evening, Jane Foster. Now start from the top.”
Jane laughs, and closes her eyes. With her husband’s hand in hers, his warmth a steady reassurance at her side, she recalls the words she’s memorized and feels her nervousness retreat as she begins to speak.
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You Were Never Mine
Pairing: Denki Kaminari x fem!reader
Word Count: 3.7k+
Type: Oneshot
Summary: Denki has been in love with you for eleven years. That’s a long time to be in love with someone who doesn’t love you back
Warnings: some language, angst, fluff (FLASHBACKS ARE IN ITALICS)
Author’s Note: This was originally going to be so so much longer, but I’m not gonna lie, I got really bored with it, but who knows? maybe I’ll finish it eventually who knows? Also, i’m kind of really mad at how this ended but whatever i hope ya’ll enjoy
Denki was used to feeling like someone was sitting on his chest, like there was a weight sitting on his lungs whenever you walked into the room. After all, he had been feeling this way about you for a very long time. Denki had been in love with you since your second year at U.A., and to this day, he was still head-over-heels for you. You two had grown up together, you had been best friends since you were both little five year olds. You were his rock, his best friend in the whole universe. 
He remembered how his heart would race whenever you walked in the room, your smile so bright it made his head spin. You always made him feel so amazing, it was like there was a hole in his life that only you could fill. But by the time he realized he had fallen for you, it was too late. 
When Denki woke up that April morning, he only had one thing on his mind. You. Well, you occupied his thoughts most days, but today was special. He hurried through his morning routine, throwing on his uniform and hurrying down to breakfast, practically scarfing his food down he was so excited. 
After he finished eating, he shouldered his bag and booked it towards the door. Denki hurried down the stairs of Heights Alliance, his heart buzzing. Today was the day. He was finally going to tell you how he felt. He could practically feel the electricity buzzing all over his body, not from his quirk, but from the pure adrenaline. 
Denki sprinted to the building, not even bothering to stop and mess with Bakugou that morning, and he didn’t even stop to fist bump Sero like he usually did. He just kept running, a shit-eating grin coloring his face. He couldn’t wait to see you, to throw his arms around you and tell you what he felt. He loved you, and all he wanted was for you to know. 
He saw you when he turned the corner, and his heart dropped to his feet when he saw who you were with. 
Kirishima’s arm was wrapped around your shoulder, and you were laughing, your cheeks flushed a bright pink as he leaned down and kissed you. Denki felt sick, his happiness slowly dissipating and settling in the pit of his stomach. He couldn’t blame Kirishima for asking you out, you were beautiful, smart, and sweet, what more could anyone want? You were perfect. 
It wasn’t like he could be mad at Kirishima either. Denki hadn’t told anyone how he felt about you, because he wanted you to be the first to know. But now, he was wishing he had said something a lot sooner as you turned around to look at him, your eyes bright with happiness, and he felt a fist squeeze around his heart as you started back towards him, his best friend’s fingers intertwined with yours. Denki forced a smile onto his face, even though he knew you would be able to see through it. 
“Hey, what’s up Y/N?” Denki asked, trying and failing to keep his voice normal, and he cringed when his voice wobbled, earning a raised eyebrow from you.
“Nothing much….. Except Eijirou asked me out yesterday!” you said excitedly, and every word cut at his heart like tiny daggers. He wanted to scream, but you looked so damn happy, and he kept his mouth shut, trying to will himself to calmly answer you.
“That’s awesome!” he lied, faking a smile. “I’m so happy for you!” Your face lit up like a Christmas tree, shining so bright he thought he would go blind. In that moment, Denki knew that he would swallow his feelings for the rest of his life just to see you that happy, he would do anything to keep that perfect smile on your face. He would do anything to make you happy. 
And as he watched you walk towards Mina behind him, hand in hand with Kirishima, he knew he’d never be able to get over you. He was in too deep.
“Hey bro,” Kirishima called from behind Denki, “Hold up!”
Denki turned around to his best friend, standing there in his hero gear, grinning at him as he made his way over. 
“Hey man, what’s up?” he asked, grinning back at his friend as Kirishima clapped a hand on his shoulder. 
“Well, Y/N and I were wondering if you would come over for dinner? It’s been a while, and we both miss you. And, well, Maeko has definitely been missing you the most.” Kirishima laughed, and Denki joined in, thinking of the little girl, how her eyes always lit up when she saw her ‘Uncle Denki’. He tried to steer clear of the thoughts of you, but that was inevitable. You were his best friend, and married to his other best friend, with a daughter (who just happened to be Denki’s goddaughter). Denki eyed the ring on his friend’s hand, trying to swallow the jealousy in his heart.
“Yeah, of course I’ll come over for dinner man, I couldn’t leave little Maeko hanging!” Denki grinned at Kirishima, who gave him a shark-toothed grin in return.
“Okay, well is six-thirty okay?”
“Yeah, dude I’ll be there,” Denki assured him, and they parted after a quick bro hug. Denki started towards his apartment, it wasn’t too far from the Ground Zero agency, where he had been working since Bakugou started it, along with Kiri and Hanta. The four of them had stuck together after school and worked together (even though Bakugou would never admit that they had all done it together) to build the agency, staying up late for weeks, annoying the crap out of Y/N and Bakugou’s wife Fumiko. It was kind of hilarious, the two of them getting browbeaten by their wives while Hanta and Denki watched, losing their shit. 
For a while, he and Hanta had bonded over the fact that they were single together, until up to about a year ago, when Hanta met a cute girl in a bar and hit it off with her, therefore leaving Denki to be the only single left in their friend group. But Denki couldn’t bring himself to move on from you, even though he knew he should, and everyone around him was moving forwards in their lives, getting married, buying houses, having kids, but he was stuck. He just couldn’t get over you. Hanta, the only person who knew about his love for his best friend, thanks to one drunk night where he spilled a bunch of shit he’d been keeping in, had been trying to get him to get over you for years. Especially after he met Mayumi, and she moved in with them.
Denki unlocked the apartment door, and was met with laughter, and the smell of takeout.
“Hey man!” Hanta called from the living room, peeking his head around the corner, his signature grin lighting up his face. “Me and Mayumi are eating, there’s some on the counter if you want it!” 
“Thanks bro, but Eijirou asked me to come over for dinner, so I’m gonna change and head over there,” Denki said, smiling over at his friend. 
“You sure you don’t want to eat anything?” Mayumi said, coming out of the living room and heading to the kitchen, her dress swishing around her knees as she walked. 
“Yeah, I’m sure. They’ll probably have something edible, even though neither of them can cook.” All three of them laughed, and Denki made his way over to his bedroom, taking off his headset and opening the door, shedding off pieces of his costume and changing into some jeans and a t-shirt, before flopping down on his bed. He stared at the ceiling, mentally preparing himself to see you. He did his best to avoid the happy couple, but it had gotten harder after Maeko had been born, and he fell in love with the little sweet baby girl. Since then, he had spent quite a bit of time at your house, hanging out with Maeko, and having conversations with you in the kitchen when she (occasionally) napped. It was nice to be with you, when he could pretend you were his wife, that Maeko was his daughter, even if he knew it was sad, pathetic.
Ugh, he thought, rolling over and staring at the time on his phone. I better get going if I’m going to get there by six-thirty. Denki rolled out of the bed, making his way to the front of the apartment, waving at Hanta and Mayumi, who were now cuddled up on the couch, their limbs intertwined. 
“See you later Denki!” Mayumi called, and Hanta waved. 
“We’ll leave the door unlocked for you man,” Hanta yelled.
“Okay, see you guys in a little bit! Don’t do anything nasty on my couch!” Denki hollered over his shoulder, grinning back at them. 
“Well, now we’re going to, thanks for the suggestion!” Hanta laughed, and Denki heard Mayumi protest, flustered, and he could practically see her, covering her bright red face with her hands. He grinned, and closed the door, stepping out into the cool evening air, letting the breeze wash over him as he breathed in the smells of the city. He hailed a taxi on the curb, and headed for the Kirishima residence, watching the world pass by out the window. 
“We’re here bud,” the cabi said, turning around to smile at Denki, who passed him a handful of yen, smiling back and thanking the cabi for driving him there. Denki climbed out of the car, brushed off his pants, and headed towards the door. He takes a deep breath, and tries to calm his heart, which was racing at the thought of seeing you. He rang the doorbell, and he could hear little feet running across the floorboards, yelling excitedly. Denki smiled as the door creaked open, revealing little Maeko, grinning widely at him. 
“Uncle Denki!” she screeched, jumping into his arms, and he caught her and spun her around, earning a bubbly laugh from the girl, her black hair flying around her. She threw her arms around his neck, and squeezed tight. “I missed you!”
“I missed you too, Little Rockstar,” he mumbled, holding her close.
The day Maeko was born Denki cried. 
“Do you want to hold her?” you had asked, looking exhausted. Denki nodded, his smile so wide, and Kirishima handed the little pink bundle over. Denki settled her head into the crook of his arm, and stared at the tiny baby in wonder. He must have sat like that with her for an hour, just holding her, watching her face twitch as she dreamed, her little eyebrows furrowing every so often. Even though he wasn’t her father, he wasn’t even her biological uncle, something inside him knew he would do anything for this little girl. He would be the best damn uncle anyone had ever had, that was for sure. 
“What’s her name?” Denki asked, watching the little baby move, barely sparing the two of you a glance, entranced by the little girl in his arms. 
“Maeko,” Kirishima said, his eyes welled up with tears at the sight of his best friend and his daughter. 
“It was my grandmother’s name,” you said quietly, reaching over to hold your husband’s hand as the two of you watched Denki smiling down at the baby.
“Maeko,” Denki breathed, smiling warmly at her, his eyes slowly welling up with tears. He had never been so happy in his life, and now here he was, already so in love with a child that wasn’t even his. Maeko stirred, and opened her eyes slowly, peering up at him. Denki froze when he saw the color of her eyes. Those were your eyes, captured perfectly on this little baby’s face. Maeko stared at him, and even though he knew she couldn’t see him (he had spent a lot of time with you in your house pouring over baby books), he couldn’t help but smile so wide at her, pulling her close and kissing the tip of her nose. 
Maeko looked startled for a moment, but scooched into the warmth of Denki’s chest, and nothing could stop the tears in his eyes from falling. 
In that moment, he promised himself that he would always, always be there for this little baby girl, no matter what.
“I’m not little! I’m four now! I’m almost a grown-up!” she protests, and he laughs, and carries her inside as she babbles about what had happened in the time they hadn’t seen each other.
“Denki!” your head popped out from the kitchen, your face lit up in a smile. “How’ve you been?” 
“I’m good, you?” he answered, setting Maeko down and pulling you into a hug. 
“Pretty good, we missed you,” you said, hugging him tight, as he breathes in the scent of your shampoo and the smell of dinner wafting in from the kitchen. 
“Missed you too,” he smiles down at you as you pull away, and Kirishima comes out of the kitchen, wearing an apron that said ‘Kiss the Cook’, that was covered in splatters (most likely from the disaster of a meal that you two were attempting to cook up). 
“Hey man, Maeko has been bouncing around since I told her you were coming,” he laughed, grinning over at Denki. 
“Hey bro, long time no see,” Denki jokes, and Maeko pulls on his sleeve, motioning for him to bend down. He bends down next to her, and she leans to whisper in his ear. 
“Momma and Daddy are trying to make katsudon, but it looks bad. They almost blew up our kitchen!” she giggles, and he laughs quietly along with her, her parents watching them with smiles on their faces. 
“Sometimes, I swear I think she likes him more than us!” you say to your husband, laughing lightly. 
“No kidding, that girl gets more excited to see him than she does to see us when we get home from work!” Kirishima laughed along with you, and Denki looked up at them, laughing together, and felt a pang in his chest. He shook it off, turning back to Maeko and smiling at her, and she grinned back, her eyes shining. He winked, and stood up. 
“Anywho, Maeko tells me that we’re having katsudon?” he asks, hoping that he can be spared from his friends’ cooking. 
“Well….” you start, grimacing. 
“I fucked up the rice,” Kirishima states, rubbing the back of his neck.
You smacked his arm, giving him a look. “Language, Eiji.”
“I messed up the rice,” Kirishima amended, and looked back at you, smiling. “Better?”
“Yes,” you said, and turned back to Denki. “And I messed up the pork, soo……” 
“We ordered takeout!” Kirishima grins, and Maeko cheers before running around in a circle, bouncing up and down.
“Well, okay then!” Denki laughs, and watches Maeko bounce around, a smile on his face. 
The three of them made their way into the kitchen, Maeko bounding off to her room to grab her doll to show Denki (for the millionth time this month).
“So, Denki, how’s the love life?” you prompted, wiggling your eyebrows at him, your eyes playful.
“You know, nonexistent,” he said nonchalantly, grinning at the happy couple, who were standing by the stove (and the ruined katsudon), with Kirishima’s arm around your shoulder, and your’s around his waist. Another dull pang hit him, but he ignored it, something he had gotten so much better at after being around the two of you so much. 
You frowned at him, and smacked his arm lightly, giving him a look. “You really should meet someone, Denki. You deserve to be happy,” you say, your eyes softening as she smiled up at him. Denki shrugged and smiled back, trying to calm the racing of his heart beat. 
“Momma! The food’s here!” Maeko yells, running into the room, bouncing around. It was a wonder this child didn’t run out of energy. Denki laughed, and went to help Kirishima grab the food, as Maeko ran into your arms, and you carried her to the table, laughing. 
Denki watched the happy family walk towards the table, setting up the food and breaking apart chopsticks, laughing as Maeko put them in her mouth like tusks. Another pang went through his chest, like an arrow through his heart, and the want, the need to be with you, to be a part of your family, physically hurts him, and for a moment he can’t breathe. He remembers all those years ago when he really realized he loved you, the day he knew that he would never be able to love anyone else.
“Denki, are you listening?” you asked, waving your hand in front of his face, trying to get his attention. 
“Huh?” he said, looking over at your laughing face, your smile bright. You two were sitting on his balcony after curfew, having your weekly late night get together. This had been your and Denki’s tradition since you were little and were neighbors, and would look out your windows at each other and talk until late in the night about your days. 
“I swear, Kami, sometimes it’s like you’re in your own world,” you laughed, and leaned your head against his shoulder. “I asked you if you were alright.”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” he questioned, trying to keep you from seeing what he was feeling by goofing around, his most effective method of distraction. Unfortunately, you saw right through it, as always.
“Denki, you know I’m here for you right? You’re my best friend, and you’re always there for me no matter what happens, so why do you doubt that I won’t be there for you?”
“I swear I’m fine, Y/N, you don’t have to worry,” he said, by flashing a smile at you that didn’t quite reach his eyes. Your eyes were full of sadness, and he hated that he was the one causing it. “I’m okay.”
“But I know you’re not. Denki, you do remember that I love you right? We’ve known each other since we were five years old, and you’ve always stuck by me. And you have been so sad lately, and I just want you to be alright. I love you, and I don’t want anything bad to happen to you. You haven’t been yourself since…..” Since Mina had gone missing, and it had been all his fault. And even though she was back safe and sound, the guilt was still eating him alive. Everyone joked that he was the idiot of class 2A, but now he knew he really was; the most terrible, horrible idiotic friend for letting one of his best friends be captured. He really was an idiot.
You cleared your throat, and continued. “No one thinks it’s your fault, Denki. Not Mina, not Aizawa, not Katsu, not Kiri, not Sero, and not me either. It was not your fault.”
“You keep saying that, but it doesn’t make me feel  any better. I’m the idiot that let Mina get captured. I was right there Y/N! I could have saved her!” he cried, and tears started slipping down his face, and he wiped them away furiously. “Goddammit! I could have saved her, it’s all my fault.” With those words, he broke down sobbing, curling into himself, shuddering as the sobs racked his body. 
“Denki, no,” you whispered, and you pulled him close, smoothing his hair and holding him as he sobbed into your arms. “You are not an idiot Denki. You are the most amazing person I know, and it makes me so sad that you think you’re anything less than the smart, amazing hero you are. I love you so much, Denki. Never forget that.”
As you held him, he let himself relax in your arms, breathing in the scent of your detergent and perfume. He had never felt more at home with another person, not with his other friends, or his big brother, and definitely not his parents. You were his home, and he could never be happy without you with him. It was that moment when it clicked in his brain. 
He loved you.
In that moment he wanted to sing it from the rooftops, he wanted to scream it at anyone who would listen, he wanted everyone to know what he was feeling, but he bit his tongue. You told him you loved him all the time, but how did you mean it? Did you see him like a brother? Or did you love him the way he wanted you too? 
In that short, neverending moment, it didn’t really matter how you loved him. He knew he loved you, and he couldn’t wait to tell you.
Little did he know, he would never get the chance. 
That night, Denki laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling, letting himself wallow in the sadness that he had been suppressing all night. The sadness was rolling over him in waves, and he was shaking from the sobs he was trying to repress. God, he hated crying. It made him feel weak. He wiped his eyes angrily, taking shaky breaths and trying to calm his raging heartbeat. 
Watching the three of you together always upset him, no matter how long it had been. He wanted nothing more than to be a part of your family, to be your husband, to be the one who got to you first, not Kiri. There wasn’t a day that went by that he didn’t curse himself and wish he had just told you right in the moment he really realized he loved you. He should have just come out with it, should have just told you before he lost his confidence, but no. He waited, for his sake and for yours, he wanted to be sure. But he had never been more sure about anything, for fuck’s sake. 
More angry tears rolled down his face, and he groaned, rolling over onto his side and trying to ignore the jealousy and the anger eating him from the inside. Sometimes he wondered if there was a team of people that lived in his chest, and their sole job was to make him miserable, punching his heart whenever he saw you with Kiri, and then trying to shatter what was left of it with a hammer whenever he was alone. 
After a while, he finally calmed down, and settled in, snuggling under the covers and slowly drifting off. And as he fell asleep, he thought to himself, not for the first time that night, I wish I had told her first, I wish she was mine……
But not everything in life goes the way we want it, and you would never be his.
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writer-and-artist27 · 4 years
Chapter 19 Missing Scene
Note: Inspired by two specific chapters in a Fire Emblem: Three Houses fanfic I’ve been reading, titled Godspeed, and taking place between S&S 19 and 20. The ending specifically leads into the main conflict of S&S 20, now that I think on it. I took from this chapter of CYB too when writing. 
Let it be said I regret not writing the scene of Tomo gifting Obito cupcakes. So, I’m fixing it. 
Oh? You’re wondering where this came from? Dunno. Let it be said I have no clue where all this fluff comes from, especially with how the world is dealing with collective trauma. But this oneshot/interlude thingie is loosely based on an actual conversation I had with Josh and Leo when I was in high school, so there are emotions at least.
The theme song I recommend for this thingie is Qonell’s piano and vocal rendition of Credens Justitiam from Madoka. It’s the only thing I found that fit.
I fidgeted.
Is he going to let you in or not? Hisako said hotly.
Obito didn’t move when I gently gestured with the plate in my hands for him to take it. He merely kept his gaze fixated on the orange frosting and light white sprinkles covering all of the cupcakes there, his jaw slack enough to hit the floor if it could.
“Obi?” I tried gently.
Obito startled in place at his apartment doorstep, glancing to both sides as if to gauge if someone was watching before grabbing my hand. I did my best to retain my balance and hold onto the cupcakes as he pulled me into his home, eyes frantic as he used his other hand to lock the door behind us. “T-Tomo-chan,” he said slowly once he established we were alone, “this isn’t what I think it is, i-is it?”
Despite the anxiety starting to flood my veins, I still raised my delivery of a cupcake plate towards him. “I felt bad about you having to yell at me and Kei-chan yesterday, so I woke up early to make cupcakes to compensate for the trouble? And as a small apology?”
“I-It’s no trouble!” Obito yelped, his hand immediately letting go of mine to wave around in the air like a limp rag toy. “Sure, it sucked hearing you two talking yourselves down, but being there is what friends do!” His voice pitched upwards like he was in disbelief I was even here offering him something. And his cheeks were flushing red too. What was going on? “You didn’t have to do this, Tomo-chan!”
I sense insecurity here, Hisako added helpfully.
Aye. Outwardly, I smiled wryly and still offered the cupcake plate to him. “But I wanted to, Obi.”
Obito opened his mouth as if about to say something before stopping. Quite comically too. In any other place, it could’ve looked like he had turned to stone. And in any other situation, I would’ve laughed it off and called it a day, but this was still Obito. Obito was still a boy who, in another universe, was so touch-starved and lonely that it took one man manipulating everything for him to turn out evil. And I didn’t want that. I never did. 
“…Why, Tomo-chan?” Obito said finally, his eyebrows furrowed across his forehead. It was as if his mind had finally started turning enough gears to address me as the awkward elephant in the room. “You’re not getting anything out of this.”
“What do you mean by that?” I asked honestly back, feeling confused. 
Obito throws his hands behind his head and turns away, gazing elsewhere in his apartment. It’s only then that I notice how musty the place smells. Dusty. Barely lived-in. Almost empty. It takes a bit of my self-control to not glance past his shoulder to survey the place. “You have a lot on your hands already, Tomo-chan,” he elaborated, his hands tightening their grip on each other behind his hair as he doesn’t meet my eyes. “Taking care of the café with Judai-jichan and Hikari-bachan, training with Kei and Hayate, working with Rin-chan in your off-time, and then handling… handling…” Obito attempts to hold back a sigh but fails anyway, exhaling loudly through his nose as he breathes out, “Bakashi,” and I try not to wince at the bad nickname. Grudges were still present, apparently. “So why come here? Why make cupcakes for me?”
Hisako blinks behind her gray glasses as whatever witty retort she had on her tongue is lost in the shared surprise. He thinks you should be spending your time elsewhere. Her voice came out incredulous in our shared mindscape. He thinks he… Oh, Obito. 
I shook my head. “I wanted to, Obi,” I began, my voice quieter in an attempt to be gentle. I had no clue if it was working, but it was enough to make Obito turn to meet my eyes. “You helped me out, so I wanted to do something in exchange. That’s all.”
Obito still frowned. “Friendship isn’t just give and take, Tomo-chan,” he said in the same quiet voice, making him sound all the more serious, but one of his arms still twitched, his gaze flickering between my face and the cupcakes still in my hand. “Friendship is just us enjoying our time together, helping out when we can. You don’t have to keep giving us things just for us to come after you.”
My heart beat at that and I smiled. “That doesn’t stop me from giving you these cupcakes, Obi.”
“You’re not listening!” I jump once Obito rounds on me with a scowl, his voice loud with protest. “You’re always giving things, Tomo-chan! Even when you’re hurting and struggling! You don’t have to do that! We all care for you too! Just…” he simmers down as if he lost steam at the last part, lowering his gaze to the carpet of his apartment. “Why? Why put in all the effort?”
Why try…? Hisako filled in, her tone screaming understanding and sadness all at once. 
I already knew by Obito’s outburst that it was a delicate moment. I was walking on eggshells and anything else could ruin things. 
Like it did with Ty. 
So, without anything to back me up, I said in the same small voice, apropos of nothing, “Because you all deserve nice things and I love you?”
Obito stilled at that. He raised his head to look at me, for real this time, his black eyes wide enough to expose my reflection in the irises.
My tiny nervous reflection.
I tried not to think of a certain other black-haired boy who I loved once, blocking out his voice in my head to open my mouth. “…There’s been times where I look at everyone’s backs and find them looking lonely,” I admitted, shaking my head. “And considering how I’m a civilian and everyone else is shinobi, I just…wanted to give something back, is all.” It still felt like an excuse in the back of my mind, but at the same time, I knew I meant every single word. “There’s so much you all will go through in life away from Konoha, away from the café, Obi. So, if I could do something to help make everyone feel a bit better, a bit happier in spite of the war,” I put on a small smile while offering the cupcakes to him, “that’s enough of a reason, isn’t it?”
Obito blinked at me.
Feeling anxious, I found my thoughts coming out in rambles. “I-I mean, you and Kei and everyone else do a lot! I appreciate you still being here with me in spite of my weirdness, being my friend and caring, so um.” I ducked my head and thrust my hands forward, hoping the cupcakes got somewhere. Seriously, what was wrong with me? “Just take these. Please?”
A pregnant and awkward pause followed my outburst. My heart was pounding enough for the palms of my hands to get sweaty, and once it became obvious Obito wasn’t saying anything, I peeked up from between my bangs to try reading his expression. 
What’s going on? Hisako said for me.
“Obi?” I tried again, gulping. “I-If you don’t like vanilla cupcakes with buttercream frosting, I could try to do something—”
Words failed me once Obito took hold of one of my hands again. He proceeded to lead me into his apartment kitchen and without glancing up to meet my gaze, opened the fridge to gently take the cupcake plate off my other hand. He then placed it inside, probably on one of the shelves, before closing the fridge door and turning back to face me. 
Out of anything he could’ve done, I did not expect him to rush and tackle me into a tight hug. It took all I had to not squeak, inhaling as much air as I could to compensate for the year or two that was knocked out of me in the initial encounter while placing a hand on his back. My feet weren’t on the ground anymore, my calves feeling the cold air coming in from the open window. Sure, I could extend my toes to touch the floor, but… “Obi?”
There was a soft sniffle against the top of my hair. “Tomo-chan,” Obito said finally, my nickname coming out almost like a prayer of sorts as he squeezed me tighter, “Tomo-chan.” This time he gasped for air and I did my best to ignore the feeling of something wet starting to soak the shoulder of my blouse. “Tomo-chan.”
I think you shocked him, Hisako offered, a wry smile on her face. Has anyone said the things you have to him before, dear?
I thought back to Obito’s birthday and felt the realization hit me like cold water. No, I admitted to her, I don’t think anyone has. Except Kei and Hayate and Miyako-bachan and everyone else. 
Who weren’t here in the original Canon, dear, she reminded me almost immediately. Her voice is softer, comforting even. You’re doing good. You’re helping a friend out, so don’t stay here all stiff. 
I wound my arms around Obito’s waist back, hugging him. “Aye aye,” I say softly, resting my nose into the crook between his shoulder and neck. “I’m here, Obi.”
Obito snorts, and this time a hand is on the back of my head, tightening the hug and giving the clear signal that he didn’t want me to let go. “Tomo-chan,” he repeats, a sound caught between a gurgle and a happy sob of sorts following the call of my nickname, “y-you really are—”
“I try, Obi,” I settle for instead, patting his back. “I try. It’s okay.”
I didn’t think I had the courage to let go either. 
Obito didn’t seem to want to point out the little wet droplets covering the shoulder of his jacket once I snuggled him, but at that point, I’m glad he didn’t. 
I could push out bad thoughts and Ty a bit longer with moments like this. 
By the time I woke up the next morning to start work, no one in the house but me seemed surprised to hear knocking at the kitchen window. 
“Go get him, sweetie...” Mama muttered from hers and Papa’s shared room once the knocking went past a minute.
Shaking sleep dust out of the corners of my eyes, I drew my short hair into a messy ponytail to run out to the source, nearly balking once a familiar pair of orange goggles caught my eye.
Blue jacket tipped with orange hems and hitai-ite, check. 
“Hi, Tomo-chan!” Obito chirped through the glass, knocking on it again. “Can you let me in?”
I didn’t have the heart to refuse him. “Good morning to you too, Obi,” I said in fond exasperation, shaking my head. “Use the door next time if you want to join us for breakfast.”
Obito just beamed at me. 
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Im only messing with you 😘 while im here though could i have some fic recs puh-leaaase - 🍍
Ooh honey, you have no IDEA the can of worms you just opened :D (since this list is so long I’m gonna split it up into SFW Complete, NSFW Complete, SFW Ongoing, and NSFW Ongoing)
SFW Complete:
The Invisible Girl [sonamae]: OK SO it’s Hagakure-centric, with background Hagakure x Shouji and KiriBaku. My favorite part about this is that the romance is important, but not the focus. The focus of this oneshot is on the family she creates with Bakugou, Satou, Todoroki, Kirishima, and Tokoyami. Go read it, it’s great. BIG BROTHER BAKUGOU FTW!!!!!
Ground Zero [sonamae]: Speaking of Big Brother Bakugou, this is the next oneshot in the same series as the above one, but from Bakugou’s pov. Again, the romance is important but not a focus, and that’s so fucking refreshing and I love it so mUCH idk what else to tell you. Just go read these two. The rest of the series isn’t complete, but these two specific fics ARE, hence why they’re in the Complete section.
Lighting The Beacon [M3zzaTh3M3z]: This is one of the first bnha fics I’ve ever read, and I’m so glad this was my introduction to the fandom!! It’s a pretty fluffy oneshot, starting off with Kiri asking Baku out and Baku rejecting him because “who ever heard of a gay hero?” Aizawa hears about that (the basics, no details like names or anything), and things…start to change. Mic says he’s married to a man (its Aizawa), All Might comes out as pan, ace Midnight…and at the end, Bakugou asks Kirishima out very publicly. It’s so near and dear to my heart, and it honestly deserves more attention than it gets.
You’re only relevant until you’re older (they’re gonna talk about you over and over) [futurehearts]: Pro-Heroes Red Riot and Ground Zero are happily married and Baku has a reputation to slowly destroy :D (he’s soft, mainly for his husband, and he knows it…and now so does the rest of the world lmaooo).
Love Notes [PurplePersnickety]: Kirishima gets really, REALLY sappy love notes on his desk for a week or two and works to figure out who it is (spoiler alert, it’s Bakugou being a Soft Bitch). When Kiri asks him about it, he confesses everything and they date in secret for six months before telling the whole class (oneshot).
Sonder [Maplefudge]: I bet this bitch thought she wouldn’t get a shout-out well guess what you write good and there’s nothing you can do about it This is the first work of maple’s I ever read, and it’s perf <3 I’m love. It’s a look at the “totally platonic” (how much sarcasm can I add to two words?) Kiribaku from members of the class, over the course of 13 chapters. It’s full of fluff, useless mutual pining, obliviousness, and “platonic bro kisses”. Read it if you need to scream at some useless gays.
Anger Management [Julietwasanidiot]: The entire fandom is gearing up for S4 by writing hurt/comfort KiriBaku post-raid fics, and I am HERE for it. Because of when it’s set though, there’s going to be spoilers so if you’re anime-only you migt want to steer clear of this one. It’s got an ICONIC rice-and-anger line, though.
Stupid Mistakes [lemxnfox]: Kirishima and Bakugou got in a fight! They fight a lot, but this fight they’ve been fighting for six months and the class is #OverIt. They concoct a plan to lock the two of them in a room and force them to make up– and they DO. Side ShinKami and TodoDeku.
No More Fragments [Ischemia]: Canon-compliant…to a degree. Shinsou takes his place as the Superior Purple in Class A, gets himself a boyfriend (Kaminari) and a squad (the Bakusquad)…and loses it. Or does he???? Canon-typical violence, side Kiribaku, mystery plot.
Caught In My Own Web [anxioussaliorsoldier]: SHINSOU IS IN 1-A!!!!! And he fucks up when trying to use his capture weapon lmao. Kaminari finds him and they recreate the iconic Spider-Man kiss…and then Shinsou passes out from the blood rushing to his head. It’s cute guys.
Be Selfish For Me [A_Reflective_Projection]: WARNING– the entire thing is Aizawa asking 1-A to be careful as pro heroes, by taking them to a hero graveyard. It’s painful. It’s sad (especially when Aizawa brings up a classmate of his who died in their first year as a pro). It ends bittersweet, and there’s some good Dadzawa content in there. The most present ship is Erasermic, and that only really makes an appearance in the last chapter.
Closer [MikeWritesThings]: Fluffy Erasermic, canon universe, where Aizawa starts calling in to Mic’s radio show cuz he misses him. It’s sweet af ❤️❤️
Meaningless Holiday [dysonQueer]: It’s a sweet Valentine’s Day fic, canon-compliant, with established Erasermic for the soul. I highly recommend it if you’re having a rough day and you need some feel-good fluff
Come Back Toe Me [Milligramme]: Aged-up, Pro Hero fic where Kiri has a shit day heroing, but he isn’t physically hurt. Not until he breaks his toe on the coffee table, that is. He can’t stop laughing, and Bakugou can’t stop worrying about his dumbass boyfriend.
Kiss Me Through The Screen [Ischemia]: Aged-up fic with ShinKami as the main focus and some side KiriBaku, but…uh, most of the Bakusquad aren’t full-time Heroes. Kami dropped out of UA completely, and Shinsou never went in the first place. So, Kaminari is working at Jirou’s cafe and works as a SFW camboy at night, while Shinsou is a teacher and watches the stream nightly. Later there’s a plot around a stalker, again please keep yourself safe Pineapple Anon!!
If I Don’t Act… [SilentNorth]: This is gritty and painful, but don’t worry! There’s a happy ending :D (I rarely read/write/recc pure angst, you’re safe here my child). Kiri is a college dropout working two jobs, living with Mina as his roommate, and with a hero complex the size of Texas. Enter art student Bakugou, who can save himself thank you very much. Some mention of depression/attempted suicide, as well as slightly less than canon-typical violence, please keep yourself safe and skip it if that’s going to trigger you, Pineapple Anon.
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all [theroyalsavage]: A Kiribaku “10 Things I Hate About You” AU where Todoroki asks Kirishima to fake-date Bakugou so he can date Midoriya. Everything is going smoothly until Kirishima accidentally falls in love *gasp*!!
The Skeletons Inside Of Us [firelord_zutara]: Erasermic, quirkless AU where Mic was the lead singer of Aizawa’s favorite local band in college. Aizawa has a crush on him, they lost touch after college, and they didn’t meet again…until their nephews (Aizawa adopted Midoriya, Shinsou is Mic’s sister’s kid) meet and by extension, the uncles. Background ShinKami and KiriBaku, written for EraserMic week (7 chapters).
Life’s a Drag(on) [PurplePersnickety]: FANTASY AU!!! You know, the Fantasy AU from the third ending. But altered, juuuuuust slightly. Bakugou lives in(? ish) a village and helps a dragon when it’s hurt. A day or so later, a (hot) new guy comes to town named Kirishima, and the dragon keeps coming around. Shenaniganery follows. :DDD
Space Dust [PurplePersnickety]: Do you like Star Wars, Star Trek, Firefly, and/or Men In Black? Then you’re gonna fuckin LOVE this :DDD It’s got half-alien Kirishima, cyborg Bakugou, mention of a larger universe outside of the planet (outside of the oneshot too, lbr). It is a oneshot though, even if it is a long one, with canon/typical violence and mention of kidnapping and child experimentation. Please put your mental health and well-being above everything else and skip it if it’s gonna trigger you!!!
Achromatopsia [PurplePersnickety]: DID SOMEBODY SAY SOULMATE AU???? No? Well hAVE ONE ANYWAY!!! Kiribaku soulmate AU (oneshot), where you only see in one color until you touch your soulmate for the first time. Fun fact, achromatopsia is the complete inability to see any color!! I’m sure that’s not gonna have any bearing on the story whatsoever…
NSFW Complete:
A Cast for your Heart [KTG]: Heads up, this is LONG. 90 chapters, 268k, it’s magic and sex and drAGONS and angst and almost-dying!! The fantasy system is completely original, set in modern times, and the OCs??? Don’t get me STARTED. Kiribaku, Tododeku, and Seromina are the bnha ships present as well as a lot of OCxOC ships. There’s also a sequel set to come out this month (July 2019)!!
Long Time Coming [Madam_Muffins]: I’ve probably recc’ed this before, but I just. I just love this one so much, ok? It’s massive Kiribaku slow burn, outlining what might happen if Bakugou is just a little bit more emotionally constipated. Baku fucks up, gets help, he and Kiri get together (and fuck a little), and there’s elements of the Reincarnation and Fantasy AUs in there towards the end!! Go read it, madammuffins is my amazing tumblr mom and I love her to bits.
SFW Ongoing:
Engraved In Your Mind [Hejter]: FACEBLIND BAKUGOU KATSUKI!!! It’s canon-compliant, except for that little detail, but she writes it so WELL that now I can’t look at canon!Bakugou without thinking that he’s faceblind. Kiri finds out and starts working to build trust with Bakugou and help him on his path to becoming the top hero, and it’s GREAT. Slowburn Kiribaku. Like,,,SLOW.
Define: Oblivious [PurplePersnickety]: I bet you thought I was done with the Purple reccs. I’m never going to be done reccing Purple. Deal with it. I mentioned, in the summary for Love Notes, that there was a six month time skip? This is what happens in those six months. SeroKami and MomoJirou are side ships in this one.
The Right Thing [TuesdayTerrible]: Established Kiribaku where they’re graduated from UA, and living together, and being pro heroes…and then one day Baku finds a little girl who tried to kill herself cuz she was quirkless. Needless to say, this strikes a chord in Bakugou (cuz…yknow, he kinda told Midoriya to kill himself in like episode one and then it was never addressed again). He can’t stop thinking about her, and while we haven’t gotten there YET it looks like it’s gonna end with him and Kirishima adopting her and Bakugou apologizing for the bullshit he put Mido through. There is mention of a suicide attempt (clearly), skip it if that’s gonna trigger you!!!
Hands Off! [PullingAllMighters]: Much like Kiss Me Through The Screen, Hands Off! is a non-canon compliant aged-up AU where not everyone is a full-time hero. Kiri is, Kami and Sero are his sidekicks, Ochako is in a different agency, and everyone else is doing Other Shit. Bakugou hasn’t revealed his full backstory yet, but it looks like he was a Pro Hero until a year or so ago when something bad happened and now he’s got PTSD. His old apartment building burned down so he’s living in Ochako, Momo, Jirou, and Mina’s guesthouse until he finds a job and another place to live. This has a fresh take on the hero system, and I really really enjoy it so far!! There is, however, a fairly detailed scene of Bakugou being triggered so if reading that would trigger you, please don’t!! Keep yourself safe, Pineapple Anon!!! Endgame Kiribaku
Blood of my Hand [PurplePersnickety]: Is it obvious yet that I LOVE purple’s writing??? This, I believe, was the gateway work, and I’ve dived headfirst in and not looked back. Fantasy AU, slowburn Kiribaku, and it’s. I can’t even sum it up. There’s too much. It’s too good. Game of Thrones WISHES it could be what BomH is. There’s mention of slavery and past child abuse, please skip that if it’s going to trigger you!!
A Boy and his Dragon [VanHan]: Oh look, another fantasy AU. Have you figured out that I have a type yet? Kiribaku but the Kiribaku hasn’t really happened yet, cuz Bakugou is a literal child who got kidnapped and is probably gonna get sold. He doesn’t even know Kirishima is Kirishima, he just knows him as the cool dragon in the cage. This one just barely makes the SFW list, because there’s no explicit mention of fucking, but there’s a really really gross pedophile that shows up fairly early on and hasn’t died yet. There’s also graphic depictions of violence in the first chapter, and once you combine those two things I would absolutely understand if you decided to give this one a pass, too.
Everglow [Maplefudge]: ANOTHER fantasy AU?!?! In MY fic recc list?? It’s more likely than you think. This one just started, and it’s got that enemies-to-lovers shit going on. Dragons plus my favorite tropes = FUCK YEAH!!!
Crimson [Crocodillia]: I bet you thought I was done with the fantasy AU reccs, didn’t you? Well, HAVE ANOTHER!!! This one has strong HTTYD vibes, and I’ve literally never seen anyone try that before with these characters!! So far there’s only two chapters, but I am HOOKED and if you like HTTYD…you’re gonna like this, too.
Becoming Human [FoolishFortuna]: Demon!Bakugou becomes Human!Bakugou when he refuses to take a kid’s soul. I think we’re three chapters in and he just got to earth and met Kirishima, as well as a few holy people (Midoriya, Ochako, Iida, and I believe Tetsu). Now he gotta find his daughter and keep her safe. Kiribaku with some fairly graphic descriptions of torture and cannibalism in the second chapter, don’t read it if that’s gonna trigger you!! Also he pretty brutally rips apart the girl’s abusive parents.
Surviving for Second Chances [SilentNorth]: TWEWY Kiribaku AU!!! There’s some differences between the original game and the fic, for pretty obvious reasons (medium, objective, and character differences being a few), but this got me to FINALLY watch a playthrough of the game cuz I’m too broke to go and buy it myself!! Kirishima as Neku and Bakugou as Joshua, plus Mina as Shiki and TodoDeku as Rhyme and Beat. Canon-typical violence, and we just finished up Week 1!!
Love And Other Allergens [thefrailtyofgenius]: A Quirkless AU where Todoroki is a lawyer with a flower shop underneath his apartment. Todo finds out he’s allergic to one of the plants, buys a different bouquet every week instead of, yknow, asking for help like a normal human being (I say, knowing damn well I’d just buy allergy medication and not even try to figure out what I’m allergic TO), and accidentally falls in love with the cute (and absolutely fucking ripped) flower boy (Midoriya lmao). It’s LONG. The TodoDeku is extremely slowburn, and there’s a fuckload of side ships. An incomplete list: Erasermic, Kiribaku, ShinIida (Shinsou and Iida), and MomoJirou. Bonus Endeavor’s Bad Parenting, Midoriya Hisashi’s Bad Parenting, and both of those assholes getting locked up forever :D (I’m so serious about the length tho, it’s like 40 chapters or something).
NSFW Ongoing:
Mixing Signals [Shippeh]: Kiribaku aged-up, but they’ve tried to date multiple times and every time Bakugou fucked it up. Every time they broke up, they pretended like they’d never tried in the first place (which…oW), but this time. THIS time, Bakugou swears he’s gonna make them work.
Heartbeat Thunder [Shippeh]: This is one of the few ABO fics I’ll recc, because it’s not just “ooh heat sex fun times”. This has THOUGHT put into it. They’re confused kids goddamnit, let them be confused!!! Basically Kiri doesn’t ever want to rut so he’s suppressing everything about being an alpha, while Bakugou thinks that trying to hide from your secondary gender is stupid. They do fuck tho, which is why the fic is in NSFW Ongoing.
Take a Chance On Me [FanficIsMyThing]: The other ABO fic I’ll happily recc. Kiri is an alpha which lets him be a hero, while Baku is an omega so he’s gotta be a vigilante until the laws get changed. They run into each other on patrol a few times, Baku helps Kiri and crew out a few times, and every time Kirishima *mysteriously* fails to catch the vigilante Chemical X. They haven’t actually fucked yet, but there’s been enough sexy times to put this squarely in NSFW territory. And it’s not just sex!! I don’t wanna spoil, but it’s good I swear.
Opposed to the Typical [Heronfem]: A model/fashion designer AU featuring HoH!Bakugou, model!Bakugou and designer!Kirishima, as well as a metric shitload of others. Basically Kiri is an intern with Fatgum who gets called to help another studio with their fitting, gets assigned to Bakugou, figures out he’s HoH and handles it like a champ. Because he does it so well, whenever Bakugou needs to get his measurements taken again, they immediately call for Kirishima. And ofc they gonna fall in love :3c But its more complicated than that, and I don’t wanna give too much away, but make sure that you pay attention to any trigger warnings at the start of the chapters!!!
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yazzydream · 5 years
yazzy, i trust your taste so much now, since i found both russian roulette and heae the silence by your fanarts, so please rec' fanfiction
Oh maaaan. That’s so flattering. Lol. 
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Since you haven’t specified for which fandom, I’ll just post my very favorites in general:
As you’ve mentioned we’ve got
Hear the Silence by EmptySurface - [Naruto, SI OC]
Russian Roulette by Vixen_Tail - [KHR, SI OC]
(For those who don’t know them.)
Harry Potter
Prince of the Dark Kingdom by Mizuni-sama - [AU] This one is… my all time favorite fic ever. It’s unfortunately not been updated since 2014 ;_; But still has 147 chapters. This is a ‘Voldemort won’ story where Harry stumbles back into the British Wizarding World and somehow Voldemort becomes his mentor. NOT Dark!Harry. That’s what’s so wonderful. You can see how the circumstances and changes in history led to everyone becoming the way they did while still being true to themselves.
Timely Errors by Worfe - [Harry Potter] A short sweet Harry-travels-to-the-Marauders-time fic. This actually has my favorite version of Harry.
Across the Universe by mira mirth - [Oneshot, time travel] This is… totally tropetastic and great. lmao. Like, you’ve got cynical Harry dimension traveling to a world where their Harry died that fateful Halloween night and James and Lily survived. The BWL is Neville. But it’s all from James’ pov who is simultaneously happy to have his first son back but is incredibly aware that Harry’s not what they expected to be.
Full circle by tetsurashian - [HUMOR, Harry/Voldemort] An absolute blast. This fic is so so fun. Harry and Voldemort/Tom have been in a neverending cycle of rebirth until they ended up in what seems to be their original timeline. There are all these amazing omake snapshots of their previous lives at the end of some chapters which are seriously amazing. My favorite so far is the life where they’re both girls who end up ruling their strict all girls-boarding school with an iron fist. lmao.
Ibex by AgeOfAlejandro - I will never get over how relieved I am I stumbled upon this fic again on AO3 after I thought I’d lost it forever years ago during one of FF.net’s purges. Uhh… how to explain this one. It’s Dark Lord Potter. The best version of dark!Harry imo. He’s manipulative and ruthless, but he still loves. All those things that make him care about people is still there. It’s just taken a backseat to what he feels is necessary. Last updated in 2012, so I’m not sure the author will come back to it, but it’s worth reading all the same.
Icarus by budchick - [Oneshot, Harry/Tom Riddle] It’s been a while since I read this. But Harry ends up in a world where Tom Riddle is raised by Tom Riddle Senior. It’s… well. He’s trying? But having a witch-boy who does some really scary shit and keeps traumatizing the servants is very stressful. Lol.
Ghost by cywscross - [time travel] I am a trope whore. loool. So. We’ve got adult Naruto (aka Yuurei) time traveling to when his younger self was still with the original Team 7 to start off.  And, I gotta say I love it when the older self mentors the younger version of themselves trope. This is all from younger Naruto’s pov.
The Guardian Crow by dianamoth - [SI OC] SI is reincarnated as a summons. It’s such a good idea that makes way for a less complicated life when compared to other SIs honestly. So It’s good to relax with. 
With Nothing On My Tongue by sunshineinwriting - [team 7-centric] Naruto’s use of the kage bunshin changes a lot of things in how he absorbs information and matures. It sends a ripple down to everyone. Badass little child soldiers everywhere.
Claws Amidst the Cracks by Undead Artist - [OC-centric] Not quite self-insert, but OC-centric. And INCREDIBLY BRUTAL. Definitely heed the warnings. It’s super intense and fucked up, and made me cry so many times. OC wakes up as Sasuke in the aftermath of the massacre. OC, who is from our world, did not have a great life either. Anyway, it’s brilliantly written and I love it, but I know some people just cannot with how graphic it can get.
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Chroma Diamonds by Brick - [KHR, R27, 2772, R2772, AU] Slow burn, best burn. We’re nowhere near the romance bits, and it’s fantastic. The set up is: No one came to train this universe’s Tsuna (and yes, other dimensions existing is a plot point) and he grows up kind of twisted with his Flame sealed. Tsuna’s not… a bad person per se. But without anyone there to kick his ass into gear, he makes decisions that would probably freak out canon!Tsuna. Lots of Flame lore and culture. Namimori is a mafia retirement town. Ayye.
Colorire by The_Plot_Bunny_Whisperer - Just a feel-good SkyArcobaleno!Tsuna fic, good to relax with.
Welkin by Shivani - Another SkyArcobaleno!Tsuna fic. This one’s… huh, actually the only bashing fic on this list actually. Lol. 
Sidelines by esama - In one of those other universes that taken over by Byakuran, this Tsuna is the only one who remembers it when things are returned to “normal” by canon!Yuni.
For the Love of the Game by metisket - [Yamamoto-centric, character study] This snippet covers it pretty well: “It strikes him as weird that he’s had to struggle not to kill people, that it’s been such a challenge. He’s pretty sure that for most people, not being a murderer is way easier than being one.“
Metamorphose by tuesday and The Great Boondoggle by Masu_Trout - [Oneshots] These are written by two separate authors but they follow similar themes and characterizations of Frisk which I adore. Which is that Frisk isn’t some sweet baby angel. All those possible choices that the player can make in Undertale? Yea, that’s part of their history. Frisk made those choices to kill or be killed, to commit genocide, or be a pacifist. Chara isn’t a separate entity that exists as a convenient scapegoat who possessed them. All those awful and wonderful things are part of their personality. It’s great. That said, neither of these fics are heavy/angsty. 
Orot by MiniNephthys - [Oneshot] Post-neutral ending. Frisk returns to the Underground.
The Warrior & The Wolf by worldtravellingfly - [HP x Naruto Crossover, Oneshot, Fem!Harry, Harry/Kakashi] Kakashi reincarnated as Sirius’ son.
Somewhere Far from Victory by ewfte - [Naruto x BnHA Crossover] Kakashi is reincarnated as Todoroki Shouto. I’m not really into bnha, so I usually have the wiki open to me as I’m reading. Lol. But it’s so entertaining. It’s fascinating (and sad) seeing what Kakashi makes of the world where he isn’t required to kill for his village from age 6, but still has to deal with… you know, Endeavor.
Whispers in Corners by esama - [HP x Sherlock, Harry/Mycroft] Harry makes a living as a “psychic” calling up the spirits of the dead. Mycroft hires him to tie up some loose ends, and they end up building a relationship.
Impetus by Crunchysunrises - [BtVS x Hunger Games] Buffy ends up in District 12. Which implies there’s more to life outside the Districts which is a no go for the Capital. So barely even understanding each other’s language, Buffy is “chosen” for the Hunger Games. It’s amazing. Because Buffy’s this sweet delicate looking valley girl who likes makeup and looking good, but she can still kick the ass out of anyone in the Districts, and they don’t see it coming.
Apples Equals Cyanide Equals Light by Silver Pard - [Death Note] A highly entertaining introspective by Ryuk about Light. Who really really was very different from other humans.
Brightly Burning by Aishuu - [Hikaru no Go] For want of nail. Basically, what if Hikaru hadn’t joined the Go world until after Sai disappeared? Hikaru is fucking terrifyingly strong and depressed, is what. This last updated in 2009… so probably discontinued. Lol.
No One Left To Blame by Wix - [Oneshot, Team Iron Man, Not Team-Cap Friendly] A one-shot that pretty neatly encapsulates what I think Team Cap deserved post-Civil War.
A Disturbance Beside Him by ghuune - [Daria, Daria/Trent, Smut] It’s sexy definitely, but it’s their characterization during and about sex with each other that really really sells it.
THIS ENDED UP SO MUCH LONGER THAN I EXPECTED. I guess I had a lot more on my rec list than I thought. Or rather, when it comes to my favorite fics I always have to say something about it, don’t I? Whoops.
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flyswhumpcenter · 6 years
Turquoise Puddles Under Our Feet [Fever February Day 15: Keep Me Warm]
Summary: After they manage to run away from one of the most dangerous bounty hunters of their city, Kaede and Shuichi have a small talk about school and their duo as a whole.
Fandom: Of Shells and Spells (original work with Danganronpa cameos) Relationships: Saimatsu (Kaede/Shuichi)
Word Count: 1.8K words
Notes: I never specified the prompts had to be whump, did I? Have a nice, exploration oneshot for the reboot of my magical girl(...ish) series Oh Shells and Spells. I've been in an OSAS mood lately, and that's what's breaking that artblock I put myself in. In case you ask why this is such a mess, OSAS is an original magical girl-ish story based around my own original universe, but with other characters thrown in for maximum potential memery (and fun). I had originally planned for only Makoto and Kyoko, but these two entered Shipping Hell lately. There's also gonna be Magical Dads and some other characters. This is set rather late in the story I'm planning, though. The two aren't supposed to know Annabelle from the get-go of OSAS book I, but oh well, this is mostly a test run more than anything.
AO3 version available here.
In the middle of night-time Hellesimbault, run two teenagers dressed in pinks and blacks. Behind them are ever-growing puddles of turquoise water, gaining space, eating away the paved roadway and dark grey sidewalks. There are waves of chills going down their spines and an urge to flee as soon as possible from the source of these waves.
The dark streets allow for two things: not being directly spotted by the bounty hunter running after them, and not seeing her face as she attempts to annihilate the both of them.
“Come back here, young mages,” an eerily calm voice calls for them, flat tone filled with unspoken rage.
They don’t reply. The witch’s waiting for them to say their position aloud so she can track them through their voices. That’s the last thing they need, so they keep quiet, as quiet as they can be when they’re running and have to breathe as they hurry to a possible shelter.
The blonde girl grabs her friend’s arm and pull them both into a corner, her other hand on his mouth to retain a surprised yell trying to exit his body. They see the with walk past them, violent tides coursing through their entire beings, puddles upon puddles of turquoise water where her feet were. An intense cold run through the street, sparing nothing in its path, her red hair flowing gracefully along the waves she emits.
Once she’s past them, the girl gives a quick look, and invites him to exit their improvised hiding spot. With a swift hand, she removes her butterfly-shaped mask, revealing pink irises.
“Are you alright?” she asks him, a gentle smile on her face.
“I… I’m fine,” he replies with a shaking voice. “It sure was scary.”
A small giggle escapes her lips.
“That’s why she’s called The Witch, isn’t she? She’s one powerful mage… Anyway,” she changes in tone, “why not make our way back to Anna’s? It’s getting late.”
“Yeah, let’s do that.”
The Witch. She’s one of the most powerful bounty hunters of Hellesimbault. She got to know her exact pseudonym through some research: Rei, the second-in-command of the Fragmenta Guild. Rumours say some of its members are teachers in their school, but that never got confirmed. For now, they take the opposite direction, to go back to Annabelle Moinot’s place.
“I told you to call me by my alias when we’re on a mission.”
“Sorry,” he blushes as he apologizes, “I thought we weren’t on a mission anymore…”
“How many times did I tell you to stop apologizing for nothing, Shuichi? Well, it’s not that important. What matters is what you wanted to ask me.”
He gets his mask off but lowers the bill of his hat with his other hand. Better stay transformed in case any bounty hunter other than Rei comes their way. Those rascals must know about her trying to find her missing sister by now.
“Don’t you think it’s getting cold in there?”
Shuichi is rubbing his arms together, blushing, white smoke coming out of his mouth.
“It’s because of Rei’s magic. You seem to be freezing, though… You’re sure you’re alright, Shuichi?”
His teeth are slightly cackling now. This isn’t reassuring.
“Maybe not sure per say, I’m just cold. I guess I’m more sensible to temperature shifts than you, Kaede.”
The music prodigy’s face softens, looking a bit away, then back at him.
“That’s true, Fire elementals are always feeling temperature more easily… Isn’t it Mr Parillot who keeps being cold because he’s a Fire elemental too?”
He nods in agreement. “That’s probably why I’m feeling hotter than you all of a sudden…”
“Excuse me?”
A heavy silence settles between them. Shuichi feels both cold and hot sweats running down his temples and back. An even huger blush installs itself onto his face. He tries to hide even more of his face with his hat, eyes looking away.
“We’re out of the zone Rei has frozen,” Kaede says in a slightly snappier tone, “but it’s still the cold of the night.”
She puffs, crosses her arms, and attempts catching his glaze.
“Shuichi, you’re sick and trying to hide it again, aren’t you!”
The boy flusters even more, and his hat eventually falls down. She catches it with her hand. His entire face is both blushing and flushed.
“I told you before, you shouldn’t go out with me if you’re sick… I’m saying this for you! I don’t want you to get killed because of me!”
“N-no! I’m always here on my own wish, Kaede… I didn’t feel bad enough not to come. It’s just a tiny fever, those happen sometimes…”
Kaede squints her eyes.
“Yeah, sure. For now, let’s go back to Anna so you can have a nice blanket to roll around in. I’m sure Mr Moinot is worried sick for us right now!”
“You’re right, let’s go home before you get sick too.”
She deadpans but smiles afterwards.
“That’s so nice of you to think about.”
On the way to their “headquarters” (Kaede likes the ring of that, it gives it that extra special touch she strives for), they talk about school again. Being a tenth year, a high school freshman feels like being both old and young, in a way. They talk about Mr Parillot again, remembering his weird shenanigans, his movies and his tendency to insert English in every sentence he spews out.
His shivering doesn’t seem to stop. That worries her, because he shouldn’t feel so cold, even if she herself feels some chills from the night temperatures. She has to find a way to make him feel better before they reach the Moinot house.
Kaede casts her battle outfit away, to his surprise.
“The way is clear, so I thought it would be nice to change back to my regular clothes.”
“You’re probably right, but...”
“I know what you’re going to say,” she interrupts him with a smile. “You can remain in your battle gear, Shuichi, if it makes you feel a bit warmer. I wanted to switch back because I have something which could be of some use…”
She feels the weight of her backpack again, which she opens to get a blanket out of.
“I brought this with me in case we stayed very late in the streets and had to find a place where to rest for a bit. It may be a bit too small for that, on second thought, but I’m sure it’ll be useful for you!”
“That’s not necessary, Kaede… You should use it for yourself…”
She wraps the blanket around him, and despite a face of refusal, he clutches it around him and sniffles noisily.
“You always think of me, Kaede… Sorry for being such a burden, you shouldn’t have to always get something for me…”
“Pssh, nonsense. We’re best friends, that’s what best friends are for, right?”
“S-sure, but I can’t ever give you something in return, and you’re usually the one good in battle too… You’d probably be better off with someone better than me, like Rantaro or Kévin…”
Kaede pouts again, barely noticing the fact he clutches his heart with his right hand and the blanket with his left.
“Shuichi! If I wanted to go on such crazy misadventures with them, I would have asked them! Stop putting yourself down like that! I’m sure you would be more powerful if you trusted yourself more.”
He slightly looks at her.
“Thanks for putting up with me…”
She beams him a warm smile.
“You should give yourself more credit, Shuichi. You’ve always been such a help for me, because you notice things better than I could ever do. I would be lost without you, trying to find my sis! The underground world is scary, and if you weren’t by my side, Rei would terrify me beyond my mind… So I think you should stop seeing yourself as a hassle, and more as my partner in not-crime!”
He nods timidly, the tiniest smile on his lips.
They proceed to their HQ.
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