#Tuck Hanson fanfiction
bubblyani · 5 years
Bold moves, No assumptions (Tuck Hanson x Reader)
Tuck Hanson One Shot
Genre: Fluff
Author’s Note: Ever since I watched “This Means War” I was quite disappointed with the ending aka Tuck not being chosen. Didn't make sense cause clearly he was the better choice. Enraged with this and his forced ending with his ex, I wrote this for anyone who shares the same frustration.Tuck Hanson, you deserved better. And here is my tribute to you <3.
P.S: Didn’t Tom Hardy looked supa fine as Tuck?
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You played safe in most situations in your life. And never dared to do something out of your comfort zone.  
But you always convinced yourself to be stronger and make some bold moves; you were just waiting for the right time to do so.
Working as a part of HR at the Agency might not be as exciting or glamorous, but you did enjoy it. You get to help people with internal matters and you took great pride in it. You’ve made friends with people within and outside of your department and some of them were simply a joy to know.
Agent Tuck Hanson was definitely the best one.
As time went by, you developed quite a soft spot for this charming gentleman of a Brit. He never failed to greet you at work and make your presence known. He would always try out your baked goods with much enthusiasm and you couldn’t help but respect his work ethic. His partner and best friend FDR, was nice too, but you could tell right away what kind of a guy he was. And you didn't really buy into that. Tuck might not be as smooth of a talker as FDR, but you appreciated his sincerity and romantic nature as a person.
When Tuck told you about this girl he found on this dating site, you were happy for him. But at the same time, you felt these feelings, which could only be described as “sour”. You kept ignoring this ‘sourness’ when it all went so well with Tuck and this girl “Lauren”.
But this became such a complicated screw up, when FDR accidentally ended up liking the SAME woman. At first, this immature fight over the same girl seemed so hilarious in your eyes. But when they started to use their power with background checks on her for interests and “sabotaging” each other’s attempts, you realized this was going WAY out of line.
“I don’t know guys, this seems a bit too much, and someone’s gonna get huuurt” you voiced your opinion with a tone of concern and a disapproving look.
And you could tell that Tuck always got embarrassed, as if he realized the insanity of their actions. But he quickly changed heart considering the competitive nature between the two friends.
You even remembered the day when the Heinrich assignment was completed. That was when Lauren finally made the choice. You found Tuck talking to Lauren when the medics arrived, and you remembered how he tried so hard to not let the rejection get to him. Even though you stood far away, you heart felt heavy and you felt bad in his place. You even questioned yourself as to why would you be THIS emotional for someone else’s loss.
That’s when you fully knew, how much you cared for Tuck Hanson.
All of this, flashed through your mind as you indulged on some nachos, looking out to the tables ahead, watching FDR and Lauren cozy up together, laughing, kissing and enjoying each other’s company at the Annual State Fair on a Thursday night.
Since the Lauren incident, Tuck enjoyed your company more often and you didn't mind it all. And when Tuck said he would be going to the fair with a date, you were more than happy to be there to rescue him if anything went sideways.
You just didn't really expect to see THEM there, at the same place, in the same time, together, rubbing it all in Tuck’s face, if he ever did see them.
Suddenly you felt frustrated and angry, but you were also bold. A part of you was surprised when you got up from your seat to walk over to the ‘happy couple’.
 “Lauren? Lauren Scott?”
“Oh hey (Y/N)! Didn't expect to see YOU here.” FDR got up happily to show off his new girlfriend. “Lauren...this is (Y/N), she works in HR at the uh…Agency”
“OMG…Hey! Nice to meet you (Y/N)!”
You and Lauren shook hands. You couldn't help but be awed by Lauren, with her golden hair and beautiful smile; she definitely exuded rays of sunshine.
No wonder Tuck fell for her, you thought.
“Yeah, you too. Um…sorry to barge in like this, but uh…I just…I just-” you took a deep breath. “I’m really happy for you guys, really. But I just gotta ask, woman to woman.  You really picked FDR over Tuck? REALLY? REALLY?” your voice grew louder by the word. And you swore your expression might have changed into something not so pleasant.
Oh no…here I go.
“REALLY? I mean…WHY?” you continued.
“Uh…(Y/N) I’m sitting right here-“ FDR interrupted.
“FDR PLEASE! Just PLEASE!” you motioned him to shut up.
“I get it, FDR is a softie underneath all that smooth, ladies man bullshit. But what about the good guys? What about people like Tuck? He is the perfect gentleman. And from what happened between you guys, all seemed to go so well right? Sorry for sounding so nosy, I know this seems over line. But seriously Lauren, I just don't understand. Yes, FDR is a lovely person and he has had a rough time growing up so yes he needs the right girl. But so does Tuck! You met HIM first, you liked HIM first. And In the end you decided to go with THIS GUY? SERIOUSLY? I just...I don't get it. There was barely anything wrong with that man, he was really in love with you, you know. You really made a HUGE MISTAKE!”
Lauren looked like she just got slapped. And FDR was pissed off big time, but trying to repress his anger. He quickly got up rushing towards you.
“Lauren I’m SO sorry, (Y/N) can be a LITTLE crazy sometimes” FDR began,
“(Y/N) maybe you should go home”
“I’m FINE! Don’t worry I’m leaving I’m leaving!” you shook his hand away from you.
“By the way, It was nice to meet you Lauren” your expression changed, you couldn't help but smile sincerely at Lauren. Cause in truth, Lauren seemed like a great gal.
“You look really pretty” you turned to walk away. For a second, you felt this huge burden leave your shoulders. 
You turned to find Tuck running up to you “Where are you off to luv?” 
“I’m going home, I’m not feeling so good” you replied with a tight smile.
He eyed you sternly, “Are you okay? Did something happen?”
“Trust me, I’m fine. Sorry Tuck” your voice grew softer, patting him on the shoulder.
FDR approached Tuck, who watched you walk away with a confused expression.
“Is (Y/N) okay?” Tuck asked his friend. “Well she certainly didn't seem right in head to me” FDR replied angrily, shaking his head.
“I really don't follow” Tuck got even more confused.
“Tuck, you’re not gonna BELIEVE what just happened”
As much as you didn't want to face FDR the next day at work, you also wanted to apologize for being a jerk in front of Lauren. You came to work early as usual. As you were heading to get a pot of coffee, you stopped by Tuck’s table to check up on him.
“Good Morning Mr.Hanson…or should I say Handsome?? Hah!” you greeted him teasingly. He smiled warmly while typing some emails. “ ‘Morning Luv! You feeling better today?” he closed his laptop to look at you.
“Oh it was just a headache, a good night’s rest did the trick” you gave him thumbs up, automatically looking over to FDR’s table “What happened to FDR?”
“Oh he took the day off today so wont be coming in” Tuck replied, turning side to side on his chair.
“I see…Oh! Dude…how did the date go last night?”
Tuck opened his mouth but stopped himself to think of a better reply. Chuckling, he went “Oh…you know, didn't work out that well” he shrugged his shoulders. You didn't believe him. “What? That's insane…I saw the lucky lady and she looked hawt!” you folded your hands leaning on FDR’s table. “Yeah I guess, but we didn't really click that well in the end” he replied nonchalantly. You still didn't believe him.
“Well, I’m sorry to hear that Tuck. Maybe it didn't work out for a reason. So, have hope!” you cheered him and while walking away to get that coffee.
“I will ” Tuck whispered, watching you leave, and hoping you were right.
Few days later, you heard some colleagues talking about this dangerous mission Tuck was assigned to, and how he will be going out to the field. You rushed to look for Tuck, finding him leaving his table to get ready.
“Please…please be careful, and promise me you’ll be okay” you felt so corny, saying all these things to him. Tuck, touched by your worried reaction, reached out to hold your hand.
“Don't worry luv! I’ll be fine, I promise” he sounded sure. You nodded in acknowledgment, trying not to be distracted by the warmth of his touch.
Hours later, Tuck returned to the Agency after a successful mission, but also with a few bruises. He insisted he didn't need a cleanup. But with your persuasion, a medic came by to fix him up. When the medic left, you came in to the room and sat on a chair next to the door, facing a sitting Mr. Hanson on a chair next to the bed, looking exhausted.
“ You really didn't have to call on medic for this, luv” Tuck pointed at the several cuts and scars on his face which didn't seem so severe.
“Doesn't matter the severity, you needed cleaning up.” You crossed your legs “I heard you did a great job today, I’m REALLY proud of you, you know” you meant every word you said, smiling.
Tuck smiled back, but quickly looked down. Pursing his lips, he looked up and spoke shyly,
“FDR told me what happened at the fair.”
You felt the whole world crashing down on you as if the worse nightmare has happened. You wanted to get away from this room.
“I’m so sorry about th-“ you quickly got up
“No please! Don’t go “ Tuck said hurriedly, motioning you to stay. “Please stay” his voice got softer. You slowly sat down, afraid of what might come out of his mouth next.
“To be honest, it felt quite nice to hear that someone was speaking on behalf of me...”he continued, his blue eyes on you, begging for you to look back at him.
“But I just got to ask...why? Why would you do that (Y/N)?”
You summed the courage to look up at him, praying you won’t get your heart broken by rejection.
“You know, I’m not the one to pick a fight Tuck, I really am not” you began,
“…But that day, when I saw them together, I just couldn’t take it. Why must FDR only deserved to be happy and not you? Why must that happen when you did nothing but be a great guy. The spying thing was CRAZY, I WILL say that. But even from the beginning, Even WITHOUT the spying, you were doing SO well and you STILL didn’t get the girl. And it JUST PISSED ME OFF” the more you spoke the braver you sounded. You sat on the edge of your seat.
“And it pissed me off a hell lot cause I...I...” with eyes closed, you took a deep breath, clenching your fists.
“I have liked you for a really long time Tuck”
You maintained eye contact as you finished. 
There it was, bold move number two.
You couldn’t read Tuck’s expression, but it did look as if he wasn’t expecting that. 
“(Y/N)!-“ he let out a chuckle. “What?” You were dying of curiosity. He moved around in his seat as if to calm oneself. Was he nervous?
“You might have not known this, but when I first met you in the Agency, I thought you were quite lovely” 
Your heart skipped a beat.
“Actually, I thought you were very beautiful, and seeing you around always cheered me up” you blinked fast; you didn’t know how to react.
Am I dreaming? 
“I even went so far to assume you already had a boyfriend-“
“You what?” That escaped your lips faster than you could think. Loudly too. 
Tuck smiled, he found your reaction adorable. “ Come on (Y/N)! Was I wrong to assume that? Why would someone like you want someone like me?” 
“You CAN’T say that! That’s my line ” you protested, to which Tuck burst out laughing. You couldn’t help but chuckle. You adored the way Tuck laughed. You loved seeing him happy.
Fuck! I really like him. 
“Anyways, after a while the Lauren thing happened, and then with Katie again and, nothing seemed to fit right with me” his tone changed, and it was sad.
You just had enough of this. You just couldn’t take it. 
Standing up, you slowly walked over to him, not breaking eye contact. Tuck looked surprised as you suddenly sat on his lap. You longed for courage as your hands found his face, fingers touching his skin so softly. 
Savor this moment.
Slowly moving forward, you kissed him. 
You kissed him like it was your first and last time. 
You kissed him, trying to pour all your feelings into one kiss cause you were afraid this will be your only chance.
5 seconds, it lasted 5 seconds.
You removed your lips from his, giving him a soft smile, stroking his cheek with your thumbs looking at his fazed expression. You sighed deeply. You got up.
Frankly you really didn’t want to let this one go.
To your surprise, neither did Tuck. 
He grabbed your hand, his grip hard as steel, so strong you fell back to his lap. You looked at him with shock. 
“Tuck, what are y-“ 
“No more assuming,” he breathed, pulling you to a kiss.
Kissing Tuck was lovely. Tuck kissing you was magical. But when this was fused together, it was just fireworks. It certainly didn't seem so unfamiliar; at least not by the way Tuck was touching you. He held you up so you could straddle him. Lips were in a conversation of its own.
Where the fuck have you been?  
You felt butterflies in your stomach as you felt his hands run up and down your back, finally settling down to your waist, pulling you even closer to him. The kisses turned deeper and more passionate. The distance between the two of you got smaller, to the point of the bodies grinding against one another.
Tuck broke off the kiss reluctantly, and you suddenly returned to earth.
“(Y/N)…uh...I…” he panted, gently holding your cheek “ as much as I would like to continue THIS, I really want to do this RIGHT, you know, take you out on a date first” he spoke earnestly, looking in to your eyes.
You giggled, “Hehehe…yeah true. I’d like that too…” You felt so ecstatic you hugged him super tightly,
“Finally, I have you ALL to myself” you whispered excitedly to his ear.
“You can’t say THAT!  That’s MY line” Tuck responded teasingly, hugging you back.
Tuck WAS the better guy, and he made YOU the better girl.
With the help of a few bold moves you will never regret.
Check out my MASTERLIST for more
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clairecrive · 4 years
A little sneak peek of what I'm working on:
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Things I'll work on next: "The first time" part 3, Jealousy with either Tuck or modern Alfie, A three part with Tuck aaand...
I have three ideas I'm working on for an Alfie mutlichap.
So yeah, lots of things so stay tuned! oh and let me know which one of those you want to read first.
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hiramaris · 2 years
Dusk til Dawn
Part 2
Summary: Following Episode 9. And spoilers for Episode 10. 
Author’s note: As Episode 10 is just released I just want to say heads up for those who are not yet finished. Completing the game without spoilers really made a difference, and as much as possible I want everyone to experience that. And for those finished, I’ll gladly welcome you to my domain where MC took a different route.
Disclaimer:  I do not own Duskwood or any of the related characters. Duskwood is created by and owned by Everbyte Studio. This fanfiction is intended for entertainment only. I am not making any profit from this story. All rights of the original Duskwood story belong to Everbyte Studio.
Warning: Mentions of blood, suicide, violence, pedophiles, drugs, gun, murder, sex offenders, kidnapping
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Gif by @Vivi_ZSC  
Every step you take feels quite heavy, but not in a way that makes it sounds bad. The nerves were getting to you, and it wasn't a feeling you were used to. You’ve faced a lot of life-threatening events in your life besides being constantly threatened by the man without a face. Still, the idea of facing Hanson all by yourself is becoming a more tempting notion than making a fool out of yourself in front of Jessy.
You’ve been handling a case dangerous enough to get you either killed or put into prison, and you weren’t even deterred by it but the thought of meeting this girl in person had you feeling like a bumbling idiot.
Funny, you had been called many things, but being shy was not one of them. 
Lost in your own thoughts, you failed to notice Jessy leaning against the doorframe, a smile playing at the corners of her lips as she watched you with amusement dancing in her hazel eyes.
“Hello, Y/n.” 
Your eyes found hers, and that made her smile even wider. Out of instinct, you closed the distance between the two of you, wrapping her in a tight embrace. “Hey. Are you okay?”
She lets out a contented hum, her hands still gripping your arms tightly. “It just feels weird,” she said, her tone contemplative. “We’re waiting for a murderer. A murderer who threatened to kill us all. And yet,” she pauses. “I’m a lot calmer than I thought I’d be in a situation like this.”
“Give yourself some credit, Jess. You were always so brave, and I think,” you smiled and tucked a loose strand of hair on her ear, “everything that’s happened has made you stronger.”
“But I don’t feel like I’m any stronger,” she replied, leaning into you even more despite her expression falling into a frown. “It’s more like... as if I’d gotten used to living in fear.”
You pulled her close once again, all worries about how to act around her diminishing. “I’m sorry you have to experience all that. Just a little longer, Jess. Everything will be okay soon.”
“I promise.” You assured her.
“Thank you, Y/n. It feels so nice having you here with me.” She smiles at you, and you hope she knows how much happy you are being here with them— with her here. Even though danger is lurking just around the corner, you feel better knowing you’re with them, you can now do something, as opposed back then when you were just with your phone, helpless and unable to help and protect them from your enemy. “Come inside, I still have to finish reading all these files, and watch over the front.”
With a nod, Jessy gestured towards her room, which looks exactly like the one in Cleo's pictures you thought back then that it quite suited Jessy’s taste, apart from the color of the mattress which is black and white stripes. You wandered your eyes towards the pile of files on the bed. There’s also an L-shaped sofa on the right side, and a dresser just by the window.
“It’s so quiet.” Jessy muttered as you approached the window. 
“Yeah,” you murmured. You leaned forward, peering out to see outside, and damn, it was so dark out there aside from the light inside the house. You turned to her. “Do you need help sorting out those files?”
She shook her head, already settling herself on the bed. “Thank you, Y/n but I got this. Why don’t you take some rest first? Come lay here.” She pats her side.
You chuckled. “Now that’s quite tempting, Miss Hawkins, but resting is quite the luxury I cannot afford right now. I’ll be our lookout for now, while you do your thing.”
She rolled her eyes playfully, a soft laugh escaping her lips.  “you sounded like Jake just now," she teased. "Speaking of him, how are things between you two and the case?"
"He's off chasing a lead, so I'm still waiting for an update," You scanned the world outside with active eyes. Thankfully, your eyes began adjusting to the dark. You made sure to be as discreet as possible, just in case. You didn’t want to alarm him that you were here. You then turn your attention back to her, "Dan seems to be in his element, though. Smart move stationing everyone in different spots around the house."
She hummed in agreement, her eyes scanning the file in her hands. "I just hope he's not biting off more than he can chew. He can fight sure, but he’s still not completely okay.” 
“I’m glad he’s here though.”
"And we're glad you're here, too. Especially me, of course. It was a very pleasant surprise, Y/n." she admitted, making you turn to look at her. Her eyes were so captivating, and it felt like you have to use every ounce of willpower not to get lost in them. "But I'm worried about you. Hanson is clearly after you. To be honest, I felt better knowing you’re safe in your city, but at the same time I’m happy you’re here.”
You sat down beside her, taking her hand in yours. “Jess, I feel better knowing I’m near you. I won’t ever let something happen to you again. I promised you that, didn’t I?” 
“As long as you’ll be safe, too.” she intertwined your fingers together, and somehow, this feels so intimate, but not entirely unpleasant. It feels warm, almost like home.
You never had any expectations when you come here. Of course, meeting these people online is one thing, but meeting them personally is a whole other story.
And it feels weird meeting them like this, and you have never actually gotten a proper introduction with one another yet it feels like you've known each other for ages. You wish you could have met your friends in a different way, no kidnapping, no murderer. But the reality is cruel like that, and somehow, even if it feels wrong to think about it, without all of these happening, you will never get to meet them.
"Sometimes things happen in life that we can't influence," After a few moments of silence, she spoke again. "Even though we wish things would be different and we try avoiding them as good as we can."
"Yeah..." you agreed quietly. "I know."
"If anything should happen to me tonight," you frown, knowing where this is heading, "or to the others. Then I want you to know that it wasn't your fault."
Your grip on her hand tightened, "don't say that, Jess." You held a firm gaze at her, and she battles it with little effort.
"Y/n, listen. It's really important to me that you know this." she pleaded, her eyes held a deep sadness that tugged at your heartstrings. "Anything can happen tonight, and I want you to know this. You've done everything in your power to help us. We all know that. And in case things go south, it won't have been your fault."
"I—" You were about to say that it should have been you who should tell this, that there's no way you'll let anything happen other than all of you winning, getting Hannah and possibly Richy back.
Both of you whipped your phones when you heard a notification. And if you only knew what was said in the chat, you would have never opened your phone, to begin with.
As you read the message on your phone, your cheeks turned red with embarrassment. Typing a reply.
Cleo: I hope you two aren't smooching in there You: Huh? Cleo: You and Jessy Jessy: Sorry, Cleo but we don't kiss and tell 🤭 You: 😳
But Jessy beat you to it apparently, giggling next to you.
You tried covering your face with your hands but Jessy is still holding the other one and is laughing quietly at you. You're not embarrassed per se but it just made you flustered up to the tips of your ears.
"You should have seen your face," she teased. And she kept trying to catch your gaze and that only made your cheeks burn even more. You're sure the redness went down your neck. "Usually you were the more forward one between the two of us, it's a nice change." She was grinning triumphantly.
You scoffed, struggling to regain your dignity, "you just caught me off guard, that's all."
"That would have been believable if you weren't so red, Y/n."
"Right," you say, standing up but Jessy tried to pull you back down but you didn't budge. "I'm gonna go back to my station now."
"Hey, I was just joking." she pouted.
You chuckled. Did this girl really think she can make you mad?
You leaned down a bit on her eye level, "we can smooch up later. For now, we got a job to do." You flicked a finger on her forehead softly, and laugh on your way to your place by the window.
"You're a tease."
"I know." You winked.
Both of you went back to your respective tasks. On your end, it doesn't seem Hanson is getting here anytime soon. Suddenly, the thought of him triggered a memory you had yet to ask about. Without hesitation, you grabbed your phone and typed a message.
You: Will it be safe for a video call right now? Cleo: I think so Lilly: Why? What's wrong?
It didn't take long before Lilly started a video call. It's much safer than texting, at the very least with this, they can still be able to focus on their tasks. The only people on the call were Lilly, you, Dan, and Thomas. Cleo and Lilly were in the same area, so they used one phone, and the same went for you and Jessy. She brought the files and went to sit on the couch near to you. That way, she can hear, and she can also join the conversation.
"Alright, so Hannah visited the Pine Glade Festival's website not too long ago." You paused, looking if some of them is getting where you are heading. They all seemed confused, so you continued, "Tomorrow could be a very important day for Michael Hanson as it is also exactly ten years prior to the day Jennifer died. I want to ask if anyone of you see or went to the festival with Hannah ten years ago?"
"I'm pretty sure I was there," Cleo says with certainty. Lilly was holding the phone for her, while they take turns watching their area. "Just 'cause I'm there every year. But I definitely didn't go with Hannah as I'm always busy helping out at the festival. And there's never been a year where I haven't been busy."
"That's too bad..." You replied. But it could not be impossible that none of them remembers it, even if it's been a decade that had passed. "I want to find out how the accident happened. Hannah might have met Amy there. It could be important."
"I'm sure I went to the Pine Glade Festival with Hannah and the others at some point," Jessy mentioned, catching your attention.  "But there was also one year where I was really sick and couldn't go. I don't know if that was the one ten years ago or some other time. Sorry, Y/n."
"It's fine, Jess. Maybe the others—"
"Excellent question as always, Y/n." You don't even have to look to know it's Dan.
"I know," you replied with the same level of sarcasm. "Be serious. Dan."
"Like I can remember what happened ten years ago. I can't even remember what happened ten days ago," he complains and you only rolled your eyes at him.
"I remember." That made you perk up in attention.
"Excellent. Lilly, can you tell me every detail you could possibly remember?"
"Yes, I think I can. Oh, and Dan," she called. "You went there with me."
"What? Me?"
"Yes. You even got me some cotton candy and even let me ride the carousel."
"Yo sounds like me." He scratches his head and you grin. You're gonna note that for future reference, and it would stand perfectly beside his picture working in the florist shop with his pink apron.
"You even won a prize for me at the shooting range."
"Haha Dan, my man. What a strong guy you are." You quipped and Dan only flexed his biceps which made it only funnier as you don't see anything. Jessy only giggled at your antics.
"Hmm, I'm trying to remember everything that happened that day." Lilly mused. Suddenly, her eyes widened as if a light bulb had gone off in her mind. "Don't you remember, Dan? The prize was a small teddy bear. His nose glowed red when you poke his belly."
You saw the realization dawning on him. "What the fuck— wait, yeah I remember! Hannah asked me if I could keep an eye on you. And that's what I did, yo."
"Okay, great!" You say, turning into your usual interrogation mode. The others know you're unstoppable until you get satisfied with the answer you were looking for. "What were you doing when she asked you?"
He shrugs, "eating a hot dog? I don't know."
"Do you remember what Hannah was up to?"
"Not the faintest idea. She just turned up out of nowhere."
That grabbed your full attention. If she wasn't with Lilly or Dan, where the heck was she? Maybe she was hanging out with Richy and Jessy, but Jessy couldn't remember, and Richy was not there. It was feasible that she was with one of them or even both of them, but if not, then there was only one person left she could have been with.
"Did you see Amy with her?"
"Nah. Hannah was on her own. Lilly was riding ponies or something. She asked me to pick Lilly up there, and then she left."
"So, she was in a hurry?"
"I guess," Dan replied, scratching his beard as he tried to recall the details. "Hannah said she was gonna be back for the fireworks. So, I went to Black Water Lake with Lilly, but she never came."
"You're right, Dan!" Lilly confirmed. "You took me home after the fireworks. I remember that."
"Yeah, you were pissed. Had a real temper tantrum."
"That sounds like the Lilly I know." You laughed. "Can you think of anything else though?"
"Me neither, sorry, Y/n."
"Hmm," You hummed. You mentally note every little detail they told you. Suddenly, a question pops into your head. "I forgot to ask why didn't you wait for Hannah? Or even look for her?"
"Dunno. I had to bring Lilly home, didn't I? The fireworks begin really late. That's when the festival also ends and the drinking begins. That's no time for a little girl to be up and about."
"Dan has always been very vigilant when it comes to Lilly. Now we know why." Cleo mentions, popping slightly from Lilly's side.
"That's just how I am." He grinned.
"And you're sure that was at the festival ten years ago?" You probed once more. You got to understand what happened before.
"I remember not being allowed to walk to school on my own for weeks afterward," Lilly told you. "I'm sure that must have had something to do with the Jennifer incident."
"I see," you murmured, trying to make sense of it all. You were getting closer to solving the case, but there was still one piece of the puzzle missing. The bridge between the gaps. "Thanks you two."
"So," Jessy prompted from behind you. "Hannah met Amy somewhere at the Pine Glade Festival. And then asks Dan to keep an eye on Lilly. She assumed she'd be back for the fireworks."
"Yeah, that's right. Nice thought there, Jess." You agreed with a smile, proud that you both have the same line of thought. "Which she was not able to because of the incident."
Jessy hummed thoughtfully. But you couldn't shake off the feeling that something was missing. What caused Hannah to drive for Amy? What happened back there to Amy? And you knew deep down Ted Madruga is at least involved in this case.
Turning to Thomas, who had been quiet for the most part, you inquired, "How about you, Thomas? Do you know anything?"
"No, I didn't know Hannah ten years ago or anyone from the group."
Oh, you didn't know that. But you do remember that Thomas mentioned meeting the gang at the Aurora when Phil took over ownership of the bar. Therefore, it was reasonable to assume that everyone had been friends for a long time, except for Thomas, who had only joined a few years ago, and yourself, who had recently become part of the group.
"Oh, well then. I've found out more than I expected." You announced. "I just need to analyze the facts and the timeline. Jake is also working on something."
"Well, if you don't mind, I'll divert my attention back to the window. I've got a feeling our legendary poultry is about to show itself."
"Right, thanks for the help, everyone. Be careful, okay?"
"You, too Sherlock."
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kaffeinic · 4 years
Familiar | Bang Chan
Hey dear, I have this one shot/fanfiction idea but since I can't write I thought I'd request it from you x3 I can't stop thinking about a school AU in which Chan is a basketball player/captain and falls for the new girl in his class 🥺so if requests are open and if you have time, it would be nice if you could write that or something similar, thank you 💖
- @chansdimple
Pairing: High Schooler!Reader x Basketball Player!Bang Chan
Genre: Neutral // Romance
Warnings: Fem!Reader
Preamble: Change is extremely difficult, and moving to a new city with a new school was no exception. The classes are difficult, the people are loud, and the melodramatic behaviour seemed to constantly be at a ten. You felt suffocated - until you take a chance on a night out with a new friend.
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You were conflicted, to say the least.
The idea of starting anew, in a strange place, with strange people you didn’t know, was, well, strange. Your hands were clasping the hem of your shirt, fiddling with the fabric in an attempt to calm your mind. You hated this feeling. It wasn’t something you generally chased after.
On the other hand, knowing that you were about to walk into a building in which no one knew you was almost relieving, in its own way. All of your awkward moments and incredible public mishaps were now ancient history. No one here could possibly know about that time in the second grade when you tried to pet the class turtle and somehow, someway was outpaced by it. No one would know about those times when you were so exhausted from the night before that you actually walked directly into a door.
Feeling a mix of glee and terror, you adjusted your grip on your bag’s handle and pulled open the front door. You were immediately greeted by a swarm of students, all moving simultaneously to their desired classrooms. You glanced around the foyer until you spotted the main office, briskly walking inside.
There were stark white walls on all four sides of the room, most of which were decorated with various trophies, class photos, and calendars. Six chairs were lined against two of the walls, providing seating for two rather angry students.
“Are you aware of how many times you’ve both been sent into my office this month? Nine. Nine times. I didn’t even think it was possible to piss off your teachers that much! Now, you’re both getting into fistfights before classes even start!” A middle aged man in an unbutton grey work suit fixed his tie with a huff. “If this happens one more time, you’re both getting suspended. Do I make myself clear?” He asked. The two boys sitting on the chairs adjacent to the man nodded their heads. “Get out of here.”
You cleared your throat after watching as the two boys sulked out of the office. The man’s face suddenly lit up.
“Hello, there! You must be Y/n. I’m Mr. Hanson. I trust you had a warm welcome?” He asked. You cocked your head in curiosity.
“What welcome?” You asked. “Did I miss someone?” The man peered past your shoulder through the window of the office door.
“Ah, your welcome committee is a little preoccupied.” He said. He found his way past you to open the door, waving a group of students over. “She’s over here, guys.”
You watched as four students strolled into the room, each with a very distinct aura about them. The first was a boy with red hair and serious features. He wore a pair of red jeans and a white tee, tucked in towards the front. He held out his hand to you, suddenly smiling, which changed everything about the way you had perceived him.
“I’m Felix. It’s nice to meet you.” He said. You returned the smile and shook his hand.
The second person to greet you was a girl with straight black hair, and equally dark eyes. Her clothes were viciously pink, and she sported a pair of heels with a myriad of jewelry. She immediately slapped a seemingly fake smile onto her face and waved.
“I’m Stacey.” She said, adjusting the way her bag rested against her hip.
“It’s nice to meet you.” You said. She exposed teeth, then turned to Felix, grabbing hold of his arm. First impressions said that they were dating.
The third person in line was a blond haired boy with a smile that screamed cheer. His yellow tee and blue jeans seemed to convert the same message.
“Hey! I’m Jisung. It’s very nice to meet you, Y/n.” He said, shaking your hand. You smiled at his enthusiasm. “This is Chan.” Jisung said, gesturing towards the fourth and final student.
Chan donned a pair of ripped blue jeans, a black hoodie, and a jean jacket to top it all off. His hair was dyed an almost silvery colour, and his curly bangs laid across his forehead in a stylish way. He gave you a polite smile, waving at you. You waved back, trying to avoid breaching the personal space of the five people around you. Suddenly the bell rang, signaling the last of the wandering students to hustle their way to class.
“Alright. Y/n, I’ve chosen these particular students in part because of your shared class schedules. If you stick to them, you shouldn’t get lost. I wish you luck!” Mr. Hanson said. You smiled and nodded.
“Yes, thank you.”
The five of you made your way to what seemed to be the math classroom. In every classroom you entered, the sea of students would follow you with their gaze until you sat, and even then, some curious eyes would remain glued to your figure. Jisung and Stacey seemed to always be on either side of you, with Felix on the other side of Stacey, and Chan on the other side of Jisung. The day was mostly uneventful until your last class.
You had carefully selected your elective - photography. It was simple enough - or at least that’s what you thought - but held your interest as well.
The photography class was rather small, and the only people shared the class with were Stacey and Felix. Throughout the day, she seemed to grow ever-annoyed at your mere presence. Felix waved you over to where they both sat, smiling.
“C’mon, Y/n!” He exclaimed. You smiled warmly at his invitation and obliged, sliding on his opposite side. Stacey let out a huff, rapping her fingers on her desk.
“Where are Chan and Jisung?” You asked, placing your bag on the desk in front of you. Felix began to take his camera out of the case, setting it up for whatever it was that they were about to do.
“They have basketball practice during the elective periods. Chan is the captain, and Jisung is his right hand, in a sense. They both work out plays and stuff together.” Felix paused and looked at you. “I honestly don’t know anything about basketball. I hope that made sense.” He began laughing bashfully. You laughed along with him, your eyes pinching with glee.
“Alright. I got it.” You said, glancing at Stacey. She seemed to be in a progressively worse mood as you and Felix spoke. It took you all day, but you thought you might have finally figured her out. She was jealous, which you thought was absolutely ridiculous.
A moment later, the photography teacher - who also happened to be your history teacher - walked to the front of the class.
“Alright, guys. I know I told you all about what’s going on this week, but Y/n wasn’t here, so I’ll recap.” Mr. Hanson said. “You all have one week to create a fifteen photo portfolio of the nature near and on our school premises. Each of you can have one partner.” He said. “You’ll be graded individually, not as a pair, so I suggest you both work on it.”
You peered around the classroom. It seemed as if everyone already had a partner. You stood to delve further into the lump of students, but heard your name.
“Y/n, I could partner with you.” Felix said from his seat. “It’s your first time, and I know it’s hard to work with someone you haven’t met yet.” You smiled at him thankfully.
“Uh-” Stacey immediately chimed in. “Felix, honey, we’re partners.” She said. “Plus, I have the good camera.” She grinned and pointed at the camera case that sat neatly on her desk.
“Yeah, but I think it would be nice if I helped Y/n out.” He explained. “She’s still new.” Stacey deadpanned before shaking her head.
“Yeah, but I doubt she knows anything about photography, and this is too important of a portfolio to mess up.” She explained. You looked to the ground.
“It’s alright, Felix. Thanks, but I can find someone else.” You said. Felix frowned, but nodded.
“Alright, but let me know if you need any help.” He added. You smiled and made your way over to the other students. Most of them had been given enough time to already have their partners, and were already discussing how they’d go about the project. After a few more moments of searching, you came back with no results. You let out a sigh, making your way to Mr. Hanson.
“Hey, Mr. Hanson?” You said. He turned and smiled at you.
“Hey, How’s it going? Did you get a partner yet?” He asked. You shook your head.
“No, but I think I’ll be alright working alone. I think I work best that way.” You explained. He contemplated the idea, and hummed in agreement.
“Alright, but I’ll be keeping an eye out to see if you’re struggling. Do your best.” He said.
The rest of the period was grueling as you relied solely on the paper instructions for the school’s camera. It wa nothing like you had used before. By the end of the hour, you were just about ready to throw the technology at a wall.
You shoved the last of your belongings into your bag as the final bell rang, letting out an exasperated sigh. Your body felt a little heavier than usual from such a stressful day.
As your hands flattened out on the front set of double doors, you heard footsteps coming from behind you.
“Y/n?” Chan said. You feigned happiness, not yet ready to deal with another awkward conversation.
“Hey...” You said. He cocked his head to the side as the corners of his lips tugged downward.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He asked, jogging over. “Rough first day?” You let out a chuckle.
“Yeah, but it could’ve been worse.” You said. He grinned, looking down.
“What an optimist.” He teased. You giggled, pushing the door open. He raised his arm out to hold it for you, waiting as you slipped past the frame. He followed suit, then shoved a hand in one of his jacket pockets.
“How was your day?” You asked. He seemed to contemplate, then bobbed his head left and right.
“Not too bad. Practice was tough, but the day was otherwise good.” He said. You smiled.
“Good, good.” You said. He hopped forward.
“Do you have to be home?” He asked. You raised an eyebrow skeptically.
“Not particularly. Why?”
“I know what’ll cheer you up.” He waved his arm to get you to follow him as he approached a black car. You made your way over to him, hesitant.
“Where are we going?”
“The joy is in the surprise, milady.” He made a grand gesture with his arm as he said the name, which earned a chuckle from you.
“Alright, alright. Just not too far.” You said. “I need to be home by sundown.”
“That’s as long as I need.” He grinned. “Let’s go!”
You laid your bag on the floor of the passenger seat.
“Let’s go!”
Alrighty! It’s been a while since I’ve made anything new. I really hope that you all enjoy this first chapter. Any guesses on where he’s taking her? If anyone can get it, I’ll give them a shoutout. 💞 Best of luck!
As always, I appreciate your feedback! I hope you are happy and healthy. 😊
* DISCLAIMER: I do not own any gifs/photos used in this post. I do own the written content. Do NOT repost/edit. *
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arazialotis · 5 years
Two Twin Arrows
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This was written for the wonderful and fabulous @atc74 Fierce Females in Fanfiction Challenge as a celebration for her amazing achievement of reaching 3000 followers!! Thanks babe for hosting this fun challenge! 
Prompt: I am Strong Because I had to be. I will take back what is mine and give nothing in return.
Word Count: Around 2600
Summary: When your twin brother goes missing, you will do everything in your power to track him down and bring him home. 
Warnings: Language
Your little brother was perhaps the single most important piece of your life; he meant everything to you. Of course, you were technically twins, but being born nine days earlier gave you an advantageous head start. You even helped your mother through his birth. And when you held him, so small and vulnerable in your arms, his laugh as bright as the sun, you vowed on that day to do everything in your power to protect him; always.
Yet when you swore that promise, you had yet to realize the gravity behind it. It was soon after that it dawned on you that you and Apollo were destined to be exact opposites. He the sun, you the moon; you chaste and pure and he… Well, to say promiscuous would be putting it lightly. You were cunning and thoughtful and he was impulsive and impetuous, proning him to all types of trouble you’d bail him from. So when he went missing, and he often did, it didn’t surprise you.
Two weeks was fine, but at three weeks you started to worry. And as the weeks turned into months you knew you had to go looking for him. The last time he went missing was for a month and a half in the roaring twenties. You tracked him down to New York City and discovered him in the middle of a bender so infamous, Dionysus himself was envious. Had mortals shown an ounce of respect for gods these days, Apollo would have at least one or two more stories to add to his repertoire.
After that, the two of you stayed in the New World, occasionally travelling here or there, for family engagements. As much as possible, you kept a low profile, and tried to convince your brother to as well. It worked, for the most part.
This time after he went missing, naturally, you started with the party towns and after hearing about a ‘miracle’ in Las Vegas where the sun didn’t set for three days time, you knew you had found the place to start. Knowing Apollo had a flair for extravagance, you started at the top, working your way down. But even the Bentel & Bentel penthouse suite at the Cosmopolitan Hotel was a but flashy, even for him.
The signs of his inhabitants were all to clear, but he had not returned even after several days. You started pursuing club surveillance, finally pinning him to the Emerald Gentlemen's Club. It was his last known whereabouts and the last place he was seen. All other traces of him had vanished. It was as if he didn’t want to be found. But on the video surveillance, two days later popped up another face. One you were all to familiar with. One Apollo had several run ins with that often lead to trouble. The trickster.
You hunted him down to the desolate wasteland of North Dakota, hiding like a fox in a hole. His private resort was carved into the side of a mountain, easily overlooked by the untrained eye. But Loki’s desire for luxury undid him. It glowed as obvious as a candle in the night, calling you in.
You lurked in the shadows for days. Watching, waiting, but Apollo never showed. You finally revealed yourself once you had enough of the cheating rat’s trickery. He was in the middle of a poker game, porn stars in barely nothing dancing around polls opposite of him. Three other men, all gruff placed bets. He lifted his his face, when you saw it. His two cards were four, all aces.
Your restraint could no longer be contained. You lifted your bow, sliding an arrow into place and without hesitation let it release. It tore right through the cards, pinning them to the table. The three gentlemen looked down at the table seeing the four cards displayed. They eyed Loki dangerously.
He shrugged his shoulders. “Fellas, those aren’t mine.” One man threw his hand down on the table, before rolling up his sleeves. But Loki paused the scene before it continued. “And neither is this.” He pried the arrow from the table, the illusion faded as he further examined it. The people, the cards, the drinks, all vanished leaving only you, him, and the furnishings. “Come out Katniss.” He goaded.
You bravely stepped out of the shadows.
“My… Athena… Haven’t you changed with the times.” He looked you up and down; your black skinny jeans tucked into dark boots., studded leather jacket over a silk red top, and your hair hanging down in curls.
“It’s Artemis, you pig.” You held you bow close.
“Ah yes.” He recalled. “All of you are so hard to keep straight. Don’t even get me started with the whole Roman thing…” He walked over to a wooden bar pouring himself a drink. “So what can I do ya for? I make a mean Sex on the Beach.” He offered before taking a sip.
You ignored the proposal. “I’m here for information. It’d be wise you answer truthfully in interest of your well being.” You paused and for a moment your curiosity got the better of you. “Is it true what they say about you?”
He wiggled his eyebrows playfully. “And what do they say about me? That I can last nights on end, that I have the endurance of a panther, that Aphrodite got half her stories from me, that Zeus wishes he had a pair like…” You squinted at him. “You dare tempt me?”
He chuckled. “Oh god no. I was just hoping that cute brother of yours was going to pop out of a shadow in a jealous rage. But it looks like I’m out of luck.”
Your hope dropped. “You’ve not seen Apollo?” Loki sighed. “Listen, I like to get wrapped up in a Greek tragedy at least once every century as much as the next guy, but when you guys start dropping in for holidays, come on, it starts to cramp my style.” You tucked your bow back into it’s satchel and turned to leave. But he grabbed your shoulder before you could. “Arty…” He cood. “What’s happened?”
You shook your head. “I’m sure nothing. You know how he is.”
“Let me suggest two things.” He held up a finger. “First, get a beeper for that kid. Second.” He pulled a card out of thin air. “Maybe it’s time to call in a favor from your patron saints…” You took the card. Eyeing it with suspicion. It was an FBI business card, with the name Agent Robert Plant and a phone number. Obviously a fake. Obviously a hunter. You looked back to Loki. “Thanks, but I got this.” You turned to leave again. “By the way. It looks like you might be molting… Gabriel.” 
And with that he was left in the room alone. He looked down to his feet where a few golden feathers had collected. “Dammit!” He cursed.
Outside a small town in Iowa, you stayed in a rundown motel off of a dying highway route. In its glory days, southern tourists bound for Mt. Rushmore must have filled it to the brim. But now, in it’s secludedness and stillness, it was the perfect place to reconvene and focus. You twirled the business card back and forth between your fingers; considering it. If these hunters had any idea who you were or half the things you’ve done, they wouldn’t hesitating putting a stake through your chest. And Apollo… well, if they caught wind of him, there’s no telling what would happen.
You had arrogance, yes, but not the arrogance of other gods that would dismiss hunters as any other ape. You had to be smart, cunning, to treat them with respect, or your fate could easily end up as any other monster on their hit list.
Finally, you worked through your hesitation and dialed the number, faking the best damsel in distress act as you could. You simply needed to keep him on the line long enough to triangulate his position, then you could go to him, gauging his usefulness, if he proved otherwise, you could easily slip away with your presence going entirely unnoticed.
“Hello.” A strong, deep voice answered.
“Uh… hello, um Agent Plant?” You stuttered, voice a few octaves higher than usual.
“Yes?” His confusion quickly grew.
“I um, I got your number from a friend, Sally Hanson, I’m not sure if you remember, she says you helped her a few years back on a case…” You fabricated, but intently kept an eye on your laptop as the tracking software was running.
There was a pause as he tried to recall. “Oh, right, of course… Sally.” Even though there was confidence in his voice, you could tell it was complete bullshit. “Well, what seems to be troubling you.”
You sighed. “You see… it’s my brother, he’s been missing near two weeks. I haven’t been able to contact him.”
“Have you filed a missing persons report?” He asked, trying to fish out details of the case.
“Of course, but the local police haven’t been too helpful… Unfortunately, my brother has a bit of a reputation around here.” Actually the story came easier than you thought.
“And uh, what makes you think he simply hasn’t started fresh somewhere else?”
“Well, that does seem like him, but we’ve always been so close. He would never leave and not tell me.” You explained, heart hurting more and more as you began to diverge the truth.
“Well…” He chewed on it. “I’m not sure it’s exactly my type of case, I got a few things lined up, but if I have any openings….”
Shit. You needed a few more minutes. “I’m just so worried about him.” You interrupted. “There’s been other missing people too. With the police not helping I’ve tried to do my own investigation you know. And I started at this old hangout of his. And it’s just like creepy you know. I know I must be imagining things but there is just this chill that comes over you as...:” Bingo. You pinned him nearby Lebanon, Kansas.
He assumed you had stopped unable to continue from sadness or fear. “Okay sweetheart, just calm down. I’ll run the details by my partner and we’ll try to be out in a couple days. Where are you at anyways.”
“Oh…” You chuckled. “This is so embarrassing. He’s uh calling me right now. I’ll give you a call back if we need anything.” And you abruptly hung up, quickly switching off your phone so he couldn’t track you.
After taking a minute to breathe, you shook of any remainder of the act, for a damsel in distress you were surely not. You pack your things and checked out of the motel, heading for Lebanon.
Lebanon. It was a extremely small town. To say it was a one-horse town would be a vast understatement. But that made your hunt all the more easy. You set up shop at the only food market in town and waited.
It was two days before he showed up. His car stood out like a sore thumb. It was old enough to be handed down through the generations, taken well care of, countless of miles put on it, and modifications to the trunk. You expected a hunter, but the man not who stepped out of the car.
Your heart dropped. Instantly recognizing him from the security footage you reviewed time and time again in Vegas. But the fear was instantly replaced by boiling anger. Apollo wasn’t dead, yet. You could feel it. He couldn’t be. And not from the hands of this hunter. As he lazily strenched, you jolted from your car catching him by surprise. You grabbed his wrist, using the force to push him up against the car. He struggled a bit but you had him pinned.
“Where is he?!” You demanded.
Dean pondered trying to catch up. “Listen, sweetheart..” He started.
You cut him off, shoving him hard against the car. “Call me that one more time.” You warmed. “Where is my brother?”
“Why don’t you just calm down and we can find him together.” Dean attempted to de-escalate your anger.
“I’m not taking your bullshit hunter.” You spat. “You were there. In Las Vegas. When he disappeared.” Tears threatened to spill over.
It took him a second, but then it clicked. “I might know where he is. How about all three of us meet up tonight…” He stopped when he felt his hands being tied together. “You will take me to him now.”
You took the keys from his pocket, opened the door and shoved him inside. You slid into the driver’s seat, next to him.
“Oh hell no.” He protested as you started up the car.
Just by briefly looking around it was easy to see the car was occupied usually by three. “Don’t bother trying to notify your partners.” You noticed he already seemed to be looking for a knife to pry out of the ropes. “The more you resist the restraints the tighter they become.” “What are you?” Dean huffed as you pulled out of the parking lot. “Witches, demons.”
You lightly chuckled but did not grant him the satisfaction of an answer.
It took a while to find his location, he not being the most helpful or willing subject. But his emotions became easier to read the more time spent with him. The subtle gritting of teeth or sighs of relief each correct or incorrect turn you made, it led you closer to the destination until you finally arrived.
You led Dean through the entrance, dagger at his back to hinder him or his partners from trying anything. The door swung open with a heavy creak leading into the hideout below. To be honest, you were impressed with the space.
“Dean?” Someone called from below. His younger brother. Taller, longer hair, but still a touch of youthfulness that Dean lacked.
“Hiya Sammy.” Dean drearily greeted.
Sam reached for the gun in his back pocket, but your second dagger buzzed threw the air dislodging it before it was even pointed at you.
“What’s going on?” Sam asked through the shock.
“She’s a lot stronger than she looks.” Dean scoffed.
“I’m strong because I had to be.” You explained as Dean felt the dagger press harder against his back. “Born into a world of vengeful and sex crazed gods, I didn’t have any other choice. Now, I will take back what is mine and give nothing in return.”
Sam still had confusion plastered across his face, attempting to work out what Dean already had. Everyone’s attention broke at the sound of a coffee mug shattering against the floor. You turned to the sound, expecting their third partner but instead finding your fool of a brother in a bathrobe.
“Arty?” He sheepishly asked.
“Apollo.” You sighed a breath of relief and released Dean, running towards him. “Are you okay? Did they hurt you?” You checked him over.
He rolled his eyes. “Arty you are embarrassing me.”
When all seemed right, you punched him square in the shoulder. “What the hell? You can’t just disappear on me like that.”
“Ow.” He moaned and rubbed the spot on impact. “Can you blame me? They’re cute.” He defended. “I didn’t need you up in my business ruining everything. You’re kinda a cock blocker.”
As you argued back and forth, Dean made his way slowly down the stairs and joined Sam, marvelling in wonderment.
“Turns out we’ve had a god living with us, right under our noses.” Dean commented.
Apollo’s argument sounded over them. “Besides, anytime there was a successful hunt, I burnt offerings of incense to you.”
“Like that matters!” You spat.
“For a whole month….” Sam added to his and Dean’s side conversation. “We must be losing our touch.”
Forevers:  @nanie5 @sea040561 @crushing83@mogaruke@deanwinchesterforpromqueen @ginamsmith @jotink78@blushingdean@sup3r-pott3r-lock3d @dancingalone21 @li-ssu@highonpastries @daddy-kink-confirmed @weewooweewoo1212@carryonmyswansong @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @atc74@superapplepie @coolness22 @cassieraider@winchesternco @adaliamalfoy@iwriteaboutdean @spnbaby-67 @cigsandpie @curedean @monkeymcpoopoo@adoptdontshoppets @maddiepants
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