guesst · 1 month
gfhd “temrer!” i adore volly if anything happens to him ill cry
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nighttimepatrons · 5 months
3 hardest things to say 
Iski: I was wrong
Tem: I need help
Volly: Worcestershire sauce 
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lindseybyrd · 4 months
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I need you all to understand every time Temeraire announces Volly I squeal and wiggle my toes at the sheer thought of seeing this precious bean once more.
Hello sweetest bean. How are you
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captainlaurence · 8 months
Volly is precious beyond measure ;-;
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artist-ellen · 2 years
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Volly! (Volatilus)
Volly is one of the first dragons Temeraire meets. Volly is a Greyling, a long-distance messenger dragon (dispatch service). Greylings are breed for speed and endurance, he can cross huge distances in a number of hours without stopping, in fair weather beating his wings once per hour.
Please: No spoilers!! I want my friend to go into the series as blind as possible ;D. Like to charge, reblog to cast that we'll get to the end of the series and I can draw amazing characters from all the books!
I am the artist!!! Don’t repost without permission & credit! Thank you! Come visit me over on: Instagram , Patreon
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themundanemudperson · 4 months
i'm doing akinator with volly
i'll update the post as we go along
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he guessed sky from wings of fire (don't know who that is)
lets keep going
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he guessed whoever this is
we'll keep going
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i have told him like 4 times that my character isn't from wings of fire
i fear volly may be too obscure
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i'm adding volly to their database then ig
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shipon2004 · 28 days
Volly vs Retrofit বা OkHttp 
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mtsn3bandung · 11 months
MTsN 3 Bandung Meraih Dua Kejuaraan Volly Sekaligus pada Dharma Agung Cup Tahun 2023
Bandung, 27 Mei 2023 - MTsN 3 Bandung menorehkan prestasi gemilang setelah berhasil menjadi juara dalam kompetisi voli Dharma Agung Cup tahun ini. Kompetisi yang diadakan sekabupaten Bandung ini berlangsung sangat seru dengan partisipasi dari banyak sekolah menengah pertama se-Kabupaten Bandung.
Dalam kompetisi yang digelar pada kategori putra, MTsN 3 Bandung berhasil meraih gelar juara ketiga. Tim voli putra dari sekolah ini menampilkan performa yang luar biasa dan memberikan pertandingan yang menegangkan bagi penonton. Mereka berhasil mengalahkan lawan-lawannya dengan teknik dan strategi yang terlatih, dan mendapatkan tempat di podium juara ketiga.
Tidak hanya itu, dalam kategori putri, MTsN 3 Bandung juga tampil sangat mengesankan dengan meraih gelar juara kedua. Tim voli putri dari sekolah ini menunjukkan kekompakan dan kerjasama yang sangat baik dalam setiap pertandingan. Mereka berhasil mengatasi tantangan dari lawan-lawan tangguh dan berhasil meraih posisi runner-up dalam kompetisi ini.
Dharma Agung Cup merupakan salah satu kompetisi voli terbesar di Kota Bandung dan menjadi ajang untuk menampilkan bakat-bakat muda di bidang olahraga. Kepala Sekolah MTsN 3 Bandung, Bapak Ni'matulloh, menyatakan kebanggaannya atas prestasi yang diraih oleh tim voli sekolah ini. Ia juga mengapresiasi kerja keras dan dedikasi seluruh anggota tim voli putra dan putri yang telah berjuang keras selama persiapan dan selama kompetisi berlangsung.
Prestasi ini tidak hanya membanggakan bagi MTsN 3 Bandung, tetapi juga menjadi inspirasi bagi sekolah-sekolah lainnya. MTsN 3 Bandung memberikan teladan tentang pentingnya olahraga dan semangat kompetisi dalam proses pembentukan karakter dan pengembangan potensi siswa.
Dengan berhasil meraih juara ketiga untuk putra dan juara kedua untuk putri dalam kompetisi voli Dharma Agung Cup, MTsN 3 Bandung membuktikan bahwa mereka adalah kekuatan yang harus diperhitungkan dalam dunia voli di Kabupaten Bandung. Selamat kepada tim voli MTsN 3 Bandung atas pencapaian luar biasa mereka, dan semoga prestasi ini menjadi awal dari kesuksesan yang lebih besar di masa depan.
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chiropteracupola · 5 months
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the inevitable sharpe and temeraire crossover in my mind of course involves teresa moreno as a dragon-captain.
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nighttimepatrons · 11 months
@masteryaddleisagilf asked for a grayling so of course I had to do our dear sweet summer child Volly!!
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I've decided that greylings have sorta baggy nosed to help heat up the cold sky air from when they fly at high altitudes
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lindseybyrd · 4 months
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There's going to be more Vollys in the future!!!
I'm so happy for you precious baby!!!!
Well done!
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themistressdomme · 3 days
I was thinking... What do you think about mirror sex? Imagine making me watch how you fuck me because i just complained about how ugly i am? So you make me watch and praise me... That would heal me lol... Cute don't you think mommy?
Hello vollyvol!
Oh my. Mirror sex.
I have a huge thing for mirror sex. I love making my pretty sub make eye contact with me in the mirror whilst I grip and grope at their sweet body, whispering praise, but also pure filth.
You want to complain about how "ugly" you are, or how you don't like certain parts of yourself? Well, sweet thing, I'm going to fuck the reassurance into you, whilst making you watch me do it.
If you take your eyes off the mirror, I stop. Easy as that. Might make you chant some pretty things for Mommy whilst I toy with you, or pound into you. "I am beautiful. I am sexy. I love my body. I need to look at myself through Mommy's eyes."
I'd watch your pretty little self chant that, through the mirror, and give you all the sweet praise you deserve. "See doll? Look at that. Don't you just look absolutely scrumptious for Mommy? Go on, keep repeating that. You're going to say it until you believe it. Look at this pretty tummy of yours. You don't like the cute little rolls? Well it gives Mommy more of you to grip and leave my marks on. Mommy has rolls too - do you think Mommy's ugly, hm? You don't like your thighs? Well, sweet thing, thick thighs save lives™. Mommy enjoys your thighs being wrapped around my head so much when I'm tasting my sweet angel. You don't like your boobs? Let me show you with my mouth how much they make me salivate."
Mm. Mirror sex absolutely heals me too, sweet thing.
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Hemp cooling off by hanging his balls off the sputnik like a tea towel on a clothesline
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dailydragons · 1 year
oh i DO have polls. i just didn’t bother checking mobile since i use desktop 95% of the time. ok everyone tell me your favorite dragons in the notes and i will make some polls with them all :)))
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for-the-love-of-avo · 17 days
I have the unfortunate trait of consuming edit videos through an IV from the tiktoks and since I got back into the RTTE fandom I've seen every Viggo Grimborn edit ever made.
I'm also chronically on tumblr.
Which means when I'm writing this man my perception of him fluctuates between:
A) sexy, dangerous villain. BAMF with major IQ and big dick energy
B) transmasc catboy who's so touch starved. Put that thing in a wicker basket and set it by the fireplace. Put those big brown eyes away before you hurt someone. Yes, he's done morally reprehensible things, your honour, but have you considered he is baby.
One paragraph he's strangling a child, and the next he's embodying one of those crying cat memes, there is no in between.
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