#Yes he probably should be but I want Perciver to happen so he's in gryffindor
Harry Potter where everything is the same expect Harry is in Slytherin, Ron is in Hufflepuff and Hermione is in Ravenclaw but they're all still best friends [more in tags]
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chudleycanonficfest · 3 years
you belong with me
Day 11, story #1 is by @accio-broom
Title: you belong with me Author/Artist: accio-broom Pairing: Arthur Weasley / Molly Prewett Prompt:  Soulmate AU Rating: T Trigger Warning(s) (if any): None, unless Arthur Weasley trying to enjoy his birthday offends you.
When Arthur Weasley woke on the morning of the 6th February, nothing was out of the ordinary. He took his time, easing out of sleep like a man with nothing to do. He stretched out his body with a loud yawn, then pulled back the curtains of the four-poster bed, ignoring the attack of the winter air that filled the dorm room.
He was going to have a perfect day.
Wiggling his toes on the plush rug next to his bed, he greeted his fellow dorm mates.
“Morning, Ry.” Arthur tipped his head towards the Gryffindor on the bed opposite him. “How’s it hanging?”
Ryan was not a morning person, and he grumbled at Arthur before snuggling further under the duvet. Arthur chuckled and joined in the conversation about the latest Quidditch scores, trying his best to not lament too long on the disappointing Cannons scores. He gathered his wash bag, and made sure he had clean briefs with his uniform, then waved a cheery goodbye as he wandered off to the bathroom, whistling as he moved.
Today was Arthur Weasley’s birthday, and the day he came of age, although the notion was rather peculiar to him. He didn’t feel all that more responsible than he did yesterday, but according to Wizarding Law, he could now leave school, get a real job and get married, should he wish.
He scoffed as the thought of getting married flitted into his head, disappearing as quickly as it came. That would mean actually landing himself a girlfriend, something he hadn’t yet achieved during his six years at Hogwarts. He hadn’t even come close.
As he showered, Arthur mapped out his day in his head. If it all went to plan, he’d enjoy a big breakfast with the rest of his school friends. His classes today were straight forward—double Muggle Studies this morning, then Potions this afternoon. Between these would be lunch, and a free period, where hopefully, he’d be able to go for a fly, if the weather was okay.
If he survived the day, then he and his friends were planning a night of wizard chess, birthday cake and butterbeer, which hopefully Ryan was going to sneak from the kitchens for them.
Shower done, he dried himself off in front of one of the mirrors. As he did, he examined his body. He didn’t look any older than yesterday, there were no new lines or hairs on his body. He was still the same gangly lad with violent red hair and far too many freckles to count.
Arthur settled his glasses on his face, then loosened his towel. Without warning, a soft femine voice filled his head, taking him by surprise.
Merlin, I hate red hair.
Tightening the towel around his waist, he looked around the bathroom for the source of the sound. 
“H-hello?” he called out, but the only reply came from the echo of his greeting bouncing off the tiles. “I-is anyone there?”
I wish I were blonde or a brunette—anything but this. Nobody fancies redheads. 
His heart pounding, he checked all the nooks and crannies in the room, only to find that he was the only one there. The tips of his ears turned bright pink as he turned his attention back to his reflection. Dark circles sat under his eyes, and a frown covered his face. He was tired. It was the only explanation for the voice that was still filling Arthur’s ears with insecurities. There had been a few late nights in the library recently, as well as some early morning Quidditch practices. They must be catching up on him.
He’s no spring chicken, after all.
Hurriedly pulling on his uniform, he combed his hair then carried on whistling, hoping to block out the now persistent voice in his head.
The girl’s commentary didn’t stop whilst Arthur ate his breakfast. It filled his ears, dragging his shoulders down with negative thoughts and observations.
Everything is so greasy here, the voice wailed. No wonder I’m putting on weight. I’ll get spots if I carry on eating like this. I wish Mary wouldn’t wear so much perfume. It makes me feel sick.
The negativity depressed Arthur and was the last thing he needed on his birthday. He’d hoped for a nice day, full of presents, and easy lessons and time spent with his friends, but instead, Negative Nancy was ruining his time. He didn’t even fancy opening his gifts, which had been delivered by owl mail just as he sat down for breakfast.
Glancing down the table, he tried to work out the source of the interference in his brain, but the Gryffindor table was full of people, and conversations flew around them from every angle. He sniffed, wondering if Mary’s perfume could lead him in the right direction, but all he could smell was baked beans.
With a sigh, he shoved his second sausage into his mouth, letting the taste of his favourite breakfast food cheer him up, even if it was only a little bit.
Muggle studies was Arthur’s favourite topic, but he found it hard to concentrate as his head filled with arithmancy. He hated the subject, there was a reason he didn’t choose to continue the subject after their O.W.L.’s, so it irritated him greatly that the thoughts were disrupting learning more about muggle bridges. They were such beautiful contraptions, too.
Lunch was just as bad. Although the voice was annoying, Arthur was starting to get used to it. However, what was infuriating him was how familiar the voice sounded, yet he couldn’t work out who it belonged to. Whenever it filled his mind, it brought warm feelings and stirred something new deep inside his belly. Whatever was happening to him, he felt awkward that he was getting a very up close and personal look into someone else’s thoughts. Throughout the morning, he’d experienced such a vast range of emotions, and he felt like he might explode.
His birthday was going downhill rapidly.
By the time Potions came around, Arthur was exhausted. He arrived at class before the rest of his peers, and as soon as he settled into his usual seat, he folded his arms and rested his head on them. He was about to drop off to sleep when…
“Good afternoon, Arthur. Are you enjoying your birthday?”
Arthur’s ears pricked up. It was the same damn voice he’d been hearing all day, but this time it was loud and happening outside his head. Peeking over his arms, he watched as Molly Prewett sat down next to him and gave him a warm smile.
It was her, the voice inside his head. How had he not realised this before now?
Although he and Molly weren’t best friends, she had been his potions partner since their first year, and they often found themselves sharing a table in the library late at night. Could she hear his thoughts the same way he could listen to hers? Or was this all one-sided?
“Oh, yes, it’s fine,” he said, finally lifting his head from the desk. “Perfectly spiffing.”
Perfectly spiffing? He’s never spoken like that before, and definitely not to Molly Prewett. He usually chooses his words carefully around her, not wanting to look like an imbecile.
She giggled, and Arthur goggled at her. Was she only laughing at his choice of words, or was his internal commentary amusing her. His pulse started to quicken. There had been many thoughts throughout the day, some that would mortify him if anyone else heard.
Arthur checked on Slughorn, who was distracted writing today’s recipe on the board. Summoning the courage, Arthur took a deep breath then reached out with his mind. He crossed all his fingers and toes that this would work as he thought hard.
“Hello? Molly?”
All of a sudden, Molly sat upright in her seat. Her face turned towards him, and even through the smoke from their cauldron, Arthur could see that her eyes were wide, and her jaw was almost reaching the desk.
“Arthur? Oh Merlin, is that really you? Is it your voice I’ve heard all day?”
“Yes? I mean, I think so. I’ve been hearing your voice since I woke up, and I was curious to see if you could hear the same.”
A red blush crept from Molly’s neck and onto her cheeks, and Arthur was sure it wasn’t from their cauldron or the heat of the dungeons.
“How much did you hear?” Molly averted her gaze from him.
Arthur paused, weighing up his options. Should he lie and protect Molly from inevitable humiliation? Or should he tell her the truth? It was a difficult choice, and both came with a list of pros and cons. But Arthur wasn’t a dishonest man, and if this problem continued for much longer, Molly deserved to know what she was exposing him to.
Plus, if she was experiencing it too, then she probably had a good idea of what he’d heard.
Reaching a decision, he flexed his mind again. “All of it. I’m sorry, Molly. I tried my best to ignore it all, but it’s all I can hear.”
“What’s going on? Do you think we should go and see Madam Pomfrey?”
Despite the seriousness of the situation, Arthur couldn’t help but chuckle. The mind-reading was not an illness or spell damage, and they hadn’t been near each other recently, save for right now. 
It’s no coincidence that this started on the morning of his seventeenth birthday, and his brothers had mentioned something similar happening to them, although at the time, Arthur put it down to them yanking his wand. They often liked to tease him, as older brothers do.
It was Percival who’d mentioned it, while they were tinkering with a Muggle car in their father’s garage last summer.
“So, this school year is going to be fun for you, Arthur,” he’d said, a smile on his face. “Coming of age, you’re allowed to go to Hogsmeade without supervision, you’ll hopefully get your apparition licence too.”
Arthur had smiled, his stomach lurching with excited nerves. “If I pass.”
Bilius had piped up. “The family record is five attempts.”
“And Dad has never grown his eyebrows back.” Percival smirked at his brothers.
Arthur joined in with the laughter, relishing getting to spend time with Percival and Bilius. Percival had married almost straight out of school, and although Bilius remained single, he was always away on secret missions for the Order of the Phoenix.
Grinning at Arthur, Pervial spoke again. “Of course, apparition isn’t the hardest thing you’ll have to deal with. If the voices start, you’re in for a treat.”
“Voices?” Arthur fumbled with his screwdriver as a frown appeared on his face.
“Yeah, don’t you know?” Percival continued, adding oil to the engine. “When Weasley men come of age, they have a special way of finding their one true love.”
“What? No, you’re making this up. This is all fairy tale nonsense, surely? Bilius hasn’t met anyone!”
“How do think Perce landed his wife so quickly?” Bilius laughed. “Wasn’t his charm or good looks, that’s for sure.”
Percival and Bilius had erupted into giggles again. The tips of Arthur’s ears burned pink. There was no way this sort of thing happened, they were just having him on. But still, the thought had appealed to him. He was so unlucky in love, that the thought of being able to automatically identify his future wife had piqued his interest for sure.
Would he be like Percival or Bilius? Only time would tell.
Arthur hadn’t thought back on that conversation since it had happened. But if what his brothers had told him was true, then there were worse women in the world to be hearing in his head. Molly was kind and pretty. He’d always had a soft spot for her, but he’d never acted on it for fear of being rejected. Now, he probably didn’t have a choice.
Taking a huge breath, he reached for Molly’s hand and squeezed it. His grip trembled but felt it pertinent for him to try and be brave, given the enormity of what they were facing. In an attempt to distract himself from her internal panic, he wet his lips before finally whispering in a low voice, 
“What do you know about soulmates?”
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theprodigypenguin · 4 years
Percy and Oliver were each others only roommates for seven years because they had no gryffindor boys in their year (the war so kids died or were never born) and like they absolutely had something going on put Percy fell for Penny and they still had this weird thing and then Percy and Audrey happened and then the divorce and Percy and Oliver were still friends and then became even closer and still ha this thing which just like turned into them being married even if they didn’t realize it at first
First of all it took me forever to confirm that Oliver and Percy were the same age. It seems like they are, I remember that in GoF Oliver had been put on the National Quidditch League Reserve while Percy had JUST started working for Barty Crouch. Okay yes, they’re the same age NOW, please forgive my following Perciver rant! Because I have some THOUGHTS!
So I never even considered they might be the ONLY boys in their room, but I love it so much wow! But here’s my canon of their relationship: Oliver is gay, Percy is bisexual, but Oliver was more comfortable with his sexuality. Percy went through a lot of anxiety about his sexuality, mixed with his stress at trying to be perfect. I mean why else would he take 12 OWLs? He’s trying to be everything for his family, for his mum, prove that he’s as good as Bill and Charlie, but he doesn’t take any time for himself. He focuses so much on being perfect that he doesn’t realize it’s practically killing him.
Oliver is way more laid back and chill, he’s very calm, and Percy would probably take a lot of comfort from Oliver being there. I definitely see them NOT getting along at first, because Percy is all neat and put together, he probably folds his socks, meanwhile Oliver is the kind of guy to sleep on top of the blankets and throw his clothes and books all over the floor. Percy would want to strangle him most days, but after mmmmaybe halfway through their second year? Percy starts to get used to Oliver, even looks forward to seeing him at school.
Percy tutors Oliver in some subjects, probably helps him pass his OWLs and NEWTs even, and Oliver teaches Percy to let loose a bit. I think Percy would immediately stiff up and go back to his usual self around his family/siblings, because he thinks he NEEDS to. He thinks he’s required to be the adult, he thinks he needs to be another parents. Probably because of Molly always going “why can’t you be more like percy” or “percy i’m glad you’re so easy, not like your trouble making brothers” or something like that.
Around Oliver he can be genuinely himself, and I can see Oliver offering to give him flying lessons (though Percy suuuuuucks at flying and that is funny to me).
Anyway, Oliver has always known how he felt about Percy, but Percy never really came to terms with it (though he definitely felt the same way, he couldn’t fully accept it). He’s definitely attracted to Oliver in every way, but he also likes girls, and it’s confusing to him because he’s never been educated about bisexuality, so he thinks there might be something wrong with him.
I think Oliver was his first kiss, but I also thing Percy completely rejected the fact he enjoyed it. I think when Ginny wasn’t herself (when she was possessed by Tom Riddle), he cried like a baby and was stressed beyond belief, to the point of not sleeping, so Oliver would lie in bed with him and let him vent. Even though Percy would never confide in anyone else, not even Charlie or Bill, he could always talk to Oliver.
Then they kissed, probablyyyyy at the end of their fourth year, and that’s when things get awkward between them. Percy doesn’t respond to any of Oliver’s letters over the summer, he starts seeing Penelope Clearwater, Oliver is heartbroken but “it was just a kiss anyway, it didn’t mean anything”. He says he’s happy for Percy, and Percy is angry because part of him unconsciously was hoping Oliver would fight him on it, say he should break up with Penelope and date him instead (Percy secretly wants Oliver to fight for him, yknow?).
Remember that’s the year Percy starts getting a “big head”, but I headcanon it’s because that’s the year he really starts being at odds with Oliver, and starts struggling so much with his sexuality as well as his studies, the stress to be everything. When he graduates he doesn’t think he’ll see Oliver again and it crushes him, so he buries himself in his work to the point of being near impossible for his family to deal with. He’s not pompous, he’s just hiding his grief and confusion by trying to succeed and gain the approval of the family he loves so FUCKING much.
And when he has his fight with Arthur and walks out, that’s it, that’s the final nail in the coffin. He stops thinking, really. Stops caring. Just goes through the motions and tries to survive, even though he doesn’t know why he’s working at the Ministry anymore. He doesn’t remember what his ambitions are anymore. He doesn’t remember why he’s supposed to care so much. He broke up with Penelope years ago, so what is he even DOING anymore?
At the Battle of Hogwarts, he runs into Oliver again after YEARS of not speaking, and Oliver is older now and super handsome and Percy is flustered but he can’t pay attention because he’s fighting Death Eaters. Then Fred is killed and Percy is beyond devastated. He turns entirely hollow, and when the war is over he just sits outside where it’s quiet and he stares out at the wreckage and ruins of the battle.
Oliver sits down with him and they’re alone, and they talk, and they talk about Fred, and Percy cries, and for a moment they both think there’s something, maybe, but then Percy gets swept back into the crowd of his family, and there’s no more time to think about maybes, because there’s so much to do.
Percy stays in the Ministry under Kingsley, because he wants to make things right, but he doesn’t enjoy it. He hates the work, it’s stagnant and boring and eating at him day by day. He meets Audrey after a few years (after everyone else has gotten married and had kids). They get along, they like being around each other, Molly makes a quip about Percy not being married yet, so Percy proposes to Audrey and they get married (because that’s what’s expected of him, right?).
The bit of life he feels when he gets married doesn’t last. Oliver isn’t invited to the wedding of course, though George asks Percy if he should send and invitation. Percy says no, and he feels guilty and uncomfortable. Doesn’t know why.
Molly is born first. Lucy is born shortly after. Percy is so focused on his girls that he starts to neglect his wife. He does it unconsciously, avoiding her and not meeting Audrey’s eye. He makes an offhand note about wanting to be a stay at home dad when Lucy is a few months old, and Audrey goes off. It’s a huge fight, and Audrey storms out. They divorce a few months later, and after that, for a while, Percy is a single dad working full time at the Ministry to take care of his tiny daughters.
He runs into Oliver by chance. I think it would be cute if they met at the Quidditch store in Diagon Alley. Percy is getting something for Ginny’s birthday, Oliver is picking something up for himself (he’s single and still playing Quidditch professionally, he’s very accomplished and successful). They hit it off like old friends who’d never stopped talking, they start hanging out more, Oliver takes to the girls immediately and the girls absolutely ADORE Oliver (Lucy especially has a special bond with him).
They don’t start dating till a few months later, and after that they date for several years. Oliver moves in with Percy and the girls, and they get married when Lucy is five. Percy FINALLY quits his job at the Ministry, Oliver retires from Quidditch and takes over Ludo Bagman’s job at the Ministry. Percy goes to therapy once a week and Oliver is insanely supportive and loving. It takes Molly a bit of time to accept that Percy is marrying a man, but Oliver is so charming, and Percy has never, ever, in his entire life, been so happy QwQ
Percy Weasley marries Oliver Wood who encourages him to quit a toxic job and become a stay at home dad while Oliver takes over as breadwinner because Percy has been through so fucking much and Oliver just wants the chance to take care of him and he does. He does take care of him. And their two precious daughters as well.
I love they.
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silverynight · 4 years
A Hufflepuff
Percival used to laugh at the idea of falling in love; before he was transferred to Hogwarts, he used to grimace when one of his classmates started to smile like a besotted idiot to another.
He swore he wasn't going to be like that; he had better things to do, like becoming an auror. He was handsome and he knew it, girls and boys of his age tried to ask him out a couple of times, but he honestly didn't see the appeal of being in a relationship.
Even though his grandmother used to tell him he was going to fall in love at first sight.
"All men in the Graves family do," she said and Percival just shook his head while his mother chuckled like she knew something he didn't.
"I won't."
Then... His family had to move to England and he forgot about love because he was too busy complaining about his new school.
He got sorted in Gryffindor, made a friend named Theseus Scamander and managed to become quidditch captain.
So... He quickly realized it wasn't so bad after all.
When Percival comes back from the Great Hall after having a quick dinner, he decides to return to Gryffindor's common room before the Ravenclaw girl that's been following him around sees him.
But when he gets inside he sees Theseus, sitting with a... Hufflepuff. There's no one else, so it's not like he's going to get in trouble for sneaking someone from another house, unless the Fat Lady tells the prefect.
He's ready to point that out when the Hufflepuff looks up and Percival's heart jumps in a funny way inside his chest. His cheeks turn slightly pink and he feels like someone has used a spell to petrify him because suddenly he can't move.
The boy is probably fourteen (two years younger than him) and he's unbelievable cute; his face is covered in freckles and his eyes are so green it reminds Percival Central Park during spring.
"I'm sorry! I'll go, please don't tell anyone!" The boy mumbles, looking shy and embarrassed and suddenly Percival is confused and in panic because the cute Hufflepuff is going away...
"No, it's alright, Newt. This is my friend, Percival. He won't say anything," Theseus reassures the boy.
Newt? He's heard the name before... He's–
"This is my little brother," Theseus tells Percival, who's still just standing close to the entrance.
There's something wrong with the relief he feels when he realizes Newt and his friend are brothers.
Before Theseus can start wondering why Percival looks like he's being glued to the floor he walks directly towards Newt and sits on the couch next to him, perhaps closer than necessary, but the Hufflepuff doesn't seem to mind so Percival is not going to move away any time soon.
As soon as Percival finds out Newt likes magical creatures he starts reading more about them and suddenly becomes shockingly better at Care of Magical Creatures (considering he was one of the worst students in that particular subject).
Theseus starts getting suspicious then, but it's the last thing he cares about because Newt trusts him even more now; one day takes him to the place where he keeps all the little creatures he finds and rescues.
Percival has to skip dinner sometimes in order to help him, but it's definitely worth it.
"I like spending time with you, Percy," Newt beams at him and the captain of Gryffindor's team melts on the spot. Theseus usually glares at him when that happens and Percival is aware he'll have to have a talk with his friend later...
It's horrible to have to go back home during Christmas, because he doesn't get to see Newt... And it gets worse when his mother and grandmother start smirking every time they see him writing a letter.
"It happened, right?" His mother asks, quirking up one of her brows at him.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Percival grumbles, trying not to blush as he covers the letter he's writing to Newt.
"Of course it did," his grandmother tells her and Percival looks away.
He's not in love.
When he goes back to Hogwarts he finally admits to himself he's in love, especially after the hug Newt gives him when they see each other again.
Percival begins to do all those sort of ridiculous things he swore he'd never do... He gives Newt his own scarf when it's cold and notices Newt has forgotten his, he brings him flowers and chocolates and all kinds of gifts and the boy seems to think it's just a thing good friends do.
At the end of every match he looks for Newt in the crowd (still flying on the broom) trying to impress him, but without making it too obvious that's his intention.
"Did you enjoy the match?" Percival grins, floating around Newt while the other Hufflepuffs stare at him; some of them are mad because their team lost against Gryffindor and others just look at him in awe.
"Yes," Newt says sincerely. "You were great."
Percival knows he's smiling like an idiot after that compliment and probably making a fool of himself in front of the other students but he doesn't care.
It takes just a couple of days of him acting like a lovesick puppy for everyone in Hogwarts to realize he's in love with Newt Scamander.
Everyone except Newt of course.
"Dear friend, can I talk to you for a second?" Theseus huffs, glaring at him over Newt's shoulder after he catches Percival staring at his little brother for too long... again.
"Of course."
Percival knows Theseus is also very much aware of what's going on and probably doesn't like it that much, but he's clearly giving him an opportunity to explain himself.
Theseus appreciates him as a friend and he obliviously knows Percival would do anything for Newt so he's probably willing to listen to him.
Percival should start with something like I like your brother or maybe I have a crush on him or perhaps risking it with I think I'm in love with him... Then he could tell Theseus he's being serious about it and say he's willing to treat Newt with respect and ask if he could help him woo his brother.
Well... Perhaps it's too soon to ask for help.
All of those are excellent ideas of course... But it seems love makes Percival act like a fool because he blurts out instead:
"I want to be your brother-in-law."
Which is of course the worst thing to say at the moment because Theseus almost bares his teeth at him.
"No fucking way."
Kofi / Patreon
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randomfandomimagine · 4 years
Broke Another Rule (Percy x Reader)
Character: Percy Weasley, Cho Chang (briefly)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Categories: Gender Neutral Reader, Rivalry, Enemies to Lovers, Ravenclaw!Reader, Prefect!Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.6k words
Requested by anon: Can I request a Percy Weasley x reader where the reader is the prefect of ravenclaw and the two kinda have a rivalry against each other (but have feelings for each other as well) for some reason until they get into a heated fight which ends in them apologising and admitting their feelings
Notes: I feel like I took some creative liberties with this one (maybe a Ravenclaw would behave differently from how I portrayed, etc) to ignore possible inconsistencies with the HP universe, but I like how this turned out. Enjoy reading!
I gasped in outrage when someone bumped into me, stopping me from walking. I recognized the combed mop of red hair and rolled my eyes.
“Gryffindor” I muttered, glaring daggers at Weasley.
“Ravenclaw” He deadpanned, looking me up and down. “What where you’re going”
“Ha!” I exchanged a glance with my friend Cho. “Maybe you should, or is your snobbish nose pointing so high that you can’t?”
My fellow Ravenclaw giggled next to me, to which I smirked proudly. When he struggled to reply with a witty comment, he looked at me with contempt. My smirk only widened.
“Perhaps you won’t be as smug when we win the House Cup” Percival mockingly tilted his head. “Like we do every year”
“You wish, Weasley” I continued walking, deliberately bumping my shoulder into his, until I left him behind.
“This rivalry of yours never ends” Cho muttered, catching up with my furious strut. “Maybe there’s something behind it”
“What do you mean?” Intrigued by her words, I stared at my friend.
“There’s a fine line between love and hatred” She said with a causal shrug.
I rolled my eyes at her, but did look over my shoulder. Percival was watching me too, but quickly changed his demeanor when he saw me staring. He scowled at me, lifted his chin up with dignity and continued walking. He probably couldn’t even see where he was going, and I had to suppress laughter when I pictured him falling to the ground.
Cho was still talking, mumbling about us two. But she was wrong, I couldn’t think of Weasley as anything other than a nuisance. Maybe if he was friendly and kind instead of mean and competitive. We were both prefects, but I didn’t guide my house with such iron fist. Besides, one thing was making sure the rules were followed and another one was believing oneself to be above everyone else because of the power we had. We were prefects, not the Headmaster.
If he changed, maybe then I could start to consider seeing him with new eyes. And even then, I didn’t think it was possible after so many years of rivalry.
I was so close to making the perfect essay! All I needed was a few sources to back up my arguments, so I headed to the library.
I smiled when I was received by the familiar scent of books, parchment and wood. There was a constant low murmur as students quietly talked amongst themselves and turned pages.
After taking a few books from the shelves and scamming over them, I realized their contents weren’t what I was looking for. If I wanted to write an impressive paper for our Dark Against the Darks Arts class, I would have to look for something a bit more… grim.
Walking calmly, I took a look at Madame Pince. She was busying herself with reading a book, so immersed in it that her nose nearly touched the pages.
I took advantage of that moment and hurried to the forbidden section. I instantly saw the book I wanted and quickly snatched it from its place. A second after, I hid it under my robes and continued innocently walking along the library.
Guilt consumed me immediately, but I knew it was the best way to do it. Our professor could be quite mild and may not agree to sign a permit for me to access the forbidden section. In any case, I promised myself to return it as soon as I had consulted what I needed.
When I dedicated Madame Pince a smile and walked out of the library, I huffed in relief. However, I wasn’t quite safe yet.
Not truly watching where I was going, too preoccupied with being caught still, I walked into someone. We collided, sending all the books I carried to the ground.
“Y/L/N” A familiar snobbish voice called me. “Watch where you’re going!!”
“Same goes for you, Gryffindor” I angrily plopped down to the ground to gather my books.
Weasley rolled his eyes and crouched down to help me, heaving a sigh. I was surprised that he didn’t simply laugh at me and leave. As I watched him in astonishment, his eyes never met mine.
Our hands nearly brushed as we gathered my books, yet we quickly pulled away before that happened. I couldn’t help thinking about Cho and her adamancy about my feelings for Percy, which were allegedly reciprocated. As if I harbored feelings for him at all.
“Thanks” I mumbled as we both rose to our feet. “I suppose…”
Weasley’s eyes traveled from mine down to my books. His expression, mildly tame, immediately shifted to his usual vexed scowl.
“I knew I saw you doing something bad!” He suddenly exclaimed, leaning closer.
I was startled as he took one of the books from me by the force. I felt myself blushing when he showed me the cover, tapping it with his finger to reinforce his point.
“Did Madame Pince allow you to pull a book from the restricted section?”
I shushed him when people began glancing our way, taken aback by his loud voice. I reclaimed the book, which I held safe in my arms, and glared at him.
“It’s for class!” I excused myself, just then realizing I owed him no explanations.
“Is it now? It doesn’t matter… You stole it, didn’t you?”
“I did not!” I exclaimed, matching his loud tone. “I merely borrowed it!”
“You Slytherin!” Weasley spat out, looking me up and down.
I gawked at him, feeling insulted by the way he was treating me.
“At least I have some initiative, Weasley!” That said, I faced my back to him.
I heard him stomping his feet as he followed me to the staircase. There weren’t as much people there.
“You broke the rules! We are not allowed on the restricted section unless we have a permit from one of the professors”
I rolled my eyes and continued walking. Of course I knew that. But it was simply too much trouble for such a quick query.
However, I yelped when the books flew out of my hands all of a sudden. Moved by a hunch, I turned around to face Weasley. Indeed, he firmly wielded his wand.
“What about you, prefect?” I scolded him, forgetting about the books. “You broke another rule! We are not to use magic outside of class!”
Unfazed by my reaction, Weasley only held my glance, defiant.
“So you do know the rules after all” He sarcastically said.
I was so angry and exasperated, how could he be so bothersome? I felt tears of pure frustration gathering at the corner of my eyes.
“Why do you hate me so much, Weasley?” I shoved him, wishing he stopped watching me like a hawk. All I wanted to do was finish my essay. I never meant any harm.
I despised that my eyes were becoming watery. I pushed him a little more, trying to vent all that pent up aggression.
Suddenly, his expression drastically changed. His frown softened and his mouth opened in awe. Weasley then furrowed his brows again, this time in confusion.
“I… I never hated you…” His voice lowered as well, now nearly a whisper.
“Yes, you did” I averted my gaze, rattled without knowing why. “You keep pointing out every single thing I do wrong”
I… I wanted him to like me, I realized. Instead of seeing my flaws, I wanted him to congratulate my achievements instead of condemning my failures.
“I thought… Weren’t we doing this to bring out the best in each other? As students, as prefects, as… people” Percy blinked repeatedly, watching me carefully. There was utter astonishment reflected in his eyes. “I thought you enjoyed it like I did”
“No, stupid, I didn’t!” Once again, I leaned down to gather my books.
This time, he nearly threw himself to the ground to help me. He gestured with his hands, silently asking me to let him do it on his own. I let him, thinking it was the least he could do.
When we both stood to our feet, there was a newfound kindness in his expression while he handed me back my books. Our fingers touched, and this time we didn’t pull away.
“I… admired you” As he spoke up, breaking the tense silence, he begrudgingly looked away. “You are smart and determined and…”
“Stop” I asked him, feeling uncomfortable with his sincere words. “It feels weird when you compliment me”
He laughed. That sound was completely new to me, and I felt like the person before me wasn’t Percy Weasley anymore. At least not the one I used to know.
“Maybe you’re not so bad yourself” I muttered, needing to let him know how I felt.
“You’re right, it feels weird” Percy grimaced, shaking his head with disgust.
“That is” I completed to fix it. “When you’re not being a jerk”
His smile returned, and I found myself liking that sight. I hated to think what Cho would say when I’d tell her what happened.
“Are you saying you like me, Y/N?” It was the first time he used my actual name. At least the first time he uttered it without any traces of mockery.
“Ugh” I sighed, rolling my eyes at him like I always did. “You’re so annoying, Weasley”
For just a moment, Percy grinned to my comment. However, he soon scowled again, almost making me wonder if that smile was a product of my imagination.
“You are annoying, Ravenclaw” He walked away, deliberately bumping his shoulder against mine.
We both headed opposite ways, pretending nothing had happened. Nonetheless, when I looked over my shoulder I found with his glance. He was smiling again.
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merflk · 7 years
hear your heart through the static
for @hprarepairnet​ and @slytherdornet​ after the war challenge
Pairing: percy weasley x pansy parkinson Words: 1401 Link: ao3
Everything was going well for him.
He had reconnected with his family, he was back at the Ministry, steadily rising up the ranks, in a healthy way this time, because he was learning and he was honestly, truly, becoming a good influence. A good man.
Maybe too good of a man. Because he was starting to get uncomfortable with some of the things he saw.
Percy had always related to Slytherins. He had hated them, of course, but not for the reason the rest of his family had – Percy had hated the Slytherin house because it was everything his family couldn’t accept.
And everything he couldn’t accept about himself.
He remembered wearing the Sorting Hat on his first day, fiercely wishing for Gryffindor. The hat had asked him if he was sure – wouldn’t Slytherin suit him better?
He imagined the horrified look on his mother’s face. The awkward dinners. The distance. Even more distance than there already was.
He remembered the worry in her eyes that morning as she sent him off to school. The fear.
He never wanted to disappoint his mother.
So the Sorting Hat had recognized his… something and put him in Gryffindor. And from that day on, Percy despised Slytherins with new fervor. Because he was one of them – deep down.
It had been easy to hate Slytherins when half of them were Death Eaters. It was easy to hate the people who had spurned their chosen one. Easy to raise his fist as part of a mob.
But the war was over, the Slytherins were just kids trying to become people and the Ministry was tearing down all their attempts.
There was no getting used to the attitude in the Ministry. The blatant disregard for ideas from former Slytherins, the way they got the worst jobs, the hardest paths, the worst sanctions. The way they had to give everything up for – what? So their children would have a better future? It sure didn’t look like anything was changing during their generation.
They were the children forced to make up for the sins of their parents.
Some of them couldn’t take it and started raging against the status quo. They were quickly torn down. Some disappeared – into the muggle world, he presumed. Some of them kept their smiles on their face as the people used them as foot rags.
He remembered the look on Tracey Davis’ face that afternoon when someone had insulted her in the break room. The fake smile. The forced, peppy laughter.
He liked being a good man, but he could do without all of this compassion. Some nights, it made him want to disappear from the Wizarding World too.
On those nights, he went to a muggle pub in London and tried to find a way, any way, to change the world.
Percy entered at 9 pm and dropped himself onto a bar stool, immediately picking up a beer mat to play with restlessly.
The girl behind the bar shot him a quick look. “Whiskey on the rocks, right?”
“Yeah,” he told her, “Thanks.”
He was coming here too often lately if they knew his standard order already.
He should really cut down on the whiskey.
While he was musing about his drinking habits, he glanced at the pretty girl making his drink, the bottle of whiskey in her hand.
And maybe it was because of what happened with Tracey, but when he saw her, he almost fell off his bar stool.
He looked at her, her black hair, elegant stature and piercing green eyes. He didn’t know how he had never realized before.
“I know you,” Percy stammered.
The woman looked at him and cocked an eyebrow. “Well, I have been serving you drinks for the last few months.”
“I…” He frowned, sorting through the data in his head, trying to figure out which named belonged to her face.  
“Parkinson,” he finally said.
She snorted as a reaction and poured a generous amount of whiskey into a glass. “Well done, Mr Weasley. I honestly didn’t think you’d get there.”
“I didn’t expect to see anyone I knew here.”
It was true. He was in the most obscure muggle bar in London he could find. It made no sense to run into a former Slytherin here. Certainly not a Parkinson. They had… a reputation.
But, yes, he hadn’t heard about her in a while. One of the disappearances.
She handed him his drink. “Well,” she said. She looked him straight in the eye. There was something defiant about that and it sent a rush through him against his better judgement. “Better get used to the idea, Percival.”
He swallowed and tried to regain his composure. “That’s not my name.”
She looked at him in confusion, momentarily caught of guard. “What? It is, right? You’re the ministry man. The nerdy one.”
He eyed her carefully while he brought his drink to his lips. “It’s just Percy. It’s not a nickname.”
Her expression turned back to indifference immediately. “Oh. Fine. I like Percival better.”
“Too bad you’re not my mother.”
She scrunched her nose in disgust. “Gross, Weasley.”
“What are you doing here?” he asked, going through his mind again to find more information on her. “Pansy,” he added, like an afterthought.
Again, she cocked an eyebrow at him. He thought she was a little surprised. She opted to ignore that he knew her name, though.
“What do you think I’m doing here?” she asked him instead, “I’m earning a fair ducat.”
He was the one to cock an eyebrow this time. “In a pub?”
She laughed at his sceptical expression, and holy shit that did something to his chest he hadn’t been prepared for.
“Yes, in a pub.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I didn’t have any credentials that didn’t have ‘magic’ written all over them. Luckily, I’ve always known my way around drinks.”
As if to prove her point, she pulled out another bottle of whiskey from below the bar (it had a sticker with ‘pansy’ pressed over the label) and put it to her mouth, taking a big chug.
And even though he’d never do that (so unsanitary for God’s sake), she still reminded him too much of himself and it almost hurt.
“Why did you come here?” he whispered.
He knew he sounded vulnerable – he was vulnerable. Apparently Pansy knew it too, because she answered him honestly, almost gently.
“Percival, I’m the girl who wanted to sold out Potter. Some of my friends, they have a chance. To… To redeem their name or something. Make sure people don’t think Death Eater every time they see their last names in a register. Me? I never had that chance.”
“Why did you do it?” he asked, and it was probably far too personal and he was not buzzed enough for this, but he wanted to hear it so badly.
Pansy’s voice sounded strangled when she answered, but there was still anger behind it. “Because I was scared.”
Scared. Yes, he remembered being scared. He remembered the battle, the adrenaline, the pure fear. Fear of getting hurt. Fear of dying.
He had feared losing someone and he had. Could he blame her for being scared? She’d been even younger than he was.
Percy looked at Pansy, the way her fingers were shaking just a little, the way she was obviously bracing herself, and he knew he had never blamed her for being scared – any of them. They were kids.
He had rather they ran off scared than die at the hands of an adult Death Eater. He was glad they ran.
Less casualties. Less loss.
He didn’t understand how others couldn’t see that.
He looked Pansy in the eye. “You had every right to be,” he said carefully.
Pansy deflated. All the tension, the anger, the fear in her body fell away. Yet she hung on to a scrap of nonchalance.
“You know, you’re not as bad as they used to say. Tracey likes you, too. Said you cut off assholes when they start insulting her. Maybe I should give you a discount.”
“I would not say no to that.”
Percy smiled at her and Pansy smiled back hesitantly. They had just shared something that felt like a secret – the kind you need to share with someone, or burst.
He wanted to never leave that pub. He wanted to come back every night.
He did.
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Harry Potter: 10 Things About Albus Dumbledore That Haven't Aged Well
In the world of Harry Potter, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore is the heart and soul of the resistance against Voldemort. Even in death, he inspires the Order of the Phoenix to keep fighting, putting people in place to help each other at the right time. He is brilliant, thoughtful, and always about ten steps ahead of everyone else. When he took over Hogwarts, he made it the safest place in the Wizarding World, and even after Voldemort's fall he kept his promise to the school to oversee its continued safety and freedom to educate without the Ministry of Magic's interference.
But, like all people, Dumbledore isn't perfect. He has his failures, but fortunately he's often humble and self-aware enough to recognize them himself. Sometimes, he's simply too late though. Here are 10 things about Dumbeldore that don't age well.
10 Leaving Voldemort’s Jinx in Place
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Voldemort apparently jinxed the Defense Against the Dark Arts position after he applied for it as Tom Riddle and was denied. In Half-Blood Prince, Dumbledore says he thinks Riddle came to Hogwarts for something else, and just used the job application as an excuse. But he much have taken the rejection pretty hard, because he cursed the job so that anyone who holds it only can for a year, and everyone who held it was either in mortal danger, driven insane, or died. 
Dumbledore must have realized this at some point. Theories say that Voldemort was born in 1926, so he would have been graduating Hogwarts by 1943. He must have returned to Hogwarts and applied sometime between then and 1950. Half-Blood Prince took place in 1996, so Dumbledore had 46 years or more to notice this curse in place. Why didn’t he simply remove it instead of allowing? 
9 Letting Snape Bully the Students
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Dumbledore didn’t often tolerate a lot of pointless cruelty from people—that’s why he banned corporal punishment at Hogwarts when he became Headmaster. So it makes his blind eye toward Snape’s constant bullying of students both surprising and awful. Snape openly hated many of the Gryffindors, but especially students like Neville Longbottom.
Snape probably resented Longbottom so much because Neville could have been the other Chosen One. Voldemort could have gone after Alice and Frank instead of Lily and James, which would mean Lily would have survived the Wizarding War (probably). Since all Snape really wanted was for Lily to be safe, he probably can’t help but wish that it had been Neville’s family that died that night, not Harry’s. 
Nevertheless—Dumbledore allowing it to continue is awful, and hasn’t aged well. 
8 The Series of Dangerous Detentions at Hogwarts
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Yes, Dumbledore did ban corporal punishment at Hogwarts. “There will be no more hanging students by their thumbs, Filch,” we can imagine him saying. Good for him. But the detentions that left range from somewhat strange to incredibly dangerous, and it’s strange that he allowed them all. 
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Cleaning the plaques in the trophy room? Fine. Traipsing into the Forbidden Forest at night to search for something desperately cruel that’s killing unicorns, armed only with a cowardly dog and Hagrid, who is technically not allowed to perform magic? What were you thinking, Dumbledore? 
We see in the series that Dumbledore was often away or locked in his tower studying things. It’s possible he didn’t know this was happening, which makes it worse.
7 Not Checking In With Harry at the Dursley’s
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After Dumbledore abandons Harry on a doorstep (also not great, though a charming start to a fictional series), we’re given to believe he simply ignores Harry’s existence for the next ten years. Sure, Mrs. Figg lives down the street and she sometimes babysits Harry, but she doesn’t know how far the abuse goes inside Harry’s home. 
Why didn’t Dumbledore pop over once in a while? Sure, no one expects people to be abusive to their nephew, but McGonagall even warned him that the Dursleys were awful that first day! He couldn’t check in even once?
6 Setting the Golden Trio Up to Struggle
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Dumbledore knew he was going to die in Half-Blood Prince. We see that in Snape’s memories. So why not set Harry, Ron, and Hermione up better? I mean, the things he bequeaths them in his will are cool, but are they useful to their mission? He apparently knew Ron would get frustrated and leave Harry and Hermione; instead of talking with Ron like a normal human adult, he gave Ron a lighter? That tunes in when people mention his name? Come on now, Dumbledore should have done better than that. 
He really expected these teens to do a lot of fast and difficult “growing up” without much guidance. 
5 Not Teaching Harry Occlumency Himself 
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Dumbledore admitted at the end of the Order of the Phoenix that he should have taught Harry occlumency himself. He admits that putting Snape in charge of those lessons made it next to impossible for them to be successful. 
There’s a theory to be had here—did Dumbledore want the lessons to go poorly because he knew Harry would need to see into Voldemort’s mind in the end? Did he want pair Harry with Snape so Harry could learn the truth about his parents? Maybe JK Rowling needed the plot device for Harry to reckon with the concept of legacy. 
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Regardless of the literary theories, Dumbledore didn’t help when he could have and should have. 
4 Argus Filch’s Role at Hogwarts
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It’s a special kind of cruel irony that Filch’s main duties were cleaning the castle when he was a Squib. After all, there are so many cleaning spells that witches and wizards have come up with that would have made keeping the castle clean a breeze for anyone else. We see Molly use so many even just during our brief moments at The Burrow.
It’s possible that Dumbledore brought Filch on so that Filch could stay in the magical world instead of having to live life in the muggle world, but he probably could have found a different job for him. 
3 Leaving Sirius in Azkaban
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The evidence that led to Sirius’s conviction is not airtight, but it’s convincing. Everyone believed he would be the Potter’s Secret Keeper. He was found having committed a rampage, clearly suffering some kind of breakdown after the shock of their deaths. Everyone even thought he’d killed Peter Pettigrew.
RELATED: 10 Of the Wisest and Most Inspiring Sirius Black Quotes
But couldn’t Dumbledore have performed Legilimency on Sirius to see his memories of that day before he was sent to Azkaban? As a member of the original Order of the Phoenix and the closest friend of the family Voldemort was directly after, Sirius and Dumbledore would have been in close contact! Obviously, Legilimency isn’t a foolproof method either as people can edit their memories false memories, but Dumbledore is known to be skilled enough to see that. Why did he let Sirius be driven insane for 12 years when he would have known better than anyone how much Sirius loved the Potters?  
2 His Treatment of His Family
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In his old age, Dumbledore is a general for the good side. A brave and brilliant fighter of Voldemort and all that is evil. Unfortunately, he had a darker youth. It’s understandable that a brilliant young man fresh from Hogwarts would want to do his own thing instead of be trapped in a small town to care for an ill sibling. It’s a bit selfish, but understandable.
However, his friendship with Gellert Grindelwald led directly to the death of his youngest sister Ariana. Though her death was an accident, and it was probably what spurred Dumbledore to detach himself from Grindelwald and pursue good for the rest of his life, his treatment of Aberforth thereafter is not great. It seems the two never repaired their relationship, and Dumbledore doesn’t seem to have any contact with him.
1 Sequestering Himself From the School
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Despite being the Headmaster, we don’t see much of Dumbledore throughout the series. He’s a sort of benevolent character on high, one who is never quite reachable. Harry is often desperate to talk to him, only for Dumbledore to be impossible to find.
That’s terrible. Dumbledore is not as involved in the day-to-day functions of Hogwarts as one might hope. Do any of the teachers have a boss, really? Is that why Gilderoy Lockhart got away with being useless for a year? Is that how Snape managed to bully the students? We’re never eager to agree with Lucius Malfoy, but maybe Dumbledore really wasn’t the best choice for Headmaster. 
NEXT: 10 Things From the Princess Bride that Haven't Aged Well
source https://screenrant.com/harry-potter-10-things-albus-dumbledore-havent-aged-well/
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