#abi watson
gntlbrd · 1 month
when i was a freshman in high school (10ish years ago), i met this girl named abi (she was my gay awakening and now we are very very dear friends 🫶🏼). i introduced her to sherlock after i saw her wearing a dr who shirt one day, and she and i let the show absolutely rot our brains. she would beta my johnlock fic for me, but i wrote my fic on paper LOL! and we passed notes in class as sherlock and dr watson (i was sherlock, she was my jawn).
and now we’re both older and i’m driving down to visit her for the first time in months tomorrow and it’s been almost 10 years but my first thought was “i’m so excited to see my jawn!” and it’s just crazy how fandom can do that to people.
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Pray for me to one day marry;
that Feminist Pack Lead overused. In the name of POC take a knee relentless shouting, #StopAsianHate, & Brown Boys discourse either you Indian or Spanish saying it everytime;
Emma Watson and make her Selanik-esque Muslimah. That will be done the puzzle🧩🥲. Before I die. Get it done 📝.
Isolated Sanskrit Muslim izland-stuff, Don't like brown say-it-everytime & black shouting; movement. I'm what I'm ✴️(✳️). महाकाली's 🌕.
Kukulkan/Quetzalcoatl神. Indian but at the same time not Indian. More Kuna Sanskrit. Javanese Dragon with Garuda body. 🦅🔂🐊🦈:🐉🔵, mutated going Turk🇹🇷[I'm one of Çanakkale youth] & Persian🇮🇷[Unconscious, just like tis 🇮🇳] & German Ghetto Gunnersaurus🦖🥙🥗🌾🍛 whilst not as an Abi per-se but bak to that again Kuna Sanskrit, or to put it blatantly 卐神 but 🛕🌕☭🛕-self. I really really really like White Girls. I love now it's align to the West. Also, if it's Asian, I like just like Emma beforehand, in pack, one K-Pop girl band for example. But now the winds rise to the west.
I'm entering half-end of my time spent. Being शिव is hard...
"I reveal to you a secret. The time has come when the Groom shall crown the Bride. But where is the crown? In the North... And whence comes the Groom? In the Center✴️(✳️), where the heat generates the Light and turns towards the North." -Julius Evola
*School Muslim Chaplain w/ 90s G-Funk Synth flows mixed Deutsch Rap Beats tatted with Arabesk & AM's AM, with Wehrmacht patterns (have so little genes of Dutch inside). Madjapahit-Srividjaja-Shamail w/ add-on little Inlander.
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Fanfic asks: ⛰ Hardest fic to write? 🔬 Fic that required the most research?
⛰ Hardest to write: So, as a necessary bit of background: I don't really hear puns. Whatever that bit of brain wiring is people have that lets them spot a pun as it goes by, I don't have it, and never have. If someone gives me a cue that a pun occurred I can often puzzle it out (much like puzzling out a math problem!), but it's not a natural function for me. Similarly, I’m rubbish at punning myself: my brain just doesn’t flex in that direction.
But a few years ago I was writing a story for a friend who greatly appreciates puns, and because reasons, I decided that I needed to write her a punny story. I fucking slaved over that story, consulting pun encyclopedias and building extensive lists of potential puns I could use, building the story line by line, pun by pun, until I finally reached the required 1K-word minimum (the story was for a gift exchange) and called it quits. It came out really well, and I'm very proud of it! Some people were very admiring of the end result and others wanted to pelt me with rotten fruit! But I tell you: on a per-word basis, I have never ever put that much work into a story before or since.
A Jelly Good Show (also as a podfic by @educatedinyellow): Holmes, Watson, and Lestrade, along with anthropomorphic marmalade, preserves, and jam. And so, so many puns.
🔬Most research: That time when I, who am neither Jewish nor from Utah, volunteered to write a fix-it for a Jewish character living in frontier Utah. It was a fascinating project, and I learned so, so much about Jews in the frontier West during the latter half of the nineteenth century. (Neither isolated nor anomalous, go suck an egg, John D. Fitzgerald!) And not only Jews: merchants and miners and Mormons and Chinese, and the strongly contested and intertwined history among them. I was so brimming over with excellent facts and stories, in fact, that I wrote 3K of historical notes and published a selected bibliography, too. I do find it a little worrying that an honest-to-god historical society has linked this fic and another has used it in a bibliography? But I did do my damnedest to stay true to the history of the region. The fic itself may or may not interest anyone here, but I nevertheless recommend my commentary, bibliography, and historical notes, all linked above, to my fellow history nerds.
Selected Letters of Abraham and Fanny Glassman: 1874-1886.  Historical fix-it for “A Wreath for Abie” from John D. Fitzgerald’s The Great Brain.
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Character Inspiration Tag
Thanks for tagging me, @primroseprime2019! :D
Rules: list your OCs and say which other characters inspired them. This is tricky, because very few of my OCs are inspired by other characters. However I do tend to give my OCs various traits of mine...
Kilan: Well... D&E started out as Hades-and-Persephone-meets-Alice-in-Wonderland, so I guess you could say he’s (very loosely) inspired by Persephone and Alice?
Death: Originally very loosely inspired by Hades. Now not inspired by anyone
Qihadal: No one
Gialma: Me. We’re both socially awkward and terrible at communicating
Hailanyu: No one (though I made him a writer like me)
Kiroshnoy: No one
Abi: Umm... Wei Wuxian from Mo Dao Zu Shi/The Untamed, I guess? Because they’re both necromancers?
Irímé: No one (unless you count me, because I made him a socially-awkward writer)
Ilaran: No one
Mirio: No one (except me again, because he’s the only sane person in his family)
Lian: No one
Kitri: No one
Diarnlan: Original Shen Qingqiu from The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System
Karandren: No one
Yo-han: Sherlock Holmes, Poirot and Miss Marple
Phil: No one (though I guess you could say she has a little in common with Dr. Watson)
Leo: No one (though I guess you could say he has a little in common with Moriarty)
Alec: No one (though I gave him my complicated relationship with religion)
David: No one
Konstantine: No one
Rusudan: No one
Hariye: No one (well, no fictional character. His story is Extremely Loosely inspired by a real person)
Ketevan: Ditto. She’s inspired by a real person but not a fictional character
Tagging @lightgriffinsect, @writingamongther0ses, @sam-glade, @ragnarokproofing, and anyone else who wants to do this! :D
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pio73 · 1 year
Przemko był młodym mężczyzną, który miał marzenia o podróżach i odkrywaniu świata. Pewnego dnia, jego marzenia spełniły się, gdy wsiadł na pokład samolotu, który miał zabrać go w daleką podróż do tropikalnej krainy.
Niestety, ta podróż okazała się koszmarem. Samolot, w którym leciał Przemko, uległ katastrofie i rozbił się na małej, bezludnej wyspie w oceanie. Przemko przeżył katastrofę, ale znalazł się na tej wyspie sam, bez żadnej pomocy i wiedzy, jak się z niej wydostać.
Wkrótce jednak, dołączyła do niego znana aktorka, Emma Watson. Przemko był zszokowany, ale jednocześnie zachwycony, że na tej bezludnej wyspie znalazł towarzyszkę, z którą mógł dzielić swoje myśli i doświadczenia.
Jednakże, Przemko miał problem z językiem angielskim. Jego znajomość języka angielskiego była słaba, ale dzięki pomocy Emmy Watson, z dnia na dzień jego umiejętności językowe rosły i mógł swobodnie porozumiewać się z nią w języku angielskim.
Codziennie Przemko i Emma musieli walczyć o przetrwanie na tej bezludnej wyspie. Mimo trudności, zaczęli doceniać swoją wzajemną obecność i zaczęli się zakochiwać w sobie. Ich miłość rozwijała się wraz z każdym dniem, gdy próbowali znaleźć sposób, jak wrócić do cywilizacji.
Po wielu tygodniach na wyspie, Przemko i Emma w końcu znaleźli sposób, aby wrócić do domu. Ich miłość przetrwała próbę czasu i trudności, a po powrocie do domu, Przemko i Emma byli szczęśliwi, że znaleźli się nawzajem i zaczęli rozwijać swoją miłość dalej.
Nawet jeśli ich spotkanie zaczęło się od katastrofy lotniczej, Przemko i Emma uważali, że był to losowy zbieg okoliczności, który pozwolił im na poznanie się i zakochanie. Byli dla siebie najlepszymi towarzyszami życia i wiedzieli, że nigdy nie odnajdą takiej miłości, jak ta, którą zbudowali na wyspie.
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rubilive · 4 months
Ahoj! Ako sa máš? Rada ti pomôžem s nastavením chatbota, aby mohol hovoriť s bardovým hlasom a mať ikonku, ktorú môžeš stlačiť a potom rozprávať. Tu je niekoľko krokov, ktoré môžeš nasledovať:Vyber vhodnú platformu: Existuje niekoľko platform, na ktorých môžeš vytvoriť chatbota s hlasovými funkciami. Niektoré z populárnych možností sú Dialogflow, IBM Watson Assistant alebo Amazon Lex. Vyber si…
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oliwiaaaaa · 5 months
Jak J. K. Rowling w wyniku skandalu stała się czarnym charakterem z własnych książek?
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Znana i uwielbiana na całym świecie - tak mówiono o J. K. Rowling, autorce bestsellerowych książek śledzących losy młodego czarodzieja. Jednak, jak to mówią, wszystko co dobre, kiedyś się kończy, i tak też stało się w przypadku pisarki, która jednym wpisem w mediach społecznościowych zszargała swój wizerunek w oczach większości fanów. Jak właściwie do tego doszło?
Niesławne wpisy na Twitterze Rowling, czyli źródło całego skandalu
Aby lepiej zrozumieć o co chodzi, należy cofnąć się do roku 2020. To właśnie wtedy na twitterowym profilu J. K. Rowling pojawił się wpis, w którym pisarka zanegowała użycie wyrazu "ludzie", zamiast słowa "kobiety" w artykule dotyczącym menstruacji.
Odpowiedź, na którą zdecydowała się autorka, została uznana przez ludzi za prześmiewczą i nieodpowiednią, a samą Rowling nazwano osobą transfobiczną.
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Na jednym wpisie się jednak nie skończyło. Już następnego dnia, na profilu pisarki pojawiła się lawina kolejnych postów, w których próbowała sprostować swój wcześniejszy wpis. Każdy kolejny post miał na celu poprawę sytuacji, ale w rzeczywistości było na odwrót - tylko ją pogarszał.
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Wreszcie, poprzez nieustającą falę krytyki, autorka zdecydowała się na opublikowanie na swojej stronie internetowej długiego wpisu, w którym dokładnie tłumaczyła swoje poglądy, a także przyznała się do wspierania kobiety, która została zwolniona za publikowanie treści na Twitterze, uchodzących za transfobiczne.
Jak można się łatwo domyślić, tłumaczenia Rowling nie przekonywały ludzi.
Zawód, smutek i niesmak - reakcje ludzi na wpisy Rowling
Jednogłośnie można stwierdzić, że wpisy Rowling wywołały negatywny odbiór wśród ludzi.
Przez lata, książki o Harrym Potterze przynosiły ludziom komfort, były dla nich bezpiecznym miejscem, możliwością ucieczki od rzeczywistości i szansą na bycie sobą.
Przykładowe reakcje pod wpisami Rowling:
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Konsekwencje własnych wypowiedzi, czyli nieunikniony kryzys wizerunku
W wyniku skandalu, J. K. Rowling przyszło się mierzyć z poważnym kryzysem wizerunkowym.
W przeciągu kilku dni, z uwielbianej przez miliony autorki, Rowling stała się osobą, do której fani stracili całkowicie szacunek. Fandom Harry'ego Pottera całkowicie się odciął i przestał uznawać Rowling. Poza samymi fanami, od pisarki odwróciła się także trójka aktorów, którzy grali kluczowe role w filmach o Potterze - Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, oraz Rupert Grint, którzy zdecydowanie opowiedzieli się po stronie skrzywdzonych wpisami autorki.
Ludzie zaczęli bojkotować wszystko, co jest związane z twórczością pisarki - zniechęcanie do kupowania książek i oglądania filmów z legalnych źródeł. W ubiegłym roku temat bojkotowania powrócił wraz z premierą gry Hogwarts Legacy.
Nie brakowało także skrajnych sytuacji, w których autorka otrzymywała pogróżki, grożono jej śmiercią, czy palono książki jej autorstwa.
Oczywiście, pomimo dużej burzy, jaką wywołał ten skandal, nie można tutaj mówić o całkowitym potępieniu, czy też "scancelowaniu" Rowling, ponieważ pozostaje ona w dalszym ciągu obecna w mediach, oraz aktywnie tworzy, a jej książki nadal osiągają dobre wyniki w sprzedaży.
Pisarka wciąż posiada oddane grono fanów, którzy w obliczu całej afery stanęli w jej obronie, a teraz kontynuują wspieranie jej twórczości. Ponadto, swoje wsparcie dla autorki pokazali aktorzy, z którymi Rowling miała okazję współpracować w przeszłości - Ralph Fiennes (filmowy Voldemort) oraz Helena Bonham Carter (filmowa Bellatrix Lestrange).
Nie zmienia to jednak faktu, że w wyniku całej afery, J. K. Rowling straciła wiele w oczach części fanów franczyzy, którzy stanowczo i całkowicie się od niej odcięli, a na jej dotychczas nieskazitelnym wizerunku, powstała rysa, która pozostanie z nią już do końca kariery, niejednokrotnie pewnie przypominając o poglądach pisarki.
Oliwia Pielka, Zarządzanie kulturą i mediami, II rok
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wgonwoo · 9 months
“A moment with you.”
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Ruangan kecil dengan dinding dan langit-langit berwarna putih sederhana dekat pantai itu menjadi tempat yang paling banyak dikunjungi warga pada saat itu, banyak dokter yang beralalu-lalang, namun ada satu paramedis senior terduduk dengan air mata mengalir deras, tangannya bergetar, tatapannya kosong tatkala melihat seorang pemuda dihadapannya sudah terbujur kaku.
Desiran ombak pantai membawa kilasan setahun yang lalu dimana seorang paramedis bernama Micha itu bertemu kucing yang sering dijuluki miko, tak sengaja pemilik kucing itu datang hendak membawa miko. Tanpa basa-basi pemuda itu memulai percakapan “Nama saya Haris.” Pemuda itu tersenyum, melanjutkan obrolan kepada perempuan dihadapannya “Namamu Micha bukan?”—
Malam itu matanya tertuju kepada pria ber-kacamata didepannya yang tidak dia sangka seorang pemilik kucing itu akan menjadi kekasihnya. “Apakah penampilan saya ada yang salah Micha?” Matanya bertanya keheranan karena sang kekasih terus menerus melihatnya. “Ah??? Tidak, kamu terlihat baik malam ini mas”— makanan datang, agenda malam ini begitu manis seperti cerita yang tertera dibuku romantis.
Haris pov:
Telah tiba dimana 1 tahun kami saling mengenal, saya membawa micha di malam hari itu ke pantai dekat rumah sakit tempat kami berdua bekerja. “My love, would you get out of your sanctuary tonight? Let’s gaze at the moon and see how the stars fell.”
As the night went by, I noticed how tired you were. I let you rest your head on my lap as I caress your skin, while you close your eyes. And you said “kiss me gently, as gentle as the blanket that i wrapped you in while you were crying in my arms.”—I was shocked to hear those words come out of her.
Unware of how close our bodies had become, i found my self instinctevely reaching out, gently cupping the cheek of the girl front of me. Drawing her nearer, our lips met in tender, sweet kiss that night.
Before the moon fell and the stars ran away, I whispered gently into your ear, “I’m always going to be here for you” — you gave me a gentle smile while mumbling the words I longed to hear, “And I will always Love you.”
<flash back off>
Suara speaker rumah sakit hentak membuat Micha kaget dan membuyarkan semua kenangannya atas pemuda itu. “Atas nama hardin, Ardhan, Ersya, Javi, Gema, Dimitri, Alisha, Shakala, Minara, Kiel, Diran, Vanessa, Jeanne, Gale, Kaira…. Silahkan yang saya panggil segera mengikuti petugas bernama Abi untuk pergi ke lokasi pengungsian.” Terdengar penggalan suara Echa seorang koas muda yang terpaksa memulai hari pertamanya seberat ini.
Sementara Micha masih terlena dengan kekasihnya yang sudah terbujur kaku akibat serangan tsunami yang terjadi 2 hari setelah perayaan satu tahun bersama kekasihnya itu. Reo dengan berat hati membawa jenazah kekasih perempuan itu untuk dikebumikan. Ashley selaku kakak perempuannya Haris berusaha menahan Micha, agar perempuan itu merelakan kekasihnya.
Isakan tangis, gemuruh hatinya yang sakit dan teriakan Micha memenuhi seluruh gedung rumah sakit. Dirinya merasa bersalah meninggalkan sang kekasih waktu itu. Namun bencana hanyalah bencana, manusia hanya berusaha namun tuhan mempunyai takdir. Pada akhirnya kita harus merelakan.
“If you are ready go. Then I shall bid you good bye.” Said Michayla anandini.
一 Selesai.
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vipnoviny · 1 year
Stručná historie lisování a vstřikování plastů
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Díky technologii vstřikování a lisování plastů dnes máme spoustu produktů sloužících lidstvu. Zatímco moderní společnost by nebyla tam, kde teď je bez vynálezů, jako jsou počítače a automobily, tato zařízení by neexistovala bez pokročilých výrobních procesů, jako je vstřikování plastů. Ve skutečnosti vývoj technologií vstřikování plastů a podobných metod, umožnilo vynalézt moderní technologická zařízení. Výrobci vstřikování plastů nabízejí cenově výhodná, kvalitní plastová řešení, která byla a stále jsou používána v řadě případů. Plast se stal jedním z nejpoužívanějších materiálů, který nabízí vysokou úroveň trvanlivosti a odolnosti proti korozi. Jak vzniklo vstřikování plastů? Proces vstřikování plastů sahá až do roku 1870, kdy byl vynalezen a patentován první vstřikovací stroj. Isaiah a John Hyattovi byli vynálezci tohoto stroje, který se používal k formování knoflíků, hřebenů a podobných předmětů. To bylo výrazným začátkem průmyslové výroby plastů. Původní lisovací stroj byl založen na poměrně jednoduchém mechanismu. Proces vylepšili němečtí vědci, kterým se podařilo vytvořit méně hořlavé roztoky vyvinutím rozpustných forem acetátu celulózy. Během třicátých let, které byly obtížným obdobím pro mnoho lidí na celém světě, zaznamenal průmysl plastů obrovský pokrok. V té době byly vynalezeny jedny z nejznámějších termoplastických materiálů jako jsou polyvinylchlorid (PVC), polystyren a polyolefiny. Díky tomu vznikla hračkářská společnost LEGO, která jako první od roku 1932 zahájila masivní využití strojů pro vstřikování plastů. Jak postupovalo vstřikování a lisování plastů během druhé světové války? Druhá světová válka měla na lidstvo velmi škodlivý dopad. Na druhé straně to však také byly doba průmyslového pokroku a rozvoje. V této době zaznamenala značnou poptávku různá průmyslová odvětví, jako je výroba v oblasti vojenství, letadel a automobilů. Bylo potřeba, aby odvětví výroby plastů dodávalo nákladově efektivní a přitom kvalitní materiály a komponenty v masovém měřítku. Následky 2. světové války však také zanechaly některá odvětví v nepříznivé pozici. V řadách materiálů, jako je například pryž, byl značný nedostatek, a proto byla ještě větší poptávka po cenově dostupné alternativě – plastech. Vstřikování plastů a plastové materiály si udržely svou oblibu po válce a během celé poválečné průmyslové revoluce. Poněvadž  největší výhodou tohoto výrobního procesu byla ve velkém měřítku pokaždé nákladově efektivní výroba z kvalitních komponentů, která se stala nedílnou součástí moderní ekonomiky. Co se stalo dále se vstřikováním plastů? Dalším pokrokem v procesu vstřikování plastů se stal rozvoj Šnekového vytlačovacího stroje. Vytvořením tohoto stroje získal James Watson Hendry, americký vynálezce, větší kontrolu nad procesem vstřikování. Výsledek? Plastové výrobky měly vyšší kvalitu. Jeho další vynález však přinesl významnou změnu v průmyslu vstřikování plastů. Konkrétně do tohoto výrobního procesu zahrnul plyn, což mu umožnilo vytvářet plastové výrobky, které byly duté, dlouhé a komplexní. Plastikářský průmysl nakonec převzal otěže ocelářského průmyslu, protože byl schopen mnohem dostupněji a rychleji vyrábět lehké, ale zároveň pevné plastové komponenty. Jaká je budoucnost lisování a vstřikování plastů? V dnešní společnosti se vstřikování plastů používá v mnoha průmyslových odvětvích a nabízí řadu výhod včetně nákladové efektivity, odolnosti a spolehlivosti. Samozřejmě nyní tento proces se posunul kupředu, díky technologickému pokroku a počítačům, které umožnily výrobu přesnějších plastových forem. V důsledku celosvětového úbytku nerostných surovin, konkrétně ropy z které jsou vyráběny plasty, někteří výrobci plastů přechází na ekologická řešení z plastového odpadu. Jedním z těchto průkopníku vstřikování plastů je společnost Incot, která říká, že tímto způsobem výroby přispívá k ochraně přírody. Jaký je důvěryhodný výrobce vstřikování a lisování plastů? Lisovna plastů Incot již roky zdokonaluje vlastní postupy lisování a vstřikování plastů a začleňuje průmyslové pokroky. Jedná se o důvěryhodnou společnost působící na národních i mezinárodních trzích, která má kapacitu pro výrobu plastových komponentů ve velkém měřítku. Mají tým zkušených inženýrů, designérů a techniků pro lisování a vstřikování plastů. Za roky své působnosti získali jedinečnou pozici na trhu ve výrobě plastových výrobků podle přesných specifikací klienta. Jejich specializací je také výroba plastových polotovarů. Pokud tedy hledáte důvěryhodnou společnost v oblasti lisování a vstřikování plastů, Incot je vaše nejlepší volba. Read the full article
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vanilachocolate · 2 years
Hari ini tuh ...
Setelah kemarin cuma di kosan aja karena ya sakit kepala, terus akhirnya hari ini minta diskusi paper yg minggu lalu udah dikirim. Udah ready dari pagi tapi ternyata si bapak minta jam 10 aja. Yaudah, keluar wae beli sarapan. Nasi pecel 3k, jamu 3k, kerupuk sama makaroni 5k. Sarapan sambil nonton channel yutub sepulang sekolah dari hp karena males kalau nanti ditengah bimbingan harus ngecharge, mana colokan di ruangan bapak tuh sulit dijangkau (agak nyelip sama meja soalnya hh). 
Terus baru sampe kampus, Baru banget. Udah nggak nyaman. Cemas sudah. dugdugan. Dahlah, beres urusan langsung pulang aja. Tadi bimbingan cuma dikit. Bahas yg kemarin belum kejawab, diskusi gitu gitu, dan menemukan celah kesenangan (walau yaa dibantu bapak buat mikir dan jawab) karna mungkin penelitian di paper ku itu menemukan penemuan baru :’) Terus bapak bilang
“Coba q1 dulu berani nih. Atau q2 juga gpp. Biar bisa dicairin. Apa tetep mau ke jurnal molekul aja?”
“Yang cepet aja deh pak. Soalnya prosiding yg itb kemarin ngga tau kapan bakal selesai.”
Pas udah kelar tapi disuruh tetep stay di ruangan padahal bapak juga lagi diskusi paper sama gadis, akhirnya yaa nyambi ngerjain aja. Dan dihari itu juga, udah langsung dikirim ke email bapaknya. Kata bapak, papernya abis ini mau dibaca ulang sama beliau, terus dikirim ke pembimbing 2 yg mana beliau adalah kaprodi juga wk. 
“Nanti jangan-jangan abis ibu baca paper kamu malah ibu bilang lagi, tesisnya kenapa ngga sekalian ini aja pak?” sambil ketawa ngomongnya. Emang si bapak nih masih pantang menyerah buat nyuruh aku juga bahas segi kinetikanya di tesis. 
Beres itu tuh langsung pulang, makan nyambi nonton love in contract. Tumben-tumbenan pingin keluar kosan dan kepikiran mau ke paragon. Aku ngga bakal ke mall kalau ngga ada tujuan. wkwk. Tujuannya cuma mau ke sociolla, masukin botol buat di recycle. Awalnya mau sendirian, tapi galau. Dan akhirnya ngechat temen nawarin mau ikut apa nggak. Dan akhirnya pergi ber-2.
Di Paragon ngga ada sejam. Cuma ke lt.1, ambil uang, melipir liat di watson tapi ngga beli, dan akhirnya ke sociolla dan turun ke parkiran. Tapi sebelumnya mampir ke toko asesoris karena temenku mau beli masker. Dan ntah kenapa, aku random amat beli puff bedak. 12k/5pcs. Maybe nanti butuh, hmm kayaknya butuh sih buat ganti puff yg itu. 
Terus sayangnya, ternyata tuh muncul lagi. Rasa kaya ada silet yg digaruk-garuk ke tangan, dadanya nyelekit sesak, dan akhirnya aku nyari tempat duduk aja. Aku cuma mikir “bener-bener lho ini diri, ke kampus aja begitu, ke mall yg ngga rame dan ngga lama juga begini juga.” Pas di parkiran nenangin diri dulu, napas, baru pergi lagi. 
Mood ku udah berubah lagi sebenernya dari di jalan. Entah kenapa aku menyesali minta ditemani. Berusaha buat masa bodo, dan akhirnya nyoba ke singosaren, ke toko kosmetik yg waktu itu sempet diliat. Nyari primer. Terus di kasih setting spray hanasui sama mbanya, karena katanya bisa dipake buat primer juga. Udah capeeee pisan, terus pulang aja. Jadi muter-muter. Anter temen balik kosan, dan malah balik lagi ke toserba deket ISI karena waktu itu pensaran mau beli lipcream yg dijual. 
“Kenapa ngga pas tadi sebelum anter temen balik?”
Karena aku ngga mau ngerepotin, bikin dia nunggu. Padahal mungkin anaknya seneng-seneng aja. Akhirnya beli lipcream implora yg naive. Padahal pas di swatch ke tangan tuh suka warnanya. Tapi pas di apply ke bibir ternyata malah jadi merah gelap. 
Pas balik dari toserba, semua perasaan kesel ke diri sendiri makin muncul. Kesel. Karena ngerasa kaya semaksa ini banget apa lu buat beli-beli kaya besok udah mau mati. Padahal yaa maybe barang yg aku beli tuh emang aku butuh. atau pingin. Entahlah, setidaknya emang itu yg ada di list kepala aku yg mau aku lakuin hari ini pas keluar tadi selain belu puff bedak. 
Sampe kosan, langsung mandi keramas. Karena berasa kesel sama diri sendiri. Marah. Marah sama perasaan ngga suka karena minta tolong sama orang. Ngerepotin orang yg padahal itu bisa aku lakuin sendiri. Aku biasanya juga pergi-pergi sendiri. Apalagi, minta tolongnya ngga penting pula?! 
Ntahlah. Dahlah. 
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iankarlo · 2 years
Haircut & Marshmallow | 80th
Hello. Another blog. Thursday already and I'm excited for the weekend. 
Today is one of the busiest day everrrrr. I have been juggling 3 jobs and they are all needed to be out today. 
So, I tried to compose myself, organized the tasks and dealt with it one by one. 
I coordinated to multiple teams too and to all of our project managers. Good thing, its minimal phone calls today. Less stressful. 
I finished most of my tasks today. Its very fulfilling. I mean, its been a while since I felt this kind of business and being happy about it.
I am hoping I can get s new job this month so I can pay all my debts. There's so much happening in my life but I still feel grateful about it.
Anyway, Ae, gave us marshmallow. It supposed to be for Abi, but I consumed it all. He is always smiling to me and I find him really cutie. He is nice to me and he always greet me, "Good morning, Ian" whenever I passed to his station. 
After work, I immediately went out and I walked with EJ and its been a while since the last time we had a talk. I mean, even though we don't have the same views in life, I still find him a good person. We always talk about his baby, our dogs and our plan to eat samgyup.
I went to central to have a haircut cause I feel like I look very messy. I even stop and bought a chocolate drink in Krispy Kreme while waiting for Jehan. I asked my friends to eat in Jollibee with me but its only Jehan who is available. We even saw his twin brother and his cutie nephew. 
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We walked around in SM and went to Watsons to buy some skin care.
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I also passed by to Miniso and I bought a charger, Bam's toy and a keychain.
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When I got home. I just laid down in my bed then my friend chatted me and visited me. Its been a while and we talked a lot like we've never seen each other for a long time. 
That's it for today's blog.
Love always,
0 notes
artwalktv · 2 years
Five linear stages? Nora's not convinced. 2021 Palm Springs Shortfest 2021 Hamptons International Film Festival - Suffolk County Grant Winner Starring: Stella Baker - Nora Maggie Cohen - Cousin Maggie Catherine Curtin - Aunt Karen Peter Friedman - Uncle Harold Matilda Lawler - Young Nora Matthew Lawler - Abie Tracy Pollan - Dianne Jasper Weinberg - Dexter Directed, produced, & co-edited by Nastasya Popov Written & produced by Tess Cohen Producers - Sam Fox, Lizzie Frieder, Russell Kahn Executive producer - Harry Klein Cinematographer - Frances E. Chen Costume & production design - Natasha Simchowitz Editor - David Gutnik Composers - Eliza Callahan & Jack Staffen Graphic designer - Lenny Vigden Co-executive producers - Myriam Schroeter & Hunter Watson Assistant director & line producer - Ani Schroeter Script supervisor - Sophie Hoblit First assistant camera - Aron Romanoff Gaffer - Joel Kingsbury Grip - Pierson Andreas Second assistant camera - Eliot Grigo Sound mixer - Brian Blum Boom operator - Zhen Qin Hair & makeup - Micaela Cleary Sound designer and re-recording mixer - Romain Sturma Sound designer & foley editor - Camille Thomas Colorist - Jeff Sousa Production assistants: Henri Adams, Zack green, Hannah Kliot, Ariel Matluck “Sun” Music by Oregon Space Trail of Doom Performed by Ryan Fletterick, Nolan Cavano, Nick Yanosko, and Tony Kazel Courtesy of Oregon Space Trail of Doom “Rhapsody in Blue” Music by George Gershwin Arranged by Jerry Brubaker Courtesy of the Prelinger Archive
0 notes
casefagan58 · 2 years
Replica Handbags Review Online
Seamlessly combining the brilliant thing about Chloe distinctive design and the practicality of a backpack, this can be a distinctive designer duper that you'll love as a lot as we do. The gold-colored steel fittings give this Chloe dupe an additional contact of sophistication. Once you see these amazingly priced baggage, you’ll know you’ve found the best alternative. And cheap impressed name brand designer knock offs may be spotted from a mile away! The roy collection actually has a total of four totally different replica bag totes. In addition to the trapezoidal bag in the street map above, there are also the show Clutch, Double Clutch double bag design, and the 2018 Pre-Fall roy Bucket bucket bag. Gala is Chloe house a small number of bucket bag, bag mouth made a human and really delicate handle, on a size. Dior this yr can also be the first time to do the barrel, or with the printing. With the word shoulder, lotus leaf sleeves simply cannot take more! Chloe pretend luggage are by no means a foul thing – actually, they afford the client the posh of indulging themselves in opting for a multi-brand wardrobe quite than being restricted to a single model because of worth limitations. Opt for our Chloe bag replicas that imitate the finer detailing – this way you would possibly be ensured of an excellent product and really one thing to cherish in the lengthy run. Hoax may serve the aim of propaganda or disinformation – using social media to drive web visitors and amplify their impact. Unlike news satire, pretend news websites seek to mislead, somewhat than entertain, readers for financial or political achieve. The texture of the flap is that of a velvety really feel, while the the rest of the bag is smooth to the touch calfskin. The hallmark of a great replica bag is that the leather-based is on par with the original bag’s, and this bag gets a checkmark in relation to meeting that standards. The inside of the bag is suede as nicely nonetheless it's a lighter suede (almost beige-ish), and is genuine suede leather-based like the unique. Some replica manufacturers get careless in relation to the within of the bag and infrequently fail to have it match the small print of the original, however this bag’s interior is ideal. Perfect for that buying journey or the day by day commute that is the design to have if you need to look the part. Made from the best quality leather with suede overlays, the bag feels pretty a lot as good because it appears being gentle to the touch but tough and sturdy. So the first time I fell in love with the Chloe Hudson was after I saw picture of Emma Watson carrying it in black on a tabloid site. But at the similar time the bag remains understated – it’s not an in your face show-y sort of bag, however extra of a demure piece that provides class to your wardrobe with out having to be the star of the show. The solely thing I wasn’t certain of was whether I had to purchase it as an genuine model or if I would be succesful of discover a replica or fake ok to feed my craving. Fashion should look easy, however truly requires plenty of effort. While the best look could be achieved by opting to buy cheaper clothes and footwear without compromising on the quality and finish, it is inconceivable to do the identical with leather goods and accessories like wallets and purses. In this case, you both buy the original or make do with an affordable designer knockoff. chloe bags replica If you wish to buy a big bag recently, this Aby Lock bag can also be a very good selection. Not solely is it considered one of Replica Chloe Handbags hottest bag fashions, however the lock is also from the brand’s most Iconic lock bag, Paddington, and the fashion is unquestionably not bad! Some young girls wish to purchase a big-name bag, however they ca n’t find a appropriate one, especially afraid of being too mature. The character is accompanied by a unique and stylish romance, which is wonderful. In a flashback during season 3, some time throughout season 1, Reese found out that Lucifer was sleeping along with his ex-wife. Even though he and Linda had been separated for 2 years, he needed revenge on Lucifer. He adopted Lucifer to Lux, the place Lucifer, misunderstanding his intentions, satisfied Reese to be inventive along with his revenge. Reese then convinced his boss to let him work on a story about Lucifer's job with the LAPD, with the intent on publicly humiliating Lucifer and the police division for working with him. The subsequent day, Reese showed up at the police department and began interviewing officers about Lucifer, only to study that Dan was the one one who disliked him. wikipedia handbags This cooperation is actually added to the chain of some smiling faces, lightning, small rabbit and other small cute, but in addition group their very own name Pinyin narrow when the ornaments. Look at the easy, this is normally a high round spherical personally designed, so the introduction may be very well-liked with home girls welcome. Replica Chloe Handbags presented the ROY handbag assortment on the Paris Fashion Week final year and eventually released it. It may be seen that the form is recognized as after a barely bizarre three shoulder straps. China and the world woman on this “pig” enthusiasm is really high, for a replica bag tote may be turbulent world trend circle? Zhang Li just lately uncovered a bunch of road shoot photograph, a nude shade coat with a white shirt, hand carry white Faye Mini shoulder bag, elegant good-looking form within the waves of spring breath. We may have been used to Replica Chloe bag scraper, earlier than the small pig bag Drew, Faye is also a speedy introduction of the fashion circle, occupy the main stars of the road taking pictures image. However, Chale’s present inventive director, Clare Waight Keller, who has created these traditional single merchandise, has introduced that the contract is not renewed and shall be left in March after the release of the 2017 autumn and winter show. In the lengthy run, we will only sit up for Chloe Once the creative director to deliver extra thrilling works. The new chloe tess saddle bag detail design, materials and hand-made particulars aren't refined? There the material sheepskin, calfskin and python skin, and so on., measurement into massive, medium and small three colors including basic black, Mocha, coral pink and sky blue. Replica Chloe BagsPixie handbags as the main fall and winter 2017, style industry 17 autumn and winter a model new round of IT bag is none aside from her. Pixie purses chosen dark green this time, as the model new colour of Chloe purses, can also be the principle colour of the official web site and posters, the object is particularly dark, at first look it's considered black. The capability is very good, with a zipper pull buckle, adjustable shoulder straps, metal handles to decorate, looks quite like a smiley doll is type of love. Over the a long time, designers of the stature of Karl Lagerfeld have passed via the agency and the designs of the house have dressed celebrities as admired for his or her sophistication and femininity as Jackie Kennedy or Grace Kelly. More lately, Kate Hudson, Kylie Minogue or Michelle Williams have attended galas and occasions dressed by the French brand. Sharing the bounty of our do-it-yourself pet goodies or giving people an easy way to make their very own treats means the world to them. A fantastic gift for an animal lover could seem like the everyday cookie or muffin combine layered like artwork in a clear jar. Just layer the elements for an extra special treat designed for a beloved pet as an alternative. The challenges of diagnosing, treating and preventing varied animal maladies, coupled with monetary constraints in a culture with a schizoid attitude toward animals , could additionally be overwhelming at instances. This bag continues the brand’s consistent huge ring fashion, the shape is round, and even the transportable place can be a golden ring, giving the whole a retro feel. In terms of supplies, it primarily uses the mix of cowhide and deer skin, which is more unique. A hoax is usually meant as a sensible joke or to trigger embarrassment, or to impress social or political change by elevating individuals's consciousness of one thing. For example, to market a romantic comedy film, a director staged a phony "incident" during a supposed marriage ceremony, which confirmed a bride and preacher getting knocked into a pool by a careless fall from a greatest man. A resulting video clip of Chloe and Keith's Wedding was uploaded to YouTube and was considered by over 30 million folks and the couple was interviewed by numerous talk shows. Viewers were deluded into considering that it was an genuine clip of an actual accident at a real wedding ceremony; but a story in USA Today in 2009 revealed it was a hoax.
0 notes
rankinserup0 · 2 years
The Best Chloe Look Alike Luggage And Where To Search Out Them
The characteristic of Replica Chloe Bags Aby Small Buckle Tote Bag has all the time been that the photos are significantly good-looking! So it's not only available on weekdays, but in addition very appropriate for partying with skirts. In explicit, the shoulder strap of this bag is a thin chain, which may be easily stowed and put into the bag with out revealing it. Marcie sequence calfskin purse expansive washing or snakeskin bag body form abundance, giant storage capability, rounded leather deal with conveniently transportable. To ask the 2 most popular most popular IT bag, that Chloe Drew bear the brunt! Almost love the replica bag tote of Chinese girls a hand, lower than a year’s time, pig baggage swept the streets. But even so, but additionally did not reduce the desire of the women who want to buy. Hoax news (also referred to as faux news) is a information containing information which might be either inaccurate or false however that are introduced as real. A hoax news conveys a half-truth used intentionally to mislead the basic public. The Chloé Faye bag I obtained has wonderfully heavy hardware which is on par with the weight of its unique counterpart. It’s kind of the yr of the destiny, there is a feeling of excellent luck hiding within the bag. If I wish to begin with Aby Lock recently, I really advocate beginning with this three-color stitching design. The leather-based on this Chloe is attractive and the braiding is splendidly carried out. T. Barnum, whose Fiji mermaid contributed to his wealth – typically acquire financial achieve or fame via their fabrications, so the distinction between hoax and fraud just isn't necessarily clear. A hoax is a falsehood intentionally fabricated to masquerade as the truth. It is distinguishable from errors in statement or judgment, rumors, urban legends, pseudosciences, and April Fools' Day occasions that are passed alongside in good religion by believers or as jokes. Our fragrance bottles are produced from one hundred pc recyclable and sustainable materials, aside from the pump. wikipedia handbags I suppose the bag fits in each the “cool” and “chic” class, and might full any outfit with an easy vibe. Basically I don’t have any qualms with the bag except for its functionality – it's a little tight inside so you have to really pare down what you carry in your bag to make sure it suits and looks good at the similar time. phoenet.tw chloe replica bag Chloe Faye dupes in the medium size are a super choice if you want a bag that may double as your everyday carrier or for extra formal events. Perfect as a dress bag for parties and gatherings and equally at home when you’re assembly girlfriends for drinks this the designer bag for all events. The demure and simplified magnificence of those Chloe dupes is one thing that may appeal to buyers of all ages, and the prices are quite exceptional. So the primary time I fell in love with the Chloe Hudson was once I noticed image of Emma Watson sporting it in black on a tabloid site. But at the identical time the bag remains understated – it’s not an in your face show-y type of bag, however more of a demure piece that adds class to your wardrobe without having to be the star of the show. The solely thing I wasn’t positive of was whether I had to purchase it as an genuine model or if I would be capable of find a replica or fake good enough to feed my craving. Fashion should look simple, but actually requires lots of effort. While the ideal look may be achieved by opting to purchase cheaper clothes and footwear without compromising on the standard and end, it's inconceivable to do the same with leather-based goods and accessories like wallets and handbags. In this case, you either buy the original or make do with an affordable designer knockoff. Playful Wang Luo Dan also love this bag, plus concave shape do not be too proud. And we've a big power, carrying Faye Backpack line shade hurry not snicker, it appears that evidently in the field, professionalism is clear. And the entire Replica Chloe Handbags has a specific amount of weight, the steel deal with is held within the hand, it additionally feels that the workmanship is superb, the texture is superb, it appears like a cheap bag. Marcie Replica purses, the bag body lead salts tinge washed calfskin made of soppy leather, colour and warm. It has recently launched a small treasure python pores and skin and other materials, giving folks a richer visible aesthetic. Three horseshoe car line ornament tote bag cover, with a considerably retro to do the old steel decoration, and coated wire by way of the buckle flap design, the overall form showing classical charm, elegance and delicate and understated. Double leather wrapped handle places to render the weave, simple and stylish, cool taste. Marcie handbags number of models, there are hole, rivets, texture design, there are plenty of particular models, restricted edition and unique models, by the stars and a lot of fashionable girls of all ages. The social events are primarily decorative design, generally small in dimension, various types and supplies vary, and have certain ornamental results. Leisure events are mainly comfortable, to meet the wants of specific occasions, bag styles, fabrics change more, will be totally different based on completely different leisure events, corresponding to beach baggage, backpacks, shoulder luggage and so forth. Another highlight of this season’s equipment design is the new shoulder strap! However, when it comes all the method down to spending four figures on a handbag, that transaction hasanxiety attack, regret, and omg how am I going to pay my rent? When you aren’t a millionaire, adulting in luxurious style is tough. Luckily for me, I was able to find a Chloe Faye-inspired online! The product critiques were combined, so I didn’t have excessive expectations. In addition to the Pixie, which can be utilized in each the again and the hand, there is one other model of Pixie on the fashion present that may be very eye-catching. The entire purse is surrounded by a spherical metal ring, and the metallic deal with is adorned with a young leather-based strap for the again. And the mannequin of the mannequin on the flyover, holding the strap across the hand, is the whole shape. How can such a beautiful shoulder bag from the celebs of the individuals who love it, numerous stars have been conquered. Fashion blogger Caroline Daur a white coat with a black mini Faye Backpack strolling within the streets of Hamburg, adds a cool class. Replica Chloe Paraty Shoulder Bag Paraty sequence handbag design easy unique, personalised triangular profile and iconic design rough edges, very gentle.
0 notes
pio73 · 9 months
Przypadkowa miłość
Przemko był zwykłym pracownikiem biurowym, który nigdy nie spodziewał się, że jego życie zmieni się tak drastycznie. Pewnego dnia, podczas podróży służbowej, samolot, którym leciał, wpadł w silną burzę. Panika ogarnęła pasażerów, gdy maszyna traciła kontrolę. Chwilę później nastąpiło uderzenie, a Przemko stracił przytomność.
Kiedy się obudził, znajdował się na pięknej, ale bezludnej wyspie. Nie był sam - obok niego leżeli Selena Gomez i Emma Watson, które również przeżyły katastrofę lotniczą. Przemko, Selena i Emma szybko zrozumieli, że muszą współpracować, aby przetrwać. Rozpoczęli budowę schronienia i zdobywanie pożywienia.
Dni przechodziły w tygodnie, a tygodnie w miesiące. Wspólna walka o przetrwanie zbliżyła ich do siebie. Przemko, początkowo nieśmiały i skryty, otworzył się na Selenę i Emmę, a one podzieliły się swoimi życiowymi historiami. Między nimi zaczęło rodzić się coś więcej niż przyjaźń - głębokie uczucie.
Na wyspie zapomnieli o cywilizacji, o karierach i sławie. Byli szczęśliwi, żyjąc prostym życiem, otoczeni piękną przyrodą. Ale pewnego dnia, gdy znaleźli wiadomość SOS w butelce, musieli stawić czoła dylematowi: wrócić do rozwiniętego świata, z jego zgiełkiem i presją, czy pozostać na wyspie, gdzie byli wolni?
Po wielu rozważaniach zdecydowali się wysłać sygnał o pomocy. Gdy helikopter ratunkowy przyleciał, Przemko, Selena i Emma mieli łzy w oczach. Wrócili do cywilizacji, ale uczucie, które się między nimi rozwinęło, było silniejsze niż kiedykolwiek.
Przemko, Selena i Emma wybrali trudną drogę życia na bezludnej wyspie, ale to tam odkryli, co naprawdę jest dla nich ważne - prawdziwą miłość i prostotę życia. Bez względu na to, gdzie byli, byli razem, gotowi stawić czoła wszelkim wyzwaniom, jakie przynosiło życie.
/MePrzemko/ @pio73
YouTube: The Dark Przemko
IG: Itsmeprzemko
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sylvest01nicholson · 2 years
The Best Chloe Look Alike Luggage And The Place To Search Out Them
There are leather and python skin, colour to black, brown, gray and different colours based mostly on the traditional materials. Although this bag is a shoulder bag, but additionally designed a detachable deal with, portable or quick in the shoulder could be on the shoulder or again, easy and free. So lovely shoulder bag how can't be loved by the celebrities tide, a lot of stars have been conquered. Gala is Chloe house a small variety of bucket bag, bag mouth made a human and really delicate deal with, on a measurement. Dior this yr can additionally be the primary time to do the barrel, or with the printing. With the word shoulder, lotus leaf sleeves simply cannot take more! Social media, outlined as Internet based mostly purposes that build on the interactional capability of 'Web 2.0', are proliferating daily. A recent estimate suggests that there are round four hundred international social media platforms, and that round one third of the world's population at the moment are lively social media customers. Consequently, tutorial interest in social media continues to soar throughout disciplines, as seen in current papers published in Business and Society, and a particular concern announced by the Journal of Business Ethics.. Backpack on both sides of the front there are two zippers, up and down can adjust the capability, but in addition a very intimate design. Look on the internal map, the zipper pull down when the bag will be bigger, so the ability to regulate the capability of the bag the most practical. This bag is currently a mini and medium two sizes, we can see the following comparison chart. However, by method of luggage, it continues the custom of naming bags with the names of girls in alphabetical order. The new Replica Chloe Handbags designed by Natacha Ramsay-Levi is more handsome than earlier than. I wish to buy Leather Chloe Tess Bags Replica that a minimum of is much like the precise one. This year’s autumn and winter in style colors in the dark green and comparatively new, and purple, is the legendary aunt pink, mentioned aunt pink, in the autumn and winter dressing, the word has been talked about numerous occasions. wikipedia handbags Looking on the little one, actually, the capability of Aby Lock is not bad. In addition to the mobile phone can put down a small card Replica Chloe Bags, lipstick or something, quite convenient. It is value mentioning that the luggage in this series are lined with bright purple inside. Opening the bag just isn't solely straightforward to search out issues, but in addition in a great mood! So the first time I fell in love with the Chloe Hudson was once I saw picture of Emma Watson sporting it in black on a tabloid site. But on the same time the bag stays understated – it’s not an in your face show-y sort of bag, but more of a demure piece that provides class to your wardrobe with out having to be the star of the show. The only thing I wasn’t certain of was whether I had to purchase it as an authentic model or if I would have the ability to find a replica or fake good enough to feed my craving. phoenet.tw chloe replica bag Fashion should look straightforward, but truly requires a lot of effort. While the ideal look could be achieved by opting to buy cheaper clothing and footwear with out compromising on the quality and end, it's unimaginable to do the same with leather-based items and equipment like wallets and handbags. In this case, you both purchase the unique or make do with an affordable designer knockoff. Replica Chloe Handbags CHLOE Black Small Square Logo Messenger Bag is at all times elegant to make every girl heart! The new Faye Day purse shall be launched at the store in August, and its succinct design will make it the model new season’s IT Bag! Replica Chloe Handbags iconic Faye household has joined a new member this season – Faye Day! The Faye Day purse is a continuation of Faye’s elegant everyday type. Whether it’s a crossbody, a single shoulder or a hand-held, the Faye Day handbag is of course formed to create a classy Chloe lady in several occasions. These extremist need to subjugate girls to harsh male dominance, rape if essential, without need or want of conception. Far from making me feel intimated, I would watch the lame dialogue and overwrought squeals and know I may do better and be far sexier. If you open to someone fantasyland, and so they to yours, porn can come close to replicating the experiences you'll be able to have with one another. Then some rescue group decides to spring you and transport you god knows where. Others implore peace, just like the idyllic "Make Peace," a Monet like picnic scene. We believe that these Chloe dupes – and there are lots of extra very good designer bag replicas of different high brands throughout the varied ranges – are as good as a real example costing more than 10 times the worth. Check out the Chloe Faye Dupe bag vary and we’re certain you’ll agree and add a quantity of of these amazing dupes to your assortment. That’s a worth few of us can justify, but the equivalent and punctiliously made Chloe Faye small dupe will cost you $109 in leather-based and suede, or an unbelievable $45 if you want the equally high-quality fake leather-based end. With the backpacks retailing at $109 and the medium Chloe dupes at a mere $135 you possibly can afford to purchase multiple measurement or color. Replica Chloe Handbags introduces a new assortment of bags that exude a novel and romantic look. As a well-known brand that's exhausting to seek out, Chloe, this time lastly got a model new bag, which makes the brand’s loyal fans happy. The persona is accompanied by a unique and stylish romance, which is amazing. In a flashback during season 3, a while during season 1, Reese discovered that Lucifer was sleeping together with his ex-wife. Even although he and Linda had been separated for two years, he needed revenge on Lucifer. He followed Lucifer to Lux, the place Lucifer, misunderstanding his intentions, convinced Reese to be creative along with his revenge. Reese then satisfied his boss to let him work on a story about Lucifer's job with the LAPD, with the intent on publicly humiliating Lucifer and the police department for working with him. The subsequent day, Reese showed up on the police department and started interviewing officers about Lucifer, solely to study that Dan was the only one who disliked him. A typical hoax is an e-mail message warning recipients of a non-existent risk, often forging quotes supposedly from authorities corresponding to Microsoft and IBM. In most instances the payload is an exhortation to distribute the message to everyone within the recipient's tackle guide. Thus the e-mail "warning" is itself the "virus." Sometimes the hoax is more dangerous, e.g., telling the recipient to hunt a particular file ; if the file is found, the computer is deemed to be contaminated until it's deleted. In reality the file is one required by the operating system for correct functioning of the computer.
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