#ai mikaze/reader
shining-imagines · 2 years
Hello! Love to see a new blog! Good luck with future works~
How about Quartet Night + how would they kiss you?
im sorry this took so long but!!! im alive!!!!! and thank you thank you i hope to try and keep the utapri fandom alive lol
Reiji Kotobuki
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now we all know how flirty reiji is lol so he would definitely not hold back in a kiss
he would give it his all because he wants to show you just how much he loves you!
verrrryyyyy teasy too, he likes to brush his lips right against yours but not kiss you juuuuuust yet
but when you pout at him he gives in lol
if you kiss him first he calls you naughty or bad but obviously in a playful way and not a mean way, he just likes to tease you
hes very needy and affectionate so expect lots of kisses whenever and wherever, such as gentle hand kisses in public and more intense making out when you two are alone ;)
Ranmaru Kurosaki
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first thing im gonna say is this man is rough and sloppy as hell lol
he tries his best he really does (and that isnt to say hes a bad kisser at all) but he just has a lot of heat and emotion that he cant really hold back, especially around you
he is literally the type of the guy to be like. really passionate and rough and the second you two are alone he grabs you and kisses you hard lol
really impatient and doesnt like being teased also, not a big fan of teasing you either cuz he just goes for it most of the time
kisses you everywhere ;) like literally all over
but can be gentle if you ask him to!! he just needs to be taught a little bit lol
Ai Mikaze
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this boy is definitely sooo gentle but also doesnt have a lot of experience with kissing people (or anything really)
not quite sure what to do at first and if you ask him to be more dominant he will genuinely try but still not really know what to do so fair warning he might accidentally shove his tongue down your throat
but once he gets the hang of it hes sooooo gentle, really big on forehead kisses and hand kisses and cute stuff like that
but as he gets more experienced he also gets more confident and takes the initiative to kiss you more
kinda forgets that you have to breathe sometimes so be careful lol
overall hes gentle but can be spicy when he needs to be!
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will literally change his style and technique into anything you want in order to please you
gentle kisses? he goes into butler mode
rough kisses? he gets all dominant and shit like its nothing
but when you leave it up to him to decide hes kind of in between those two extremes, but he really just seeks to please you
he definitely like to place a hand under your chin and tilt your head up to face him 100% guaranteed
but other than that i dont really know lolz
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2weebswrite · 2 years
Back From the Bar (Ai Mikaze x F-Reader x Ranmaru Kurosaki) (NSFW)
This is literally the first NSFW thing I ever wrote. This is in 1st person. I know some people aren’t a fan of that, but I didn’t want to go in and edit it. This is from a while back. -Frost
I closed the door behind me, leaned against it, and slid down. I was exhausted and honestly tired of standing. Being a bartender was hard, long hours full of drunk people slurring their words, and others flirting endlessly with you.
I shivered, remembering the man that had tried to climb across the bar to touch me. He had almost succeeded in grabbing me, and I would be forever grateful in my coworker for pulling me out of his reach. I was usually good about avoiding things like that, but I had been mixing a complicated drink and was focused on getting it right. I ended up spilling the cocktail all over myself.
I stood up, throwing my bag on the couch as I walked into the kitchen. There was a plate covered in foil with a note next to it. I looked at the time, 4:09 AM, might as well be my breakfast. I hated coming home this late. I clenched my fists, before ripping off the foil and shoving the plate in the microwave. There was no doubt in my mind that my boyfriends had been asleep for ages now. The microwave beeped and grabbed my food before hopping the counter to eat.
As I ate, I scrolled through the text messages that I had got during work. I responded to a few before I finished and put my plate in the sink. My shoulders fell as I realized there was no way I could go to bed without a shower. Just as I hopped off the counter, a hand was placed on my shoulder. I spun and attempted to punch whoever had snuck in.
Ai caught my fist before it could connect with anything. I breathed a sigh of relief.
"According to my data, you've never been this jumpy. Something must have happened at work. Do you wish to talk about it?" Ai asked. I gave him a tired smile before leaning into his chest. "Before you ask, Ranmaru is still asleep. The probability of him waking up is about 25%, as we had many photoshoots scheduled for yesterday."
"That's good at least. I'm sorry for waking you up." I looked up at him from my place against his chest. "As for what happened, all I'm gonna say is Drunk Men." An idea popped up in my head, and I smirked. "I do, however, need a shower. Care to join me?"
Ai's face shifted to show confusion. "I wasn't aware that I needed one. Do I smell?" He asked. I let out a small laugh.
"No, Ai, you don't smell or anything. Sometimes couples bathe together, they may have intimate moments while in the shower or bath," I said with a blush, and Ai tilted his head.
"Doesn't that defeat the purpose of-"
"Ai. I love you, but I need you to throw logic and common sense out the window once in a while."
"Without common sense-"
"I want your company! So shut up and come shower with me." I finally told him, grabbing his hand and dragging him towards the bathroom with me.
I nuzzled into Ai's chest, feeling content being held in familiar arms. We had both washed up and were now just standing under the warm water.
"You seem to be much more at ease than you were earlier." I looked up at him and smiled.
"I feel a lot better than I did, I'm no longer covered in sticky syrup and alcohol. I'm in the arms of one of the two men I trust." I told him before pulling his head down to mine. Our lips met, and it was like a switch was turned, suddenly my back was up against the wall. One of his hands was at my hips, the other was tangled in my hair, pulling me closer to him. The kiss was full of lust and longing, and I couldn't help but return with equal force. I ran my hands up his toned stomach all the way up to entwine my fingers in his hair.
We parted for just a second to catch our breaths before diving back into the kiss. One of Ai's hands came up and gave my breast a soft squeeze. I moaned into the kiss, my core heating up with need. It had been weeks since I last did anything this intimate with either of my boyfriends. His lips moved down my neck, and as I pulled his hair, he let out a little moan of his own.
"You know, I'm not sure what I was expecting when I walked in here at 5 in the morning, but it wasn't this. I'm not complaining, as long as you plan on letting me join in." I looked behind Ai, and there the other love of my life, Ranmaru. He smirked and turned the water off.
"Come on, the bed seems like a much better place for this. Ai grab a towel." He ordered. Ai stepped back, still holding me in his arms, and glared at Ranmaru. I stepped out of Ai's embrace, out of the shower, and into Ranmaru's chiseled chest. Ai grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my shoulders before grabbing one for himself, and walking over to the bed and laying down. Ranmaru looked down at me, the sexy smirk he had on his face almost had me on my knees.
He scooped me up into his arms and carried me towards Ai and the bed. Ranmaru gently laid me next to Ai, who promptly began to attack my neck with kisses and love bites, his hands gently massaging my breasts. I bit my lips in an attempt to hold in a moan.
"Come on, Kitten, don't hold in those precious moans of yours." Ranmaru husked, his voice low and sexy, as he climbed on top of me. I whimpered as he began to finger my slit.
"De-Deeper!" I moaned out as Ai pinched my nipple. He was getting rougher with my body, moving from my neck to my ear.
"My sensors are going crazy; you’re the only one who can do this to me." He whispered in my ear, as Ranmaru slide in fingers into my pussy. I gasped at the feeling, it had been so long since the three of us did something like this.
"Ran-Ran-Ranmaru!" I manage to choke out between moans. He started to speed up, curling his fingers. I pulled his head down to mine and crashed out lips together. I was starving for his kisses, his body.
I was so lost in the kiss's heat and didn't notice the second that he stopped. I made a whining noise in my throat that turned into a full-on moan as I felt Ai start to lick and prod my cunt with his tongue. Ranmaru broke away from the kiss and began to suck on my nipple. I felt my core tighten.
"Ai! Ran! Pl-Please!!!!! I-I!" I shrieked, trying to tell them how close I was. Ranmaru looked up at me.
"Cum (Y/N)." That was all it took, I screamed, the coil in my stomach bursting. Ranmaru pulls me close as I come down from my high, and I hear Ai come and lay down by my side.
"I love you two so much," I said, panting.
"We love you too, Kitten," Ranmaru whispered, moving the stray hairs out of my face.
"Now get some sleep, we'll be here when you wake up. We have the day off tomorrow, don't worry." Ai said, caressing my cheek. I leaned my head into his touch, and grabbed Ranmaru's hand.
"Are you sure?" I mumbled, the exhaustion catching up with me. They both nodded.
"We can take care of ourselves."
"Just get some sleep, Kitten."
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yuzukahibiscus · 1 year
のせ様’s (No-se-sama) Documented Events (March 2023)
(Note: This was taken from “Eto-Bun” (えと文) section in March Kageki 2023. Eto-Bun is a section written by a particular sienne in each troupe to share some little stories about them or about their troupe every three months. In this cycle of January-March, Ichinose Kouki is the one writing for Flower Troupe.)
A little introduction to Ichinose Kouki for those who are unfamiliar with her.
Ichinose Kouki・一之瀬航季
Entered the Revue in 2014 as the 100th class. Her favourite roles include Oswald Vickers for "A Fairy Tale” newcomers’ performance. She was originally going to have a newcomers’ performance lead for “Haikara-san: Here Comes Miss Modern” in 2020 but it was cancelled due to the pandemic. Nevertheless, she went on Yuzuka Rei’s “Lock-On” Episode as a guest to talk about what she learnt from Rei, being Rei’s first “shinko kid” since she became Top Star. Later on in 2022, she starred in the Bow Workshop “Junjou” (or Complete Devotion) alongside with Mihane Ai as her partner. She also previously joined Minami Maito in her CAST side-A and was one of the members of Flor5. She will be performing with Minami Maito in her “One and Only” dinner show, also the final performance for Minami Maito as a Flower Troupe member before transferring to Senka.
Before you read March Issue, feel free to check the first two of three series in January issue here and the February issue here.
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Hi everyone! How is everyone doing!?
Very quickly we’re at our last entry of “のせ様’s Documented Events" this month. It’s hard to say goodbye but at least the underclassmen were finally familiar with calling me “Nose-san!” so Ichinose is very satisfied (check out the January entry for more details)😁 In this month, I’ll document some of the cheerful events as the last entry…✨
Everyone, please have fun reading it!
🌻 The stolen frill pants
Even though this is random, here’s some FYI✨ During the performances, we call the room for changing our clothes as the “Costume Department”, and inside the Costume Department, the room is divided into 4 teams: upperclassmen in Team 1, and middle-classmen are in Teams 2-3 while lowerclassmen use Team 4 and we change in our respective years according to this system.
Then one day…We heard Team 1 people yelling and laughing…! As we’re thinking what’s going on, Kureha-san was standing there wearing short purple and pink frill pants…(LOL).
Why is that! We started becoming concerned and interested with why she looked like that. Mon-san (Maizuki) and Shi-sama (Kazumi) also said, “What the heck~!!🤣” and was erupting into laughter all over again. Shi-sama asked Hito-san (Towaki) close to her and suggested “What if Hitoko (Towaki) also wears it?” Hito-san said, “I’m going to wear it😁✌🏻” (LOL). Then after that Kureha-san removed those frill pants and then again Hito-san wore it, and did various kinds of posing it with it. (LOL)
Then our Kumichou Aoi-san (Mikaze) also asked, “Whose pants are those! LOL” Rinno-san then replied very innocently…”🥺 They took it away frome me~😭” So it turns out this purple and pink frill pants are part of Rinno-san’s rockette costume. “Rinrin (Rinno). It’s no good if you don’t keep (your pants) well. This sight is bad for your eyes!” Aoi-san scolded and with that everyone was bursting into laughter even more. We laughed a little more and the adorable upperclassmen slowly left the scene.
So for our readers. Do take care of your cute costumes because if you don’t, the otokoyaku would be aiming to have them for themselves. Watch out😎
🌻The princess battle
For us Takarasiennes, when we send the graduates off, we have a wonderful culture of “Sending pure white decoration goods to the graduates 10 days before the Senshuuraku and give them a gorgeous goodbye”.
This time, apart from the graduates, there’s also one person leaving Flower Troupe. Her name is Minami Maito-san! It’s hard to say goodbye since she’ll be transferring to Senka, so we thought about creating even at least one or more memories with her! And with that, we assembled the underclassmen and thought about the “D-10 leaving plan”😎Hehehe,
The concept is groundbreaking…
It’s a Battle for the Prince in which “Minami Prince” chooses the “Princesses”💖  (LOL).
D-10. In the morning when we enter the backstage, everyone was getting ready for their fit. Seino (Asuka) was wearing a golden blonde holding a board which wrote “The Prince’s Women”. Tatsuki (Mio) was wearing pizza glasses. Sakino (Mion) did a sexy Showa Regent hair. Itotsuki (Yukiha) not wearing makeup. Natsuki held a board which was “IKEMEN STOP (*Cool guy, stop there)”. Kaito (Asahi) and Reaki (Mira) and Kagami (Seiju) borrowed some offstage musuemyaku skirts, Tsubasa (Anju) and Taou (Shun) and Futaba (Yuyu) wore several red, blue and green Afro hair and somehow also with devil horns.
…Well we’re not princesses anymore.
We’re just a terrorist group (LOL).
Of course for me I wore silver long hair and joined in by holding a board which wrote, “Please wink at me”. (NOTE: EVERYONE: THE TIME NOW IS PAST 8AM. THIS IS REALLY SCARY (LOL.)
Yuzuka-san was also invited to join half-forcingly to wear a tiara, everyone was ready. Everyone waited at the door of the backstage in standby, and the moment when Minami-san entered the backstage, the Battle for the Prince started. We also forcingly asked Minami-san to cosplay as a prince, holding a caned stick and we followed her as she entered into the backstage. Then afterwards, we finished by taking a photo.
As we were dismissed, we princesses asked Minami-san, “Who are you choosing~?😁💓” to which she repsponded…
With just one sentence “I will think about it” (LOL).
The Princesses’ battle is still ongoing. Prince Minami…😁💓 Can I wait for the day when you choose me? (LOL)
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🌻 The conclusion
Have you enjoyed “のせ様’s Documented Events”? I’d often be thinking if what I write could make someone happy…and I’ve been very happy for these 3 months.😌☘️
It’s not just about collecting these news stories, but also I felt that this is a section where I could document Flower Troupe in laughter and show you how healing this feels. It’s such a pity that I would have to delete the Stuck Memo in my iPhone. …That’s right!💡 I joked asking “Editor-san! Can I continue writing (Eto-Bun)?” But anyway for the readers who purchase Kageki, please stay tuned for the next month’s issue!
Everyone, in these 3 months…
Thank you very much☘️
From now on, I hope everyone would be filled with this laughter and healing love in this Takarazuka Revue LIFE!
From “Hanako” “Nose-san”
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ficsandpieces · 5 years
I have been waiting for this day yes yeessss. If you would please, I would like your input on if Papa QN has ever been caught by their kid while they and their s/o are "doing the do" or been someone kind of cockblocked by their kids lol.
I admit, I laughed so long when I read this, thank you Anon I love you so very very machocho XD XD XD XD
I headcanon that Reiji still goes out for date nights with his S/O even after having kids. He adores his S/O on a whole different level so he’d put every effort into keeping the relationship fresh, exciting and loving
He doesn’t really have any problems in this area since he gets it out of his system during the date nights which almost always includes a stay in a nice hotel somewhere :3
Reiji almost drowns his babies in hugs and kisses, saying goodbye before leaving them with the babysitter
“Daddy’s going to miss you two sooooo much~! Daddy promises to bring you back something nice so be good, okay?”
But sometimes boi can be horny on main suddenly have desires
He may attempt a quickie during the day
Or pour on the sultry charm while in bed when he and his S/O are getting settled in for the night or in the morning when he wakes up, rolls over and is greeted by the sight of his S/O asleep next to him and falls in love with them all over again
But his twins are really attached to their parents
Especially since seeing Daddy means it’s playtime
His children seem to get into everywhere so there’s no such thing in his house as a place for some quick, intimate privacy
He gets barely more than a quick kiss and a smoldering look in before there’s a tug on his leg and two pairs of eyes are staring up at him expectantly
(One time his kids climbed up somewhere and launched themselves at his back, setting off a mini-catastrophe involving all members of the Kotobuki family, the kitchen counter and Reiji almost ending up hospitalized due to spinal and muscle injuries)
The twins love good night cuddles with their parents as well, especially after Reiji’s returned from being away for work
Good night cuddles have a tendency to turn into ‘good night, sleep tight’ and snuggling down into the blankets between Mommy and Daddy, with Reiji melting at the sight of their sleeping faces and not being able to bring himself to carry them back to their own beds
He only gets to fulfill his wish of having private time with his S/O on the rare nights that his children are willing to go back to their rooms for the night
Also when they start school and start attending school camps or go on sleepovers at their friends’ houses
It feels weird not having his two babies hanging off him all the time at home, but he quickly gets over it and makes full use of the time for some quality time with his beloved best girl 😉
As mentioned in a previous headcanon Ranmaru and his S/O may have serious trouble with contraception, but that certainly doesn’t stop him from acting on his instincts when he feels like it
(He may not look like it but Ranmaru is actually the most knowledgeable person on birth control in his area of the country lol)
His kids, being older, can be pretty independent at night
Although they do still have a tendency to burst in on their parents whenever they can’t sleep or have bad dreams
Ran never has the heart to turn them away, although it’s been pretty close a few times now
(His son’s rebellious period came at an early age, and it was during that period of time when Ranmaru promised him that his door would always be open to him, hence why he refuses to lock the bedroom door despite the interruptions)
They love joining in to squish Mommy, especially when they catch Daddy doing it first
His son’s caught on to the birds and bees recently though, and has the good sense to lead his sister away from their room whenever his parents take a little too long to answer the knock on their door
On nights when his bed is invaded by his kids Ranmaru always means to carry them back to their rooms after they’ve fallen asleep, but the flesh is weaker than the spirit and eight times out of ten he falls asleep before his children, curled up around his family
The other two times are when he’s had sufficient naps during the day and so has enough energy to keep awake (and last through the rest of the night lol)
FYI Ranmaru’s the type to make up for lost time ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
This doting daddy is one who often dozes off with his daughter in his arms while reading to her by the fireside
Refuses to leave her bedside until he sees that she’s fallen asleep
He’s the one more likely to bring his daughter to bed with him rather than her having to climb into her parents’ bed by herself
It’s his S/O who more times than not has to coax him back to bed from watching over his daughter
In short, no problems for him when it comes to intimacy with his S/O after fatherhood
Baby loves sleeping with his parents
Would be waiting at their door when it’s bedtime, his blanket and pillow at ready to climb into bed with them
A typical exchange when Ai tries to get him to go back to his room:
“We’re trying to give you a little brother or sister. You would like that, right?”
“Oh… Is it fun? Can I watch?” his son asks with absolute innocence
Ai’s S/O suddenly expires from acute embarrassment
“No, you can’t.”
“Why not?”
“It’s a private thing between Mommy and Daddy.”
“You wouldn’t like it if people watched you when you go to the bathroom, do you?”
“Daddy and Mommy are going to pee-pee? In bed?” Now asked with a furrowed brow on his little face. “Why?”
Out of the corner of his eye Ai’s sees that his S/O has her face buried in her hands, her shoulders shaking with suppressed laughter
“Technically speaking, you are not that far off the mark…”
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catalystthis · 5 years
You and Ai look first at each other, then down at the squares of paper in your hands. The variety show that the both of you were on had handed you a box to draw from, the game being to act out whatever scenario was picked.
Ai flips his paper to face the audience. You and everyone else on stage can practically feel the wave generated by the screams of delight as the host announces “Kabedon!”.
You follow up with the same action for your pick. The screams escalate into shrieks that rattle the entire studio. You’re silently proud of yourself for somehow managing to keep a straight face when the host roars out “I like you!” triumphantly.
The studio staff are well prepared. You wonder if there was any chance of the box being rigged as you and AI stare at the plaster wall being rolled out from backstage for the kabedon. When you finally tear your eyes away from the prop it’s to find that Ai has stepped closer to you.
“Shall we discuss what we need to do for this game?”
You’re about to reply when the host interjects with a hand chopping the space between your faces.
“No discussions allowed! Spontaneity is the name of the game!” He points a dramatic finger at the wall. “Now go! Dazzle us with your skills!”
Going from the way he’s been behaving so far, you suspect that the host must be related to Shining Saotome somehow. Obediently positioning yourself so that you’re leaning against the wall, you cross your arms and wait, silently willing your heart to stop racing.
Ai comes up to you, his steps slow and measured, almost predatory. He’s near enough for you to see his pupils when he suddenly slams both his hands against the wall, framing your head. You knew this was going to happen, yet your heart still jumps uncontrollably in your chest when the shock of his palms hits the wall.
He leans in even closer. His lips shape your name, his voice low. You can practically feel his breath on your face. It is with great restraint that your knees don’t buckle.
Dimly realizing that it’s your turn now,  you take a deep breath. Your hands fall loosely to your sides. You nimbly duck under one of his arms and with the same action spin him around by the shoulders so that he’s the one now up against the wall. Your hand still on his shoulder, you make sure to bring your microphone up to your lips as you get closer to him.
“I like you,” You whisper as close as you dare into his ear in your huskiest voice. The piercing screams from the audience are a muffled roar in the background as you immediately let go and step back. Resisting the urge to flee backstage in embarrassment, you bow repeatedly in apology for your rudeness.
When you lift your head Ai is still staring blankly at you, one hand pressed against the ear you had mumbled into.
Half an hour after the show wraps up, you turn a corner and almost bump into Ai. Once again you find yourself apologizing. He stops you with a question.
“About just now…”
You’re frantic. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have been so violent--”
“No, I didn’t mean that.” He’s studying you, his face uncomfortably close to yours. He’s about to continue when your manager calls for you from behind. You turn to answer. When you look back Ai has straightened up, his eyes still fixed on you.
“It’s nothing. I shall research this further on my own.”
Confused, you nod awkwardly. You say a quick goodbye to him and turn again to go. Something lands hard on your shoulders from behind.
“See you.”
You spin around and gape, your face flooding with crimson right up to the tips of your ears, one hand mirroring Ai’s earlier posture of pressing against the ear he had just breathed into. Ai’s hands are still in the air from when you had thrown them off your shoulders. There’s the slightest smile on his lips and an amused light in his eyes.
“That was an interesting response.”
You can only scream in your head as he walks off.
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the-magicians-blue · 3 years
Ok last one (at least until I finish the last season…)
Kotobuki Reiji
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Don’t be fooled
He may act childish and naive
But he’s got a very serious and mature side to him. He flirts and teases you all the time
Likes to whisk you away on impromptu trips out of town when he has free time. He hasn’t been to Okinawa in a minute and he can’t go without his baby
The other members are so mean to him sometimes so he comes to you for comfort (though the members don’t know how much their comments hurt him)
He’ll sometimes wake you up with latin music and the playing of his maracas (it can be irritating sometimes but when he pulls you out of bed for a dance you can’t hep but indulge him)
The public only partially knows about you. They know he’s dating someone but the don’t know who you are or what you do. He’s an older idol so he won’t get in trouble, but paparazzi has been on his tail for a while trying to figure out just who you are
He doesn’t want you face all over the news unless you’re ok with it but definitely wants to make sure no rumors about him with any other idol pop up
Mikaze Ai
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He honestly doesn’t understand why he’s so attracted to you
For a while he just saw you as just another writer that works for Shining Entertainment
But ever since you got assigned to write a song for him he can’t seem to keep his mind off of you
Just what made you so interesting? Why did he feel the need to follow you around like a lost puppy? He has to know
He doesn’t quite get dating so if you ask him if the trip to the park you took was a date his response is “We’re going some place just the two of us, but I wouldn’t consider other times I’ve been one on one with someone a date. What exactly makes it a date?”
His members are constantly surprised with just how much time he spends concerned about the nature of his relationship with you
He almost had a break when Reiji said he was in love. He feels like he’s not capable of love because he never understood it
Kurosaki Ranmaru
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He’s so in love with you it kinda scares him
He’s always kept people at a distance and he just can’t seem to do that with you
You just wiggle into his heart every time and he’s not one to deny what his heart wants
He loves teaching you how to play instruments and has a good grasp on any instrument you’d see in a rock band (even though he main instrument is bass)
Every song you write for him is perfection in his eyes and he loves singing each one you’ve made for him
It scares his members how soft he is for you. Any time one of them mentions he visibly gets all mushy, muttering about wanting to see you
Reiji thinks you somehow broke him
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Aah the great Ice King
Everyone is so confused as to why you said yes to this man
His members secretly think you own him something and this is how you’re paying your debt
He’s just… so mean… at least to his members
They don’t see you together often so they don’t know that this man SIMPS for you constantly
You are his queen and you should be treated as such. The only person who’s really seen how Camus really is Cecil (they share a room)
He makes the poor prince run errands for the both of you
You want a hard to get cake cause it always sells out? Don’t even think about lifting a finger
Camus will make Cecil go get it >:3
You feel bad for the kid so but when you offered to get it yourself Cecil claimed that he at least liked you and you made Camus a little nicer so it was the least he could do
This of course made Camus jealous and he only bullied Cecil more after
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silenceofthecookies · 3 years
Cookie, hi! 👋🏼 I saw requests open for UtaPri and I just had to request something from you if you don’t mind! :>
As always, you’re free to ignore this, but may I ask for some Quartet Night and what it’s like to be their precious composer? •u• I’m sure they’d be some protective boys and never let their composer leave their sight. Agh it’s be so cute! fem! reader if you don’t mind?
I haven’t brushed up on your rules so I’m very sorry if this isn’t too specific or detailed for you. ;-;
Hi Syd! Of course I don’t mind! I’m super happy to be writing some more for utapri! Usually I limit headcanon requests to 3 characters, but I’ll make an exception here because I couldn’t possibly split up the lovely men of Quartet Night 💖 Enjoy! 
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First of all, being Quartet Night's composer would be hard work. These guys are pro's, but they were brough together by Shining, not by friendship. As their composer, your job is not only to create music for them, but also to keep them together a little.
There is but one way to unite them as one front: whenever someone is threatening you or flirting with you. Or just getting too close to you, for that matter. You are THEIR composer, and everyone else needs to stay away from you. If anyone treats you wrong, they've got 4 men stepping in to tell them to back off, sometimes politely, sometimes not so much.
Every Quartet Night member has a weak spot for you. You create the most beautiful songs for them based off their preferences and personalities, much better than any composer-for-hire they've ever worked with. Because of this, they're all nice to you in their own, unique, way.
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You're one of the few people Camus shares his sweets with. Whenever possible, he asks you to join him for his afternoon tea. If a new song needs to be written, or if he needs a woman's advice on a job, he likes to take these opportunities to ask you. Otherwise, teatime will just consist of a pleasant chat or a comfortable silence.
You're also the only one he trusts with his dog, Alexander. He'll ask you to watch him if he's out for a long job and if you want to, you're allowed to walk with him whenever you want. Alexander is super attached to you as well, almost as much as his owner is.
Camus is the type to have long conversations with you about the song you composed before he starts writing the lyrics. What were you feeling when you wrote the piece? What were you thinking about? Did you have a theme in mind already? He wants to bring your message across to his fans as best he can.
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Reiji is constantly showering you in compliments. It can be about your skill, about your appearance, about your professionality,… it doesn't matter, Reiji will find something and he doesn't let a single day pass without complimenting you.
Hugs. Hugs everywhere. Reiji is a very affectionate person, and he will often hug you as a greeting, when he's happy, when you're sad or tired... basically, at any excuse he can find. If you're shorter than him or around his height, he also likes to stand behind you and rest his head on top of your head or shoulders.
Reiji is your absolute hype man. Whenever you're having trouble creating or finishing a piece, or where you're feeling demotivated, he will be there to cheer you up, cheer you on or even to brainstorm a little with you. When you finish a piece, he's already praising it after the first few notes.
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Ranmaru is an amazing cook, and he knows it. That's why whenever you're near him around any time you need to eat, and he has the energy, he will offer to cook for you, on the condition that you eat together with him. His rice omelet is to die for.
He is especially grateful that you're his composer. Most composer in their branche of the industry don't know how to write a good rock song. Either they sound like some big rock hit, or there's no soul in them at all. Because you know him and his style so well, you deliver the best rock songs with all his emotions in them.
Though he's no good at actually helping you compose things, whenever he notices you're having a block or when you just can't get something written, he will drag you out of your room and distract you. No use forcing things when it isn't working right? He'll help you get some fresh air and some laughs, so that hopefully after that, with a different mindset, you'll be able to get something done.
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Ai is a very perceptive man, and it shows. He's constantly paying attention to the little things about you and because of that, he often helps you before you can even ask anyone for help. You're about to say you're cold? Ai's jacket is already on your shoulders. Low on energy? Ai is already holding out a healthy snack to you. You need a nap? He'll sit down next to you so you can use his shoulder as a pillow.
If you're looking for objective feedback on your pieces, Ai is the best person to go to. The other members of the band love your music unconditionally, and will excuse any parts that aren't perfect. Ai is the same, but if you ask him for any points to improve on, he'll analyze ever part of the piece and give you some good feedback. He doesn't sugarcoat his opinion, but he makes sure to not hurt your feelings either.
Ai actively avoids conflict with the other members of the band when you're around. He'll ignore things they say or do that he'd usually comment on, and even help you and Reiji calm Ranmaru and Camus down if needed. They may not always get along great, but he doesn't want you to get caught up in their arguments. With his logical arguments and calm mind, the situation usually calms down pretty fast.
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sweetleaf-cafe · 3 years
Hello! I would like to order a Mikaze Ai Mocha Biscuit please 💕
I would be delighted to have some relationship headcanon for him, with both a female and male s/o (if possible)
Thank you!
Alright, so here, I’m going to leave the gender undefined, since I don't really see him as someone who will really act that differently towards his s/o either way. Still, either way, we hope these are to your liking! 
First off, he's going to be rather confused.
Love is something he's heard of, but it's not really something he was expecting to experience.
(And he also overheats every time he really thinks about it.)
Still, while he may not quite understand exactly what his feelings are, he'll be quite open with you.
Ai will tell you that he wants to spend more time with you and that he wants to learn more about you.
(With absolutely no shame, like at all.)
It's going to be the others that actually tell him that he likes you.
(They just tell him, because they're tired of watching him knowingly pine for you.)
After thinking through what the others say, he'll probably overheat, but will come to the same conclusion.
Afterwards, he'll probably be more attentive to certain things, and will try to figure out whether you like him or not.
To decide that, he'll do quite a bit of research on how people act when they have a crush on another person.
After said extensive research, he'll watch for said signs.
Which often include him watching your heart rate, eyes and just generally how you act around him.
If he does see you acting differently around him, he won't hesitate to ask you about it.
"I see that your heartrate is higher than usual, why is that?"
(R.I.P. you if Natsuki or Reiji is around, lol.)
Also, meet parental Ai!
He's going to be rather critical of you.
This is because he wants you to be at your best, and one of his ways of trying to help you.
This also means scolding you if he thinks you did something unnecessarily risky or idiotic.
While said scolding is usually delivered with a straight face, you can still tell that he does it out of worry for you.
Still, when you do good, he'll also communicate that.
Occasionally, when he does this, he'll say so with a small, but genuine smile.
He'll often invite you to basically hang out with him, but he won't officially ask you out on a date until he's sure you like him back.
When you are just hanging out, it's usually stuff like going out for a walk, if it's not raining, or gaming.
When it comes down to it, you'll likely be the one to start the relationship.
As Ai is someone who has a preference for being confessed to rather doing the confessing himself.
However, if you don't, Ai will.
Likely, it'll be somewhere where others aren't really around.
Because he's probably read online that it's better if you do it somewhere special, he'll probably do it during something like a festival or something to that extent.
The whole time, his heart will most definitely be pounding, and you might even catch him stutter a few times.
The actual confession will be rather to the point, but also very... sweet.
It's actually really adorable.
Very much your turn to be blushing and stuttering.
From there, dates will be whenever he has time.
Though oftentimes, he can't, due to his rather demanding work as an idol.
Dates can range anywhere from a night in watching a movie, to going out ice skating.
(Ai skating is very very cute. ///>w<///)
Overall though, the kind of date Ai would enjoy the most is one where he gets to experience something new with his s/o.
Actually, he's probably one of the most affectionate out of the cast.
When he can be, he might as well be attached to you by the hip.
Absolutely has no problem with PDA, though he relatively careful to not initiate it at the wrong time.
(Mainly when he's in front of the cameras.)
But is he going to turn down affection from you?
Heck no.
When it comes to physical affection, be prepared for hugs, hand-holding, headpats, whatever you can think of, he's probably done it.
Still, the most adorable reactions you can get from him are probably if you give him a nose boop.
For a good few seconds, he'll probably just stand there, without blinking, trying to process what just happened.
As he figures things out in his head, you'll see his face grow progressively redder.
He'll likely stutter for the next couple minutes, so enjoy!
Also, Ai blushing.
He doesn't typically blush, but if you do something especially cute or if he thinks about love in general, his cheeks and ears will turn an adorable pink.
Usually, when he blushes, he has a habit of looking away, due to him being a bit embarrassed.
If you mention it or tease him about it, Ai will actually pout a bit.
But it's honestly really adorable, so you do it anyways.
Just make sure to make it up to him with cuddles.
And he LOVES cuddles.
True cuddlebug.
Ai just really likes the feeling of being close to you, and so will often ask for them.
Usually, you're the one holding him.
It makes him feel safe and comfy.
He will also nuzzle you, it's honestly adorable.
When he does this, it just means he wants to be closer to you.
Often, when you cuddle, there might be a bit of talking, but generally quiet and in the moment.
Overall, cuddles are 10/10.
When it comes to handholding, he will often do so, having read about it online.
When he first read about it, he didn't really get it.
Ai just didn't really understand it.
But as soon as he slid his hand into yours, he's hooked.
When he can, he'll try to initiate handholding.
At first, he'll be slightly awkward about it, but as time goes on, it becomes natural and he doesn't even think about it.
Ai's hands are actually very soft, as he is made to be the perfect idol, and so takes very good care of them.
His grip is firm, but not too firm.
Enough to remind you that he's there, without giving you the death grip.
At first, he might be a bit unsure about it, but over time, he doesn't even think about it as his hand naturally falls into yours.
In general, handholding with Ai is soft and fluffy and amazing.
As a boyfriend, Ai is pretty casual with you.
He just wants to know more about you and feel closer to you, so he'll often observe you.
(Not in a creepy way.)
Also, once you find out he's an android, he likely won't think too much of it.
You'll likely find out when he malfunctions or something of the like happens.
However, if he does mention it to you, it's likely before you enter a relationship.
And moreover, probably when he's struggling with it.
If you're close to him, he may go to you about it.
Just pls, during these moments, just be soft with him.
Overall, Ai is a very sweet, cuddly, and overall amazing boyfriend to have.
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writer-akihiko · 3 years
Chapter 8 - Pasts [Quartet Night]
This chapter is tagged [#spoiler for days] due to spoilers from certain Utapri games. Warning, the chapter may contain: Mentions of bullying, medical conditions [infertility]
Chapter 9 →
Camus Cryszard
He was incredibly open about his past as frankly there was not much too it. He did promise to bring you to his home country, and he spent the whole time describing the place to you.
"It sounds lovely..." You said. "My past is also not too special."
He stroked your hair. "Surely it is greater than mine. What made you think it was so bland?"
You replied. "I don't know... I was bullied in my childhood but that's about it."
"You were WHAT?!"
Camus went in a fury, cursing out the incompetence of people. You asked him to calm down, saying you'd explain the situation.
"Camus, everyone simply teased me for wishing to be a conductor. However, I took it as a challenge," You said, soothing him. "I swore I'd prove them wrong and become what they said I'd never be."
He sighed in relief. "This fact only proves my affection growing stronger. You will certainly reach it."
You kissed Camus on the cheek for his sweet encouragement. "And I hope you're by my side when I do."
Ai Mikaze
The both of you technically confessed your pasts when you replied to Ai's confession. However, you were still hiding some part of your own... The fact that you were infertile.
You had told Ai that you had a doctor's appointment and you would bring your son with you. He insisted that he watch over your son for you. You agreed, sending over your son Mitsunari to the Quartet Night dorm.
You came back, prepared to tell Ai the news.
"Mama!" Your son Mitsunari ran up to you. He had jumped out of Ai's arms and hugged you.
"Was it fun with Aine today?" You asked. He nodded. "Mitsu can you play with Reiji for a bit? I need to talk to Ai."
He ran off, searching for the other members of Quartet Night.
"What is it that you wish to speak about?" He asked.
"My... appointment. Well, the reason for my appointment," You said. "I... I'm infertile."
He kissed your forehead. "I still love you the same. It doesn't make a difference."
You couldn't help but break out into tears. "I'm sorry Ai... It's just... I've been abandoned in past relationships because of this..."
He held you close. "You and Mitsunari are enough for me." You let it all out, crying on his shoulder.
Reiji Kotobuki
You had a late shift, having so many appointments today with your senior. Your shoulders and feet were sore from running around. Your hands were also tense from wrapping wounds and emergency stitches.
You walked out of the locker room. You checked your phone and saw many missed calls and messages from Reiji.
Reiji was speeding towards you and tackled you in a hug. "YN... You're okay... Thank God..." Reiji shivered, starting to cry on your shoulder. "You're okay..." He repeated over and over again.
"Reiji?" You hugged him back, still confused as to why he was acting like this. You patted Reiji's back, getting him to calm down. You were trying to stop him from hyperventilating and collapsing on you. Reiji's breathing evened out and you finally popped the question.
"Reiji... why were you so worried?"
"I... Iー" He trembled once again. You soothed his back, comforting him. The two of you went into Reiji's car and Reiji finally told you the story.
"Before I debuted with Quartet Night, I was in Saotome Academy with my friends Aine, Hibiki and Kei..." He explained. "Aine made it big earlier than us. He was a famous idol, but we still kept in touch. But one day, he disappeared..."
Reiji's body shook with agony once more. "You don't have toー"
He reassured you. "No. You deserve to know. Before Aine was reported missing, he called me. And I... I missed it because of an audition. That's why... when you didn't answer me, I thought I lost you like Aine..."
You pulled him into a hug. "I can't promise you anything Reiji if something happens at work... But I won't vanish from your life without telling you goodbye."
Reiji held your cheek in his hand and brought you to a bittersweet kiss. "Thank you YN. I love you so much."
Ranmaru Kurosaki
He had shown you a few of his photo albums of the past and you decided to search for more of it. You dug around and found a bunch of different band posters with different members. The only thing that struck you was that Ranmaru was always in the band.
"Oh... you found those," He said. "I won't be cruel to you by hiding the reason."
"So what is it? And why are you always in it?" You asked, unfurling one.
He sighed. "I hopped from band to band. They would always disband and leave me..."
It struck you. It was like you, who left him too. "I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"For leaving you when you really needed it. Your mom wrote to mine about how you went into debt and how you worked so hard on getting your family back up..." You said. "If I had known what you did..."
He leaned on your shoulder. "Don't blame yourself. I'm not blaming me either," He said. "At least I found you again." He twirled the necklace you made.
Chapter 9 →
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shining-imagines · 2 years
OOH can I please get “how they flirt” with Quartet night!!!!!!!!!!!
of course!! im sorry this took so long ive been working a lot BUT here it is!! i hope you enjoy!!💜💜💜💜
Reiji Kotobuki
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so we all know that reiji can be very romantic and flirty, so he is definitely the most flirtatious out of all the quartet night members!
his flirting style is overall very playful, for example he likes to tease you and enjoys seeing you get flustered
he just laughs whenever you get embarrassed because he honestly thinks its adorable lol
looooves calling you pet names such as “darling”, “angel”, etc as an affectionate way of letting everyone in the room know that he has eyes for you and no one else
can also be pretty physical like gently placing a hand on your chin and leaning his face closer to yours or putting his arm around you and pulling you closer
he is definitely a bit over the top with his flirting at times, but he cant help it! he just wants to see you smile and doesnt care what anyone else thinks!
basically he will flirt with you in literally any and every way possible lol
Ranmaru Kurosaki
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so ranmaru is definitely more physical when it comes to flirting and has a lot more confidence when flirting this way as opposed to using words
has absolutely no shame and will straight up back you against the wall and stare into your eyes deeply, paying no mind to how flustered you get
but he isnt always super intense like that, sometimes its as simple as him putting an arm around you as a protective gesture so you feel safe
he isnt as confident when it comes to flirting with words, he finds it much easier to show you how he feels with his body BUT he will still try his best!!
most of his verbal flirting is done unintentionally, such as him making remarks or comments that end up flustering you even if that was not his intention
the problem comes when he tries to flirt verbally on purpose
he actually gets pretty choked up and will be REALLY corny and cheesy, he would probably take pick up lines straight from a movie or something in an attempt to be romantic hehehehe
dont bully him hes trying his best!!
Ai Mikaze
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oh boy so ai does NOT know how to flirt 10/10 hands down does not know what the heck he is doing lol
the hard part for him is figuring out how he feels about you and how to go about pursuing you, so even if he did know how to flirt he wouldnt be the type to flirt that much anyway
he would honestly do like really small and polite gestures like holding a door open for you or sharing an umbrella with you or giving you his jacket, just little things to let you know he cares for you but not necessarily flirting
he might also flirt with you unintentionally quite often, for example by pointing out how you are blushing or how cute or beautiful you look
but once he becomes more confident or at your request (after you start dating) he will start to be a bit more playful and curious, flirting with you more purposefully
when he does flirt intentionally it will be more verbal and will very rarely be accompanied by small physical gestures and displays of affection
he would do whatever it takes to get better at flirting if that is what you want though, he just wants you to be happy!
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camus totally has the mindset that he does NOT need to flirt lol, he isnt really the romantic type or at least in public
he can come across as a bit cold because of this, and once he realizes that you arent getting his hints he will actually put some effort into trying to flirt with you
really bold right off the bat, he can be a bit awkward and stiff but overall is not too bad at quite literally sweeping you off your feet
like he would just scoop you up and take you away, real prince-like lol
but also his natural flirting style (which he doesnt even realize or will admit it flirting) is basically just doing acts of service for you, fitting of his butler persona
pretty direct and straight to the point in telling you how he feels, instead of flirting with you for a prolonged period of time he will just confess early on
but yeah so he doesnt really flirt too much unless he makes a conscious effort too, thats just how he is lol
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2weebswrite · 2 years
Uta no Prince Sama Horde
None yet
Head Cannons
None yet
Merry Me? (Ranmaru Kurosaki x GN-Reader)
None yet
Back From the Bar (Ai Mikaze x F-Reader x Ranmaru Kurosaki) (NSFW)
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utxpri · 3 years
I cant find the rules so I hope this is within the boundaries :0 can I get little HC or a mini scenario of QUARTET NIGHT asking out their crush? Thanks so much keep up the good work ❤
Yep, it is! o3o And for reference, the rules are here~
. . . 
When Ai takes your hand, you startle a bit. All afternoon, spending time with your friend, you’ve gotten the feeling that something’s up... and this is even more proof that something’s going on. 
Ai takes a deep breath. His eyes close for a moment, and then—
“I like you,” he says simply. “The feelings are... unusual for me, but they’re true. I’ve wished to be more than a friend for a while now. If you would consider a date with me, I’d be delighted. If not, um, pretend I didn’t say anything.” He ends his speech with a soft, awkward smile. 
Seeing Ai flustered is rare. You’re stunned for a moment. He looks so hopeful that there’s no doubt in your mind what your answer will be. 
“Of course. I... feel the same, I think. You’re always so nice to me.” A smile of your own is given in return. You squeeze his hand. This is doable. Surprising, yeah, but you never thought it would actually happen. 
Instantly, Ai’s face lights up. The relief in his eyes is visible. 
“Thank you. I’ll be sure to make it memorable.” His hands are soft and cool against yours. You can feel yourself flushing. 
Reiji’s crush on you is so obvious it hurts. Yours might be just the same, but considering that neither of you has been able to voice it yet, maybe not. 
You really, really want to try, but you’re apparently too much of a coward to ask the guy out directly. 
But every day, you get hugs, compliments, and a very clingy man who seems dead-set on soaking up as much of your attention as possible. You can’t complain. Reiji’s good nature is infectious, and you always wind up in a better mood when you’re around him. 
“Hey, um...” After Reiji pulls you into a hug as he usually does when he sees you, his voice suddenly turns nervous. “Ah, I just gotta say it... Let’s go on a date!”
That’s... not what you were expecting. With his face hidden from your view and you in his arms, Reiji really just asked you out. It’s not like you didn’t see it coming, but this is sudden. 
“Aha, you can say no if you want to.” Even though he still sounds cheerful, you can feel his disappointment. 
“Not what I meant, Reiji. You just startled me a bit.” You hug him back, nice and tight. “Of course I’m saying yes. You should know by now that I’ve been crushing on you just as much as you to me. I’m just glad you finally asked.”
When you think about it, you’ve... probably been “dating” Ranmaru for a while. Neither of you has said it outright, but your spending time together has looked more and more like dates for a while now. 
It’s just been a matter of waiting for him to say something. 
And after watching some dumb action movie just to complain about how bad it is, while you’re leaning against his side in a way that’s not entirely a friend thing, that moment finally happens. 
“Hey...” Ranmaru starts, sounding vaguely nervous. 
He inhales deeply, then sighs. “Guess I just gotta spit this out... Do you want to date me?” It’s blunt, it’s direct, and you blush. 
“Where d-did this come from?” you ask even though you already know the answer. It’s just... you want to hear him say it. You want him to admit that he’s liked you for this long.
“You get it. We’ve spent all this time just not saying anything, so I finally worked up the guts to ask. Didn’t want to ruin things by admitting it, so I held off. You’re gonna accept, right?” A smirk crosses his lips, but it seems to be more hopeful than anything. 
“Yeah. There’s no way I wouldn’t.”
You know that something’s up. Camus is being nice. Weirdly nice. 
And yes, you appreciate him being less of a dick than usual, but you also, y’know, like him the way he is. Being on the receiving end of his ‘customer service’ act is just kind of bizarre. 
And around the time that you’re certain he’s planning something, Camus takes you out for lunch. It’s a fancy-seeming sweets cafe where you feel almost out of place, and that’s the last straw. You can’t take this weirdness any longer. 
“Alright, what are you planning?” you ask. 
Camus’s polite smile drops. “Was I that obvious?”
“Like a neon signboard saying ‘this isn’t normal’.”
He sighs. “I suppose I didn’t handle this in the most seamless way. Very well. I’ll say it outright. I’ve developed feelings for you and was planning on asking you on a proper date.” His tone is more like the Camus you know, but the words make you pause.
“Wait, really? I can kind of see it, but really?” You’re going to say yes. You’re totally going to say yes, but you at least need to make sure. 
Camus nods, looking too embarrassed to repeat himself. 
You hug him because there’s no better option right now. And no better way to make your ‘yes’ clear.
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artxpriimagines · 3 years
🐚Spring-shells on the Spring-shore. Ai x Reader.🐚
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Anon asks: Hello! I hope you're having a good day! May I request reader collecting seashells with Ai at the beach? Thank you! Of course hun! Hope you enjoy this one :) This was really wholesome to write out and I really enjoyed making the artwork, so thank you anon  ❤️ Here’s to the first request on the blog! Ai x Reader Word count: 725 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Spring”. A peculiar season, he thought to himself as the cyan haired boy perked up at the sudden crack of sunlight through the dreary clouds that loomed and gloomed all over. Once a grey blanket now a gleaming shade of blue. What else do we know that is blue? “The ocean. Let’s go and see it.” This prompted Ai for an early trip to the beach. It wasn’t even summer yet, but what’s the harm in that when it would be perfect for just the two of you? “Would you like to go?” Of course you said yes, going anywhere with Ai was a haven for you! His peaceful, kind yet peculiar demeanor made you feel at ease. A squishy feeling arose inside you as your cheeks gleamed a cute pink, causing his turquoise gaze to follow you. “You are strange…” His words caught you out of your little daydream only to have you timidly respond. “Strange…?” “Yes. Strange...But it’s somehow endearing. I wonder why that could be. Either way we should get going, sundown is approximately at 6:15pm. It is currently 5:07pm.” “Strange? You’re the strange one!” ...or so you wanted to say however you already found yourselves out the door. He would always find a way to unintentionally put off the mood. Oh well, at least you had each other! ------------------------------------------------------------ “...this is why great white sharks are incredibly skilled in catching their prey.” Sigh. As much as you love Ai’s ramblings about his interests, it’s already been a while since you both arrived and all you’ve done is listen intently as to what he has to say. “What’s wrong? You look down. Did I say something rude? Would you like to talk about something else? I have plenty of information about other topics in my database if that were to interest you.” At that point you were already looking elsewhere, the grainy beige floor before you covered in different colours and shapes dotted all around. “Shells!” You yelled out in amazement turning towards the porcelain boy, now taken aback by your sudden remark. “Let’s collect them together!” “Again, you’re being rather strange. They’re only shells. Then again I suppose I haven’t done too much research on them before.” Ai proclaimed which triggered your earlier thought. “You’re being the strange one! We haven’t done anything fun since we got here, come on!” Your eyes fell upon a beautiful lilac shaded shape in the sand, picking it up you presented it to him. “Look! Isn’t this one just gorgeous?” He’d never thought of it before. What was it about these things that fascinated you so much? Especially these shells, why were you so excited? Either way he gently took hold of the delicate object, as if it could break at any second and observed. Well, he could see the appeal due to it’s gentle soft colours and cute shape, it was very reminiscent of that of a feather. “It is rather cute isn’t it?” He finally muttered after a good long look. You could’ve sworn he’d cracked a smile, like a little blue mona lisa.  “Hey, look at this one.” You snapped back into reality as he pointed out another shell that looked the same and then handed it to you. “The shape looks a little like a feather wouldn’t you say? But if you were to put them together like this…” The boy proceeded to line up his piece almost perfectly with the one that was sitting edge-to-edge in between your fingers. “A heart!” You exclaimed as your face lit up from the realisation. “Almost like it belongs together. They match up quite well don’t they?” Whatever that meant, he responded with wonder plastered on his face. Ai had yet to figure that out. “Let’s go and see what else we can find shall we? It’ll be dark before we know it.” This activity had definitely piqued his interest. But he never expected to feel what humans call this emotion: happy. Why? It wasn’t the shells, or because the ocean was here. It’s because he was with you. He liked that. “Okay.” A smile landed on your face one more as you both strolled along the golden coast to continue your little scavenge, a gentle breeze brushing through your hair as you both held those oh-so delicate shells, carefully, closely. 
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utapriandyou · 4 years
Halloween Date with Ai
When this boy had heard that a Halloween festival was being held soon, he delved into the internet to research what the event would be like. He quickly came by the information, that a lot of people take a date to these festivals, naturally you had come to mind. He was very pleased when you had accepted his invitation, determined to make your evening amazing to its full potential. He researched the ultimate Halloween date for days, pondering which costumes would be optimal. He came to the conclusion that matching costumes was a romantic thing to do on such dates, so he wanted to try this out with you.
He comes to pick you up at your home precisely on time. His movement stutters for a second as his mind has to process how stunning you looked in your outfit, and thanking he had done he research to come to the decision that this type of matching outfit would be the best. It was absolutely true.
He had brought you some flowers as a present, seeing your happy reaction to them pleased him greatly. He was going to make sure you had the best Halloween date ever.
Despite all his research, he was still very curious to experience all these Halloween festivities for himself, so Ai was eager to take you to do spooky activities such as going into the haunted mansion! Ai doesn't particularly get scared, but if anything makes you jump and press into him for comfort, he puts an arm around you in concern, rapidly jotting down mental notes. Afterwards he asks you if anything is wrong with worry in his eyes. He wants to make sure you are having fun of course, rather than being afraid.
Once he is sure everything is alright, the two of you go to browse the stalls of the fair. Ai sees a lot of new things, and asks you about all sorts of items. Once you get to the food stalls, he offers to buy you something nice to eat. When you can't choose, he comes with a solution. The two of you would get any snacks that caught your eye, and do research into Halloween food together!
Once Ai is sure he has checked all the activities off his checklist and you did everything you wanted to, Ai proposes for the two of you to come back to his house. Once the two of you arrive there, Ai quickly has all the things ready for you, and the two of you settle into bed happily, spent after such a long day. <3
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ficsandpieces · 5 years
It’s Mother’s Day over where I am, so happy greetings to all the mothers out there!
papa!QN and Mother’s Day:
You wake up to an Extra-Special Kotobuki Breakfast in bed, lovingly prepared by Reiji and your twins
Your children cuddle up in bed with you, still in their pajamas as Reiji tries to feed you (you wonder why he’s still in his pajamas as well. Turns out that Reiji didn’t want to risk waking you and had also predicted that cooking with his twins would be a supremely messy affair, and so hadn’t seen the point of changing out of his sleepwear.) 
They excitedly point out which parts they helped to make with Daddy proudly boasting that your children will be ready to take over the Kotobuki diner in a few years time 
You obediently admire the card that your children made for you that came with the breakfast, this time with Reiji pointing out the parts that he helped to make
(”You know they’re supposed to make it themselves, right?” “But it looked like fun! Look at all the stickers we managed to squeeze on to this page!”)
Reiji instructs you to kick up your feet and take it easy today, he and the kids would take care of everything
Cooking, cleaning, waiting on you hand and foot: your every wish their command
You enjoy a day of being constantly hustled back into the most comfortable chair in the house each time you’re caught doing anything remotely resembling work, with Reiji actually scooping you up in his arms and carrying you back once while lecturing you in the sternest voice he can manage as you laugh. (You note how reluctant he is to actually put you down later and deliberately wind your arms around his neck. This results in him taking you on a brief tour around the house before finally setting you down.)
You try your best to shut out the sounds of what is supposed to be Reiji and your twins cleaning the house but sounds a lot more like they’re having a party
Dinnertime comes around with another Kotobuki Special, this time served with a bouquet of mini carnations and a kiss on the cheek from your twins and your ever-loving husband
“Thank you for making my dreams come true, my best and only girl.”
It’s the noise from outside that wakes you up today
Your sleepy appearance in the kitchen has Ranmaru surprised and biting back a swear because he had planned to have breakfast ready and on the table for you by the time you usually woke up
But he hadn’t counted on the fact that having your children help out with the cooking would actually delay the process rather than speed it up
Extra hands do not make light work in this case lol (Small puddles of milk all over the place, little hands coated in pancake batter, the mountain of dishes and cookware in the sink were a silent testimony to the trials Ranmaru had undergone while you were blissfully asleep)
Your two children tug on your hands and lead you over to the table 
Ranmaru, still in his apron, sets down a plate of a surprisingly passable looking breakfast in front of you
You reach up and playfully wipe off a bit of batter that was on his nose with a finger, chuckling as you do so. The blush on Ranmaru’s cheeks is as red as the huge bouquet of carnations he awkwardly gives you afterwards
“Thanks for staying with me and the squirts. Let’s keep going strong together, alright?”
You begin the day with an elegant breakfast in bed, fit for a queen
Camus activates aggressive!butler mode for the entire day: you get to order him around for the day but he retains the right to talk to you as he normally does
He gives you a magical crystal snowflake to summon him with whenever you require his services, but you discover to your chagrin that to Camus, providing you with his services for twenty-four hours basically gives him the right to shadow you for the entire day
You almost suffer from more than a few heart attacks when he suddenly appears behind you and asks if you called for him. 
“I did not! Stop doing that!” 
“Then cease using the crystal, fool. You seem to find great amusement in summoning me for absolutely no reason.” 
“I haven’t even touched it! Look, it’s still in its box!” 
“What even is the point of me giving it to you then? I am absolutely sure that I adequately explained its use in such a way that even you understood. Has your meager mind so quickly forgotten my instructions?” 
“Camus, please, just leave me al--” 
“Very well. I am feeling generous and shall instruct you once again. Be grateful, open your ears and pay attention.”
Your daughter plays a duet with her father as the second part of your Mother’s Day gift, the combination of cello and harp going right to your heart
When you retire for the night (finally released from Camus’ stalking) it’s to find your room filled to the point of overflowing with carnations of various colors and sizes
There is a heavily embossed card on the table, signed off by both father and daughter
“Although it is an honor for you to be the mother of my chlld, it is still only right to thank you. You have mine and our angel’s gratitude for your affections towards us. Rest assured that your feelings are duly reciprocated.”
Your son proudly hands you a booklet of handmade coupons, availing you of his and Ai’s services with no expiry date
“Our son might not be able to do much for you due to his young age but I’m sure that my help would make up for it.”
You get a live performance as well, your boy adorably making up in enthusiasm what he lacks in everything else
Ai patiently instructing him from the side, because apparently your son is deviating from what Ai had painstakingly choreographed and rehearsed with him weeks ago
Both of them present to you their own bouquets of pink carnations, one large and the other in miniature, the smile on Ai’s face warming your heart
“Thank you for creating our little miracle with me. Let us make more memories together as a family.”
[EDIT]: Meanings of the flower colors here!
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casualpastelgay · 5 years
Title: Aishiteru
Pairing: Ai Mikaze x Reader
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2292
Type: Smut
Notes: I was surprised at the reaction to the possibility of me writing some smut for Ai, since there’s not much reader insert Ai stuff out there I decided to just fuckin do it before the inspiration left my body. Contains: teasing, biting/marking, cuddling, fluff, cunnilingus, oral sex, fingering, edging, and kissing. Hope you enjoy!
You jiggled your key in the lock of the door to the flat you shared with Ai, balancing an overfilled bag of groceries against your opposite arm as you finally pushed the door open.
“Oh, Ai.”
He was standing almost directly inside the doorway, barely missing getting smacked in the face with the door as it swung open.
“You’re late.” Ai spoke in the same way he typically did, a rather cold voice you’d grown somehow to treasure above all else. He tapped at the watch on his wrist as you walked past him, then promptly reached out to grab the haphazardly held grocery bag from your arms and carried them to the kitchen.
It was quiet for a moment before Ai spoke again. “I was worried about you,” he appeared almost shy as he admitted it to you, peeking around the refrigerator as he quickly and efficiently stored the groceries in their proper places.
You appreciated his honesty, it had taken a lot of his own strength to be able to confide in you about things, especially with how he was so used to drawing away from people to be alone. Now that the two of you were an item, he had increasingly gotten more and more used to the idea of spending time with people even though he saw himself as so out of place.
“Sorry, I should’ve told you I stopped to get groceries.” You walked up to help Ai put the grocery items in their place but he waved you away, almost done with it himself. A seemingly record time.
A small, but genuine smile graced his lips as he turned towards you, the ruffle of cyan hair covering his eye on the right side of his face. “Thank you for being by my side,” Ai half-sung the lyrics as he approached you, carefully brushing his fingers over your face in a somewhat timid show of affection.
You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him in close for a hug. “I couldn’t imagine being beside anyone else.”
Ai took the opportunity to pull you in for a kiss, starting out with a soft feather-light touch of his lips that grew into a deeper one with little urging from yourself.
“I wouldn’t want anyone by my side other than my Angel…” Ai breathed, his tongue brushing lightly over your bottom lip.
It was different for him to be this bold initiating romantic gestures, but you offered no complaints as your lips parted to let his tongue twine gently with your own.
Ai sighed, a beautiful sound, almost moreso than the voice he used to sing to you when you were troubled, reminding you how much you truly meant to him. It was something he had a much easier time expressing through the emotion in his songs than just plain words. The songs he sang just for you, whispered softly in your ear, always ignited a bond deeper between the both of you. It was so tangible it could almost be touched.
After a few more moments, or minutes, you couldn’t really tell, of being lip-locked with the man you’d never thought you’d win the heart of, he led you over to the couch.
You sat down on one end, watching Ai as he curled up next to you, much like a cat would, and rested his head on your thighs. He stared up at you, cyan eyes wide open as he thought about how lucky he was to have someone he felt truly understood him.
“Is your battery low?” You inquired, weaving your fingers through his hair as you playfully ruffled it so it covered both of his eyes.
Another small smile, this one closer to a smirk, played on his lips. “It isn’t now that I have you here.” A tinge of pink colored his cheeks, just barely there, but you knew him well enough now to have caught sight of it.
He laid in your lap, his eyes slowly closing, until he spoke again. “Angel?”
“Hmm?” You had been mindlessly playing with the frilled up hair that was now a mess, sticking in virtually every angle it possibly could.
Ai sat up in a quick motion, catching you momentarily off guard. You were about to ask if he had heard something but were cut off by a soft kiss to your throat that made a gasp bubble up from between your lips.
“You like being kissed there.” Ai spoke so matter-of-factly that it made your cheeks red, only intensified by how he didn’t move his mouth from that spot, slowly sucking and nibbling until you had to push him away to catch your breath.
Ai’s nose was less than an inch from yours as his gaze analyzed you. “Why did you push me away, you like that.” The sly look on his face told you he wasn’t asking a question that needed to be answered.
He craned his neck to get to the same spot again, drawing his tongue over it to sooth the hickey he’d left there, you clutched at his sleeve, straining the impulse to push him away again because while it did feel so nice… It always left you wanting more.
Ai knew this, as he knew most things, especially how to get you in the mood. The looks he gave, the way he spoke, the places he touched. He knew your body so well he could cause you to come undone with only a few specific touches. But it being that quick… It was no fun for him.
“Angel,” he paused for a moment, drawing his face back again. “Would you like me to continue?”
Ai already knew what the answer would be, of course yes, but he always asked just to be sure. He was still a bit wary with intimate interactions, always wanting to make sure you were comfortable. There were some things, even with his intuition, he wanted confirmation of.
“Yes.” Your reply came with a soft breath, already a bit drunk on Ai’s scent and the touch of his lips against a particularly sensitive place on your body.
He lowered himself, slowly picking the buttons on your blouse open, glancing up at your face every few seconds to check that you were sure. The quick pounding of your pulse should’ve given him the confirmation, but he had learned to be so careful as he learned how to better interact with other people.
Ai removed your blouse fully, leaving your bra intact for the moment. His fingers grazed your skin, zeroing in on the places that made you shudder the most. “Here, right here.” Ai breathed, licking playfully at a spot just under your bra that made you groan in anticipation. He nipped at the skin there, distracting you as he nimbly reached behind your arched back to tug at your bra straps until they unclasped.
He practically clawed it off your shoulders, as eager as you were for him to continue exploring your body. Ai’s hands rested on your bare waist repositioning you so you were laying on the couch and your head supported by a pillow.
“Angel, you’re beautiful.” Ai breathed, climbing on top of you and positioning himself so his head was held just above your breasts.
He started with his fingers, slowly tracing in circles from the outer edges of your breasts, completely avoiding touching your nipples until you were squirming in anticipation. “This is where you like it, right?” The question was absolutely rhetorical.
Ai finally took one of your nipples between his lips, massaging it sensually with his tongue as he continued to tease your other breast with slow fingers circling around its peak.
“Aiiiii…” You complained, causing him to laugh softly, as he switched his lips to your other nipple, generously massaging the opposite breast with his palm.
You were trembling with all the points Ai could pick out, he was always right, the calculations in his actions both excited you and destroyed you, especially knowing how much more there was to come.
He nibbled on your collarbone, wrapping his strong arms around your back to lift you slightly which made your head tip back, exposing your neck to him.
A strangled noise left your throat when he bit into your shoulder, sucking another deep mark. Then again. And again. Your head spun as he dotted your neck and shoulders with love bites you weren’t sure how you’d conceal. But in this moment, you didn’t care. All you wanted was more.
Ai slowly retreated down your body, licking and nipping as he traveled between your breasts and down to your stomach. Your lower body quivered in anticipation which he obviously picked up on, spending his time lazily drawing his tongue over your skin and sucking more marks onto you.
“Oh my god, Ai,” You groaned, getting increasingly more impatient as you squirmed, your hands tightly wound in his hair.
“Hmmm~?” Ai raised his head to meet your watery eyes, the calculating look on his face mixed with the sly expression that only came out when he knew he was messing you up only made you want more. “Is this not enough for you, precious Angel?”
You didn’t need to reply, Ai was already busying himself with undoing your pants, slowly, slowly, pulling them off, brushing his fingers along your legs all the while. It was driving you crazy and he knew it. He reveled in it.
Ai’s fingers brushed against your inner thighs, already spread open with how much you needed attention in the one spot you knew he’d continue to avoid until you were a wreck. “Now, where was it…” He breathed, his fingertips searching for something he knew well, but he always loved to draw it out. To make you anticipate his next move. “Ah, here.” He teasingly pinched your thigh, making you yelp as the place was sensitive to the touch. The slight pain from the pinch was immediately taken over by Ai’s lips, massaging and suckling on the spot as your back arched, hips bucking uselessly as you tried to grab at his hair to direct him to where you wanted him.
Ai pulled his head back up, detangling one of your hands from the grip on his hair and intertwining his fingers with yours. “Let me pamper you, Angel, I know how rough your day has been.”
He was right, you’d been out all day at meetings. You must’ve ran between three buildings at least a few times playing messenger for the higher-ups that apparently didn’t know how to use their cellphones to contact each other about paperwork.
Ai massaged your thigh as he continued to speak. “You’re only ever this late to get home when work has stressed you out, and I’m touched you thought to pick up the groceries we needed even after being so busy.” He moved his position so his face was right above yours. “Aishiteru,” he breathed, before locking you into a passionate kiss. Ai rubbed his thumb over your shaking hand as he continued to kiss you, deeper, and deeper. He nibbled on your lips, his hands exploring your body once more.
Eventually, he pulled away, moving back down your body with another sly smirk on his face, which half turned into a flustered expression when he was between your legs. “Well, you won’t need these anymore…” Ai teased, while somehow still keeping his voice a classic monotone. He slipped your panties off, the cool air quickly replaced by the heat of his tongue. Ai held your legs apart, suckling on your clit as you trembled and grabbed at whatever you could manage to hold onto, which wasn’t much other than the couch cushions and his hair.
You groaned Ai’s name, over and over, like it was the only word you knew how to say. His tongue steadily ravished you, causing the coil in your lower body to tighten, but whenever it almost hit, he pulled back to nibble on your thighs.
Through calculations, Ai knew the longer he made you wait to orgasm, the better it would feel for you. As much as he enjoyed teasing you on the occasions he got to, he had to restrain himself from giving you what you wanted right away. It was a new feeling for him, a lack of control. But since it was you, he knew it was ok.
It may have been only minutes, maybe half an hour, maybe hours. To you, it felt like an eternity of edging until Ai slipped his fingers into your soaked entrance, angling them perfectly to massage your g-spot. “Angel, cum.” He whispered against your clit, then began to suck on it deeply as he fingered you. It took mere moments for you to arch your back and release, and he continued to pleasure you throughout your release so much that the pleasure almost hurt.
You panted, collapsing back onto the couch once you’d finally gotten back to earth from wherever he had sent you. To heaven, perhaps. Maybe hell, it didn’t make a difference to you. As long as he was with you.
Ai pulled off his shirt, tossing it off to the side as he grabbed a soft blanket with his other hand. He nestled beside you on the couch, tracing your collarbone with his fingertips as your breathing got back to a steady pace.
His lips brushed against your ear as he softly sang to you, a song he’d written just for the two of you to share. It lulled you into a state of such comfort you felt like you were floating. Ai’s arms wrapped around you as he whispered the words he’d told you time and time again.
“I love you.”
Want more? Visit my [masterpost]!
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