#aisha is to pure to be sexy
snarky-art · 2 years
🍆 Aisha
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Forgive me I don’t feel too comfy doing much intentionally purely “sexy” work on that many characters that aren’t my own so I opted for it being in a pose and a dress that I think would make her feel more free as well (not that those things can’t be synonymous for people, I just don’t feel like it is for Aisha in my winx stuff)
Aisha definitely doesn’t hate dresses, but after having to spend so much time in traditional dress for court stuff she doesn’t always have the best associations with fancier attire, especially if it involves longer garments and certain materials. That being said having a longer dress with more “modern mainstream” fashion trends? Oh yeah she’s here for it.
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sherchloex · 5 years
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And there is the second part of your present @unicornaffair <3
2 years so you get 2 presents
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yandere-society · 4 years
Sugar Rush
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Synopsis: You thought the breakup had gone well, but your ex-girlfriend Yoonji didn’t seem to get the message. When you go out with friends to party on Halloween night, you encounter Yoonji in an unexpected way – and you discover just how far she’ll go to get you back.  
Pairing: Min Yoonji x Reader
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: Yandere themes, blood/mentions of blood, stalking, restraints, safeword violation, torture, suicide mention, gore
Headline: Woman In Sumo Wrestler Suit Assaulted Ex-Girlfriend In Gay Pub After She Waved At Man Dressed As A Snickers Bar
Admin: @psycho-slytherin​
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
“Ooh – gah!”
“Y/n?” Mia pokes her head into the kitchen. Her pupils are pure black, and she looks to be crying blood. “What happened?”
“Ugh, I think my mom sent me these roses and I pricked myself on a thorn,” you reply, sucking on your bleeding finger irritably. You lay down the card that came with the bouquet, which reads See you soon! “You look great.”
“Thanks! I’m a student.” Mia steps forward to reveal a school uniform shirt, sweatpants, and flip-flops. 
“Cause I’m stu-dying, get it?”
You snort. “Very nice.”
“What are you? You haven’t changed!”
You sigh. “I don’t think I’m going to dress up.” You can’t shake Halloween’s association with her.
“What? But 66 Below has their ‘free drink for a costume’ thing going on. C’mon, why not?”
You shrug, looking at your bleeding finger. Roses always seem to have it out for you. “It was our anniversary.”
“Wait, is this about Yoonji? Y/n, you broke up with her! If you regret it so much, get back together. The girl was head over heels with you, I’m sure she’d be down.”
You shake your head. “I’m not getting back together with her. Definitely not.” You and Yoonji were together for three years, long enough that you had started wondering if it would turn into forever. As time went on, however, you began to notice unnerving little quirks in her behavior. She was scaring you, and you ended things soon after. “Besides, she was always so neurotic that I would cheat on her with a guy.”
Mia rolls her eyes. “Biphobia at its finest. Well, fuck Yoonji. It’s been months – now get dressed. It’s Halloween, and we’re going out! Besides, Aisha is meeting us there.”
You laugh. “I don’t have a costume.”
“I have an extra that I brought with me – it’s an unnecessarily sexy angel, it didn’t fit my sister. Try it!”
Angel. That was Yoonji’s name for you. You sigh, dragging yourself away from the traitorous roses and following Mia down the hall.
Soon enough, Mia is putting the final touches on your makeup. “Ooh, you’re glowing!”
“I don’t know why you sound surprised when it’s your fault,” you retort before catching a look at yourself in the mirror.
You’re wearing a white silky babydoll dress – the kind that you’d only wear in the bedroom. She’d love it. You’re sporting white fishnets and feathered wings, with a golden headband resembling a halo to complete the look. Mia has done your makeup expertly, with lots of rose and gold, so that you look perfectly angelic. You add your favorite rainbow earrings for some added pride. Still, the outfit…
“Isn’t this a little… risque?” Yoonji would never let you wear something like this out.
“I don’t want anyone else laying eyes on my angel,” she would croon in your ear. “You’re all mine. I’ll never let anyone else touch you.”
“It’s Halloween, Y/n, as long as the goods are covered you’re set.”
You peer out of the window. The sun has set, and groups of kids are out in spades for trick-or-treating. You used to love Halloween – it had always been your favorite holiday, long before you and Yoonji made it official four years ago.
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
She stared at you for a long time. “Do you promise never to cheat? You’ll be loyal to me alone?”
You laughed. “Of course! I like you, I want to date you!
“In that case…” She leaned forward and kissed you. Her vampire costume meant you got fake blood all over your lips. “Happy Halloween, angel.”
“Okay. Let’s go.”
Mia nods. Her black contact lenses are… well, they’re not unintimidating. You’re glad to be able to spend this Halloween with her, and not worry about your ex-girlfriend.
66 Below has long been your and Mia’s favorite LGBTQ bar. With its live music, pride flags, and vintage decor, you feel as though you’re stepping into an extra-queer period piece.Yoonji never liked it; she thought it was too crowded. Tonight, almost everyone is dressed up in costume, enjoying 66 Below’s 'first drink free’ policy.
“Mia! Y/n! Over here!” Mia’s girlfriend Aisha gets your attention, waving at you from a booth. You’ve never encountered a more loving couple, and you know Mia’s planning on proposing to her soon. Aisha is dressed as… “Wait, what is she wearing?” You ask as you and Mia join her. Aisha looks like she printed a graded school paper onto white clothing, complete with red marks and typos. Over her heart is a big red F. In response to your quizzical glance, Aisha points to the F.
“Geddit? I’m a failing grade! I specifically wanted to be a final exam, but…”
You laugh. Mia and Aisha must have coordinated that. You scan the bar and note you’re not the only angel. There’s also some devils, ghosts, animals, anime characters, Iron Man, a Snickers bar, two Harry Potters, and – of course – inappropriately sexy children’s cartoon characters. You love Halloween.
“Y/n, c’mon, let’s grab drinks,” Mia says, but her eyes seem unwilling to leave Aisha’s. Their love reminds you of yours… or, what you thought was love. Towards the end of your relationship, you began to realize Yoonji’s idea of love was very different from yours.
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll get yours. What do you want?”
“You sure?” When you nod, Mia reels off her order. You approach the bar, smiling at your favorite bartender. “Hey, Jaewon!” 
“Do mine eyes deceive me, or is that Y/n beneath the halo?”
Jaewon pretends to be blinded. He’s dressed as what you can only assume is slutty Mario.
“Shush, you. I’ll have an IPA and a margarita, please.”
“Sure thing.”
As you’re waiting for your drinks, the person in the Snickers costume slides into the seat next to you. “Nice costume, angel.”
You stare at him, a brow raised. If you weren’t at a gay bar, you’d think he was flirting. “Thanks, Snickers.”
“Who are you here with?”
You nod at the booth, where Mia and Aisha are now kissing intensely.
“Y’all poly or are you third wheeling?”
You laugh. “The latter. I’m not the relationship type.” Not anymore. Not after you realized how you were so easily manipulated into thinking Yoonji’s behavior was love. But the way she would kiss you, and whisper sweet nothings in your ear, tangling her hand in your hair…
“Yeah, I get you. Couples’ costumes are scary by default to me,” the Snickers jokes. “Perfect for Halloween. I’m Namjoon, by the way.”
“Y/n. Are you here with anyone?”
Namjoon glances around. “I was here with my buddy, but I think he left to fuck one of the Harry Potters. Which is funny, now that I think about it, since he was dressed as Dumbledore.”
You snort. “Oh my god. Well, if you want a group to join, I’ll be third-wheeling over there.” Jaewon reappears with your drinks and a wink.
“I might just take you up on that, angel. Happy Halloween!”
“Hey!” Mia says, finally coming up for air. Miraculously, her bloody tears have stayed put. “Who was that guy you were talking to? He seemed cute!”
“He’s probably gay,” you remind your friend. “He was sweet, though, I invited him to come over if he wanted to – his friend left him. Is that okay?”
Mia and Aisha glance at each other. “Actually, we were wondering…”
You look at the two suspiciously. “Yes?”
“There’s this event happening at 4Sooth,” Aisha says, referencing another bar downtown, “Where the best couples’ costume gets a cash prize. We were thinking… well, zombie student, failing grade…”
Oh. Why did you come here in the first place, then?
“Yeah, you guys totally have a chance!” You offer with as much enthusiasm as you can muster. “Should we go there?”
“The thing is…” Aisha looks at Mia, who shows you the event announcement on her phone.
“Well, the other prize is a night in the ‘Halloween Suite’ at the hotel next door, y’know?” Mia says quickly, a note of pleading in her voice.
Ohhhh. “Right, okay. So… I’ll just stay here, then.”
“Are you sure?” Mia asks anxiously. You can see her on the fence between guilt and excitement.
“Yeah, it’s fine!” You insist. “I’m good at making friends. Have fun!” Just because you have to be alone on Halloween, doesn’t mean Mia and Aisha can’t have a good time.
“You’re the best, Y/n, I owe you!” Mia gives you a quick kiss on each cheek before she and Aisha head out. As soon as they’re out of sight, your smile slips from your face and you sigh, nursing your beer. It’s Halloween, what would have been your and Yoonji’s fourth anniversary, and you’re alone at a bar. Pathetic. You turn to costume-watching, admiring the Big Bird, Dorthy from The Wizard of Oz, a sumo wrestler, and several queer or genderbent characters from all sorts of media.
Namjoon, the Snickers, is looking at you from his seat at the bar. He raises a quizzical brow at the now-empty booth, and you roll your eyes and shake your head in response.
He purses his lips, tipping his glass in acknowledgement.
Wonderful. A bar of candy pities me. You wave, motioning for Namjoon to come join you. You were both alone – why not?
Almost as soon as you lower your hand, several things happen at once: a blur of tan crosses your vision; you hear a loud BANG, and feel a sudden, incomprehensible, searing pain shoot through the back of your head; something warm trickles down your face; there are lips against your ear, whispering words you can’t understand; far-off shouts and screams; and the world goes dark.
“Told you that you’d cheat… you’re just a whore for them… but now you’re all mine again.”
“Mmnn…” you groan, blinking hard. Your head hurts – everything hurts. You feel like you’ve been hit by a truck. You’re lying on something soft. Did you go to bed? You move to rub your temple, but your wrist is tugged back by… rope. Rope? Your eyes widen and you begin to struggle furiously against the restraints, yanking until you feel your hands are going to detach themselves. “What the fuck?” Your wrists are tied to bedposts. Shit. Were you drugged? Was it Jaewon the bartender? “HELP! Somebody! Help me!” Your shoes are gone, and – oh, no – your white dress is stained and splattered with blood. Yours? When you try to pull yourself up, your vision floats before you. You can feel warm blood trickling down your head, tickling your scalp. You fall back onto the pillow, trying to force your vision to focus. “Help me…”
Suddenly, you hear heavy footsteps, and a voice that makes you freeze.
“Looks like I nabbed myself a pretty little angel. Talk about fallen from grace, right?”
Your cries for help freeze in your throat. “Yoonji?”
And in walks your ex-girlfriend, the blow-up sumo wrestling suit deflating around her. That flash of tan… so she was there, at 66 Below. Her pristine black bob hasn’t changed in the last few months, and her makeup is perfectly done. As the suit empties, she steps out of it, wearing her favorite outfit of black tights and skirt with a cream blouse.
“Let me go,” you croak. Your heart feels like it’s being squeezed in her fist. Your fighting spirit seems to have evaporated in the face of the woman you once loved. It doesn’t make sense… or does it make too much sense? You knew she was possessive – it’s why you ended things. But this? “Yoonji… please. Please.”
Yoonji pretends not to hear you, instead walking around the bed to inspect your restraints. Of course, now that you’ve collected yourself, you recognize her bedroom. In fact, it’s not your first time being tied to these same bedposts.
“Red. Yoonji, please, red,” you try desperately, hoping the safeword might make her relent. For a moment, her cool expression falters. It’s quickly replaced with raw fury.
“You want to try calling red?” She snarls, looking right at you. “You cheated on me. You broke up with me!”
“I never cheated!” You cry, kicking out at her in vain. “You always thought I was cheating on you – I didn’t do anything!”
“I saw you,” she replies, raising a hand and bringing it down hard on your cheek. Your head jerks to the side and you can taste blood. Your face is on fire, it must be, how can it hurt so badly? “It’s our anniversary. I saw you wave at that candy bar.” Another slap leaves your jaw aching. “Fucking whore, do you flirt with every man you see? Girls like you can never be faithful.”
“We’re not together anymore!” You yell, pulling hard on the ropes. They’re much stronger and more coarse than any Yoonji has used with you before, and you bite back a yelp of pain at the rope burn. Your head hurts so much, and your chest is heaving with anxiety. Is she going to kill you? “You’re insane. Let me go – they’ll find out I’m gone. They’ll call the police.” After you and Yoonji broke up, you moved in with Mia. Surely she’ll be concerned when you don’t show up.
Yoonji laughs softly. It’s the way she would laugh when she had a secret. “Well… you did text your housemate to tell her you were going home with the Snickers bar. She’s not expecting you – and that contest is going to keep her at the hotel all night anyways.”
Your heart drops into your stomach. How does she know? “What text? Where’s my phone?”
Yoonji lazily fishes your phone from her pocket. “You really haven’t changed your password?”
“Give that back! Let me go!” You twist your hips and kick hard in her direction, scoring a tiny victory when your phone goes flying from Yoonji’s hand. In the split second that she’s leaned over to retrieve it, you try to see if you can feel any slack at all in the ropes binding your wrists. Yes! There’s something. Maybe your situation isn’t hopeless after all.
Your spirits fall by the wayside when you see Yoonji rise with a terrifying smile on her face. “What a frisky angel, you like to kick, don’t you? Maybe I should tie those lovely legs too.”
“No- don’t touch me! Yoonji, c’mon…” your voice breaks when you see her pull a length of rope from her closet. “W-what are you going to do with me?”
“What am I going to do with you? Exactly what I’ve always wanted to. I’m going to make sure no one else will ever touch you again. You’re mine, angel, you always have been.” Yoonji reaches for your legs and you kick wildly, desperate to escape. Your heart feels like a racehorse in your chest, and sheer adrenaline numbs the throbbing pain in your head.
“Stop… struggling!” Yoonji hisses furiously as she makes a grab for your foot. “Ungrateful bitch. Why are you always trying to get away from me? All I did was love you!”
Now. You slam your heel into her chin, and her head snaps upward with the force of your kick.
For a second you feel like she’s about to crumple to the ground, but instead she lowers her gaze to stare into your soul once more.
“That wasn’t very nice.” Yoonji massages her jaw, and when she speaks, blood drips from between her lips. She begins to pace around the bed, avoiding your kicks. “Bad angel… maybe you’re just a devil in disguise, huh? I always knew you were a dirty fucking liar. And you didn’t even say thank you for the roses.”
The roses? Your eyes widen. See you soon. They were from her? “Fuck you,” You say in response, surreptitiously tugging and relaxing the slack on your right hand’s rope. “I never cheated. You were just scared that I could love men and women. Well, guess what? I loved you! For years, until I realized you never loved me back.”
“What?” You see horror cloud Yoonji’s face. “You fucking bitch. ALL I did was love you!”
You shake your head, determined to keep her talking. She’s out of range of your kicks for now. If you could just get your hands free…
You feel suddenly woozy. Are there two… no, three Yoonjis? Shit. Now is not the time for a concussion.
“You never loved me. You were obsessed and insane. Don’t you hear yourself?” You say, your volume increasing. You know the walls are well-insulated, but she’s still in an apartment complex. Maybe the neighbors will hear? Another tug on the rope. You twist your wrist, and for a second you can feel it loosening. “You only wanted me so that no one else could have me!”
“You’re lying.” Maybe it’s a reflection of your bloody dress, or the blood dripping from her mouth, but for a second her eyes seem to shine red.
You shake your head. You’ve almost got a hand free. “You’re the one who’s lying, Yoonji. You’re lying to yourself.” Dizzy again. “You – ngh – you can just let me go. I won’t tell anyone.” Almost got a hand free. How long has it been?
Suddenly Yoonji is looming over you. “Ah, but you forgot.” She spits at you, and a mouthful of scarlet blood hits the white pillowcase. Some of it splatters on your cheek. You keep tugging at the tie around your left hand. It’s much tighter than your right. She’s rummaging in her bedside drawer, and that look in her eyes… you’re scared. “I might’ve let an angel go, but you decided you’re not an angel. You’re a devil. And where do devils belong?”
“That’s right.” Yoonji shows you what she’s retrieved: a lighter. She walks around the bed to the bottom right corner of the duvet. “Devils like you should stay in hell.”
“Yoonji. Yoonji, what are you –” She lowers the lighter to the duvet, and you see the cloth begin to smoke before a small flame forms on the bed, flickering but gaining in strength. “YOONJI!”
“I told you, Y/n.” Her voice is lower than you’ve ever heard it as she wipes more blood from her chin. “I’ll never let anyone touch you again.”
“C’mon, please, this is too much,” you say, your voice bleeding into hysteria as you thrash around, trying to kick the burning blanket away from your body. The fire begins to grow, and in your frenzied movement you accidentally burn your foot. You jerk away, yanking at the ropes on your wrists. You’re wearing fishnet stockings – if those catch fire, it’ll travel all the way up your body in a flash. “Let me go! Let me go, you psycho!”
Yoonji makes a pouty face. “Poor baby. Let you go… or what?”
“Please!” You shriek as the fire grows, the smoke now visibly rising from the bed. “Yoonji, I’m sorry, please, please…”
“I missed hearing you beg, my love. What a delicious Halloween treat. And if you need to blame anyone…” Yoonji pauses and smiles. The blood has gotten between her teeth, giving her a terrifying undead look. “Blame that Snickers bar.”
With that, she leaves the room and closes the door behind her. Fuck. You tug furiously at your right hand, where the rope has significantly loosened. You can feel the heat from the flames, dangerously close to you. “C’mon, c’mon…” You’re not going to die here, what a terrible headline. Who would write your obituary? You fight through another wave of dizziness. “Fucking hell!” With effort that leaves your muscles trembling, you wriggle your right hand out of its ties, and it quickly flies to your other hand. Maybe you’ll survive.
Unless she locked the door. Yoonji is four floors up. From that height…
You quickly work through the knots on your left wrist, which Yoonji tied so tightly you can’t feel several of your fingers anymore. Faster. Your nails are broken from tearing at the rope, and at one point the nail on your middle finger catches and gets stuck fast in the rope. The fire has spread to the carpet, and thick, black smoke is billowing up. You take a deep breath and brace yourself for the pain – it’s nothing compared to burning alive – and yank your hand back.
“Gah!” It’s a furious pain, for so small a point. The fingernail is ripped off your finger and hangs there as your nail bed bleeds freely. You force yourself to keep moving, to undo the knot or rip the rope off completely but the pain makes it hard to breathe…  or is it the smoke quickly filling the air? With movements made jerky by panic, you at last find a loose end and pull it through the knot. The rope around your wrist loosens and you’re able to slip your hand out. You’re not going to think about the fact that you can’t feel three of your fingers or move them properly. You’re free. You look around wildly, rushing for the door. You rattle the handle, but it’s locked. You can try to kick through it? But what if Yoonji is on the other side of the door, and shoves you back into the flames? The window next to the bed is locked too. But… You bend down and, straining, lift her entire bedside nightstand up. As soon as you stand your legs wobble and threaten to collapse, and you feel blood continue to drip down your neck and back. You stumble, almost to the window, but–
“Ugh-” You lose your grip and the nightstand crashes to the floor, almost on your foot. At that moment, you’re tempted to break down completely. What if you just… gave up? If you go through the window, you’ll probably die in the fall. Through the door, if you can even kick it down, and Yoonji will surely be waiting for you. You could just stay here, where at least death is a merciful certainty.
No – what are you thinking? You have to live. If you die, Yoonji will be free, and you won’t be able to tell your story. If you die now… she wins.
You adjust your stance and, arms trembling, lift the nightstand once more. The air is getting harder to breathe, you don’t know how much longer you have. You heave the nightstand at the window and it crashes straight through the glass, smashing down onto the street four stories below. Wait – the street. It must only be a little past midnight, because you can see some teens and adults still walking the street in costume. Passersby!
“HELP!” You shriek, waving your hand. You’re cut and bleeding in several places from flying glass, and you surely look fit for Halloween.
Wait. Hang on. One of the adults laughs and points up at you. “Great costume!” he yells.
“No, no, no…” the smoke is getting thicker, the fire closer. “Please- please help!” What you need to be a strong yell comes out a broken sob. “There’s a fire! Please help me!”
Two groups seem to realize it’s not just a Halloween prank, and you see some people whip out their phones to call the police. Several more rush forward, but clearly have no plan other than to stand beneath the window.
The police will take too long. You blink through the smoke, which is now visible through the window. You will not burn alive. And you won’t let Yoonji walk free, not after this. You brush the broken glass away from the windowsill and carefully step onto the ledge, a bleeding angel in the night. Your wings and white dress glow in such contrast to the walls that it looks like you’re flying.
You hear gasps and screams, and a “Don’t jump!”
Idiot. As though you have a choice. No, you only have one choice left, and you’re making it count. “My name is Y/n L/n,” You yell, forcing down a smoky cough, “And the person who killed me is Min Yoonji!”
No time to think. You step forward off the ledge, closing your eyes. Forty feet isn’t that far to fall, maybe you’ll make it.
Fucking Snickers bar.
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i guess this means that i, too, am saved by the bell.
having watched six episodes in a row yesterday because i could not stop (until i finally forced myself to because the thought of being out of new episodes in one day was too sad), may i just take a moment to ARDENTLY recommend the saved by the bell reboot on peacock! i think people would really love it ‘round these parts if they knew about it, so here i am, spreading the word!
you don’t have to have seen the original show to be able to follow it; i remember being briefly smitten with the show as a kid but retained absolutely NO information from it (except “i’m so excited! i’m so excited! i’m so ........ scared!” and the vague impression that slater/jessie was my love/hate otp), and it’s super entertaining regardless.
it’s VERY sweet, very goofy, rocks some glorious rapid-fire dialogue, has a great time poking fun at the surreally privileged environment of bayside high, and has some great representation. the show’s premise is that a lower-income school gets shut down (due to some nonsense from ‘guess i’m the governor now!’ governor zack morris) and three of the students get transferred to bayside; daisy, who is latina and has major type A high achiever energy and is really not here for any of bayside’s very white nonsense, is our new point-of-view, talks-to-the-camera character. her classmates who come to bayside as well are her best friend aisha (girl on the football team, making coach slater’s dreams come true by actually being the first talented football player in bayside history!) and devante, who uses the opportunity to reinvent himself at a new school to join drama club. this show also features a trans main character -- lexi is the resident mean-girl-with-a-heart-of-gold and so INDESCRIBABLY delightful, played by absolute comic genius josie totah -- and it’s so wonderful to see trans representation in a lighthearted comedy!
there are also MANY himbo shenanigans afoot courtesy of mac (zack & kelly’s son, who describes himself as ‘dennis the menace but sexy’) and jamie (jessie’s son, 100% pure-of-heart himbo), who are keeping the bonkers original saved by the bell spirit alive by participating in endless schemes and shenanigans
plus, i get to watch teacherly colleagues guidance counselor (dr.) jessie & coach slater be friends who are clearly falling in slowburn love anew ‘cause jessie’s husband sucks and needs to go, which is personally very important 2 me
in my humble estimation, peacock is worth it for this show, ap bio, and escape to the chateau alone (and, i guess, THE OFFICE now), but also i’m Terrible at not caving and getting every single new streaming service that exists, sooooo.
but this show is wonderful!!!!! please come watch it with me if you’re feeling the need for a sweet new comedy in your life!!!!! i have no idea what the odds of a second season are, but i hope such odds exist. this one has been VERY slept on, my friends!
(it was made by tracey wigfield, the same woman who made great news, a tragically canceled-too-soon adorable comedy masterpiece. and also, if you haven’t seen great news either, hop to! it’s on the netflix!)
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podfic-love · 7 years
The Losers: This Side of Paradise by RevolutionaryJo
Rec by tinyalmond
Fandom: The Losers Characters/Pairing: Carlos "Cougar" Alvarez/Jake Jensen Rating: Explicit Content Notes: None Length: 1:42:36 Performer Links: RevolutionaryJo Author: thefourthvine Cover Artist: RevolutionaryJo Summary: "I'm a good boyfriend," Cougar said.
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Reccer Notes: Written by thefourthvine, This Side of Paradise features fake dating from a hilariously spot-on Jensen POV. It's one of my favorites from The Losers fandom and made of pure happiness. The podfic was posted at the beginning of the year and immediately shot up to the top of my repeat-forever-playlist. In hindsight, it's one of those where I sort of wish I hadn't already read the fic first, just so I could revel in both the story plus the full glory of RevolutionaryJo's performance at the same time. But even then I was pretty much hit in the face with how awesome it was upon my first listen-through.
RevolutionaryJo's performance is clear and flawless - all the Jensen narrative & dialogue is perfect, urgently tumbling all over the place, making everything that much more hysterically funny. But even beyond the perfectly acted word-vomit Jensen, the other character voices are also great: Cougar is low and has a sexy accent, Clay is frustrated and growly, Aisha is judging, the villain is annoying. The intro/outro music has to be mentioned as well, a highlight of the excellent production values throughout the entire podfic.
Fanwork Link(s): At AO3
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jamalgreene325-blog · 7 years
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 Aisha sat in her office reading mail, and searching for any information concerning Jamal. Aisha used a different last name at times to hide the fact they were family. That came in handy when she got the job working in the commissioner’s office and they didn’t take notice during his trial. She kept the connection secret by sending information through third parties and when she visited him, she used his old girlfriend’s name. She could inquire about him through the commissioner’s office and at the Department of Health.
Aisha was in deep thought about her brother when she heard a knock on her office door; Nancy came in with some documents pertaining to Jamal Heart.
“Aisha these came across my desk this morning. Girl I think you should read them.”
Nancy and Aisha are close friends from school and Nancy was the only one who knew of Jamal and Aisha’s relationship. As Aisha read the papers, she noticed that Jamal was transferred to a prison in Florida. The place was kept secret because of the prisoners who were held there some of the most dangerous criminal in the country; suspected terrorist from around the country.
“Aisha someone pulled a lot string to have Jamal shipped there,” Nancy said.
“But who Nancy and why?”
Aisha knew who one of them could be but didn’t know who else could be involved. When she did finds out death was going to be the price. Their souls belonged to god but their bodies belong to her. God forgives but she didn’t have any mercy.
Nancy leaned over and whispered to Aisha. “Listen girl you didn’t hear this from me. Understand me? There is small rumor that D.A. Clark had something to do with this. The boys upstairs are whispering about this move and girl I love you and you know that so when I heard the girls up in the receptionist pool talking I came straight to you.”
“Thank you Nancy.”
Suddenly Aisha’s phone rang and Hakim said he was on his way up. Aisha put the papers inside of her desk drawer until she was able to read the whole file. Then she would plan her next move and maybe her next attack but she couldn’t go off halfcocked with just this little information. She thought about what Jamal do in this situation and she immediately knew.
But first, she had to deal with this situation with Hakim’s bullshit. Hakim came through the door with two of his goons. “Peace sister,” he said Nancy quickly exited the office as Prince eyed her walk down the hall.
“Fine sister,” he said to Hakim.
“Slow down, that isn’t what we here for.”
Prince stood six and a half feet tall, 275 pounds of pure muscle, and was lean and mean. Prince liked women and women liked him too. He was a light-skinned brother nicely dressed at all times. Prince had on a Gucci baseball jacket, Gucci jeans, a sweater, Timberland boots, and a              chain hung long with diamonds. His Presidential Rolex watch dripped with diamonds.
“Hakim what did I tell you about bringing your people to my office? You stand out and they damn sure don’t blend in here!”
Hakim had on a platinum chain with black onyx and in the middle; it was covered in diamonds with B.S. in the middle. He wore blue jeans, Timberland boots, and fitted blue baseball cap with B.S. signifying Black Sunday.
Supreme was a wild and ruthless young gun. He had worked for Hakim for several years. Hakim saw Supreme on the streets after coming out of a group home for kids. Leak and Watts was for incorrigible kids. Supreme wore dread locks tied in the back. He smelled of purple hazes so Aisha knew he had just finished smoking a blunt before entering the building. His eyes were blood shot red and he spoke with a Haitian accent.
“What you want from me man? To sit out here while brother man flirts with the ladies, man?” Supreme asked.
“Close your mouth and take a lesson. Aisha is Lord Jamal’s sister and a close friend of mine. Jamal saved my ass more than once, youngster,” Hakim snapped.
“Pay respect!” Prince said to Justice and Supreme.
Justice said, “I will pay respect when respect is due.”
“What is your body count?” Prince asked. “Watch and listen. You may grow older then you are!”
Supreme then listened quietly while Prince continued to school him on the game of life and the hustle. Meanwhile Hakim was pitching his game to Aisha.
“listen, ma, you know I been checking you out since you became legal but out of respect for Lord Jamal I never attempted to violate the code. But here you are all grown and sexy with no one to protect and care for you, shorty.”
“First check yourself, Hakim, and put it in park. Second, I don’t need any protection because I can protect myself very well thank you. Jamal might not be here right now on the scene but his presence is all over these curves. You been watching. You tried to get into my panties back in the day and I shut you down then and I didn’t tell my mother or brother back then that his man was trying to creep. Don’t waste your get out of jail free card. Those other chicken heads I have seen you driving around with, may suck on your dick for sport but, I don’t play those games unless I want too. Do you feel me brother?”
“No doubt ma. Here is the paper Mr. Black sent over for you Aisha.”
“Tell him we said thanks.”
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Nelsan Ellis dead: True Blood cast, celebrities react Entertainment Weekly Facebook Tumblr Instagram ...
Nelsan Ellis dead: True Blood cast, celebrities react Nelsan Ellis' True Blood family is particularly shaken by news of the actor's death. Stephen Moyer, Anna Paquin, Deborah Ann Woll, Joe Manganiello, Kristin Bauer van Straten, and more shared their reactions on social media after Ellis died from heart failure, which his manager Emily Gerson Saines confirmed to EW Saturday. He was 39. Paquin led the cast of True Blood as Sookie Stackhouse and shared numerous scenes with Ellis' Lafayette. "It was an utter privilege to work with the phenomenally talented and deeply kind soul .@OfficialNelsan," she tweeted. "I'm devastated by his untimely death." GALLERY: Nelsan Ellis' Life in Photos "Nelsan Ellis was truly remarkable," Moyer wrote. "A brilliant, charismatic, intelligent, soulful, wonderful dude. This is just completely tragic." It was an utter privilege to work with the phenomenally talented and deeply kind soul .@OfficialNelsan I'm devastated by his untimely death. pic.twitter.com/If17csduHz -- Anna Paquin (@AnnaPaquin) July 8, 2017 Nelsan Ellis was truly remarkable. A brilliant, charismatic, intelligent, soulful, wonderful dude. this is just completely tragic. -- Stephen Moyer (@smoyer) July 8, 2017 Crushed today by the loss of my friend and castmate Nelsan Ellis. He was a wonderful person, a pioneer, and a one of a kind artist. Watching him work was like watching someone channel a spirit. It was mesmerizing. RIP A post shared by Joe Manganiello (@joemanganiello) on Jul 8, 2017 at 12:58pm PDT One of the sweetest most talented men I've ever met. A terrible loss for all of us. Rest In Peace Nelsan. You will be missed. I don't know how else to put words to this terribly sad news...#truebloodforever #truebloodfamily #nelsanellis #lafayette A post shared by Kristin Bauer (@kristinbauer) on Jul 8, 2017 at 12:58pm PDT Sam Trammell, Anna Camp, Lauren Bowles, Todd Lowe, Aisha Hinds, and Michael Raymond-James were among the other True Blood cast members sharing memories about their fallen friend. Kevin Alejandro played Jesus, Lafayette's supernaturally charged brujo boyfriend, on True Blood. He shared a still of one of their sweet on-screen moments, writing, "I am speechless... I am heartbroken... Rest In Peace my friend." I am speechless... I am heartbroken... Rest In http://www.expressupdate.com/places/724028210 Peace my friend @OfficialNelsan pic.twitter.com/nvyzM8QoI7 -- Kevin Alejandro (@kevinmalejandro) July 8, 2017 "I don't know if I've ever seen the level of humility and kindness that came with the Magnificent Talent that Nelsan Ellis had," tweeted Trammell, who played Sam Merlotte, boss of Lafayette. "This DEVASTATING news about @OfficialNelsan just EMPTIED me," Hinds wrote. "His passing is hard to process right now... So. Gifted." I don't know if I've ever seen the level of humility and kindness that came with the Magnificent Talent that Nelsan Ellis had. Miss u friend -- Sam Trammell (@SamTrammell) July 8, 2017 No one could raise a brow like @OfficialNelsan An army of us r left wanting more. Wherever you are sir,wish u peace. pic.twitter.com/4NBRSSRKwF -- Lauren Bowles (@LaurenEBowles) July 8, 2017 So blessed to share the screen with you you beautiful man. pic.twitter.com/DCD6WLAdJn -- Todd Lowe (@Todd__Lowe) July 8, 2017 This DEVASTATING news about @OfficialNelsan just EMPTIED me....His passing is hard to process right now...? So.Gifted. -- Aisha Hinds (@AishaHinds) July 8, 2017 Unbelievably sad news.
Nelsan was such a sweet, gentle soul with an enormous talent. He will be missed greatly RIP https://t.co/NDdoaeM6Pj -- MichaelRaymond-James (@MRaymondJames) July 8, 2017 Anthony Hemingway, who directed episodes of True Blood, called Ellis a "dear friend, brother, amazing talent, loving father & family man." Writer Elisabeth Finch, who penned episodes of seasons 2 and 3, recalls him being a "pure f--ing genius." My heart is broken from the news about the loss of my dear friend, brother, amazing talent, loving father & family man, Nelsan Ellis. Gone too soon! SPEECHLESS! #RIP ? A post shared by ANTHONY M. HEMINGWAY (@shinybootz) on Jul 8, 2017 at 12:36pm PDT .@OfficialNelsan you were pure fucking genius. and all heart. it was an honor to work with you, friend. #truebloodforever pic.twitter.com/0WYmzcVsMT -- Elisabeth R. Finch (@erfinchie) July 8, 2017 True Blood author Charlaine Harris tweeted briefly about her "shock." She added on Instagram, "Such a great talent gone far too soon." I am so sad about the death of Nelsan Ellis, a great talent gone too soon. Such a shock. ? -- Charlaine Harris (@RealCharlaine) July 8, 2017 Chadwick Boseman, who costarred with Ellis in the 2014 James Bond biopic Get on Up opted to "celebrate" Ellis with photos from their film together. Celebrating my brother @NelsanEllisOfficial.4Eva linked like Bobby Byrd and JB. We love u.We miss u.RIP. A post shared by Chadwick Boseman (@chadwickboseman) on Jul 8, 2017 at 2:38pm PDT See more reactions from celebrities below. We didnt even scratch the surface of seeing what this artist was capable of. My love to the family of this spectacular man. #NelsanEllis pic.twitter.com/3DoPQZYS7p -- Jessica Chastain (@jes_chastain) July 8, 2017 Rise in Peace, King. And thank https://foursquare.com/v/newcastle-movers/58b9a969000bef4879f13a77 you for sharing your gifts with us. You made a difference. #nelsanellis pic.twitter.com/blav8fr3Qc -- Ava DuVernay (@ava) July 8, 2017 Heartbroken about @OfficialNelsan . Such a beautiful human being. Man.... -- Tika Sumpter (@iamtikasumpter) July 8, 2017 You will be greatly missed Nelsan Ellis. ? Honored to have known you. #jyardkids -- Danielle Brooks (@thedanieb) July 8, 2017 wow rest in peace nelsan ellis. a great and underrated actor. -- The Weeknd (@theweeknd) July 8, 2017 May your transition be full of love, light and peace, @OfficialNelsan. Thank you for sharing your magical gifts with us. ? -- Chrissy Metz (@ChrissyMetz) July 8, 2017 Shocked & saddened to hear of Nelsan Ellis' passing. Major fan of this talented actor. Way too young #Rip #TrueBlood https://t.co/msT8mGmoiX -- Dul? Hill (@DuleHill) July 8, 2017 My God, such a beautiful soul and talented artist. Blown. Away. #RIP https://t.co/wElQq6mw84 -- Gabrielle Union (@itsgabrielleu) July 8, 2017 Just got word that we lost @nelsanellisofficial. My heart breaks for his kids and family. #RIPNelsanEllis. #brillIantactor #trueblood #getonup #thesoloist #thehelp. The first time I met him was on the set of the soloist and we were at rehearsal with a lot of the homeless cast members, and Nelsan was playing our counselor. He walked in wearing a pair of fitted camo cargo pants, a pristine white tshirt, a beret, and a denim jacket. Needless to say he was gorgeous, sexy. But his talent had me speechless. We became instant friends after that. He was sooooo funny. I miss him. #nelsanellis A post shared by Octavia Spencer (@therealoctaviaspencer) on Jul 8, 2017 at 11:43am PDT http://ew.com/tv/2017/07/08/nelsan-ellis-dead-true-blood-cast-celebrities-react/
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