#alex and reggie were totally eavesdropping
innytoes · 1 year
Inny i am so far behind on things and I am going to be honest with you, a/b/o is my fandom Can't, but: am I correct in saying it's your birthday soon?
Anyway, in honor of that and if not, just the fact that you are awesome, consider this a prompt for the a/b/o prompt and pairing you wish someone would have sent 💖
Thank you, it was my birthday on the 7th! And in honour of your prompt I went with 22: Dystopian AU, because who doesn't love a good dystopia. Except then I made it 'crack taken seriously'.
Even though he’d known it had been coming, Willie still felt a little shell-shocked. He knew he didn’t have much rights or even a say as an Omega, but he thought he’d proven to Caleb that he was worth keeping on. He’d seemed like such a nice guy when he took him in as a twelve year old orphan, an estranged brother of his dad’s. Willie always figured they were estranged because his grandparents had been hella homophobic, but now that he was older, maybe it was just because Caleb was kind of evil.
He certainly didn’t seem to have any qualms selling his nephew to Sunset Curve.
God, that sounded like something out of a bad fanfiction.
It wasn’t even that Caleb had sold him to Sunset Curve on purpose. Caleb had managed to snag Sunset Curve to play in between the regular show. Which was kind of Willie’s dream come true, since he’d been a massive fan since before the got famous. Ever since that time he’d snuck out at fifteen and found them playing in front of a club he’d been trying to sneak into.
So he hadn’t even thought about it when Caleb told him to make sure he looked presentable, like, of course he was going to. His favourite celebrities ever got a special table up front. And he hadn’t really noticed that the scent-blocking spray Caleb made him put on so he ‘wouldn’t be a distraction’ had been replaced with something else. And he didn’t think about how Caleb had let him go off his suppressants a week ago, saying something about how it was healthy to take a break every so often, and he’d get paid vacation time when he had his heat.
He just danced his heart out and tried not to laugh when Luke exclaimed, his mouth half full ‘this is a meatball sub, ohmygooood’ just as Willie was bringing out their new drinks. He shamelessly flirted a little with the entire band, but only like, as a joke. Sure they were kind of the same age but it wasn’t like Willie, an Omega waiter, had any shot with these rich and famous Alphas.
He hadn’t noticed that the table next to Sunset Curve had been watching him, too.
It wasn’t until after Sunset Curve’s show and Caleb’s ‘dessert’ were over that he noticed something was up. Because Caleb put his hand on the back of Willie’s neck and steered him right towards the reserved tables. For a hot second, Willie thought his uncle had remembered that he was a big fan of Sunset Curve, but then he was lead to the table next to them, and slowly it dawned on him.
Caleb wanted to sell him to the creepily smirking, oily-looking hedge fund manager at table two.
But before the deal could be finished, the drummer – Alex, his favourite – had leaned over and looked Caleb right in the eye and told him he’d pay ten thousand more.
Which was how he ended up on a tour bus, with a bag that Fuego had randomly shoved some of his belongings into at his feet. At least he’d been nice enough to include his skateboard.
Except unlike in the fanfictions, there was a lot of yelling going on.
“What the hell, dude?” Bobby had said almost as soon as the door closed. Reggie had guided Willie further to the back, awkward smiles and a gentle hand on his shoulder, and Willie looked out the window as the Club – his only home for the last six years – slowly disappeared from view.
Reggie had been nice, getting him a water, asking his name, asking his favourite pizza toppings, anything to distract from the shouting up front, the shaking of Willie’s hands, the tears he was trying very valiantly not to shed.
They were already nearing the city limits when Luke bit out: “Is Reggie not enough for you?”
At hearing his name, Reggie’s head jerked up, and he looked hurt. Which, what? Oh wait. Oh. Oh.
“Luke, shut up,” Bobby said, and Luke glared at him.
“What? Just because a cute Omega flirts with Alex once, all of a sudden he’s willing to-”
“No, shut up,” Bobby stressed. “Because that Omega hasn’t signed an NDA yet.”
All three of the Alphas stopped and turned to look at him, and Willie ducked his head. It wasn’t like he could do anything, anyway, now that Alex owned him. Like, signed the paperwork, got to decide if Willie gets to eat and sleep and get medical care, never mind if he was allowed to talk to anyone, owned him.
“I won’t tell anyone,” he said, because yeah, Reggie being an Omega when everyone thought Sunset Curve was an all-Alpha band was a pretty big secret. “Please, I’ll do anything. I can be a good roadie, or I can do your laundry, or whatever.” Don’t think about the stuff they want in fanfiction, don’t do it, even though he wasn’t going to lie, he’d thought about that from time to time, staring at the poster above his bed, because how could he not?
“I’m glad Alex helped Willie,” Reggie said firmly, which seemed to soften the postures of the other three band members. “Did you hear how creepy that other guy was being? Asking about his virginity and stuff? Besides, having some Omega arm candy might actually be helpful, you know?” He shot Willie a crooked grin, and Willie tried not to flush at the idea of hanging off Reggie’s arm on the red carpet. Like, even if he wasn’t an Alpha, he was still Reggie Peters, and Willie wouldn’t be faking any kind of swooning.
“He could be a good cover for Reggie’s heats,” Alex offered, nervously. “That way we don’t have to worry about any more rehab stories popping up.”
That had been last year, some gossip rag wondering why Reggie wasn’t out and about for a week off, when various members of Sunset Curve had been spotted in public. Though now that Willie thought about it, never all three of them at once. Which meant someone was probably always with Reggie, helping him… yeah, don’t think about that, or he’d go very, very flushed. Sunset Curve had played it off as food poisoning, and #poisonhotdogs had been a meme for a while, but that wouldn’t work every time.
“I can do that,” he eagerly agreed. He’d probably have to stay on suppressants then for his own heats, but if that meant he wasn’t going to be some creepy business dude’s live-in sex slave, he was all for it.
“You’re still signing an NDA,” Bobby muttered grumpily, flopping down in one of the chairs opposite of him and Reggie. “And doing laundry. Except Luke’s, I’m pretty sure that stuff is a biohazard.”
“Be nice,” Reggie warned. “Willie said he likes pineapple on pizza, so now you finally have someone who will go halfsies with you when we order pizza.”
Bobby blinked, and then shrugged. “Good enough for me,” he agreed. “Welcome aboard, Willie.”
“It’s still coming out of your money, not the band’s fund,” Luke grumbled at Alex, but he flopped down, basically on top of Bobby, so there was room for Alex to scoot in as well. Bobby just wrapped his arm around Luke’s waist, and oh, the whole ‘band as pack’ thing wasn’t something they played up for the press. They were actually like that. That was kind of nice, since so often it was just some marketing ploy.
The sight of three Alphas staring him down was kind of intimidating, though. Especially when one of them basically owned his very soul. Except Alex gave a self-conscious smile, just as cute and dorky as he was in the interviews Willie watched over and over, and he couldn’t help but smile back. Maybe it would all be okay. Maybe it would be better than a fanfiction.  
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invisibleraven · 10 months
things you said at the kitchen table for Rulie, please
Dinners were never a quiet affair in the Molina household. Ray used it as a time to catch up with his kids, ask about their days, tell them about his. Yes there was still an empty space at the table for Rose, and it hurt every time to look across and not see her smiling at him, but it didn't ache quite so badly as time went on.
Then Julie starting bring the guys from her band home for dinner. None of them had great home lives, so Ray was more than happy to provide them with a decent meal, even if it was just his spaghetti, and a caring adult. They didn't come every night, but they were there often enough Ray was forced to increase his grocery budget and the number of recipes he knew.
But the guys, and more importantly, Julie, appreciated it, and that was more than enough for him.
However, it did not escape Ray's notice that Reggie stayed over more than Luke or Alex did. Nor did he fail to see the lovesick expression on the boy's face whenever he looked at Julie when she wasn't looking. Or the mirror of it on hers.
Ray remembered those first days fondly. The do they like me like that agony and the getting together that made the pining all the sweeter. He and Rose had danced around each other for a bit before he finally asked her out, and she had given him a fond 'finally' before kissing him in agreement.
Reggie was a good guy, and he would treat Julie well, of that he had no doubt. But Ray also was getting tired of them not making a move after months of hearing Julie's lovesick playlists and snippets of Reggie's pining country songs.
So he decided to give them a little nudge.
"So how's school?" he asked one night when it was just them and Carlos sitting down to eat.
Julie launched into a tale of her awful math teacher, and how much she hated calculus, with Reggie interjecting about how he could help her, since he was doing a more advanced math course this year.
"Thanks Reg, I'd really appreciate that," Julie replied, a soft blush painting her cheeks.
"Of course Julie, anything for you."
Ray bit the inside of his cheek, because come on, how obvious could you get? "Any gigs coming up?"
"We have a few next month," Reggie enthused. "Plus Principal Lessa asked us to play at Prom."
"Well that's exciting," Ray commented. He had been hearing about prom for weeks now, had taken Julie and Flynn dress shopping not too long ago, and he knew the guys had gone on their own suit shopping adventure as well.
"Luke isn't too jazzed, but we had a band vote and it was three to one," Julie said.
"Pity that means you won't get to dance at your own prom though," Ray replied.
"Oh no, Flynn is gonna DJ between our sets, so we all get a chance to dance," Reggie said. "And I think Dirty Candi are gonna play some songs too, so it'll be really cool."
"So who are you going with Reggie?" Ray asked, totally not looking at Julie who was giving him a wide eyed look of panic.
"Oh um... I haven't asked anyone yet. Might just go stag," Reggie said with a shrug. He was also avoiding looking at Julie, and Ray could see the tips of his ears turning pink.
"Any news on your date mija?" Ray asked.
"I might just third wheel Flynn and Carrie. No one has asked me," Julie replied, her eyes firmly on Reggie, but it seemed the boy wasn't getting the hint.
"Your mother and I didn't meet until college, but there was a dance for some society or another one night. Almost like a prom, and she asked me," Ray recalled. "We had a lovely time."
With that, he got up from the table, leaving the two of them there, blushing and finally catching each other's eyes. As tempted as he was, Ray didn't eavesdrop, instead busying himself in his office with work.
He saw Reggie leave, staggering down the walkway towards his bike, a iridescent smile on his face. And Julie in the doorway, her lipgloss a little smeared, and an equally blissful look on her face.
"Reggie's taking me to prom," she said with a sigh.
"As a friend?" Ray asked with a knowing smirk.
"Nope," she replied, popping the p.
"Well it's about time," he said. "I'm happy for you mija."
"Thanks papi," she said. "Good night!"
Ray wished her the same, and smiled to himself when he heard music drift down the stairs-and it was decidedly more happy than her last playlist, so he'd count that as a win.
And on prom night he got a shot of them sitting to the kitchen table, in all their finery, rubbing noses over a stage plate of spaghetti, looking happier than Ray had ever seen them.
And figured he had better just start setting a place for Reggie at the table from then on.
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bug13underscore · 3 years
Summer Camp AU + Accidental Eavesdropping  Luke/Reggie
so rather than them being campers i’d absolutely make them all counselors and i’d probably make it some performing arts camp as well.
Alex and Carrie are in charge of the dancing classes, Flynn and Willie in charge of arts and crafts, Luke and Julie in charge of music and singalongs, Kayla and Nick in charge of acting and theatre. Reggie and Bobby are also in charge of a class together but none of the others are quite sure of their specific niche.
Some days they’ll be teaching the kids various magic tricks and other optical illusions, other days they’ll focusing on miming and other types of circus acts, then the next they’ll be focusing on the history of performing arts in general, so who’s to say?
But god forbid you say even a jokingly bad thing about either Reggie or Bobby in front of any of the kids, because they’re so quick to defend the two. Bobby and Reggie are the kids’ favorite every summer with little to no competition. The others try to be upset about it, but honestly Reggie is everyone’s favorite. (Bobby has accepted he’s the kids’ favorite just by association, but he’s not about to tell everyone that he’s aware of that)
So, when Julie is pushing Luke to “finally, please! for the love of god, just tell Reg!” about his feelings. (Which he totally 100% absolutely does not have at ALL Julie, thank you) and he snaps back and perhaps may call Reg an idiot, and two of his campers happen to catch him insulting Reggie and throws their freshly made glittery pinecone (honestly? that’s what Willie and Flynn came up with?) (Luke doesn’t need to know Willie and Flynn intentionally had the kids make them specifically for throwing at people they didn’t like or were upset with) at Luke, who ends up completely covered in glitter and the kids demands he go apologize to Reggie immediately, even if he hadn’t heard the insult anyway
scared of the child armed with glittery pinecones (and Julie who was giving him the worst stink eye he’d ever recieved in his whole life) he seeks out Reggie, and he promises—swears—that he didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but it maybe, sorta, kinda just happens.
“He literally looks at you like you’re the physical embodiment of music, Reg, there’s no way on Gods green earth that he’s not head over heels in love with you.” Bobby’s voice is tired and gruff, not unusual for the guy. that is what happens when you always manage to end up with the rowdiest cabin of kids summer after summer.
“Bobster, Bobbipoo, Bobbilious, absolutely not. No chance in hell, nuh uh.”
“Okay, firstly this practically is hell and I promise there’s a chance. Secondly, I’m absolutely terrified of how similar you and Julie are and how you’re not even blood related and thirdly, if you call me any of those again, I promise you next week we will focus on circus arts again and I will have these children saw you in half for real.”
“All I’m saying is there’s no way that Luke is in love with me. Case closed, that’s it.”
And all of a sudden Luke is shoving into the room, his mouth open and speaking before his brain has a chance to catch up
“Can we reopen this case? I don’t think we have all the evidence.”
Reggie spins around and looks kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar (and Luke has seen this face plenty of times, he’s not really sure why he even still tries to keep a cookie jar in his cabin) Bobby seems to take this as his queue to leave and is extremely quick to do so
Luke’s brain finally catches up with him and there’s only one real solution he can come up with, and this time his lips are moving but this time there’s no words coming out, only all of the love he can possibly muster as he pulls Reggie into a kiss.
Maybe Julie and Bobby were right and if Bobby’s departure were any sign, Luke is sure that their entire friend group is going to be flooding into this room within the next ten minutes, but Luke can’t find it in himself to care too much, not when Reggie is looking at him like that
(and that night during their campfire him and Julie lead a few singalongs to popular love songs, the kids for sure notice him making super obvious heart eyes at Reggie, they do not let up on either of them with teasing. Bobby’s not too upset about this summers favorites becoming Reggie and Luke, not when his friends look this happy together, if a little sickening)
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gloomyhearts · 3 years
Always by your side || Luke Patterson
Chapter fifteen~ this special club
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When her eyes focused on the surroundings, the blonde saw the large man who bend down; he wears a deep purple smoking, a black coat and a topper suited his dark hair; his light blue eyes full of eager.
“How did you do that?”
“Oh, my dear, I know every strewing soul in Hollywood, and so are you,” he offers his hand down to her.
“And what am I doing here?”
“Well you, you have an extraordinary ability and I can give you everything.”
“The only thing I need are answers and I don’t think some old man in a smoking can give me those.”
“But I can give you the space to use them..”
It was the fourth night in roll the girl happened to approach his ‘club’, he promised her to give her freedom with her powers but she had to use them in there so the people could see them as well as Caleb.
“Sabrina dear, you’re finally here,” he steps next to her, “today’s the day you’ll sing right?” he nudges her side, “we get some special guests.”
“I’ve no other choice.”
The blonde was in the room backstage when Willie arrived there, “Hey Willow,” he greets, beaming at her.
“Hey, dude. What’s wrong?”
“Well I found those three ghosts and- where’s Caleb?”
“Probably at the bar or talking to some lifer,” she shrugs her shoulders.
But then the named man walks down the stairs, “Oh hey, um.. I brought those ghosts I met? Um it’s.. it’s still okay they’re here right?”
“Of course William. I even reserved a special table for them,” he took a sip of his cup.
“Whoa, all right! Um.. thank you.”
Caleb’s feature weren’t readable, his face among the shades due to the light behind him. “No, no. thank you.”
When Willie was about to leave he almost crashes into the blonde since he was so nervous, “this way,” he points chuckling lightly.
The tall man left Sabrina without another word, on his way up he even chuckles evilly.
Sabrina takes her position behind the drums, her eyes wandering around the venue like always but this time there were three new faces.
I brought those ghosts I met, Willie’s voice echoed through her head.
Her eyes widened and her fingers began to shake, she rubs her palms onto her jeans getting rid of the sweat.
Her outfit, well Caleb wanted her rather to wear a pastel, knee length dress but that wasn’t her.
The blonde made herself invisible terrified that they would notice her presence.
“I know that you are here dear,” his voice small but plummy, he smirked at the teenager. In the next moment he could examine the blonde, in her black trousers and flannel, she wore the necklace Alex gifted her and Luke’s ring, curls falling down her head, “you look pleasant, Sabrina.”
“Thank you,” her voice just above a whisper, her eyes glued on the tums.
“Shall we start?” She nods.
“Ladies and gentlemen, back from the dead by popular demand, please welcome Caleb Covington!” the crowd erupts in sheering, furious clapping filled the room.
Caleb floats right over Sabrina, Willie laid his eyes on her and winked.
“Did you miss me?” his voice pulled the pair out of their staring contest.
The thing is Willie is in fact a real nice guy and she would have introduced him to her fellas, yet he works with the devil himself and she couldn’t jeopardise the boys. But it looks like the band found Willie themselves.
“I did too!”
“Welcome to the party of your dreams!”
“From the Egyptians to the druids, to the person sitting next to you, we’ve all wondered, ‘where do we go when that final light is snuffed out?’ Allow me to show you.”
Sabrina’s knuckels turn white as she held tight on the sticks; she starts to beat on the tom, giving the rhythm to the music.
Let me introduce myself, we got some time to kill
Consider me the pearly gates to your new favorite thrills
We could go make history or you could rest in peace
But here there ain't no misery
Cause on the other side we live like kings
Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do?
Let your body loose, let your body loose
Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do?
Show you a thing or two
Cause you ain't seen nothing
The band was now visible for everyone. The blonde was seated behind Caleb’s back although she could observe everything from there.
When the refrain kicks in, Sabrina’s voice was audible too, it was quiet however the boys would still recognize it.
Life is good on the other side of Hollywood
Life is good on the other side of Hollywood
So welcome to the brotherhood
Where you won't be misunderstood
Life is good on the other side of Hollywood
Caleb’s approached the table the boys were at, making his magic trick like every night.
Everything has got a price but happiness is free
Just so happens, you're in luck, we've got a vacancy
We can set the night on fire and break out of the scene
Your soul print on the walk of fame on the boulevard of your wildest dreams
Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do? Boys
Let your body loose, let your body loose
Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do? Boys
It ain't bragging if it's true
Now you ain't seen nothing
Life is good on the other side of Hollywood
Life is good on the other side of Hollywood
So welcome to the brotherhood
Where you won't be misunderstood
Life is good on the other side of Hollywood
Now it was time that the singer spun around to Sabrina and sing the next verse with her
The rain don't blind the rising souls
They got too much to see
I got your glamour, got your gold
Got all you'll ever need
Let me hear you now!
The rain don't blind the rising souls
They got too much to see
I got your glamour, got your gold
Got all you'll ever need
Sabrina could glimpse at the three teenager, which where dancing in their chairs and clapping to the rhythm
Watch me make a move, watch me make a move, boys
Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do?
Watch me make a move, no, I don't disappoint
Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do? Amen
Watch me make a move, I'm ya number one choice
Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do?
Watch me make a move, come one and give me that noise
A tomb with a view, ain't it something?
Yeah! He poofed a dancer on the ring which floated in the far corner
Life is good on the other side of Hollywood
Life is good on the other side of Hollywood
So welcome to the brotherhood
Where you won't be misunderstood
Life is good on the other side of Hollywood
So welcome to the brotherhood
Where you won't be misunderstood
Life is good on the other side of Hollywood
Ain't it the best?
Long live the dead!
The two assistance held a black blanket in front of his body and he sang the last words, poofing out of the room soon after, leaving the cheering crowd alone with the band.
A short silence filled the venue but Sabrina remembered Caleb saying to drum again, keeping the mood.
Her eyes were still on her brother and his friends which converse with Willie. Fortunately, they didn’t detected the blonde behind the drums, yet.
Suddenly, Caleb was behind them, which frightens her, she poofed herself away from her spot and another soul replaced her. Sabrina hides behind the large frame of Caleb, a few inches away from them but still able to eavesdrop.
“Hello boys, Caleb Convigton. Welcome to the Hollywood Ghost Club. Enjoying the show?”
“Yo, that was.. I mean.. did you.. like.”
“I know.”
“This is Alex, Luke and Reggie,” Willie states.
“Yeah, it’s really nice to meet you.”
“’Sup?” Reggie’s voice has never been this deep and raspy before, Sabrina facepalmed herself.
“The pleasure its mine. Nothing warms my heart more than sharing this magic with new friends. Please sit. Sit.”
"Uh thank you for the invite."
“Of course! Of course! Now, my friend Willie tells me that you boys have some magic on your own.”
Alex’s jaw dropped, brows raised and eyes widened, he clears his throat, “well.. Willie and I? I mean I wouldn’t really call it magic, but, I mean..” he chuckles.
“Oh no, he means your ghost abilities. You know, like, to be seen by everybody when you play with Julie.”
“No, totally. Right no,” Sabrina couldn’t help but smile at her idiotic brother, “’cause when you said it, I was like, ‘is that what he said?’ cause..”
Caleb shrugs it of by waving his hands, finally.
"Yeah, but we can’t really, uh, wave our arms and do all this magic stuff.”
"Well, I’ve had some practice. Our gifts are so rare, so special. It’s not often I come across other spirits who possess similar talents. It’s no surprise we found each other.”
“Yeah, definitely…”
“Yeah like Brie and..” Luke slaps his hand against Reggie’s chest.
“If you’ll forgive me, fellas, I gotta go pay the bills, if you know what I’m saying. I’ll be back later to chat,” he rises to his feet and disappeared.
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invisibleraven · 2 years
One, two, three (not only you and me)
Day Two of @polyshipweek 2022: Only One (Big) Bed
Pairing: Julie/Luke/Reggie
AO3 link!
When Julie moves out of her dad's place, she leaves a lot of her stuff there, not having the space in her new college apartment for most of it. But she brings along her bed, figuring her trusty double bed would do until she was done school and needed something bigger. It was only her sleeping in it after all.
But then she met Luke.
It was late at night and she was craving ice cream something fierce, so she exchanged her monster slippers for shoes and threw on her favourite yellow sweater. Stepping out into the hall she almost tripped over the boy sitting there quietly strumming his guitar.
"Oh hey, Luke. Live down the hall, got sexiled by the roomie. Did my playing wake you up?"
Julie shook her head, "Julie. Had a craving for ice cream."
Luke beamed at that, slowly standing up. "I could go for ice cream, do you mind if I come with?"
Julie appraised him for a moment, taking in his rumpled clothes, his strong looking arms, and shy smile. She shrugged in agreement and they headed off to the bodega around the corner. Julie waved at the clerk there before heading straight for the ice cream section. She could hear Luke and the boy talking though.
"Are they at it again?" The clerk nodded, and Julie could see the dark circles under his eyes from where she was totally not eavesdropping. Luke went on to ask "When's the last time you got a full night's sleep Reg?"
"When was the last time we had a sleepover?"
"Dude that is forever ago! I'd invite you over tonight but Willie just got back on town so Alex kicked me out."
Julie laid her pint of ice cream on the counter, plus the extra two she had picked up on a whim. "You could always stay with me. My couch pulls out into a bed, and I've got nothing worth taking anyways."
The boys looked at her, surprised that she would offer her home up to them, virtual strangers. But neither of them wanted to turn her down. So once the ice cream was paid for, Reggie shut the place down ("It was almost closing time anyways," he assured Julie) and off they went.
Julie was a little nervous to let these boys into her home, so her sleep was a bit broken, but she awoke to them making her pancakes as thanks, so she figured it wasn't a bad idea in the long run. It also became an ongoing condition, as Luke often got sexiled, and Reggie's home life was frequently volatile. So Julie offered up her couch, and more often than not the three of them stayed up talking before falling asleep tangled together on her couch.
By the time the three of them were solidly a thing and finally admitted that maybe they were already living together, Julie figured it was time she upgraded her bed. Find one that was at least big enough for the three of them. Sure it was unconventional, but honestly she didn't think she could fall asleep without being cuddled by her boyfriends any longer, and they admitted the same. Plus they had a blast picking out a bed big enough for the three of them and shocking the salespeople.
So Julie bid goodbye to her childhood bed, but she figured it was time, Luke and Reggie would have never fit in there with her. She instead snuggled down into her brand new California King sized bed, a boy on either side of her, soft kisses ushering her off to sleep, and it was the best night's rest she ever got, and it was only partially due to the bed.
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