#also ​I’m meh atm
uwuza · 2 months
What are your thoughts on boops and also how are you?
omg, I didn’t even see that it was a thing. I’ll skippity-pap tf outta all of you, with love ofc. (•̀ᴗ•́ )و
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lifeisahighway · 5 months
ok i KNOW i need to get over this but the fact that it’s a quiet time for ballum screen time wise and max’s exit wasn’t planned much in advance is making me nervous/sad bc how much are we even gonna see them before he/they leave??
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monsterrae1 · 8 months
20 Questions for fic Writers!
Thanks for the tag! @exhuastedpigeon
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
702,474 💀
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Buddie and sterek atm; but i have an outline for an andreil fic I promised to April and a Jo/Jules fic I also need to figure out for her
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Till now I always got by on my own (I never really cared until I met you)
You’re not my homeland anymore (so, what I defending now)
You’re on your own kid (you always have been)
Mark me like a bloodstain
Suddenly thunder and everything’s changed
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I just think it’s nice to give thanks back to people who read my fics 🖤
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I would say “I should go and find myself (before I ruin someone else)” because while the main Buck/Eddie had a happy ending, other Eddie was left all alone.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Mm probably “break my heart (or bring it back to life)”? Idk it’s the one that came to mind
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really? Mostly annoying comments here and there but I wouldn’t say hate
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yeah, I’m pretty meh with my smut, nothing too exciting. Except for the monsterfucking 😌
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah! My very first buddie fic got translated to Russian, and currently Till now is being translated to French.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet, but April and I keep talking about collabing.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Sterek, the brainrot is just as strong as it was 10 years ago 😂
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My stucky gifted AU 🪦
16. What are your writing strengths?
Emotional scenes I think? Bringing emotions to the page
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Fucking dialogue
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
If it makes sense for the characters, sure why not
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Jonas brothers 😂
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
You can’t make me choose (it’s till now)
Tagging if they wanna do this @adiazhalloween @loserdiaz @hoodie-buck @buddierights @prettyboybuckley @rogerzsteven @heartshapedvows @eddiebabygirldiaz @housewifebuck @elvensorceress @the-likesofus @spaceprincessem @spotsandsocks @shortsighted-owl @hippolotamus @disasterbuckdiaz @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy @jesuisici33 @folk-fae @underwater-ninja-13 @honestlydarkprincess @bigfootsmom @giddyupbuck and whoever else wants to do this!
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gayhoediaz · 1 month
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @shitouttabuck & @gracieryder 🙏✨
how many works do you have on ao3?
currently it’s at 60, but i have orphaned and deleted a lot of them over the years.
what’s your total ao3 wordcount?
what fandoms do you write for?
currently 9-1-1 & better call saul!
top 5 fics by kudos:
i like you so much (it’s kinda gross)
of bakesales and overdue realizations
epiphanies, soft words, and hushed moans at the brink of dawn
gettin’ bi
do you respond to comments?
depends on the fandom! on my lacho fics, i tend to respond a lot more, because it’s a much smaller fandom and it’s easier to keep up. i don’t respond as much on my buddie/bucktommy fics because the comments roll in faster and i feel bad responding to some but not all and then i feel like it’s been too long and just- ah. but i read each and every one and i’m twirling my hair and giggling, kicking my feet.
what’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
for whom the bell tolls
what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i usually do happy endings, so i can’t quite pick one!
do you get hate on fics?
meh. at times. a couple times a year, if that.
do you write smut?
have we met
craziest crossover?
i’ve never posted a crossover but i have a lot of them in my head always. tommy kinard x jesse pinkman my beloved. someday.
have you ever had a fic stolen?
oh yes. not in a while though as far as i’m aware.
have you ever had a fic translated?
yes!! but i don’t remember which one it was and i can’t find it so i assume it’s one of the ones i deleted or orphaned.
have you ever co-written a fic before?
all time favorite ship?
buddie and lacho tied, they’re completely different vibes. if i had to pick i think it would be lacho.
what’s a wip you want to finish but doubt that you will?
the buddie fic where they struggle to have sex for the first time cause there’s so much pressure and they both can’t get it up. it’s at 15k atm but i haven’t touched it in months.
what are your writing strength?
characterization, i’d say. it’s the most important thing to me, i work really hard on it and i think it pays off. if i write a line i need to be able to hear them say it in my head.
what’s your writing weakness?
i can’t be concise for shit. if they fuck for 2 hours you will sit there and read it for 2 hours i don’t know how to do anything differently.
thoughts on dialogue in a different language?
once again, since characterization is so important to me, if the character regularly speaks a different language in canon, my fics will reflect it. not only do i have lalo speaking a lot of spanish in my lacho fics, but i also try to research and ask my friends to make it as close to his actual vocabulary as possible.
first fandom you wrote for?
jack x ennis from brokeback mountain i believe?
favorite fic you have written?
for whom the bell tolls. still is good also but it’s older and i think i would have written it better if wrote it today. everyone should read for whom the bell tolls. it’s not that long, you don’t have to know anything about lalo or nacho, if you like my writing you’re gonna like that story i promise.
no pressure tags: @lesbiankinard @starkguzman @wh0re-behavi0r @eddiediazisascorpio @homerforsure @bucktommys @buckttommy @rewritetheending @like-the-rest-of-la
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lucifers-sinnamon · 2 months
Nice to find another person who’s a “secret third thing” about Hazbin. I’m making a cosplay for it atm but I feel like I have to carry an essay around explaining my complicated feelings.
Hello follow “secret third thing”. There are more of us than you realise! I hope your cosplay goes well! ^^ And I heavily relate to your last statement. I can't just say “I like or dislike some parts of the show” or “I have a love-hate relationship with the show”, my entire being transcends both of these mere words and I can't just summarize my entire thoughts onto a single sentence. If I did, it'd be a 20k words essay/document that took 10 years to make or it's incoherent keyboard smashing or meowing or barking or mooing (hyperbolic). It doesn't help that I'm (kind of) a veteran of this show and I was there when the pilot first released and I remember immediately loving it and defending it from (valid and inauthentic) criticisms. You know the usual “they're in hell, of course it's red/full of bad people who make haha sex funny jokes and swears!” or “people who hate it are homophobes!”
So immediately from the start, I had this connection with this project (doesn't help that I was a fan of Viv's animations in the first place) and it took me a long time to actually see the bad™️, I had rose-tinted glasses on. It was only as time went on as Hazbin Hotel (kinda) faded into obscurity and was overshadowed by Helluva, I just lost interest. I guess, I forgot about it. After some time, I decided to watch a Helluva vid and immediately I hear that owl guy moaning in the phone begging for cock and I was “???”. I stopped watching after that. Which is funny because when I first watched the pilot, I thought the sexual jokes were funny, but when watching Helluva, it threw me off. I guess it's personal growth.
After that, I forgot about the whole Helluvaverse/Vivsverse again and went on to other fandoms and also the fact that I have a life outside the internet. When I first heard that Hazbin Hotel is going to be on Amazon Prime, I was... “meh”? Like I lost all the same love or spark I had with Hazbin. That I didn't even care anymore, well, I did care a little, in a “I don't like it the same way anymore and I don't think I'd enjoy this but I miss it.” way. And after that, I forgot about it again.
It's only recently I discovered that Season 1 has been released and that I saw a Hazbin Hotel critical post. And just like that, I got sucked into the vortex again and now I'm obsessed again. Like old me who really loved this shit possessed me except they got fused with the current me who is very critical about this show.
Sorry for the long rambling, bet you weren't expecting that from a “secret third thing about this show”. (sarcastic -> this is mostly directed to myself)
Nevertheless, I hope your cosplay turns out great, anon!
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tightjeansjavi · 5 months
I’m working my way through my inbox and if you have tagged me in something, and I haven’t gotten to it yet, I promise I’m not ignoring you 😭 I’m feeling a little overwhelmed atm and also kinda..meh? Does that make sense? Could be the weather, my job and just feelings in general this week (is it over yet?)
Also, I’ve been randomly having these thoughts of feeling like one day I’m gonna wake up and just not have anymore ideas to write which in the grand scheme of things sounds so silly, but I’m also sitting here like what if the brain just stops pumping out the creative juices?? 🥲
Anyway, I’m exhausted and just trying to get through the week lol.
On a sorta more positive note, Slow Hands chapter 10 will be posted sometime tomorrow!
Hope everyone has a wonderful rest of your day/evening
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live image of my brain rn:
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Disneytv posted this for Galentine’s Day
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I think they added Eda with Lumity to make sure this wasn’t suppose to be a couples thing.
Likely altho’ I’m confused that if the fan belief that it’s a ship thing then Gretel and Bailey seem the odd person out as Bailey atm doesn’t know that her friend Gretel is the hero Gretel so unless this is a MariChat/Ladrian situation then I’d say it’s just a friendship thing (still also doesn’t make sense for them but meh).
Plus, c’mon Disney, not only are you soft confirming Sashannarcy but your underpaid (or non paid) intern couldn’t even use Amity’s current hair color? Or use a similar style Lena so it’s not weird next to static Webby
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mrsaltieri-real · 8 months
Hi CJ, how would you rank the Ghostfaces?
Hey, Anon.
My ranking varies day to day so I’ll just tell you what it happens to be atm.
1: Mickey Altieri. Are you surprised? No, probably not. He’s been my number one ever since I can remember. He’s strong, brutal fast and GOD, he’s so fucking fine my heart cannot take it. Plus, he’s the first Ghostface to have an unmasking reveal and a bitch LOVES the unmasking reveals. He’s my baby girl and I love him forever. Also, I’m in love with Timothy Olyphant.
2: Stu Macher. He’s also my baby girl. I just love him so much he’s so funny and cute and brutal. Invented the iconic knife swipe GOD. I just adore every single thing about him.
3: Billy Loomis. Babe. Babe, babe, BABE. He’s so pretty I want to burst into flames. Complex baby girl fr my heart goes out to him. Again, brutal! “We all go a little mad sometimes.” RAIL. ME.
4: Amber Freeman. Best female Ghostface hands down. Her kills style is so chaotic and messy I LOVE it. She killed Dewey which aches my fragile little heart but you gotta give her props for doing it. She’s so hot. SO. HOT. She’s also literally insane and I like em crazy.
5: Ethan Landry. Although he doesn’t have a “hIgH KiLl cOuNt” I couldn’t give a flying cunt on a donut. He’s baby. His Anika kill was absolutely insane and his whole attitude in Act 3 was so fucking enjoyable. Just running around having a grand old time. Mood.
6: Charlie Walker. I’ve been experiencing some insane Charlie brain rot lately so he’s sky rocketed on my list, he may go higher who knows. Most brutal kill in the franchise, the phone call with Sidney, “I’m going to slit your eyelids in half so you don’t blink when I stab you in the face.” OKAY!!!! he’s fucking adorable I want to sit on his fucking face.
7: Quinn Bailey. She’s fast. Fuck she’s fast. She’s hot. Fuck she’s hot. She had so many feelings I honestly felt for her. Gale’s attack scene was so fucking cool. Her fake out death had me tbh. I love her, just not as much as others. Also, “Heyyyy roomies.” She can HIT.
8: Richie Kirsch. I don’t like him, I don’t hate him. He’s just pretty meh to me. His kills are cool I guess? I like that he goes for the throat. Jack Quaid’s acting was fucking phenomenal. He was funny and I really would’ve preferred him as a final boy.
9: Jason Carvey. Wasted. Potential. His Laura kill was so fucking brutal oh my GOD. I would have loved to see him more as a Ghostface because he would’ve been so cool.
Now to those I hate. Fuckers.
10: Nancy Loomis. Ugh. Nancy. Nancy, Nancy, Nancy. Fuck off. Bitch. You think you can kill my guy Randy? Fuck you. You think you can hire my baby girl Mickey and just betray him like that? Fuck you, you didn’t even succeed in killing him. Fuck off with your one kill. I like her motive though although like… Why did you just leave Billy? Make it make sense.
11: Wayne Bailey. God. I actually used to like him a lot but after rewatching I was like ew. No. NO. I get Sam killed your precious baby boy but like… You have two other children and you had to ruin their lives because of your sons obsession with Stab? Fuck you. His kills were amazing though I have to hand it to him. The bodega scene is top tier.
12: Roman Bridger. Okay. I adore Scott Foley. I cannot stand Roman. Imagine getting a whole teenager to kill your fucking mom because you’re too much of a little bitch to do it yourself. Grow up. Also, he’s so fucking whiny like oh my GOD just shut the fuck up, nobody cares what you have to say. His whole character and backstory was just horrible in my opinion.
13: Jill Roberts. Not a surprise to anyone. I hate her. I hate her and her boring ass character. Her two kills were boring and shitty and also I despise Emma Roberts. I will say nothing more about it.
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lost-decade · 1 month
What is your all-time favorite race in your favorite motorsport? 🤔✨️
Hey, thanks for the ask! Hmm, this is quite difficult because my memory for what actually happens in races is pretty bad lol. I tend to remember the flashpoints more than what made the race good (i.e. all I remember about Monaco 2014 was the infamous brocedes quali incident, and I remember Spa 2014 purely for ‘Nico hit me’ and Baku...2017 maybe 🤔 for the Seb/Lewis brake test incident)
I seem to recall the race where Pierre won in 2020 (I think it was early September so Monza I guess) being exciting but I couldn’t tell you what happened.
From an attending races POV, I’ve been to three F1 races – Monaco 2016, Monza 2017 and Hungary 2018. I find that being at a race makes it more (and also somehow less) memorable, because it’s bloody hard to follow what’s actually happening and to get a full picture of the whole race, although you do get a sense of how the battles are unfolding, who’s gaining on who lap by lap etc. My favourite to attend was probably Monaco, because it’s Monaco lol, and also because it rained which made it more exciting. Although the Hungaroring was cool because it’s a smaller circuit and you could get a better feel for the race. I think Lewis won at all three I attended and I was very happy with that (despite the little cry I had on the train back from Monaco because ‘Nico is never going to the win Championship.' Little did I know...)
So that’s F1. I have fallen out of love with it a great deal since 2021 and there aren’t any drivers other than Lewis who I really care about very much anymore, so I’m a bit meh in general about it atm.
FE wise – Santiago Season 4 sticks in my mind. I rewatched it last year actually for research purposes and it was a great race, nailbiting final laps and the infamous jeandre ‘mounting’ incident is legendary. I was counting earlier and on account of there being a fair few double headers, I realised I’ve attended 12 FE races since 2018, and despite the series not being perfect, it’s brought me so much joy and I’ve made so many great friends because of FE, and the majority of races are exciting on a level that current F1 could only dream of.
Not sure this entirely answers your question lol, but I've rambled enough!
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monkeybell · 2 months
Episode 3: Pacing is still all over the place and there’s sometimes moments where they cut off dialogue too quickly so then it’s just awkward silence. Such as Rockruff’s entry being super short with the rest couple of seconds being just Rockruff and Murdock still and the girl taking 10 seconds to walk to the bench and sit down as we just watch in uncomfortable silence. I do love Sprigatito though. She reminds me of my doggo, personality wise. Battle and moves visuals are amazing too
The characters also randomly teleported. One second Friede and Amethio are battling inside and then the next second they are on the roof?? Why did they move there?? I think Liko is getting a little bit better but I’m still meh on her atm. However I’m in love with the Pokémon on the show. Sprigatito, Fuecoco, Cap, Rockruff, etc. So I guess you could say I’m a bigger fan of the Pokémon than the characters. But for now, we say goodbye to Anne and my child Oshawott 😭
I’ll give the episode a 6/10
Episode 4:
Ok I officially love Fuecoco. He’s so goofy and adorable! Fuecoco is friend shaped. I’ve already liked him since I saw clips of the show but now that I’m watching it in full, I love him even more. I’m definitely sticking around the show for him. Although his dub singing voice is a bit rough and I prefer his sub singing voice. No disrespect towards the VA tho, I love his cute voice regardless. We get Roy’s introduction too. I think it’s a good one. I love his and Fuecoco’s bond, even before they are partners
We unfortunately say goodbye to Liko’s school outfit. Honestly, I prefer it over her casual look. Like her casual outfit isn’t bad. The colors are fitting and she looks good in it but I just think she looks better in the uniform but that’s just my preference. The pacing wasn’t too bad this episode, some cuts but nothing as bad as the first two episodes imo
I’ll give the episode a 7/10
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alphinias · 6 months
Hey girl! I am curious to know, do you have any other big ships from tv shows? I am kind of looking for something new to watch (and i am unable to enjoy myself without shipping), so kind of asking if you’d rec something.
It can be from shows airing atm (preferably) or shows that have ended.
I have so many tv ships, but unfortunately not many that are recent finds. THEY HAVE BEEN SLACKING.
I’m probably only going to mention ones that didn’t get cancelled and don’t have a miserable ending because I’ve got your back. If you’ve not watched teen wolf, immediately stydia. They sucked me into fandom. Delena from tvd. Joey and Pacey from Dawson’s creek is one a lot of people miss because it’s older, but y’all they are SO good. S3 jacey is one of the best executions of a ship I’ve seen period. Olicity from arrow in S1-S3 was also EXCELLENT and you could even stop at S3 if you want (I think the show kind of just went downhill after S3 but it was easily the best DC Cw show too). Captainswan from once upon a time was cute and they had a nice ending! Zoe and Wade from hart of Dixie is also an underrated one I had so much fun binging for. Obviously you’ve probably seen I’m a bellyconrad fan from the summer I turned pretty. Nace from Nancy drew but I’m sure you’ve also seen me on about that one. Also loved chenford in the rookie (S1-S2 was absolutely peak slow burn) and they are now canon, but I personally found the way they got together very meh so I’d say watch at your own risk.
I’m probably forgetting some but these are the ones that immediately come to mind! All my more recent hyperfixations kept getting cancelled 😭
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jeanmoreaux · 1 year
LYS I PROMISE I'LL ANNOY YOU IN THE DMS GDHSDSDJKJKSD i finished episode 3 earlier today and my ambivalent feelings are still very much a thing. here are some of my thought i had while watching the first three episodes to give you a taste of some (hastily scribbled down) thoughts i had so far.
i'd die for inej 🥰 she can do no wrong in my eyes
the editing of the fight scenes is.......weird??? i hate the slow mo stuff. like pls just don't.
the editing between scenes is a little disjointed but PARTICULARLY the editing when returning from one storyline to an ongoing one is often a little jarring. the feeling of the continuity is a little wonky imo.
having people go "CRIMINALS!" not once but TWICE when dealing with kaz and jesper 🥴 very much made me cringe in context. who thought that was good dialogue??? why have these people say that as if they have no idea who they're dealing with????? it's just bad, i'm so sorry.
the dialogue in general is a little stiff and inorganic at times.... the chemistry between characters truly is doing some heavy lifting, saving some scenes. the cast is doing A LOT (all of them, especially the crows—though i have to admit the scenes with the darkling and crew are a little 'meh' at times).
talking about cast, freddy is very enjoyable to watch. i am also beyond ready for kaz to enter his deranged bastard era 🫶 patrick's nikolai is really working for me too so far. i think he strikes the right balance. archie's performances have been great as well! that scene between alina and mal after nikolai proposes marriage in ep3???? SO GOOD OMGGGG <33333
not sure how i feel about a lot of soc plot points playing out already. i honestly don't want stuff from that storyline happening NOW. i thought this season was gonna be more buildup, but like even in these first couple of episodes they already went strong with the wesper & kanej stuff for example so idk i can see them going there this season already (not with kanej, but maybe with wesper) even though internally i beg them to NOT. it would be enough to create some tension imo. having these characters prematurely stuck in these soc/ck dynamics will inevitable change the ice court storyline and everything beyond that.
the scene with the crows on the roof watching the crow club go up in flames???? love it. peak cinema.
also i really can't tell what route they'll go with wylan (ultimately). but if they’re gonna go the uwu innocent little baby boy with no badassery behind it i’m gonna throw fists. he has a moral compass he mostly adheres to and is generally a kind guy, sure, but he's also a little cunning shit at times and i hope they'll lean in to that over time.
always love seeing the darkling doing horribly. love that we get to see him being his fucked up guy. i hope people can stop romanticising him now that they saw him cut off his mother's finger. if not i hope they'll get well soon <3
there is something bugging me about the pacing but i can't yet put my finger on what exactly isn't working for me. maybe because after 3 episodes it still feels like we're in the "set up" stage of the story. REALLY hoping ep4 will pick up a little.
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s0ft-karina · 9 months
Just a mutual who was thinking about you but doesn’t want to bother you through DMs (I am also too sad right now to keep a conversation going) but just wanted to know how you were feeling? And perhaps top 5 favourite movies?
i hope you’re doing well, friend 🥺 here if you ever need to chat about anything! 💗 i’m doing just okay myself, feeling rather meh haha. still here though ✨
in no particular order and just my answer atm:
1. west side story
2. star wars: revenge of the sith
3. tangled
4. hairspray
5. tie between moulin rouge and la la land ✨
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monsterrae1 · 5 months
Tagged by: @hippolotamus @hoodie-buck @wikiangela @ronordmann @steadfastsaturnsrings @spotsandsocks
Last song: (im going through A Thing)
Favorite color: at the moment this shade of blue:
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Last movie/tv show: movie It chapter 2; tv show bbc Sherlock
Sweet/spicy/savory: spicy 🌶️
Relationship status: irl single AF, but also in love with @loserdiaz and married to @hoodie-buck @buddierights and @honestlydarkprincess
Last thing I googled: is eucalyptus wood toxic for dogs?
Current obsession: tbh I’m just trying to stay alive atm so I’m meh about everything 🤷🏻‍♀️
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seokies-pan · 1 year
Hey guys
It’s been so long. I’ve been a bit meh atm. I’m having trouble again but this time with my gender. I’m scared but I also feel like I have no right to feel this way. I’ve felt like this for a while. I know I’m a girl but sometimes I don’t feel like one. I’m so confused. I’m so worried. I don’t want to feel this way anymore like I’m so confused and feel so alone I don’t know what to do anymore .
Mini rant and I’m sorry lovelies. Enjoy your day and make sure to stay hydrated and eat. I gotta get back to work :”)
Take these with you as you go 🍵🕯️🌱
Bye 🤍
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saltinesinsoup · 1 year
People You Want to Know Better tag game
tagged by: @aidenwaites (tyyyy!!! <3)
Three Ships: this is so difficult i don’t really consume a whole lot of ship content nowadays. ohh hmm. nata/waywocket counts i think (two friends’ OCs in a dnd game. id say plink/chimes but i know that’s doomed. sick over those two). harrow/gideon (tlt) in the thats-sick-and-twisted-everyone-sucks-here-never-change way. ALSO ed/stede ofmd
First Ship: oh hmm. i waaaant to say it was probably percabeth as far as i remember just because i think percy jackson stuff was like. part of my introduction to tumblr
Last Song: high horse by the crane wives! specifically the live version bc i am in love with all of the bass in their live performances ouh. so tasty
Last Movie: The Green Knight, i think? the one with Dev Patel in it. it was pretty meh as far as movies go for me, and it was a couple of weeks ago. dev patel was very pretty though
Currently Reading: Devil House by John Darnielle. i’m gonna get through it soon. i also have trigun but i’m going to read that after i finish Devil House. (also csm and jjk weekly. you know how it is with manga)
Currently Watching: succession. god only knows how long it’ll take me to get through it.
Currently Consuming: i’m not eating anything rn. water? does consuming the limited life stuff count? bc ooooo loving all the fanart on my dash. also a bit embarrassing but homestuck. on a bit of a break from it but i’m deep in the trenches of reading it atm
Currently Craving: i’m always in the mood for some vegetable spring rolls with the sweet chili sauce. so good oh my god. top ten foods i would want before i die
Tags: @snowstormserenade @harley-the-pancake @lefthandedbastard @/any mutuals/followers who wanna do this!!! i’m tagging you!!
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