#also please tell me I'm not the only one that whenever listens to the LOTR soundtrack has the sudden urge to apply to a french horn class
greypetrel · 3 months
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this top ask your favorite mutuals. 💛
Tagged by @whimsyswastry , thank you so much!! Answering right on lest I forget. xD (also know that I'm singing The Night We Met now, for the joy of all my neighbours)
I do have a random playlist I collect all the songs I like to have a random shuffle playlist and avoid jumping from album to album... So yeah, my musical theme is genre inconsistency.
King - Florence + the Machine
The Three Hunters - Howard Shore
Гей, соколи/Hej, Sokoły - Eileen
Till Victory - Patti Smith
Angels - Within Temptation
tagging: @salsedine @ndostairlyrium @buridanshorse @melisusthewee @everythingispoetry @coloricioso and YOU who are reading!
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castieltrash1 · 2 years
Hi!! Happy valentines day <33. Can I please get a ship for mcu, both eras of Harry Potter, criminal minds and lotr? I'm a straight female so I'd prefer a male please!
Placements - I'm a ravenclaw, my mbti is infp and my enneagram is 4w3.
Physical description - I'm 5'9 and I have long wavy dark brown hair and brown eyes. I have a fair skin tone, I'm slim and I've got full lips and slight dark circles under my eyes and I have broad shoulders. I dress mostly in relaxed suits, blazers and coats and I love the occasional dress or sweaters layered over a white button down!
Personality description - It takes me a while to feel comfortable around new people but once I do, I become really talkative and outgoing. I love helping out and I'm the therapist friend, people come to me to vent or for advice and comfort. I'm smart and ambitious, I love being the best at everything I do, though I sometimes struggle with the hardwork and conviction needed to get there. I'm quite the hopeless romantic and I love being in love! I also daydream a lot and I can get lost in my own world for hours. I can be quite dramatic and stubborn and I tend to be withdrawn at times. I get frustrated easily and I'm quietly competitive. My love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch.
Hobbies/likes - I love reading, my favorite genres are fantasy and poetry. I also love learning about new things and collecting knowledge, I'm very interested in psychology, history, mythology and folklore, and fashion! I adore adventures, witty and playful banter, joking around and having indepth discussions on anything and everything! I adore all forms of art and I have quite a few creative hobbies! I listen to a lot of modern/indie rock and I love watching psychological thrillers and romcoms.
Thank you very much!! I hope you have a fun valentines day <333
so sorry for the wait with this!! i hope you like all the characters i chose teehee ❤️
for marvel, i ship you with...
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matt murdock! 
he might not be able to see it himself, but foggy told him enough about your appearance to catch his attention, even if your personality and non-verbal cues already held his interest. it's hard for him to keep his vigilante life a secret from you because of how comforting your presence is; matt feels like he could tell you all of his deepest darkest fears and that scares him. he might pull away, which can be frustrating, but you'll always pull him back in with your playful energy, riveting conversations, and endless interests that he always wants to learn more about. sometimes he jokes that you're his own personal encyclopedia but he'll only cut off your cute rambling if he's extremely busy, otherwise he'll listen for hours about different greek gods and this one random war in history that you're currently hyperfixating on. movies are a little difficult to watch together, especially if you're not in the mood to describe what's happening, but matt loves holding you close and dancing to your favorite songs after a long day at the law firm <3
for harry potter (marauders era,) i ship you with...
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remus lupin!
how does it feel being this guy's dream girl? he won't tell you that, obviously, but it's true -- sirius can vouch, but remus' blush whenever you're around is a big enough of a hint. you can be quite the classic ravenclaw, which he loves, but he may worry you'll be too studious to hang out with him and his wacky friends, which you quickly prove wrong! you're a perfect addition to the marauders and get along with all of them, but remus is always your favorite. i think you two would get together after you found him scarred and bloody after a tough full moon and your reassuring words and gentle touches (instead of screams of terror) would make remus realize he can trust you. he already did, but his insecurities held him back from opening up completely. after you two are officially together, it's hard to pull you apart. the other guys tease you but they're glad that moony has someone he loves. remus will talk about anything and everything with you but he especially likes your rambles about mythology/folklore and seeing the finished art pieces you make. bonus points if their subject matter is remus, himself <3
for harry potter (golden trio era,) i ship you with...
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neville longbottom!
immediately, he’s attracted to your sense of style! the first time he sees you out of your hogwarts uniform, your androgynous/masculine style intrigues him; enough that he follows you around like a lost puppy until you finally start up a conversation. your relationship is definitely one that grows from a mutual pining friendship that mainly takes place in the library late at night or by the pond on weekends. neville tells you about all the plants and frogs in the area, then listens to you ramble about stories you’ve heard from the paintings or read in the old dusty books no one picks up anymore. sometimes, he’s worried he can’t keep up with you - you always have a new hobby or interest to show off, and he can feel a tad..boring in comparison. thankfully, your words of affirmation will always reassure him and he’ll return them tenfold (amidst a decent amount of stuttering, he prefers complimenting you through poetry.) all your fellow students have grown used to seeing you walk around the castle, hands intertwined, giggling amongst each other. and everyone knows not to mess with neville anymore, since you caused quite a scene the last time that happened!
for criminal minds, i ship you with...
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spencer reid!
i know this answer is a bit cliche, but it just felt fitting! it’s fair to say that all the male bau members (and even the ladies) would enjoy your company (matt and penelope especially), but you and spencer are like two peas in a pod! you can butt heads sometimes with your competitive natures, attempting to outdo the other with random knowledge, but you also complement each other’s personality traits well! when you’re feeling more extroverted, you help spencer break out of shell - and when you’re daydreaming or frustrated with yourself, spencer’s logical thinking can help ground you. it takes a little while for you both to open up and grow comfortable in your relationship, but then you’re the cutest pairing since derek and penelope! you can be found wearing matching sweaters, playfully bickering over which author is superior, or dissecting the thriller movie you watched last night while snuggled on the couch together. you’ve also made spencer a lot more comfortable with physical touch! at the very least, he’s always got his pinkie wrapped around yours <3
for lotr, i ship you with...
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ok ok hear me out, because this ship means something to me <3 you and faramir are just destined to be together! at first, it’s a simple admiration. faramir sees in you the studious, brave, kind, and unique person that he wishes he could be. not only are you physically beautiful, but you have an enticing personality to match, and it doesn’t take long for faramir to realize he’s falling for you... and quickly. he might not be the best at showing it, since he struggles to be emotionally vulnerable, but you both ease out of your shells together over time. he’s amazing at praising you and gets adorably flustered when you return the sentiment, attempting to stoically look away and maintain a poker face. but, that never lasts. around you, he’s all smiles, even if they’re small soft ones. for once, he feels enough, more than, even - he feels worthy of your love and everything that comes with it; the late nights reading, days spent joking around and laughing, and the quiet moments where you hold him close and he finally feels content.
0 notes
moony-artnstuff · 4 years
Hello, lotr/ the hobbit ship please. I'm a petite 5,2 girl with brown eyes, and hair. I'm introverted, and a bit awkward but weird once you get me out of my shell. I have a pretty dark sense of humor. people have described me as kind, loyal, loving, and brave. I love rock music, horror movies, drawing, decorating, writing, and experimenting with cooking wacky things. I have abandonment issues, and also issues with anxiety. I'm a INFJ. Thanks in advance 😊
Note: Sorry that this took a while! Here it is though, I hope you like it!
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The Hobbit
I ship you with... Nori!
Nori found you intriguing the first time he met you. He found your awkward demeanor endearing and wanted to know more about you
When he found out how weird and fun you could be he fell in love
Nori likes to go out for drinks, hang out with his friends and cause mischief (remember he’s a thief) but he also values his alone time, especially after he’s had another argument with his older brother. The two of you often come together to relax. Sometimes not even talking, just enjoying each other’s company while doing your own thing
Nori finds your dark humor hilarious, always laughing at your jokes and often telling some of his own. He does ask you if you’re okay from time to time. With how dark the world is getting, it’s better to be safe than sorry
He adores your kind and loving nature, and how sweet you are to him. He never knew how much he needed it until you came along. He doesn’t admit it, but the longer you are together the more he grows a soft spot for you
He loves to spoil you with gifts. Some of them are stolen but he buys most of them, as he doesn’t want you to get involved in his more ‘shady business’
He admires your bravery, and he’s glad that you’re so loyal. Dwarves have ones (soulmates) and take relationships very serious, so you don’t have to worry about being abandoned. If you do though, Nori is quick to reassure you how much he loves you and how much he wants to be with you
Nori doesn’t know much about anxiety, so you’re gonna have to explain it to him. Once he understands he’s very supportive. He’s a very observant dwarf, and he always keeps an eye out for signs things get too overwhelming for you. If that happens he will take you aside and help you calm down
You give him his love for rock-music. He loves the lyrics and how loud it can get, and how much of his emotions he can let out when singing along with the music. You two often sing along with songs until both your throats are hoarse
Nori is decent at cooking, but he likes to help you experiment in the kitchen, enjoying how excited you get when trying out a new recipe
Nori has never been much of an artsy person, but you make him appreciate art more, especially when it’s one of your drawings or stories
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Lord of the rings
I ship you with... Merry!
You and Merry can either be the intelligent couple or the crackhead couple, especially when you hang out with Pippin, the two of you can get in some real weird but hilarious stuff
At first Merry is a bit taken aback by your dark humor, as it isn’t very heard of in the Shire, but he quickly comes to appreciate it, sometimes even telling a joke of his own
Merry loves your weird personality. He’s never bored when he’s with you and he likes how you’re always up for an adventure. He knows that when he’s with you he’s always gonna have fun, whether that be by having an interesting conversation with you or getting up to no good
Merry is a very intelligent hobbit, so he know a thing or two about anxiety. Whenever it’s acting up you only have to let him know, and he’ll take you somewhere quiet, help you catch your breath and calm down your nerves, bringing you some food and water if that’s what you need, or simply hugging you and reminding you he’s there for you
When he finds out about your abandoned issues, oh boy, he immediately launches into a whole speech about how much he loves you and how amazing you are and how he can’t imagine his life without you and he doesn’t want to imagine his life without you because he wants to spend everyday with you because he loves you so much
Merry loves your cooking. Food is a pretty big thing in hobbit culture, and he loves how creative you can get with it (and he brags about it to everyone who wants to listen, even to the ones who don’t)
He loves your bravery, and your loyalty makes him feel like he can really trust you
Merry never knew it until you came along, but he absolutely adores horror-movies, maybe not the ones that are too scary but horror-movies nonetheless. Especially when it has a well thought through plot
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
hihi! can i please get an lotr/hobbit ship? i’m female, lesbian. i’m tiny (4’9), blue eyes, brown shoulder length curly hair, and very pale. i’m an infj, pisces, slytherin. i tend to be shy when i first meet people but once i get to know them and they don’t judge, i don’t shut up. i’m loyal and hate seeing people hurt. i’m sensitive, a bit pessimistic, not very confident. i enjoy hugs or anything cuddly. i love to read, listen to music, and rewatch the same shows/films frequently😂 thank you! ☺️
For LOTR I ship you with:
Rosie Cotton
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«She moves with shameless wonder, the perfect creature rarely seen
Since some lie I brought the thunder when the land was godless and free.»
~'Foreigner's God' by Hozier
Don't tell me Rosie Cotton wouldn't pick up on you the first time you entered/came close to The Green Dragon because it would be a lie.
She notices your shyness right away, but she, being the extrovert, confident woman —or may I say hobbit— that she is, would tease you and try and flirt with you anyway.
She gives you the space you need though, Rosie is not one to pester, she knows your limits even if you didn't tell her yet, and she won't go past them, at least not intentionally.
But she does her research, she asks people about you, and probably ends up meeting one of your close friends, —just because Rosie befriends almost everyone—, who will tell her about your fun side —the one only your friends see—. She also would learn from your friend about how loyal you are and how you hate seeing people hurt and she would melt.
She eventually gets you to dance with her.
She probably kisses you while you dance, though she makes sure you're comfortable with it first.
She's a cuddler, I have no actual proofs but I have no doubts either. She would cuddle you in bed, in the couch, when you're out lying on the green grass; she is into hugs from the back so better get used to having her arms wrapped around your waist 24/7.
She's not so much into reading but she loves when you read to her, and in return she sings for you. She also adores hearing you talk about anything and everything as much as she does doing it herself.
She would 100% ask you to marry her.
The Hobbit I ship you with:
Lady Galadriel
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«I'm dressed like a fucking queen
And you're begging, "please".
I rule with the velvet tongue and my dress undone, and I'll get you lost but I'm having fun.»
~'Holy' by King Princess
Listen as soon as I read your description I knew I was matching you up with Galadriel, I don't know what exactly led me to that conclusion but yeah, it just felt right.
The fact that you're shy doesn't really matter, like, Galadriel literally reads minds.
Maybe it'll freak you the fuck out at first, and she would find it really really amusing, so she would talk to you telepathically from time to time in an unexpected way just to give you jump scares.
That's probably the first contact you have with Lady Galadriel. Though she low-key loves to freak you out, just like Rosie, she knows you have limits and she will not go past them.
But hey, you're making her laugh, and damn isn't that an amazing thing to do?
She would know whenever you start catching feelings for her, and at first she would be confused about why you're not making any moves.
Then she would remember you're actually really shy and definitely not a telepath so she would start to drop not-so-subtle hints that she wants to court you.
She eventually gets tired because man she's too old for this tiptoeing thing and she goes straight to the point.
You would be taken aback by Lady Galadriel, a high elve, Lady of the galadrhim, confessing her feelings for you.
She would make you move in with her and you wouldn't dare to complain.
She asks Elrond to send you books from Rivendell on a daily basis and makes sure you have enough material for entertainment as well as the finest musicians in Caras Galadon at your service.
She would teach you Quenya and some harmless elven magic. She would also communicate telepathically with you to complain about someone or crack a joke.
Galadriel is not a cuddler but she gives in for you because you're too cute to deny you hugs and cuddles.
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ericas-fate · 4 years
Hello, may I please have LOTR and TH matchups? I'm a pansexual girl who's 5'3 and I have straight, long dark brown hair with almost black eyes. I'm half Asian and half a lot of stuff. I'm really shy, but once I get to know the person, I'm stubborn and snarky with a mom friend attitude. I have a hard time raising my voice, but I try. My main issue is I never stop trying to see the good in someone, even when they hurt me, physically or mentally. I read a lot, and am very athletic. Thank you!
The Lord of the Rings: Galadriel
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Galadriel would fall for your caring personality and how you would always try to find the good in everyone. She felt like she could relate to you, especially since she also tried to be positive towards everyone she would meet. At first she would think it would only be a small crush, but soon enough she would learn that you were her true love. Galadriel would keep her secret to herself at first, knowing that she needed to have patience, but she didn’t mind waiting for the one she loves the most. After you would open up to her, she would immediately confess her feelings for you, because she didn’t like keeping anything from you. She would be attracted to your long brown hair and dark eyes, because it was very different than what she was used to seeing around Lothlorien, including your height, since most women around her home were above 5′10/177cm. She would think you voice sounded perfect the way it was, especially since elves didn’t raise their voices too often either, you had no reason to since elves were great listeners. Galadriel would love to listen to you about anything you would want to tell her about. Life would be very peaceful in Lothlorien, especially after Galadriel would marry her true love. She would make sure that you would always be safe within her territory, and would make someone accompany you whenever you would leave her realm.
The Hobbit: Kili
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Kili would think you were the sweetest human he had ever met, even though he hadn’t met too many humans he was convinced none were like you. He would love to run his fingers through your long dark hair, and hold you close to him whenever he would get a chance. He wouldn’t mind your height all that much since you were only a little taller than the majority of dwarves. He did like the fact he could always find you a lot easier than when he would try to find his brother. He always wanted you to be near, so he could make sure nothing could ever harm you. Kili would introduce you to all of his relatives making you believe he related to everyone in the dwarven kingdom. Knowing that you were shy to strangers, he wouldn’t mind doing all of the talking before you would get more comfortable. Living in a dwarvish kingdom, it was hard not to end up in conversation with anyone you walked pass, it would be a great place to meet new people especially since everyone was so close to one another and kind. Even though Kili trusted his people, he always made sure to be near you just in case he needed to kick some ass. Kili would love the fact that you would try to find the best in people, because he also did that. Which is why he often would get himself into trouble, but he was happy to know that you were someone he could truly trust and would never hurt him, nor would he ever hurt you. He loved that he had someone to get in and out of trouble with, especially since that someone was you.
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Movie Night (ft. Cas's t-shirt)
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THANK YOU for the ask, Dear Anon! I'm very flattered that you enjoyed the last one, and hope this meets your expectations! I WISH I could tag you in this, but you're on anon so.. Anyways, I went for Tuesday movie night idea, and clubbed it with a 'cute t-shirt prompt' I received and it got long AF but please leave a comment if you read and like!
"Ahh," Dean let out a perfect sound of exhaustion meeting the plush comfort of his couch. "It's finally Tuesday."
Sam snorted from the side, because his relationship with tuesdays had been kind of a love-hate. Not that Dean ever took him seriously - he doesn't blame his brother, really, because he wouldn't believe Dean either if he told him 'a piano crushed you to death' or any of those other ridiculous ways in which he'd died.
"If you like movie nights that much," Jack added, from the side - he was settled in one of the big chairs, looking more like a kid than he usually did. "Why don't we watch movies on other nights, too?"
Sam leaped to answer, ever ready to squeeze in a lesson for the nephilim. Good values needed to be a part of the upbringing. Children need to be taught by example. "There's an analogy we can use for this, Jack. Say, uh, Dean loves his birthday very much." Dean frowned at his brother. "Because of the pie, and the gifts, and all the beer." Dean shrugged. "So, he wishes on his birthday candles that everyday be his birthday!" Sam paused, and Dean wondered why he spoke as if he was talking to a kid, and not the strongest 2-year-old ever. "But, what happens then, is that he keeps growing a year older on each birthday - that is, everyday!"
Jack looked alarmed. "That's - bad."
"Yeah, because then I'd grow to be 60 in like a month and die." Dean added, in a deadpan.
"It won't take you thirty years to get to sixty." Sam reminded him.
"Shut up, Sam." Dean scowled and turned back to Jack. "Listen, kid, this isn't about all the good movies in the world getting finished too soon, if we watch 'em everyday. It's more about the attitude."
Jack nodded.
"Like, uh," Dean swallowed. "Like our dad always taught me and Sammy, hunters need to live a disciplined life. Can't just start watching a movie whenever, because that'll make your head feel like you're giving it permission to do crap, just like that, without a routine. That's never good for a hunter - even less so, he'd say, for the sons of an ex-Marine. Messes your head up, and takes away your ability to fixate on your decisions." Dean paused. "It's not like I've not watched movies on a Saturday because I wanted to, but the old man made sense - it's just, a routine is better to stick to."
"That sounds like a horrible amount of behavioral psychology to associate to an activity as trivial as watching a movie." Came a new voice, as Cas stood in the doorframe, his head just slightly tilted as his eyes looked straight at Dean.
Dean's exhale was caught in his lungs, and he blinked, staring at Cas with a chest full of air, and still feeling like he'd sink instead of buoyant. Cas was no longer in the trenchcoat and pants - he wore grey pyjamas which fit snug over his thighs, and a t-shirt which had to be new, because holy fucking shit.
He'd have noticed the angel walking around their bunker, wearing a black AC/DC shirt like that - simple, to someone else, perhaps - yet the way it fit over his biceps, widened his shoulders a bit more, and gave an elevated look to his chest because of the smooth descent to a toned abdomen - rendered Dean incapable of looking away. Complete with his hair sticking up at odd angles, hints of a stubble and inspecting eyes focussed on Dean, he looked like the stuff of Dean's (guilty, oh so guilty) dreams.
"H-hey, Cas." Dean cleared his throat, shifting on the larger couch to make space for him. He waved his hand dismissively to disregard all that he'd just said. "Forget about that, it was crap - come sit down." He suggested, breathlessly.
"Look who finally joined us," Sam addressed, in a normal voice and not even bothering to look up again - making Dean wonder why he didn't get all caught up in Cas's t-shirt, like Dean just had. He was unfairly attractive - but not just to Dean, right?
"I'm sorry," Cas replied, as he sat down next to Dean. Not a single part of them touched, since they were on opposite edges of a large couch Dean originally got for Sam and him - but there was still a tingling under Dean's skin, which had to be Cas's fault. "I couldn't find any socks." He turned to Dean, suddenly smiled, and tugged his pyjama up a little to show him the socks he wore. A pair of fucking novelty socks, they were - but Dean found himself grinning mindlessly, as Cas crossed his legs under him, and the visual was taken away from him.
"Of course, you couldn't." Sam inputted. "Dean hasn't been doing the laundry lately."
"Why am I the only one supposed to do it?" Dean threw back, and Sam didn't say anything to it.
"Nevermind." Cas declared. "I found socks, unwashed though they may be. Let us start." He referred to the movie.
Jack had fell silent for a moment, and he spoke up again. "Yeah! What are we watching today?"
At the same time that Sam opened his mouth - probably to drag Dean on how they better not watch something they'd just watched - Dean spoke up. "We're watching The Fellowship of The Ring, today."
"We just watched that on literally the third Tuesday of March -" Sam complained.
"Listen." Dean threw back. "Don't shove your crazy awesome memory with movies and dates, in my face - 'cause my brain forgot the movie already."
"Forgot? You probably can quote it line by line, Dean." Sam frowned. "But I guess you're not satisfied until you flawlessly recite it in your sleep, like Lost Boys."
Dean flashed his best shit-eating grin, and if that's what he was gonna do, he wasn't gonna agree with Sam. "Well, it's what we're watching, Sammy. Deal with it."
Sam narrowed his eyes. "What about Jack? Or Cas? Why don't you ask them if they want to watch Lord of the Rings again?"
"I do." Jack announced, brightly. "I like Frodo and Samwise Gamgee." Sam rolled his eyes. "But, I could also watch something else. I trust Sam's recommendations, after Harry Potter." He added, faithfully.
"Careful, buddy, Sammy's raising your son to be a nerd." Dean muttered to Cas, and he nodded, as if it was a line that needed to be answered with a nod.
Sam grinned like it was victory handed to him on a platter. "He said he could watch something else, Dean."
"What about Cas?" Dean turned to him, rotating in his seat. "Whadd'ya wanna watch, buddy?"
Cas pursed his lips, as if in deep thought. The deciding element. The one who'd tip the scales in the favor of one of the Winchesters.
"It's not Sophie's Choice," Sam grumbled sourly, as if he already knew what Cas would choose.
"Let him think!" Dean shushed his brother.
"I have reached a decision." Cas informed everyone, looking solemnly at the TV, instead of their faces. "We shall watch The Fellowship Of The Ring, tonight." He turned to Sam. "And if there's no hunts and we're at the bunker tomorrow too, Sam's choice shall prevail - that is, if Dean agrees to go against John's sayings and watch a movie on a Wednesday."
"That's fair." Jack grinned.
Dean beamed at Cas, with his little smile and his goddamn t-shirt, which was gonna drive Dean crazy in due time, he was sure. "See, Sam?" He ignored the comment on his father, because it was rare stilted humor, and in a perfect deadpan.
Sam muttered something under his breath which sounded a little bit like 'profound bond' for some reason, and rolled his eyes in defeated agreement, as Dean began to look for the movie.
"Whatever," Sam substituted, not looking up from his phone as the opening credits began to play. "The three of you can rewatch the entire LOTR series if you want, I'll just leave you to it." He shrugged.
"Hey!" Dean was annoyed. This was family movie night. Sam was supposed to be a part of it too. "Lord of the Rings is right up your alley, nerd. Why're you bitch-facing so hard tonight?"
"Well," Sam chewed on his lip. "It's very long, and I wanted to get to bed for an early night."
Dean narrowed his eyes, and hit pause on the remote just as the elves began to narrate. "Why?"
"No reason." Sam stalled. There was an almost familiar edge to his voice and -
Suddenly, it all made sense to Dean. The dots connected in his head, and Sam's reluctance to watch a three hours long movie was suddenly reasoned.
"Why, Sam?" Cas repeated, intrigued. "Are you alright? Do you not feel well?"
"He feels fine. I know," Dean cut in. "He's got a date." Sam's eyes widened before he vigorously shook his head in denial. "Some virtual crap, I bet, because you don't like to get laid, and an actual date may've involved that - but whatever is your idea of a fun time, hey, I'm not judging."
"It's not a date!" He declared.
"Then it's something like it." Dean shrugged, getting surer, with Sam's panicked expression. He knew his brother well enough to read through this cover. "Tell me Sammy, is this a video call with some chick you met online on those awful sites?"
"Dude, no." Sam balked. "I'm on no such awful site to meet chicks."
"Sure, you're not." Dean narrowed his eyes. "Then, who? Because clearly I'm right about the rest of it."
"It's," Sam looked like he didn't wanna continue, would like nothing better than to not finish the sentence. But with Cas joining in on the stare, he let out a subdued, "Uh, Rowena."
There was a stillness in the room. Dean and Cas slowly exchanged a look, and Sam flushed. "Who?"
"We know her, Dean!" Jack corrected, promptly.
"Not like Sam does," Dean shot at his brother, who looked flustered as crap, and it was all Dean had ever wanted from this conversation.
"Dean!" Sam looked grossed out, while it should've been them. He was the one dating a three hundred years old witch. "We're gonna discuss -"
"- if you're about to tell me you'll discuss a case, I swear to call you on your bullshit by calling Rowena right away." Dean challenged, definitely.
"I -" Sam pursed his lips. "I don't need to have this conversation with you, jerk."
"What about the rest of us?" Cas asked, and there was a smirk playing on his lips, which made him all the more attractive.
"None of you." Sam declared, standing up, looking offended. "You are literally infants! Don't breathe a word of this to anyone, Dean, or I'll - whatever, just watch your frigging movie, I'm out of here."
"If you're gonna do stuff, use headphones!" Dean waited until Sam was far enough to not hit Dean for it and yelled after him, as the latter marched out of the room, embarrassed. It was his duty as the older brother to make that happen, so no issues there. He turned back to Cas, grinning at him - and Jack, of course.
"The rest of us are here without the intention of leaving halfway to call a chick, right?" Dean asked, though it was a pretty stupid question for Jack - and if the answer were yes for Cas, he'd have a major-ass freak out right there.
"Right." Cas confirmed, for some reason; his voice rich and gravelly, and Dean's attention was once again taken by Cas's t-shirt - now that his kid brother was sufficiently out of the picture. True, Jack was still there, but that's a different issue. Dean had to hold a reputation in front of Sam, that he could control his senses in the presence of Cas, and that he could rein it in, and that he could do a lot of things which he was very far from, in reality.
"Me too." Jack announced, brightly, and Dean rolled his eyes.
"Jack, you're two." Cas informed him, and Dean had to stifle a snort at the very notion. Nevertheless, he toned down the weird, made himself comfortable in the couch - maybe shifting a little towards the middle, and let out a small, content sigh, for the second time this evening.
He hit play.
“Why do we keep making the same mistake?” Dean groaned, his head falling back on the sofa. Once again, like every tuesday ever - they’d forgotten to get food before they sat to watch the movie. Now, around half an hour in, it was all Dean could think about. But getting up seemed like an awful chore.
Cas nodded his head in agreement, grave and earnest. “It’s because we don’t learn our lesson.”
“Dean, do you want to learn said lesson tonight, by not eating?” Jack asked.
“No.” Dean glared at him. “I may be around Mr. No-Food, and Little-to-no-food, but it isn’t wearing off on me.” They’d not paused the movie to have this discussion, so he kept his eyes on the screen as he spoke. “As a human, I have a few simple needs. Such as beer and something like popcorn to chew as I watch a classic with my - I mean, with you guys.”
“Okay." Cas shuffled in his seat, beginning to stand up. Dean frowned instantly, and pulled him down, gripping his wrist. Cas easily succumbed, and was back on the couch with a surprised little bounce - looking at Dean, confused. "What? I'll get you the beer and popcorn, so that you don't have to get up. I can obviously see you don't want to."
Aww, Dean's brain melted.
"Nope." He said, out loud, popping the 'p'. "You don't need to do that. I'll go."
"I volunteer, Dean. It's not about need," Cas protested. "And you enjoy this movie more than I do."
"Sure, but I've watched it a helluva lot more too." Dean raised his eyebrows, and Cas smiled a little, one of those smiles that he reserved for Dean, and made his insides flutter.
"We could just pause it." Jack suggested, not looking away from the TV yet, for the entirety of the conversation.
"No, you keep watching, there's no need," Dean excused, standing up himself, smiling in spite of himself. Cas looked at him, and not at the screen.
"Dean," And that wonderful voice of his swept over Dean's brain and made the puddle vaporize or some shit.
"Yeah, Cas?"
"I could keep telling you what's happening, while you're in the kitchen." Cas proposed, breaking into a wider smile, all crinkly and toothy.
"Aww, Cas," Dean couldn't stop himself in time, staring blindly at Cas's face and short-circuiting in his head. And instantly cleared his throat, and added in a more composed tone. "Okay, you do that. Thanks, I guess."
Dean wondered, as he walked into the kitchen and went looking for the bacon he'd made earlier, what was up with him tonight. He was usually able to hold his tongue in front of Cas - he was usually able to look away from him, even though it took some persuasion. But there was something today, that had taken away his brain-to-mouth-and-eyes filter.
Must be the new shirt.
Dean knocked, obnoxiously loud, at Sam's door before barging in with a plate of bacon and a beer. He saw Sam fast asleep, on his front, and did not know where to go with that, so he left the table at his bedside in case he was going to wake up and resume his midnight call or something.
Then he took the rest of the food and two beers and went back to the movie room.
All through his venture, Cas had kept yelling updates through the door. "Merry and Pippin just hugged Frodo!", "And now, Frodo just met Bilbo again!", "Arwen is speaking with Frodo now!" This had made Dean grin so hard, that he almost dropped the dishes. Damn, Cas was awesome.
As Dean handed him a beer, and put the plate of bacon between them on the couch, Cas whispered to him. "And Arwen just kissed Aragorn, son of Arathorn."
And Dean stared at Cas, his blue, blue eyes and his eyebrows pinched together in concentration, and his crinkled nose - and his goddamn voice, and his way of speaking, and how he just said the words 'Aragorn, son of Arathorn' like an entire fucking dork, and how adorable it was that he'd been doing a live-commentary for Dean, and just - he was almost overpowered by a desire to kiss the perfect little smile tugging at his lips, and palm the stubble-covered cheeks, and maybe, if Jack weren't here, pull that gorgeous fucking t-shirt over his head, because it was distracting.
Dean was instantly taken aback by his own stream of thoughts. He was clearly going crazy.
He could bet it was the fault of the shirt.
Okay, but at this moment, Dean needs the remote.
And it's not just because the remote is on the other side, next to Cas, and Dean's brain instantly launches into a scene in his head, when Dean asks for the remote and Cas is too comfortable (he's already holding onto a large cushion like it's a blanket) to move, and he tells Dean to take it himself - and then Dean will have to lean over Cas to get it, and there'll be a moment where he's almost on top of him, and they'll happen to look at each other, and Cas's eyes will flit down to Dean's lips as Dean adjusts himself to reach the remote, on Cas's lap, and maybe Cas says something like -
That's enough.
Dean doesn't need the remote so that something like that plays out in reality. He only needs the remote to lower the volume, because Jack is asleep and he'll wake up otherwise in the war scene and noise that'll follow.
But this way or that, he can see the said scene happening.
Maybe there's a part of him which wants it to happen exactly how it happened in his head.
Maybe it will.
So, with more energy than the sentence needed, he says, "Cas! I need the remote!"
And Cas turns his head to look at Dean, an incomprehensible expression.
But instead of saying a variation of, 'take it yourself' like he was really, really supposed to -
He picks up the remote with his left hand and hands it to Dean simply.
Dean stares at it for a moment, everything forgotten, especially the reason why he needed the remote in the first place. And then he kicks himself for being a goddamn teenage girl about this, and plays off the disappointment with a 'thank you' in the manliest voice he can conjure, and he's pretty sure it makes up for the kind-of-but-not-really pornography he'd been dreaming up. Sam's irritating voice nags in his head, you're confusing reality with porn again.
Of course, Dean is too lost thinking and staring at Cas sideways when he's sure Cas can't see him - to remember to lower the volume, and Jack wakes up with a jolt at the Uruk-Hai screeching at Gimli the dwarf.
Jack's going off to his room. The movie isn't finished yet, but he's been dosing off throughout and Dean can't tolerate the insult to the Classic, so he tells him to just go off to sleep. It's been a long day.
"Will you both watch it whole?" Jack asks groggily, before leaving and Dean looks enquiringly at Cas. He only has to turn his head a little, because Cas is much closer to him now. They've both gravitated towards the middle.
"Of course." Cas answers. "Unless Dean needs to sleep." Dean shakes his head confidently, and Jack nods.
"Okay, goodnight dads." He mutters, at least it sounds like it, and Dean would've lost it if Cas's slight weight leaning on his arm weren't grounding him to his current location instead of somewhere panicky in his head.
"Goodnight, Jack." Dean lets out, and he's aware it doesn't sound as constipated as he thought it would, and he's proud of it.
"Dean." Cas speaks up, a moment later. "I think we should turn off the lights."
"What?" Dean blinks, mildly.
"I know neither of us will want to get up later." Cas justifies. "So we might as well do it now."
"Can't you," Dean grumbles. "Can't you use your mojo to push the switch, or..?"
Cas sighs. Then blinks, and the entire room goes dark. Cas's eyes open, and they're gleaming like blue halos of light in the suddenly dark room - and Dean can still make out his face, in the light of it. It's all hard lines and small smiles, from the little he sees. "I need to remember I can do these things, don't I?" He mumbles.
"Yeah, our human incapabilities are wearing off on ya." Dean tells him and they start looking at the screen again.
"You're not incapable if you have to stand up to turn off the lights." Cas replies, and Dean just hums in response.
A little later, Cas speaks again, and he sounds happier almost. "Dean."
"Uh-huh?" Dean looks away from Gandalf on the screen, to look at the angel.
"Did you notice Jack kept falling asleep?"
Dean pauses. "Oh." He smiles too, it coming over him all of a sudden. "Yeah."
"That means," Cas's tone is bright, and Dean can hear his smile. "He's enough human to fall asleep in the middle of a movie, again."
"Human incapabilities strike again," Dean teases, and Cas chuckles audibly and it's a really, really good moment. Although yeah, it's a bit too domestic for Dean to be perfectly at calm - Cas and he are sitting in the dark, watching a movie they've watched so many times before, discussing the progress of the nephilim they've been raising (with Sam, of course) and Dean has his hand around Cas's seat - in what he now feels guilty on realizing is the oldest trick in every guy's playbook. They're both more in the middle of the couch than not, and the beers have been drained to the last drop. One of them doesn't sleep, the other won't - and then there's Cas's perfect t-shirt, which shall drive Dean to madness each time he sees it, and beyond.
Slowly, the arm which is on the couch, falls on Cas's shoulder - and it's a rather rapid course from there to it being slung around Cas, with Cas tucked under it and leaning into Dean so that it's comfortable.
It's not that Cas's head is on Dean's chest, or not even that his fingers are playing with the fabric of Cas's shirt - its just that they're so close to doing that, and somehow Dean can't pull back this time.
Like, he suddenly realizes, he's been doing forever.
It's again, a good thing that he pretty much knows LOTR scene by scene, and in spite of almost completely being distracted by everything Cas, he answers all trivial questions Cas mumbles at him in that deep, deep baritone - and there's a heat pooling in Dean's insides, and he can't quite place if its the spot behind his ribs, or further south.
Both sounds most appropriate.
Dean is not proud of this, but he fell asleep.
It's not that he didn't finish the movie, because he did - he remembers the last scene (or it could be from a previous watching that he recalls it) but it's just that he fell asleep right there. Next to Cas.
No, not even next to him. Pretty much wrapped around him. And somehow that's - not so wild, after all. It kinda feels awesome. Its not even morning yet, so he has more hours.
He wakes up with his hair tickling his breath and coughs mildly when he realizes that he'd buried his nose in Cas's hair - and his lips on his head, apparently. He straightens, but is sure to not make much movement - because Cas doesn't sleep like they do, he rather drifts off to a sorta-catatonic state but stays very much awake and alert. He doesn't want to wake Cas up, because the angel looks so comfortable, nestled on Dean's chest - that it somehow invokes a feeling of pride in him.
And love.
And that's that. The not-freaking-out segment of this story abruptly comes to an end, and Dean clenches his fist to stop himself from beginning to tremble.
He ends up with a fistful of that goddamn shirt which Dean blames for everything in that night, and Cas stirring awake, and straightening. The weight rested on Dean's abdomen is lost, and it feels weird and colder.
"It's seven minutes to four. Ante Meridiem." Cas announces, in a voice which is roughened by lack of use.
"You should go back to sleep." Dean begs, because Cas doesn't need to see Dean get anxious about the whole pile of feelings he's beginning to feel crushed under.
"Dean." Cas says, in that voice, and straightens some more. He's at Dean's height again, and their noses are inches apart, and Cas looks worried about him. "Dean?" He repeats, and he's concerned, and he's perfect, and his voice is something else, and the way he looks at him is something else like Dean is worthy of all his attention somehow - and the emotions are brimming and he doesn't know what to do with them until he -
He jerks himself ahead, and grabs Cas's shirt for good measures, pressing his lips against Cas's.
It's a moment of bravery, it's a moment of impulse, and it's a moment of utter stupidity because Cas doesn't react -
Until he does, and he kisses back, and he's excited and into it and Dean's taken aback by his vigor and in awe of his own hands which are grappling at Cas's t-shirt for friction as he moans into Cas's mouth.
"I blame the t-shirt," He whines, when they pull away, to look at each other better. And he does.
Of course, he's not an idiot (except for the many times that he is). But what he definitely isn't, is dense enough to not realize that this had been over ten years in the making.
These urges were familiar, and suppressed each time - the sudden feelings were overpowering, except he'd learn to deal with them tactfully, by crushing them with every means possible.
But what had changed today and he'd actually acted on it instead of swallowing it, had to be the tee. It fit like magic, and it perfectly showcased his lean, muscled chest - and gave a peak of his collarbones, and if he stretched, his obliques - and it was as black as his hair in the dark, and ah, it had to be the shirt.
Because otherwise, he didn't know what it could be, that had made tonight - today - this.
Cas still had his hand on Dean's bicep. "This one?" He looks down at himself. "I got it from your closet months ago."
"What -"
"And, you blame it?" He repeats.
"No," Dean shakes his head, anxiously, truthfully as he captures his lips in a kiss again. Slotting in place against each other, and as loving as they were passionate - he had had no idea that kissing Cas would be this amazing. "I love it. I'm gonna need you to keep wearing it. On Thanksgiving, I'm gonna be thankful for it."
Cas laughs against Dean's lips, and says something which is lost in the bliss of the moment.
Nevermind. He has all the moments after this, to listen to him. But he only has this one, at the end of a Tuesday movie night, to enjoy their first kiss (he's pretty sure all the short, little kisses just make up one major kiss). So he does.
Edit: Thank you for reading! Would like to tag @iamcharliebradburylevelperfect @awkward-penguin-in-a-trenchcoat @all-or-nothing-baby @styggtroll @notyoursweetbaboo @moderatelypanickedbisexual @but-for-the-gods-three-days and @emmii4 ! If you don't wanna be tagged, I'll remove you from the list, just ask! Have an awesome day!
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