#also- not both shang qinghua AND shen qingqiu being all: 'this demon are like my son.' and then marry them
bingqiu-brainrot · 1 year
"If things kept going on like this, maybe there really would be a day when they exchanged flirtatious banter. Pah, if that day really came, he'd eat three kilos of shit!"
Shang Qinghua, how does that shit taste?
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sunderwight · 6 months
With moshang I think I'm equally fond of the possibilities/concepts where either Shang Qinghua is ludicrously attractive to demons in a broad sense (but doesn't realize it), or, where Shang Qinghua is just some weird little gremlin and everyone else cannot wrap their head around why THE Mobei Jun is so smug about seducing this man.
Or a combination, where no demon in their right mind would ordinarily look at Shang Qinghua and perceive a sex icon, but because such a high-ranking demon has clearly done so, they go "well there must be SOMETHING going on there" and then look closer and before they know it they're on the slippery slope to being horny about a guy who could help file their taxes or arrange to have their clan base's faulty plumbing fixed.
Basically it's all good. Demons en mass going "yeah yeah big scary dudes who punch good are a dime a fucking dozen around here, but do you know how hot someone who can skillfully use an abacus is?" vs demons going "the ice king is a respectable ruler but he has garbage taste in men, we all just smile and politely nod while he insists the weird rat guy he fixated on as a teenager is a catch" vs demons going "I really don't see the appeal -- wait he did what? he killed how many guys at once with 1 trick? he betrayed WHOMST? and lived?! and he knows how to get my door to stop making horrible squeaky noises?! okay yeah figures the king would marry him" but every option is a winner.
I'm also a big fan of both Shen Qingqiu and Shang Qinghua being not very attractive to demons in general, but it also being really common for demons to get super weird about first crushes and fixate hard on them, so in that sense they are completely normal choices for a couple of high-level demons to marry. Like the demon populace can appreciate the emperor actually landing his hot teacher and the king successfully marrying his teenage sweetheart. It's an idealized fantasy in terms of the scenarios, even if the actual guys are just weird humans. Nearly every average demon has lifelong daydreams about successfully seducing their first crush, so regardless of who those crushes turned out to be it's still a power move for LBH and MBJ to actually succeed.
Bonus if the fact that both SQQ and SQH are peak lords from the same sect leads to a bunch of demon kids developing crushes on the other remaining, unattached peak lords, and chaos ensuing. Especially for Liu Qingge. I think it would be funny for him to gain a flock of teenage demons with crushes, whom he keeps trying to fight off, only to discover that beating them up does NOT discourage them at all (actually makes the crushes worse). Or Yue Qingyuan getting mobbed like he's a pop star any time he makes a diplomatic visit to the demon realms. Sha Hualing deciding that she's just waiting for Liu Mingyan to become a peak lord before they make things official, since That's Obviously How It's Done, or Qi Qingqi doing a head count one day and realizing she suddenly has a bunch of unfamiliar "guest" disciples who sigh at her a lot and have funny-colored eyes...
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nibbelraz · 2 months
sup homeslice i come to u with moshang related queries. Answer some, one, or none idk
Who is the one that kills/moves the (probs poisonous demon) spider out of the bathroom? Do either of them cower?
Do u think they would be capable of having a pet or even, like, a plant?
What are the modern slang terms that sqh lets slip and mbj ends up subconsciously adopting (imagine mbj remarking on sqh's lack of rizz. Utter destruction)
Oh also random cumplane thought: they both have intense meme withdrawal, which led them to hand drawing memes/reaction images on smth similar to note cards that they can whip out when needed. Cultivation world version of the meme folder in the phone of every chronically online millenial/gen z
Bro. Shen Yuan has totally made fandom-type memes about the harem webnov he TOTALLY HATES
Kk bye
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1. Shang Qinghua is capable of moving the poisonous demon spider outside, However the second he actually sees is without warning he screams so loudly Mobei jun is in there in a second and attacking it on sight.
2. They would have many types of pets depending on the situation but I liked the idea of Shang Qinghua being in tune with the beasts of his world as the author so there's a ton of monsters that follow him and protect him and also get nice belly scratches
3. I believe he quotes old Vine memes daily, especially when he's stressed and hasn't slept in 3 days so it's just him with his king traveling and
"Road work ahead..." and an increasingly confused Mobei who sees nothing wrong with the path they're taking and is concerned
And yes they have so much meme withdrawal I BELEIVE IN MY HEART OF HEARTS SHEN YUAN CAN DRAW A BEAUTIFUL RENDER OF LUO BINGHE PRE TRANSMIGRATION ART STYLE and he shows this to Shang Qinghua with also a drawing of Hatsune Miku
Also Shang Qinghua drawing and sending letters to Shen Qingqiu that are just full of memes like he opens one after Shen Qingqiu talks for a solid chunk of the page about binghe and how absolutely perfect he is in every way with everyone being in love with him but then says not in a gay way and Qinghua replies back with
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ineffectualdemon · 8 months
Airplane transmigrated into Shang Qinghua because they were very similar
They are both people who hate their life, feel disconnected from the people around them, and put their own survival over any other morals.
They would do what they needed to to survive and fuck anyone who looked down on them for that.
But at the same time they are filled with a seething resentment about the situation they are in. Because in their mind there was no other choice and everyone else is to blame. Even when it's actually their fault.
I even think Airplane transmigrated into a baby because they were similar from childhood.
I think the main difference between OG Shang Qinghua and Airplane is
1. Airplane was hornier for Mobei Jun then OG Shang Qinghua was.
I personally like to headcanon that OG Shang Qinghua, at least when he rescued Mobei Jun, was also horny for our favourite popsicle. This is partially based off the fact that if the OG Shang Qinghua met Mobei Jun in the same circumstances than why wouldn't he have killed Mobei when he passed out? Why would he have cared for him for days?
Like yes he wanting to get help getting ahead but killing a powerful demon who killed all his fellow disciples would have elevated his role in the sect much faster in a lot of ways.
Killing Mobei Jun was the more practical and career bettering option for both of them. And I don't think either Shang Qinghua would have been unable to miss it.
But at the end of the day Shang QInghua being horny for Mobei Jun is a headcanon.
I think however the daily beatings put him off of the horny and firmly into resentment. Whereas Airplane's terror boner never flagged.
But if he wasn't horny at all my point still stands: Airplane was hornier and that changed how he reacted to situations
2. OG Shang Qinghua was braver than Airplane
Airplane "knew" his fate and was constantly trying to avoid it and was fearful of it. Shang Qinghua had no such knowledge. Because he didn't know "if I do x I will definitely be murdered" he hadn't the same fear about trying it.
Saying that I like to think that maybe OG Shang Qinghua didn't plan to betray Mobei Jun. Maybe he and Mobei were coming close to an understanding. But Bingge couldn't have his favourite dog distracted. So he had to remove the parasite hanging on him like a good owner. But again. That's a personal headcanon.
But lets say he did betray Mobei, that took bravery that Airplane didn't have. Maybe just because they had different knowledge, maybe not. It failed but it did take bravery.
Shen Yuan transmigrated into Shen Qingqiu because they are very similar
Being a petty ass bitch is an inherent part of their personality, they both are poseurs while looking down at people for being poseurs, they have certain circular logic, manipulative tendencies (presented differently), and blatant favouritism, and allergic to explaining their actions properly
Shen Yuan transmigrated when he did because that's when he and Shen Qingqiu are most similar in their lives.
They have more differences than Airplane and Shang Qinghua. Their backgrounds and histories and social skills etc
But that's also why Shen Qingqiu was the one who could change the plot and Shang Qinghua couldn't
Because Shang Qinghua was too close to the person he transmigrated into.
Anyway that's just some things I had been thinking about.
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justaghostingon · 2 years
Fashion Fail: Three Demons and a Cultivator Loose in the Modern World
A scum villain crack au
It all starts when Shen Qingqiu and Shang Qinghua collapse without any warning, appearing to be dead, (but still breathing)
Naturally Binghe is freaking the Hell out, as is all of Cang Qiong
But the dream demon interupts, revealing that something has taken their souls away to what appears to be another world, sincw he can’t access it
That’s all Binghe needs to start slashing holes through the universe (after stealing Xin Mo from the other Binghe)
With him he takes Mobei-jun, Sha Hauling, and Liu Qingge, who wasn’t invited but refused to be left behind
Eventually they find the right world, but its a strange one, where people live in moutains of steel and glass, and wear scandalously little clothing.
Liu Qingge looks as if he’s about to pass out when hr sees his first skinny jeans
Naturally three handsome men and a beautiful woman in cosplay is attracting a lot of attention. Too much in fact, and the requests for photos and autographs is starting to impeed the speed of their quest
So binghe makes the call for everyone to blend in, taking them to the first merchant shop he sees with clothing inside
Its a second hand store, with all sorts of options everywhere at cheep prices, because Binghe’s luck is just that good
Binghe chooses his clothing carefully. He listens to the female workers giggling about which outfit they’d want to buy if they could, and buys that, confident he’s picked an Outfit that will give him respect
Its a vivid red Prom Dress, floorlength skirt with a slit over one leg, off the shoulder straps. Binghe loves it. He looks beautiful.
Mobei-jun doesn’t care what he wears so he just grabs the first things he thinks he can put on
These end up being hot pink sweatpants and a real fur coat, plus crocks on his feet. He looks ridiculous, but he’s also huge and scary, so no one is gonna say it
Sha Hualing is having a great time. This worlds cultural clothing styles were made for her!
She ends up in a bikini with bright pink flamingos on it, plus a neon green feathery boa she drapes over herself like her old silks
Liu Qingge refuses to change. He’s not dressing in these absurd clothing styles, no matter how much Binghe insists it will help them blend in.
Fortunately it doesn’t matter, standing next to four people in equally good cosplay he mught look like an actor, but standing next to three weirdos he looks just as weird
The final touch is the three matching ducky hats on the three demons. Demon marks need to be disguised after all, but shifting is hard to do in this strange world, or any of their powers really
So ducky hats. It kinda works on mobei-jun (aka its so weird it fits) but it absolutely ruins Binghe’s gorgeous dress affect, and Sha hualing’s weird beach athestic
Now everyone is staring at the four of them for a very different reason, but at least they aren’t coming up to talk to them
What’s more, it’s because of their strange clothing they manage to find Shang Qinghua and Shen Qingqiu, who are both stuck in the hospital
Binghe and friends were given instruction to go there by some teenagers messing with them
Jokes on thrm, because while they were walking up a loud voice screams “my king?!!!”
Mobei’s head whips around so fast it gives him whiplash, but he doesn’t care. All he cares about is the small stranger shrieking at him from a high window, waving his arms excitedly and chattering like mobei’s beloved right hand
And beside him is a man who looks very like Shen Qingqiu’s plant body, Shen yuan
It takes a little while to get to then, shang Qinghua and Shen yuan can’t just leave the hospital intensive care ward, and the receptionist takes one look at four weirdly dressed people demanding she “release your captives” and calls security
It takes three break in attempts, a wheelchair, a seduction attempt (curtesy of sha hualing) and liu qingge fighting a vending machine with a real sword for them to be able to reunite with shen yuan and shang qinghua
Liu qingge takes one look at the paper hospital gowns and promptly faints
And there are many things to say, even more things to explain, like transmidiagation and the doctors trying to convince him it was all a dream, but the only thing that comes out of Shen Yuan’s mouth is: What the hell are you wearing?
Binghe, who up until that moment had been feeling confident, bursts into tears
it takes 30 minutes to get binghe to stop crying, to assure him shen yuan still loves him, he does look good, better than liu qingge - hey! Goes liu qingge in between faintings- and have shen Yuan internally confront and conquer his many bigotted views on gender and style in the name of reassuring his husband
Meanwhile mobei glares at shang qinghua, silently demanding compliments for dressing up
Shang qinghua: …that’s what you’re wearing my king? (Mobei glare increases) it looks…unique
“Good” mobei says, pulling out a matching set and shoving them on shang qinghua “match”
Binghe promptly pulls out another prom dress, this one a lovely green with a short skirt to show off his shizun’s beautiful legs
And thus shang qinghua and shen yuan are smuggled out of thr hospital in a pack if weirdly clothed friends, looking so wierd that no one questions them
And the all go home
But binghe keeps the dresses. He has…plans…for them
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jaunty-skeletons · 7 months
lbh sees his father, tianlang-jun, as a rival. airplane has proclaimed himself the father of the protagonist, as well as everything else in this world. ergo, using my brilliant skills of deduction, i have seen a future where our darling bing-mei views the villainous shang qinghua as his rival in the realm of love.
he doesn’t see him as a rival for shizun’s affections - it’s fairly obvious that shang qinghua and shen qingqiu have no intention of cultivating any sort of relationship beyond being “frenemies”, and they’re both too distracted by their respective demon husbands for that anyway - but he does understand that they are both deceptive and conniving Worms with the ability to utilise pathetic crying and who in no way deserve to be married to the men that they somehow managed to capture. luo binghe prides himself on being the ultimate servant/husband/cook/provider/emotional-and-physical-punching-bag/cheerleader for his shizun, so seeing his martial uncle do all of these things either equally or More successfully than he does them sparks some competitiveness within him.
oh, shibo spent 40 years enduring beatings from his beloved? well this disciple begs for beatings and enjoys them (he’s not jealous that sqh got so much attention without even asking)
shibo has been cooking meals and providing medicine, shelter and aid to mobei-jun in secret since they were teens? like a forbidden romance with a childhood sweetheart that survived the trials of time? luo binghe has also been in love since he was a teen, thank you, and he didn’t take Half as long as they did to get together with his shizun. they even got married first! (it doesn’t matter that shen qingqiu hadn’t also loved him since he was a teen, that’s completely irrelevant and also the disciple hadn’t been born yet so even if it did matter he has an excuse for that)
binghe has never run away from his shizun and caused him a month of emotional pain, binghe has never provided inadequate resting places such as an Outer Disciple’s Leisure House for his beloved, and binghe has certainly never requested that his raison d’etre lower himself to fulfill a task that clearly belongs to binghe and make food for him!
honestly, shang qinghua is lucky that he doesn’t know about this competition - shizun would have to find a replacement friend because this one qi deviated after finding out how bad he was losing. oh, to live such a sad and unsuccessful life as shang qinghua :( binghe can’t even bear to imagine it!
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writing-frenzy · 11 months
Beautiful Disaster AU
So, here I am, on a serious Shang Qinghua/Airplane bro binge because sometimes you just crave a thing and can't let go, and I ended up getting inspired by these two posts :) Link and Link So here I go.
Edit: Forgor to set a link for part two, my bad.
Also, here is this poem that also inspired a thing and also gave the name for this AU~
`Beautiful Disaster~ By Nikita Gill If he tastes like the rainfall, Looks like a summer storm, Fights for you like a forest fire; he's a tornado of trouble. (And you need to hold on to him and never ever let him go.)
So yeah, I took a look at that, and thought it actually fit both Shen Jiu and SQH/Airplane well, if in different ways. (Shen Jiu the tornado and Airplane bro the forest fire, but oh, how SJ fights like lightening in a storm, ready to burn everything away, while SQH is tricky like the wind, saving most of his energy for when it really matters until you can't see anything past the wails and talismans.)
So yeah, watch me stumble into a scumplane with Ghost!Shen Jiu :3
It starts ever so simply, Shen Jiu watching as that fake is so happily accepted, all the other Peak Lords seeming to rejoice at having them there, even the disciples pleased and ever so willing to bark for the man wearing his face, the little beast practically panting after him every step he takes.
It disgusts him, makes him grind his teeth, makes him want to scream, shout, curse like he hasn't since he was just a desperate slave, how many visit his former home, his sanctuary now a cage of bamboo and frustration, rage, and bitterness. Watches how Peak Lord after Peak Lord visits, each charmed, some slowly, some in less than a second, guests of all types and titles leaving yet obviously wanting to stay.
All except for one.
"Ha-hahaaa, hello Peak Lord Shen, I'm here to deliver the order forms for the new training instruments and inkstones." The An Ding Peak Lord, Shang Qinghua laughs weakly, even as the fake narrows eyes at him over his favored fan. Shen Jiu glares, wishing he could rip it to shreds, throw it away, burn it so that it is no longer being defiled by this body snatcher.
"You may leave them with my disciples, Ming Fan or Binghe can take care of it." is the dismissive response of this other, lesser fake goods, even as Shen Jiu wants to scream.
"These are my duties; these are the responsibilities of a Peak Lord, you cannot hand them off to mere children, much less the beast." The real Shen QingQiu wants to howl, but it only comes out as whispered words through clenched teeth, the ghost not able to open his mouth for the anger choking him.
"Ah, about that my fellow Peak Lord, these contents are not for the eyes of disciples, I'll need your seal of approval on them as well." Shang Qinghua seems to wince, sounding rather apologetic, but it is this refusal that gains Shen Jiu's attention, actually surprised to hear someone being reasonable since the switch happened.
(The first time he's seen anyone actually refuse his cuckoo of a replacement.)
And is just in time to see the cold, cutting calculation the supposedly 'apologetic' man hides with his bowed head, before it is gone just as fast as he raises it.
It is the start of his interest in Shang Qinghua, that man he considered a rat in life, only to show just how clever he is after Shen Jiu died.
Watches how the man sneakily tests the fake, teas for cleansing snuck in here and there, talismans deceptively hidden in paintings, vases of flowers that detect malevolent, demonic energies.
And even with none of it being triped, the Fake able to somehow breeze past all these tests, Shang Qinghua still watches, guarded and suspicious, without ever letting his cuckoo even suspect it.
It is... gratifying, even if it is from that rat, to know someone still does not trust in what they see, that they too judge the fake and decide to actually question it. It is more than what his own disciples have done.
(It is more than what his Qi-ge has given, still ever so tolerant, ravished as he is for any crumbs, he can fucking get like the dogs they were.)
Changes only happen after what is apparently a disastrous conference, with intriguing, if terrifying secrets coming to light.
"Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky!"
"Peerless Cumber?!"
Hearing their words, it brings in new consideration for his circumstances, makes his already yin filled core seem to freeze at just what he is hearing.
Some kind of fate that forces you into another's dead body, chains one to follow it with little hope for change, even forcing a literary god from the sounds of it to be reborn into a human, never actually expecting their words to come to life, just trying to live as it were like any other storyteller from the streets.
(Remembers how any damage he does is just as quickly erased, as if it has never happened, as if there isn't a resentful ghost clawing at the walls, ready to destroy any in its way at the first chance it gets.)
Shang Qinghua, or Airplane as it were, visits more after that, plotting and planning with his bodysnatcher, who while he still hates, would be willing to gut if possible (but... can understand, so painfully understand being forced and chained, even if he was lucky enough his Masters were very much mortal at least).
But while there are no longer any suspicions in those eyes (the calculations are of course still there), they are instead replaced by a... mournful quality?
"Rest in Peace, Shen-Shixiong." is said in the middle of the night one day, when his fake has long since slept, the words like a whisper in the wind. In his mind's eye, he can smell the incense of sandalwood and jasmine, with an offering of melon seeds beside it...
... Not once, not since he has been stuck in his home, has he heard his Shang-Shidi call the imposter Shixiong...
For that night, Shen Jiu stares at one of the pictures on the walls of his bamboo house, keen eyes seeing the subtle symbols for mourning on it, a subtle 9 easily hidden among the strokes if one was not a master like himself, the rage a quiet thing tonight as he thinks.
And then, one day, seemingly normal for all it is a quiet day at his peak, Shen Jiu finds that whatever was trapping him, caging him, chaining him to his bamboo house turned prison is gone.
He doesn't miss his chance, out the door before his mind can catch up, before he fully realizes he has been freed. It is only once he is off his mountain, out from that sect, away from everyone, that Shen Jiu realizes he has a choice.
He can feel it, he can feel his body even with the distance he is, knows exactly which direction to go if he wants to reclaim it. And he could, he could do so rather easily he can tell, whatever link between it and chained binding his imposter had gone...
...But why should he?
Why should he? Why should he go back to all those so willing to trade him for his knock off, why should he go back to people who will only be disappointed in the return of the 'old Shen-QingQiu' even if it is the true one.
Why should he debase himself to go crawling back to people in a body even more wrecked then his Qi-Deviation left it, all wanting something he is not and will never be?
(Go to see that panting, drooling Beast, to the desperate, stalking Brute, to that disappointing, clinging to scraps and fakes Brother Sect Leader?
To see those calculating, distrusting, mournful brown eyes? As weak as he is now? Not worthy to even be called Shixiong.)
Shen Jiu pauses, turning aways from where he can feel his body, where all those lies and expectations are, into a different direction, where death calls and the yin energy beacons any foolish or ambitious or both to answer.
He can feel it in his distant bones, trembling in his ghostly yin qi running through his spiritual body, his other choice.
The Gates of the City of Gu are about to open.
Author's note:
*Me looking at Airplane, his trust issues, his knowledge of just how fucked up his story could be, thinking of alllllll those wife plots and the trickery* No way this man didn't try a few ways to see if Shen QingQiu was possessed by something or another; not that he doubts the all knowing sword, but yeah, he doubts the fucking sword.
Also, if anyone were to find out that Airplane was technically the creator god, I headcanon people would assume he was a literary god who either gained too much power on accident or some other gods decided to fuck around for shits and giggles because they could.
Also, Shen Jiu would be smart enough to figure out about the system, even if he doesn't know exactly what it is, the concept he understands fucking terrifies him; no way would he go back into his body giving the choice, being so weak from without a cure and whatever the fuck the imposter did to it to where he can go back. He'll take his fucking chances.
(Besides... his Shidi like demons well enough, why not a Calamity?) :3
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tossawary · 1 year
Hi,.....if you don't mind me asking, can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from SVSSS? And why do you love them? And your top 5 favorite moments from the novel? Sorry if you've answered this question before....Thanks....
Hi! Thank you for asking! I can use this to reflect on my SVSSS reread some more and mention some things I didn’t bring up in my other posts. I don't think I've ever explicitly rounded these things up into a list, so this is a fun thing to think about while I've run out of work and my supervisor isn't messaging me back. I'll try to focus on just the main story of SVSSS, because I haven't reread Volume 4 yet, and if my opinions change after reading the extras collection, then I'll come back and say so.
Long post ahead! Favorite characters and scenes!
Favorite characters:
Shen Yuan! I can't remember where I would have ranked him the first time I read SVSSS, but I always liked him just fine, and I've found a new love for him with the reread, being reminded of just how funny he is and how asexual he seems! He also just wants to be nice to people. I enjoy how much he enjoys food and reading and just chilling out chatting to people. He enjoys life! He fucks up several times, quite badly, but he's not unreasonable for assuming that Binghe would want to kill him, and I think it's compelling how the sheer overwhelming panic of his impossible situation wouldn't let him take a step back from the fast-paced nonsense he's forced to go through that often isn't his fault.
Luo Binghe! He's one of the main characters and he's such a sweetheart, when he also isn't a murderous emotional wreck or cold bastard, which is just fun to read about. Despite everything (being pushed into hell, being possessed by an evil sword, watching his teacher self-destruct and blaming himself for it, being able to take the world on a bloodied silver platter and then getting his ass kicked by his birth father), I feel like he turned out surprisingly well! I like how he just wants to dote on Shen Qingqiu and be doted on. He is trying SO hard to communicate with someone who keeps running away from him, but he doesn't know how. Crybaby demon emperor who abandoned having a harem in order to chase just one guy is still funny.
Getting to side characters... I like pretty much all of them! A lot of them are pretty evenly ranked for me, even though I like them all for different reasons.
Shang Qinghua probably has to take the top spot of side characters here, partly because I am deeply influenced by the Airplane Extras and all the fanfiction I've written for him, but also because I still think he has such a fascinating position as the author of this world and story, and he's such an irreverent ass to Shen Qingqiu at the same time that he does occasionally go through significant effort to help him out. His conversations with Shen Qingqiu are extremely funny. I'm glad that Shen Qingqiu has someone who knows about the truth of his background. Whatever the fuck is going on with him and Mobei-Jun in the background is funny and I fully understand why people read only the main story and then go, “WHY THE FUCK ARE SO MANY PEOPLE FIXATING ON THEM??? MOBEI-JUN HAS LIKE TEN LINES OF DIALOGUE!!!”
Then... uh... I don't know. I guess I'll put Tianlang-Jun and Zhuzhi-Lang next, together as a pair. They're both so eccentric and charismatic, although in very different ways, and I enjoy them as villains. They kill SO MANY people and do NOT care. Zhuzhi-Lang in particular has the weirdest fucking morals and I dig how he’s clearly a person but also very much NOT HUMAN. They're both very funny in the jokes they make and in the scenes they're in. Their backstories and fates are also terribly sad. Tianlang-Jun having the truth of Su Xiyan’s death revealed to him is a little heartbreaking even if he’s an ass. I like how powerful they are and how they weren't a part of the PIDW published story, so they can blindside Shen Qingqiu and mess everything up.
The character I was struck by the most on this reread was Gongyi Xiao, so I'll put him next. Though I do like Liu Mingyan, Sha Hualing, Yue Qingyuan, and Liu Qingge. Hmm, maybe I'll tie him with Sha Hualing for this particular reread.
Gongyi Xiao was good because of how genuinely good he's trying to be, despite the fact that he's stuck as a part of Huan Hua Palace, with a Palace Master and a Little Palace Mistress who seem worse than useless. He's trying his best to keep things civil and avoid falling into mob mentality. He spares Zhuzhi-Lang when Shen Qingqiu points out the demon hasn't done anything, so he's willing to view demons as not being entirely evil, and then he gets tragically killed off when Zhuzhi-Lang decides to mark him as an enemy and he's just in the wrong place at the wrong time. He helps Shen Qingqiu escape the Water Prison because he thinks the man is being sexually and physically abused by the new head disciple, Luo Binghe. I also like the jealousy he can invoke in Luo Binghe and I think there's an interesting potential connection to Su Xiyan, which also has cool fic potential.
Sha Hualing was good because she's just so obnoxious and dangerous and at the same time a little pathetic. I mean, I still wish that SVSSS did a little more with their female characters, because even if some of them have interesting personality quirks, they're a little flat and don't have much power over the plot. But Sha Hualing does at least have a hand in launching a few important events and scenes, pretty much because she likes causing trouble and has great ambition, even if she keeps getting her ass kicked. I like the fact that she apparently backstabbed her father, because that couldn't have just been because of Luo Binghe. I like the fact that Liu Mingyan's face apparently left her speechless. I like the fact that she keeps losing the fucking top of her stupid skimpy outfit and flashes her breasts several times and still won't change it. It's just for comedy, I know, but I can still use it to build up my vision of a horrible little gremlin woman who wants to conquer the world but has gotten stuck with a shitty boss, and maybe doesn't so much want to conquer the world as she wants to be fawned over and start shit.
Favorite moments from the main story:
This is also kind of hard to decide, because there are a lot of good moments, and they're good for lots of different reasons. It's difficult to rank comedic moments against tragic ones against action scenes against the more sentimental moments. And I'm obviously not able to rank objective quality when tastes are so subjective. So this list won't actually be properly ranked and will be more a little random as I struggle to remember particularly striking moments, focusing more on genuine sentiment than the comedy.
Just before the Immortal Alliance Conference, when Binghe is 17 and recently returned from a mission, and Shen Qingqiu asks him what he would be willing to go through in order to be strong.
I like this sequence because it shows off the level of affection between Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe. It shows off how Luo Binghe has flourished under a teacher who cares (and we know that Binghe has been training as a demon for the past few years as well, so there’s some intrigue going on) and introduces us to the Zheng Yang sword. It shows us how much Shen Qingqiu trusted Binghe with as his head disciple, when he's just leaving admin work to Binghe without needing to look it over, and how Binghe is kind of a workaholic (due to his desire to prove himself worthy) and how Shen Qingqiu is so laidback and content when he's allowed control over his own life. There are lots of soft moments in these scenes. There are some funny moments.
We learn that Shen Qingqiu has resolved to distance himself from the protagonist, so that pushing him into the Abyss will hurt less, and then he keeps failing because he can't help but praise and reward Luo Binghe for his efforts. It shows off Shen Qingqiu's dread over the Endless Abyss. How much he doesn't want to hurt Binghe but how he's convincing himself that it's necessary for the protagonist's development. It shows off the compartmentalization that Shen Qingqiu is doing. And yet Shen Qingqiu can't help but try and prepare Binghe in some way, and it's fascinating to imagine what Binghe must have been thinking in that moment and after that moment.
There's a lot of fascinating character and relationship stuff being done in these few scenes, compelling our attachment to them by showing their affection, and upping the tension by showing Shen Qingqiu's dread.
Mobei-Jun and Shang Qinghua's first appearances, in the middle of an Immortal Alliance Conference going terribly wrong. Yes, I'm pushing their introductions together.
Look, I'm biased towards these two, and maybe the scenes rise above the others partly with the benefit of hindsight, but that's fine! Shang Qinghua is striking from the get-go if only because of his apparent cheerfulness in the middle of a horrific invasion, after we’ve just witnessed several disturbing and violent disciple deaths, and Shen Qingqiu reveals him to be the logistics lord of Cang Qiong and a spy. And THEN MOBEI-JUN APPEARS, an ice-cold badass from the get-go, the protagonist’s future right-hand man showing up five hundred chapters early to open the Endless Abyss! He gets a kickass fight scene first with Shen Qingqiu, then with Luo Binghe, wrecks Luo Binghe’s life, and then leaves because...??? He’s interested to see where this goes? He’s bored? He’s decided that he’s started enough shit? He’s a total wildcard. We have seen so much horrific violence and death here, and it is squarely Shang Qinghua and Mobei-Jun’s fault! They’re both such villains! It’s very fun.
These scenes are also fun because of the worldbuilding they do for the PIDW story (Luo Binghe’s future as Demon Emperor), the monsters, the Demon Realm, Cang Qiong Mountain Sect, and the cultivation world in general. They also launch Shen Qingqiu’s relationship with his fellow transmigrator, which is one of my favorite relationships in the story, even if Shen Qingqiu only tells us that he’s realized Shang Qinghua is a transmigrator after the story is over.
Yue Qingyuan revealing his full history with Shen Jiu and apologizing to Shen Qingqiu (Shen Yuan), who makes it clear to Yue Qingyuan that he’s not angry but gently puts some distance between them, because the person who should hear this is no longer present.
The Yue Qi and Shen Jiu story is a very sad one. I like how these reveals recontextualize Shen Qingqiu’s relationship with Yue Qingyuan. I like how it’s revealed to us that the Xuan Su sword saps away Yue Qingyuan’s lifeforce, that he damaged his own soul trying to save Shen Jiu, and that he was imprisoned in the Lingxi Caves. It’s all very compelling and tugs at the heartstrings. It feels rewarding to me to get this backstory. And Yue Qingyuan is apparently possibly dying at the time that he reveals all of this to Shen Qingqiu.
And for all the trouble that Shen Qingqiu (Shen Yuan) has caused Yue Qingyuan by his miscommunication and flailing around trying not to die, I think that he handles this incredible difficult situation pretty well despite the intense pressure that they’re all under. (The Demon and Human Realms are merging! Cang Qiong Mountain Sect is set to merge with the Endless Abyss!) Shen Yuan is sad that Shen Jiu can’t hear this. He very obviously pretends that he didn’t hear any of this, essentially telling Yue Qingyuan that he will have to live if he want to talk about this later, so don’t die, Yue Qingyuan! He makes it clear that he’s no longer angry at the same time that sort of... rebuffs Yue Qingyuan’s attempts to treat him as Shen Jiu? He makes it clear that their relationship will never be that intimate again, even if he has no hard feelings.
Because Shen Yuan feels like if anyone should be hearing this and offering forgiveness, then it should be Shen Jiu, and that it’s not his place to step forward and take over that particular relationship speaking for Shen Jiu. He’s pretty graceful about it. He took over someone else’s life and he can’t tell anyone (at least that’s how I’ve interpreted it, and I don’t blame Shen Yuan for not testing his luck against a System that has spent the past few years threatening to kill him if he doesn’t perform adequately to its standards, doing things he doesn’t want to do, in extremely high pressure situations). And Yue Qingyuan has to accept this rebuff gracefully as well.
Shen Qingqiu carrying and protecting an unconscious Luo Binghe in the Holy Mausoleum, fighting against the last-breath candles and blind corpses, then fighting against Qiu Haitang and the Palace Master.
It’s kind of funny to reach the point where Shen Qingqiu stops running away from Luo Binghe, because despite the cold shoulders and the miscommunication and the previous trust in the protagonist halo, Shen Qingqiu just can’t bear to let Luo Binghe die. He can’t bring himself to risk it. He’s so aghast at Tianlang-Jun for not giving a shit about his son. He kind of even seems angry about it.
I like the worldbuilding done in the Holy Mausoleum, even if parts of it are a little confusing to me. I enjoy a lot of the traps in this particular dungeon. I think that the last-breath candles are enchanting little creatures. I think that paring them with the blind corpses makes for an interesting threat and a compelling series of horror scenes. I think the state that the Old Palace Master and Qiu Haitang is pretty freaky in a fascinating way. I think that the Old Palace Master’s death at the hand of those little plants attracted to spiritual energy is disturbing, and that it was a clever move on Shen Qingqiu’s part to get the man to kill himself.
And the scene of Shen Qingqiu kissing Luo Binghe’s forehead in the coffin, in order to hide the light of his demon mark, is pretty striking.
Shen Qingqiu’s confrontation with Luo Binghe in the Water Prison and then escaping the Water Prison with Gongyi Xiao.
This is where we get even more insight into Luo Binghe’s post-Abyss mindset and I think it’s where we get the first bit of real insight into Luo Binghe’s difficulties with the Xin Mo sword. His conversation with Shen Qingqiu is frustrating and alarming, because Shen Qingqiu just won’t talk and Luo Binghe is angry even if he doesn’t want to kill Shen Qingqiu. There’s intrigue with how Luo Binghe became the new head disciple of Huan Hua Palace. There’s intrigue with how Shen Qingqiu intends to get out of this and how the Sun-Moon Dew Mushroom will be involved in his escape. On one hand, I don’t want Shen Qingqiu to stick around and die and it would be fun to see him in a plant body, but on the other hand, I do think Luo Binghe deserves some explanation.
And then the whole thing with Shen Qingqiu losing his clothes because of the Little Palace Mistress’ whip and Luo Binghe offering his outer robe, which is funny as hell. Because Luo Binghe is hot for his teacher and then angry that Shen Qingqiu won’t even accept this much from him. And Shen Qingqiu is thinking, “Hey, this is the robe Luo Binghe would offer to his love interests after having sex with him. I can’t possibly put this on??? It’s inappropriate.”
Which leads to Gongyi Xiao assuming that Shen Qingqiu is being physically (yes) and sexually (no) abused by Luo Binghe (no), and breaking Shen Qingqiu out of the Water Prison. Because he’s a good boy!
I definitely chose those scenes pretty randomly, but they’re scenes I liked! I don’t know if I can rank things in a definitive order.
Honorable mention to the stuff in Jin Lan City, which is also all fun. It’s very compelling and disturbing and intriguing. And meeting Master Wu Chen in Jin Lan City, who has lost his legs from like the knee-down due to the plague. When we meet Master Wu Chen again later in the series, when the sects are meeting to discuss what the fuck to do about Tianlang-Jun, Master Wu Chen has prosthetic legs now! That’s cool! After all the action at Maigu Ridge is over, Master Wu Chen (who is the one who helped Su Xiyan) helps take Tianlang-Jun back to Zhao Hua Monastery to help him with his broken plant body! Where’s my Wu Chen / Tianlang-Jun rarepair, huh? They’re at the very least bros.
Anyway, this has been fun! Thanks!
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incognito-lionbeast · 11 months
I'm now imagining this conversation between Shang Qinghua and Liu Qingge where SQH sits him down and he's like "I know you normally give formal events a miss but I really need you to come to my wedding because, you see, there's this demon tradition where both sides of the family try to assassinate their relative's prospective spouse, but since all the demons there will be on Mobei-Jun's side..." And Liu Qingge is like "I understand. Obviously Mobei-Jun will feel insulted if no one attempts to assassinate him, so you need me to come and spend the entirety of the feast attempting to kill your future husband. If I succeed, one of the Peak Lords of Cang Qiong won't marry a literal demon. If I fail, at least my martial brother is happy and his husband's family is not slighted. Say no more, I understand my responsibility." And SQH is just like "..... Um. Actually."
asDFGHGS You know, I hadn't actually considered that, but you do raise a very good point. 🤣
In my version of the conversation-- or at least the one in my head (since I don't have it written out anywhere lmfao), I don't think SQH actually tells Liu Qingge about the assassination part at all? Partly because he assumes that Liu Qingge wouldn't actually be helpful and/or want to help.
Partly because it's much more fun (for Shang Qinghua) if Liu Qingge shows up unaware, because if LQG's already expecting folks to be violent... then where's the surprise when they start flirting with him? The permission to maim is worded more as an afterthought, ostensibly to entice and/or placate LQG into attending-- though SQH knows better~ :3
.......though, yeah, if it weren't for Liu Qingge's many suitors, he might've picked a fight with Mobei-Jun, too. Possibly. Yue Qingyuan warned him against it. Something-something about technically being allies, because MBJ's boss is Luo Binghe--who's still a Qing Jing disciple... while also being Shen Qingqiu's husband... and the Huan Hua Sect Leader... and, yes, a Demon Lord....
(their hierarchy is in shambles)
Anyway, Yue Qingyuan doesn't want trouble.
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mxtxmusings · 1 year
svsss characters as hozier songs
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bingqiu weird mushroom time - in a week
and you haven’t moved an inch / such that i would not know / if you sleep always like this / the flesh calmly going cold
you cannot tell me this doesn’t give major binghe shizun is not dead i can bring him back vibes
this whole song is just essentially that entire arc
sqh literally complained about bingqiu being too cottagecore
what is more cottagecore than just rotting in the woods next to your lover
we lay here for years or for hours / your hand in my hand / so still and discreet / so long we become the flowers
mushroom sqq
honestly there’s no particular line that stands out to me
besides the refrain i’ll be home with you
i can already imagine the bamboo house
there’s just something so macabre but also tender about this song
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bingqiu post abyss - as it was
just as it was, baby / before the otherness came
and tell me if somehow / some of it remained / how long you would wait for me? / how long i’ve been away
the idea of a haggard hero who comes home and is greeted by their lover
and comforted by their unchanging love for them
it’s what binghe wishes he could have gotten after he fights his way out of the abyss
but strangely i think the hero coming home is actually shen qingqiu in some ways
lbh came home literally but it is sqq who realizes that he never changed
aka binghe is still a simp
i keep on putting bingqiu together
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shang qinghua - be
when the man who gives the order / is born next time ‘round on the boat sent back
when i have no kind words left, love for you
be as you’ve always been (lover be good to me)
if this whole song doesn’t scream shang qinghua during the side stories
idk how to help you
there’s literally a part about when the master is crossed
he literally begs mobei jun to treat him better like idk how to tell you how obvious these parallels are
the energy is 100% different though
but i like that mobei-jun doesn’t magically change or feel different about sqh
turns out their dynamic is just weird as fuck
even jesus can’t take the wheel of their relationship
your honour they are simply incompetent and incapable of proper communication despite one of them being a demon general and the other one being god
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mobei-jun - blood upon the snow
the world that hardens as the harsher winter holds / the parent forced to eat its young before it grows
it’s not my arms that will fail me / but this world takes more strength than it gave me
are you seeing the vision
i mean it’s pretty obvious from the cover art
and also the general vibes
the song talks a lot about the brutality of nature, of the world, and how difficult it is to survive
there is a sense of isolation in the song, as though it is better not to get close than to be hurt because that is all they have ever experienced
honestly felt like the whole situation with mobei-jun’s uncle and also his general distrust of people
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liu qingge - shrike
i couldn’t utter my love when it counted / ah, but i’m singing like a bird ‘bout it now
this is more about blaming yourself for a breakup
even though that relationship wasn’t always positive, there were still good aspects to it that are missed
but in this case, i see it more as the regret of not even trying
also because i think lqg is incapable of winning i’m so sorry
you snooze you lose
not like he could compete against the protagonist but man didn’t even try
it may seem like i always bully him (which i do) but fun fact he is one of my favourites
bro literally fumbled so bad with sqq though i’m sorry how does he have negative rizz
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yue qingyuan - foreigner’s god
she feels no control of her body / she feels no safety in my arms
you cannot tell me that this doesn’t feel like his relationship with both shen jiu and shen yuan
except not literally cheating but yknow
like the vibes are all there istg
i promise all of the pieces are there
i just can’t explain it
like he lost sj when he left him and then he loses him again after the qi deviation
it’s just hopelessly hanging onto somebody that you never had to begin with yknow
and i mean shen yuan is technically a foreigner…
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tianlang-jun - jackie and wilson
looking up from a cigarette, and she’s already left / i start digging up the yard for what’s left of me and our little vignette
i think this song really depends on your interpretation of it!
i’ve seen people say it’s about a person who fell in love with this woman and begins to fantasize about a future with her only for her to not return their feelings
or they are disappointed by the idealized version of a woman they have created in their head, only to realize that they’re not interested in the real person
i think the first one is definitely more accurate to his situation with su xiyan but i could see the second one working too when he thinks that she betrayed him?
either way the naive love from this song felt like the right fit for our resident teenage girl stuck in a dilf demon’s body
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danmeiconfession · 9 months
a reply to https://www.tumblr.com/danmeiconfession/729135240003698688/a-reply-to-this?source=share, as the person who wrote the original.
i never said shen yuan broke the cycle as in "had an abusive upbringing but chose to not inflict it on someone else". he did, however, step into the place of luo bingmei's abuser, and instead of giving him hatred, he saved luo binghe through love. he broke someone else's cycle through being forced into it.
it's impossible for a person to break a cycle of abuse without other people caring about them. if you never learn there's a better alternative, that you don't need to choose between being the person who inflicts pain and the person who is pained, then you'll choose to stop being hurt one way or another. shen yuan broke the cycle by being the precise person who showed luo bingmei he had the option to not be a part of that cycle, that it was possible to have kindness without "earning" it through strength and domination.
also, how exactly is luo bingmei "exactly the same" as luo bingge? there are only two scenes i can think of where luo bingmei may have raped shen qingqiu: the first is the scene in the fake bamboo hut, which wasn't even a real attempt and a way to scare shen qingqiu. bad joke, certainly! but not actually trying to rape shen qingqiu. if you meant maigu ridge, that was rape for both parties, luo binghe was too out of his mind to know what happened. hell, he canonically doesn't consider it his first time, probably because he never chose it.
if we're talking about violence, he certainly isn't that. with the human cauldrons, he crippled many people's cultivation, but i don't see where it's confirmed he killed them. meanwhile, luo bingge has massacred thousands. he certainly turned old palace master into a human stick like bingge with shen jiu, but like. this is the guy who killed his mother, lusted after his mother, and there's evidence he likely made some move on bingmei. i am inclined to give him sympathy here. but even if we consider the human stick situations to be the same, the simple scale of the violence can't be compared.
and in terms of the cycle of abuse: its not just shen jiu that bingge hurt. sure, he tortured his abuser for ages, and inflicted all sorts of violence on cang qiong mountain, that by itself is part of it. but we certainly can't forget about the wives. it's the fact that he rapes at least 10% of his wives, its the wives he lets hurt each other as much as they want as long as none outright die. its the common people he forces to server under his iron will. shen jiu was just one early part of it, but he quickly became just another enemy for bingge to crush. and i don't know about you, but i dont see bingge inclined to kill thousands and rape dozens in the extras.
also, in regards to your response to my confession proper. i am certainly willing to give you the quotes to prove that shen jiu abused disciples if you want them, but i get the feeling you'll ignore it. and what suspicions did yue qingyuan not believe? his suspicions against shang qinghua? true, not believing him on that part was a flaw. but if you mean luo binghe, i hardly see how a seemingly-human child was anything to be suspicious of. theres no way that shen jiu knew luo bingge was a demon until he was thrown into the abyss, and assuming he did tell yue qingyuan, what precisely could he have for shen jiu at that point in time? if you mean to imply that shen jiu somehow knew luo bingge was a demon as a disciple, i'd very much like to know how exactly he would think that, and why he'd not have banished luo bingge from his peak immediately upon discovery.
SA is still a SA no matter how many times abuser says that it was a joke and they weren't in the right mental state or some "excuse" like that or how they are sorry that they did that.
I haven't said that they are the same I said they are closer than what we're tend to believe and about circle of abuse my point still stands, he was obsessed with SJ so his torture was worse.
I pointed it out that I was talking about SQH.
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Excerpt for DYK Ch 22
Still unwell, but working steadily on this. A small part of TLJ's POV below!
When [Shen Qingqiu] finally arrived, Tianlang-Jun was in the middle of weapons practice with Zhuzhi-Lang. It felt nice to move his body again, to have a body to move. While most of his conquest would be through his slowly replenishing demonic energy (drained from healing him), it never hurt to be able to wield any weapon he chose effectively.
There was a knock at the door that his dear nephew hopped to answer. Most people who came to the door were Mobei-Jun’s servants dropping off food who never made it past the threshold. Still, he could do with some refreshment and set about cleaning up a bit.
His nephew’s voice had him pausing. “Massster Shang! And…”
“Hello, cousin,” came a soft but strong familiar voice.
Tianlang-Jun abandoned his task and went out to immediately greet his wayward son-in-law. “Come in, pleassse,” Zhuzhi-Lang urged, unable to hide the excitement in his voice.
He strode through the chambers and laid eyes on Shang Qinghua and a cloaked figure in black. His nephew managed to close the door before Tianlang-Jun could greet loudly, “Son-in-law!”
He felt spiritual energy flow harmlessly, almost protectively through the space, then Shen Qingqiu lowered the hood of his cloak. The exhaustion on his face and white streak in his hair only made Tianlang-Jun’s strides towards him longer. “Father-in-law. I hope you—uh?!”
Tianlang-Jun wrapped his arms around him and picked him up in a bear hug. “Now I’m able to welcome you to the family properly! What took you so long? You couldn’t have spared a shichen to come visit your in-laws?”
“Um. T-Tianlang-Jun—“
“Call me dad!”
“…father-in-law, this is really—“
“Junshang,” Zhuzhi-Lang interjected. “You had not yet dressed properly for visitors.”
Ah. Oh well.
He put a shocked Qingqiu back on his feet and clapped his shoulder. “It’s just family here and Shang Qinghua, who might as well be. But I’ll take your point, nephew. Don’t you disappear on us, son.”
He turned away to put on more than just the pants he had been practicing in. He heard Shang Qinghua say with a laugh something in the language only he and Qingqiu spoke. Qingqiu snapped something back at him then Zhuzhi-Lang distracted them with tea. As a snake, the issue was always being too cold and he couldn’t sweat, so he was fully presentable despite their sparring bout.
Tianlang-Jun couldn’t say the same. A quick wash up and some robes later, he came back out to speak to his family.
Shen Qingqiu at least had some color in his face thanks to tea, but he was far too pale and… worn. He knew that he had been struggling with Luo Binghe’s absence from speaking to Shang Qinghua, but seeing him like this…
He kept a smile on his face but resolved to watch him carefully. Qingqiu, even during the most stressful periods of their planning, never seemed that affected by them. Now, it was like everything weighed on him at once and that worried him. 
Tianlang-Jun had just properly gotten his family back. He would not lose one of them without a fight.
“Qingqiu! Tell me what’s been happening. How are you? How’s my daughter?”
“I am fine. Yingying is doing well, more than a worthy successor to my position. We have both been busy,” he said, not flinching once. “The immediate alarm over your escape has calmed, with initial investigations turning up no evidence of how the array was destroyed. The Old Palace Master could not ask specific questions about who had the capability to unravel the spellwork without also revealing just how it had been constructed around the souls of the deceased. He burned all social capital when it came to accusing me of various crimes at the Immortal Alliance Conference, though I suspect he knows it was my doing based on my relationship to—
“Additionally, while the Mobei Clan had been mentioned as the organizers of the invasion at the Conference, the lack of bragging has raised a lot of questions. Cultivators don’t like not knowing things, and like even less being powerless to do something about it. Level heads have successfully argued against open war with any faction of the demon realm, but resentment is sill there.”
Qingqiu gave him information like it was an official report. He didn’t meet Tianlang-Jun’s eyes, but rather somewhere over his left shoulder or his tea cup. “Stop, son-in-law. Are you cross with me?”
Shen Qingqiu jolted, looked at his face and then away quickly. “No, of course not.”
Tianlang-Jun frowned. “Then why won’t you look at me?”
He froze, then slowly looked at Tianlang-Jun directly. He offered a smile, only to have the man flinch and look away. Qingqiu cleared his throat and said, “My apologies, father-in-law. It’s. I…” His jaw clenched but he managed to say softly, “Your son has both your eyes and smile. I was unprepared for such a reminder.”
…wow, he really was as much of a wreck as Shang Qinghua had alluded to.
“The problem is my own and I mean no offense,” Qingqiu offered with an incline of his head. His hand formed a fist on the table, perhaps an attempt to hide how it was shaking.
“I took none,” he reassured him. “It’s no issue.”
“Yes, it is. I do not wish to… next time we speak, this will be fixed.”
“…very well,” he said slowly, exchanging worried looks with Zhuzhi-Lang and Shang Qinghua. Fuck, Qingqiu was literally weak with grief after three months of Luo Binghe’s absence.
He had not been able to do much for his son before. And while he couldn’t help him directly while he was in the Endless Abyss, Tianlang-Jun could at least help look after his suffering mate.
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youareunbearable · 3 years
Since SQQ and SQH are both HC'd to be in their 20s when they died and therefore have watched older animes like not Old Old anime but like 2000s era
Im talking DragonBall Z, Inuyasha, CLAMPs works, Welcome to the NHK, etc
One day SQH, as he does, pisses SQQ off but they're in public and instead of holding a grudge and taking it out on him verbally later, he just seethes "shut up you dirty Sesshomaru simp" and everyone is like ?????? Ok??? Don't know what that means but it def was an insult
And SQH is like >:O How DARE- but then the statement registers, and he goes silent and thinks about it, then he goes pale and everyone holds their breath as he croaks out
"Does that make me Jaken???"
SQQ immediately looses his composure and bursts into laughter that he tries to muffle and hide behind his fan, but it doesn't work cause everytime he looks back at the defeated SQH he just cracks up again
At this point everyone is lost, no one understood anything about this exchange but LBH is both Annoyed that someone else made His Shizun laugh and enchanted by hearing him laugh so freely, LQG and QQY are just struck stupid at the laughing SQQ, MBJ who is used to SQHs millennial babble can kinda parse that he's kinda being indirectly insulted somehow but not taking huge offense to it cause when he stepped up to his husband to check on him he squeaks out a "My King!" then pauses, looks at SQQ and then its both of them falling over each other laughing. MBJ can handle the loss of face if it makes his husband so happy
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ineffectualdemon · 1 year
SVSSS Ficlet: My Demon Husband Is Hotter Than Yours
AO3 Link
"You know, I'm still surprised." Shang Qinghua said as the he and Shen Qingqiu left the hall on Qiong Ding Peak towards the bamboo house after the peak lord meeting.
"Surprised by what?" Shen Qingqiu asked, giving his companion a serious case of side-eye.
"That you finally admitted your big gay crush on Luo Binghe. I thought you were going to cling to being straight if it killed you Cucumber-bro!" Shang Qinghua laughed as he knocked his shoulder into the taller man's arm.
Shen Qingqiu huffed as he shoved him off.
"In my defense he is literally the most attractive person in this world! It's hard not to fall for him!" Shen Qingqiu still felt this was an unfair advantage to Binghe! How was he supposed to have defenses against that!
There was something in that response that got Shen Qingqiu's attention.
"What?" He demanded.
"Oh it's nothing....I mean he is the protagonist but...sure I guess you could say he's the most attractive if you're into that kind of thing..." Shang Qinghua muttered as he kicked a pebble.
Shen Qingqiu stopped dead to stare at Shang Qinghua who stopped a few paces ahead and turned to look back in confusion.
"Are you serious!? Of course he's the most attractive! He's the protagonist for one and for two he just is! Objectively!" The fan in Shen Qingqiu's hand made a cracking sound.
"Sure if you like that kinda thing you could say that but it's not objective! Attraction is entirely subjective! He's certainly not at the top of my list..." Shang Qinghua rolled his eyes as he turned to fully face Shen Qingqiu.
"Oh yeah?" Shen Qingqiu prodded, "Who could possibly take top spot but Binghe? Go on, I'll wait!"
"My King." Shang Qinghua didn't even hesitate but this just made Shen Qingqiu give an incredulous laugh.
"Mobei Jun? Seriously? That dull refrigerator? No way is he more attractive then my Binghe."
Shang Qinghua went still. Like an animal right before it bites.
"You dare insult the perfection that is my King? When you're claiming an irresponsible, snot-nosed, brat is more attractive?" Shang Qinghua said quietly.
Shen Qingqiu narrowed his eyes as he drew spiritual power into his left hand.
"You take that back."
"You take yours back first."
The first blast rocked the entrance to Qiong Ding Peak, the two having not even made it to Qing Jing Peak.
This all the peak lord's and many disciples rushed to the point, sure they were under attack by demons again, only to find Shen Qingqiu and Shang Qinghua apparently trying to actually murder each other.
"The hair! The eyes! Bro! You can't be serious!" Shen Qingqiu yelled as he dodged the sword coming at him and sending off a spiritual blast at his target.
"What about the nose! The chin! The elegant arrogance!" Shang Qinghua shouted as he shot a blast of his own. Meanwhile they both managed to avoid and dodge around Liu Qingge who was trying to grab at least one of them.
"Qingqiu, Shang-shixiong! What the hell are you doing?!" Liu Qingge roared as he finally got them to stop fighting, just glaring at each other over his arm.
"He started it!" Shen Qingqiu was too mad to think about how childish that sounded.
"You're the one who made it personal!" Shang Qinghua snapped back.
"His eyebrows are dumb!" Shen Qingqiu didn't know why he said it later but he was just so mad at Shang Qinghua was arguing with his own novel and the objective fact that no one is more attractive then Binghe.
He was prepared for another spiritual blast or a sword.
He was not ready for a a handful of his hair to get yanked.
It was like they were kids in school pre transmigration, kicking, biting, pulling hair, punching while rolling in the dirt.
By the time the other peak lord's had managed to pull them off each other they had thoroughly disgraced themselves, their peaks, and their sect. Also their husbands, worried about why it was taking so long to return to Qing Jing, turned up.
Upon seeing their husbands the very disheveled peak lords quickly reached their respective spouse.
"You're an idiot Shidi! Look!" Shen Qingqiu said as he held his hand under Binghe's chin, "Objectively the most attractive man alive."
"Oh Shixiong, you badly need your eyes checked," Shang Qinghua said as he raised his hands to frame Mobei Jun's face, "perfection."
Shen Qingqiu's face darkened before he grabbed a confused but delighted Binghe's hand.
"Come on Binghe, if I stay here any longer with him my brain my melt away like his has already!"
"No need," Shang Qinghua sneered back, "My King and I will leave first to find company that has some semblance of good taste."
With that the two pairs flounced off of Cang Qiong Mountain.
At the next meeting they were once again in the corner sharing jokes in the corner and acting like the closest of friends and not at all like they had given Yue Qingyuan a five day migraine last time.
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plan-d-to-i · 3 years
Hello, plan! Iirc, you're somewhat familiar with SVSSS, right? Can you answer these questions of mine: Did QJL r**** SJ? Is it true that in PIDW, SJ and OG!LBH was supposed to be the main cp Airplane planned and end up together or is it just a headcanon?
We're only told about Qiu Jianluo beating Shen Jiu in the novel. I think that's a mix of fanon & conjecture based on Shen Jiu's subsequent repulsion towards men and seeking safety around women. But that can be explained in canon by the violence he endured at QJL hands and the fact that QJL behaved around his sister.
“Back then Qiu Jianluo would often beat him up, so much so that at a certain point Shen could sense when he wanted to do it, so he would crawl away and hide trembling inside Qiu Haitang’s room. Qiu Jianluo didn’t want his younger sister to see his depraved side, so it was the only place Shen could hide and be safe.
At some point he had someone else he had trusted, an older girl whom he saw as a big sister. But, once she got old enough, she was sold to a shrivelled up old widower who had plans to marry her. And not so long after that they left the city and Shen Qingqiu never saw her again.
It wasn’t shameful at all to like women, but Shen Qingqiu knew very well how shameful it was to treat women as saviors and shrink into their arms looking for self-assurance. He would rather die than let others know about it, much less let Yue Qingyuan know about it.”
I mean this sounds horrific enough to justify his repulsion. In other words what you asked about is not canon. no.
As for the second item I wonder if this is what has people confused :
“Shang Qinghua spread his hands. “You think that I always wrote shameless content that lacked any integrity from the very start? I’ve also written belles-lettres before, but they were all unpopular, so I had no choice but to go down a path that catered to the masses. It must be said that writing novels is a very lonely undertaking. Rather than writing a stallion male protagonist who’ll be stereotypical in the end, it’s more in line with my philosophy for writing to create the current Bing-ge━this kind of weirdo male protagonist whose character is a bit more complicated, has contradictions and conflicts, and has a rough destiny.”
Shen Qingqiu concluded, “So, your philosophy for writing is to write about gay guys?”
Shang Qinghua: “Do you look down upon gay male protagonists? Works of art and artists all like to create gay guys. Belles-lettres favors gays, do you know that?”
“He waved his arms wildly and passionately. “Cucumber Bro, if the System hadn’t chosen you, this faithful die-hard reader, perhaps the plot wouldn’t have deviated so thoroughly, thoroughly to the point that it deviated all the way back to my original scrapped outline. Even though the me back in reality━who couldn’t endure the loneliness and was under financial pressure━chose to finish writing 《Proud Immortal Demon Way》 according to other people’s preferences and what they found cool… now, all thanks to you, essentially everything that I wanted to write has already unfolded in front of my eyes. Cucumber Bro!”
He patted Shen Qingqiu’s shoulders with deep sentiment and solemnity. “You… are the chosen one; as for my career, I have no more regrets!”
… why did it sound like the System and this world were both products of Shang Qinghua’s resentment over scrapping that outline and going with what was mainstream?” (Chapter 81)
Haha I didn't take it to mean that og Shen Jiu and LBH were canon cp, just that Airplane Bro would have preferred to write the Luo Binghe from this story instead of the OG LBH and he's not opposed to him being gay. There's a lot more that happens differently in the new story aside from the romantic relationship. Like Tianlang-jun and Zhuzhi-lang being the villains [fondly] of the story. Even if Shen Jiu's unfortunate background were revealed OG Shen Jiu still abused OG LBH & vehemently resented him. The one man OG Shen Jiu was different about was Yue QingYuan. Shen Yuan is the one who changed the dynamic between SQQ and LBH and then the story/system followed not the other way around.
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vodkassassin · 3 years
Hey hun! Reminding you about that Moshang list like you asked!
Sorry this took so long, I ran out of energy and didn’t get any more until like, yesterday. Okay, so! Moshang fic recs!!
AN IDIOT’S GUIDE TO A HAPPY MARRIAGE by tagteamme. Chapters: 8/8, words:  156,680
Summary:  In order to pay off a debt that's not his, Shang Qinghua agrees to marry a man that's as cold and unyielding as he is stupidly rich.
Vod Notes: I’m not normally one for modern AU’s, but there’s just something about aspiring CEO MBJ and flat out broke SQH somehow wiggling his way into his heart that gets to me. The characterizations in this story are flawless, and the customary Moshang miscommunication/misunderstanding had me tearing out my hair at several points, yelling at these two dumbasses; and that’s how you know it’s a good one. 9/10 because I experienced lots of stress while reading this, which actually is a sign of a fantastic story, I’m just really weak and pathetic and immerse myself in reading way too much, so actually 11/10! Depends on how you look at it I suppose lol
a rose by any other name by sarahyyy. Chapters 1/1, words: 6,795
Summary: The one where Shang Qinghua suddenly becomes Prime Demon Marriage Material™ (bc of the LBH/SQQ marriage).
Vod Notes: somft. MBJ just loves SQH so very much, and SQH is pining ad dense as fuck. The perfect Moshang fic recipe. They are warm, soft, clueless idiots in this while still somehow being entirely competent, and we love to see that. SQH is a man made of contingency plans <3 I love it when authors do my son justice. 10/10
How to Panic Your Demon King by StarlightLion. Chapters: 1/1, words: 7,816
Summary: Mu Qingfang is starting to wonder if this is a requirement to be a demon lord. At least this one isn't kidnapping him.
Vod Notes: A delicious one shot about MBj worrying about the love of his life, who is a strong, dedicated, talented man who has an unfortunate training mishaps and then tries to cover it up bc he’s also dumb and doesn’t want to worry anyone. Stupid man. SQH we love you pls take care of yourself. You’re giving your husband grey hairs. A special treat toward the end with a MQF POV! My sexy doctor man is exasperated and done with everything. 10/10
it must follow, as the night the day by Tossawary. Chapters: 7/7, words: 26,342
Summary: Airplane Bro transmigrates into his own web-novel only to find out that the System messed up his world! Shang Qinghua is a demon in this world! All the characters supposed to be humans are demons in this world! And all the characters supposed to be demons are...?
Vod Notes: You simply cannot go wrong with Tossawary. They have the most scrumptious servings of Moshang in all the land. For this specific one, we’re gifted with a lovely Role Reversal AU! It’s got everything! Demon!SQH who is a absolute mess of a man? Serious cultivator MBJ who is stoic and cold but has the heart of a hero (or just a heart hardwired for SQH specifically)? Espionage? Feed it to me slowly like grapes. 11/10
You Will Never Step Lightly in the Dark by Janusoverlord. Chapters: 11/11, words 57,218
Summary: Shang Qinghua wakes up in the aftermath of Tianlang-Jun's rampage on Cang Qiong Mountain and has to navigate the delicate political situation he now finds himself in. Luo Binghe is building a harem with Shen Qingqiu as his first, and honestly most terrifying, husband. Yet, Luo Binghe seems to be turning his eyes to Shang Qinghua as a possibility as well. Excuse you? What is this? He didn't sign up for this!
Vod Notes: holy fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck this one blew my entire mind! Not only do we have SQH looking out for number one (which is himself, bless you my son) when shit turns strictly bad, but we have a absolutely, one of a kind, PHENOMENAL badass SQQ who is supporting his bro and fucking shit up left and right and everywhere for Airplane’s sake. God. This was like drinking fine wine. Breathtaking, spectacular. My life has been changed. MBJ spends most of this being a big, sulky, upset mess but don’t worry, cucumberplane fixes that up themselves. LBH get’s put in time out by both his husbands (because this is LBH/SQQ/LQG), because he fucks up in this majorly and SQQ isn’t fucking happy and doesn’t let him get away with it just because he gives him the puppy eyes and I AM LIVINGGGGGGGGG!! TLDR: simply superb badass cucumberplane, sad boy MBJ hours, and LQG gets stuck with babysit the naughty demon king duty. VERDICT: umm?! 7000/10
A Queen’s Trials (And How to Speedrun Them) by daddykeehl. Chapters: 1/8(as of 4/17/21), words: 25,000.
Summary: Shang Qinghua is now well on his way to the same happily-ever-after that every protagonist gets, but two things stand in his way. The Queen's Trials, and a council that just won't give up. Too bad for them, they really don't know who they're dealing with.
Vod Notes: Sorry I can’t hear any of your questions over the loud, shrill screams of my absolute LOVE for this story. it’s not finished, no, but it’s set up in arcs per chapter, so I’m fine with waiting for the next one to come along, and so will you if you read this. Because, lemme tell you. Fucking amazing. An SQH who knows everything about the North? He’s God, dammit, why wouldn’t he? Using that to his advantage? Not just to prolong his life, but to legally win the right to marry MBJ. God, this story is just absolutely breathtaking. I was speechless when I got to the end of chapter one. The sheer level of worldbuilding! Catch me with actual hearts in my eyes. The small DETAILS! The magnificently built OCs! The culture, the writing! The character interactions! SQH goes around accidentally winning the lifelong loyalty of every badass, OP demon in the Northern realm. I am still screeching. daddykeehl you’re my number one. fucking 200k/10 heart eyes emoji, heart eyes emoji (also, it’s part of a series! The story before this one, Quick, Easy Steps To Realizing You’re The Queen Consort, is also VERY good.)
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